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School Daraga Community College Grade Level 3

GROUP 1 Learning Area Science

Date/Time (1 hour)

At the end of the discussion, the learners must be able to:
Content Standard: The learners learn ways of sorting materials and describing
them as solid, liquid, and gas based on properties such as having definite shape
and volume, and ease of slow.

Performance Standard: the learners describe ways of proper use and handling of
common solids and liquids found at home and school.

Learning Competencies: the learners classify objects and materials as solid,

liquids, and gasses based on their characteristics.


A. Topic: Characteristics of solids, liquids, and gasses.
B. Materials: Images, worksheets, pens. Video on YouTube
C. References:

D. Science concept:
Solid- Solid is one of the four fundamental states of matter. The molecules
in a solid are closely packed together and contain the least amount of kinetic
energy. A solid is characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to a force
applied to the surface.
Liquid- A liquid is a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the
shape of its container but retains a constant volume independent of pressure. As
such, it is one of the four fundamental states of matter, and is the only state with a
definite volume but no fixed shape.
Gas- Gas is one of the four fundamental states of matter. A pure gas may
be made up of individual atoms, elemental molecules made from one type of
atom, or compound molecules made from a variety of atoms. A gas mixture, such
as air, contains a variety of pure gases
E. Science Process: Identifying, Describing, and Observing.

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Please stand up and let us start with a (Pupil will lead the prayer)

Thank you for leading the prayer. Good

Good morning Teacher, Good
morning, class!
morning, classmates.
As a sort of review, what is matter?
Matter is any substance that has mass
and takes up space by having volume
Before we start, please prepare your self
to watch a video that is connected to our
topic for today, its good if you will write
some of the information you watch on
We enjoyed it mam.
Have you all enjoy watching the video?

I very happy to hear that.

So, what do you think would be our lesson Our lesson for today is all about the
for today?
solid, liquid and gas.
Right Very Good class.

So, what do you about the solid, liquid “all of the children raise a hand. Call
and gas based on the video you all watch for one student to answer”
on YouTube?

A solid is characterized by structural

rigidity and resistance to a force
applied to the surface. A liquid is a
nearly incompressible fluid that
conforms to the shape of its container
but retains a constant volume
independent of pressure. A gas
mixture, such as air, contains a variety
of pure gases

Okay, Correct! Very Good.

So, lets continue.

Show an illustration about the
characteristics of solid, liquid and gas.

What do you see in the illustration? A glass, and a word that can define the
solid, liquid and gas.

Okay, your answer is correct it shows the

definition of the solid, liquid and gas
So, lets now explore more about our topic
for today, I have here a lot of images I get
on the google, so that you can all identify
which is the solid, liquid, and gas.

Are you all ready to see the images? Yes teacher, we are ready.

So, from this box, get one piece of paper.

And check the paper you have chosen and
Okay teacher.
identify if it is solid, liquid and gas.

(the students pick a paper and identify

the picture if it was solid, liquid or

Did all of you identify the kind of matter

you picked? Yes teacher

Very good. Now that you have identified

the picture, I want everyone to stand up
and raise your photo to the air. I will give
you 5 seconds to paste the photo you are
holding on the blackboard; I wrote a (students paste the images they picked
physical and chemical change there put it on the blackboard)
in the blackboard.

Ready, get set, go. (Counts from 10 to 0)

Time is up! Wow, I am very amazed

because all of you were able to identify
and paste it on the correct place where it
should be. Let us give the class around of
applause, Ang Galing Clap! Clap! Clap!

I know that some of you are still confused

about the difference of the three, we will
now move on the characterization of solid,
liquid and gas. But before that I have a
quick question, why is it important to
identify solid, liquid and gas?
The purpose of classification is to
identify objects with common or
similar properties. Solids, liquids and
gases provide a simple means of
classifying the state of matter but they
are not the only groupings used by
scientists. Some substances are very
difficult to 'classify'.
Vey good! your answer is correct, again, it
is important to identify solid, liquid and
gas because it classifies the objects that
surround us, every object has a common
or similar properties, Solids, liquids and
gases provide a simple means of
classifying the state of matter.

Is that clear?

Yes Teacher.
So now, all of you will have an activity,
so that all of you can explore your skills
about to our topic, so that all of you can
acquire a common set experience.

Now let’s have a game activity, where you

will get in our surrounding, it is a group
activity, you will group into 3. For the
instruction, you all need to do is get a 1
thing in the outside, or in our surrounding
that can define if it is a solid, liquid or gas,
am I clear?
Yes Teacher.
Since we are going to have a collaborative
work, write on the board the tasks you
need to do before the start of your group

What we need to do before we start

our activity:
1. Find your group mates
2. Choose your group leader
3. Get your worksheet
4. Fill out the worksheet
5. Prepare your materials
6. Brainstorm with your group on
how you will identify and
explain it is solid, liquid, gas.

Good job on identifying the tasks you

need to do. I expect that you will
thoroughly follow all of them. During the

I will give you 3minutes to complete the

tasks then 10 minutes your leader needs to None teacher.
share to the front of the class the things
you all get and tell If it solid, liquid or gas.
Do you have any question?

The group 1 gas found “BALOON”

(the leader identify it is gas)

The group 2 solid found “rocks”

(the leader identify it is solid)

The group 3 liquid found “water”

(the leader identify it is liquid)

Congratulation on giving your best to do

your group activity, all of you have a great
work, give yourself a many clap.

Now that were done to your group

activities, prepare yourself and set
properly so that we can already start our

Now let’s go and have a knowledge about
the characteristics of solid, liquid and gas.
And the differences of those three.

Lets now started.

Characteristics of solid, liquid and gas.

So, class solid liquid and gas are all made
of matter,

Solid, liquid and Gas
Direction: do what is indicated
1. what is solid?
2. give at least 5 object that can define as a solid
3. differentiate solid from gas.

Direction: do what is indicated
1. what is gas?
2. give at least 5 object that can define as a gas
3. differentiate liquid from gas.

Direction: do what is indicated
1. what is liquid?
2. give at least 5 object that can define as a liquid
3. differentiate liquid from solid

II. Activity sheet

Objectives: identify it its solid, liquid or gas.
1. balloon 6. gasol
2. laptop 7. Ice water
3. water 8. Rain drops
4. fart 9. ruler
5. pencil 10. Eraser


Direction: answer the question
1. What is it important to know difference of solid, liquid and gas?

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