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PST Course Outline

S.No. Descriptions/Topics
Lecture Demo
1. Chapter 1 - Introduction safety and survival
- Safety Guidance
- Principles of Survival at Sea
- Definitions, Survival craft and appliances 0.75
2. Chapter 2 - Emergency situations
- Types of Emergencies
- Precautions
- Fire Provisions
- Foundering
- Crew expertise and Initial Familiarization
- Muster List and Emergency Signals
- Crew and Emergency Instructions
- Extra Equipments and Survival
- Abandon ship- Complications 1.5
3. Chapter 3 - Evacuation
- Abandoning Ship- Last resort
- Personal preparation for abandoning ship
- Need to prevent panic
- Crew Duties to Passengers
- Crews duties- Launching Survival craft
- Master's orders to abandon ship
- Means of survival 0.75
4. Chapter 4 - Survival Craft and Rescue Boat
- Life Boats
- Life Rafts
- Rescue Boats 2.25
5. Chapter 5 - Personal Life Saving Appliances
- Lifebuoys
- Lifejackets
- Immersion suits/Anti-exposure suits
-Thermal Protective Aids 0.75
Chapter 6 - Personal Life Saving Appliances
- Life Buoys
- Life Jackets
- Inflatable Life Jackets
-Immersion Suits / Anti-exposure suits
- Thermal Protective Aids
- Personal survival without a lifejacket
- Boarding Survival Craft 3.75
7. Chapter 7 - Survival At sea
-Dangers to Survivors
-Best use of Survival craft facilities

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Chapter 8 - Emergency Radio Equipment

(Lecture & Demonstrations)
- Portable Radio Apparatus for survival craft
- Emergency Position-indicating Radio Beacons
-Search and Rescue Transponders (SART) 1.0 1.0
9. Chapter 9 - Helicopter Assistance
- Communicating with Helicopter
- Evacuation from Ship and Survival craft
- Helicopter Pick up
Correct Use of Helicopter Harness 1.0 0.5
10. Survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment:
don and use an immersion suit
safely jump from a height into the water
right an inverted life raft while wearing a lifejacket
swim while wearing a lifejacket
keep afloat without a lifejacket 2.0
11. Review & Final assessments 1.0
Sub Total
09.75 7.25

Total 17.0

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Safety Guidance
This course details/guides the safest ways and prepares to deal with any emergency that can
occur on board. This course does not replace the ship's specific guidelines which are adhered to
onboard a particular ship. This will only give the general procedures for conduct onboard.
Principles of Survival at Sea

A. Principles of survival include:

 Need to be ready for dealing with any emergency Action to be taken when called to survival
craft stations Actions to be taken when required to abandon ship Action to be taken while in
 Action to be taken when aboard survival craft
 Main dangers to survivors when in the water
 Value of training and drills
 Personal protective clothing and equipment

B. Basic concepts of Survival:

 To control fear
 The will to survive
 Knowledge of the equipments on the ship and the lifeboats Courage by way of up keeping the

Survival is more likely if the survival crafts stay together which will enhance moral support
and back up anti also enable sharing each other equipment and expertise of personnel.

They should be connected by painters and the occupants' evenly distributed amongst the
Survival Craft which will assist in attaining a uniform rate of drift and easy location by the rescue

Definitions Survival craft and appliances (SOLAS Ch.III, Reg.3)

Anti-Exposure suit is a protective suit designed for use by rescue boat crews and marine evacuation
system parties.

Embarkation ladder is the ladder provided at survival craft embarkation stations to permit safe access
to survival craft after launching.

Float-free launching is that method of launching a survival craft whereby the craft is automatically
released from a sinking ship and is ready for use.

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Free-fall launching is that method of launching a survival craft whereby the craft with its
Complement of persons and equipment on board is released and allowed to fall into the sea without
any restraining apparatus

Immersion suit is a protective suit which reduces the body heat loss of a person wearing it in cold

Survival craft is a craft capable of sustaining the lives of persons in distress from the time of
abandoning the ship.

Rescue boat is a boat designed to rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival craft Thermal
protective aid is a bag or suit made of waterproof material with low thermal conductance.

Launching appliance or arrangement is a means of transferring a survival craft or rescue boat from its
stowed position safely to the water.

Inflatable appliance is an appliance which depends upon non-rigid gas filled chambers for buoyancy
and which is normally kept un-inflated until ready for use.

Inflated appliance is an appliance which depends upon non-rigid, gas filled chambers for buoyancy
and which is kept inflated and ready for use at all times.

International Life-Saving appliance (LSA) Code means, LSA Code adopted by the Maritime Safety

Marine evacuation system is an appliance for the rapid transfer of persons/items to the embarkation
deck of a ship to a floating survival craft.

 SOLAS Training Manual (SOLAS Ch III, Regulation -35)

` A SOLAS training manual complying with the above regulation is to be kept in each crew mess
room and recreation room or in each crew cabin. This training manual shall contain instructions and
information in easily understood terms illustrated wherever possible, on the lifesaving appliances
provided in the ship and on the best methods of survival. This includes many points for survival
included in this course 'Objective' will be explained in detail as per above SOLAS regulation.

Routes to the muster stations, directions to the location of lifeboats and life rafts, emergency
escape routes, location of lifebuoys, SARTs, EPIRBs, fire fighting equipments and all emergency
items on board are required to be identified by safety symbols. These symbols are pasted on the
bulkheads and for the purpose of emergencies, pasted at the bottom of the bulkheads at a height of less
than a foot from the floor so that in case of fire they can still be clearly seen due to their inherent
nature of luminescence. Other than these mandatory safety symbols, many more symbols are available
for the purpose of educating staff onboard including for all jobs where safety is of paramount
importance. For example near oxygen and acetylene cylinders, near welding transformers, near paint
and chemical Stores etc.

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 Types of emergencies
Emergency may happen at any time. All personnel should be prepared at all times to meet any
contingencies through their own initiative and skill. Some of the types of emergencies which may
occur on board are:- fire, explosion, flooding collision, grounding, foundering. engine failure, steering
gear failure, man overboard, cargo/cargo operation related accident-shifting of cargo, pollution,
emergency assistance to other ships, abandon ship-search and rescue, piracy. Proper and timely action
taken, backed by excellent training and experience will prevent emergencies from going out of control.

 Precautions
Most of the emergencies can be prevented if crew members are alert and observe all safety
precautions as laid down onboard vessels in various safety manuals which comply with regulations
promulgated by IMO flag state. For example, Fire precaution - means shall be provided to detect and
give alarms at an early stage in case of fire. Protection against flooding will be in the form of high
audible alarms, remote monitoring devices such as bilge level alarms etc. to prevent pollution,
ODMCS, Oily bilge-water separator 15 ppm monitor and associated alarms cut off devices for pumps.
Likewise, various precautionary measures are incorporated from the time of construction of a vessel to
prevent emergencies Courses and additional trainings are incorporated at every stage to update crew.
On board drills are conducted to comply with ISM code of Safe practices which caters for precautions
to be taken for various emergencies in the form of Check lists/reports for various contingencies. By
observing these safe practices, accidents/ emergencies can be prevented. Precautions are also taken to
prevent Oil spills; against Pirate attacks and to sail through adverse weather conditions. In stormy
weather, Engine Room is alerted, as a precaution, to man machinery which is likely to trip during
heavy rolling/pitching of the vessel. Doubling up of lookouts, additional watch keepers are closed, up
on the bridge in congested waters as a precautionary measure to avoid collision and consequential

 Fire Provisions
Fire Control Plans - General arrangement plans shall be permanently exhibited for the guidance
of Ship's Crew, showing clearly for each Deck the control stations, various fire sections/class divisions
together with the particulars of the fire detection and fire alarm systems, the sprinkler installation,
types of fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing appliances, means of access to different compartments
etc. This FFA plan is approved by the Administration and displayed in all accommodation deck.
Alternately, at the discretion of the Administration, the abovementioned details may be set out
in a booklet, a copy of which shall be supplied to each officer, and one copy shall be, at all times be
available on board in an accessible position A duplicate set of Fire Control Plans or a booklet
containing such plans shall be permanently stored in a prominently marked weather tight enclosure
outside the deck house for the assistance of shore side fire fighting personnel, A training manual shall
be provided in each crew mess room and recreation rooms or in each crew cabin. The training manual
shall explain the following in detail:

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- General fire safety practice and precautions related to the dangers of smoking, electrical hazards,
flammable liquids, and similar common shipboard hazards.
- General instructions on firefighting activities and firefighting procedures for notification of a fire
and use of Manually Operated Call Points.
- Meaning of ship's alarms.
- Operation and use of firefighting systems and appliances - Operation and use of fire doors.
- Operation and use of fire and smoke dampers.
- escape systems and appliances

 Foundering
This means sinking of vessel due to loss of stability due to some incident or accident - say
collision and flooding of the ship. The term also necessitates the use of all life-saving appliances so as
to save the lives of every individual. Loss of stability due to cargo shift coupled with high seas could
be another reason for foundering Engine failure in very rough seas with certain cargoes like steel
coils/pellets or even in ballast due to material fatigue could founder a vessel.

