Offloading Ammonia Tanker

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‘Go aaiell @000 — ‘Speraons — a Devine] POH & Ub a ‘eure | PUO / WIN / 6003 roe ‘ec ie | OMoading Ammonia Tanker 1. PURPOSE ‘To provide a standard practice on unloading of ammonia from tanker to the ammonia storage drum (V-3002) safely, 2. SCOPE “This practice Is applicable for unleading ammenia from tanker to storage drum (V-3002) located inthe utes section, 3. RESPONSIBILITIES To be followed by all operating personnel ln PDH & Utilities and the overall responsibilty rests with Shift Supenvsor. 4, DEFINITIONS, 5. BASIC ASSUMPTION ‘© There Is an availabe space on the ammonia drum to accommadate tanker quant. 6, HSE REQUIREMENTS ‘© Always use mandatory PPE's (minimum Safety shoes, Safety goggles, Helmet, Leather gloves). Use Gumboots and Low temperature insulation gloves while hhaneling Ammonia ‘© Ensure self contained breathing apparatus, Aline mask, PYC apron, PVC gloves are available at site. © Keep Gas mask with cartridges for Ammonia ready. (However keep in mind that {hese cartridges are meant to be used fora particular Ammonia cancentration limit ‘and also Rave an expiry dat), Ensure that Ammonia Gas detectors are online. ‘nov the actions required to be taken incase of leas. Use Ammonia mentors to check surroundings Never use brass Mittngs/parts in Ammonia system since it snot compatible. 7. METHOD 7.1 Preliminary checks 7.1.1 Make sure thatthe deluge system fs working and ready. 7.4.2 Give Instruction on the tanker to goto the unloading area ater weighing Is finished and vehicle entry permit has been accomplished, 7.1.3 Ensure thatthe tanker is parked atthe right postion and engine put off, 7.1.4 Ensue that earthing is connected tothe tanker. 7.1.5 Put wheel blocks on tanker in order for the tanker net to move, 7.1.6 Ensure that powe supply tothe unloading pump is available and with a correct rating based on pump requirements Lyall ©0090 ee =a peatons {= a ‘ype [POH & Us [ose | rarer ocssus | PUO / WIN / 0003 — 2ofs Peceave Tae | Ofleading Ammonia Tanker 7.2. Unloading 7.2.1 Have the pump discharge hose connected as well as the vapor line to the tanker. 7.2.2 Connect nitrogen to the pump discharge line and to the vapor line for leak testing 7.2.3 Pressurize the ine and test the hose and flanges by Soap test, If eakis found get IRattended immediately. 7.2.4 — Ifleak test Is successful, vant nitrogen to atmosphere at safe location via tine 1° [BL'S30407-A2AN and ensure vents and drains are closed afterwards 7.2.5 Inform the panel operator about the unloading and that pressure on the drum wil get affected 7.2.6 Open the 2” valve on the balanced vapor line located at the drum side 7.2.7 Open excess flow valve SHIN-30403 for vapor line. 7.2.8 Cracked open the 2° valve djs ofthe check valve on the balanced vapor line going to the trick vapor side, 7.2.9 Open XV-30401 from the control room, 7.2.40 Open excess flow valve SMN-30402 and its downstream block valve of the ‘unloading pump sie, 7.2.11 Cracked open the tanker pump discharge valve goa tothe drum slowly to balance the pressure between the tanker and the drum so that the excess flow valve get opened, Valve opening should be based on the pressure bulld up and to be confirmed or PG-30403. 7.2.42 Continue openirg ofthe valve unl fil open taking Inte consideration that the tanker and drum pressure is equalized. NOTE: Tanker pressure fs higher then the drum pressure. 22.43 72.14 nore: 7235 72.16 7247 72.38 7.2.19 7.2.20 7.2.28 ‘Continue opening vapor line valve downstream ofthe check valve until full ope. "Now thatthe pressure onthe drum ané the tanker got equalized, start the pump to transfer al'ammenia from tanker tothe drum. Adjust pump discharge valve ‘opening based on the load of the pump. Make sure thatthe tanker and drum pressure Is almost equal otherwise the ‘excess flow valve Internals remains cose Confirm level othe ammonia drum is Increasing Monitor the surounding alr In case of high ammonia concentration using the provided gas aralyzer. Incase of high ammonia concentration In al, stop unloading and look for leaks Unioading Is completed when: Pump discharge pressure drops Expected drum level fs reached based on the amount of ammonia to be unloaded ‘2 per the tanker invoice. [As soon as the above condition ls reached stop the pump and clase the pump ‘discharge valve and the vapor balanced valve atthe drum side. Close the tanker outlet vaive to the pump and the valve upstream of XV-30401, ‘Ask panel operator to close XV-30401. G9 ania ©0009 _ POH & Ue Tarr ocssvei | PUO / WIN / 0003 Bef Docraue 726 | Ofloading Armonia Tanker 7.3. Hose disconnection 7.3.1 Depressurize the drum recelving line as well as the vapor balance line to ‘atmosphere at safe location Ina contalled way. 7.3.2 Connect nitrogen on the above mention line and perform pressurizing and ‘depreseuriing. o i two times then check for ammonia concentration ‘ammonia ls stl present continue pressurtaing and depressurizing with nitrogen Unt ine ls free of ammonia. 7.3.3 Close all related unloading valves that was opaned earlier. 7.3.4 Disconnect hoses and store them properly. 7.3.5 Cover open ends with proper blinds. 7.3.6 Check ifthe quantity of ammonia received Is matching with what Is stated on the Golivery invoice based on the level ofthe tank. Th case of large discrepancy, Inform the shift supervisor on duty. 7.3.7 Direct tanker tothe weighing area to confirm off loaded quantity. 7.3.8 Inform Control Room that ammonia receiving Is completed. 7.3.9. Sign off unloading papers and make a record ofthe unloading details on a form provide. 8. REFERENCES PAID no, 5-30-104, MSDS 9. ATTACHMENTS Fropared by Revered by Reprod Tae ‘Onver 8 Caste ‘Ronnie V_Cabatna —[ Dvk Hbvoaut Designaon ei see —— fe ‘Signature = fox [pate oun 700 0-007 zi

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