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Review Article

Mechanisms of Disease particularly important when endogenous acid pro-

duction is increased during lactic acidosis or keto-
acidosis. Here, we review the evidence in support of
F R A N K L I N H . E P S T E I N , M. D. , Editor this hypothesis and discuss its implications for clini-
cally important acid–base disorders.
An increase in pH increases blood concentrations,
P RODUCTION urinary excretion, and net production of lactic acid
and keto acids, and a decrease in pH has the oppo-
VIRGINIA L. HOOD, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., site effect.1-14 Recent studies have put this effect into
AND RICHARD L. TANNEN, M.D. a broader perspective, highlighting its role in the
protection of acid–base homeostasis.
We initially studied the relation between systemic
acid–base disturbances and keto acid metabolism in

NDER normal physiologic conditions, acid–
base balance is maintained by renal excre- overweight subjects with fasting-induced ketogene-
tion of hydrogen ions generated during the sis,9 because such persons generate substantial quan-
metabolism of dietary protein and other metabolic tities of keto acids and their hydrogen-ion balance
processes. In normal subjects, these so-called fixed can be assessed without interference from food in-
acids are produced at an average rate of approxi- take or stool loss. During three separate one-week
mately 1 mmol per kilogram of body weight, or 50 fasts, the subjects were given sodium bicarbonate,
to 70 mmol per day, with a variety of organic acids sodium chloride, or ammonium chloride (2 mmol
accounting for half this amount and sulfuric and per kilogram of ideal body weight per day). Plasma
phosphoric acids for the remainder. When a disturb- bicarbonate concentrations and venous blood pH
ance in systemic pH occurs as the result of an excess were lowest when the subjects received ammonium
or loss of acid or base, shifts in body buffers and chloride, intermediate when they received sodium
ventilatory adjustment of the partial pressure of car- chloride, and highest when they received sodium bi-
bon dioxide promptly attenuate the change in pH carbonate (Fig. 2). Both blood concentrations and
until it can be corrected or at least stabilized by ap- urinary excretion of keto acid anions were greater
propriate changes in renal acid excretion.
Lactic acid and the keto acids 3-hydroxybutyric
acid and acetoacetic acid are produced when carbo-
Acid load Alkali load
hydrate or fat is incompletely oxidized. These organ-
ic acids can be produced in large quantities, at times
many hundreds of millimoles per day. Because they
are dissociated at physiologic pH, in large quantities Endogenous acid/
they pose a substantial threat to acid–base homeo- Systemic/ production/ Systemic/
stasis. Under these circumstances, although renal acid pH (ketoacidosis,/ pH
lactic acidosis)
excretion increases, it does not do so at a sufficiently
rapid rate to dispose of the extra acid, and lactic ac-
idosis or ketoacidosis develops.
We have postulated that systemic pH regulates the Systemic/
rate of endogenous acid production through a ho- pH
meostatic mechanism (Fig. 1). This mechanism is
Figure 1. Negative Feedback Control of Endogenous Acid Pro-
Increased production of lactic acid or keto acids reduces sys-
temic pH, which in turn inhibits the rate of endogenous acid
From the University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington
production. Other exogenous or endogenous acid loads also
(V.L.H.), and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadel-
phia (R.L.T.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Hood at the University of suppress endogenous acid production, whereas alkali loads
Vermont College of Medicine, 317 Burgess Bldg., Fletcher Allen Health enhance it. Alkali therapy accentuates the production of lactic
Care, Burlington, VT 05401. acid or keto acids and thus interferes with this mechanism for
©1998, Massachusetts Medical Society. regulating the acid–base balance.

