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Vodafone announces the launch of the Vodafone UK Secure Remote Access providing data security for remote and

flexible workers Plans to build a state-of-the-art 850 seat customer services centre in Stoke on Trent are announced 2008 V o d a fo n e U K i s t h e f i r s t E u r o p e a n ne t w o r k o p e r a t o r t o o f f e r D e l l s Inspiron Mini 9 ultra-mobile device with built-in broadband connectivity The first ever touch-screen BlackBerry smartphone The BlackBerryStorm 9500 is announced. The device is built exclusively for Vodafone 2009 A major expansion programmer brings the number of Vodafone retail stores to 400 T h e V o d a f o n e F o u n d a t i o n l a u n c h e s t h e U K W o r l d o f Difference programmer giving 500 people the chance to get paid to work for charity Vodafone signs an exclusive agreement with Twitter allowing customers to send updates and receive SMS notifications Vodafone Sure Signal l a u n c h e d a u n i q u e d e v i c e t o i m p r o v e t h e mobile phone signal inside customers homes V o d a fo n e U K w i n s Best Network i n t h e M o b i l e N e w s a n d M o b i l e awards Vodafone UK ranges the Apple iPhone V o d a fo n e O n e N e t r e a c he s o n e m i l l io n c u s t o me r s w he n p r e g n a n c yexercise specialists, FitMama, sign up to the business solution that mergesmobile and landline numbers Vodafone VIP - launched. The new reward scheme provides access for customers to a range of high-profile national events VODAFONE INDIA Vodafone Essar is the Indian subsidiary of Vodafone Group and commenced operations in 1994 when its predecessor Hutchiso n Telecom acquired the c e l l u l a r l i c e n s e fo r M u m b a i. T h e c o mp a n y n o w h a s o p e r a t io ns a c r o s s t he country with over 121.16 million customers**.Vodafone is the world's leading internat ional mobile communicat ions group with approximately 347 million proportionate customers as on 30 June 2010.Vodafone currently has equity interests in 31 countries across five continents and around 40 partner networks worldwide. For more informat ion, please visit . T h e E s sar G r o up is a d iver s if ie d bu s in es s co r po r at io n w it h a ba la nc e d portfolio of assets in the manufacturing and services sectors of Steel, Energy,P o w e r , C o m m u n i c a t io n s , S h i p p i n g P o r t s & L o g i s t i c s , a nd P r o je c t s . E s s a r employs more than 50,000 people across offices in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas.

ENTERPRISE TEAM Is a Vertical [org with in an org], culled out to cater to corporate segment. They thus provide various customized solutions to their customers over the time. This organization provides complete mobility solutions to its customers. The clientele should have 250cr. turnover for availing the services of Vodafone. Vodafone Enterprise Team Strategy to handle customers: 1.Customers reaching to the co[Reach IN- strategy or model] Tools used for reach in strategy are: Call centers Written communication such as E-Mails, Fax Retail Outlet

Co mpany reaching out to the customers [Reach Out Strategy or model] Tools used for reaching out to the customers are: Relationship managers Self service tools [Vodafone websit e/kiosk at company location/SMS] and Onsite services. Departments in Enterprise Team 1. Enterprise Sales Team :Enterprise Sales teams basic task at work is to do sales and generating revenue in tandem. The rest of the 3 departments are supportive departments to the sales team. Cross and Up-Sell : Vodafone [Enterprise Team] has successfully managed to increase their product portfolio hence they have also managed to up-down sell or cross sell their diverse product portfolio to their existing corporate clients.For e.g. KPMG (Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler ), gets Data Access[broadband links] from Vodafone for many years, now they have also cross sell their portfolio of Vodafone handsets to the same in recentyears. 2. Enterprise Service Delivery: This department contributes to the sales revenue by guiding the sales personnel in their different KPAs. Service Delivery contributes to the majority of customer relations for the enterprise team.3. Enterprise Solution Team Solution Team performs all the technical functions and process which help in customer delight. They assist the sales team and thus for any problem faced by the customer they help with the onsite help. [At the door step service]4. Collection team With the help of BSCS, collection team helps the sales team with the customer/clients billing related queries, helping them to their delight and offers them packages regarding product portfolios mentioned under the EPOS system. Enterprise Teams offerings 1. Mail on the move BlackBerry: BlackBerry Connect lets me access the functionalit y of a BlackBerry from a wide range of supported handsets. I can send a nd r e c e i v e e m a i l s , v i e w a t t a c h m e nt s , u p d a t e m y c a l e n d a r a nd much more and all in sync with my mail server

