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Erica Lowe June 2010

South Africa Ministry Update

Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
This past month has been one of the busiest and most eventful months of the year. The American summer project students were here until mid-June and brought so much encouragement to our team as they worked with us on campus for one week doing initiative evangelism and follow up and serving in the community for 3 weeks. We saw many students accept Christ and I cant wait to see how God uses them in our ministry to reach students on campus.

The pictures are of our time spent in the community at Ukukhanya Life Care Center and the Isaiah House. Our days were filled with loving on kids, doing HIV testing in the township, organizing an orphan camp, cleaning the facilities, playing sports, tutoring kids with homework, and visiting people in their homes to pray with them.

Our time in the community and seeing the realities of Africa first-hand was a great reminder that the only hope for this continent is Jesus. Shelter, clothes, money, medicine, etc. will not fill the void in the hearts of these beautiful people. Its the compelling love and grace of Jesus Christ. We also partnered with the Crossroads Ministry and led a day camp for high schoolers at one of the schools in the Ntuzuma Township. The day revolved around the five dimensions of our lives: mental, emotional, social, physical, and spiritual. Each dimension included a personal testimony from one of the summer project students, a Bible story relating to the dimension, and a game. Several students accepted Christ and made commitments to live a life of purity.

After summer project left, we spent a week in Cape Town with the Port Elizabeth, SA STINT team for our mid-year conference. It was a refreshing time as we spent time away together as a team to reflect and rest. Dave Goffeney, the campus director at UC Davis in California, facilitated our time as we debriefed and evaluated this past semester. I am really excited about what God is going to do in our ministries and in our relationship as a team as we move into the second half of the year. We are trusting God to raise up leaders at the Edgewood campus and continue to build and challenge the leaders in place at Westville and Howard. Our vision for the month of August is to share the Gospel with 10,000 students on our campuses. Between the three campuses we work on in Durban, there are close to 25,000 students. We are planning several outreaches and inviting other Christian ministries on campus to partner with us in this vision. Please begin to pray that God would use the month of August to draw people to Him and start revival in the hearts of students in Durban.

Table Mountain 20 Epping Drive * Westville 3629 * Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

Where to next?
As I have reached the halfway mark in my STINT year, I will be making a decision by the end of August about what I will be doing next year. It is challenging to make this decision only halfway through because I feel like there are so many things yet to be experienced and learned this year in South Africa that could give me more clarity for where God wants me next year. I am trusting that He will make it clear to me by the end of August. I know that God is leading me to continue ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ next year, but I am not sure in what capacity. The two options that I am praying through and ask that you would pray with me is staying a second year in South Africa or joining full time staff in the States in January 2012 and continuing campus ministry on a stateside campus. Although at times this decisionmaking process stresses me out, I am really excited to see where God has me next year. Your partnership with me as I make this decision is so valuable and I am so thankful to have a team of financial and prayer partners who are on this journey with me! Please also pray for my teammates as they are in the process of praying through their decision for next year as well.

Let us pray!
Pray for our planning time as we begin to prepare for ministry the second semester. Pray that God will protect students as they are on winter break and that He would bring them back refreshed and energized about ministry on their campuses. (Lectures resume on July 25th) Pray for our team as we pray and process through making our decisions for where God will be taking us next year. Pray that God will provide a STINT team in Durban next year.

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