Vol ume 33 9 Numb e r 12 · 819

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Acid production days, with the result divided by 0.5, on the assump-
Excretion of keto acid anions tion that the space of bicarbonate distribution is
equal to 50 percent of body weight).
The role of reduced keto acid production in main-
taining the acid–base equilibrium is emphasized by
Production or Excretion of Acid/

200 the changes in key acid–base values in response to

an acid load in subjects in a high, low, or nonketo-
100 genic state (base-line excretion of keto acid anions,
more than 68, 2 to 41, or less than 2 mmol per day,

respectively) (Fig. 3). In the high ketogenic state, al-

0 though there was no increase in acid excretion, the
plasma bicarbonate concentration was only 2.0 mmol
300 Net acid excretion per liter lower than the control value (after equimo-
lar ingestion of sodium chloride),9,14 whereas a sim-
200 ilar acid load in the nonketogenic state decreased the
plasma bicarbonate concentration by 5.0 mmol per
liter despite an increase of 80 mmol per day in net
acid excretion15-17 (and Fremont-Smith K, et al.:
personal communication). Thus, the modification of
0 keto acid production during a moderate acid load
Sodium/ Sodium/ Ammonium/
was the main factor that protected the acid–base equi-
Bicarbonate Chloride Chloride
librium when keto acid production was substantial.
No. of Patients 7 5 6 During the first week of starvation, many adaptive
Venous pH 7.35+0.01 7.32+0.01 7.30+0.01 metabolic events occur, and keto acid production
Plasma bicarbonate/18.3+1.1 15.4+1.0 14.0+1.4 has not yet reached a steady state. To ascertain
whether systemic acid–base disturbances modify the
Figure 2. Mean (+SE) Steady-State Values of Acid Production, production of keto acids during a prolonged in-
Excretion of Keto Acid Anions, and Net Acid Excretion during crease in endogenous acid production, we studied
Days 5 to 7 of Fasting in Overweight Subjects. the effects of similar ammonium chloride, sodium
Acid production was calculated as acid output (net acid excre- chloride, and sodium bicarbonate loads on net keto
tion) minus acid intake (ingestion of ammonium chloride [ac-
id], sodium chloride [control], or sodium bicarbonate [base] in acid production in subjects on a hypocaloric, keto-
a dose of 2 mmol per kilogram of ideal body weight per day).9 genic diet for two months.10 During stable ketosis,
The rates of net acid excretion (urinary ammonium plus titrat- which developed after four weeks, the ingestion of
able acid minus bicarbonate) were similar in the acid and base ammonium chloride decreased blood pH, plasma
phases, despite a difference in acid intake of 238 mmol per day.
bicarbonate concentrations, and urinary excretion of
organic acid and keto acid anions (Fig. 3 and 4). The
changes in both acid–base values and excretion of
during the sodium bicarbonate phase than during organic and keto acids occurred within two days,
the ammonium chloride phase, indicating that net were sustained while the acid ingestion continued,
keto acid production was considerably greater when and were reversed with the substitution of an
the subjects ingested base (Fig. 2). The difference in equimolar intake of sodium chloride. The response
the excretion of keto acid anions between the base to the ingestion of sodium bicarbonate mirrored the
and acid phases was 146 mmol per day. The conclu- findings with an acid load. Thus, systemic pH
sion that this change represented a pH-driven mod- changes did not modify keto acid metabolism tran-
ification of net keto acid production was reinforced siently but led to a new metabolic steady state with
by the demonstration that the pattern of calculated modified endogenous acid production.
acid production was similar (Fig. 2). Furthermore, Furthermore, ingestion of methionine, a sulfur-
when the subjects were in a steady state of acid–base containing amino acid from which sulfuric acid is
balance, the acid-excretion rates were similar in the produced, suppressed the production of keto acids
acid and base phases, even though the acid intake to a degree similar to that with ammonium chloride
differed by 238 mmol per day. In addition, the dif- (Fig. 4), indicating that acids with different anions
ference in plasma bicarbonate concentrations be- as well as those generated endogenously have a sus-
tween the acid and base phases was only 4 mmol per tained inhibitory effect on keto acid metabolism.11
liter, whereas acid retention of this magnitude would In these studies of acute and chronic ketoacidosis,
be estimated to decrease plasma bicarbonate con- the degree of suppression or enhancement of keto
centrations by approximately 24 mmol per liter over acid output was similar with equivalent acid and base
a three-day period (a difference of 4 mmol per kilo- loads. However, the quantitative effect of these chang-
gram per day in acid ingestion multiplied by three es on the maintenance of an acid–base balance de-

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High/ Low/ Low Keto Acid/ High Keto Acid/

Ketogenic/ Ketogenic/ Nonketogenic/ Production Production
State State State

Excretion of Keto Acid/

Bicarbonate (mmol/liter)

