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Trauma 2006; 8: 29–46

Traumatic spinal cord injury: the relationship

between pathology and clinical implications
WS El Masri(y)

The pathological effects of traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) encompass the
pathology affecting the spinal cord. As a result of the interruption of spinal cord
conduction, one or more pathological and patho-physiological processes affect
almost every system of the human body. Knowledge of the pathological
processes that affect the spinal cord and the various systems of the body is
essential for the safe and good management of these patients. The small
incidence (10–15 per million per year) of these highly complex conditions makes
it difficult for skills and experience to develop in District General Hospitals in the
management of these patients. The associated sensory impairment or loss
present diagnostic challenges to the clinician in almost every aspect of paralysis
and throughout the patient’s life.
In the acute stage simultaneous good management of the multi-system
impairments and malfunctions giving equal attention to all systems including that
of the traumatized spine is the key to good quality outcome. Concentrating
resources at any one time on any one particular aspect of paralysis is unlikely to
yield a similarly good outcome. The neurological outcome does not depend only
on the quality of the management of the SCI. The traumatized physiologically
unstable spinal cord is vulnerable and unable to protect itself from non-mechanical
complications outside the spinal canal, many of which can easily develop in
patients with SCI adding to the threats from the biomechanical instability.
To date there are many controversies in the management of many aspects of
paralysis at all stages following injury. One of the main current controversies is in
the management of the SCI itself. There are many reasons that seem to
perpetuate this controversy. Some of the reasons may be related to different
interpretations of the pathological processes that affect the vertebral axis and the
spinal cord as well as their effects on neurological outcome. The natural history
of neurological recovery following SCI is not always duly acknowledged.

Key words: clinical implications; pathology; traumatic spinal cord injury

Introduction A spinal injury (SI) with bony and ligamentous

injury/ies but without cord damage can cause tempo-
Traumatic spinal injuries are potentially catastrophic rary pain, physical limitation, anxiety, temporary
injuries with wide ranging effects depending on the psychosocial and emotional disturbances as well as
pathology sustained at the time of the accident. financial loss. Most of these effects are however
short lived and reversible. With good management,
Consultant Surgeon in Spinal Injuries Director Midlands Centre for of the injured bony spine and its soft tissues the
Spinal Injuries The Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic patient is able to regain confidence and resume life
Hospital, Oswestry, UK in a manner to which he/she was accustomed within
Address for correspondence: WS El Masri(y), RJ & AH Orthopaedic
weeks from injury.
Hospital Gobowen, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 7AG, UK. E-mail: The effects of SI with neurological damage are truly catastrophic in the short term both medically

© 2006 Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd 10.1191/1460408606ta357oa

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and non-medically. With good management and patient. In such a patient however it will be a source
appropriate support this catastrophe need not neces- of excess reflex neural activity in the segments distal
sarily be permanent. Sudden paralysis as well as to the cord lesion and manifested as excess spastic-
the devastating medical, emotional, psychological, ity. This excess spasticity could cause falls from the
social, financial and economic consequences usually wheel chair or bed resulting in fractures of long
affect not only the patient but also the partner, bones and/or damage to skin and other soft tissues.
family and friends, employer and the community in If this excess spasticity affects the pelvic floor
general. The magnitude and permanency of these muscles, it could also cause urinary retention and
effects however vary, depending on the level and infection. Urinary retention in a tetraplegic or a
magnitude of the initial damage of the neural tissues, paraplegic patient above the level of D5 is likely
the quality of the management offered to the patient, to cause excess unregulated sympathetic activity
the quality and intensity of education given to the known as autonomic dysreflexia with marked
patient and carers; as well as the frequency and increases in both systolic and diastolic blood pres-
quality of monitoring and response to the needs of sure and cerebro-vascular accidents. Any other
the patient on an ongoing basis. The medical conse- potentially painful pathology in an area innervated
quences of a spinal cord injury (SCI) are those of a by the spinal cord segments below the level of the
multi-system patho-physiological impairment and lesion is likely to result in the same cascade of
malfunction, multiple disabilities and a potential for pathological events.
the development of a wide range of complications. The impairment and/or lack of spino-thalamic
protective sensation can cause diagnostic as well as
management challenges. Any injury or pathology
Patho-physiology and such as lower limb fracture, urinary calculi,
characteristics of spinal hydronephrosis, intra-abdominal catastrophies and
cord injuries so on, will not present with the expected pain or dis-
comfort, often causing delay in diagnosis. Indeed
In general, the functioning of the systems of the injuries such as pressure sores, burns and scalds are
body depends largely on the reflex activity of the likely to develop as the result of sensory impairment.
cord segments below the level of the lesion. Since Such challenges are minimized when patients are
this reflex activity is almost never static in magni- treated in large numbers in dedicated SCI centres
tude nor in frequency (except in cases of infarction where the clinical expertise as well as the adequate
of the spinal cord segments below the level of the infrastructure are available.
injury), the physiological impairment and conse- SCIs also result in depression of the immune
quent functioning of the various system of the body system. Patients are at particularly high risk of
remain labile throughout the individuals’ lives. developing respiratory, urinary and skin infections
Although the abnormal reflex activity and reflex as well as septicaemia. Therefore meticulous care is
functioning of the various systems of the body can required in the management of the multi-system
be clinically predicted by an experienced clinician malfunction of these patients. Prophylactic antibi-
during the stage of spinal shock and, perhaps, the otics are strongly discouraged.
transition phase of return of reflex activity, many of The principles of management of most pathologi-
the changes in reflex functioning remain unpre- cal conditions often have to be modified and individ-
dictable beyond the stage of return of reflex activity ualized to patients with SCI. It is not advisable to
and throughout the patient’s life. choose the same principle of management that is
Furthermore, because of the disconnection of the applied to the general population (for whatever
higher co-ordinating influences of the brain over pathological condition) and apply it automatically to
spinal cord activity, complications that in normal a paraplegic or tetraplegic patient. Consideration of
circumstances are usually localized and limited to the level, density and the prognosis of the cord
the area affected can become a source of unusual far injury; associated patho-physiological processes
flung and remote effects in various related and unre- operating at the time and how they will be affected
lated systems of the body. A ureteric calculus for by and affect the outcome of the particular treat-
example, is unlikely to cause dysuria or painful renal ment; the age of the individual and his/her level of
colics in a complete paraplegic or tetraplegic independence; the level of care and support that is

