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Affiliative and prosocial motives and emotions in

mental health

Paul Gilbert

To cite this article: Paul Gilbert (2015) Affiliative and prosocial motives and emotions in mental
health, Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 17:4, 381-389, DOI: 10.31887/DCNS.2015.17.4/pgilbert

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
Affiliative and prosocial motives and
emotions in mental health
Paul Gilbert, PhD, FBPsS, OBE


U ntil recently, conceptual and empirical research

on psychopathology has tended to focus on symptoma-
tology and on grouping symptoms into syndromes. So,
for example, studies of anxiety or depression focus on
This paper argues that studies of mental health and well- the neurophysiological, behavioral, or cognitive compo-
being can be contextualized within an evolutionary ap- nents of the symptoms of “anxiety and depression.” In
proach that highlights the coregulating processes of emo- the last 20 years, however, evolutionary approaches to
tions and motives. In particular, it suggests that, although psychopathology have emerged that focus on evolved
many mental health symptoms are commonly linked to strategies and their complex regulators. This directs
threat processing, attention also needs to be directed to attention to the evolved functions of motives and em-
the major regulators of threat processing, ie, prosocial and otions, and, importantly for this paper, how they can
affiliative interactions with self and others. Given that hu- suppress and coregulate each other.1 The evolutionary
man sociality has been a central driver for a whole range model starts with the fact that a range of emotional
of human adaptations, a better understanding of the ef- and motivational systems evolved because they helped
fects of prosocial interactions on health is required, and meet the challenges of survival and gene replication in
should be integrated into psychiatric formulations and competitive environments.2-4 Brains and minds there-
interventions. Insight into the coregulating processes of fore monitor their social contexts and change their rela-
motives and emotions, especially prosocial ones, offers im- tionship to them with regard to risks, opportunities, and
proved ways of understanding mental health difficulties potential supports.
and their prevention and relief. It is now recognized that one of the most important
© 2015, AICH – Servier Research Group Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2015;17:381-389. strategic adaptations for primates, and especially hu-
mans, is sociality; we are basically wired to seek helpful
connections with others.5,6 It is our human motivation
for connecting, relating, and communicating that has
Keywords: affiliation; attachment; compassion; emotion; evolution; motive;
parasympathetic; prosocial; oxytocin Address for correspondence: Professor Paul Gilbert, PhD FBPsS, OBE,
Mental Health Research Unit, Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation
Author affiliations: Mental Health Research Unit, Derbyshire Healthcare Trust, Derby, DE22 3LZ, UK
NHS Foundation Trust, Derby, UK (email:

