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Vocabulary Test

A. Unscramble the words.

1. eeesdv= 6. nexaime= 11. teendpr= 16. tnoipp=

2. vvursie = 7. areomcp= 12. ggelurst= 17. tractta=
3. tearec= 8. cetles= 13. eeorxpl= 18. beelearct=
4. sebidscre= 9. atehiset= 14. pils =
5. amebl= 10. lareced= 15. hisnots=

B. Match each word with the correct meaning.

1. Deserve A. To consider similarities.

2. Survive B. To surprise someone very much.

3. create C. To praise.

4. Describe D. To invent something new.

5. blame E. To test someone's knowledge or skill in a particular subject.

6. compare F. To search and discover.

7. examine G. To cause something to come toward something else.

8. Select H. To say or write what someone or something is like.

9. hesitate I. To make someone feel unhappy.

10. Declare J. Worth doing. To receive something because of the way yo

have acted or the qualities you have.

11. pretend K. To move out of the correct position.

12. Struggle L. to pause before you do or say something, often because

you are uncertain or nervous about it.

13. explore M. To make someone or something responsible for


14. slip N. to announce something clearly.

15. astonish O. To continue to live or to exist, esp. after a dangerous

event. To live longer than a family member.

16. Disappoint P. To choose.

17. Attract Q. To work hard to do something.

18. celebrate R. To behave as if something is true when you know that it is

Vocabulary Test
D. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

deserve survive create describe blame celebrate attract disappoint

astonish slip explore struggle pretend declare hesitate select

examine compare examination celebration

1. Your actions _____________a punishment.

2. He is ____________ by his children.
3. The new factory will ________hundreds of jobs in the area.
4. I cannot ___________ how I feel right now.
5. Don't ________ me it is not my fault if you forgot your umbrella!
6. If you ______ food prices in the two areas, it's quite amazing how different they are.
7. You need to ________ all the given choices before picking an answer.
8. These oranges have been carefully __________.
9. If you need anything, don't __________ to call me.
10. Our teacher ___________ the results of the examination.
11. Don't _________ to be sick.
12. I ________ getting the tangerine.
13. I want to ________ the USA with my family.
14. It’s just right to apologize when you make a _________.
15. Her painting skills __________ me.
16. I was a bit __________ just to be given a B, as I was hoping for an A.
17. Magnets can ________metals.
18. She___________her tenth birthday.
19. She is terribly worried about her level _______ tomorrow.
20. She enjoyed her graduation ________________.

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