0.00 Control

Anions (mmol/day)
Change in Plasma/

100 Acid ingestion

¡2.50 Acid minus control

¡5.00 0
108 129 151 118 160
Acid Ingestion (mmol/day)
Change in Blood pH

Figure 4. Rates of Steady-State Excretion of Keto Acid Anions

¡0.02 (Representing Net Keto Acid Production) According to Base-
Line Keto Acid Production in Overweight Subjects after Inges-
¡0.04 tion of Ammonium Chloride or Methionine11 (Acid) or Equimo-
lar Amounts of Sodium Chloride (Control).
Data for low base-line keto acid production (urinary ketone ex-
¡0.08 cretion, 2 to 41 mmol per day) were obtained during days 4 to
7 of the second month of a protein-sparing modified fast,10,11
and data for high base-line keto acid production (urinary ke-
tone excretion, >68 mmol per day) were obtained during days
5 to 7 of total fasting.9,14 The degree of suppression of keto acid
Excretion (mmol/day)
Change in Net Acid/

250 output varied with the acid load, whereas absolute suppression
200 (acid minus control) varied with base-line keto acid production
as well as with the acid load. Values are means. The T bars in-
150 dicate standard errors. The negative numbers represent the de-
100 crease in keto acid anion excretion during acid ingestion.

adapted to a hypocaloric, ketogenic diet, who were
118 160 108 129 151 116 150 194 234 excreting an average of only 13 mmol of keto acid
Acid Ingestion (mmol/day)
anions per day, a similar decrease in keto acid output
had a minimal effect on the response to the acid
Figure 3. Influence of the Base-Line Rate of Keto Acid Production load.10 In this case, acid excretion had a major role
on the Response of Key Acid–Base Variables to Acid Ingestion. in maintaining an acid–base equilibrium, with chang-
Data for a high ketogenic state (base-line urinary ketone excre- es in plasma acid–base values and net urinary acid
tion, >68 mmol per day) were obtained during days 5 to 7 of
total fasting,9,14 data for a low ketogenic state (urinary ketone
excretion that were similar to those in the nonketo-
excretion, 2 to 41 mmol per day) were obtained during days genic state (Fig. 3).
4 to 7 of the second month of a protein-sparing modified If pH modifications of keto acid production rep-
fast,10,11 and data for a nonketogenic state (urinary ketone excre- resent an acid–base regulatory mechanism, changes
tion, <2 mmol per day) were obtained after three to nine days in pH resulting from respiratory and metabolic
of normal dietary intake15,16 (and Fremont-Smith K, et al.: per-
sonal communication). The decreases in blood pH and plasma acid–base disorders should have similar effects. When
bicarbonate concentrations and the increase in net acid excre- acute metabolic and respiratory acid–base disturb-
tion in response to the acid load (as compared with equimolar ances were induced in awake rats with chronic keto-
ingestion of sodium chloride in the ketogenic states and the sis, a decrease in blood pH reduced the net keto acid
base-line value in the nonketogenic state) were substantially re-
duced in the high ketogenic state, indicating the effectiveness
output, whereas an increase in pH had the opposite
of reduced keto acid production in protecting the acid–base effect.12 Furthermore, all the changes occurred with-
equilibrium in this setting. Values are means. The T bars indi- in two hours, persisted for the duration of acid or
cate standard errors. base loading, and were reversed when loading was
These results suggest that when endogenous acid
pended on the amount of keto acid produced. In the production is increased, a reduction in the net en-
subjects who fasted for one week, in whom the av- dogenous production of acid regulates the acid–base
erage excretion of keto acid anions was 130 mmol equilibrium, whereas when endogenous acid produc-
per day, the decrease or increase in keto acid output tion is minimal, other mechanisms of acid–base con-
offset 61 percent of the acid or base load that was trol are required to handle an acid or base load.
being administered. On the other hand, in subjects All these investigations have examined the influ-

Vol ume 33 9 Numb e r 12 · 821

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ence of pH on the net production of keto acids but Hypoxia