Vodafone Mail : Vodafone mail gives you a quick & safe access to M ic r o s o ft E xc h a n g e & L o t u s n o t e s f r o m yo u r d e s k t o p s t r a ig ht t o your Vodafone mobile phone Y o u c a n e v e n g e t yo u r p e r s o n a l P O P 3 / I M AP 4 m a i l a c c o u nt o n t he s a m e mo b i l e phone using single software M i c r o s o ft P u s h M a i l : Windows Mobile Email from Vodafone e n a b l e s c u s t o me r s t o e n jo y a D i r e c t P u s h e - m a i l s e r v i c e o n t he mo v e i n a fo r m a t t ha t a n yo ne f a m i l i a r w it h M i c r o s o ft O f f i c e w i l l recognize. E-mails and tasks are synchronized directly from Outlook, a n d M i c r o s o f t O f f i c e E x c e l M o b i l e a n d W o r d M o b i l e attachments can be viewed, edited and returned. Having a commune - m a i l e x p e r i e n c e a c r o s s t h e P C a n d V o d a fo n e W i n d o w s M o b i l e p o w e r e d d e v i c e m a k e s s e r v i c e a d o p t io n s i m p l e a nd a c c e l e r a t e s d e l i v e r y o f t h e b e n e f i t s t h a t m o b i l e e - m a i l b r i n g s t o b u s i n e s s customers. 2. Data Access Vodafone Mobile Connect : Mobile Connect gives me the freedom to surf the Internet whenever and wherever I want. I just plug my Vodafone mobile phone into my PC or laptop and start browsing w it ho u t t he ne e d fo r a n I S P s u b s c r i p t io n o r mo d e m ! A n d w it h a n HTML browser on my handset, I can get online direct ly t hrough my mobile phone with great connection speeds. Edge Data Cards: Laptop becomes a mobile office, with real-time a c c e s s t o i n fo r m a t io n. Q u i c k , s i m p l e a n d s e c u r e , t he E D G E d a t a c a r d g i v e s m e i n s t a n t a c c e s s t o t h e I n t e r n e t a n d m y c o m p a n y server. And the best part is, it works 3 times faster than GPRS 3 G Cards: 3G stands for third generat ion wireless. It is based on a n I nt e r na t io n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t io n U n io n ( I T U ) i n it i a t i v e fo r a single global wireless standard called International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000).It enhances the service experience such as multimedia, high speed mobile broadband, internet access wit h the abilit y to view video footage on your mobile handset. With a 3G phone and access to the V o d a fo n e 3 G n e t w o r k yo u c a n m a k e v i d e o c a l l s , w a t c h l i v e T V , access the high speed internet, receive emails and download music tracks, as well as the usual voice call and messaging services found o n a mo b i l e p h o ne , l i k e p e r s o n t o p e r s o n v i d e o , l i v e s t r e a m i n g , d o w n lo a d a b l e v i d e o o f e nt e r t a i n m e nt , ne w s , c u r r e nt a f f a i r s a nd sport content and video messaging