 Crew expertise and initial familiarization.

Every crew member with assigned emergency duties shall be familiar with safety installations
and practice musters.
When a crew member reports on board, he is to familiarize himself with the vessel asper ISM
check list. It is first priority is to familiarize himself with his Muster station/alternate station, duties as
per Muster list. He is to physically sight the escape routes. He is to familiarize with the arrangement of
the ship as well as the location and operation of any firefighting systems and appliances that may be
called upon to use. All crew members shall receive instructions on safety and their assigned duties.
Expertise is achieved only by on board training and drills.
Performance of the crew members are periodically evaluated by conducting on-board training
and drills to identify the areas in need of improvement, to ensure competency in field of assigned
duties with respect to various drills and contingency plans as per ship's contingency plans. Regular
training of all personnel in lifeboat and life raft drills and its equipment's will prepare them for any
emergency. Life Boat drills and life raft drills, should be carried out in a professional manner so as to
ensure that everyone on board gains experience in the launching and handling of lifeboats. Each
lifeboat should be launched with its assigned crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water at least once
every three months thereby making every one familiar with the procedure. On joining the ship at the
earliest, every person must locate his lifejacket in his cabin and read the Emergency Station Muster
List. He has to ascertain the locations of the Muster Station, Alternate muster station. Also he should
read his duties and ascertain the location of the necessary equipments he has to bring if any allotted for
him. On-board training in the use of the ship's life-saving appliances, including survival craft
equipment, and in the use of the ship's fire-extinguishing appliances shall be given as soon as possible
but not later than two weeks after a crew member joins the ship as per SOLAS. An officer responsible
or a person designated by the Master should familiarize the items required to the new joiners and log
down the same in appropriate familiarization checklists and in the appropriate book.

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On a ship engaged in a voyage where passengers are scheduled to be on board for more than 24
hrs, musters of the passengers shall take place within 24 hrs after their embarkation.
Every Crew Member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every
month. The drills of the crew shall take place within 24 hrs of the ship leaving a Port if more than 25%
of the crew have not participated in abandon ship and fire drills on board that particular ship in the
previous month.

 Muster list and emergency signals

1. Clear instructions to be followed in that event of an emergency shall be provided for every person
on board. Muster list and emergency instructions complying with the SOLAS requirements shall be
exhibited in conspicuous places throughout the ship including the Navigation Bridge, engine room and
crew accommodation spaces. Illustrations and instructions in appropriate languages shall be pasted in
passenger cabins and be conspicuously displayed at Muster Stations and other passenger spaces to
inform 1, their Muster stations
2. the essential action they must take in an emergency
3. the method of donning lifejackets.

The emergency station Muster List shall be prepared by the Master or the vessel before the ship
proceeds to sea. After the Muster list has been prepared, if any changes takes place in the Crew which
necessitates an alteration in the Muster List the Master shall either revise the list or prepare a new list.
The Muster List shall specify details of the General Emergency Alarms and Public address
system and also action to be taken by the Crew and Passengers when this Alarm is sounded. The

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Muster list shall also specify how the order to abandon ship will be given. Each passenger ship shall
have procedures in place for locating and rescuing passengers trapped in their staterooms.
The Emergency Station Muster List shall show all the duties assigned to different crew members
a. Closing of water tight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, vent pipes, side scuttles, sky lights, port
holes, cowls and other similar opening.
b. Equipping of survival craft (such as extra food, biscuits, sugar cubes, tinned milk, tinned fruits, fresh
fruits and milk products, extra water, extra fuel, and blankets etc.) and other life saving appliances
c. Preparation and launching of Survival Craft. d. General preparation of other life saving appliances.
e. Muster of passengers.
f. Use of Communication equipment
g. Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires
h. Special duties assigned in respect to the use of fire-fighting equipment and installations.

The Muster List shall specify which officers are assigned to ensure that life-saving and fire
appliances are maintained in good condition and are ready for immediate use.
The Muster List shall specify substitutes for key persons who may become disabled, taking into
account that different emergencies may call for different actions.

There will also be auto generated fire alarm onboard the ship. Crew and emergency instructions
On board training in the use of ship's life saving appliances, including survival craft
equipments and in the use of ship's fire extinguishing appliances shall be given as soon as possible but
not later than two weeks after a crew member joins the ship.
Instructions in the use of the ship's fire fighting appliances and life saving appliances and in
survival at Sea shall be given at the same interval as the drills. Every crew member shall be given
instructions which shall include, but not necessarily limited to:
a) Operation and use of the ship's inflatable life rafts
b) Problems of hypothermia, first aid treatment for hypothermia and other appropriate first-aid
c) Special instructions necessary for use of the ship's life saving appliances in severe weather and
severe sea condition
d) Operation and use of fire-extinguishing appliances

Drills are, as far practicable, to be conducted as if there were an actual emergency.

Extra equipment and survival

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 Rocket Line-Throwing Appliances and Landing Signals

Line Throwing Appliances
To be carried aboard both passenger and cargo ships engaged in long international voyages.
The apparatus is a completely self contained unit and the set of four units normally carried by ships, to
the places at strategic positions in the vessel. Each unit can be fired independently as required. The
unit consists of a plastic body launching, incorporating the handle trigger assembly, and containing the
rocket, igniters and 275 m of ready flaked line. The unit is weather proof, being sealed at both ends by
transparent polythene caps. This enables the date of manufacture of the rocket and the igniters to be
checked without removal of cap. Full pictorial instructions are printed on both sides of the plastic body
and can be readily used by either right or left handed users. When firing a rocket, for tanker or vessel
with inflammable spirit. It may be extremely dangerous to fire a rocket across such vessel due to the
liability of flammable cargo of the tanker and fire a rocket only when it has been ascertained that it is
safe to do so. When such a risk of ignition exists, the distressed tanker should fire rocket line to the
rescuing vessel and hoists code flag 'B' at the mast at day time and use a red light in the same position
by night in poor visibility by sounding the international code group 'au' on the following signalling
Signal affirmative- Green star signal or the vertical motion of a white flag of the arms or a
white light at night etc. Means rocket line held.
To mean-Negative, slack away, a vast hauling, or rocket line is not held etc. Signal: A red star
signal or the horizontal motion of a flag or white light at night, or the arms extended horizontally.
When possible, the coastguard will fire a rocket across the ship with a line attached, such as a
8mm hemp line. If the crew of a ship fires a rocket ashore first, the coastguard will get hold of this
rocket line and attach a strong line to it. When their signal is affirmative, crew should pull their rocket
line in order to haul together this stronger line on board. As soon as either the stronger line or the shore
rocket line is held, signal affirmative and then wait for a similar signal from ashore. As soon as it is
seen, heave it on the line, and a tailed block with an endless line reeve through, will be heaved on
board. This is called the whip and may be 12mm fibber rope, jackstay about 24mm diamanila rope to
be secured to the beckets of the tailed block which may be 230m long rope. Often with another 135m
rope which can be secured using a special sleeve which the traveller can pass over. As soon as all gear
is on board, , Make the tailed block fast at a convenient position, to a stronger point, as far away from
the breaking sea as possible with a clear working area around it making sure that the whip does not
chafe on any part of the ship. Cast off the rocket line and give signal affirmative. As soon as this is
seen, the shore party will set the jackstay tight and haul off the breeches buoy to the ship by means of a
traveller pulley. The out haul of the whip is called the weather whip and the in haul being known as the
lee whip. While this is being done, the officer in charge should instruct all hands in the procedure for
using the buoy. The weight of the body should be taken partly by the elbows on the buoy itself, the
person should normally face ashore and be prepared to bear off with his feel if crossing reefs or finally
surmounting cliffs. If a tally board is not sent out the ship with the tailed block or buoy, the officer in-
charge must make sure that each person leaving ship is correctly tallied so that he does not finally
leave a ship with people still aboard.

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The person in the buoy should sit well down and grasp the steadying line when he is secure, signal
affirmative, and the coastguard will haul him shore and then return the buoy in the ship. With regard to
injured persons, the way in which they are handled will depend on the state of their injuries and in such
cases Neil Robertson stretches may be used
How to use the line throwing Apparatus
1. Remove the front cap, attach the free end of a line to a strongpoint in the ship and attach second end
which is fireproof end to be attached with projectile loop.
2. Hold handle horizontally top era, allowing unit to naturally assume to correct firing angle.
3. Remove safety split pin and squeeze trigger lever. When rocket fires, hold container until line is
paid out, and then pass the jackstay gear
a. Attached messenger line 8mm dia., Tail traveller, Breeches buoy,
b. Endless line 12mm dia.
c. And a jackstay about 24 mm dia. manila rope
4. Rocket fired igniters should be replaced every three years, and apparatus after nine years in service
on a ship.
5. The length of the container is 330mm in diameter 19Umm and weight 4.6kgs. the line is a diameter
of 5mm and the force which gives 1 kg and acceleration of one meter per second

Under the safety convention rules lifesaving stations will reply to a vessel's distress signal as followed.

