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jal! =| Gachoterion cod ha, 4b x 10% dength of ONA Gy] Gactenfophage BX 174 hare 5386 nucleo’ des Atsu ure Soe Lae charn - __- an CHAPTER — © a es MOLECULAR BASIS OF INHERITANCE. 9? ( (lamba Backewlop ha A has 48502 bare parr Happtold. content 94 human PNA is 33X10 p A nucteott a baste unit 0 potynuctes Hide chown Be oR) RNA “i -f Zack yuctestide bo compared _ o| 2 om nowt cy Nithregenous base Se ell rau) phptfehet oe zi a cit) Penkose gate Covibore — RNA D deo ateEg -ONA) - : j ww _Nihogen hose a the ies 4 2 ett: Bees os a rurinn “CA-, G) A ist a om ae ° —_ ees alae g ent ee vihogonov base. _te_acttached fo Hus entose sugax sagas Ne aide nd___dinkage te Porm a anual z —tetie Ble INGA 2 cancas printer ct — Shine _phrouphate 98 fa th st pnts Vinkage. ‘yormed hatin | Augos and_phos hake oni: Pe boty nurctenticts — chain and _nithoge The _daltonk ae His Doutle - hel& sas ! PNA Our As a] eh mate o| Roe pel nucleotide, thafy wher - poukbors Baie ter rattle anlaby fuga. = phosphate ond the _bases pasjeet inirdlenDiG : diy || The! two chorns have ani = me means Tinton» Meola. how Hecpuc oo 7 and 0 hos a> 5”. = (iy || TH bose» + tee shad ou paired tinaugh 4% pond _frsnming bast _polvs bp" Adenine Bore AUBIN OA Adenine forms two hydrogen bond wilt Mute fron 7 waite trond ond Suonine Us bonded » with cytosine vice Vere. Almilar 7 H-bond wit % once» Ak O& vequlk ) ea, pumos omer ite bo ea : tee p stmidine » Thi genewator a ee Te | Nimlor. ano sheroamiseae shard eae | The Chowms cure twiled in’ a ae jashazn || The Frole | Ue hex vw 34 hm my nanomebeee < a: ao and thers ae how (0 bp in eact Huan | er to opal pes es hatin 14 a | # equot’ stevo.34nm + nth « w asa sg aos oven He ott i pe STs in Vadditubms to Mcbonee tondees a fue beticod shauetuis * i319 th pgp ie eee ° Comrat dogma oh @ Moleeutox Biotogy ee Ps ick pe oHoL em Hye centro dog Woe foie e ae foto igenmaer = flows fom PNA sera £5 het mRNA protein ey 24s Pockag’ ta lA 0S waome g Foacdgirg ef PP Te Ps kangen ) 2a -2n__prokasdores quash on E- coli) te fe no worm : fo ONA ic _prosent fn an region caved — ee oid ' 2 35 as vagatively ahosugedt Drive fe po fled # elven gong a wine amare acid Aa shite i ed _non- ieee baste posters 5 PEIN un Erte eee —erganfsd fn fange foo hoy boid bs proteins aa akties PSS 4: 8} na mS eu feu, a1 Si -eulcastgoten Han anrzahion of DNB is H Comtex fombausd to rokanuyotea 2 14 Q eck 6 C4ve) fee changed haste te peiein _cautag histone C Protantine AHO) . i A protein eeeeues ehauge due te abundance o Hacc Sivas dauemn gel cae side chafin Mh hictone _protefna much moy amin oe “with fn amino acid void hm + ftiqininel) wie Hat omens acid cauuies Cx¥e) en tn Hufy dfs chat {Msser ase ae erd i oe feast proteins Jean WRr H SASBSUHNB 1 pHa? Hy Fou gt Hem we ete prodivce | eae new - bo Mee Negatively t-ve) Mae Geve) ty Mss ed ouround __CUmert twit. swith a C1 and Siu feusens) dfameter bap Repeating unt ne ie Pera fn Tun aie Pp Which ie K thread ith - ka The _chvomatin 2 pacicecl fn afr uetuce TOnm Baas our eid! Strout , ce bi is Kameron - Se attneic Purchase ee COP