USB Stick: T h e V o d a fo ne M o b i l e C o n ne c t 3 G U S B S t i c k l e t m e work from anywhere with real-t ime access to informat ion, and no installation hassles. I just plug it into my laptop and get connected to the Internet and my company server. And all at speeds that are faster than my traditional dial-up connection! Thats not all the Vodafone Mobile Connect 3G USB Stick also gives you 3G Broadband speeds while roaming abroad Mobile Applications Apps on GPRS/SMS/CSD Wireless Monitoring/Tracking Enterprise SMS4. Voice Solutions Digital Gateways Analog FCTs Mobility Voice Vodafones CRM Vision and Mission Vision To enrich our customer's lives through the unique power of mobile communication Mission Passion Passion for Customers Our customers have chosen to trust us. In return, we must strive to anticipate and understand their needs and delight them with our service. We value our customers above everything else and aspire to make their lives richer, more fulfilled and more connected. We must always listen and respond to each of our customers. We will strive to delight our customers, anticipating their needs and delivering Passion for our People Outstanding people working together make Vodafone exceptionally successful. We seek to attract, develop, reward and retain outstanding individuals. We believe in empowerment and personal accountability. We enjoy what we do. We believe in the power of our teams. Passion for Results We are action-oriented and driven by a desire to be the best. We are committed to be the best in all we do. We all play our part in delivering results

We seek speed, flexibility and efficiency in all we do. Passion for the World around Us We will help people of the world to have fuller lives both through the services we provide and through the impact we have on the world around us. We recognize the responsibilities that accompany the growth we have achieved. We will be a force for good in the world. A spirit of partnership and mutual respect is critical in all our activities. C u s t o me r s a r e mo r e d e m a n d i n g t ha n e v e r be f o r e . I n c r e a s e d c ho i c e a nd access to more information on alternatives make it harder than ever before t o w i n n e w c u s t o m e r s a n d r e t a i n e x i s t i n g c l i e n t s i n t h e f a c e o f s t i f f competition. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is all about understanding people: what makes them talk to you, what makes them buy from you, what p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s t h e y a r e mo s t l i k e l y t o b e

i n t e r e s t e d i n , a nd w h a t m a k e s t h e m c o m e b a c k t o b u y f r o m y o u a g a i n a n d a g a i n . T o s a t i s f y customers and achieve commercial success, organizat ions need to collect, o r g a n i z e a n d s ha r e a l l t h e i n fo r m a t io n t h e y h a v e a b o u t t he i r c u s t o me r s throughout their business in a consistent, efficient way. Benefits Intuitive user interface that works the way your people do Flexibility to support your unique business processes Marketing o bt a in a c le ar er v ie w o f cu st o me r s, ma ke mo r e in fo r me d invest ments, automate campaign management and increase campaign success Sales Sales force automation, more informed real-time lead and opportunity management, shorter sales cycle, close more business Datasheet Flexible solutions that work the way you do for guaranteed success Service call centre and field service management, job scheduling, service reporting and analysis

Mobile access i n s t a n t a c c e s s t o c u s t o me r a n d a c t i v i t y d a t a , i n c r e a s e productivity and efficiency, deliver more value to customers and improve win rates. Recognizing that different solutions address different levels of organizational complexity, Vodafone uses Oracle Siebel CRM and Microsoft Dynamics CRM t o o f f e r t he r i g ht s o l u t io n t o m e e t t he n e e d s o f e v e r y client, driving measurable improvements in business processes, enabling closer relationships with customers and supporting the achievement of new levels of profitability