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required and will be required after the treatment may also mask pain from a spinal fracture with con-
usually influence the choice of the preferred option sequences for the timely diagnosis of a SI (Nichols,
of management. The dose of pharmacological agents Young, Schiller, 1987).
may also require modification in a paralysed patient. The clinical diagnosis of a SCI in the conscious
The non-medical, emotional, psychological, patient without major associated injuries can be
social, psycho-sexual, financial and vocational made without difficulty. Loss or impairment of
pathological effects of a spinal cord injury are at motor power, sensation and reflexes are indicative
least as devastating to patients and carers as the (individually or in combination) of a spinal cord or
medical effects are. It is likely to take the patient just cauda equina injury.
as long to come to terms with these effects as with It is essential to determine at the earliest stage
the paralysis and the multi-system malfunction. possible both the level and the density of the pathol-
The direct and indirect inter-effects between the ogy (neural tissue damage). The level of the injury is
medical, social, psychological, financial aspects and defined by the last normal dermatomal and
so on, cannot be overemphasized. For example, myotomal distribution which is likely to coincide
financial difficulties can result in matrimonial with the last normal spinal cord segment. It is now
disharmony which in turn can result in depression, internationally accepted by experts in the field that
self-neglect and the development of pressure sores, the dermatomal and myotomal distributions may be
urinary infections and/or constipation. Conversely abnormal for three segments below that level ie, both
complications such as pressure sores or contractures sensation and motor power could be present but
interfering with comfortable seating or excess spas- impaired in three segmental distributions below the
ticity are likely to add to the burden of the last normal segment. For example, if the last normal
partner/carer and result in extra strains on the rela- sensation is at the dermatomal distribution of C5 but
tionship and disharmony. there is hypoaesthesia or analgesia in the der-
matomal distribution of C6, C7 and C8 the level of
the injury would be defined as C5. Because however,
Pathology and diagnosis there is some impairment of sensation in the der-
matomal distribution of C6, C7 and C8 it can be
Accurate diagnosis of the SI is required in order to logically assumed that the spinal cord segments C6,
initiate safe management. The diagnosis does not C7 and C8 are only partially damaged and that some
only depend on the level and density of the SI/SCI of their functions are preserved. These segments
but also on the cooperation and the level of con- are therefore known as the ‘zone of partial
sciousness of the patient, both of which can pose preservation’.
significant diagnostic challenges to the clinician. An The density of the damaged area in the spinal cord
understanding of the pathological multi-system is defined by the presence or absence of sparing of
effects of the paralysis is also important for the sensation with or without sparing of motor power
holistic management of the patient with SCI. below the zone of partial preservation.
Absence of motor power, including voluntary
Diagnosis of SI/SCI in the conscious patient contraction of the anal sphincter, and loss of
In general, conscious patients who have sustained a sensation, including anal sensation below the zone
SCI will present with spinal pain, rigidity and ten- of partial preservation, may be indicative of a
derness over the site of the injury all of which are clinically complete cord injury at the time of the
related to the damage of the bony vertebra and soft examination. It is important however, to appreciate
tissues. Fisher suggested that a conscious alert that not all clinically complete injuries in the
patient who is able to communicate and has no early hours or days following SCI remain clinically
symptoms of pain, rigidity or tenderness in the spine complete (Boerger, Limb, Dickinson, 2000;
following trauma is unlikely to have sustained a Bohlman, 1979). Spinal shock can also mimic an ini-
spinal column injury (Fischer, 1984). Although this tially complete injury following which significant
is true in the great majority of cases the author has recovery can occur. The density of the spinal cord
witnessed some elderly patients with pure ligamen- lesion can be expressed clinically using the Frankel
tous damage to the spine presenting without pain or classification (Figure 1). Frankel, Hancock, Hyslop
rigidity. Extreme pain from other associated injuries et al. (1969) described five grades of severity of the

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litigation in this field. Further mechanical and/or

non-mechanical damage to the spinal cord is rela-
tively unlikely to occur in recumbency but can easily
occur when patients with a biomechanically unstable
spinal column and/or physiologically unstable spinal
cord are verticalized prematurely.
In semiconscious or unconscious patients follow-
ing major trauma, the absence of obvious clinical
signs of neurological impairment does not exclude
the presence of a spinal column nor of a spinal cord
injury. Unless the clinician is absolutely confident
that there is no spinal column and/or cord injury, I
would suggest a clear entry in the medical records to
the effect that the patient’s neurological assessment
Figure 1 This figure is based on the data of Frankel
et al. (1969). could not be made because of the poor level of
consciousness. This fact should also be communi-
cated verbally to the nursing staff looking after
the patient.
I would recommend the following instruction: DO
cord lesion from A to E which became subsequently NOT SIT THE PATIENT UP IN BED NOR MOBI-
known as Frankel grades or Frankel Classification. LIZE THE PATIENT OUT OF BED PRIOR TO THE
Frankel A being the most severe with complete EXCLUSION OF A SPINAL INJURY CLINI-
somato-sensory loss; while Frankel E being neuro- CALLY AND RADIOLOGICALLY. Such documen-
logically intact. In between Frankel B, C and D tation can result in the prevention of further
describe various degrees of motor and sensory loss. neurological deterioration and/or paralysis as well
The American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) has as avoid litigation against the clinician and/or the
modified the Frankel classification (ASIA impair- institution.
ment scale) and added a numerical element for The general examination of the unconscious
motor power and sensation. This is currently known patient can yield clinical signs which, in combina-
as the ASIA/ISCOS Classification (Figure 2). tion, can increase the clinician’s level of suspicion
The author strongly recommends an as adequate regarding the presence of a neurological impair-
documentation of motor power, sensation and ment of spinal cord origin. The following signs are
reflexes as possible using the ASIA/ISCOS chart strongly suggestive of a cervical spinal cord
while also documenting the limiting factors, if any, injury: facial or scalp lacerations; myosis of one or
that would affect reliability of examination and/or both pupil(s) due to the interruption of the sympa-
documentation for future comparison. thetic outflow to the pupils; bruising or swelling of
the neck; absence of chest expansion during inspi-
Diagnosis in the semiconscious ration associated with increasing abdominal girth
or the unconscious patient and retraction of intercostal muscles (diaphrag-
Unconscious or semiconscious patients with head matic breathing caused by paralysis of intercostals
injuries, and the intoxicated patient following major and abdominal muscles); presence or absence of
trauma, present particular challenges to the clini- spontaneous movement in each limb; difference in
cian. This can result in delays in the diagnosis of a tone between proximal and distal muscles of all
SI with potential major consequences. It is therefore, limbs as well as difference in tone between the
in my opinion, imperative that such patients are upper and the lower limbs; response to painful
managed with the assumption that they have sus- stimulus by pressure over bony prominences in the
tained a SI until otherwise proven, clinically (when form of limb withdrawal and/or facial grimacing.
the patient becomes alert) as well as radiologically. The stimulus must be applied systematically to
Sitting up patients in bed with unstable SIs and/or each and every dermatomal distribution, prefer-
mobilizing them out of bed are in my experience the ably commencing distally in the lower limbs and
commonest causes of neurological deterioration and proceeding cranially to identify a level of injury.