Copyright © 2015 AICH – Servier Research Group. All rights reserved 381
Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
driven social intelligence, from toolmaking to science,7 tral to this paper is the issue that different motives and
and more recently, the proliferation of communication social mentalities organize the brain in very different
technologies, social media on a global scale,6 and emo- ways. So, in many ways, brain processing is motive-
tion regulation.8 Within this drive for connection and dependent. 1,3,22 Given that many of our evolved moti-
relating, humans play out a complex variety of motiva- vational systems are competing for expression and are
tions and interacting styles with each other (eg, they sensitive to social contexts,9 this raises the issue of how
can be supportive, caring, and desirous, or indifferent, different motivational systems are related to health,
exploitative, or hostile). These multifaceted and multi- and to vulnerability to psychopathology.
farious motivations may compete for expression across To explore this we would ideally have a nosology of
relationships and even within any one relationship.9 In motives, but there are no agreed evolution-derived no-
addition, we have minds with internal relationships with sologies for social motives and mentalities. However,
ourselves, so we can feel friendly, indifferent, or hostile various suggestions have been made.3,20,23 For example,
to ourselves.3,10,11 What has become clear over the last among the most common social ones are: competition,
20 years is that certain motivational and emotional cooperation, and alliance building; care providing, care
processes, which are linked to phenotypic and strate- seeking, and sexual. Various blends of these would in-
gic orientations,2 are more strongly linked to physical clude desires for power, achievement, connection, be-
and mental health than others. In brief, threat focus and longing, socializing, sex, and so on. We can note how
competitive self-focus may be less conducive to well- different social mentalities create different patterns in
being than a prosocial focus on self and others.12-14 a range of biopsychosocial processes, by contrasting
In fact, prosocial relationships have major impacts two of them such as competitive and caring. Individu-
on a range of physiological systems,8,15 including genetic als who are orientated through competitive motives are
expression.16,17 Fredrickson al18 found that eudemonic highly focused on rank and power issues, shame/pride,
well-being (positive emotion associated with meaning are very sensitive to social comparison, vulnerable to
and helping others), in contrast to self-focused pleasure envy, and are self-focused and self-monitoring. In con-
and hedonic well-being, was linked to better physiologi- trast, caring motivations do not utilize these social pro-
cal profiles involving proinflammatory genes. Hence, cessing competencies, but instead are highly sensitive
facilitating affiliative and prosocial processing, rather to signals of distress and needs, and recruit sympathetic
than (just) reducing threat processing or enhancing and caring competencies. Seeing someone injured in a
self-focused competitiveness, becomes the target for competitive conflict could be experienced as positive
therapeutic and preventative interventions.11,19 The sec- and rewarding, whereas the same outcome in a caring
tions below explore the ways that prosocial behavior is relationship would be experienced as threatening and
linked to motives and emotions that alleviate and help distressing. Individuals engaged in competitive inter-
prevent mental health difficulties. actions will be (neuro)physiologically and psychologi-
cally organized in different ways, compared with caring
Evolution and motivation and supportive interactions. Simon-Thomas et al24 con-
ducted an fMRI study to explore neurophysiological
Motives can be understood in terms of their evolved differences in compassion/caring versus pride activa-
function. Obvious nonsocial ones are harm avoidance, tion. They found that:
food, and shelter-seeking. In the social domain, social Compassion induction was associated with activation in
motives require specialist systems for processing so- the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG), a region that is
cial signals to engage in interactional sequences. For activated during pain and the perception of others’ pain,
example, sexual behavior involves a (courting) dance and that has been implicated in parental nurturance be-
between two partners, and at any point, miscommunica- haviors. Pride induction engaged the posterior medial cor-
tion can result in one partner attacking or taking flight tex, a region that has been associated with self-referent
from the other. Social motives that require specialist processing. (p. 635)
competencies for processing potentially rapidly chang- Such studies seek to identify different neurological
ing, dynamic, and reciprocal interactional sequences, patterns associated with different motivational systems.
have been referred to as social mentalities.1,3,10,20,21 Cen- The bottom line of this is that prosocial motives that

Evolution, affiliation, and mental health - Gilbert Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 17 . No. 4 . 2015

