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• Speech and Theater Arts:

• Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Speaking:

' You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the

message of your heart". - John Ford

- Dapat alam natin kung gaano kahalaga ang magsalita at

ilarawan ng eksakto kung ano ang nararamdaman mo, at

ninanais ng hindi nawawala sa ating sarili.

• Introduction:
We all know that most of us, speaking in public is one of

the most feared activities that we don't want to experience or

encounter because we struggle, feel anxious and nervous

while we speak in front of many people and in public.

The good news about public speaking is that although it

may not be on the top of the list of our favorite activities,

anyone can learn to give effective presentations. You don’t

have to look like a Hollywood star and you don't have to use

fancy words to be a successful speaker. What is important is

that the audience understands you and remembers what you

have to say.

While public speaking is not a favorite activity for many, it

is one of the most important skills we can develop. It helps us

to articulate our thoughts clearly to inform and persuade

others about important issues in our lives. This first chapter

will begin by examining elements that influence our public

speaking success: the transactional model of communication,

speech anxiety, and audience analysis to give us a solid

foundation with which to understand how to be successful.

• Lesson 1: " Basic Communication

" Communication is the lifeline of any relationships".

- Elizabeth Bourgeret

Communication is an important factor in any aspect of

relationships, as it allows you to effectively share feelings,

opinions and expectation. Many people fail to communicate

due to a fear of rejection or the fear that they'll end upsetting

or even using their partner, family members or friends.

Communication plays a vital role since it can motivate, inspire,

suggest. It can move people to do things or change behavior.

It can make things clearer and build relationships.

By learning about communication- it's nature, process,

elements, types and more, we are able to improve our ability

to communicate. Developing insight into communication

makes us better communicators. As we become better

communicators, we are able to improve our relationship and

achieve or goals in life. Good communication makes us better

people and better people produce a better world.

• Communication Universals:
2. * content- literal meaning, information

* relationship- defines between sender and receiver

* features of relationship that get defined in message

exchanges include: liking, responsiveness( intensity), control

and trust.

4. * Irreversible- you cannot undo ciñommunication.

* unrepeatable- you can repeat words all you want, but

circumstances, in your heart and mind and in your audiences

heart's and mind and everything else around you-everyone

and everything is always changing.

5. Communication practices are largely created, shaped and

transmitted by culture.

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