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Development of data-base program for Management of Water Supply Systems

Article · June 2007


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Isam Mohammed Abdel-Magid

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Development of data-base program for Management of Water Supply
Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Tahir Mohammed2 and Prof., Dr. Isam Mohammed Abdel Magid3,

Suitable areas in the field of water supply system that are requiring a database to be developed
have been selected under priority basis. A database named WelldataBaseSudan has been developed
and linked to the web application developed within this research.
Web application with title WWW.WATERDATA.ORG have been developed and hosted on the
remote server of Discount.Com Company at USA, which by now running in the Internet 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week the whole year. This dynamic web application was developed utilizing recent
state-of-art technologies. Where important information related to water supply systems in Sudan
have been published in this web, also included abstracts of valuable papers related to domestic
water supply conference that held at Khartoum on 21 to 22 of October 2002. In addition, included
abstracts of very important papers that were prepared on conference of Sediment Transport and
Nile Watershed Management that held at Khartoum on November 2001. Noting that, this later
subject is a hot issue that is getting more attention from irrigation ministries of Sudan, Egypt and
Ethiopia and remaining riparian countries, and the UNESCO Chair in Water Resources of
Omdurman Islamic University.
Through work in this research, recent database languages, programs, software, tools, have been
linked together, and resulted in a newly established scalable database driven web application, with
approximately no cost and ready for buildability for future clients.
The research, set strong infrastructure, and gave a very good example, into how the recent
revolution in Information Technology has been utilized successfully in management of water
supply systems, and it can be considered as a good basis from which researchers can benefit.

Fresh water is a finite and vulnerable resource essential to sustain life, development and the
environment. The water development and management should be based on a participatory
approach, involving users planners and policy makers.
Urban populations are growing as never before and this level of urbanization is presenting
profound challenges to urban water management 7 (Global Water, 2000). And in many regional
and national conferences it has been concluded that in order to improve domestic rural and urban
water supplies, data collection, processing, analysis, retrieval comprising surface water and ground
water sources with the use of databases in desktop environment, client server environment, the
World Wide Web (Internet) In integration with AutoCAD and Geographical Information systems
should be intensified {18}.
The work prepared here is a contribution towards filling the gab in the field of managing water
supply systems by utilizing databases, web applications and software. It compromises of three {3}
main parts, the first part, covered literature review and site visits in field of water supply systems

1 Industrial Research J., Vol. 5 No (1), June 2007, pp. 81 -110

Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (Kahramaa), Doha, Qatar
Industrial Research & Consultancy Centre (IRCC), P. O. Box 268, Khartoum, Sudan

{2}, second part addressed the topic of database development {3,8,9,10, 20} and related languages
& software third part which’s most important and exciting part, is the development and utilization
of web applications in management of water supply systems. This paper concentrated on this third
part {5, 8, 12, 14, 15, 21, and 22}.

Research Objectives
 Development of a scalable database driven web application, by linking programs, databases,
and information related to water supply systems, and water resources utilizing state-of-art
tools and technologies with optimum cost.
 Contribution to improvement of water supply levels in both quantity & quality.
 To identify operation & management of a number of selected water supply systems and
present water related institutes, such practice shall help in better understanding of problems
facing the water sector and leads to proper practical solutions.
 To spread and strengthen the knowledge in the field of water resources and to make possible
related staff to share ideas, make their valuable publications available to a wider range of
interested staff, professionals, scientists and students.
 Development & introduction of web application shall contribute to improvement and
encourage research environment in the field of water resources.
 Development of such web application shall assist and pave the road to development of specific
similar web applications.

First Part: Literature Review and Site Visits

Study, of selected water supply systems, site visits, interviews, literature review and data
collection starting from the water source, and the distribution system, as well visits to related
research centers and water institutes. The literature review covered study of water supply systems
in general, selected water supply systems mainly in Sudan {16, 18, 19}. In addition some of water
supply databases that have been developed internationally and in Sudan {3}.

A database is a collection of all Tables and other objects such as forms and reports that are used to
manage Data. A database is a complex object for storing structured information, which are
organized and stored in a way that allows its quick and efficient retrieval .The information is
broken into Tables.

