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Ss Business, Coramuntcactton, HOt Fs Thy eory of Commun 'cedtfon 3 octet of __Communtcatfor 3 Channel end Obfecttre 4 Communi cotion 3] Obfectives of Communication 4 Methods and modes of i Common ication i #||Untt GT > Obstacle of Communtcasttorn Sn business wor ld S DOPreblems $n Comminicatfor 4 _ barrier fe Communicoction 3) Listening Ss Q Intreduction to business athic& ~ ite # lUptte Ge > Bustneds correspondence — 4 theery of dustress letter _ writing al Personnel # [Unit 0 = Language & 3 QParagrep a) Activities Thx cory. of Commu niCaction Lemmy uCafor and pe ceSs (hile x Te tword _ Communicatfom fs _deytyae from the Lot’ Wore Commneicang! [ace Which means. to Shore. T+ 8s Ap the act ot Shoring *deog + 4 - RE emotions and. Feelings. Betudoon ea oy more peop le ) ae 1 5 _#€ | To | We are aware of the ren ty _ let ___|@n_fmportenee (g10rk -communicatfon __ Wis E et oxce eS a yao Jereral Phensmenty vse E Noy a days —communtcater (4s lL a Ploying a whital role _%n every le Fe toll ot on individual Whore - \e ever (Pte exist Commun eatfon l __llolsp _extst Zi | = \ * || there Gre mo a. tak? 4 Place Gn the _ Cor pert Ji I. it hax become cur tim eorttanct —} | Ilefool | fi the men e alyctse| —__ IL Considertng all |__| al Sormmueni catfor «We ore rend, Cort tty, 5 end [stenting to ee toorkers oy havin ene ver Satfon with our Sxper- mastery fn _Commurkce Kon vier some Id__have bade about (enguasze y jeg erid RUS rows lis fering Speeking reeding a rftfy ftp te. : Bud in. Aiea of all Kinds o+ effec ty Cor cetor mmvniced®on _ ?s__ Simply the n formoctfarn act_ot rans fering Pot i Ylace , Persar or group + another ae by Mvolves ede eee One ; ¢ end rect Sound simple but Getvally is # | Te transmission _of the tise i yam Sender te | mectp tiie B\Comme ean _be _ s€-Fected by hege tun hal Comm cumber ot things sanliels = we a Scen emotion _ dre _culduya I % | Comme Pox. situation _m@dévr use et ¢ cadfon nd locedtfen + a # |the Complex __city 8s wh gommuniatian sss, are consid to be sa desirable by — ardund = the _ttorld » :paueruyateuaa cA ettective tnambiqvovs —communitchia | __ Xe fs acvally extremly herds Mo li gems #| Gn tedays world there 9S so *& Peo much to Knots So the tele oS in lane Communtcetor __becemeg Yoru imaporTewtts : Ea % || the too fae, ene _* ee : ae spertiencin s Bie q | Communication —_yevolutfon ond: —____ commun’ cotfon 1 @ _ oan DCommun iced on med tere a ate _| For _examo le Explosfor Spread ot Lommenicetfon f i : H Comm unicedfon - $5 alSo €sserdo| for call humen O48 0ciat,, || Good Communicator dees net Means only giving order het exeating tnder.s-teund fing « MEE aims oct emportn Ommuricetfory Knowledge. 4 tell 08 helping “People gain cu clear fed et he meaning Communtout Pon and knoudedse ; People Communicate tp Satisfip | the needs fr _Lelonging “te be. heard and eo _de “appriteia- ded: 3 People Communicate te Keep a touch _ nd connect _ey'Ma othexs Suck 0 Avends , farmtll and bu Stress arte: tomnmunvesse do Socal The __humon heign os% animal _communtty —peoplbd with conStemet — hoemen be Ivting ings. eon Stay fn * The human ot if because. Socialtze # eople communicate _?n Order fo —— end. and 25 able aha ane ability, cto Comm un' carte get ating _done or __ rake + Hheln 7 __ tee Ung noun _ frtonsvons Gant to other - Paap le with Speci fe _- Qurpodek tn ymind uk |fhetr care four __ baste _OVicposeh TE _ et commun icattrn 04 fo ltogss eM __communrcate ore better Served to | (policy ste horgenisstfo: Heis emi (purposed — volurbule __ ComynunicatPor thin ether eptforg (ke _ @meils a= LOrfnt fesse eke oie) Se —— Bi uitor , sical * || Be # | CommuntcatPon ce Conve _informertia er done _vourbler 4 | bosed