are associated with taking an interest in caring for oth- mere length.32 In many forms of psychological difficulty
ers, in contrast to self-focused (competitive) motives to “feeling alone, different, and separate(d) from others,”
get ahead or avoid being inferior, shamed, and rejected, is a very common experience.22 In addition, shame and
are associated with improved well-being and reduce self-criticism not only constitute negative self-experi-
vulnerabilities to psychopathology. 8,12,18,25 Derived from ences, in contrast to prosocial, liking, and helpful rela-
social mentality theory, McEwan et al26 showed that in tionships with oneself, they also interfere with people’s
students and a depressed population, depression was abilities and confidence to develop supportive, affilia-
linked to thwarted competitive motives (feeling inferi- tive relationships with others. People can be fearful of
or, unable to compete in the world, feeling like a loser) others being compassionate towards them because of
but was not related to caring motives (being kind, help- what (they fear) might be discovered about them if oth-
ful, and trustworthy); depressed patients do not feel in- er get too close, and the risk of rejection.33 Such fears
ferior in caring domains. So it is not negative self-eval- disrupt the potential benefits of prosocial relationships
uation in general, but a sense of self within a particular and are associated with depression and anxiety.27
motivational system that is an issue for depression. In
addition, depressed people can be fearful of being open Evolution and emotion
to receiving compassion from others, as well as blocking
self-compassion.27 Researchers have long sought to derive an evolution-
based, functional classification of emotions and identify
Types of social affiliation their universal regulators,34 and roles in clinical prob-
lems.4 Panskepp35 delineated seven types of evolved
In regard to motivational systems underpinning pro- functionally specific emotions that can also blend and
social motivation and emotion, there appear to be two operate together. These include: (i) emotions for seek-
main forms. One relates to kin-based attachment-type ing rewards/resources; (ii) emotions linked to lust which
relations.28 The other relates to alliance-building, coop- are particularly (but not only) focused on sexual stim-
eration, and friendship-network formations.29,30 Bailey31 uli; (iii) emotions linked to caring and affection; (iv)
distinguishes these two domains in terms of: (i) genet- emotions linked to loss and feelings of grief; (v) threat
ic kin-like forms of relating focusing on intimacy and emotions of rage; and (vi) fear; (vii) emotions that are
closeness; and (ii) psychological kinships based on simi- linked to play and give a sense of joyfulness in activities.
larity of values and interests with cooperative potential. A complimentary but different evolutionary func-
These can blend together. The simplest form of relating tional analysis uses a more macro approach. Derived
arises in dyads where two individuals come together from the work of Depue and Morrone-Strupinsky,36
for various reasons such as caring, helping, sharing, or LeDoux,37 Panksepp,35 and others, based on clini-
sexual engagement. Working together, with a number cal observation, and focusing on more general rather
of others, and feeling part of a group, “from me-ness to than specific functions, Gilbert22 highlighted three core
we-ness,” expands out into issues of group identity and evolved functions of emotions, loosely identified as:
group belonging.3,29 1. Emotions that serve the functions of threat detection
It is well-known that kin-like, intimate and close, and generating defensive and safety strategies
prosocial, loving, and caring early attachment relation- 2. Emotions that serve the functions of detecting, en-
ships provide a wealth of resources which shape physio- ergizing and seeking/acquiring resources for survival
logical systems and set phenotypes for increased health and reproduction
and well-being, whereas neglect and/or abuse do the 3. Emotions that serve the function of contentment,
opposite.13,17 In addition, there is now considerable evi- satisfaction, calming, settling, and allowing “rest and
dence that alliances and friendships also play vital roles digest.”
in physical and mental health, while, in contrast, loneli- These are represented in Figure 1.
ness and a lack of cooperating alliances (friendships) Although they are described as “systems,” it is more
are highly detrimental to well-being.5 Indeed, studies of accurate to see them as rooted in patterns of (neuro)
loneliness show it to be associated with a range of phys- physiological activation that are constantly blending
iological problems, including adverse effects on telo- and coregulating. Importantly, affiliative relationships

Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
can be linked to all three systems. For example, a threat The value of this way of thinking can be seen when
to people we love raises anxiety, or anger to those who working with trauma, particularly in veterans. During
are threatening; spending time with friends and loved their training, and while on missions, military person-
ones can be activating, enjoyable, and exciting; being in nel will experience elevated threat. They are then sub-
the presence of caring others helps us feel safe and con- sequently “calmed and soothed” in the context of being
tent, and when we are distressed, can be soothing and with their “buddies.” Indeed, the military deliberately
calming.3,20,21,8 The reasons why social relationships that fosters close interconnectedness. In essence, the secure
signal either threat or positive support/help, have such base and safe haven become (re)wired from family and
powerful psychophysiologically regulating impacts, are home to signals of the presence of buddies. When they
related to our evolution as socially interacting mam- return home with these rewired systems, a sense of con-
mals; indeed there is general agreement that it was our nectedness and soothing may (for some) no longer be
sociality that drove human intelligence.7 stimulated by wife and children, or even old friends. The
The “three-circle” model of emotion is linked with removal of a sense of buddy-connectedness and safeness
attachment theory. Gilbert20 Bowlby,38-40 and Mikulincer signals can activate the threat-vigilance systems; typi-
and Shaver28 highlighted the fact that early attachments cal of major loss/separation. So veterans can experience
provide the young with proximity maintenance, a secure high levels of threat from the sudden removal of impor-
base and safe haven that are fundamental for develop- tant safeness signals, with a yearning to return to be with
ment. A secure base provides the encouragement and their (safe haven) buddies. However, they are so expect-
confidence to go out and explore the world; a safe ha- ing (hoping) to feel safe and well when they come hope
ven provides a source to return to for protection, sooth- that they can find these inner experiences very distress-
ing, and calming should the infant become distressed. ing and confusing. Some believe they ought to feel safe
These functions continue throughout life and we turn to and secure (or excited) back with their families and are
others—friends, partners and lovers—to provide them. not aware that all three systems have been (re)wired and
Importantly, signals indicating a presence or absence of so it will take time for them to be “wired back” into ci-
a secure base and safe haven are linked to all three sys- vilian, social contexts. Explaining the three-circle model
tems. and the possible process of “rewiring” according to con-
text, to them and their families, can be very helpful and
deshaming. Trying to understand trauma only through
Driven, excited, vitality Content, safe, connected
focusing on threat processing will be limited without also
discussing the notions of secure base, safe haven, and how
Non-wanting/ the parasympathetic system is linked to the functioning
of the soothing system. Indeed, understanding the im-
Wanting, pursuing, portance of the “buddy system” has stimulated work on
achieving, consuming
the value of recruiting buddies and fellow veterans in the
Activating treatment of trauma.41