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Landing Signal
a) By day with an orange smoke signal or three thunder lights fired at minute intervals or by night with
three white stars, fired at minute intervals. These signals indicate that the vessel has been seen and that
assistance will be given as soon as possible.
b) In many countries the following signals are 11sed when small boats are landing survivors of
wrecked vessels.
By day: A vertical motion of a white flag or the anus, and
By night: The vertical motion of white light.
To mean: This is the best place to land. A second white light may indicate a direction of landing or
alternatively agreen star or "K" in Morse,
c) By day, the horizontal motion of a white flag of the arms extended horizontally. By night, the
horizontal motion of a white light To mean landing here is highly dangerous. Alternatively the letter 'S'
may be used in Morse or a red star rocket.
d) To mean landing here is highly dangerous-A more favorable place lies in the direction indicated.
By day: A white flag is moved horizontally and is then affixed in the ground. A second white flag is
then carried in a certain direction.
By night: A similar procedure is carried out with White Lights. Alternatively a White star rocket in a
certain direction of 'S' in Morse followed by 'L' or 'R' to mean alter course left or right.

Man Overboard Smoke and Light Marker

It is a combined day and night marker, safe to use on oil or petrol covered water. It is designed
to be attached to a lifebuoy by means of a lanyard about 3.5 meter in length and when released from its
position in the water, it produces dense orange smoke for a period of 15 minutes and two all round
activated light at candle power for a period of 2 hours. It is kept on both sides of the navigating bridge
in the wooden casing and released by pulling toggle or it can also be connected to a bulk-head
mounted lifebuoy and released manually, if any person falls, overboard. The weight of the lifebuoy
should not be less than 4kgs,

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The light marker lifebuoy has also a similar attachment of a separate light installed and
mounted on brackets, and released manually. It produces a light of2 candle power for a period of 2
hours. It is used if any person falls overboard especially at night, close to ship side.
The man over board smoke and light marker is carried in all merchant ships and is mounted, in
such a position that it can be released from its stowage to fall unobstructed into the sea, or can be
easily cast into the sea to give a sea mark by day or night for a man overboard casualty. The markers
are situated on both bridge wings and on both sides in the after part of the ship. large ships carry
additional markers amidships

 Breeches Buoy
It is a lifebuoy fitted with canvass beeches on inner circumference and used with a rocket
apparatus for hauling ashore people from a vessel wreaked near the shore.
Whenever any vessel runs aground near a coast or vessel on fire and lifeboats and life raft
cannot be lowered to abandon the ship due to high coast, cliffs or rocky shore, breeches buoy is rigged
in such circumstances, to rescue the people from the vessel. This is a difficult operation requiring
practical training and experience.

 abandon ship - complications

The abandon ship signal will be verbal command by the Master. Before giving abandonment
order, fire fighting/ damage control party, wheel house, engine room and radio room personnel must be
called off and mustered at their respective lifeboat stations and final report made by each lifeboat in-
charge to the bridge, then, the Master of the vessel will give the order to man the boats and Abandon
ship. After the Life Boat touches the water, clear the ship side and danger areas to a safer distance
immediately, when abandon ship order is given by the Master, never jump overboard in Panic. Public
address system should be fully utilized.

 Abandoning
Ship should be done in an orderly and disciplined manner. The last person to abandon the
vessel will be the Master along with those who were engaged in controlling the file/ damage control
party. Chief Engineer should ensure that machinery is stopped and water tight doors and hatches
tightly closed. when ordered to man the lifeboats and life rafts, they should be lowered with as many
people aboard as possible and try to lower all lifeboats and life rafts and should quickly clear the ship
side and lie off ready to embark the remaining complement from the water if any.
This will avoid a dangerous waiting period alongside the vessel. Except in rough weather, the
lifeboats and life rafts should be secured together and towed well clear of the wreck area by a motor
lifeboat and rescue boat should go round the wreck area to pick up any survivors, if any, in the water.
Swimmers should group themselves together and support each other till the rescue boat comes to pick
up. Swimmers must move away from the ship as quickly as possible to avoid caught in the suction
when a ship founders.



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 Abandoning ship-last resort
When all our efforts to save the stricken vessel prove to be unsuccessful, the ship will be
abandoned. But never leave your vessel until she leaves you. Your ship is the safest lifeboat. Never
jump in panic.
Abandoning the ship should be the last resort as food, communication, exposure to weather,
comfort are going to be difficult. Destination, location and chances of survival are unclear. There will
be every possibility of survival. Rescue will be resorted to immediately once your distress message is
received by ships & shore stations. If weather conditions are not conducive for rescue, it could take
several hours.
This is where the training and drills onboard come into picture. Well trained crew will be able
to handle the situation better when it becomes clear that the ship has to be abandoned. The objectives
and aims of the training and drills onboard are to ensure that the panic is avoided by repeated mock up
situations so that persons who are involved are aware of what actions to take in an emergency. Only a
person who is well trained can cope up to the demanding circumstance and act accordingly to the
requirement When all trainings fail to save the ship, then the last resort is to abandon 'the ship.
Thereafter, your training in Survival techniques comes into play for survival at Sea. There have been
instances wherein ships have remained afloat for hours/days after she was abandoned. Every effort is
to be made to save the vessel from foundering. Abandoning the vessel should be thought of only if the
Master is for sure that the vessel has foundered and there is no chance to keep her afloat till help
arrives. Hence, abandoning ship should be the last resort.

 Personal preparation for abandoning ship

Every Crew member shall participate in at least one Abandon ship drill every month. When the
emergency alarm is sounded,
1. Every person should assemble at the Muster station for a headcount.
2. Every individual should rush to his respective lifeboat/life raft with his lifejacket donned
correctly and await the instructions of the leader of the boat.
3. Once the duties of the individual and lifejacket and other things as per SOLAS are checked, the
boats will be manned as per the station list. Items are checked and the sequences of the boat
duties are followed with the persons assuming the individual duties as per the list.

 Points to Bear in Mind before jumping overboard:

If there is no survival craft available it may be preferable to abandon ship from the bow or
weather side in order to get clear of the ship side with more certainty.
1. Have your lifejacket well secured and hold it down by crossing the arms over the chest blocking off
the nose with one hand.
2. Make sure that everything clear in the water, such as any floating object etc.

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3. Draw attention of the lifeboat or life raft if any nearby with whistle,
4. Never dive, keep your feet together, look straight ahead and cross legs while jumping,
5. Swim on your back stroke. Try to board the lifeboat pr life raft as soon as possible,
6. Never swim for longer periods.
7. Never jump more than 4.5 to 6 meters height.
8. As far as possible, avoid jumping into water try to board survival craft without getting into the water
by ladders, lifeline, water hose and scramble nets or available means,

 Need to prevent panic

In case of any emergency and in case of actual abandonment of the ship, the biggest tragedies that can
occur will loss of life due to panic situation of the staff. However, the survival chance is enhanced
provided if all things move as per the order of sequence in a calm manner. The chance of making any
mistake does not exist if things are dearly defined and followed. If panic is avoided, all can survive and
chances of survival is increased many folds

 Crew Duties to Passengers

- During abandon ship, crew and passengers are summoned to Muster stations after sounding
necessary alarm and announcement on the public address system or other communication system and
ensure that they are made aware of the order to abandon ship.
- Crew and passengers report to muster stations and prepare for duties as described in the muster list -
Check that passengers are suitably dressed.
- Check that lifejackets are correctly dawned.
- prepare passengers to board lifeboat and help them in doing so.
- Crew should avoid congestion which may develop during an abandonment due to normal movement
of passengers and crew along escape routes, including the possibility that the crew may need to move
along these routes in a direction opposite to that of the passengers
- Escape routes should be clear of any obstructions
-Recheck all passenger accommodation spaces to ensure physically that all passengers have proceeded
to their lifeboat stations and nobody is left behind and a completion of search is reported to the Master.

 Crew duties-launching survival craft

1. Remove the guard rail.

2. two persons will go inside the lifeboat and remove the boat cover etc.
3. Pass the toggle painter forward from inner side of the sling and report plug shipped, lifeline
clear, falls clear, rudder shipped (some boats have two plugs one forward and one aft and some
boats have only one plug). Some ships always keep the toggle painter fastened at all times,
4. Have all the crew and passengers Emergency Station Muster Listed and lifejackets checked.
5. Check all lifeboat equipment to ensure that they are properly secured and ready for use.
6. test the engine both ahead and astern for a period of not less than 3 minutes.