LPH Zot 2 ee te ee es jiore jiore C | nweteosome = 280 bb). Based on Hie thafue | ype et, dhyomatin fibre - | OD Xuelyomaterr cil) Hekenoehromatin | cucWuomatin Ueno nee : Z © hopscla, asics) Tn Intex Pensety, packed fn inte F Phase hase Bightty shatned Gd paukty «hafhed » Trani uiptawy ackue Traweripiathy Pracrive Repetive. gene G Rojoriver Gotu cutee Phas ow absent {gene whic co note tode Aa He ws = “d _- @ | Transtor PrAPret pot i- [ee ~ || Predeat ryt (1428) condtuted expeument with Abuep tocoe ws neumoniae Csuotind in thebe = || He obsenved _ two TR-Type 3 witout =|) Whue Fs ren mice,” e Hhay aied | d into nice. ii = || Wren & Parmee ai—emvives cies ee aii era aeemcttiediaefype!* colin mixed usity & 2 [fice died due fe unex ected — He - condusted’ thot heat killed S- panjoguuede —— be ea ea a ane Coausi eS posuronnl survived. " ond hive Sa type cella weue © blaine) of the P-type, becteuiow Into S- Hype. yp shratn tre bactesiam , one lorming eotonfer FE S-Type d wilh capeutt » while, bh As NG but hi wor net able to undeastand Hue cause 4 tri, boctauia hangor mation ae V = Tranlormoatfen = si 3 Be ——____ He ton Hhtiow ey Con ° - tn Hy sicily Organism by plekeing Up — genes fpoacn 1 = = al Yyemar na ot iit (eon venice Th Fas w eangs fr the Gow we! Biochemical mene enonme _ fran foreng X Poirefpie = a - Me tasdy — = Oxwald, Cetin Maclend and Maclyn., vebeated _€xpediment fa-vibo untem Courside Htoboratory ) i _ordea te deteumine brochemfeo! nakine 6) banilorming inet ple d : treated $-%hafn wilh RNAae r proteases and 2h _DNAates jor cheeking en ae i d “pet S— steam + RNA ase —— died nice+@ — straw + Proteases —— > atied qicet+ 2—- Ahram . + DNAaxse rail eine. Oe Parse, fer DNA as the Qenekio material “oe us w fo) expurmrent on bacterdobphos fo__ffrove tho DNA TA the genetfe matesiat . 1952). | Proceduce = LT: bactunnophouy, xP biwwa = | Lome eat Seg tebe Wweue modtum Septatn fentafo Roasacecal 5 ioe \ | (¥a2) ond home mn canoer m jum witr vadioactive _- i Se i _Visuter _grouon. in the presence 4 nadtoaative ve asatpast pontclin radfoacH ve _prete’n hi one Visues qsourn tu the presen : of vadfoocH ve prosphowes & _gontaine radioactive DNA ae Polk tHe radioactive Viseuues type wort eles “fo infect ecole Z Se | hoon _ afte Tujection aes eee cells wenn qe agitated it Whe lence, to vemove, vine cle octane eke . ie at a | Thee cetkure wor ‘culse +o gent. rm ioe ae Wine) [pestis ecw bosteuot Ke xs Obsewatiews and eae F Z J. Only — reecbion ct ve, {pba Aeris wax How) fo be associated ; ; ' or wit posteciat cel, wher, sacladHve euthlure poor only funnel Tn ewncoundling | medium hot In the” bhetev' colt - a Be] tein Hat DNA it tu qenctic matewias rohich ed peor vivusr to bactewon and mot _ protein = Bacto fophage, ————— t raw Rodionerive ("P) “Radioactive CPs) _ Iabetted PNA Labelted prcteir opal TS T —_||_ ! No vrodfoactive Tn catty = =F Radipactive (75S) \ fn gu paunatan! z - mate innate ' a3 ble to genrore Ys wn rah Weake_ be telat and pone ens houtd be able to ial eee and gnaduel sab cated mutation which” rubs woo || tas Vawiatiows + z —@)O shourd be able to 4 Sein a een whide - Ll