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Mobile Legends

Tryouts 'Rules
Rules and regulations to be followed during the tournament:

1. All games will be played in Custom Draft Pick Mode.

2. Only registered players are allowed to play. Teams are not allowed to play 4v5 if a player
went missing.
3. Each teams should have 5 primary playing members, having a 6th-man is highly
recommended in case of internal conflicts.
4. Each team is given a 5-minute waiting time if they are late. They will be considered
5. There are no restrictions on heroes, battle spells, or item builds.
6. The first team to destroy the opponent’s base will be declared as winner.
7. Each team should provide their own playing device and a fast internet connection to
avoid misgivings.
8. The tournament is played on a single elimination rounds.
9. 2 Pauses per team only are allowed in case of technical issues.
10. Emotes are allowed.
11. Chat to all and recall spamming (3 consecutive) are not permitted.
12. Trash talking both online and offline is not allowed at all times
13. Cheating and failure to follow a rule is an automatic win for the other team.
14. Unforeseen interventions such as power outage and health emergencies are the only
mishaps in which the game coordinators will invalidate the game and will therefore
schedule another match having the same hero picks and bans as the previous game.
15. Piloting Services during the tournament is strictly prohibited, if caught, automatic
16. Failure to follow these rules will disqualify you from the game.


Regardless of the outcome, both sides must email or display a screenshot to the
designated committee, but only the team captain is allowed to approach the officials and
identify the team.

Ensure that the data you enter on the registration form is accurate.

Call of Duty
Tryouts 'Rules

1. By participating in our tournaments, all participants automatically agree that they vow to
respect fellow participants, the staffs and the committees.
2. Do not join an official tournament lobby if you are not part of the team that is playing.
Ineligible players that do join are at risk of being banned from the tournament or receive
other penalties.
3. We reserve the right to edit the rules at any time and disqualify teams for reasons not
stated in this list or take other action.
4. It is prohibited to spam or use offensive messages
5. During an on-going tournament, players are not allowed to change their in-game name.
Clan Tags before in-game names are allowed to be changed.
6. Ignorance of rules does not justify rule breaking. If you have questions about any rules,
contact our support.
7. Team captains must make sure that their team shows up on the agreed-upon time. If a
team does not join the in-game lobby within 5 minutes, they will be at risk of


1. The usage of cheats, hacks, or any 5. Account sharing will be met with
other third-party applications that disqualification. Only the original
give you an unfair advantage over owner of the Call of Duty: Mobile
your opponents will result in account may use it in tournaments.
immediate disqualification. 6. The team would be played in best of
2. Teams that attempt to use players 3(BO3)
which are not registered in their team 7. BALLISTIC WEAPONS ARE NOT
may be disqualified. ALLOWED
3. All players must remain in the 8. TANK IS NOT ALLOWED
game’s lobby following the 9. TEAM MIC/SPEAKER ONLY
conclusion of each match. This 10. NO TRASHTALK
allows us to view their final score on 11. NO EMOTES
the scoreboard. Players that leave the 12. NO TEAM UP
lobby earlier and thus do not show 13. NO EMULATOR
up on the scoreboard may be 14. NO STREAMER MODE
suspended from on-going 15. NO GLITCHES
tournaments. 16. POINTS SYSTEM
4. It is not allowed to switch to the
spectator mode. If a player is caught BEST OF 3
using the spectator mode, that team 1 kill = 1 Point
will automatically have to forfeit the 1st = 10 Points
current round of that match. 2nd = 6Points
3rd = 3 Points

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