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7. Remove the harbour pin if it is still in place. (Normally harbour pin is put only in the ports and
not at sea)
8. Report to the bridge when ready to lower the Life Boat. If permission is granted, let go the
gripes and lower the boat to embarkation deck.
9. Prior lowering the lifeboat to abandon ship, it may be necessary to have some extra items put in
the boat such as VHF, EPRB, SART, blankets, tinned food, biscuits, notebooks, pencils, extra
torches, waterproof watch, batteries (cell) and bulbs, palm and needles, ship's pyrotechnics,
extra water, extra fuel, boat-charts etc.
10. Once the permission is granted to lower the boat to the embarkation deck, the boat should be
brought to the embarkation deck. Then the boat is brought alongside the ship with bow sing in
tackle. The tracing pendant is released after making fast the tackle.
11. The embarkation of the crew begins. Once all the Passengers and crew (other than ones for
lowering) are in the boat, the lowering of the boat to the water level can be resumed and the
descent continued up to the water.
12. Once the boat is waterborne, the staffs that are still onboard for lowering the boat can get down
using the embarkation ladder.
13. The boat is now released and cleared from the ship,

 Note: Never jump without lifejacket.

1. Always try to keep dry and board the lifeboat or life raft.
2. Do not try to swim unnecessarily, it uses vital energy and assist hypothermia to Set in.
3. If you are in the water try to board your lifeboat or life raft.
4. Wet clothes are better than no clothing,
5. Wring out top layer of wet clothing and put it on again as quickly as possible.

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 Master's orders to abandon ship

When all efforts to save the ship fail, the Master takes a decision to abandon the ship. Master's
order to abandon the ship will be taken after considering all the facts including the survival
sustainability in the lifeboats. Master's order will be verbal command for abandoning the ship. Only
Master can give orders to abandon the ship. As per the International Law, nobody else is authorized to
give the order to abandon the ship.

 Means of survival
Availability of Life Saving Appliances
The Law governing the provision of lifeboats, life rafts and buoyant apparatus and its
arrangements on board ships is specified in Chapter III of SOLAS. They shall be approved by the
Administration must be kept ready at all times. Survival craft and rescue boats, one more lifeboats as
stipulated by the administration, complying with the requirements of such aggregate capacity on each
side of the ship as will accommodate the total number of persons on board will have to be provided.
Lifeboats may be open, totally enclosed self righting lifeboats or partially enclosed self righting
lifeboats, or free-fall lifeboats. In addition, inflatable or rigid life rafts are to be provided as per
regulation of SOLAS.
One or two Rescue boats complying with the regulation of the code shall be carried on board
the ships. A lifeboat may be accepted as a rescue boat provided it also complies with the requirements
for a rescue boat.
Life buoys: - Lifebuoys complying with the requirements of the Code shall be so distributed as to be
readily available on both sides of the ship as far as practicable, on all open decks extending to the
ship's side; at least one shall be placed in the vicinity of the stem and so stowed as to be capable of
being rapidly cast loose, and not permanently secured in anyway. In addition lifebuoys with buoyant
lifeline smoke signal and light are to be provided. Not less than one half of the total no. of life buoys
shall be provided with life buoy self-igniting lights. Each lifebuoy shall be marked in block letters with
name and port of registry of the ship.
Lifejackets: - A lifejacket complying with the requirements of the code shall be provided for every
person on board the ship. In addition, a number of lifejackets suitable for children (equal to 10% of the
no. of passengers) are also to be provided. They should be readily accessible.
Immersion suits and anti-exposure suits: - An immersion suit shall be providing for every person
assigned to the crew of a Rescue boat or assigned to the Marine evacuation system

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1. All life saving appliances and their components which are subject to excessive wear and tear
with time and use need to be replaced regularly or whenever required.
2. Weekly Inspection: All survival craft, rescue boats and launching appliances should be
physically and visually inspected to ensure that they are ready for use.
3. Lifeboat's and rescue boat's engine shall be run ahead and astern for a total period of not less
than 3 minutes.
4. The general emergency alarm system should be tested from all strategic points weekly, Before
testing the emergency alarm, crew must be informed about testing the system.
5. Monthly Inspection: Inspection of the life saving appliances including lifeboat equipment shall
be carried out using the check list and ensure that they are complete and in good working
order. A report of the inspection shall be entered in the logbook. The same shall be as Planned
Maintenance System which is approved.

Wire falls of launching appliances:

a. At 30 months wire falls of lifeboats to be turned end to end.
b. At 5years, wire falls to be renewed, unless this is required earlier by their condition.
c. Stainless steel wire falls may be kept for a longer period, provided they are in good condition.
d. If the falls of a lifeboat are worn out of up to 11% of the circumference or 7 to 11 wires of a single
strand is damaged or broken then whole wire falls is required to be renewed without any delay.
Administration may accept, in lieu of 'end for ending change then after periodical verification as
required, the falls can be renewed in 4 years, or earlier in case of deterioration.

 Periodical Survey:
Life rafts, inflatable lifejackets, hydrostatic release unit (HRU) must be sent for yearly (12
months) intervals survey by the administration to a proper and approved service station for inspection
and maintenance. As per the latest rules, EPIRB should be tested annually by an approved company
for its performance and the results of its print out to be kept on board as a record.
It is an offence for the life saving appliances on any ship to be in defective condition, and under
the powers contained in Merchant Shipping Act 1958; a ship may be detained until such defects have
been rectified. Additionally, in some cases proceedings may be taken against the owner or company
and master if such appliances are not kept at all times fit and ready for use.

 Official Log Book Entries

1. Upon each occasion, whenever according to the training program, an Emergency Station Muster
List, drill of any nature is taking place on board, details of content and type of drills or training given
including the occasion when survival crafts are lowered, hoisted or launched.
2. Monthly inspection of LSA equipment.
3. All inspection involved, which include any change / damage faulty equipment/or repairs carried out
/ replacement made of any equipment which involve safety.

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Life Boats
In official terminology, it is a boat which sustains the life of people from the time of Abandon
Ship until the rescue comes.
Properly constructed and shall be of such form and proportions that they have ample stability in
a sea way and sufficient free board when loaded with their full complement of persons and equipment.
All lifeboats shall have rigid hulls and shall be capable of maintaining positive stability when in an
upright position in calm sea way and sufficient free board when loaded with their full complement of
persons and equipment.

Type of Life Boat

All ships carry lifeboats and life rafts for the safety of personal out at sea until help arrives. On
abandoning ship, boats should be pulled or driven clear off the stricken vessel. There are boats of
special design and construction. Some of these boats are:
1. Open lifeboats
2. Partially enclosed lifeboats
3. Self-righting partially enclosed lifeboats.
4. Self-righting totally enclosed lifeboats
5. Self-righting totally enclosed free fall lifeboats
6. Self-righting totally enclosed, self-lowering, with air support and sprinkler system, fire protected
7. Rescue boats

Open Lifeboat Partially Enclosed Lifeboat

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Totally Enclosed Life Boat

Rescue Boat

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Free Fall Lifeboat

Classification of Life Boats

1. Between the floor surfaces and interior of the boat shall not be less than 1.3 m for a lifeboat
permitted to accommodate 21 persons or less and 1.7m for 24 persons and more.
2. No lifeboat shall be approved to accommodate more than 150 persons having an average mass If 75
kg and all wearing lifejackets that can be seated in a normal position without interfering with the
means of propulsion or the operation of any of the lifeboat's equipment.

Life Boat Engine

The engine, if fitted, must be:

1. Kept ready for use at all times and can be started in all weather conditions
2. Have fuel for 24 hours continuous running at a speed of at least six knots, when the lifeboat is fully
loaded when carried by passenger ships, oil tankers, LPG carrier and oil platform etc., and at least four
knots if carried in by cargo ships.
3. Must be protected adequately from the weather
4. Engine casing must be fire resisting.
5. Should be air cooling or water cooling system.
6. Shall be provided with either a manual starting system or power starting system, with two
independent re-chargeable energy sources of power for radio and search light

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7. Shall start at an ambient temperature of 15 degree Celsius or at different temperature capable of

operating for not less than 5 minutes after starting from cold upon the lifeboat out of water.
8. The speed of lifeboat when loaded with its full complement and equipment shall be at least 6 knots
when towing a 25 person's life raft loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment's.

Lifeboat equipments/operating instructions/additional equipments

List of standard equipments which are required to be fitted in a lifeboat, operating instructions and list
of additional equipments which are required to be fitted in a lifeboat are given below:


1. Sufficient buoyant oars to make headway in calm seas. The hole pins, crutches or equivalent
arrangement shall be provided for each oar. Pulling oars are normally between 3.05 and 4.26m in
length (1O.14ft.) they are generally made of ash or elm wood and stowed with their blades facing
forward on both outer side in the boat. A steering oar, which is no longer specified, if carried, is
usually approximately (12inches) O.3m longer than the pulling oars. Their blade faces aft and is
usually coated in a distinctive color. It is used extensively to provide additional leverage in order to
steady the boat's head when used in conjunction with the sea anchor.