Microsoft (MS) Access Database:

Since its original introduction in 1992, (MS) has sold more than 120 million copies within MS
office; MS Access is a relational database that allows linking related information easily {9}.
Nearly all-modern database management systems store and handle information using the relational
database management model. The term relational stems from the fact that each record in the
database contains information related to a single subject and only that subject.
Selected Water Supply Databases:
Khartoum Ground Water and Wadi’s Corporation Database:
Initially, a database to manage, ground wells information, have been started in 1983, and then
continued and completed in 1992 in co-ordination between Sudan and the Netherlands

Governments. Its main function is to store, retrieve and manage information pertaining to ground
water sources in Sudan (Wells), as well assists in setting out necessary strategies.
Sudan National Water Corporation Data Base:
The archive of the National Water Corporation (NWC), previously Urban Water Corporation, has
been established, since 1960, in coordination with the Unicif (Mohmed Kheir Saleh, verbal
discussion). The present NWC is responsible for planning, monitoring, and managing of water
supply systems in Sudan, for both rural and urban areas. Its function is to provide technical
consultations and support.
The existing database, that is established approximately in 1997, in co-ordination with the United
Nations Children Fund (UNICF), have been developed with Dbase 5.5. ( Foud Yassa, verbal
Discussion ),.This software is running into a client server environment network using Windows
NT for the network, and Windows 95 for the client. The database here, noticed to be well
developed, organized and managed. And in addition to its main function of managing the data
pertaining to the water supply (Ground + surface), it has been used as a training centre
WellDataBaseSudan (MS Access Database) Development:
From literature review stated above, suitable areas that are requiring a database to be developed
have been selected on priority basis, and a database with title WelldataBaseSudan, developed in
MS Access and linked with the web application that developed in this research with title: The WellDataBaseSudan covered information related to Wells, Voluntary
Agencies acting at Sudan in the field of water supply, Wells Water Quality, Sudan Western
Provinces water supply information.
Where both the database and the application have been hosted at DISCOUNT.NET Service
provider ( hosting company) as shown in Figure ( 1, 3 ). This database which is accessible at
WWW.WaterData.Org web site, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the whole year is comprised of 5
separate tables, as shown in Figure (1, 4)

Figure(1, 3) Discount.Com Hosting Company (Service Provider) FTP server.
The database developed here using MS Access and it is straightforward, just necessary steps to
design, develop tables with required relationships followed as shown in figure (1, 4) and Figure

Figure(1, 4) Stating WelldataBaseSudan database with its 6 No. tables: agency,
Chemical, TblProvince, Welldata, Welldata1, wetsprovinces.

Figure(1,5) Stating tables in WellDataBaseSudan database, together with correspond.
fields in each table. And Relationship between two of the tables.

The Web Applications, Introduction

A combination of most advantage tools have been reviewed, this included, Active Server Pages
Dot Net (ASP.NET) language that used to develop the web application. FrontPage 2002 to develop
static part of the web. Axtive-X Data Objects.Net (ADO.NET) to access the database, Notepad
editor utilized to write the ASP.NET code, where all these softwares integrated in DotNet
Framework. As it will be seen later, ASP.NET is a combination of HTML, Visual Basic.Net and
ADO.NET classes. In addition Adobe Photoshop software used in preparation of required images
and pictures also considered.
It can be said that all tools stated above are Microsoft (MS) tools with exception of Adobe
Photoshop. The candidate in the research concentrated on MS tools, because of their flexibility,
popularity, availability, i.e most of MS softwares either freely downloadable through the Internet
or free trial versions that accompanying related books are obtainable for limited period of time.
In this work, brief historical background about the Internet has been made (Appendix-A), the
famous Internet Information Services (IIS) software that used to host the web application discussed
in details. Also, it has been shown that how the web application thus developed, tested on the local
computer through Internet Information Services (IIS), as well how hosted on the remote service
provider company’s server.
Furthermore the subjects that have been included in the web, i.e the web page’s contents
highlighted: As it is clear from research title: Utilization of Databases and the Web in management
of water supply systems, the web application is inclined and concentrated on database driven web

pages, as well static web pages, on the field of water resources and water supply systems. And in
order to make the paper more useful and meaningful, abstracts of all papers that presented on the
conference of domestic water supply, that held at Khartoum, Sudan on 21-22, October, 2002 were
included. These papers nearly covered all provinces of Sudan.