fe Beheutted ©} we. thous be able to _@ebross Tseh Sn tee form of mendatian shawachos : «| RNA oo a elo ts singh ahanded Awority) & ae not Jottow chengely> || Se MA BEE genetic makenials RNA behave a a catatyst as pees RNA can Kyntheriza PNA C reuse eee. Peeealimemeed iNet i pniaes os cnevaluaol frome RNA SS | Back bene el RNA fh made. 4p A) afbese ku gate ond = = 2 ae fase medium wil | novmal ammentum ehtoride trw) and took Hy. | fdambles ab youtous aE wot SPAN cl Be aay i The exhacted DNA wee couri}ug ed ond aco | to ge theiv denmikes : | Te DNA _exhosted from Hu euthue alten or 1 Jennaton ef harbour orm Nig madiin do. Ane SyncOUMMEEnaltese TWOIMis I alowed: own ltribenmedlat DS eecllens ei “mec Saat | The NA’ exhoed from the lt aston g genuiatie os 4o min J showed Tranentbtfonad unit + =| consists of regions in _DNA 1) Rvomotoy - ff fs He bindfng cite ie E __ RNA polymerase a for tw iWiHa own ch sae traneribHon - = a 2) Sour) gents — TE endex lov enzyrna 7 poten | __4ov dans unchonds., i ; if ES IRIN Ouro ics T+ 14 He weqfons coher en i ends - a ! | a} Tronceription toss cite 1 = {Du OWA frdapendent ena apna “hala nae Na lication by Corey zi: He potymes! = Fovtfov tn _ ont ainesFion’ (ere ro = Te PNA Kang dat aan het Pena: os _temblake and Tx Avice 5 x teespinte fo te |e creer whiebe choes @& not t trancucped 16 cated j ag) thrand and has polasut ty 5-3? and its _ Aegsrenee 14 4ame As jhat of m RNA a Me _puomotey is Located fowauds 5" upstream of _ Khe todfng dhands ae = o}_PNA Located _fowauds th 2 downstream | eh of the cea shands j, cated teuminator x Trranserip Honey oe “and es oe al TW Aeqmewt pf PNA ew oy OL epHde oe carted — cistrone | att 4p if x Een amNY Oe a Me transesiption nit posens On | steuwctuial gene tpeaiffe oy oo _tingee potype Thus ik 4 ae ymerwro cis hone oe =| Sr otk hes He mehsoneniphiews pla penessing e Hae bt RUACUAOS meen ei rae poly ps puss ne they oner eres poly dahonic * ; = | & .The ge “Fn erkasyotes _ contains We an: gp a exbremek sequanes _ Of DNA catiad 2£xons - | xpressive (aaa PNA carted innont: ~ Le _m RNR Contains © exon bub No jnhons [Ea Trameription ia * Transeri prow t" Anies oles + ia =|0 He dbrrebon ¢ \ 2 nw prokeuotes oe 4 poly sities and conHinwiow * sv ste in Bactewian Hu tvanser! bHiona Ol, a 5 hypes of, RNA omens, FRNA FRNA) is oaraty ees bey Aingke ona daperd ene es ied ee — RNA ___potyen eee - ac =| The bameribHen 14 Compl Sei 2 i. = sr platy adapt @_Thifation | | © Elongation ® Paituslten | Gutifators *- 7 ~ | & «peal ie dignals , the RNA polyrnenate bends Ie | Prometer and © ini Hates han eription ~ | en promoter negfon tn clon t funbiove) wut) is Aeognized by “e' gubef unit ef e orem. ena . | petymenase in ee ee set peoeese nomena! bop. wow ot we. . ~ Ts He. auociation forms _ aan yn ination. ad eae aL sic pet ses __did_ | Gon: plea eas APC R IY clsia a] ar menore alter the iniHabion of hancrips At ~ ths Som” Jactoy’ and pelymenizer te Fibo hueles Holes cued 0M _ Lomblementani ty a The eta tiymotare movers ako transeri)Hona? oe Saeed so o] DNA helix RNA ClymeMare __ Yeachsr Hus teemination Hi fit separated Joon | 4 0 