med?a te Such ed tn policy. gtectement Prom — ary sorganisatern's administra thon ¢. * to Hs emplayecs:s 2 || Cohmuniteationn tt cae her eke mmm ask for help, tuhieh Vvowr-balty drigsers empethy #|| Le other vourble commen! ceton , vouble request mean? & reques t+ con be Scoted clearly without any misunderstanding.» | te con ae | be sed oi sin Hence - the listener 9 or icvdfence ls od vSed 4 by politicle nite she most importers espect bed of wh ichos ‘opwem fhe wor d& uSed ad) Fithis us casei es q things drat would) tnfluentte cudfence zr «|| Tecan tnelude non Sa cued. ke __de3stng an dS Te. con o!8e be entertamment > This is man feat ot.» commed ions tn the aur, thet Wielte bethete 2 LivGaseisea eins coe live Shaws _-tvhere Lackhecs aaay be == ntercet ——cith t im porta er eid ig Lis tenn This__ Cannot. be _ Srl ree sta a tb Lela Py cwdience edg vactel y dene tn Commen cot on» wean is + Communtoat on ttsel# is dettned 08 tronfem-ing tformiation = do underSta: Produc greeter zz. x [Te canbe dene vocally Chroust hem ilverbit \evchenget) jaro ur teea ollie medio (beaks . veh sites | ond Mister mogezine) Lgrephs eben 7 Mise maps) or non verbally (body lengvayen Baill as _|gedtures , pitch, of voice and bone), ll apes = fall et. these means ot comiiienme alae skiNly ore estemecial “Soft Skil “owe thet eye White Or Correy Skins 9 |W Listening. will oid spyirechably , ne con thet ty am ST RE communi eetion ee ee tea tac ort Ue ae her yea : vastus eyou err Foewseat 3 conver setfen + Gut mate others ee to store ot that demeomin oh tt tay sithike agree dhe persen bin Zhee Hoel. unconferteb ls 4 \q Rape fedoness: We Confident tn ottiaid men ce phatasyed Say on d in Yovr actiinoe Com prunitectfon Tes inter cactoy, Stith denperts othus being confident | con debe \@eing oh . Case > oh proirrtatn sng _@Y@ | Simple contect , _Mmeintatnin a) velaxect _| ehet bedu and Falling orth stte, ate plecytness. + Ory net rte make: ae {bers (ice gvedtions | Steterm ett Sound end ovpid +e - Sound eggredsice | or demeaning » 5 per mindedness > Tr where au diseqree Someone else _ has ie tn_ opt glebel woyrldb wean _obt the cor apace 17 ee ir I efferhively es 2 Importer Bits right one ao Coy eure. se Serko Ss cttuse Hern + Salary ~ Level tre exteastores erchang a ete. 5 | Qeod Z Tipe ab ~S Ik bi ‘oti an Ty DUSK 2) Centerse business hog > Tohecome highly “cor ple end Compitetive .— To Sunvive iwehs i fe et +n leads the gered Specialists ore required in__€ver4y Single a | field ars D i = re — [eommunicetion tute | place ream) the erqanisation 68 Dwell | detween wginebS Qnd) sgt 7S ide world. Tedey__ paep- profession [have fo comptt Genero lly han fo Ommunicate — globalls te deal d || nogeciate are we of the mast Zealitrer tn ob. ce ae ine: Bore Sonemdn coteré ui eae complete Control 9 ovat. and oot ten anmunicotforn. Toda besin eds Som Men Pe ebfon Sean ome impertant er executives os bustnegs ek in __S_ DyefeasPonat 2 Y NFO ment needs fot» inflow snd ) outing of = Communicet en on — 4) Tonp ort ance ef Communtcot on — incorporate world - Ono! g Helps te incre ego the a : Sales le . increcke the Sales . & corm Pan requ ed a _gsed Salegn an who 3s 5 eed, 5 Commun peati2n he — carn iilSell E (Products (__tenvery —Cormptenred —_ N ethos» and clos set ost line rest drole eo) a sf hfe Cala do sthe _Mesple _tshe_ ila only the —Preduc# _buT EM become Compans Commun cation helps Ssle3_> Aa ; $e 3! Helps Tp uretat Ling liens Bes. F \Rommuni ec Z Compe.n ty exter _erecvttve, ae ie aes heave nec BS aru kod Is “a ae vA - [style _< deol with the Gree —Caitorierg pe usineds (tte Une dnl the ba are si ae : a Eee theye _conSen + _very Im porte, es Koni Ae for the ergancS eos eae i _|3] Helps — do implement strotegi