Internet Background
Undoubtedly it is clear that the Internet is becoming a major part of the way that the world works.
With each passing day, the Internet is having more and more of an impact on the daily lives of
countless people. The amount of information available to anyone, anywhere, at any time is
overwhelming, and this trend is only going to continue to grow in the future.
Originally, computer networking started by USA Department Of Defense (DoD), to hook up
computers at different military sites. {11, 12}

Web Applications Development Tools

Active Server Pages (ASP):
ASP is one of the most popular languages for building scalable, interactive web sites. Several of
the highest traffic web sites on the internet employ Active Server Pages.

Active Server Pages.Net (ASP.NET):

ASP.NET, is latest version of Active Server Pages, is Microsoft ‘s Technology for building
dynamic, database-driven Web sites. It is one of the most popular languages for building scalable,
interactive web sites.
ASP.NET, is more robust and contains many performance enhancements over original ASP (21),
as well ASP.Net is enhanced by very large No. of components, if for example in case of classical
ASP access has been made to 5 (five) classes, in contrast ASP.NET, provides with access to over
3,400 classes!. Several of the highest traffic Web sites on the Internet employs Active Sever Pages.
Examples include Dell Online, Barnes and Noble, and the Microsoft site itself. It has been adopted
as one of the main tools, used for development of our research web site.
In this research candidate started developing with Visual Studio.Net, since original software is
relatively expensive, approximately 1,800$, a 60 days trial edition has been used. Although good
progress made, however the period expired before completing planned works. As a result the
candidate moved to an excellent alternative i.e Asp.Net by direct coding which’s available and
free downloadable through the Internet coming within the .Net Framework software. Although a
pit difficult than using Visual Studio.Net, however it did the job satisfactory and more. This .NET
FRAMEWORK shall be explained in coming sections.

Macromedia-Dreamweaver (
Is available for both the Macintosh and the PC. It offers benefits such as customizable features and
automated production.

Adobe Photoshop/ ImageReady:

Adobe is the world leader in graphics and imaging software. When designers started being asked
to create graphics for the web, Photoshop was used mostly because it was what every one had.
Photoshop is a bitmap program, best known for image manipulation, using layers to allow for
virtually limitless flexibility in design.{22}. It has been adopted as one of the tools, used for
development of our research web site.

A Text Editor
Alternatively, web pages can be created with any text editor, such as Notepad, by typing in the
HTML tags, saving the file, and then opening it in a web browser. This product can save and open
web file format {22}. It has been adopted as one of the tools, used for development of our research
web site.

Extensible Markup language (XML)

While HTML was created for primary purpose of marking up and linking text documents, the
Extensible Markup language (XML) is specifically designed with the purpose of communicating
page content {22}. XML is a markup language for document containing structured information,
such as words, pictures, etc... It draws relationships between page content, it does not format or
style content to the browser, in other words it does not say (make this bold and make that red).
Therefore the formatting is left to cascading style sheets.

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC):

Tools for accessing databases are very important. This is because they are the links between the
web application on one hand and the database on the other hand. Microsoft has developed a tool
named Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) taking care of such job.

Web Site Application Development and Necessary Code:

Figure (1,1) shows 5 controls: Home, Unesco, Data, Supply, Friend. Details of contented pages.
The complete web application can be browsed through using user name &
password as Isam, here only subjects related to design shall be briefed. All these controls except
for the Data control, containing ordinary pages that are developed using plain simple FrontPage
2002 language, with 2 pages linked to Home, 2 pages linked to Unesco, 7 pages linked to Supply
and 9 linked to Friend. As a result and due to similarity of these pages, developments details in
FrontPage and associated code for only one of these pages shall be shown.
However, better return back to the Data control, most important one, and then resume, where it
contains 5 pages, each of these pages are linked to a database, therefore here both FrontPage and
ASP.NET are used. And due to limitation of space, only one of these pages shall be stated in
details, that is the water Quality Data page.
Here, as first step, the water quality page is developed in FrontPage as shown in Figure (3 , 1)

Figure (3, 1) Khartoum Water Quality Data web page is developed in FrontPage 2002.