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Loss of active movement in the elbows, wrists, or be indicative of a lower thoracic cord or cauda
hands, with loss of response to painful stimuli in equina injury.
the upper limbs are likely to be due to a cervical Unlike the patient with head injury who is likely to
cord injury. The presence of priapism in a truly be incontinent of urine on presentation at the accident
semi-conscious or an unconscious patient is also and emergency department, a patient with combined
suggestive of a high SCI. A combination of head and SCI is likely to be dry and develop retention
hypotension and bradycardia due to sympathetic of urine for some time before developing overflow
nervous system areflexia is strongly suggestive of incontinence. This is due to the loss of bladder
a cervical SCI. reflexes and detrusor inactivity during the stage of
Bruising over the chest or thoraco lumbar spine in spinal shock. Any combination of the aforementioned
the absence of diaphragmatic breathing, with clinical signs is diagnostic of a SCI. Unfortunately, to
absent responses to painful stimuli applied to the date there has been no attempt to rank these clinical
bony prominences of the lower limbs, in association signs which, in the author’s opinion, would further
with absent tendon reflexes of the lower limbs could reduce problems with diagnosis.

Figure 2 ASIA/ISCOS Classification. ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association); ISCOS (International Spinal
Cord Society)

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cervical injuries are initially diagnosed as upper

thoracic injuries, even when the patient has been
fully conscious, alert and co-operative. It is impor-
tant to remember that sensory preservation in the
sub-clavicular area is likely to be due to intact inner-
vation from the fourth cervical dermatomes through
the supraclavicular nerves rather than the third and
fourth thoracic dermatomes. It is therefore advisable
to assess the sensation in the upper trunk along the
mid-axillary line rather than in the mid-clavicular
line of the chest.
In a busy accident and emergency department it is
easy to mistake passive movements for active move-
ments. For example, a patient with a C5 lesion in
spinal shock will be able to actively move the
deltoid and biceps muscles resulting in active
abduction of the shoulder and flexion of the elbow.
This active movement will invariably result in
passive movement of the wrist and fingers. If
voluntary and reproducible wrist and finger active
movements cannot be demonstrated such move-
ments should not be interpreted as normal move-
ments. This applies to most muscle groups around
distal joints of limbs.
Involuntary twitching or movement of paralysed
muscles may be seen in the accident and emergency
department soon after a spinal cord injury for a
varying period of time. This does not indicate
preservation of voluntary power.
The presence of the bulbocavernosous reflex
without preservation of sensation and/or voluntary
motor power cannot be relied upon as indicative of
an incomplete lesion. The bulbocavernosous reflex
is often found positive from a very early stage in
complete cord injuries.
An apparently normal Babinski Response (down-
going plantar flexion of the big toe in response to
plantar stimulation) can be seen in patients with
Figure 2 Continued complete and incomplete SCI in association with
absent tendon reflexes for many days or weeks fol-
lowing the injury. This little known and unpublished
observation has been responsible for the delay in
diagnosis in a few cases.
Pitfalls in the neurological Due to the loss of thermoregulatory mechanisms,
assessment and general patients with SCIs become poikilothermic and can
management of patients with SCI easily develop hypothermia or hyperthermia depend-
ing on the ambient temperature. It is important to
One of the commonest problems encountered by cli- ensure monitoring of the temperature especially
nicians who subsequently see the patients in Spinal during clinical examination since hypothermia can
Injuries Centres is the mis-diagnosis of the level of exaggerate the bradycardia of a tetraplegic or high
injury. Often patients with mid-cervical or lower paraplegic patient which can lead to cardiac arrest.