Tools used by the org Oracle Named CRM- Oracle CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM. CRMis integrated with Vodafones billing system and switch [platform where the services are delivered to the customer being real-time]. CRM thus handles queries from the customer, complaints, requests which are been generated by the customers EPOS Electronic point of sales: Gateway about point of sales software.Manage sales portfolio. BSCS Billing System and Customer Support: the billing system of Vodafone which is been rendered is been integrated with EPOS so that the field agent does have a clear view of the product portfolio and billing system of the client at the same time. Microsoft Dynamics CRM: Vodafone needed to develop are liable, easy-to-use sales channel to streamline orders sent to its sales staff from a large network of independent agents. Being admission-critical part of the business, it needed to be implemented as quickly as possible. The company deployed Microsoft Dynamics CRM to process the daily flow of orders, check status, and gauge service levels and key performance indicators (KPIs). The system now processes more than 5,000 orders a month in a secure environment CONCEPTUAL CRM FRAMEWORK FOLLOWED BY ENTERPRISE TEAM 1. Customer Retention: Vodafones Enterprise Team has strategy for customer retention named Win Back Customer Thus they divide the retention customers into two categories i.e. Voluntary and Non- Voluntary Voluntary Customers are those who voluntary want to give up the services of an organization [Vodafone] thus a special team is been managed by the enterprise team where they do task such as Telephonic Calls Offering New Products to the customer or more customized solutions to them and offering them delight Instant resolving of issues Network related issue Involuntary Customers are those customer for which the organization tend to discontinue there services from their end. 2.Bonding for customer relationship:3. Closed Loop Campaign Management: Since this is a best form of CRM practice mentioned, like all organizations Vodafone also practice this CRM model that is taking example of launching Vodafones Zoo Zoo ad campaign. 4. Event Based Marketing : Sales and marketing team has to act up on situations very quickly and efficiently because events occur time and again and to cash up on is a big task. E.g. Women safety is a big issue in Delhi, especially for working women employees thus Vodafone is in pact with various organizations providing services regarding women security named [WEBTRA]

CRM METRICS 1. Cases closed same day. 2. Number of cases handled by agent. 3. Number of service calls.4. Average time for resolution.5. Average number of service calls per day.6. Percentage of service renewals.7. Customer satisfaction level. (CLTV)8. Complaint time-toresolution.9. Average number of service requests by type.1 0 . P e r c e nt a g e c o m p l i a n c e w it h s e r v i c e - l e v e l a g r e e m e nt (SLA).1 1 . R e ve n u e c o m i n g f r o m C o m m e r c i a l P a r t n e r s . 1 2 . C o m p l a i nt s ha nd l i n g ( e - m a i l / l e t t e r ) . 1 3 . B r a n d i m a g e . 14. Customer Categorization. ISSUES FACED POST IMPLEMENTATION Monitoring how customers interact using various modules of CRM. Visibility of business transactions across India. Monitor Service Level Agreements. Maintenance and modification of CRM system. Inconsistent data flow sometimes. Change Management. Aligning CRM to Vodafones vision and growth objectives. Finding the right CRM managers in India. VENDORS 1.I T Department : Enhancing Network Connectivity IBM : IBM has been expanding its footprint in India - and has a presence in over 200 cities and towns across the country - either directly or through its strong business partner network. IBM India has clearly established itself as one of the leaders in the Indian Information Technology (IT) Industry - and continues to transform itself to align with global markets and geographies to grow this leadership position. Widely recognized as an employer of choice, IBM holds numerous awards for its industry-leading employment practices and policies Indus Towers: Indus Towers, headquartered at Gurgaon in the National Capital Region of Delhi, offers services to all telecom operators in the wireless space and other wireless service providers such as broadcasters and broadband service providers. Customer Equality is key goal for Indus and the management team will remain steadfast to its principles of neutrality and equality towards its customers. Indus Towers with a portfolio of more than 100,000 towers is already the largest tower company of the world, ensuring significant scale benefits for its customers by way of speed to market. It is undertaking rollout of new sites in the 16 telecom circles of Indy Initially starting its operations in India, Indus Towers plans to seize opportunities arising from other parts of the globe Oracle: Oracle provides the worlds most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems, with more than370,000 customers including 100 of the Fortune 100 representing a variety of sizes and industries in more than 145 countries around the globe. Oracle's product strategy provides flexibility and choice to our customers across their IT infrastructure. Now, with