The area is divided into suitable tables and cells. Starting from above the title: Utilization Of
Databases & The Web In Management Of Water Supply Systems, is placed in the cell that is
colored black as background, and this title that is planned to be sliding and moving between the
two ends is developed as follows: first click on Insert (forth item on the top, main menu). Then
select Dynamic Effects and marquee, and follow steps provided by dialogue box. Same sliding
effects can be developed by JavaScript code, however, development of this step is more easier by
FrontPage 2002 as explained.
Next, in second row, 5 No. of hyperlinked controls are placed, these are achieved by directly
typing each control name on suitable rectangle and then linking to the suitable hyperlink by
selecting Insert, then Hyperlink and following necessary steps. In first column of third row an
image is placed on a rectangle. The image with its required size is prepared in Adobe PhotoShop
and stored on a folder named images that usually placed on the root of web site. In next step,
corresponding cell where intended to place this image is selected and the right hand mouse is
clicked., at once a dialogue box titled cell properties pops up. In the bottom left side text enclosing
the following can be noticed: use background picture, select it and refer to proper path of image.
Each of the above 10 hyperlinked controls, are referring to a web page that is linked to
corresponding control, once any one of these controls is clicked, it will open a new web page.

Now since static page already prepared using FrontPage as shown above, next step is to see how
ASP.NET code and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO.NET) were used in order to manage, access and
presents the out put of necessary database. In chapter 2, page-27, it has been shown how to access
a database through ASP.NET and ADO.Net tools. Figure (3, 2), shows HTML code corresponding
to static page that developed in FrontPage. In Appendix-B, complete code including code to access
and manage database through ASP.NET language is shown, where its main features shall be
discussed in brief:
The overall code consists of 9 pages, 5 out of 9 pages generated automatically by FrontPage,
therefore no need to explain, as this code generated automatically when developing the page in
MS FrontPage, what you see is what you get tool.
In Listing (1.1), ASP.NET code is shown in blue bold, where it has started with the ASP.NET
namespace classes that designed to access Microsoft Access database.
In first paragraph of this code the IsPostBack property is used with the load event in order to
execute the enclosed code only once when a page is first loaded. i.e to initialize necessary variables
and controls on a page only the first time the page is loaded, not every time the page is submitted.
Therefore, the cmdSelectChem class below shall be ordered (sorted) by the initial “WeLLName”
parameter that is given in BinddataGrid together with IsPostBack property. Therefore the data
page shall be shown sorted by “WellName” parameter refer to Figure ( 3 ,3 ).
Next time the page shall be sorted according to any of selected above underlined hyperlinked
column headers, for example if WellNo is selected the page shall be populated and sorted
according to Well Number Order, that is to say in this case it starts from 1, 2, 3 and upward.
In general sorting can be enabled for all columns or for only particular columns. To enable sorting
for all the columns in a DataGrid, required to set the Allowsorting property to true and associate a
subroutine with the SortCommand event.
In our case only particular columns have been set for sorting, as shown in above code written in
red bold color. To achieve sorting on particular columns, the sortexpression property is used as
shown in above red color code. First the AutoGenerateColumns property is set to false. And
AllowSorting property is set to true. Then in the code related to each column the sortexpression
property is introduced. The value of this property will be assigned to corresponding field name in
the database, by which the Grid shall be sorted.
Once the hyperlinked title is selected the dgrdChemical_SortCommand , retrieves the name of
column selected, for example WellNo and passes it to BindDataGrid(strSortField As String)
Subroutine. The actual sorting is performed in the BindDataGrid subroutine. The records are sorted

with the help of a SQL order by clause, and populated as shown in Figure (3, 3).

Figure (3 , 2) When the HTML button at the lower left corner is clicked; corresponding HTML
code is generated as shown. Detailed full code is shown in Appendix-

Figure (3, 3) Presnts how the Water Quality data are populated to grid. Note that in first time it is
sorted by the Wellname that is included within IsPostBack property and explained in above code.
Next time the page shall be sorted according to any of above underlined hyperlinked column

Development Of The Sudan Wells Data Page:

Development of this page is nearly similar to previous page, as shown in Figure
Figure (3, 4) presenting the Login page, where the user has to submit a valid user name and a
password in order to access the web application.

