PERF 01a (ETHICS) - Ladio BSBA-MM3WPS Office

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PERF 01a

Ethics is our way and manner of acting and behaving.

How do you behave or acts in the following situations or experiences:

1. When you are confronted with too much Fear.

- Well, if this situation happens to me, I will probably be comforting and motivating myself. In addition, if
I fear something, I just sit in one corner, and silently thinking things that make me happy and making my
self okay and fine. In addition, I will probably be doing things that could make myself busy to forget
about that situation.

2. When you see the person you admired most.

- I think if I see the person I admire the most I will act as a crazy person, for example if I see the artist I
really admire, I will probably be giggling, and run to that person and hug him/ her. Also, I will probably
behave as fangirl but that only applies to the artist not to my crushes. Moreover, in terms of crushes, I
will just act normally, because I don't want to shame myself.

3. When you face unexpected problems.

- If unexpected problems arises, I think I will be brave in facing it. And this is based on my experience, I
am maybe young at age, but I got to experience unexpected problems that really challenge me as a
person. Yet, I face it bravely, I did struggle but then I fight, and that eventually solve the problems that I

4. When you are given an extra allowance of Php 1,000.00

- If my parents will give me an extra allowance, I will not spend it and I will save it. But, then it depends
on a situation, for example if that extra allowance is intended for something that I need to buy then
most probably I will spend it, yet I will save a little part of it. In addition, if have given that additional
allowance I will use it wisely, I spend it in more useful and important things.
5. When you are forced by your friend to do something you don't like to do.

- I am a kind of person that cannot be persuade to do things that I don't want or like, so most probably if
this situation will happen to me, then I will just act as myself. And that I will not do that thing and that I
will refuse to do it, also I will be honest to my friend and tell him/her that I don't want to do it. In
addition, if that friend is really a true friend of mine then I think he/ she will understand me.

Note: Please answer each experience/situation briefly. ( at least 3 short sentences each only).


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