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Care should be taken during the resuscitation and vital capacity further. It is the author’s practice to
initial management of the patient taking into account withhold oral fluid and food for 48 hours or longer
the impaired physiology of the spinal man/woman. until the bowel sounds return.
Common causes of death in the first few days are Patients with SCI at all levels will have impaired
respiratory failure from pulmonary oedema, reten- sacral innervation of the sigmoid colon almost cer-
tion of secretions, cardiac arrest or delay in diagno- tainly causing constipation. This aspect seems to
sis of associated major injuries. receive little attention, leading frequently to great
The association of hypotension and bradycardia distress to patients and can contribute to abdominal
presents temptation to the inexperienced clinician to distension.
over hydrate in the hope of raising the blood pressure. Hypoxia, hypothermia and tracheal suction can
The temptation is further heightened by the presence result in the exaggeration of bradycardia, probably
of oliguria in the first few days of injury. Some clini- through increased vagal activity leading to cardiac
cians succumb. The sympathetic nervous system of a standstill. Cardiac arrest is less likely to occur in
patient with tetraplegia or high paraplegia is unable to patients with normal sympathetic activity and/or
cope with the fluid overload. The patient can therefore following the return of sympathetic reflex activity.
easily develop pulmonary oedema and die. Unless There are many pitfalls in the management of the
there are associated injuries and a definite source of various systems of the body affected by the spinal
bleeding adult patients with SCI rarely require more cord pathology, at all stages following injury and
than 2.5 litres of intravenous fluid per day. beyond discharge. In fact the majority of complica-
Paralysis of the intercostals muscles reduces the tions that occur in these patients both in the early
vital capacity of patients with tetraplegia and high stages and/or during their lifetime are preventable. A
paraplegia. The paralysis or significant paresis of thorough knowledge of the pathology and patho-
abdominal muscles further disadvantages the respira- physiology of the spinal man/woman is essential to
tory system of these patients as they become unable prevent complications occurring. Unfortunately the
to cough and get rid of their bronchial secretions. This subject is beyond the scope of this article.
is likely to further reduce vital capacity. Accumulated
secretions become a source of infection. The combi-
nation, left untreated is often lethal. With a good Management of the SCI
regime of respiratory physiotherapy consisting of
deep breathing exercises, vibration and percussion of It is logical to suggest that since all the problems,
the chest wall as well as assisted coughing, the great medical and non-medical, resulting from the spinal
majority of patients who are able to bend their elbows injury are caused by the cord pathology; anything
(however weakly) ie, patients with C5 cord lesions that can be done to reverse or minimize the pathol-
and below, do not require ventilation. Less than 5% of ogy, would in turn reduce the neurological impair-
tetraplegic patients admitted to our service within 72 ment and magnitude of these problems.
hours of injury require ventilation. Those who do There are several approaches to the management
require ventilation are often elderly and/or with pre- of the SI. Most are based on belief, logic and habit.
vious chronic respiratory problems and/or with asso- They are justified by personal conviction regarding
ciated severe chest trauma. Bronchodilators and the importance of the various pathologies caused by
humidification add further ease to management. the injury. The interpretation of the significance of
Paralytic ileus is not uncommon in patients with secondary changes that occur in the spinal cord fol-
SCI. The ileus can be neurogenic in origin. It can lowing injury, of the level of threat from the bio-
also be due to the development of a retroperitoneal mechanical instability of the spinal column, and of
haematoma at the site of the fracture or due to asso- the significance of the sudden encroachment of the
ciated intraperitoneal damage of a viscus. spinal canal by bony or soft tissue elements varies
Unfortunately in some patients the ileus can be between clinicians. The course that is followed in
delayed. Bowel sounds can be heard in the accident the management unfortunately depends to a large
and emergency department only to disappear a few extent on such interpretations.
hours later. Early hydration and feeding of the It is attractive to extrapolate from the results
patient is likely to cause abdominal distension which of the experimental laboratory animal and believe
will further embarrass the diaphragm and reduce the that certain pharmacological agents and/or surgical

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procedures can alter the course of the injury in humans be beneficial. Beyond a certain threshold of force
by manipulating/altering the course of the secondary of impact however these secondary changes cannot
changes in the spinal cord following trauma. This be manipulated successfully and neurological
is based on the belief that these secondary changes can improvement cannot be demonstrated (Dolan, Tator,
be the cause of further damage to the spinal cord hence Endrenyi, 1980; Guha, Tator, Endrenyi, 1987). In
the hypothesis of the ‘secondary injury’. This hypoth- other words, there is a threshold of magnitude of
esis, however, is not universally accepted. impact beyond which attempts at manipulating the
It is legitimate to assume that the potential for secondary changes by surgery or other means fail and
displacement at the site of a biomechanically un- no improvement can be achieved nor demonstrated in
stable fracture necessitates surgical stabilization. the experimental animal. Complications from further
Biomechanical instability can however be safely mechanical and/or non-mechanical damage can
contained with active conservative treatment. occur during the surgical procedure.
It is also logical to believe that bony fragments In humans, where the force of the impact cannot
and/or soft tissue in the spinal canal could cause be measured, the secondary changes in the spinal
further damage to neural tissue and therefore have to cord cannot be directly observed nor quantified;
be surgically removed. Many reports however have where the window of opportunity could be, at least
demonstrated that significant neurological recovery theoretically, different from that of the laboratory
occurs without surgical decompression and with animal and practically difficult to take advantage of
good conservative management. The lack of agre- (because of practicalities of the clinical situation
ement over the interpretation of the pathological and/or possible associated life threatening injuries);
processes and their significance together with the it is extremely difficult to but speculate. The results
lack of reliable data are in the author’s opinion some of surgery and/or pharmacological agents are more
of the major factors fuelling the controversy in the difficult to evaluate and have yet to be convincingly
management of the SCI. demonstrated to reflect the experimental findings in
the laboratory situation.
The hypothesis of the secondary injury Steroids have been strongly advocated for a
Opinion is divided as to the contribution of the number of years. The rationale for their use is to
initial impact to the final neurological outcome in arrest the cascade of the secondary injury process.
SCIs. Frankel, Michaelis, Paeslack (1973a), Frankel, Their true effectiveness however has, since the first
Michaelis, Paeslack (1973b), White, Southwick, reports been doubtful (El Masri(y) & Short, 1997;
Panjabi (1976) and many others including the author Short, El Masri(y), Jones, 2000) and they are cur-
believe that the fate of the neurological injury is rently regarded as an option of treatment. With the
largely determined at the time of the accident. recent results of the multinational Corticosteroid
Freeman and Wright (1953) did however suggest Randomization After Significant Head injury trial
that the definitive cord damage could result from the (CRASH, 2004), which had to be abandoned
changes that occur in the spinal cord following because of statistically significant increase in mor-
injury rather than from the initial impact. tality and lack of efficacy associated with their use,
Secondary changes (vascular, cellular, electro- steroids are likely to be administered increasingly
physiological, enzymatic, electrolytic, and metabolic) rarely to acute SCI patients. There is early evidence
occur in and around the area in the spinal cord that to suggest that high dose methyl prednisolone causes
sustained the impact. Scientists and clinicians have myopathy in humans. Currently their use is
for a number of decades tried to direct treatment regarded as an option of management. Other phar-
during the critical period of these secondary changes macological agents have also been tested in animals
in the hope of preventing further neurological deteri- and promoted. To date however, the majority are
oration and/or improving the neurological outcome. limited to laboratory or to clinical trials.
Unfortunately the interpretation of the clinical sig- The administration of inotropic medication to
nificance of some of these changes in the spinal cord elevate the blood pressure of tetraplegic and high para-
is not agreed upon (El Masri(y) and Jaffray, 1992). In plegic patients in the acute stage as advocated by Levi,
the laboratory animal, attempts at manipulating the Wolf, Belzberg (1993) is a practice that has not yet
secondary changes following sub-threshold force of been fully evaluated with regard to its effect on the
impact within a window of opportunity can possibly secondary injury. The hypotension that occurs as a

