Rushvi Assignment 1

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Date : 27th Sept 2022

Water Resource Planning & Management


(A) Flood have been recurring phenomena in various Indian state and are the worst affecting
people during these years. The flood situation remained grim. Is it correct ?

 As, a result of climahc change and extreme weather conditions, the rise in water level has
become prominent due to which the frequency of foods in urban cities has been increased.

There are many factors affecting the flood intensity in urban cities.

(1) Metrological factors such as heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, cyclones etc

(2) Hydrological factors such as overflow of channel networks poor coastal city drainage
(3) Other factors which are majorly responsible for floods in urban city are :

 Increased industrialization
 Increased urbanization
 Poor drainage system
 Decreased number of natural drains / wetlands
 Global warming leading to melting glacieas
 Poor solid waste management system
 Unregulated construction

All this factors lead is the grain situation of flood frequency

 The rising population and the effects due to population keep on rising which made the
situation of flood to remain grin.
 Exploitation of nature lead to more and more adverse effect of disasters.

The justification of this recursing phenomenon of floods in recent times can be given by
infamous example such as,

 2020, hydrebad floods

 2015, Chennai floods
 Northeastern floods, may 2022
 Kerela floods, 2020 also in 2019
 Bengaluru floods, august 2022 etc

These real life events shows us the rearing phenomenon of floods and justify that still in the
21 century the flood situation has remained grin.
 Observations in context to the magnitude and intensity of rainfall with regard to INDIA.

 Source : India meterological department ministry of earth sciences GOI

Analysis of monsoon 2022.

Cumulative : ( 01.06.2022 to 29.09.2022 )

Majorly all the states are divided as per the record from past data info

(1) Normal ( -19% to 19% )

(2) Excess ( 20% to 59% )
(3) Deficient (-59% to -20% )

For India this year in the western and middle part along with states of south such as
Karnataka, Telangana, tamil nadu had an excess of rainfall
Whereas, uttarpradesh, bihar jharkhand & tipura had deficient rainfall
And northern and eastern states & states with border of bay of Bengal had a normal
More rain in lesstime is the reason for flood

This time the cumulative actual rainfall for year 2022 is 921.7 mm
But the actual cumulative
normal data ( 1971-2020 ) is 865 mm. this shows that the intensity of rainfall in this year
has been increasing

The summer monsoon in India show large year to year fluctuations

India has large interannual variations & occurrence of extremes precipitation may arise
due to dynamical circulation.
From the different study carried out, they indicate that these is an increase in spatial
variability in these extreme rain events.

Now, after India

Taking Gujarat as a study area.

Gujarat has seen many damaging floods as the major rivers of Gujarat has a wide stretch
of flat terrain before reaching sea this makes it probe to flooding

The state gets highest rainfall of south west monsoon.

Valsad, dang, narmada, Navsari, tapi etc get maximun % of rainfall in Gujarat

 The maximum average frequency of rainy days is in range of 7.19 to 9 days in Valsad, Navsari &
dand districts of Gujarat .
 Heavy rainfall days are maximum with range upto 2 days
 By the intensity of rainfall Gujarat gets maximum rainfall in month of July.
 Valsad, nasari receives 1863 to 2227 mm rain.
Taking into considerations, data of 2022
The state received its 55% of seasons rainfall in just two weeks

Usually Gujarat gets rainfall either fsom pray of Bengal or arabian sea. But when it receives rainfall
from both it gets high amount of heavy rainfall.

Q What are you general comments on this rainfall ?

 Such type of rainfall which leads to flood has been increasing year by year
 The latest findings show that the number if dry days is increasing along with the instances of
incessant rainfall are breaching threshold.

 Indian rains depend on south-west monsoon & they are becoming more intense % abrupt due to
climate change.
Majorly on my opinion the unplanned urban development & inversing population & its demands
increase the variability in climate change. This leading to frequent disaters like flood.

Our approach should be to develop climate proof residential places & ecomonic & infrasira
There should be a specifie development of risk assessments & a better forecast facility
must be developed.

Q List 5 ways you can conserve this water along with the existing source of water what technologies
may be adabted to utilize this water for a particular benifial use ?

A part from all the human & material losses flood spill millions of gallons of fresh water to the ocean
the water we could use to alleviate droughts also.
We already have flood control system like canals, alluviums, dykes, dams, reservars to store
or divert extra water when it rains heavily

But building this is more expensive,

Thus we can go for flood risk management


 For urban cities, we can build a “SPONG CITY” it is a city with reservoirs of its own and all the
wasterwater discarded from the city is not thrown into rivers but it is stored into the reservoirs
and so when the flood comes the water from flood can flow into the rivers naturally
The recycled water can be used in many tasks road washing, gardening, bathrooms etc.

(b) Porous asphalt roads with well development dranage system.

 This kind of roads seep water inti the ground the drainage developed efficiently to throw water
to proper place.
(c) Forestation near rivers and use of grass vetiver
 To keep the water level lower from the ground, forestation will help, otherwise erosion will
throw the sand clay into the river basin which will increase river level.
 A type of grass is vetiver grass.
The characteristie of this grass is it soaks water in more amount and also it is a food for animal
grazing & the most important part it holds the soil tightly conserving erosion of soil .
So this type of grass can be grown on hilly areas.

(d) Inundation of flood plains :-

 It helps recharge the groundwater which is an important source of drinking water & is essential
for agriculture.

(e) Develop urban water infrastructure to control damages through flood & also reduce life cycle

 Major challenges of this water conservation is the threat of climate change.

 Usefulness and cost economics of this water with the existing source of water

Benefits by flood management in terms of cost

(1) Cost involved in physical damage to property such as housing, agriculture, commercial
buildings & livestock is saved.
(2) Cost of loss of humans is saved.
(3) Cost related to illness of flood victims
(4) Cost related to disruption of traffic & trade etc.

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