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Date: February 20, 2019 (2:40 PM – 3:30 PM)

identify the subject and verb in a sentence
give the importance of being tactful when communicating to others
compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures- subject-verb
agreement (inverted sentences)

Values: observe politeness at all times

show tactfulness when communicating with others


Topic: Subject-Verb Agreement (Inverted Senteces)
References: K 12 Curriculum Guide in English 5
English Expressways (Textbook in Reading) pp.215-216
EN5G-IIa-3.9 EN5A-IIa-16 EN5A-IIa-17
Expanding English Skills for Empowerment I p. 357

Materials: laptop, LCD projector, activity sheets, copy of the story “The Courageous Husky”


A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer
2. Review
Ask the students to recap the previous lesson by answering the chart on the board.
Direction: Give the key sentence, supporting details and main idea of the selection.

The root is an important part of the plant. It is responsible for getting water and minerals from
the soil for the plant to grow. It also holds the plant in position. If roots are cut off from the plant, it
would die.

Main Idea:
Key sentence:
1. 2. 3.
Supporting details:

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

What can you see in the picture?

If you were to tell, which animal often hurts the other? Why do you say so?

2. Vocabulary Development
Unlocking of Difficulties
 apologize
 tease
 mindset
 afraid
 ridiculous

- In the story that we will read, there was an animal who made a mistake, so he said sorry to the
person he hurt. What is another word for sorry? (apologize)
- The unkind animal continued to make fun to the other even when it was already hurting. What do you
call with the act of annoying others? (tease)
- The animal already thought that he was weaker than the other. What is the word a person’s way of
thinking? (mindset)
- The rooster thought that it was foolish to think that he is weaker than her. Give one for foolish.
- Since he realized the truth, he was no longer scared of her. What is the other meaning of scared?

3. Learning Activity
Present the learning objectives
1. identify the subject and verb in a sentence
2. give the importance of being tactful when communicating to others
3. compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures-
subject-verb agreement (inverted sentences)

Provide the students the story about “The Courageous Husky” and read to them altogether

Once upon a time, in an animal farm was a little husky puppy. He enjoyed the fresh air of morning. Across the
street came a big yellow cat. “Hey little puppy, you just crossed my territory” Muning said. The puppy apologized, but the
cat said, “Saying sorry is not enough”. She showed her claws and hit him. On the puppy’s face are the traces of the cat’s
claws. Husky puppy was afraid that he chose to run away. “I am stronger than you are” teased the Muning to her rival.

Each day, Muning hits little Husky all over again. The cat became Husky’s fear because he thought that he was
weaker than the cat was. As months passed by, the little puppy grew and became a big Husky dog. However, he was still
afraid of Muning, for he still had his mindset – I am weaker than the cat.

Under the warm sunshine walked the dog. Muning stopped him. Husky dog stepped backward while bowing.
He said, “Please do not hurt me”. With her winning smile, Muning raised her claws and aimed them to Husky
dog’s face.

Red, the rooster saw the incident and asked, “Are you afraid of the cat, Husky? That’s ridiculous.” Both of them
stared at him. “Look at yourself! Husky, you are a big dog now. You grow stronger and bigger. Be aware of your
strength. Fight against your fear!” said Red, the rooster.

At the surface of pool water was Husky dog’s reflection. He was now aware of his size. “Yes, I am growing. I
can do something better now” Husky dog said, walking forward to Muning. He stared at her. He took a deep
breath to control his strength. “Woof, Woof, Wooof!” Husky dog was barking madly at the yellow cat.

Muning was trembling as she stepped backward. Then, she turned around and ran away. “Now, you are really
yellow. Stop bullying,” said Rooster.

 Who are the characters mentioned in the story?

 What did Muning always do with Husky the dog?
 Why is bullying not a good thing to do towards others?
 How can you prevent from being bullied by another person?
 What should you do to avoid hurting someone else’s feelings?

4. Discussion
From the story earlier, there were highlighted sentences. What can you say with the placement each word?

In an animal farm was a little husky puppy.

Under the warm sunshine walked the dog
Across the street came a big yellow cat
On the puppy’s face are the traces of the cat’s claws.
At the surface of pool water was Husky dog’s reflection.
When the subject of a sentence comes before the verb, the sentence is in Natural Order.
When the verb or part the verb comes before the subject, the sentence is in Inverted Order.

Most questions are in inverted order. A sentence has inverted when an adverb, a helping verb, or a
prepositional phrase is located at the beginning of the sentence and modifies the verb instead of the subject.

Ask the students to make the inverted sentences to their natural order by identifying the subject and
the verb. Fill up the table provided.
Subject Predicate
A little Husky puppy was in an animal farm.
The dog walked under the warm sunshine.
A big yellow cat came across the street.
The traces of the cat’s claws are on the puppy’s face.
Husky dog’s reflection was at the surface of pool water.

5. Guided Practice

From their respective groups, each member is assigned with a number head. As the teacher picks a
number, the representative will come to the board and answer the activity.

Write the following sentences in their inverted order.

1. The puppy grew up in the farm.
2. Red, Husky and Muning came down here
3. No one see the cat down the street.
4. Rooster cares about Husky’s feelings.
5. A big trouble with the animals was there.

6. Independent Practice
Compose coherent sentences in the inverted order using the given verbs that agree with the subjects in
each item.

1. disagree the men on their plan

2. in the spelling bee join Rosa
3. come the meteor in meteorites
4. on the moon astronauts’ footprints left.
5. on a topic for a report Alexis decide

7. Generalization
 How do you compose an inverted sentence?
Inverted sentence is a sentence in which the verb comes before the subject. The verb agrees with
the subject of the sentence.
 What is the importance of inverted sentence in the English language? (Answers vary)


Choose the correct inverted form of the sentence. Write your answer on the blank provided.

____1. A. Down the street ran the dog.

B. The dog ran down the street.
____2. A. In the back of the room was heard a crash.
B. In the back of the room a crash was heard.
___3. A. Two English classes are scheduled for 5th grade.
B. For 5th grade are scheduled two English classes.
___4. A. During the short summers grows a rare moss.
B. Grows a rare moss during the short summer.
___5. A. There is a little rainfall during the summer.
B. A little rainfall there is during summer.

Construct inverted sentences from the given words below.

6. my tennis shoes on top of the suitcase

7. across the windows are a yellow ribbon
8. are two red roses in her hand
9. stand old water pumps at the end of the road
10. my favorite person is there

V. Assignment
Make a 2-stanza poem about the following subjects using inverted sentences. Write it on a short
my favorite pet my best friend
my most unforgettable place my dream vacation

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