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result of the sympathetic paralysis has for many often described in series where the description of
decades been accepted as an occurrence of no signifi- ‘conservative management’ is often lacking and are
cant clinical consequences to the acutely paralysed probably results of poor selection or inadequate
individual. Some, including the author, regard it as a ‘non-surgical management’. It is difficult to contain
possible protective mechanism in prevention of further the BI with non surgical means during early vertical-
bleeding in the spinal cord. Bleeding in the spinal cord ization and/or early mobilization of the patient fol-
is probably one of the most injurious elements to lowing injury. However, some have reported good
neural tissues since release of haemoglobin within results in neurologically intact patients who have
neural tissue triggers a cascade of deleterious reac- burst unstable fractures with casting in extension
tions. It is possible that by elevating the blood pressure and early mobilization (Chow, Nelson, Gebhard
in an already damaged spinal cord (with disturbed et al., 1996). Although clinically patients seemed to
autoregulatory mechanisms) the bleeding within the do well, the kyphotic deformity tended to recur.
cord could increase. Unfortunately to the author’s
knowledge this has not been tested in the laboratory. Unstable injuries without
neurological damage
Biomechanical instability of injuries The instability of these injuries can be contained by
to the spinal column either surgical or conservative means until natural
Biomechanical instability (BI) causes concern healing occurs. There are no class one studies on long
because of the potential displacement of the frac- term outcomes. Since the spinal cord of such a patient
tured elements at the site of the injury which can is however not damaged and in all probability ‘phys-
damage or further damage neural tissue. The diagno- iologically stable’; the risks to the intact spinal cord
sis of BI is usually based on radiological investiga- from surgery is minimal. This is provided no per-
tions at the time of the presentation of the patient. operative or post-operative complications occur. In
Unfortunately, the function of the muscles, undama- these patients, conservative treatment of four to six
ged ligaments, supporting bony structures and the weeks of bed rest (followed by six to eight weeks of
natural history of the repair process that follows are bracing) is relatively more time consuming and prob-
often not thoroughly considered. It is perhaps worth- ably more costly than surgical stabilization. Patients
while noting that most vertebral fractures heal with major ligamentous injuries with no bony injuries
within six to twelve weeks from injury. Ligamentous may require even longer periods of bracing before
injuries however, can take much longer to heal. healing occurs if treated conservatively. It is therefore
In the majority of patients the biomechanical sta- reasonable to encourage the patient who is neurolog-
bility (BS) of the spine is usually restored once the ically intact to undergo surgical stabilization provided
healing of bone and/or ligament occurs. In other he/she understands there is a small risk of paralysis
words, biomechanical instability is time related. (1–3%) from surgery. Loss of surgical fixation prior
There is no evidence to suggest that surgical to healing and attainment of natural biomechanical
stabilization enhances the speed of healing or stability due to inadequate or poor instrumentation,
achieves earlier BS. Surgical stabilization should osteoporosis or infection is likely to add an extra risk
therefore be regarded as no more than an option for to neural tissue.
“Containment” of the BI until natural healing occurs. In my practice I give all patients with and without
Biomechanical stability can be at least equally well neurological damage a choice between surgical and
achieved with active conservative treatment. conservative management following adequate expla-
Unfortunately, the terms non-surgical treatment nation of potential risks and benefits of each of the
and conservative treatment are liberally inter- two methods of management.
changed. Conservative treatment consists of a period
of bed rest ranging between four and twelve weeks Stable and unstable injuries with
followed by a period of bracing until stability is neurological damage
achieved. Currently, patients are rarely managed in The injured spinal cord is physiologically unstable
recumbency for periods exceeding four to six weeks. probably because of the loss of its autoregulatory
Non-surgical management rarely include such mechanisms, disruption of its blood brain barrier and
periods of treatment in recumbency. The poor results of the cell membrane disturbances that occur follow-
that ‘conservative’ managements are blamed for are ing injury (El Masri(y), 1993). This physiological