2. Two boat hooks, to be left unlashed and ready for use in fending away from the ship side.

3. A buoyant bailer and two buckets. These are secured by lanyards to the structure of the boat.
Buckets are usually of a 2 gallon size and manufactured in galvanized iron stowed either end of the

4. A survival manual

5. Two axes (hatchet) stowed one at each end of the boat. It is common practice to cover the metal
head of the axe with a canvas protective cover to prevent the metal from pitting and corrosion.

6. A Jack knife to be kept attached to the boat by a lanyard. The blade normally incorporates a tin
opener and screw driver, and a small hand spike is usually attached.

7. Two buoyant rescue quoits, attached to not less than 30 meters of buoyant line. They are normally
stowed in the small gear locker.

8. Six doses of anti-sea sickness medicine and one sea sickness bag for each person boat is permitted
to accommodate. The medicine is normally in tablet form.

9. A manual pump usually fixed to the structure of the boat. It is fitted with an easily removable cover
to allow cleaning and the suction end contains a gauze filter to avoid blockage of the system.

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10. A sea anchor of adequate size having a shock resistant hawse which is 3 times the length of the
boat, and tripping line. Tripping line which provides a firm handgrip when wet. The strength of the
hawser and the tripping line shall be adequate for all sea conditions. Tripping line is 3.5m longer than
the hawser.

11. Four rocket parachute flares (red is colour while burning) visibility 10-30 m depending weather

12. Six hand flares (red is colour while burning).

13. Two buoyant smoke floats (Orange colour smoke) ranges 5 to 7 miles burning period of 3 min.

14. One waterproof electric torch suitable for Morse signalling, together with one spare set of batteries
and one spare bulb in a waterproof container.

15. One whistle or equivalent sound signal. Normally of plastic construction this will allow its use in
cold weather without discomfort to the user,

16. One daylight signalling mirror with instructions for its use for signalling to ships and aircraft, range
5 miles.

17. An efficient radar reflector, range 45 miles

18. One copy of the lifesaving signals table, on a waterproof card or in a waterproof continent,

19. Two efficient painters of a length equal to not less than twice the distance from the stowage
position of the lifeboat to the waterline in the lightest seagoing condition and 20 degree list either side
or 15m, whichever is the greater. One painter attached to the release device, placed at the forward end
of the lifeboat must be capable of being released when Under tension the other painter shall be firmly
secured at or near the bow of the lifeboat ready for use.

20. A binnacle containing an efficient magnetic compass which is luminous or provided with suitable
means of illuminations. In a totally enclosed boat the binnacle shall be permanently fitted at the
steering position and any other lifeboat, it shall be provided with suitable mounting arrangements
when setting up a boat's compass, the mariner should bear in mind that it must be visible to the
coxswain and a fore and aft line may have to be set up between the stem and stem to provide reference
for means of aligning the boat's head to the lubber line the lamp provided with colza oil continuous
burning for 12hours,

21. Sufficient tools to allow minor adjustment to the engine and its accessories. 22, Portable fire
extinguishing equipment suitable for extinguishing oil fires. 23. A search light capable of effectively
illuminating a light colored object at night having a width of 18m at a distance of 180m for total period
of 6 hours and of working continuously for not less than a 3 hours period.

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24. Thermal protective aids which comply with the regulations, in sufficient number of 10% of the
total number of persons that the boat and life raft permitted to carry.

25. A water tight receptacle containing total of 3 liters of freshwater for each person the lifeboat is
permitted to accommodate liter of this amount may be replaced by a desalting apparatus capable of
producing an equal amount of freshwater in two days. The water is 1/3 liter per person per day. Water
is issued in morning, mid-day and at the time of sunset.

26. A rustproof dipper with a lanyard, used for extracting freshwater from the containers, The lanyard
should belong enough to reach the bottom of any water trunk.

27. Rustproof graduated drinking vessel.

28. Tin openers.

29. Set of fishing tackle, for passing time.

30. A food ration totalling not less than 10,000 kj for each person the lifeboat is permitted to
accommodate. These rations shall be kept in air tight packaging and bestowed in a water tight

31. A first aid outfit in a waterproof casing capable of being closed tightly after use should be renewed
after 3 years.

All items of equipment of the lifeboat with the exception of the two boat hooks, should be secured by
lashing or kept in storage lockers, or secured by brackets or other similar mounting arrangements.
Considerable changes in standard equipment have taken place with the 1983 amendment to the
SOLAS convention.

Ship's Boat Chart

These ocean charts gives us simple indication of winds currents ice and magnetic variation. On the
reverse side appear notes on charts using winds, weather, currents and management of boats.
They may be installed in ships lifeboats for use in the event of mariners finding themselves in the
position of having to navigate such boats across oceans stretches. The charts are printed on strong
papers and may be supplied in a waterproof wallet as a set for oceans.

Desalting Apparatus
Contents of the desalting kit 1 storage bag of rubberized fabric with securing cord. 1 storage bag of
rubberized fabric with filter pad, drinking tube, plug and lany3rd, chemical charges each contains 4

Using of Desalting Kit

After removing the contents of the pack, a metal plug is inserted in the purifier bag outlet 1 litre. The
bag is then filled with sea water to the level indicated and one chemical charge of 4 cubes 1 is added.

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The contents are kneaded for 5 minutes and then shaken occasionally during a period of 30 minutes.
The reaction between the chemical charge and the dissolved salts in the water is then complete and
clear drinking water can be squeezed through the outer tube into mouth or into a container. Residual
solids and salts are retained by the filter pad in the purifier bag; these deposits are rinsed from the bag
before the next desalting operation. Full instructions are printed on the storage bag.


To Manually Start a Motor: Life Boat Engine: (pre Start Checks)

1. Check that there is sufficient fuel in the full tank or pre check the oil level and there should not be
water in the fuel, if water is there open the bottom of screw plug and drain out the water from the fuel
tank. When oil starts flowing down then screw down the plug.
2. Connector open the fuel supply by opening the fuel supply lever check the dip stick lubricating oil
level at two points i.e. engine and the gearbox.
3. Prime the full system if necessary.
4. Check that the gear lever is in neutral position.
5. Turn throttle control level to almost vertical on fast position.
6. Move the decompression lever towards the flywheel and fits starting handle.
7. Now turn handle slowly from 3 to 20 turns to prime combustion chamber and lubricating system. 8.
Crank the engine really fast and when speed is obtained return the decompression lever to the
compressing position, but continue to crank until the engine fires.
9. Must remove starting handle and reduce engine speed as required.
10. Or push in the choke gradually until the engine is running smoothly.
11. If the engine is running smoothly and cooling water discharge is steady, put the helm over in the
required direction and engage the gear lever Ahead or Astern. Adjust speed with the throttle control.
12. In case of rescue boat outboard engine, never run outboard engine out of water. The reason is that
the impeller is a tight fit and will rip in seconds if operated dry.
13. After starting check the engine, check oil pressure gauge to check the flow of oil.

Stopping the Engine

1. To stop the engine, turn throttle counter anti-clockwise and hold it until the engine stops or if fitted,
pull the remote stopping control.
2. Close the fuel supply lever, Note: To ensure a fuel supply free of sedil"1ent and continuous running
in an emergency, lifeboat and rescue boat fuel tanks should be thoroughly cleaned out annually.

If the Engine Does Not Start

1. Check the fuel in the tank, if the fuel level is satisfactory, but fear of water in the tank then
open the tank, plug for few seconds or
2. Check the fuel levers opened
3. Check that the fuel line is not obstructed or chinked; depress the ball bearing in end of fuel line
and pump fuel by hand or by squeezing the bulb, in order to check for blockage.

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4. Engine may be choked or water in the fuel. Correct this by disconnecting the fuel line at the
engine and hand cranking until clear flow of oil, or
5. Check that sparkplugs are not wet, carbonate or loose or oiled. Spark can be checked by
earthen the plug on the engine casing. Do not touch the plug when this is being done.
6. Check that the fuel pump filter is clean.