Some (neuro)physiological mediators of
prosocial motives and emotions and mental
Protection and health

Activating/ There are a number of key physiology adaptations that

have facilitated enhanced affiliative and care-focused
relating. Amongst evolved challenges for mamma-
Anger, anxiety, disgust
lian sociality are: (i) for close proximity not to trigger
fear/flight or anger/fight; and (ii) provide advantages
Figure 1. T hree types of affect regulation system. that support survival. MacLean42 highlighted the fact
Reproduced from ref 22: Gilbert P. The Compassionate Mind: a New
Approach to the Challenge of Life. London, UK: Constable Robin- that parents needed to stop treating their offspring as
son; 2009. Copyright © Constable Robinson Ltd 2009 just another meal (as some fish do). In addition, play

Evolution, affiliation, and mental health - Gilbert Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 17 . No. 4 . 2015

became a key source for mammalian interaction, es- understanding threat processing and psychopathology;
pecially where offspring are living close together. one cannot understand psychopathology by analyzing
Porges43 suggests that the evolution of the myelinated threat or symptoms alone. It’s important then to rec-
vagus nerve was one part of the solution to such chal- ognize that the (neuro)physiological mechanisms that
lenges. He has been at the forefront of suggesting that support prosocial and affiliative behavior have been
the myelinated parasympathetic system provides the identified as problematic in many people with psycho-
physiological bases to put a brake on predatory, fight- logical difficulties. Given parasympathetic functioning,
and-flight behavior when individuals are in close prox- and in particular heart rate variability, is linked to pro-
imity, and instead facilitate soothing and calming in the sociality and mental well-being,15 Kemp and Quintana46
context of close relationships. This provides physiologi- have provided a major overview of the link between
cal infrastructures for the development of caring and poor heart rate variability and a range of psychological
cooperation; to enable individuals to help each other. and physical difficulties. Low resting heart rate variabil-
Although some of the details of polyvagal theory have ity has knock-on effects to cardiovascular and immune
been questioned,44 there is good evidence now that this systems, as well as mood regulation. Not only is there
branch of the parasympathetic system is associated a direct connection between feeling socially connected
with prosocial behavior and well-being (see Kogan et and heart rate variability; Gillie and Thayer51 review the
al15 for a major review). A common way to explore the evidence that parasympathetic tone is very important
sympathetic-parasympathetic balance is with measures for executive control and the integration of frontal cor-
of heart rate variability.45 There is now good evidence tical systems with deeper brain systems. They describe
that heart rate variability44 is an indicator for a range how executive control is compromised in people with
of physical or mental health difficulties and is strongly post-traumatic stress disorder, and identify difficulties in
linked to the quality of social relationships.46 parasympathetic regulation as a potential source. Aus-
Another key evolved physiological factor in pro- tin et al52 found that people with borderline difficulties
sociality is the hormone oxytocin, a nine-amino-acid (reflected in difficulties in regulating emotions, a fragile
neuropeptide hormone, produced in the hypothala- sense of self, and problems in interpersonal realtion-
mus.45 Oxytocin plays a fundamental role in a range of hips) do not differ in terms of sympathetic activation to
physiological processes throughout the body and is a threat compared with controls, but differ significantly
key hormone in prosocial and affiliative behaviors.45,47 in the parasympathetic responses to potential helpful-
Oxytocin was central to the evolution of the mam- ness—actually showing a more fight-flight profile in
malian caring/attachment behavior and now supports situations of helpfulness. In a study looking at people’s
conspecific recognition, monogamous bonding, kin-at- response to compassion, which involved imagining re-
tachment and bonding, increases trust, improves com- ceiving kindness and compassion from others, Rockliff
petencies in mind reading tasks, increases feelings of et al found that, when trying to imagine a compassionate
liking others, and reduces activation in the amygdala to other, low self-criticism and secure attachment were as-
threat.48 Importantly, it plays a significant role in threat sociated with improved/increased heart rate variability,
regulation in general, there being oxytocin receptors in but high self-criticism and insecure attachment were as-
the amygdala.49 However, oxytocin is not a “be nice to sociated with a worsening of heart rate variability. In an
all” hormone. It is also linked with greater hostility to fMRI study exploring the neurophysiological patterns
outsiders and maternal aggression to potential threats of self-criticism and self-reassurance to threatening
to their infants.50 From an evolutionary point of view, events, Longe et al54 found that high and low self-crit-
oxytocin guides people to be selective in the choice of ics differed fundamentally in their neurophysiological
targets on which they focus prosocial behavior. profiles. For low self-critics, self-reassurance was associ-
ated with brain areas for calming. However, for those
Problems with the neurophysiology of with higher self-criticism, efforts to be self-reassuring
prosocial relating to self and others were associated with threat areas, such as the amygdala.
Hence, for some individuals, efforts to be compassion-
A central argument of this section is that understand- ate, reassuring, and kind to oneself activate threat sys-
ing how affiliative and prosocial systems work is key to tems. So, there are many studies suggesting that some

Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
of the core physiological systems for prosocial emotion, mindfulness, feelings of purpose in life, and social sup-
thinking, and behavior are compromised in people with port, and decreases illness symptoms compared with a
mental health problems. People are not able to use the control group. Weng et al63 found that compassion train-
parasympathetic-based soothing system for affect regu- ing increases people’s prosocial behavior and neuro-
lation and executive control.45,55. physiological responses to suffering in others. Hoge et
Looking at another major physiological system for al64 found that women with experience of loving-kind-
prosociality, oxytocin, Yuen et al56 found that plasma ness meditation had longer relative telomere length
oxytocin may be lowered in depression. This may ac- than controls. The beneficial effects of compassion cul-
count for some of the depressed person’s feelings of tivation are not just linked to meditations but to values,
social disconnection, being cut off and different from and to the ways we live our lives.18
others, separated, isolated, and lonely. Stanley and Psychotherapy has also begun to focus on compas-
Siever57 suggested that a number of the interpersonal sion and prosocial cultivation as therapeutic targets in
and emotion regulation difficulties associated with their own right. 11,19,65,66 Focusing on the experience and
borderline personality disorder are indications of development of compassion has been found to reduce
problems in oxytocin. Ebert et al58 developed a game depression, anxiety, and self-criticism in people present-
to measure interpersonal trust and explored the im- ing to a community mental health team,67 in people
pact of oxytocin (OT) in controls and people with bor- with long-term mental health problems,68 and people in
derline personality difficulties. One of their main find- a high-security psychiatric setting.69 Compassion-focused
ings was that “OT had a trust-lowering effect in highly therapy (CFT) has been shown to be helpful for people
traumatized patients.” Rockliff et al59 explored the with psychosis70,71; and for people with emotional dif-
impact of nasal oxytocin and placebo on the ability to ficulties and personality disorders.72 Ashworth et al73
generate and feel reassured by compassionate images. found CFT to be a valuable addition in helping people
While oxytocin increased the experiences of compas- with acquired brain injury.
sion for many, some individuals with high self-criticism Some researchers have focused on a particular and
actually felt worse. specific kind of self-compassion that involves cultiva-
tion of mindfulness (rather than attentional absorption
Training in compassion and prosocial in difficulties), a sense of common humanity (rather
behavior than a sense of shame and isolation), and non-judge-
ment (rather than self-criticalness).74 Recent trials in
Given that compassionate and prosocial behavior have nonclinical populations have shown this to be beneficial
such powerful influences on a range of physiological, to well-being.75 For depressed people, Kuyken et al76
psychological, and social processes, it follows that train- found that in a mindfulness trial, self-compassion was
ing people to cultivate compassion motives and emo- the significant mediator between mindfulness, change,
tions may be therapeutic. This raises the question about and recovery from depression. A recent meta-analysis
the focus for compassion, because compassion can be of compassion focused interventions found good evi-
explored in relation to compassion we have for oth- dence of effectiveness.77
ers, the way we respond to the compassion from others Although compassion cultivation training can be
and self-compassion.11,22 There is increasing evidence helpful, therapists need to be aware that they can run
that forms of meditation practices involving imagin- into serious obstacles along the way. As noted above,
ing compassion for others creates beneficial changes in there are a range of physiological systems that may be
the frontal cortex and immune system, as well as feel- compromised and make compassion processing diffi-
ings of well-being.60 Hutcherson et al found that a brief cult. A series of studies suggest that some patients have
loving-kindness meditation increases feelings of social negative beliefs about compassion and generally be-
connectedness and affiliation towards strangers. Fred- ing kind and supportive to oneself. These include ideas
rickson et al62 found that six 60-minute weekly group about not deserving it, no trusting it, or seeing it as a
sessions with home practice based on a CD of loving weakness or an indulgence.78 In addition, when some
kindness meditation (compassion directed to self, then individuals, especially those from a neglectful and abu-
others, then strangers) increases positive emotions, sive background, start to experience compassion, this