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instability renders the spinal cord vulnerable and BS spines and incomplete neurological injury (El
unable to defend itself from non mechanical insults Masri(y), 1993). It has been our practice in the last
such as hypoxia, sepsis, hypotension, metabolic two decades to carry out tilt table studies: blood
changes and anaemia, all of which are at risk of devel- pressure measurements and neurological examina-
oping easily in SCI patients as a result of the multi- tion with increments of 10° of tilt prior to mobiliz-
system malfunction associated with the paralysis. ing the patient.
Surgical realignment, surgical stabilization and/or Early mobilization of patients with complete upper
surgical decompression do not offer protection to the thoracic or cervical cord injuries is associated with
injured spinal cord against these insults. On the reduction of vital capacity (Cameron, Scott, Jousse
contrary, hypoxia and/or hypotension, technical et al., 1995; Morgan, Silver, Williams, 1986) and a
difficulties leading to further mechanical damage potential drop of oxygen saturation which may further
and ligation of an important blood vessel to stop impair cord functions. It is therefore more than prob-
bleeding which is usually difficult to identify able that the physiological instability (PI) of the
during surgery can potentially cause more harm. injured spinal cord is at least as threatening to spinal
Furthermore, post-operative complications such as cord functions as the BI of the spinal column is.
bleeding, chest or urinary infection and/or surgical Furthermore, the combination of postural hypoten-
wound infection can also cause harm. sion and reduced vital capacity which can occur
Late pain is rare in patients treated conservatively during early mobilization are unlikely to enhance the
with four to six weeks periods of bed rest followed active process of physical rehabilitation which
by six to eight weeks of bracing. Adequate analgesia requires energy, motivation and a sense of well being.
and support from peers and the staff especially in the Unfortunately, early mobilization and early reha-
first week following injury is essential. bilitation are often advocated by clinicians who are
The spinal column is a segmental structure for rarely directly involved in the rehabilitation process
maximum flexibility. Surgical stabilization with of the patient.
long fusions can restrict the flexibility of the spine
and interfere with the rehabilitation process and the Canal encroachment and decompression
quality of independence of the patient. Fortunately Some of the first case reports to suggest that canal
in the last decade instrumentation has improved encroachment as demonstrated by computerized
to involve a minimum number of units of motion tomography does not correlate with the degree of
(vertebra). The surgery is however more exacting, neurological impairment, does not prevent neurolog-
the learning curve longer and the complications ical recovery in patients with incomplete cord
potentially more serious. Considering this and the injuries and does not result in neurological deteriora-
small incidence of SCIs, such procedures are best tion in patients without impairment of cord function
done when required in SCI test Centres. were published by El Masri(y) and Jaffray (1992) and
There is no evidence to suggest that realignment El Masri(y) and Meerkotter (1992). Since then the
and/or surgical stabilization are essential to prevent same conclusions have been independently made by
late pain at the site of the fracture. The incidence of reviewing the outcome of conservative treatment of
pain at the site of fracture with our conservative man- 50 consecutive patients with canal encroachment
agement is less than 5%. This is another important between 10% and 90% in Frankel C, D and E groups
area for research preferably by independent assessors (El Masri(y), Katoh, Khan, 1993; El Masri(y), 1993).
who are not involved in the patient’s management. Other groups have since published similar findings
(Limb, Shaw, Dixon, 1995; Rosenberg, Lenger, Weisz
Early mobilization/rehabilitation et al., 1996; Boeger, Limb, Dickson, 2002). Surgical
Surgical stabilization to enhance early mobilization, decompression in patients with incomplete injuries is
rehabilitation and discharge from hospital is often not necessary for neurological recovery to occur. The
advocated. Early mobilization (verticalization) espe- long term outcome of conservative management
cially during the stage of spinal shock (areflexia) without decompression of spinal canal encroachment
may not be safe or beneficial to the neurologically is most promising (Figure 3).
impaired patient. Further neurological deterioration Surgical decompression is even more unlikely to
in association with postural hypotension during be of benefit if the severity of the initial impact is
mobilization has been documented in patients with beyond a certain magnitude as recovery is most

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Traumatic spinal cord injury 39

Figure 3 (a) Lateral cervical spine X-ray revealing a burst unstable fracture of C5 vertebra with retropulsion in
the spinal canal of a patient following a road traffic accident in 1988. The patient was admitted to the Midlands
Centre for Spinal Injuries on the same day of the accident with C5 Frankel C paralysis and almost complete
paralysis in the left upper and lower limbs. She was treated conservatively with skull traction and bed rest for
seven weeks and required a further period of four weeks in a Minerva for rehabilitation. She did not undergo
surgical decompression nor surgical stabilisation. She recovered significant motor power to ambulate with
minimal arm support and was discharged eleven weeks from injury. (b) Lateral CT scan through a midline cut
to reveal the extent of spinal canal encroachment. (c) Cross-sectional CT at the site of the fracture. (d) Lateral
cervical spine X-ray in 1991 revealing reasonable alignment and good consolidation at the site of the fracture.
(e) Lateral MRI in February 2002 demonstrating a signal in the spinal cord at the level of the lesion as well as
remodelling of the spinal canal. (f) Recovery sustained for the last 18 years

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value or the timing of realignment on neurological

recovery (Fehlings and Perrin, 2005). In the author’s
experience, closed reduction of facet dislocation and
realignment is safe in experienced hands in the first
24–48 hours from injury. The author has had to
abandon closed reduction of facet dislocation if the
patient presents more than 48 hours from injury. It is
conceivable that oedema of the cord is at its
maximum at 48 hours from injury and for a number
of days beyond. In the process of closed reduction of
a cervical spine dislocation, however experienced
the clinician is, there is likely to be some reduction
in the size of the spinal canal. In the presence of
marked oedema and a swollen cord any reduction
in the size of the canal can cause further damage to
the cord. Elderly people are even more vulnerable.

Cord compression
Cord compression does not appear to prevent neuro-
logical recovery in patients with significant neuro-
logical impairment following spinal cord injuries
(Figure 4). The arguments for surgical decompres-
sion often quote compressive disc disease and other
space occupying lesions. It must be appreciated that
the pathological processes of disc disease and other
slowly growing space occupying lesions are likely to
be different from that of acute traumatic canal
encroachment. In other words while the final radio-
logical picture of neural compression might appear
to be similar, the pathological processes that lead to
this are different.
It is also interesting to note that in a number of
post mortem examinations, many witnessed by the
author, the neural tissue pathology (contusion,
oedema and haemorrhage) tend to extend for a
number of vertebral levels above and below the site
of the fracture. This can also be demonstrated on the
MRI scan. It is difficult to believe that decompres-
Figure 3 Continued sion at the one site of the fracture would alter the
course of the pathology and outcome.
Since the installation of the MRI scanner in our
institution in 1994 we have been prospectively
unlikely to occur (Dolan et al., 1980; Guha et al., and restrospectively monitoring the neurological
1987). The debate, claims and counter claims about progress of patients with cord compression treated
surgical decompression and its timing remain incon- conservatively. The preliminary results indicate that
clusive (Fehlings and Perrin, 2005). no patient with or without neurological sparing has so
Decompression can be achieved by non-surgical far deteriorated permanently. They also indicate that
means with realignment. Traction may or may not be the great majority of patients with incomplete cord
required depending on the type of injury. The effect injuries in Frankel/ASIA groups B, C and D patients
of facet relocation and realignment on pain relief is do recover neurologically significantly without surgi-
impressive. There is no concensus however on the cal decompression Figure PW). It appears that the

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Traumatic spinal cord injury 41

same clinical prognostic indicators of recovery apply Some patients make significant neurological recov-
whether there is cord compression or not. We can still ery that enables them to ambulate again without any
assure a patient with a Frankel B acute tetraplegia or surgical or pharmacological intervention (Frankel,
paraplegia (complete motor paralysis but sensory Hancock, Hyslop et al., 1969).
sparing) that the chances of walking out of the depart-
ment varies between 50% and 70% or more depend-
ing on the preservation of pin prick sensation and not
the degree of cord compression. What is not known is
whether there is an advantage to either method of
treatment (conservative or surgical) in terms of speed,
magnitude and or end point of recovery.
Indeed a prospective multi-centre trial with
assessors who are independent from the provider of
management is also overdue to settle this matter.