Plasma Lactate Concentration/

not the processes involved in their generation or me- Acidosis
tabolism. From the standpoint of acid–base homeo-
stasis, only the net effect is important. However, as
we have discussed in more detail elsewhere,18 the Control

predominant effect is mediated by changes in the 6 Metabolic acidosis
generation of keto acids, with acidosis inhibiting and Respiratory acidosis
alkalosis stimulating lipolysis19-22 and hepatic keto- 4
Net lactic acid production can also be regulated 0
by pH, with a low pH inhibiting glycolytic metabo- 0 1 2 3
lism, and a high pH stimulating it.25,26 Furthermore, Hour
in both humans and animals subjected to metabolic
and respiratory manipulations of acid–base homeo- Figure 5. Effect of Metabolic Acidosis and an Equivalent Degree
of Respiratory Acidosis on Lactic Acidosis Caused by Hypoxia
stasis, plasma lactate concentrations are usually in- (8 Percent Inspired Oxygen) in Rats.46
creased during alkalemia and decreased during aci- Metabolic acidosis, induced by administering an infusion of hy-
demia.27-37 In the absence of stimulation, the changes drochloric acid that decreased the plasma bicarbonate concen-
in plasma lactate concentrations are small; during lac- tration by 1.8 mmol per liter, caused the pH to decrease by 0.03
tic acidosis, the administration of bicarbonate dramat- unit. A similar degree of respiratory acidosis, induced by in-
ically increases plasma lactate concentrations and net creasing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide from 41 to 59
mm Hg, caused the pH to decrease by 0.04 unit. Both metabolic
lactate production in both animals and humans.38-45 acidosis and respiratory acidosis significantly attenuated the
In rats with hypoxia-associated lactic acidosis, ei- rise in the plasma lactate concentration. Values are means ±SE.
ther mild respiratory acidosis (induced by increasing
the partial pressure of carbon dioxide to approxi-
mately 60 mm Hg) or an equivalent degree of met-
abolic acidosis (induced by administering an intraar- The best evidence that pH modulates lactic acid
terial infusion of hydrochloric acid) abolished the generation comes from studies of muscle during ex-
progressive rise in plasma lactate concentrations that ercise. In both human and animal muscles, the
occurred in control rats with hypoxia (Fig. 5). A heightened lactic acid production during exercise
decrement in blood pH of 0.03 unit (similar to the decreases in the presence of either metabolic or res-
small change in pH that alters keto acid production piratory acidosis.21,47-52 Although alkalemia may in-
in obese humans in the fasting state9) virtually elim- crease the rate of lactic acid generation, the data are
inated the rise in plasma lactate concentrations. Fur- less clear-cut than with acidemia.21,47-52 Measure-
thermore, respiratory alkalosis induced in rats with ments of key glycolytic intermediates indicate that a
hypoxia-associated lactic acidosis resulted in increased low pH decreases muscle lactate generation by in-
plasma lactate concentrations, indicating that an in- hibiting glycolysis,47 at least in part through the ef-
crease in pH rather than the change in bicarbonate fect of pH on the enzyme phosphofructokinase. The
was responsible for the changes in lactate metabo- acidemia-induced decrease in glycolytic flux is ac-
lism. These changes were rapidly reversible within companied by a decrease in muscle performance.21,51
one hour after the partial pressure of carbon dioxide These pH-induced alterations in muscle lactate gen-
had returned to normal. Although the rate of net eration are mirrored by concurrent changes in plas-
lactate production was not measured, and lactate re- ma lactate concentrations.50,51 Therefore, it seems
distribution from the intracellular compartment to clear that pH, at least in part, modifies net lactate
the extracellular compartment may have had a role, production and plasma lactate concentrations as a
it seems highly likely that the changes in the plasma result of changes in the generation of lactate. Studies
lactate concentration reflected an alteration in the of muscle with the use of phosphorus-31 nuclear
generation of lactate. magnetic resonance spectroscopy have not established
These findings with lactic acidosis, in combination whether intracellular pH is the signal for altered lac-
with the prior reports that pH can modulate plasma tate production.50
lactate concentrations, strongly support the notion
that a low pH impedes lactic acid formation under OTHER ENDOGENOUS ACIDS
conditions of lactic acidosis. How this alteration in Changes in urinary excretion of organic anions
lactic acid production occurs remains unclear. As may serve as an acid–base regulatory mechanism in
with ketoacidosis, the most compelling explanation rats during dietary acid or base challenges, since to-
is that pH regulates the generation of lactic acid. tal organic acid excretion increases with bicarbonate

