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ALL: Good morning, everyone, we are group 2, and this is our presentation for this group activity.

Gab (Host/Interviewer): Good morning. Filipinos recently have been very concerned about the
famous youtuber, Mr. Jam Owen, and his lung cancer’s current state. I'm Gabriel and you're
watching YouBizz News. Today, we'll be talking about how Mr. Jam Owen has been handling his lung
cancer along with his rhinitis.

To better understand these events, we'll talk with Mr. Daniel, who is an interviewer as well. Finally,
for a perspective from our guest’s personal doctor and nurse, we'll also have Doc. Marian and Nurse
Aldo on our show.

We're going to start with Mr. Jam. Mr. Jam Owen, tell us about what you have been feeling recently.

Jam (Guest): Well, due to my illness, my health has been recently declining in my videos which
caused my young fans to be worried.

Gab (Host/Interviewer): Let's go to Mr. Daniel for a response. Mr. Daniel, what do you think of Mr.
Jam Owen’s comment?

Mr. Daniel (Interviewer): So, I would like to know what kind of lung cancer do you have, Mr. Jam?

Jam (Guest): I have squamous cell carcinoma lung cancer.

Gab (Host/Interviewer): So, Doc. Marian, will you explain us about this kind of lung cancer?

Doc. Marian: Squamous cell lung carcinoma is a type of non-small cell lung cancer. It impacts the
cells that line the surface of your airways.

Squamous cell lung carcinoma can occur in six stages. Staging is done based on tumor size and
whether cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body.

Mr. Daniel (Interviewer): What about its symptoms?

Doc. Marian: Well, many people don’t have symptoms until the cancer has begun to spread.

(Brent will raise his hands and ask a question as an audience)

Gab (Host/Interviewer): Go on.

Brent (Audience): What about its treatment?

Doc. Marian: There are many treatment options for squamous cell lung carcinoma. The
recommended treatment can depend on various factors, such as the stage of cancer, overall health,
and the presence of specific mutations in the cancer cells.

(Brent will raise his hands and ask a question as an audience once again)

Brent (Audience): How can we decrease our risk for lung cancer?

Nurse Aldo: You can significantly decrease your risk for lung cancer by not smoking and avoiding
radon or secondhand smoke exposure. The overall outlook improves with early diagnosis and
treatment, so be sure to talk with a medical professional if you’re concerned about developing lung

Gab (Host/Interviewer): We also heard that Mr. Jam has rhinitis and emphysema too, is it true Mr.
Jam (Guest): Yes, it is true.

Daniel (Interviewer): Can Doc. Marian and Nurse Aldo tell us about it?

Doc. Marian: Rhinitis is a reaction that happens in the eyes, nose, and throat when allergens in the
air trigger histamine to be released in the body.

Gab (Host/Interviewer): What about emphysema?

Nurse Aldo: Pulmonary emphysema is a chronic lung condition. It’s often part of COPD, a group of
lung diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing problems.

Brent (Audience): What are their causes?

Doc. Marian: Some of the most common causes of rhinitis are pollen, dust mites, mold, cockroach
waste, animal dander, fumes and odors, hormonal changes, and smoke.

Nurse Aldo: For emphysema, it develops very slowly over time. It’s most often caused by smoking.

Daniel (Interviewer): What about their symptoms?

Doc. Marian: Symptoms of rhinitis include sneezing, stuffy, runny, and itchy nose, and itchy throat,
eyes, and ears, nosebleeds, clear drainage from the nose, ear infections that keep coming back,
snoring, breathing through the mouth, and tiredness.

Nurse Aldo: Symptoms of emphysema may include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest
tightness, and an increased production of mucus. Often times, symptoms may not be noticed until
50 percent or more of the lung tissue has been destroyed.

Gab (Host/Interviewer): How do you treat people that have rhinitis and emphysema?

Doc. Marian: Treatment for rhinitis includes medicines, allergy shots, and surgery for some health

Nurse Aldo: While for emphysema, treatments include medications, vaccines, oxygen therapy,
surgery or lung transplant, and pulmonary rehabilitation, which includes education, nutrition
counseling, learning special breathing techniques, help with quitting smoking and starting an
exercise regimen.

(Brent will raise his hands and ask a question as an audience)

Brent (Audience): What should we do to avoid getting rhinitis or emphysema?

Doc. Marian: Preventive measures for rhinitis include avoiding what you are allergic to.

Nurse Aldo: To prevent emphysema, don't smoke and avoid breathing secondhand smoke.
Wear a mask to protect your lungs if you work with chemical fumes or dust.
Gab (Host/Interviewer): That’s it, thank you for being our guest today, Mr. Jam Owen, Doc.
Marian, and Nurse Aldo. This has been Gab and Daniel, with YouBizz. Where the newest
bizz is.

ALL: That is the end of our presentation, thank you for listening, we hope you
learn something from us today.

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