(In accordance with the 1983 amendments of the SOLAS 1974 convention)
1. Every lifeboat shall be provided with at least one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull,
which shall be automatically open to drain water from the hull when the life boat is not waterborne and
shall automatically close to prevent entry of water when the lifeboat is waterborne. Each valve shall be
provided with a cap or plug to close the valve, which shall be attached to the lifeboat by a lanyard or
chain or other suitable means. Drain valves shall be readily accessible from inside the lifeboat and
their position shall be clearly indicated or marked with white paint arrow towards the drain plug.
2. All lifeboats shall be provided with a rudder and tiller. When a wheel or other remote steering
mechanism is provided, the tiller shall be capable of controlling the rudder in case of failure of the
steering mechanism. The rudder shall be permanently attached to the lifeboat. The tiller shall be
permanently installed on or linked to the rudderstock; however, if the lifeboat has a remote steering
mechanism, the tiller may be removable and securely stowed near the rudderstock. The rudder and

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tiller shall be so arranged such that it shall not be damaged by operation of the release mechanism or
the propeller.
3. Except in the vicinity of the rudder and propeller, a buoyant lifeline shall be bucketed around the
outside of the lifeboat.
4. Lifeboats which are not self-righting when capsized shall have suitable hand, holds on the
underside of the hull to enable persons to cling to the lifeboat. The handholds shall be fastened to the
lifeboat in such a way that when subjected to impact sufficient to cause them to break away from the
lifeboat, they break away without damage to the lifeboat.
5. All lifeboats shall be fitted with sufficient water tight lockers or compartments to provide for storage
of the small items of equipments, water and provisions required by the regulations. Means shall also be
provided for the storage of collected rain water,
6. Every lifeboat shall be provided with a permanently installed earth connection and arrangements for
adequately sitting and securing in the operation position the antenna provided with the portable radio
apparatus required by the regulations,
7. All lifeboats intended for launching down the side of a ship shall have skates and fenders as
necessary to facilitate launching and prevent damage to the lifeboat.
8. A manually controlled lamp visible on a dark night with a clear atmosphere at a distance of at least 2
miles for a period of not less than 12 hours shall be fitted to the top of the cover or enclosure. If the
light is a flashing light, it shall initially flash at a rate of not less than 50 flashes per minute over the
first 2 hours period of operation of the required 12 hours operating period.
9. A lamp of source of light shall be fitted inside the lifeboat to provide illumination for not less than
12 hours to enable reading of the survival and equipment instructions, however oil lamps shall not be
permitted for this purpose.
10. Unless expressly provided otherwise, every lifeboat shall be provided with effective means of
bailing or be automatically self-bailing. Adequate viewing forward, after and to both sides of the
lifeboat must be provided, from the control position to allow safe launching and manoeuvring
11. Each seating position in the boat should be clearly indicated.

Life rafts
Life raft is a survival craft which is constructed to withstand exposure for 30 days afloat in all sea
conditions. This shall be so constructed to withstand a drop test of at least 18m height. This shall also
withstand repeated jumps from a height of 4.5m for the persons to jump into the life raft. It shall have a
canopy to protect the occupants from exposure and shall be constructed to be towed at a speed of 3
knots in calm water. It shall provide insulation against heat and cold. Its interior shall be of a colour
that does not cause discomfort to the occupants. It should have at least one viewing port. It shall be
provided with means for collecting rainwater. Forward life raft can have a carrying capacity of less
than 6persons and its mass shall not be more than 185 kg lifelines shall be securely becketed around
the inside and the outside of it. It shall be fitted with a painter not less than 15m plus distance from the
lightest seagoing condition where it is stowed whichever is greater. The painter is connected to a weak

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link which in turn is connected to the strongpoint of the ship. The weak link will break automatically
once under the water and releases the life raft when the ship sinks. Or the painter can be manually
released before abandoning for boarding. Most of the equipments are common to the lifeboat except
for boathooks, tholepins/crutches etc. Life raft is kept in a container which is installed normally by a
single person. It is inflated by a non-toxic gas. This container shall be marked outside by the serial no,
SOLAS pack, manufacturer's details, date of servicing, length of painter, launching instructions and
no. of persons it is certified to carry. The launching is so simple. Throw the life raft in the water and
pull the painter. The life raft will be inflated automatically and in case if it does not happen, give a jerk
onto the painter it will inflate,

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Rescue Boats
Rescue boat is a boat designed to rescue persons in distress and to marshal survival craft. A lifeboat
may be accepted as a rescue boat provided it also complies with the requirements to the rescue boat.
Survival craft in formation

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Lifebuoys shall have an outer diameter of not more than 800mm and an inner diameter of not less than
400mm. It shall be constructed with an inherently buoyant material and not dependent upon corks or
other loose materials for buoyancy.
It is capable of supporting a mass of not less 14.5 kg of iron in fresh water for a period of not less than
24 hours. Its mass shall not be less than 2.5 kg. It shall not sustain burning or continue melting after
being totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 seconds. It shall withstand a drop test of at least 30m
or from a height in the lightest seagoing condition where it will be stowed whichever is greater. It shall
be fitted with a grab line of 5mm dia. at least and fitted around its circumference at four equidistant
places so as to form a loop for survivors to hold on.
As per SOLAS requirements half of the lifebuoys Oil board should have self-igniting lights. Out of
these two shall be fitted with self-activating smoke signals kept on the navigating bridge for quick
release for 'man overboard' purposes on both the sides of the bridge. Two of the lifebuoys shall be with
buoyant heaving line of at least 30m in length kept one at each side. All the lifebuoys shall be marked
in roman capitals with the name of the ship and the port of the registry on which they are carried.

Every lifejacket must have a proper workmanship (orange in colour) and highly visible in colour. A
lifejacket is made of non-inflammable material and so designed that:
a) It can be worn or donned within a period of 1 minute without any help or assistance after
b) From 1" July 1986 should be worn one way only but old types of lifejacket which is still carried on
board ships are being worn inside out or both ways and cannot donned incorrectly.
c) Capable of turning the wearer to safe floating position in still water within 5 seconds and support the
head so that the mouth shall not be less than 120mm (6 inches) above the water.
d) Unaffected by oil or oil products and it will not sustain burning or continue melting after being
totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2 second

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e) Befitted with a strong loop to facilitate towing or rescue a man.

f) Be fitted with an approved plastic whistle attached by a lanyard.
g). Allow the wearer to jump from a height of at least 4.5 m into the water.
h). It turn the body of an unconscious man around over his back to an angle of 20 degree from vertical
and keeps his face 120mm clear of water
i) It shall allow the person wearing it to swim and board a survival craft.
j) Be fitted with a light of 0.75 candela powder for 8 hrs of 50 flashed per minutes and can be
connected or disconnected.
k) A lifejacket which depends on inflation for buoyancy shall have not less than 2 separate
l) It shall inflate automatically on immersion or be capable of being inflated by mouth.
m) It shall be marked with its serial number its trademarks: M.O.T. or D.O.T stamp and the FRONT is
to be printed on both sides of the lifejacket. A child lifejacket which support up to 32kgs of weight is
marked as child, and 32 kgs and upward which support the weight is marked adult. Children lifejacket
should be marked child.
n) 5% extra carried on passenger ships and cargo ships should be stored on deck near embarkation
deck or at Emergency Station Muster List stations
o) Every ship must carry an approved type of lifejacket for every person on board. Unless these can be
adapted by children a ship must also carry a sufficient number of lifejackets which are suitable for
p) Be fitted with Retro-reflective tapes. Note: It is important to understand that lifejackets are issued to
every individual person on board the ship which support him in water until rescued. Immersion
suits/anti-exposure suits
Constructed with waterproof materials. It will not sustain burning or continue melting after being
totally enveloped in a fire for 2 seconds period. It will cover the whole body with exception of the
face. Hands shall also be covered if permanently attached gloves are provided.
1. Take suit out of bag and open fully,
2. don as normal coverall,
3. Kneel to fasten leg zips
4. Faster waterproof zip fully to neck.
5. don hood and fasten face cover
6. To vent suit turn valve anti clockwise and press down
7. to vent all air adopt crouching position
8. Suit is always to be used with an approved lifejacket.
9. Remove gloves from arm pouch
10. Don gloves and zip up
The suit is now fully donned and ready for immersion in water

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It is provided with arrangements to minimize or reduce free air in the legs of the suit. An
immersion suit which also complies with the requirements for a lifejacket may be classified lifejacket.
An immersion suit shall permit the person wearing it and also wearing a life jacket, if the immersion
suit is to be worn with a lifejacket, then the person should be able to climb up and down a vertical
ladder at least 5m (1625 ft) in length. Perform normal duties during abandonment. Jump from a height
of not less than 4.5 (14.9ft) into the water without damaging or dislodging the immersion suit, or being
injured and Swim short distance through the water and board a survival craft.
An immersion suits which has buoyancy and is designed to be worn without lifejacket shall be
fitted with a light and a whistle. If the immersion suit is to be worn in conjunction with a lifejacket the
lifejacket shall be worn over the immersion suit. A person wearing such an immersion shall be able to
don lifejacket without assistance.

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HELP Posture

Thermal Performance Requirements for Immersion Suits

An immersion suit made of material which has no inherent insulation shall be
i) Marked with instructions that it must be worn in conjunction with warm clothing.
ii) So constructed that when worn in conjunction with warm clothing, and lifejacket, if the immersion
suit is to be worn with a life jacket. The immersion suit continues to provide sufficient thermal
protection following on jump by the wearer into the water from a height of 4.5m
iii) Thermal Performance. The wearer body temperature should not fall below 2 degree C when
immersed in a sea water temperature of 5 degree C for the period of 1 hour. Thermal Protective Aids
are made of waterproof low convective, insulating material. These will be required for all persons in
open lifeboats who have not been equipped with immersion suits. These are light weight strong plastic
bags or suits with arms which cover the whole of the body with the exception of the face. They are
highly visible in colour and easily donned. Their function is to reduce both convective and evaporative
heat loss from the wearer's body. They can be removed in the water in 2 minutes, if the wear finds it
difficult to swim. They provide thermal insulation to the body in temperature ranging from 20 degree
to -30 degree Celsius.

