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The invention of computers started the revolution of Information Technology (IT) in

the world, bringing modern concepts into the world. In the past few decades, offices,
factories and business adopted computers to enhance their performance. The next were the
households to adopt the computers as their new form of entertainment. Today, computers,
along with Internet technology are being introduced into hospitals to enhance the
performance of the medical facilities.

Hospitals today are bringing computers closer to the health care professionals and
closer to the patients in order to increase efficiency, but also increase accuracy. Computers
are often wall-mounted or deployed at all nurses’ stations within a hospital in order to ensure
that patients’ charts are more easily accessible and updated more accurately. Computers may
also be mounted on medical carts with secure medication dispensing systems that ensure that
patients receive the right medications at the right time, every time – reducing the chance of
error and increasing patient safety. These same computers mounted on carts can be used to
interact with the patients at their bedside, displaying lab and radiological results, and
engaging patients in private real-time discussions with their doctors regarding their diagnosis
and treatment.

Other areas within the hospital are increasing their computer use as well. Laboratory
facilities and radiological departments use computers to conduct tests, but also enter results
into patients’ medical records. Doctors may collaborate with other specialists and colleagues
outside the hospital using telemedicine – a computer-based communication and data sharing
system. Administrative departments, medical billing departments and the reception desk or
information center all use computers to keep the hospital running. Going forward, every
department within a hospital facility will be using computers, with software that ties
everything into one system within the hospital and external to the hospital: collaborators,
insurance providers, laboratories, testing facilities, and patients themselves.



The term computer is used for any device that may be employed to computer or
calculate. It is an electronic device that receives input, stores it for a period of time, operating
it according to a set of instructions and gives the user with an output. It is an electronic device
that converts data into information. Computers can store, manipulate and retrieve large
amount of information quickly and efficiently. Information stored in the computers may be
transmitted through telecommunication links from one end to the either end.

Computers are important for more quantitative, than qualitative, data collection,
storage, and retrieval . Special features are speed and accuracy and storage of large amount of
data. Computers can be classified into large, small, and mini types based on their storage
(memory) capacities and processing speeds.


Computer system is the combination of hardware and software. A computer

system that collects, stores, processes, retrieve, display and communicate timely information.
It has memory and set of states that define the relationship between systems input and output.
The basic parts of computer system are hardware and software.


Hardware is the part of the computer that we can touch and see (for example keyboard,
mouse etc). It is the group of physical equipment or devices forming the computer
system. The common hardware is:

 Monitor – It is the display screen, similar to television screen.

 The keyboard – It is what you type on, similar to typewriter.
 The mouse – It is the small hand held device that attaches to the
computer. It may have two or three buttons. The mouse is used to move
the cursor on the computer screen.
 The computer, tower, or case – This is the heart of the system.
 The printer – The printer is a device that puts what you have created on
to paper.
 The scanner – It is a device that captures pictures so that they can be seen
and used on the computer, similar to a colour photocopier.


The software of the computer system that we cannot touch. It is very important part of the
computer. The software is all the programming that makes the computer run and
controlling that computer does. There are two kinds of software that help the computer
run ; operating system and application.


It is the base programs on a computer. It tells the computer how to work or operate. The
operating system also allows to load other programs that do specialized tasks on to
computer eg: Microsoft windows , apple’s , Mac OS .

These are programs put on to the computer to do specialized tasks eg; word and word
perfect which is used to type letters and explorer and Netscape which is used to explore
the Internet.

A Computer system has simple input /output system. The functional units are input,
process unit and output unit.

Input unit transfers the information from outside to the memory also known as
storage unit. Required calculations and / or logical operations are performed in Arithmetic
or logic unit (ALU). The results of those are stored in the memory. The relevant
information is transmitted to the output unit from memory.

The output unit transfers the information to outside document like printed paper,
terminal etc. Each unit functions under the supervision of control unit.

Physically the main component of a computer is the central processing (CPU). The
CPU contains control unit , memory unit and arithmetic or logic unit.


Before the widespread use of computers , many organizations found difficulties in

gathering , storing, organizing and distributing large amount of data and information.
Developments in computer technology made possible for managers to select the
information they require, in the form best suited for their needs and in time they want.
The computer is used in acquiring , organizing, manipulating and presenting information.
The purposes of use of computers are as follows:


 To support management in their work through providing relevant information for their
decision – making.
 To aid organizations in the processing of data in to accurate , well presented , up – to-
date and cost effective information.
 To develops strategic plans for the organization related to human resource , medical
record management , facilities management , budget and financing ,quality assurance
and utilization reviews and accreditation .


 Computers enable nurses to quickly access important information about health

or illness and treatment plan from electronic health record.
 Helps in prescribing medication, medication cross- referencing and the
recording of patient health data in the electronic health record.
 Nurses can access patients information such as laboratory test and X-ray
results and health reports from other health care team members to give the best
care possible to them.
 Nurses can record patients health information, treatments and progress for
ready access and use by other health team members.
 Nurses may use the computer to research nursing practice data bases , libraries
and best practice resources to obtain important information related to nursing
diagnosis and care.
 To reduce medical and nursing errors and the problems associated with such
errors .