Natural history of complete

spinal cord injuries
Between the second and fourth day after injury some
ascent of the lesion for up to three segments can
occur in about 10% of the patients. This is temporary
and is probably related to cord oedema which reaches
its peak during this period. Recovery is almost
always assured. The majority of patients recover to
the original level or more within the following few
weeks in the published studies.
Between 5–9% of patients with initially clinically
complete spinal cord injuries make a significant
recovery (Frankel, Hancock, Hyslop et al., 1969).
Many more patients, documented in this publication,
recover cord functions in one or two myotomal dis-
tributions below the level of the injury. Although
there is some debate over the percentage of patients
in Frankel A group who make various degrees of Figure 4 (a) Lateral MRI of a 47. year old patient who
recovery, nevertheless most clinicians who practice sustained a 10 foot fall in 1996. He was admitted to
in SCI Centres have seen these patients. our centre within 24 hours from injury. The MRI
Anderson and Bohlman (1992) suggested that reveals a double injury involving both the spinal axis
anterior surgical decompression and arthrodesis of and the spinal cord at D9 and L3 level. The spinal cord
is compressed at both levels. There is also a degree of
the cervical spine lead to zonal motor improvement. biochemical instability at both levels. The patient pre-
Katoh and El Masri(y) (1994) demonstrated that sented with a Frankel B neurological loss (complete
similar results can be achieved with conservative motor paralysis but sensory sparing). (b) Cross-sec-
management. In a series of 53 patients with com- tional CT views demonstrating significant canal
plete traumatic tetraplegia admitted within two days encroachment at D9. (c) Cross-sectional MRI demon-
strating thecal compression at the cauda equinal level
of injury in our centre there were two prognostic of L3. (d) Demonstrate good painless range of move-
indicators for zonal motor recovery: dermatomal ment and functional recovery without intervention
preservation of sensation and an initial neurological from surgical stabilization, surgical decompression
level higher than the vertebral fracture. These were pharmacological agents or experimental intervention
to achieve and maintain this result for the last 10
good prognostic signs of zonal motor recovery years. The patient was treated conservatively with six
regardless the mechanism of injury or residual canal weeks of bed rest followed by a period of six weeks in
stenosis (Katoh and El Masri(y), 1994). a body cast.

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Figure 4 Continued

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Traumatic spinal cord injury 43

Natural history of incomplete the subjectivity of most of the studies is a method-

cord injuries ological weakness. One cannot confidently exclude a
bias when those who make the selection for surgical
Patients with incomplete cord injuries (Frankel B, C decompression and carry out the surgical procedure
and D) make significant neurological recovery are the same people who carry out the study.
regardless of the degree of canal stenosis (Katoh, El Convincing evidence of the benefits of surgical
Masri(y), Jaffray, 1996) or canal encroachment (El decompression on neurological outcome is truly
Masri(y) and Meerkotter, 1992; El Masri(y), Katoh, lacking in humans. At a more basic level, the tempo-
Khan, 1993; El Masri(y), 1993; Limb, Shaw, Dixon, ral neurological changes that occur hour by hour
1995; Rosenberg, Lenger, Weisz et al., 1996; Boerger, during the first 24–48 hours following injury have not
Limb, Dickson, 2000; Fehlings and Perrin, 2005; been documented nor studied even in the conscious
Frankel, Hancock, Hyslop et al., 1969) provided both patient without cognitive impairment. This requires
the BI of the Hancock, Hyslop spinal column and the some urgent attention.
PI of the spinal cord are well contained. Currently the neurological examination and docu-
mentation in the first few hours of injury does not
provide reliable data for accurate follow up com-
The role of surgery parison. During the stage of spinal shock (are-
The role of surgery in trauma remains controversial. flexia) assessment of the Frankel/ASIA grading is
This is due to a number of factors. The relatively not reliable. Associated pain often requiring anal-
small number of traumatic cases does not readily gesia and sedation further undermines the accuracy
allow for good randomized control trials. There is a of the neurological assessment. It is therefore dif-
lack of objective independent reliable assessment of ficult to obtain a baseline neurological examina-
outcomes. The differences in the background of tion if early surgery is carried out. Unfortunately,
training, experience and expertise of clinicians; dif- early neuro-physiological testing remains equally
ferences in systems of management of the SCI and of unreliable in determining if a cord lesion is com-
the multi-system impairment with implications on plete or incomplete and likely to recover or not.
neurological and global outcome; the differences Currently early surgery is therefore based on belief
between the methods of funding and methods of and hope. Unless the natural history of the various
health care provision; the temptation to apply the Frankel/ASIA groups from the first few hours of
principles of management of the neurologically injury can be established confidently, temporally
intact to the neurologically impaired patient; and the and predictably the matter is likely to remain in the
lack of evidence about the superiority of either realm of debate and speculation.
methods of management (surgical or conservative) The belief that the BI at the fracture site is difficult
in terms of outcome are all contributing factors to to contain without surgery and that the presence of
the current controversy. The matter is further com- canal encroachment by bony or soft tissue is detri-
plicated by a strong belief by some that early surgery mental to neural tissues has led to an explosion
(mainly decompression within a few hours of injury) of surgical instrumentation and intervention.
can be beneficial. Unfortunately, this has been to the detriment of
The microscopic and macroscopic pathological almost complete loss of skills and expertise with con-
changes in the spinal cord following trauma have been servative management.
studied in depth in the laboratory animal. There is Those who promote conservative management of
class one evidence about the beneficial effect of early neurologically impaired patients add more weight-
decompression in the laboratory animal. In the ing to the physiological instability of the spinal
author’s opinion this does not justify direct extra- cord and are able to contain the BI of the spinal
polation to humans. Scientific methodology dictates column without difficulty. They consider the risk
proving that what is class one evidence in the labora- of neurological deterioration or lack of neurologi-
tory animal is also proven to be class one evidence in cal recovery, with surgery, to be higher than with
humans before an intervention (pharmacological, sur- expert conservative management as stated earlier.
gical or otherwise) is considered to be a necessary This is not to mention the technical difficulties that
treatment in humans. Although one is very tempted to can be encountered with the more elaborate proce-
accept the class 2 and 3 available evidence in humans, dures especially during the learning curve.