Uploading web page files to the hosting server

Once, development of the Web site completed and tested in the local Internet Information Services
(IIS) in local computer. Then the second step is to find out a suitable hosting company in order to
start and host the web site.

To find a suitable hosting company through the internet:

Actually in the Internet there are hundreds of Web Hosting Companies. Regarding hosting prices,
it can be said that the prices are reasonable & difference among companies is relatively small.

.That means, to find a company that meets and supports one’s web site’s requirements is not easy
as it seems, actually it needs a considerable effort.
In brief, at last a suitable Hosting Company titled WWW.DISCOUNTASP.NET selected. Most
important hosting features provided by this company are: It supports ASP.NET language, it
supports Windows 2000 hosting, new domains can be registered through this company, or domains
that are existing elsewhere can be transferred to this hosting company for free. It provides
minimum of 75 MB disc space, 2 GB/ month data transfer, web based E-Mail. FrontPage Support,
it supports MS Access database, it supports MS SQL Server 2000 database, it supports .Net
Framework, it Supports Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) including ADO.NET tools.

Hosting prices and domain name:

Domain Registration is 15$ for one year. Hosting fees per month are about 10$.

Figure (3, 5) What Discount companies are saying about them-selves.

Figure (3, 6) stating the FTP server space that allocated by the DISCOUNTASP hosting company
to the Candidate. All ASP.NET files, WellDatabaseSudan MS Access database file, the
Web.config file, the bin directory, the images directory, i.e all files that are necessary to develop
the web site are placed on this server.
Discussions and Conclusions:
Through work in this research the candidate has been identified to operation and management of
a number of water supply systems in Sudan, this included Khartoum Capital of Sudan, and Kassala
Town, and covered overall system starting from water sources, water stations and water
distribution network.
In this stage, some of main problems facing water supply system have been identified and as well
areas requiring a database to be developed considered under priority basis, as well importance of
developing a web application and utilizing it in management of water resources, has been realized.
A database developed with title WellDataBaseSudan, using MS Access and linked to the web
application titled WWW.WATERDATA.ORG that is developed during the course of this
research. This database covered information related to Wells, Khartoum Wells water quality,
voluntary agencies acting at Sudan in the field of water supply at present, Sudan western provinces
water supply information. The database completed and hosted together with accompanying web
application on the Server of Discount.Com companies at USA, and by now working successfully
and interested staff can access it at any time.

The web application is utilizing state-of-art tools including Active Server Pages Dot Net
(ASP.NET), MS FrontPage 2002, Active-X Data Objects.Net (ADO.Net), Notepad, HTML, XML,
Visual Basic.Net, Adobe PhotoShop in addition to MS Access database. The beauty with these
powerful tools, that they are easily obtainable: either can be freely downloadable through the
Internet, or free academic version licensee that accompanying textbooks are available for limited
period of time. Therefore interested researchers and students can utilize same tools.
The web application comprised of two parts the development part, which’s explained above, and
web contents part. The contents parts included three subjects: databases related to domestic water
supply systems in Sudan, abstracts of papers of a very important conference that held at Khartoum
on 21-22, October, 2002, under title: domestic water supply crises and possible solutions in
As well the web included abstracts of papers related to sediment transport and watershed
management in Nile Basin Countries, related to the conference held at Khartoum, on November,
Such papers shall enrich the web application, and as a result the site is expected to meet its targeted
goals: that is to spread and strengthen the knowledge in the filed of water resources and to make
possible related staff to share ideas, and make their publications available to a wider range of
interested staff and students.
The importance of documentation have been well understood, therefore all stages of database and
application developments have been documented. As well a comprehensive user manual
developed in order the web application to be operated easily.