Ferutt — nasent 6 A Ai ni nao a I ae He Joxtor ” a = See ee ee A z ee ele moat » MRNA doe nok Yaquives ans} precessin i both Ese Lc and fpanslaHore oceus tr We uytotome Jr can be sald that transori pier eee eee 5, Aa and Fanstated dover} 4 M dawnt : rh f1 DNA HELIX. Tw fue s ‘into ~ Peay mec 5 : a ———S aE eee aug id a oo Polymarat ¢ SoH Sn eukauyores i=) a a. ea Teck inane odin. au aoe siete: eu 4 tronsenibtiow | Te dimPtere to that in _ x wee pio in nieces — aa ~_= || \toafng ae nees called gxons Porn fla pour a mend and venecsolin zoquence, _oatted futrons _ || aur _vemnoved_ =a RNA es - : s = || t US RNA fot pmieoes Le Hevind Pe - is s : ee ch. RD potyrnenane eb a : ae || ft pamertbes RNAS « (ESTO (Ac) eee die RNA ee TW = fransenibes the preenor ret, mena (Ccaued genous Austen RNA o7 a * bnRnad - i ese pegs a PSO tian sts Th) enwn pewymenase Tr _tantenfbes ERNA FE gma I yutleo RNAS be SnRNA Denes © || Port janaseer?) era modi] feations ‘- = —fofmauy __transei biz Que __hor net FO nad ote ony reine ‘both the — todlfng —— ee 1 fatrons tin = The hnRNA siragoas 2 addfHono a atleg nin ping and tar ting ; en d ANG ott T% SSP Pn 1 OH UnUsuol nucleotide mi ena, uanosine ‘triphosphate ) fs adlcted to fre Brena ‘ So] hnRne ~ fn thin ane & esta Ca00> =a00) Que a added da aend [i oo 2 temblate, Ind epencdont _ manne - vith the Wotp of =| Now Hu hnRNA deugoes a hrrocerses ” wharce | 7. - Tntrons aus "exons Gust fofned to own mRNA the bro = roca Cotedt Apicing . ———}_ fI rv + Riva eplicnay e | prospheryioss alo heth in Pet merixing, RNA with ae eee 3b a Lee Taotepenclent ao Code ~ : e oe 12 Aelatfonstip, on mRNA anal betweon the Acqutanee. ey nucleotide eegisence, 6) amino actdt in the is pie Nes peor “4 Cattes! Genetic ede - oe ee! et Jamous_, Pap aya eeucee ema Onan bases fn eal ane code [pris doramting) otal ar there ate oy 4 bases EF 4? CUxux4) — Y = 64 J) which cools Jo amino aalds . , go i fodon if o tefbiet Hose, Gobind __Khorana develobed chernfcot method _ ow x mbaek ino RNA molerer with Atline d _ bare "combination .to develo tie _genskic code + | Mearehar Nirenbexa 's cnti|Pemtay cyntnazized [olen te undemtand the ee codons . = | Swero Ochoa demonshated thot nucteattde t a — featwues © matic coco ase é Lpate 0 ( 8 64 eocdont , Ol codons lea : Lo and 3 codons do not TUAG J code doy Or amine acid ee cota a7 odlert alia anaes loons + codes fer ont One pasefeutane amino acfl , honce thu code 14 un ambiguous and Kbeooklfo - ( YUU, = til, dome "amino acid aur coded} more thon One toden, , hence. the coda 6 dlegenesearte - aw) | The wodon % vead fm mente | fh o carat wens | ashtons » There Aue ho. pun ctuatfons Gnd Hy | tha cods 4 tone = tars D (i Tua cody fe noo univewsel oak te a seh —|_c0oden todas jor te sare amino aefol fh aly ai al ergarscms _excebt fn___mito chonolsator and fue —— ————t =payys ee ES Wi) | AUG fk a duod neHon eodon + Tt eoctys He —|_methfonfne (met) “a fr) abso cunt ay —____TafHfator _todon . © | Mutatfou 84> TRNAS We adore moterules Si Francis Cree Biaerass He presence Sf a {__meleente s uslieh Could Yeats thet esdin on Ona 2 and oon i the _bothen cand Weld