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Thermal Protective Aids

A thermal protective aid shall be made of waterproof material having a thermal conductance of not
more than 7800Wand shall be constructed that, when used to enclose a person, it shall reduce both the
convective and evaporative heat loss from the wearer's body. The thermal protective aid shall
1. Cover the whole body of persons wearing a lifejacket with the exception of the face. Hands shall
also be covered unless permanently attached gloves are provided.
2. be capable of being unpacked and easily donned without assistance in a survival craft or rescue boat;
3. Permit the wearer to remove it in the water in not more than 2 minutes, if it impairs ability to swim.
The thermal protective aid shall function properly throughout an air temperature range -30°C to

These thermal protective aid shall be carried onboard every ship for all the persons who are not
provided with the immersion suits subject only to the Administrative dispensation, if any.

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Lifebuoys, Lifejackets, Inflatable lifejackets, Immersion suits or anti-exposure suit, Thermal protective
aids, Personal survival without a lifejacket and Boarding survival craft DEMONSTRATION TO BE


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Dangers to survivors
Search and Rescue to Survival -
Search and rescue (SAR) is a featured subject in safety of life at sea and at any moment,
become a matter of vital concern to any mariner. A disaster at sea can result in your being cast away
either in a lifeboat or life raft with your survival dependent on outside assistance. The effectiveness
and efficiency of the search and rescue services are well known. However to meet the short term needs
of the survivor, the lifeboats and life rafts are equipped with the requirement for few days, such as
water, food, first aid kit, signalling equipment and even survival instructions are in the lifeboats or life
rafts, but the range of possible survival situation is infinite. The odds in your favour will be vastly
improved if you acquire survival information and techniques before any emergency arises. The highest
priority in any emergency situation is to help injured and disabled survivors. The next most pressing
need will most likely be to look for the survivors in the water if any and followed by protection from
cold conditions, save food, water and to conserve body fluid and determine location. Covering head is
important. About 30% to 40% of body heat can be lost via neck and head. Open lifeboat must erect
any shelter available to protect the survivors against cold, rain, wind, heat, snow and frostbite etc.
Never forget that cold is most dangerous than heat. In the event of hot climate shelter will be needed
from the sun to avoid overheating of the body, dehydration, sunburn etc. Your first step is to protect
and preserve the water already in your body. The basic methods of achieving this include,
1. Using any shade available to reduce dehydration from direct sunlight.
2. Covering any exposed skin from the sun to avoid dehydration of body fluids.
3. Avoiding unnecessary movement to prevent loss of the heat of the body,
4. Chewing any suitable small twig or button to help to keep away thirst
5. Breathing through the nose to minimize saliva evaporation.
6. Talking only when necessary.
7. Water drinking in the cool of the morning midday and evening in small sips
8. Using sea water at daytime tower clothes to reduce heating wet cloth should dry before sunset as
nights are very cold.
9. Never swim unnecessarily.
10. Use your signalling devices whenever required but carefully and reasonably. Remember in location
signalling, you may never have a second chance to make good first impression. Your survival depends
on successful search and rescue.
Best use of survival craft facilities.
Survival after Ship wreck
1. Search for survivors and rescue them as soon as possible by way of manoeuvring the life boat or
rescue boat. In the case of life raft, throw a rubber ring or rescue quoits,
2. Never try to swim far of distance, bring the lifeboat, rescue boat or life raft close to the survivors.
3. Never try to swim in the sea in case of feeling warm or hot, only just take a dip with rescue ring as
lifeboat or life raft is very prone to wind and they may drift away from you.
4. Stream the sea anchor to avoid leeway or drifting your boat or life raft.

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Use sea anchor and/or paddles for manoeuvring the life raft away from the wreck. Heave up to the sea
anchor, there is a spare sea anchor in the life raft emergency pack.
5. Check for any leakage, if any, repair the raft. Repair kit is supplied in the emergency pack and after
repair, top up the raft with bellows. Leak stoppers are provided for temporary repair. Patch damage as
detailed on emergency repair kit.
6. Join other life raft and lifeboats together with the longest line possible to prevent snatching
minimum 10 meters.
7. Bailout raft and mop up with sponge, salt free sponge for collecting up dew or condensation, it
should be collected before sunrise,
8. Wring out all wet clothing and keep as dry as possible. It is better to have wet clothing on the body
than no clothing on it.
9. Adjust entrances as per the weather conditions
10. Inflate floor with below to insulate you from the cold sea and vice versa Do not over inflate as
floor has no outlet escaping of air.
11. Issue sea sickness tablets to everyone and sea sickness bag. It is a remedy to prevent a person from
dehydration and seasickness
12. Treat injured, make them comfortable and as warm as you can with clothing or hugging them or
cuddling them.
13.Read the instructions in the first aid kit before treating them.
14. No water or food for the first 24 hours to anyone except, sick persons or injured. Water and food
can be given to them as required or the person who have had lot of bleeding or dehydration by way of
15. Put trustworthy person as in-charge of food and water.
16. Try to stay put nearer the position of the wreck, this will help rescuers looking for survivors.
17. Arrange duties or watches as a lookout inside and outside the lifeboat and life raft. In cold only 2
an hour and normal weather 2 hours duty. Protect the lookout against exposure to hot or cold weather,
18. One or two men can right up the capsized raft by standing on the gas cylinder and heaving back on
the righting strap facing windward and two or three men can right up the open, capsized lifeboat by
holding the keel grab line,
19. top up the raft with bellows as the gas contracts at night when it is colder. But during the day the
gas will expand and probably blow off through the escape valve. Do not worry about this as these
valves are safety valves.
20. keep a log for recording every day happening
21.water there are three litres off freshwater in lifeboat and one and a half litres in life raft for each
person, half litre per day per person. No water during the first 24 hours as your body is already full of
water, and if water is issued on the first day it will go as waste in the form of sweat and urine. Water
should be given at sunrise, mid-day and sunset. Do not cut down this ration. If you do, you will
weaken yourself. Only when you are down to the last cans, should you save for the following day.
22. A food ration totalling nettles than 10,000(k) Kilojoules kept in air tight and water tight tinfoil
packing the ration shall be readily divisible into four one day proportion per person. Food ration
should be given at morning and evening only. Do not cut down this ration. It should be only when you
are on the last day then save one cube for the following day.

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23. In case of tropical area deflate the floor to help cooling during the day time but inflate it again at
night as tropical nights can be cold. Keep your clothes or canopy wet during day, Rinse them out
before sunset and get the raft as dry as possible before sunset. Avoid sunburn for direct exposure to the
sun. Do not swim and do not leave your raft, it may drift away fast.
24. Distribute crews evenly and bunch together for warmth in case of cold and be at ease incise of
warm climate.
25. Rig emergency transmitter aboard, and switch on E.P.I.R.B and SART. Once they are switched on
they should not be switched off.
26. Watch for frostbite and hypothermia.
27. Collect useful flotsam and some time, we have to look for EPIRB, SAR or emergency radio also,
in case if we are not able to carry them in the lifeboat.
28. Take charge of weapons or any sharp objects.
29. Take charge of all pyrotechnics.
30. In case of very cold, the clothes are wet, then close both the entrance of the life raft. People
wearing wet clothing will soon find that air becomes saturated and no further cooling of their bodies
occurs. Heat balance is achieved after 20 to 25 minutes time.
31. Take any unoccupied survival craft in tow and use them for store, sleeping accommodation and as
back up craft for use, in future emergency.
32. Do not massage frostbite, keep feet dry, as possible, keep moving fingers and toes, move ankles
and knees, clench fingers and stretch limbs, wrinkle face and nose, ear with hands. This keeps the
blood circulating. Put feet up for at least 5 minutes in every hour, keep weather cover closed except for
small opening to ensure ventilation.
33. You have survived so far. Do not panic and help each other by way of high morale. Have
confidence in yourself and have ability to stay alive and have will power to stay alive. You I must
make yourself fit in all climatic condition, whether you are in lifeboat or life raft. Try to find out ways
and means to survival, by way of your leadership qualities.

Source of water
A. Rain water
B. Dew or condensation
C. Snow
D. Desalting apparatus

Do Not
1. Do not drink urine
2. Do not drink sea water
3. Do not dilute freshwater with sea water.
4. Do not drink alcohol
5. Do not smoke
6. Do not chew or suck ice, first melt it and then drink it.
7. Try and increase your water ration by way of collection of rain water. Drink as much as you can and
save the cans of water. Drink rain water first as it will not be fresh for long.
8. If no water at all, keep a button in the mouth, it will keep your mouth moist.
9. Take slow and long breath through nose.