eg 7 ae [ata Help aes ebfe chive | commuricetion _©¥. gonisectons can a : _stretege& +h’ a. ia enplogment __eommmietrsents _detsords “Tea [fee _ergons “section __ond_- they a the sense of Showie 2 Set respon? ar Pas Ond . eapelyi|tiexs vets tnd 00: covorporette 2 b breindi ing = ati | Communteotion hog ality the core ot the world ae Too I people _and element ore i _ heny Penal in Sted egied Qrotil | smplem ent J] Het lo JHelps 40 develop glebal competence ~ Communicator helps te develo an endersten d+ ot offiey Sona Ute Style end cetture ot all _ayaumdd the This helps in over com 4, x pee ne (4urel busen ess dur duct ot dusmness - @ Helps Ir CrSs rmenag @ment To handle the CLonomic _urises = the ty e erSon _ASSoc cat woitt the e r vea_intormetta, ond ye- assux with Proper bw , 2 aes con < the — Strengt. the er —$elebelived——teertd nee of Gleb Communication? In Commun sect world effective 2s the ne cohstetey Wher fiends __ relative’ need te reaches eclleaged tornerS of the _teorld- the! impovtaness ge easy 40 See World of wnicetion _°n dhe to gebal__armunie ry a dodary betten Ce len yeors.\ agell 126 biveee bem : Ret introduced 42 mes2_Pregrems Salle rae quutvbe Skype. focebook ote neg) TP Stebae, these Gre household on nomex thet cre: used on daily bagts at Theme Senco At Fn Tere aera Leéarnin: the importance od glebel “Communiceticn and _impleme ethective ¢omyrunieaton helpin: jo Ore. veka eb es organisation sn toden, Global eommuniecton is tps : ns the interaction _-nPives Hl odes ermployecs within Goer erganisetin: the Pirsrt; strep le iw achieving — a effective communiaahon } a eae Know your ouds —_ cons Le nO TWhewe saute che | able; toile World wat sie otep botten (website) sea iie. Communieatne chit Jeno mies Suppliers Stock haldey.s oar Hop onic hetdiews bi og E Aig Rachie aoe i glebat equation . a ?. Pr2 per handteing of ia) costymer Compledinst Can! be efuscte 6 Gmportant whether t+ 18 str de. compen heed queterg oy et & leco! § _I Store - ene InsSensitive Comment @uld wind up beg. viewed by milliens en _ctuliley or any a Social net working Site Com pan Owners have 40 he. __ kept informed aba.t the Status — of the huainegg. and |_@mpleree8 — congtent dntocct «In eres fe yoach, dead [tnes<_ Buen government __ neces Snyolved / fn tourer st rates . true Mean}, ° ae care aan st aes global a dhe Intercultural Poetors i oma Corny + When analezing the changes 9h evi gledal decsfatn Lene tech reload ta Buby Pere ees bi ggeack 4actogt a _ There heave been mane, chase ml ik fr technology and. Something __ es new Seems do develop aca zhe Singte day, but Sost ea . Se rae a | and ecgiea- _doaint _rreamn thet lL {S always & geod Hea de) aa implemertt - 7 | Video _tonferenssiing 18 a great | way te have face do face CommenieeHon ~ While sepereted 9 | by +thousends oc Kilometers with Ut dé peel oo ia Video conker-ens ing. , and vette roll K and externa! uke (a Phone calls oTOFth an ae Qrewing glee lized importance. ot cfabel Oormrm unication be comas : evidevrt re ar = pane Dr | e #| Chemnets and objectives of Commun catfor _ Com mnie fon ples a Key. rele in eur tite 64 peep le Inter 3 chonge the views and _-fhoog tS by “comm vin eccting [+ 2s @ “core tool thet __ lags imperton+ rele even in he epromth ot 4 © nisatfor . + 1Gn en orgenigotfon there ore tuo chanrel of Communication sae 2 fermal 4 informal ak tT 4 «| Gre main difference ane pAhes =| / dus 78 thet formal ota ts backed by Are = while there is fer _tndermal Th format c * cou Communica 4% - o£ Come: cot‘or Unica to, commend © Informal eon Yn __leatfern Gor parwin = freely ape = direc Formel communi- |» T+ coset Moka Cott sis 2 ttm e | Coe” cenSuming CommunioeHon « . e + A_high level of + Tts not gerrenta) Secrecy 1S