Computer networks are being used in innovative ways in home setting.

 A computer placed in high risk client’s home allows them to access information on a
variety of health topics.
 They can record data about their health status that can be transmitted to the health
care providers at the central network computer.
 Home alerts system allows patient to signal base station in an emergency.
 Advances telenursing/ telehealth.


Computers can be used

 To identify problems , review literature, research design and other steps of research
 To evaluate and determine the trends of health problems and needs for providers with
specific skills.
 Development of nursing knowledge management and knowledge generation.


Computer assisted and computer based education is very effective in teaching. ICT
illustrates th growth in advancing in nursing education.


 Assist in administering nursing services and sources in a health care institutions.

 To manage standardize patient care information for delivery of patient care.
 Link the resource and educational application to nursing practices.
 To classify patient for nursing staffing.
 To manage nursing personnel.
 To administer quality assurance program.


 Improve and facilitate access to information.
 Reduce redundancy of data entry.
 Decrease the time needed for nursing documentation.
 Increase the time nursing care directly to clients.
 Facilitate data collection for research.
 Improve communication and reduce the risk of error.
 Work for decision making.


A network is a group of two or more computer systems linked together. There are many
types of computer networks, including :

 Local – area networks (LANs) : The computers are geographically close together
( that is, in the same building).
 Wide – area networks (WANs) : The computers are farther apart and connected bye
telephone lines or radio waves.
 Campus – area networks ( CANs) : The computers are within a limited geographic
area, such as a campus or military base.
 Metropolitan – area networks (MATs) : A data network designed for a town or city.
 Home – area networks (HANs) : A network contained within a user’s home that
connects a person’s digital devices.

Computers on a network are sometimes called nodes. Computers and devices that
allocate resources for a network are called servers.


1. Information application : Television , virtual reality and multimedia applications like

3D Graphics , Robotics.
2. Telecommunication applications : Videoconferencing, EFT (Electronic Funds
Transfers), BBS ( Bulletin Board System),
FAX, Medicine, Publication and Accounting applications of telecommunication.


When it comes to importance of computers in Hospitals, it is undoubtedly an
important aspect to keep in the pace of the technologically advanced world. Healthcare is
again a field where technology has made things lot better and increased the efficiency in
patient care. Below are some of the points which highlight the uses of computers in hospitals.
Storage of Patient Data: For any organization proper and systematic storage of information
is a mandate requirement. Nurses can use computers to take down and store notes of the
patients, as they observe their condition while on rounds. As the supervised rounds involve a
lot of patients and a lot of information, using a computerized personal digital assistant makes
it easier to access the right medical information at the right time instead of carrying a bunch
of paper work and then take time to search the piece of paper to access information when you
need to be quick, efficient and accurate.

Computerized Presentations: We all would agree that computerized power point

presentations are much more efficient and has more impact on the receiver when it comes to
presenting data. Even in the field of nursing education, computers help the nursing
tutors/educators to present the large and complicated detailed form of data, which of course is
a part of the medical study, in a very simplified and effective form. When speaking of uses of
computers in medicine, features like power point presentations, slide shows, and videos are
used to present medical procedures and techniques for better understanding of complex
medical procedures and their treatments.

Teaching nurses through Simulations: The field of medicine involves the concept of
"hands-on work". I mean be it a doctor or a nurse, countless procedures are done on patients
regularly. Nursing education therefore, must involve a lot of practice programs to make the
students efficient to face the real life scenario. Computer programs which enable simulate
such procedures therefore are of great use.

Computerized Self Evaluation: Computers also contribute and help the students know their
strengths and weaknesses. There are many computerized quiz and medical tests with
immediate feedback that can help you brush and develop your medical facts and requirements
without any delay. Your queries are solved, you know the answers and you know where you
stand. A regular use of such computer applications definitely makes you more equipped and
well researched for your field.

Interactive Learning: Among the uses of computers in education, the most appealing and
outstanding feature of computer based education is that it gives boost to interactive learning.


Using computers in health care can improve the quality and effectiveness of care and reduce
its cost. However, adoption of computerized clinical information systems in health care lags
behind use of computers in most other sectors of the economy.

Improved Quality Automated hospital information systems can help improve quality of care
because of their far-reaching capabilities.

Hospital information systems (HMS) in a hospital can combine the use of computers for
storing and transferring information with using them for giving advice to solve clinical

In addition to alerting physicians to abnormal and changing clinical values, computers can
generate reminders for physicians.
For complex problems, computer workstations can integrate patient records, research plans,
and knowledge databases.

Computers and databases can be used to compare expected results with actual results and to
help physicians make decisions.

The lives of patients can be improved if they use computer systems to obtain information,
make difficult decisions, and contact experts and support groups.