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Portable radio apparatus for survival craft

Every vessel is provided with at least 3 two-way VHF radio telephone apparatus (walkie-talkies) as per
SOLAS. They shall also be provided with spare batteries with charger one for each. These radio
telephones are meant for the purpose of the emergency stations of the ship when the ship is abandoned.
These should not be used for normal communications except for testing. These have various
frequencies including channel 16.

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs)

These are 406 MHz beacons designed for COSPAS-SARSAT satellite to pick-up signals so that the
positions of the vessels in distress can be tracked. When a ship in distress is abandoned, either person
carrier or leave this EPIRB on board (which is float free) then it starts transmitting automatically. It
can be manually activated also. Signals to the Satellites will alert the Search and Rescue centre.

Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTs)

Search And Rescue Transponders are radar transponders for detecting vessels/survival craft which are
in distress. These are operating in 9 GHz frequency band and when triggered by a radar, send out a 12
blip codes/dots (response signals) in the line of direction of the abandoned vessel/lifeboat away from

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the target or outward from the SART's position along its line of bearing displayed in the PPI (Plan
Position Indicator). This is a signal for a vessel in distress and assistance can be provided. When the
vessel starts proceeding towards this SART and at a distance of 1 mile then it gives a circular band
signal (wider arc becoming a circle)
Means- it is time for slowing down manoeuvring. The SART also gives an audible and visual warning
when it is interrogated by Radar so the survivors are also aware that somebody is nearby. It operates in
a temperature range of -20°C to t55°C.
Every ship has to carry one onboard and kept in such a location so that it can be readily placed in
survival craft in an emergency. It is kept in the survival craft at a distance of 1 m above the sea level
(when abandoned) so that at the distance of 5 miles it can be detected by radar. A well mounted SART
in moderate conditions of weather is capable of giving a detection range of over 10 nautical miles.

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Communicating with the helicopter

It is a standard requirement that aircraft engaged in marine operations are fitted with a VHF radio with
channel 16 and at least two other working frequencies. This becomes the normal method of
communications between stations involved. The deck landing officer should ideally be equipped with a
portable transceiver with noise excluding headset and boom microphone. The ships bridge being
similarly equipped with a marine VHF radio under GMDSS regulations.

Direct contact between both ship and aircraft should commence with positive identification followed
by the confirmation by the ship's Master as to the nature of the operation. General particulars relating
to the ships current position, course and speed should be passed to the helicopter. Additional
information, on closing the rendezvous, may include any or all of the following: weather conditions at
the surface, wind direction and force, sea state, state of visibility, barometric pressure, ship's name, call
sign, description of ship, type of ship and any other operational details regarding the readiness of the
ship. The area should be well lit in case of darkness and should be free of any obstructions. Operation
of a helicopter depends on circumstances of the bad weather conditions and visibility. The master of
the vessel in distress must have efficient communication between all parties, is essential so that rescue
operation can be carried out in an efficient manner to the distressed victims.

Evacuation from ship and survival craft

It is often the case with rescue operations that injured parties are present and that the level of injuries
will dictate the method of evacuation or rescue. The use of the single strop is well practiced; provided
the survivor can be airlifted in this manner Then it is a normal practice to adopt this method. The use
of the strop about a physically fit and able perspn should not cause too much discomfort, but may not
fit the body too well if the individual is wearing a lifejacket. Where a person is injured a stretcher may
be employed, of which there are several types in current use. When an injured party is to be hoisted by
a stretcher, he or she should still be strapped into a lifejacket if the case permits.
The lifeboat should be maintained at maximum speed with the wind approximately 2030” on the port
bow. All aerials should be struck and loose objects secured inside the boat. With the exception of one
man outside (enclosed craft) all other personnel should be seated inside the boat with lap straps
secured. Enclosed craft should have all access points and hatches closed and secure.

Upon receiving emergency or distress signals

Any ship, which receives a distress call, needs to proceed with all speed towards the distress ship for
saving of life. When such signal is received, plot the position of the ship and ascertain the distance and
the course to steam towards it so that the master can make a decision quickly. The decision to proceed
for assistance is taken by the Master however, he may sometimes decide not to go towards distressed
ship because:

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 The ship has already received or is about to receive the assistance required and he has been so
informed, or
 He is relieved of this duty by the SAR authorities
 The condition of his own ship is such that, it is practically impossible for him to proceed for
assistance owing to own limitations, regarding amount of fuel remaining on board or other
restricting factors such as draft.

Whether the ship proceeds to assist or not the following shall be carried out and logged:
a. Acknowledge the call and note down the position and whatever information you have received. It is
very important for the people on the distressed ship to know that others know of their distress.
b. Retransmit the distress call giving required details, if you happen to be the first one to have received
the distress call or you think that appropriate rescuing or coordinating authorities are still unaware of
the distress. The distressed vessel may not be able to do this that effectively.
c. Be standby in convenient position or proceed to an intermediate position if advised by SAR
coordinating authorities. It may be possible that only your ship is able to provide a particular kind of
assistance, e.g. Food, water, medical help etc.

Unidentified or suspiciously manoeuvred vessels in vicinity

Much has been written regarding piracy, theft etc on merchant ships. Many rules have been made in
this respect. Your ship carries instructions in this respect. Study them and follow them. Most actions
require being prepared and ready. Pirates and similar persons are armed these days and any resistance
is not recommended once they have boarded. Principle action therefore is called for in not allowing
them to board.
It has been observed that pirates normally attack between 0100h and 0600h. They normally use fast
boats mostly unlit.
Pirates normally prefer 'soft targets i.e. ships which are not taking anti-piracy precautions, where crew
appears to be slack. Hence, it is advisable to light up the ship to an extent so that it does not interfere
with normal bridge watch keeping. The crew should move around while keeping anti-piracy watches
in such a manner that someone observing from outside the ship can see them. This will indicate to the
prospective pirates that the ships crews are alert and they will then try to find another target for their
Ships must draw up a security plan, which must also be implemented in advance. Searchlights, bells,
whistle etc. may be used to indicate it to these boats that they have been spotted.
Deck water may be kept running at hawse pipes. Main deck water also may be started. More men may
be called and the security plan should be followed. Course and speed is altered to benefit and the
police/port control / authorities are informed about the impending attack so that they may render
The saying, "Prevention is better than cure" is most fitting in case of sea piracy. If pirates threaten
the ship or if unauthorized persons are likely to board the vessel, following actions should be taken:
 Prevent the unauthorised persons from boarding the vessel by using all means at your disposal.
This may include use of fire hoses. Once they are successful in boarding, they will overpower
the ship's crew and it is advisable not to resist after the ship has been boarded.
 Seal off accesses as per security plan.

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 Lock up deckhouses and areas easily accessible.

 Pirates normally throw a rope with a hook on to the gunwales and then climb up when the hook
is caught on the gunwale. Seamen must be careful not to get hit by hooks and to cut the rope
immediately. A sharp knife is required for this purpose. A powerful jet of deck water may be
used for preventing the pirates climbing up the ropes.
 Shore authorities and ships in vicinity are informed at earliest.
 Security plan must consider a secure area. Such secure area must be effectively sealed from
inside and it should also have an emergency escape to prevent the crew from being trapped
 It is advisable not to keep too much cash on board and particularly in the safe.

(SAQ-Self Assessment Questions)

Read the instructions relating to Pirates and armed robbery available on board, and note the same in
your technical journal,
Name a few areas which are prone to pirate attacks.

Helicopter pick-up
The helicopter will approach from a downwind direction and off the port side of the boat, at a height of
about 40 meters above the surface. Pre-hoist and winch checks will be carried out by the aircraft prior
to engagement. The helicopter would expect to lower a frogman and close station on the surface craft.
Not all search and rescue authorities employ the use of a frogman and some aircraft may only send the
rescue strop or basket, etc., on the end of the hoist wire. If a frogman is employed, he would land on
the survival craft and disconnect himself from the hoist wire. It may be appropriate for the person in-
charge of the boats to reduce the speed to provide a more stable platform for landing the frogman in
the event of bad weather. It would be expected that the frogman would organize the evacuation of the
boat by either single or double lift, depending on the circumstances.
Would-be survivors are expected to follow the instructions of the aircrew when involved in hoisting
operations. Up to this point the boat in-charge is in full command of the boat and personnel would be
expected to remain seated with lap strap secured until ready for evacuation to the aircraft. If total
evacuation of the boat is not achieved with a single aircraft passage the boat should be returned to its
normal sea condition to await the aircraft's return. If a boat is without motive power the sea anchor
should be streamed. Although the sea anchor will reduce the rate of drift, boat crews can expect
considerable movement as the craft yaws from side to side, affected by the downdraft from the
helicopter rotors.

The correct use of helicopter harness

In case of single strop, the hook handle ensure that the strop is placed correctly. The strop should be
positioned under the armpits and toggle should be drawn down wards. The person should stand
directly under the winch of the aircraft in a vertical posture.

(SAO - Self Assessment Questions)

Study the IAMSAR manual and identify the responsibilities of the ship receiving a distress call.

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