Mmecn- in inter pel Comp. -len dened in formel enicedfon + ok Communi cation » a 2 [fermal coma 151° Tnfernal comma designed ot the | occurs Neto rally erganisetfong| level: hots = | As» . Documertter4 evi= |e) Theye: exe) eu iisget dence 's alwo 5 dvaileble fn formal Comm» Supporting docu tesa tab * | Slang 1rd are never ued te formel Comm, 0. Beis |e ho ae . (So known od altai acti oe Grspeuine comm d snipe fermellé Gremmpler. et Infomal = are _Seaingas| Corsna @re face - to — t fe s!2ré)pa19\ tabs |G tas te aera Ae orders ete. ConverSakons | cte~ ime + Decementation hepperds No deeomentadtion ina frmel_ comms heppens. tn Informel Comm: roo teed ora + | rmal comm hea + Tnfermel comm ‘s. 4 along chain verq Simple due te # Command R48 Short chads - Commend ly © Tre mesg motive eTnfermal comm %s_ of formol _domm . fnttended _49.s meet Ss to ful Fl ergane personel meets fgat ronal objectives. Mersonal _tntte reat ood needs* oy » || Vertfoal . Grapevine gibt at (Dov nord + upward) id * || Hoytzental =a « |Dtegene # Cwhot 4s for mal Communication which Plows, through __ proper gelvtfons 4 defined ed. «| ag formal Comm + Flows | nterarchicat chain + dhe ee Cutablished by the organi gadfo | ¢dselt - This ype 0s So | thos nyuist A Sd wath esr work place | because: - employees —¢ de Pollew formal ne _tomm. th _ Per ferming | nem #* Tapes ot formal Communieaton + | Vertical Comm Fs eh dhis taupe | B _exchenges takes place a oa Downvor, | Devnward Co femmat chai. ts ae femmend established ordinctes end ect Sek Convey mation per= taining cho © Gen iso! or oh te te ; ae mye-ctive si Do Wiies ond Sty etogies a. fotien /mnentt erile Mi dot tnane noni for the belief weg ithe the menogement Commended and -the ditional organisational edaniuni~ Ornplorecd Ceork Orconigetions thet yealised thet the, have to facilitate anc encour ge th&y MerSennel f= willingly Contribute and +e = learn, P ate be ved ponsible de per ticinete t y sherry _oehi4 4 red ond —— aceountadle tn fer the success et Gn organisation elt the peop le a Should change the _ Gey 4 dHink cond operate Obfe.dive _ot r 0, Po (5_g’ve Specidic foot tn a ond directives — niSetoy af © ndorm about evlds ones regu lolfens + _epprise subord motes. we about _the' pone 2 highlight dhe _Iink ie Be the fob,_the emp leceed Perkin tone : and the organisations gre ale “ete be Supportive fm dhet |/setfon and PerSenal__pre b lems _PeMest 0 hpico eee Revs len the five 1 tie ohfectives ai _ i duishegsrave™ directly _yelated de _ He Le gob bot the ~ Serartoss +S oi Es. yfor have te an | subordinetes _ ebout _ how dhe _g theve pertermed _ whet thet | strengths are ond how + a Leould oercome their Com * | Upuicand = JOpuice-d Comm | Copam _ cthe-p gh Canis convey tndormetian de leis Seniors 3 = BQ Uprcrd. communication is de Mnipersoncl Process whieh ts a xeponse to the dotniuesd floes of Commun teahon A Honeassgh Se | S a chennel. By Commun feahion =| Fram ths Svbordinetey de he _| Scpertors fer Several _ether matters) 8. wells Jeg. ths ts @re = demnehtety considered — te be only Fesddcck | chemnel + « Objectives eof Upward Comm +. Te eS per __ to dott 6/00. ee ce Uke. orders directives SF Gs) communication and insteuctiond + adi i Ei UF inform » labodts commentemen_| ot deparstmenten* | | | ies fo and _ Preqreds activttes + 2 3} | Sugg 8* ond Submit —tslecd— Lor exgniseona | a develepmen® i]|| fe encourage pots al - © subordinated in__ the melkiins, @receds>———— 9G improve interpersonal relate ship = Upacorel Com cert depen p> Comms the rengey on downeneret te orders ond insertion ie oie ce [Be positive ton leg NG they _ effort ‘Tbeen > convesye cf. 1. brtrreteg 3 eledeal | sesh: Be! SuborifinccteA __Can__Da prove 3 lee __|- dh eve performance