English Speech Endri Teguh

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Honorable the judges, respect all the audiences and everyone here

Assalamualaikum wr wb

First of all i'd like to thanks the almighty god to Allah SWT and becauseof him we are all able to
meet up in this contest with healthy. Secondly we should’nt forget we to say Shalawat and Salam
to our prophet, Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness and
messenger along with all the families and companion, and last but not least i like thanks the
judges for giving me this special opportunity to complete the competitions today.

Ladies and gentleman good afternoon my name is Endri Teguh Pratama and i'm from bachelor of
nurse major of achenar class, standing in this great day to deliver my speech today. i hope your
all feel as amazing as i am today, to be honest everyone i'm not in a good condition because my
throat is really hurt, so i'm really sorry if my voice is sometimes cracking. So in that case I hope
everyone here have a good and healthy body for we can meet in this nice day. speaking of
healthy body we sure don't forget about the healthy of mind so we can do our daily activities
properly and good time for enjoying our life.

But unfortunately there are many people out there who are not as lucky as us in life. people that
suffer from bullying and abusing of mentally or physically from their friend or even worse from
their parents. so we cannot judges people from their expression in that time, like when they look
so happy we don't know yet that inside they actually really broken. So this is a problem that I see
in many circles that they always hide their true feelings so they don't become the center of
attention from others, and this is what is called a depressed smile. A person who is actually
experiencing depression or deep sadness. However, these feelings they hide behind a mask of
happiness. they look happy and cheerful on the outside, but actually they do it to cover up the
sadness and despair they feel.

Surely all of us have met people like this or we've felt it before, so we all have to make this a
concern, because this will be a step for them to commit suicide if all their balls of sadness,
despair, and hatred have been broken.

So ladies and gentlemen, hopefully we are all here feeling happy and enjoying all the blessings
that God has given us. if at any time when you feel sad or hopeless in life, don't be ashamed to
tell someone you trust like your parents, or your best friend. This will make the burden of your
mind very relieved and slightly remove the ball of sadness, hopelessness, and hatred that you
feel. Or something simpler like "me time" taking a moment for yourself. maybe it's like going to
the park by yourself, but from what I see everyone here is no longer at the park level. Surely
everyone here goes to the mall right?. maybe those of you who are not lazy to move can do
regular exercise to strengthen our immune system. Exercise can also help the body produce
happy hormones. why?, not only we will be healthy physically, but we will also be healthy

So giving yourself a moment or me time is important for your mental health and well-being.

Ladies and gentlemen, mental health is as important as physical health. To improve our mental
health, we must rest our mind. We should try to stay calm and think positive in any situation.
And thus, our body will capture positive energy. Believe it or not, positivity can make us
healthier. To end my speech I will quote a book that I have read, namely wingit from sara
wijayanto, namely learn to forgive yourself and others even though it is so hard to say it, because
the difficult thing in life is to forgive.

Thank you for your time and attention to come to this bright event. Hope you are all healthy and
happy, if there is a lack from me, I'm really sorry, and I'll end it here wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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