Sun server, storage, operating-system, and virtualization technology, Oracle is the only vendor able to offer a complete technology stack in which every layer is integrated to work together as a single system. In addition, Oracle's open architecture and multiple operating-system options gives our customers unmatched benefits from industry-leading products, including excellent system availability, scalability, energy efficiency, powerful performance, and low total cost of ownership2.Personal Relations (PR) Genesis BM : Genesis Burson Marstellar, Founded in 1992 as an independent firm, Genesis merged in 2005 into Burson-Marsteller, thegold standard in public relations, to become Genesis BursonMarsteller.As Indias most trusted full service Public Relations and Public Affairs consulting firm, Genesis Burson-Marsteller has been recognized as the India Consultancy of the Year 2008 by the Holmes Report, the most respected publication in public relations worldwide.3.Value Added Services On Mobile Global ltd : [Music and entertainment solutions] On Mobile [NSE: ONMOBILE] is one of the largest white-labeled Data and Value Added Services [VAS] companies for Mobile, Landline and Media Service Providers. OnMobile touches the lives of over 88 million users across 43 countries every month. OnMobile generates top line revenue of over 800 Million USD for over 92 customers globally. OnMobile offers a one-stop solution for all needs through an innovative array of products in M-commerce, entertainment, media portals & interactive television programming, mobile marketing, usergenerated content & social networking, mobile utility, data & 3G, and information& network products. OnMobiles products span all mobile access channels such as Voice, SMS, WAP, USSD, Video, On-Device Portal &Web One97: One97 Communications Limited is Indias leading Mobile Value Added Service Company. One97s Innovative mobile content, messaging, commerce services and made-toorder network applications offer new revenue streams to telecom operators. Working c lo s e l y w it h s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s a nd e nt e r p r i s e s , it o f f e r s c u s t o m e r lifecycle management and mobile marketing to enhance their p r o f it a b i l it y. C ha m p io n i n g s p e e d o f d e l i v e r y, O n e 9 7 t hr i v e s o n it s widely deployed telecom applications service platform to delivers c a l l a b l e , f l e x i b l e a nd c u s t o m i z e d s e r v i c e s . F u n d e d b y I n t e l C a p it a l (Maurit ius) Limit ed, SAIF and SVB India Capital Partners. One97 also invests and incubates new mobile technologies start-ups. Handset Providers RIM India Research In Motion (RIM) develops integrated hardware, software and services that support mult iple wireless networks. RIM is best known for creating the BlackBerry Smartphone and providing solutions that allow seamless, mobile access to time-sensitive i n fo r m a t io n t hr o u g h e m a i l , p ho ne , t e xt me s s a g e s , t h e I n t e r n e t a nd applications. The RIM portfolio of award-winning products is used by thousands of organizations around the world Important Market Priorities in the sector are:

The most important market priorities in the sector are network and network enhancements. Since organizations tend to keep on with the basic technologies in the sector they are in and thus for Vodafone [Enterprise] Towers DTS 3G services

Then co mes the VAS [Value added services], since it is quite crucial for the c u s t o me r s fo r be t t e r s e r v i c e d e l i v e r y. V a l u e a d d e d s e r v i c e a s t he n a m e s u g g e s t s a r e t h e s e r v i c e s w h i c h e n h a nc e t he u s e r e x p e r i e n c e . T h e y t hu s appreciate the value of the core product. Emerging Trends the company can capitalize on 3 G Services 3G stands for third generation wireless. It is based on an International Telecommunication Union (ITU) initiative for a single global wireless standard called International MobileTelecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000).It enhances the service experience such as multimedia, high speed mobile broadband, internet access with the ability to view video footage on your mobile handset. With a 3G phone and access to the Vodafone 3G network you can make video calls, watch live TV, access the high speed internet, receive emails and download music tracks, as well as the usual voice call and messaging services found on a mobile phone, like person to person video, live streaming, downloadable video of entertainment, news, current affairs and sport content and video messaging. MNP: A significant technical aspect of MNP (Mobile Number Portability) is related to the routing of calls or mobile messages (SMS, MMS) to a number once it has been ported. There are various flavors of call routing implementation across the globe but the international and European best practice is via the use of a central database (CDB) of ported numbers. Network operator makes copies of CDB and queries it to find out which network to send a call to Youth Nation

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