Ah 16 they Lae 2 bese: syutded ional he(p Jp ta overcome there | weekness:as a a ae Periodich fle HL Tnevleating initia — Tseng ict 2S enscx WF ons be longing 1 doit Whet J ergendSetion eked then a = yesponsib & + Sibordinetes, = ee be encotiresed 9 gv Saggedboe > [ex Spectity om medters _eleted = Iho there teovle. =e pg In SSeS oct stek < inve yg As these ore Be vertousiiubron ches ee depart Hers a: ments oF an 07g SadBR i lt of these objective mee Schehved a by organising, meedings. Ported eal ek: Cowordnotion ot aefivit ies gg toss 0 tent «Qo ‘ deportment are 27 CSE rae organ sotion wrthout _ hese — 1G cS activi pes _erganiSehion till net pag — Progress The — administration depegee a ment wll hove 0 Rreus the = mn __et the . Preduction dept soe a 4 aithed do help “ Ond * condct Je —} pragrem = For coe ordin eho et acheities _, information hes te be) bot Shoved -Data collected by Bnei Ds —depertment= “eovld be Sets Fam 4 Ith c don stionine ef other deportmt t+ + | Drehlens —oftreting the dep could : : be Solved be __ employ eng + bs Sa __—= fe _| brarnstroning _ Savior’. oe Suiche ~~ infersection if + ll Confircte betveer Herz ontet Sd sebst Conmontec tom Where it Fe resolve Through tori of reports Comm vnicetfen Served Mute Pe verHe encourage _.Suberdnctes Con fice bend a shee « fen comme inthe forn, letters or rerrea Ore esed hovizentel — Communicetion and erect Cormrrdinte chen ISE more Commen + Fores te faces! Hintéracton — and__meetngs bedrnig ‘the meat fregentiy “sed - Horizonte! Commu 39 _opeite > Setive bot hes Soe boda badleks Drowbocts s + Tncreosed Specialization z + Lack of resognitten $ reticedl + Sappression «£30 nore cded Go world eviyn peep le oc maybe in er projet wxthin, a of differenced = cloghes Specialize fon > We live — of Specializatin tg deport ment to __ pins Similars : chorge of tae areck Sou few ~ THis teteredt me be Bee ern between tte thoy s Tre lank eo commun) eotion inapge between personal and two ae department s can be viStaulized ae codzl, the foxeg ex sthe reson 'S efi Jal the - more the variety, ot Soles, Jorcbe eshond led) .|_ cmd 6 8e Snee aE ise the — specitlizahiv. = Thess _tovld — de aa Sclvedicith st there. n ts beets hiv aaa tl hed (ra Specialeed-_arecd he In _ PerSerncct steed tn Prog ranme “nd _ Va Social events Covld Steen on _ he overalt _ vigenisation goals aad aN problern faced _ by _ ether. dep + a AN Theis Owarene§s Would __@ncow ses 9 __ elfoctive:-lecteral: commun icotian a! is Leck ot _recognidten 4 reward 3 The horizontal commesnications (8 — a Libre tt channel _ there 8 not fron the org impotent thot fegk orientate ~ Yon a the matty at: ; People a aes ate Fa ea fentl etree “Hoe ~ ial Spee, metas ae —balie ot ‘corte! = 5 meSSeqe i8 . cleen who ~ perfor, will Suppressfen ot _ditfevences : Some people are 45 diplomatic Ord. Cull net express | dsaqrement+ fie Ages oe eee aoe g > ey ee gotta the group rather Raspes questi ch, 20% Show deScovrase in cio Wee 2 ey t employ ce hed Se qreaponsidili tq the org The . eter meine org advesily bon 2 Ch As horizontal Comm is __ between peers predsuxe_, ee clothes axe very Coase + Unheatthy corpebhen projecting ene Self — __ than one __Peaa betters Ho Foiding - formato, a ot he, ppe work axe Sore a * Diagonal Comm + Comm thet 4, lace betweera poppe ot phbrs 5 Aude eo Aeher emt 8 when +e cor _¥ Sit orgain'sation—=—29 wt the Com pans, Samu Frakes TE ot, CE e oF another Comp, Ue 24 3s catted 68 agonal __ UCU Siac Es > Whe, a teacher Commu zea) aa oti. 0. Parent at 0 OTA : — [meeting St called 03 disor = Pa comm + a | F Witness. | eormmun ite atren ove the mec a a as employed ond the otemm im between poopie of different Stabe, __|

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