Decreased Costs When a physician orders a test by computer, it can automatically display
information that promotes cost-effective testing and treatment.


Computers are being included in hospitals and medical clinics throughout the world. Some
uses of computers in hospitals and clinics have been described in the following paragraphs.

Application of Computers in Hospitals

Importance of computers in medicine is growing and spreading rapidly. The only
disadvantage is that a full fledged installation of all the computerized systems in hospitals is a
lengthy and costly process. There are however, some hospital systems which already work on
the basis of computers. Here's an explanation to all such systems, which work on

Uses of Computers in Hospitals:

a. Medical Data
Every day hospitals and clinics which are attached to it churn out enormous volumes of data
regarding patients, ailments, prescriptions, medications, medical billing details, etc. Such
medical records, are now a day‘s recorded into medical billing software. Such mammoth
databases are known as Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Electronic Health Records
(EHR). These databases are operated by a set of computers and servers, and come in handy
during medical alerts and emergencies. The concept of EHR is a bit broader than the EMR, as
the database is accessible from different clinics and hospitals. Thus, a patient's medical
history can be retrieved from any hospital by medical practitioners.
b. Medical Imaging
'Tests' are medical procedures where specified components of the human body are scanned. A
test can be as simple as a regular blood test or it can be a complex CT /MRI scan. This
process is often referred to as a medical imagery. In order to increase the precision of such
procedures, computers have been adopted and integrated into the testing equipment. The
Ultrasound and the MRI are the best examples where computers have been adopted, in order
to make the process faster and precise. Thus medical tests and tools have become more
advanced as a result of the use of computers.

c. Medical Examination
Many systems are underway for the development of medical monitoring which will help
humans to properly monitor their own health. In many cases doctors and surgeons also use
sophisticated computer aided equipment to treat their patients. Such systems and procedures
include, bone scan procedure, prenatal ultrasound imaging, blood glucose monitors, advanced
endoscopy which is used during surgery and blood pressure monitors. Basically these
medical tests and tools provide significant convenience to medical practitioners. You will
find that major laboratory equipment and heart rate monitors have already been computerized
in many hospitals.

Advantages of Computers in Hospitals

There are significant advantages of using computers in hospitals. The importance of
computers in hospitals has also increased drastically due to the fact that the procedures have
to be speedy to cater to a larger population and the medical services have to be more precise.

To sum up, the advantages of computers in hospitals can be summarized as follows:

 Precise 'tests' and medical examinations

 Faster medical alerts, which are more accurate time-wise

 Enhanced data about a patient‘s medical history

 Precision in diagnosis

 Precision in billing

 Automated updating of medical history

The possibility of computers uses in the medical field are endless, facilitating medical help to
hospitals and clinics all across the globe. I hope that the elaboration of the uses of computers
in hospitals is resourceful.


1. A prospective case series study was conducted by Robert A R To develop,

implement, and evaluate a computer alert system designed to correct errors that might
lead to ades and to detect adverse effects before maximum injury occurs in A 650-bed
community teaching hospital in Phoenix, Ariz. Consecutive sample of 9306 non
obstetrical adult patients admitted during the last 6 months. Thirty-seven drug-specific
adverse effects were targeted. Our hospital information system was programmed to
generate alerts in clinical situations with increased risk for ADE-related injury. A
clinical system was developed to ensure physician notification of alerts. During the 6-
month study period, the alert system fired 1116 times and 596 were true-positive
alerts. The alerts identified opportunities to prevent patient injury secondary to
adverse effects at a rate of 64 per 1000 admissions. A total of 265 (44%) of the 596
true-positive alerts were unrecognized by the physician prior to alert notification.
2. A descriptive study was conducted by Carlene J C and Dorothea E M on Computer Literacy of
Nurses in a Community Hospital: Where Are We Today? Study conducted in licensed
registered nurses at a community hospital was completed to measure self-perceived
computer literacy. The Gassert/McDowell Computer Literacy Survey was used. The Pearson
correlation was used to assess for a relationship between year of birth and computer literacy
scores. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were conducted to assess for a relationship
between educational level and computer literacy scores. The result show that nurses had
little to no experience with nearly half of the items surveyed. A moderately positive
correlation was seen between year of birth and computer literacy. The correlation between
nurses’ educational level and computer literacy was found to be statistically significant (p
≤ .05)


 Jogindra vati. Principles and practice of nursing management and administration for
BSc& MSc nursing, newdelhi jaypee publication
 Anoop. N nursing management(according to indian syllabus)
 Raschke RA, Gollihare B, Wunderlich TA, Guidry JR, Leibowitz AI, Peirce JC,
Lemelson L, Heisler MA, Susong C. A computer alert system to prevent injury from
adverse drug events: development and evaluation in a community teaching hospital.
Jama. 1998 Oct 21;280(15):1317-20.
 Campbell CJ, McDowell DE. Computer literacy of nurses in a community hospital:
where are we today?. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. 2011 Aug

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