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Assessment Week

Spring term assessments are due to take place from Sunday 21st March to
Thursday 25th March. Revision materials, including useful websites you can
visit, are outlined below. We do not want to put any added pressure on the
children, so we ask that parents follow the ‘little and often’ approach,
discussing what the children have been learning in class and helping their
child complete any games or activities they are playing. Please note, you
can also use the parent curriculum map and the information below to
guide you on supporting your child.



For the English-speaking side of the school the assessments in Year 2 will
2x Maths,
1x SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar),
1x Science,
1x Independent piece of assessed writing
1x Phonics
1x Social studies
1x Moral Education
1x Reading
You will receive a timetable from your child’s class teacher outlining which
days these assessments will take place. We will still be teaching normal
lessons during assessment week; however, these will be prerecorded and on
seesaw. Please ensure your child still completes these lessons as some of
the content will be useful for their assessments.

Please find a few pointers below to guide you on what your child will be
tested on. Some of this content still needs to be taught so please do not
teach your child anything new as it may confuse them if the methods are
different to the ones we use in school.

Reading test

• Read at home as much as possible

• Draw on knowledge of vocabulary to understand texts.
• Identify and explain the sequence of events in texts.
• Make inferences from the text.
• Children need to retrieve the information from the text and underline important
information in their questions to help them.
• Use question words like, who what where when and why? Discuss these.
• Find another word that means the same as _______?
Maths -Arithmetic

• Addition ( 2digit by 1 digit and 2 digit)

• Subtraction
• Missing number calculations.
• Number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.
• 2's, 5's and 10 times tables.
• Fractions of an amount.

Maths– Problem solving

• Ordering numbers
• Fractions
• Shapes
• Multiplication ( using repeated addition and arrays to solve the calculation)
• Division
• Statistics ( tally charts, pictograms, Interpreting data)
• Calculating an amount with money. ( UK coins)
• Two step word problems.
( Ensure your child knows the methods of calculation taught for all four

• Word classes E.g. adjectives, verbs, nouns, adverbs
• Past and present tense.
• Conjunctions
• Punctuation
• Expanded noun phrases
• Different sentence types
• Common exception words for year 2 ( red words)


• Materials and their properties.

• Ensure children can give reasons for their choice of material by using their
properties to support them.
Social Studies and Moral Education ( questions based on the topics taught)

• Great Fire of London

• Emirates and their ruling family.
• National Identity
• Founder of the UAE
• Tangible and Intangible heritage

DL learners
If your child is distance learning, they will log onto zoom on time for their
assessment and listen to the instructions. The teacher will read out each
question apart from the reading test. If they are staying online, please
ensure they stay muted as we do not want to distract the children in the
classroom. Once the time is up the teacher will ask all children on zoom to
save their test on seesaw. This must be saved at the end of the lesson when
the time is up. If your child struggles to record on seesaw, try to practice
this with them before next week otherwise they will have to upload a
photo of their printed test straight after the time is up. There will be a time
limit on tasks so if a child does not attend the lesson, they will not be
given a chance to complete the assessment later (unless due to illness).

Any questions or queries, please contact the class teacher or year group
leader and we will be happy to help.

Thank you for your support.

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