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Estudio 1 (2º Eva) Natural Science 6º

1 We interact with our environment using our senses, true or 4 What connects the nerves to the brain?

A The spinal column

B The back bone
C The spinal cord
A True
B False

5 What part of the brain coordinates messages to and from

the nerves?
2 The spinal cord controls the nervous system, true or false?

A The cerebrum
A True
B The cerebellum
B False
C The brainstem

3 The motor nerves transmit information from the muscles to

the brain, true or false? 6 What type of movement are breathing and the heart beat?

A True
A Voluntary movements
B False
B Involuntary movements
Estudio 1 (2º Eva) Natural Science 6º 2 / 3

7 What type of nerves transmit information from the brain to 10 We feel things through the dermis or skin?
the muscles and joints?

A True
A The motor nerves
B False
B The sensory nerves

11 Nerve cells (neurons) are spherical in shape?

8 What part of the brain connects the spinal cord to the brain?
A True
B False

12 Neurons transmit messages by electrical signals?

A True
B False

A The cerebellum
B The brainstem

9 The cell body is at the centre of the neuron?

A True
B False
Estudio 1 (2º Eva) Natural Science 6º 3 / 3

13 The space between two neurons is called an axon?

A True
B False

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