bind to He —— 1—Apeaitic Amino arid I However) ERMA» ‘woou Knows before. ‘genetic cade _ CYelere baele), tia || vow postert ii i ees RNA CT gotubie si | RNAD. SAME Nias ect an io hob ten Moles, war Fborted Atouteturer Eh tRNA te eloves tia} ke tecamy gtootie dopi O4 J eompack ftmvetted L-" ghopool molousrter LERNA hax 5 aums ©) Te serondoe but ree sh i Loops _ D= beep _, volifde Vautalle Loep am GL Anitcodon Loep , which hos basen ee Bo Bee cod =! és pais mw Pes acceptor as to whieh © “E=-Leep i mobic helbs Sm binding +o aibesome o. © Ps tn bind fag aminoacyl eyutretare. | Rook {RNA tk gheoflfo Jor a pautfaurtax amino waft A eot|ic +RNA Jor futtatfon i catied fnfHator +RNA : : = || Tho fa no +RNA: jor _4teb coclons |i @ | Translation ‘- Sate 4 process ef Auyntraste of frotefin Foe ARNE! ith the _hetp of atheroma. o— Bl, Re na Ta mRNA from 5! = 8) tomprises Of a Arouuk/ codon _, bogie cating fox oO petypeptet un ec regfons TR) ie bot, Slend and 5 enol Poy Pofent face ara MRNA cattd translocatfon - Pes @©)_Teummnatfon : a = | The velease ee jouypsp poke ahakn + | Mechantem 0{ futHation : 2 - =| Tn _prekauyoter entttatton Yequires we tangs y the mRNAs H Amal _vibeiome __ durbuntte _|_4RNA ond 5 tafHfatton _fastor - CE Fs J -_ of amfro arto + =| Amro oxfd " poomes astfvated by binkfng with id t | anfno acyl RNA uyntretasre en: fin Hae presence _ nu cca ‘y = eas p lee ATP s ea fe minoactd CAA) ~+-ATP Ay a amino Reyk RNA AA AMP + fos compton PL ei 2h Tranter ol// amino acid +> tRNA a Bo | * MP-enzyu comblex _Pormed reacts wth. specific tRNA form amino aoe RN complex 2 AA- AMP - arse. tama + tRNA Bi = AA “RNA tomitex + AMP + ehayme - Ee J : =| Qe cal fo MRNA binds to tre emotterr gub- | unit ot Obed ona who : — | Te_nfbosome har ewe ides — A gte and Psite, de 4maulere Wt livet bok to dae Snitiator 1 — MRNA anal them binds fo tre lanqee dub unit £0 Pre | dnittatTou codon CAUG) jie, on fre Pg tte» fast =| Te faftatvon tRNA mations LRN A) thee binds + bo Hie FP cfle: ‘iv €etlongatton © PStubepticke ohain - ss a: 2 - | — changed aminoacyt tRNA complex bPnda to tre sa - ake _o. die vibosome at the £orond codon - = { “ peptide bond fe lormed b/w castho aid -poub _C-CoOoH) am —amino acid at P= site a amino Group (CINED == ___ ||} anino a $+ A-site by 2 nayene, peptid Avani levare = — || The aaa ates Oven MRNA sytem coden to codon ° in one another by _| aad 4 _plugbep a choy ka joo DMMB si ae a Hi) | Teumfinatfon 2 _fotyep tick + ai sot 2 ae ~ ) Whe He Ax site ©} o?bosrome reaches a teremPration toclon udhitch atnet nat cocte Lalo Any amino acta pa} todtion . vohich / No changect tRNA binds to Hee Anette ea Se Fee a ee Lye R , eee aaa exprsions & ys 33 R ion © expresfoms means don teulng — ye j ot Wie amount and ion st oes 2 gene Yroducta Quordingy ge fo1s thact equutremint ¢ the cee ree eukauoker Q¢ x fon n take placer i ae re mee Jever Regutation oh primey at amation J - devel TF Ro ‘on ae . ot MRNA yom nurebence Hae exgberp tas rn latfonod Lever, « 5 © | Tha Hicemetenen ean ae se i fn 961 bu ie as wees fret ppd . Q ~~ es Jacque Monod -

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