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Since Ethics leads us to critically examine our moral beliefs or principles and for us to be enlightened
either those moral beliefs are good or bad- help you or destroy you as a person. Below give your
personal beliefs on the given example and examine whether they make you a good or bad person...

Can you give only two personal beliefs about money and family as a student? Maximum of 5 sentences
per belief. After this, you may rephrase your beliefs if you think they don't help you become a better

Beliefs about money

1. Money can makes me happy- In the sense that I do believe in practicality. And that I do believe that
money can buy me happiness in the way that I can buy the things I wanted if I have enough money.
Moreover, money can turn the world up-side down, through money all things are possible. In addition, I
also do believe that money is really powerful. And that with money I can have everything, go to different
places, buy all things I wanted and can do anything.

Rephrase Belief: Money makes me happy, but I will use it in goodness.

2. Money has power- My perception and beliefs on money was in the middle of good and bad, because I
do believe that money is really powerful, that can make someone good or evil. And that is because
money can really makes people happy but also makes people to do bad things. But then, it depends on
someone in how he/she will use that money, to do good or to do bad. But, in my own case, if I have
enough money I will do good, I will share it. And that's the power of money I am talking about, through
money you can help someone who in need.

Beliefs about family

1. Family is my wealth- I do believe that family is a wealth in the reason that family is my greatest
possession and cannot be compared to any things that's what I believe in. In addition, I really priotise my
family more than anything else, because without them I don't think I can live alone. Moreover, I really
love and cherish my family, and I am family-oriented person. Furthermore, since I am really family-
oriented I growed separation anxiety with them, I cannot stand without seeing them for a week. And
that's based on my experience when I do boarding house, I keep on going home because I cannot stand
living alone.
2. Family is the one you can lean on- I do believe that family is the one you can lean on, because family
is the only one that who doesn't turn back when problem comes. Yet, I know in some cases this is not
true, but for me it is, that is why I am lucky because I have this kind of family, a family who support and
love each other. Moreover, even conflict comes to families, and arguments arises, and families are not
in good terms, family is still family. And that is, families will still forgive and accept one another. And
that's the beauty of family, a family is still family no matter what will gonna happen.


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