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Most of the claims and counterclaims about the • Patients with pure ligamentous injuries associated
superiority of various methods of management are with malalignment with or without neurological
based on retrospective studies. The results are impairment. The time to stability restoration is
usually inconclusive (Fehlings and Perrin, 2005; much longer than when bony structures are
Wilmot and Hall, 1986). Laminectomy has a noto- damaged.
riously bad reputation for further destabilizing some • Mentally challenged patients and patients who are
injuries biomechanically and in causing reduction unable or unwilling to co-operate with conserva-
of spinal cord blood flow. The latter was shown tive management such as patients with uncon-
experimentally by Anderson and Means (1985). trolled epilepsy.
Neurological deterioration following laminectomy • Patients with late painful deformities.
is not unusual and has been documented (Morgan,
Wharton, Austin, 1971; Bohlman, 1979). There is The author’s only indication for surgical decompres-
also controversy about the rate of complications sion in the acute stage is a neurologically deteriorat-
and the effect of the method of management on ing patient with MRI signs of further compression of
total hospitalization time (Wilmot and Hall, 1986; neural tissues. Late decompression for post-trau-
Murphy, Opitz, Cabanela et al., 1990; Carvel and matic syringomyelia in the long term is required in
Grundy, 1994). There is evidence however to less than 5% of the population of patients with SCI
suggest that the incidence of complications is (El Masri(y) and Biyani, 1996).
higher and that hospitalization is longer when the
patient’s transfer to a spinal injuries centre (SIC) is
delayed and when surgery to the injured spine is Conclusion
performed prior to referal to the SIC (Wilmot and
Hall, 1986; Carvel and Grundy, 1994; Aung and Knowledge of the level, density and pathological
El Masri(y), 1997). processes of the spinal cord lesion and its patholog-
One of the relatively few prospective comparative ical and clinical effects on the various systems of the
studies comparing surgical and conservative man- body is essential for adequate management of these
agement in 208 patients with acute spinal cord injury patients. It is therefore not surprising that the
(Tator, Duncan, Edmonds et al., 1987) revealed no response to the conventional treatment directed to
difference in neurological outcome nor in length of the non-traumatic pathologies is often disappointing
hospitalization. The only parameter found to be sig- when applied to SCI patients.
nificant to the length of stay was the severity of the The prognostic indicators of neurological recovery
cord injury. have been well documented with expert conservative
Despite a significant improvement in surgical management (Katoh and El Masri(y), 1994; Katoh,
technique and anaesthesia and the appearance of El Masri(y), Jaffray et al., 1996; Folman and El
new surgical instrumentation on average every two Masri(y), 1989). They seem to have equal signifi-
years for over a period of three decades; surgery cance in the presence of biomechanical instability,
remains an option of treatment and there is no class canal encroachment and cord compression. To date
1 evidence to suggest it is necessary for better there is no convincing evidence to suggest that any
outcome (Fehlings and Perrin, 2005). intervention, surgical, pharmacological experimental
At the Midlands Centre for Spinal Injuries of the or otherwise, provide a better outcome than active
Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, conservative management. The Class 1 evidence for
patients are given an informed choice between con- surgery in the laboratory animal and Class 2 and 3
servative and surgical management of the injury irre- evidence in humans require urgent further independ-
spective of the radiological appearances on X-rays, ent evaluation. Currently all available interventions
CT scans and/or MRI scans. are options of management. Furthermore, the effects
The author’s indications for surgical stabilization of the anaesthetic agents (positive, negative or
are the following: neutral) on the injured spinal cord have yet to be
explored (Hickey, Albin, Bunegin et al., 1986).
• Neurologically intact patients. Their rehabilitation Prospective well designed studies by independ-
requirement is limited. The majority will be dis- ent assesors are difficult to conduct. It is however,
charged within a few days from surgery. paramount that they are attempted and that the

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important aspects of these trials are independently thoracolumbar burst fractures managed with hyper-
assessed. With current knowledge it is essential extension casting or bracing and early mobilization.
that the patient is given an informed choice Spine 21: 2170–75.
between methods of treatment. This is becoming CRASH trial collaborators. 2004. Effect of intravenous cor-
ticosteroids on death within 14 days in 10 008 adults with
increasingly important since litigation is on the
clinically significant head injury (MRC Crash trial): ran-
increase and justification is likely to be required in domized placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 364: 1321–28.
case of mishaps. Considering the small incidence, Dolan EJ, Tator CH, Endrenyi L. 1980. The value of
wide ranging effects, complexity of diagnosis and decompression for acute experimental spinal cord com-
management, the need for an elaborate infrastruc- pression injury. J Neurosurg 53: 749–55.
ture, the need to offer a choice to patients and the El Masri(y) WS. 1993. Neurological significance of bony
need to conduct research with appropriate method- canal encroachment following traumatic injury of the
ology in all aspects of paralysis; it is only reason- spine in patients with Frankel C, D and E. Abstract in
able to manage patients with SCI in Spinal Cord Proceedings of American Spinal Injuries Association
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El Masri(y) WS, Biyani A. 1996. Incidence, management
well as research aspects.
and outcome of post traumatic syringomyelia. In
memory of Mr Bernard Williams. Journal of Neurology,
Acknowledgements Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 60: 141–46.
El Masri(y) WS, Jaffray D. 1992. Recent developments in
the management of injuries of the cervical spine.
The author would like to thank the following: Dr BB
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 17(61), Chapter 3. In
Eldeeb for her help with the research and the Frankel HL ed., Spinal cord trauma. Elsevier Science
composition of the article; Mrs H Edwards and Mrs Publishers BV.
Bridget Thomas for their administrative assistance; El Masri(y) WS, Katoh S, Khan A. 1993. Reflections on
Mr Alun Jones and Mr Andrew Biggs for their help the neurological significance of bony canal encroach-
with the illustrations; Marie Carter and Siobahn ment following traumatic injury of the spine in patients
Whitby for their help with the bibliography. with Frankel C D and E presentation. J Neurotrauma 10
(Suppl.): 70.
El Masri(y) WS, Meerkotter DV. 1992. Spinal cord
References dysfunction vol II intervention & treatment. In Illis, LS
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