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Narra, Francisco Homes, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan


Bumuo ng paksang maaaring pag-aralan mula sa mga PPT at paksang tinalakay ng
guro. Ito ay hindi dapat bababa ng sampung pangungusap na patalata. (10 sentences
in paragraph form).

Layunin at Panimulang Talakay

Isulat ang mga pangunahing layunin na nais makamit at ang mga gabay na katanungan
na bibigyan ng kasagutan. Ito ay dapat magtaglay ng pitong pangungusap na patalata
(7 sentences in paragraph form).
Anong uri ng pamamaraan ang gagamitin kung sakali na isasagawa ang panimulang
pananaliksik. Ito ba ay kwalitatibo o kwantitatibo. Ito ay dapat magtaglay ng limang
pangungusap na patalata (5 sentences in paragraph form). Ipaliwanag ng buong
Hugpong ng Pag-aaral
Talakayin ang magiging ambag o kontribyusyon ng panimulang pananaliksik sa larang
na inyong kinabibilangan (Accountancy o Psychology). Ito ay dapat magtaglay ng
limang pangungusap na patalata (5 sentences in paragraph form).
Maglista ng limang batayan na hindi bababa sa 2017.
Maglista ng tatlong dyornal na maaaring isumite ang inyong panimulang pagpaplanong
pananaliksik. Ito ay kung sakaling ang mungkahing pag-aaral ay aprubado na. tiyakin
na ang mga tinukoy na dyornal ay mula sa mga peer-reviewed at SCOPUS. Ito ay
dapat magtaglay ng limang pangungusap na patalata (5 sentences in paragraph


Topic of your proposed psychological research

(Provide one topic only for your proposed psychological research. This topic will be the
basis of your answers in the sections below. You may, however, include a number of
psychological concepts and variables related to this topic.)

Microaggression Experiences of Young Adult Tau-buid Mangyans

in Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro

Brief literature review

(Based on your reading of at least five (5) scholarly journal articles about the topic of your
proposed research, present a synthesis of the findings of the studies in these scholarly
journal articles. Note that you should not copy and paste the abstracts found in the
empirical journal articles you read. Entry here must be in paragraph format and NOT in
bullet format.)

Microaggression is a term used for commonplace daily verbal, behavioral or

environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile,
derogatory, or negative attitudes toward stigmatized or culturally marginalized groups
(Sue, 2010). The forms of Microaggression are, microinvalidation, microassault, and
microinsult. Microinvalidations are characterized by communications that exclude,
negate, or nullify the psychological thoughts, feelings, or experiential reality, while
microassault is an explicit racial derogation characterized primarily by a verbal or non-
verbal attack meant to hurt the intended victim through name-calling, avoidant behavior,
or purposeful discriminatory actions. Lastly is the microinsult, which is characterized by
communications that convey rudeness and insensitivity and demean a person’s racial
heritage or identity (Sue, et al., 2007) Experiences of discrimination have consistently
been linked to poorer psychosocial health and other negative outcomes, with some
theorists suggesting that the more subtle and confusing forms of discrimination may be
even more harmful than overt forms (Jones & Galiher, 2015).

Although subtle, racial microaggressions have an impact on lives of people who

endure hostilities by virtue of their race or ethnicity (Ruano, 2020). This is why it is
necessary to understand the perspectives, ideas, and emotions of the Tau-buid
Mangyan in Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro. For most outsiders or the Tagalog as what
Mangyans call, the term, Mangyan, has a derogatory connotation because they
associate it with being primitive, aggressive, or enslaved. Worcester in 1930 wrote that
the Mangyan were dirty and unsanitary, and only slightly more developed than the
Negritos (Yodisphere, 2021). This is one of the numerous reasons why the stigma
against the Mangyans progressed and continues to exist; there are still critical articles
with a bias viewpoint about them. The tendency to distance themselves from Tagalogs
and only approach them in order to beg for money and food is still evident today. In
addition, if they are away from their homes on the mountain, they end up sleeping
alongside Pinamalayan's roadways. Some Tagalogs appear to be repulsed by the
Mangyan's appearance and odor, and some even express their disdain in a rude
manner without regard for their condition. The Tau-buid are aware of their condition and
the manner in which the Tagalogs treat them. As long as they do not receive equal
treatment, all they can do is accept the situation until it becomes part of their culture.
However, parents pass on this way of thinking to their children and subsequent
generations, thereby suffering from their interactions with their environment and the
ability to fulfill their role within such environments as work, social activities, and
relationships with partners and family (Bosc, 2000).

Research question or objective

(Write the research objective/s or question/s that you aim to address in this proposed

This descriptive qualitative research aims to explore and understand the thoughts,
perceptions, and feelings of the Young Adult Tau-buid Mangyan of Pinamalayan, Oriental
Mindoro in relation to their Microaggression Experiences. At this point in the research,
microaggression will be defined as the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental
slights, snubs, or insults that convey hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target
individuals based solely on their marginalized group identity (UCLA Diversity and Faculty
Department, 2014).

Research methodology
(Indicate the appropriate approach (i.e., qualitative/quantitative approach), and the method
for data collection and data analysis you intend to utilize for this proposed research.)

To classify, categorize, and synthesize interview data from Young Adult Tau-buid
Mangyan, a descriptive qualitative study with thematic analysis will be performed. Using
open-ended question surveys and follow-up nterviews, the researcher will further
investigate the respondent's perception, thoughts, and feelings in relation to
microaggression encounters.

Contributions of the proposed study

(Discuss the potential contributions of this proposed study to your field of study (i.e., your
graduate program track)

Microaggressions can result in low self-esteem, feelings of alienation, and even

mental health problems such as sadness, anxiety, or even suicidal ideation. When this
occurs to a person and worsens, professional mental health care is necessary since it can
impair their normal ability to adapt to their environment, therefore negatively impacting their
social functioning, wellbeing, and self-esteem. In the field of Clinical Psychology, the
findings of this study will serve as an eye-opener for mental health professionals, and it can
be used as a guide for the development of psychological interventions that will effectively
help the respondents deal with the issue of Microaggression.

List the references of the scholarly journal articles you cited in section 2 (Brief literature

Bosc. (2000). Assessment of social functioning in depression. Comprehensive

Psychiatry, 63-69.
Development, U. D. (2014). Diversity in the Classroom. Retrieved from

Jones, M., & Galiher, R. (2015). Daily Racial Microaggressions and Ethnic Identification
among Native American Young Adults. APA Psyc Net, 31.

Ruano, A. C. (2020, November 16). Racial Microaggressions of Indigenous

Undergraduate Students in an Ecuadorian Higher Education Institution. FIU Digital
Commons, p. 276.

Sue, D. (2010). Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender, and Sexual

Orientation. Canada: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Sue, D., Capodilupo, C., Torino, G., Bucceri, J., Holder, A., Nadal, K., & Esquilin, M.
(2007). Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Implications for Clinical Practice.
American Psychological Association, 271-286.

Yodisphere. (2021). The Mangyans of Mindoro Philippines - History, Culture and

Traditions [Philippine Indigenous People]. Retrieved from yodisphere:

Publication Plan
List the names of at least three (3) psychology-related journals to which you may submit
your paper if your research above is implemented and completed. Please make sure that
the journals you identified are peer-reviewed are listed/indexed in the Web of Science

Kahusayan sa paghahanda – 40
Wika/Gramatika -30
Paggamit ng Hangguan – 20
Kaugnayang Panlipunan – 10

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