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This module introduces and explains the different factors that brought changes to our world
and how can knowledge of geography, places, and landscapes meet the challenges of the fast-
changing world.


At the end of this chapter, the learners should be able to:
a. Discuss why is there a need to study places and landscapes;
b.. Explain why people value and landscapes and places; and,
c. Identify reasons for knowing the different places and landscapes.


Places and Landscapes attempts to “coin” and “translate” “theory” into “practice.”
So that as mankind live on earth may be able to “transform” words into action. All doings
made by man to nature may be “helpful” in building a better place to live. Thus, the
geographic variables may be understood according to they are made. To give pride to those who
are living in their respective places and landscape both rural and urban areas. Attached to the
landforms and water-forms of the land may the variability on the changing identity made into
pluralistic way with full of respect and reverence. As rural inhabitants competes their urban
counterpart in terms of their value-laden places and landscape. As nature provides sceneries
that the rural are blessed may all men seen places and landscape full of life to the fullest as
their urban counterpart mainstreaming development as by-product of man’s partnership to
creation. However, there are also instances that the urban locale can landscape the needs
and wants of an individual that the rural cannot. With that, may this study will help the
individual to “foresee” and “predict” the variability of such places and landscape in the
changing modern world.
In discussing this lesson, let us first ask ourselves this question: What is the changing world? How
do we describe our world now compared to before? What is our changing world look like? Do
you worry about our changing world? Poor people form a majority of the world’s population
today. This has always been the case. The rich get richer, the poor become poorer and have
children. The rich nations comprise what is known as the Technological world and the poorer
nations- the Developing world. The disparity between the rich and the poor is rapidly becoming
the central issue of our times. Indeed, the 21stcentury is the geography of wealth and poverty.
(Sagmit & Soriano, 2003)The difference between the rich and the poor permeates every aspect of
modern life. Now, that we are already in the globalized world, this is the reality. The rich nations
seek political stability, the present world economic system, their technological superiority, and
high standards of living. For them,international conferences, foreign aid, trade, and political or
military intervention in minor global disturbances are primarily methods of maintaining the status
quo. In each country, policies are forged to sustain the developing world leaders strive to carve
out a new place in the world economic system, to acquire technology and skills needed to raise
standards of living.
Changing not maintaining the status quo is their central interest. In such countries,
progress is measured by the increase in calorie consumption, lower infant mortality rates, miles of
roadway constructed, and gains in gross national product. (Sagmit and Soriano, 2003)According to
experts and authorities in Social Science and Geography, the following factors have brought about
the changes in our world.


LANDSCAPE- all the visible features of an area of countryside or land, often considered in
terms of their aesthetic appeal.
- is part of the Earth’s surface that can be viewed at one time from one place.
It consists of the geographic features that mark, or are characteristic of, a
particular area.
- Comes from the Dutch word “landschap’, the name given to paintings of the


Here are some of the reasons why landscapes and places are important:
1. Landscapes and features contribute significantly to our well-being and quality of life.
They provide the broader context within which we live our lives. Living within aesthetically
pleasing and culturally meaningful landscapes enhances our sense of wellbeing.
2. Landscape value corresponds to an attachment or emotional bond that people develop
with places. There are strong cultural ties to landscapes and feelings for the visual beauty of
mountains, lakes, coasts, forests, etc., which are a common bond among people or social groups
of a given region.
3. Landscape value often has an association with environmental and natural resource
values. The values that people appreciate in a landscape may often also be important
ecologically. Landscape values can be divided into use and non-value, the former of which
provides tangible benefits (such as economic value through, for instance, tourism, or recreation
value) and the latter of which provides spiritual, identity or ecological value.


1. Pleasant surroundings and amenity

Our quality of life benefits from the attractiveness and amenity of our everyday
2. Permanence and continuity
From a human point of view, many landscape elements are fixed or change only very
slowly. They can give us a strong sense of place and reassurance.

3. Memories and associations

Individuals and communities may link certain landscapes with specific experiences.

4. Diversity and character

Our landscapes are distinctive and full of character, which helps us to define our sense of
place both locally and regionally.

5. National identity
All of Scotland’s landscapes help to form our national identity. Some are even seen as
national icons, as they project a sense of ‘Scottishness’.

6. Scenic quality, beauty and aesthetics

Rural landscapes are often valued for their natural beauty and attractiveness. Townscapes
and individual buildings also have important aesthetic qualities.

7. Health and well-being

Attractive and accessible landscapes invite and encourage physical activity. They can
also provide an escape from the pace of modern life and give us insights into our past and
culture. Engaging more closely with landscapes is thus good for our physical and mental health
and well-being as individuals.

8. Community regeneration
Communities can be strengthened by:

 restoring degraded landscapes

 engaging people in the history and biodiversity of local landscapes
 involving people in general decision-making and management around landscape

9. Enjoyment and recreation

Our wide range of landscapes – from local greenspace and urban parks to remote
mountains and coasts – provide many ways to enjoy the outdoors. All offer relaxation,
challenges, inspiration and a chance to experience our natural and cultural heritage.

10. Education
Landscapes provide:

 locations to connect with the natural world and built environment

 a vital record of our past and insights into our ancestors and the places they lived
 varied opportunities for learning about our natural and cultural heritage
 settings for formal and informal learning activities


What is the importance of studying places and landscape?

Landscapes and features are important because they contribute significantly to our well-
being and quality of life. They provide the broader context within which we live our lives. Living
within aesthetically pleasing and culturally meaningful landscapes enhances our sense of

What is the importance of the theory of landscape geography?

The theory of landscape geography is important because it helps to identify, recognize

and analyze the factors that lead to changes in the natural landscape.

What are the reasons for knowing the different places and landscapes of the world?
Geography plays a major role in our history and has helped mold the world we live in
today. To learn all the different places on earth as well as their cultural and physical
characteristics in order to be more productive and effective in a world that has become

Why is the study of geography important and how it affects your life?

Geography helps us understand basic physical systems that affect everyday life: How
water cycles and ocean currents work are all explained with Geography. These are important
systems to monitor and predict in order to help lessen the impact of disasters.

How do human affects landscape?

Many human activities increase the rate at which natural processes, such as weathering
and erosion, shape the landscape. The cutting of forests exposes more soil to wind and water
erosion. Pollution such as acid rain often speeds up the weathering, or breakdown, of the Earths
rocky surface.

Why landscaping is important for human and also describe its principles?

PRINCIPLES OF LANDSCAPING: They are virtually a retreat for the public from the
harsh strains and stresses of public life. Landscaping is done with a view to create a natural scene
by planting of lawn, trees and shrubs. It is the imitation of nature in the garden and improves the
total living environment of the people.

Which is the best description of the study of geography?

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their
environment s. Geographer s explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the
human societies spread across it.

How are human activities affecting the geography of the Earth?

Investigations of the geographic impact of human activities have advanced understanding
of the role of humans in transforming the surface of Earth, exposing the spatial extent of threats
such as water pollution by manmade waste.

Why are geographers interested in the earth’s surface?

Geographer s explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human
societies spread across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural
environment, and the way that locations and places can have an impact on people.


Activity 1: Creating Panoramic View

Direction: Create a panoramic view or your favorite place and landscape in your community or

Activity 2: Comparative Analysis

Direction: Analyze the impact of geographical and cultural diversities on the lives of the people.

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