Recommendations For Future Study

Development of database driven web applications, for specific needs of FRIEND/NILE Project

and National Water Corporation in Sudan:

The plan of FRIEND/NILE Project Under UNESCO CHAIR in Water Resources Of Omdurman
Islamic University is to develop a Web application to assist in sharing information among riparian
countries, specially when their on going research works in fields of Sediment Transport and
Watershed Management are completed on 2005, these are expected to yield into considerable
amount of data, which require to be properly secured, managed and published through the web,
for use by wider audience.
The web application that is developed in this research is an excellent
example, and same function can be achieved by further upgrading this web application to meet
specific goals of Friend/Nile Project.
As well the Sudan National Water Corporation, has already prepared an excellent database in
desktop & client server environment, its function is to store & retrieve information related to water
supply facilities in both rural areas & urban areas of Sudan including water yards, bore hole
information, hand pumps, water ponds (hafiers), dug wells, and urban water stations. It is further
recommended to develop similar web application, so that concerned staff at the different Provinces
of Sudan can be able to retrieve and as an additional option to add and update information related
to their specific locality remotely through the Internet.
Water Supply For Horticulture & Environment:

The practice of horticultural farms has been witnessed around many Towns of Sudan. The,
phenomena require attention, because it affects a number of fields, among which are: domestic
water supply, food security, environment & landscaping, housing, Population distribution, animal
grazing, proper land use and productivity, new job chances, recreation & tourism, etc….
Such Towns have been attractive and given more value, because of many reasons, among which
is most important is proper utilization of water.
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2002/‫ﻨوﻓﻤﺒر‬/22-21 ‫اﻝﺨرطوم اﻝﺴودان اﻝﻤﻨﻌﻘد ﺒﺘﺄرﻴﺦ‬
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15. Microsoft, “ MCAD/MCSD, Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic.Net
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6399, 2002, ISBN 0-7356-1584-5
16. Moh., Kheir Salih & Omer Mohd Khier, Paper on Groundwater Assessment and Estimation
in Sudan “ page 620 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficient Utilization
and Management of Water Resources in Africa, Part II., 1-4.Feb.1994

17. Neil Randall and Dennis Jones, “ Using Microsoft FrontPage 2002, Special Edition”, QUE
Press, USA, 2001, ISBN 0-7897-2512-6
18. “ Proceedings of the International Conference on Efficient Utilization and Management of
Water Resources in Africa, Part 1 and Part 2”, Africa University Printing Press, 1-4, Feb.
1994, Khartoum, Sudan
19. Proceeding of The Sediment Transport and Watershed Management Workshop, Friend/ Nile
Project, UNESCO Chair in Water Resources, Khartoum, Sudan, November 2001
20. . Rick Dobson,“ Professional SQL Server Development with Access 2000”, Printed at Wrox
Press, Chicago,U S A, 2000, ISBN 1-861004-83-4
21. Stephen Walther, “ASP.NET, UNLEASHED”, SAMS Publishing Printing Press,, 2002, ISBN 0-672-32068-1
22. Wendy Willard, “Web Design, A beginner’s Guide”, 2002, ISBN 0-07-213390-2, Osborne
Press, Web Site (

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" %>

<Script Runat="Server">

Sub Page_Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub

Sub BindDataGrid(strSortField As String)

Dim conChem As OleDbConnection
Dim CmdSelectChem As OleDbCommand
Dim dtrChemical As OleDbDatareader

conChem = New OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data

cmdSelectChem = New OleDbCommand( "Select * From Chemical Order By " &

dgrdChemical.DataSource = cmdSelectChem.ExecuteReader()
End Sub

Sub dgrdChemical_SortCommand( s As Object, e As DataGridSortCommandEventArgs)

End Sub


<body alink="#FF00FF" link="#000080">
<form Runat="server">


cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="white"


HeaderText="Well No"

HeaderText="Well Name"
SortExpression="WellName" />



HeaderText="So 4"
SortExpression="So4" />
HeaderText="F +"
HeaderText="F +++"


HeaderText="T,Alk As CaC3"





<table border="1" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111"
width="743" id="AutoNumber13">
<td width="737" bgcolor="#CCFFFF">&nbsp; Jan;&nbsp; 2003,&nbsp; Ph.D.,&nbsp;
Research,&nbsp; WaterData,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Inc.,&nbsp; Doha,&nbsp;
Qatar,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Khartoum, Sudan.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="unesco,contactus.aspx">Contact Us </a> </td>




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