Evolution, affiliation, and mental health - Gilbert Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience - Vol 17 . No. 4 . 2015

can ignite a powerful grief process.33,27 Importantly too, Despite this, it is comparatively recently that research-
early trauma can create body memories that can block ers have begun to look at people’s psychological and
compassion and make experiencing caring and affilia- physiological capacities and competencies for prosocial
tion from others frightening.79 processing as a way of helping to stabilize affect regula-
tion and sense of self. Most pharmacological models ig-
Conclusion nore these complexities and focus mostly only on threat
the physiologies of processing, eg, of anxiety or depres-
We should not be surprised by the power of prosocial sion, rather than their regulators, such as social contexts,
motives and emotions to create contexts for health, be- sense of self-identity, shame, trauma memories, or pro-
cause supportive affiliative and helpful relationships social competencies and motives.
provide major benefits for survival and reproduction. As we understand more about the regulating pro-
The mammalian and human brain and body are highly cesses underpinning prosocial relating, we will be better
adapted to be regulated through social relationships. able to develop therapies for cultivating them, and not
Moreover, it has been known for a long time that se- simply rely on trying to tone down the threat system,
cure attachment and ongoing support throughout life be it with drugs, various forms of exposure, or cognitive
provides major buffers against stress and vulnerability. reappraisals. o

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Tr a n s l a t i o n a l r e s e a r c h
Emociones y motivos prosociales y de afiliacion Émotions et motivations prosociales et affiliatives
en salud mental en santé mentale

Este artículo plantea que los estudios de salud mental Cet article traite des études de santé mentale et de bien-
y bienestar pueden ser contextualizados dentro de una être pouvant être contextualisées dans une approche
perspectiva evolutiva que pone de relieve los procesos évolutive qui souligne les processus de corégulation des
de co-regulación de las emociones y los motivos. En par- émotions et des motivations. Il indique en particulier que
ticular sugiere que, aunque muchos síntomas de salud malgré la relation courante de nombreux symptômes de
mental comúnmente están relacionados con procesos santé mentale avec le traitement de la menace, il faut
de amenaza, la atención también necesita estar dirigi- aussi prendre en compte les régulateurs majeurs de ces
da a los principales reguladores del procesamiento de processus, c’est-à-dire les interactions prosociales et affi-
la amenaza, es decir, las interacciones prosociales y de liatives avec soi-même et avec les autres. La sociabilité
afiliación con uno mismo y con los demás. Teniendo en humaine étant un fil conducteur pour une grande par-
cuenta que la socialización humana ha sido un factor tie des adaptations chez l’homme, les effets des interac-
central para toda una serie de adaptaciones humanas, tions prosociales sur la santé demandent à être mieux
se requiere de una mejor comprensión de los efectos de compris et intégrés dans les interventions et formula-
las interacciones prosociales sobre la salud, y se deben tions psychiatriques. Mieux connaître les processus de
integrar en las formulaciones e intervenciones psiquiá- corégulation des motivations et des émotions, en par-
tricas. La comprensión de los procesos de co-regulación ticulier les processus prosociaux, permet de mieux com-
de los motivos y las emociones, especialmente las proso- prendre les difficultés de santé mentale, ainsi que leur
ciales, ofrece mejores formas de entender los problemas prévention et leur soulagement.
de salud mental y su prevención y alivio.

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