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loading and decreases in response to ammonium temic pH as a result of metabolic or respiratory

chloride.53 Systemic alkalosis in rats is accompanied acid–base perturbations lead to predictable changes
by substantial increases in citrate excretion.54 These in keto acid and lactic acid metabolism that occur
findings have been interpreted to mean that in- promptly, can be sustained, are readily reversible, and
creased excretion of citrate and other organic anions result in an increase or decrease in net endogenous
in response to bicarbonate loading or systemic alka- acid production. This change may make an impor-
losis represents a loss of base, since if these organic tant contribution to the maintenance of an acid–
anions were not excreted, their oxidation would gen- base equilibrium, especially if the rate of endoge-
erate bicarbonate.54 However, the metabolism of or- nous acid production is high. This phenomenon
ganic anions results in a net gain of bicarbonate only represents a negative feedback system for acid–base
if they are ingested or produced with a cation other homeostasis that allows changes in systemic pH to
than a hydrogen ion (or as a salt, not an acid). regulate acid production (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, in these studies it was assumed that
a renal tubular mechanism governing the excretion CLINICAL AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC
of organic anions protected acid–base homeostasis. IMPLICATIONS
However, if plasma concentrations of citrate or or- The acid–base regulatory mechanism described
ganic anions (neither of which were measured in above has several important clinical consequences.
these studies) increased in response to alkalosis (and As in the experimental studies we have described,
decreased in response to ammonium chloride), this the effects are most pronounced in clinical settings
would suggest that endogenous acid production re- in which the net production of endogenous acid is
sulting from the metabolism of other organic acids increased.
is analogous to the production of keto acid and lac-
tic acid and that increased urinary excretion results Effect on Energy Metabolism
solely from an increase in the filtered load. Even if As intermediates or end products, endogenous ac-
plasma organic-anion concentrations fell in response ids serve important metabolic functions. Modifica-
to alkalosis, as long as plasma concentrations re- tion of their production can have serious implica-
mained stable despite increased renal excretion, the tions for the optimal use of fuel. This effect is most
data would still be consistent with an increase in net apparent during prolonged fasting and exhaustive
organic acid production. In this case, the presence exercise, when other sources of energy have been
of an additional systemic, pH-mediated effect on re- consumed or their metabolic pathways blocked.
nal tubular transport of organic anions would be re-
Prolonged Fasting
Excretion of citrate is governed by pH-mediated In a state of prolonged fasting, glucose is produced
changes in its transport and metabolism by renal through gluconeogenesis at the expense of a break-
proximal tubules.55-58 In animals and humans, the in- down in protein and loss of nitrogen. Keto acids pro-
gestion of alkali and metabolic alkalosis result in in- vide an alternative to glucose as a source of energy
creased excretion of citrate, and acute and chronic for the brain, which is the main consumer of glucose
metabolic acidosis and acute respiratory acidosis re- in a state of prolonged fasting. By inhibiting ketogen-
sult in decreased excretion of citrate.55-58 Citrate ex- esis, acidosis reverses the nitrogen-sparing effect of
cretion is not altered by chronic respiratory acidosis, fasting-induced ketogenesis. The administration of
because the intracellular pH of renal proximal tu- sodium bicarbonate during short-term starvation has
bules, which influences both the metabolism and the been shown to decrease urea and ammonium excre-
excretion of citrate, is apparently reduced to a great- tion while increasing the output of keto acids.59
er extent by metabolic acidosis and by acute respira-
tory acidosis than by chronic respiratory acidosis.56
Under normal conditions, the rate of urinary cit- During exercise-induced stimulation of lactic acid
rate excretion in humans is 3 to 6 mmol per day (0.04 production, the administration of ammonium chlo-
to 0.08 mmol per kilogram), and the rate of total ride decreases plasma lactate concentrations and lim-
organic acid excretion is 0.5 mmol per kilogram, its endurance, whereas the administration of sodium
whereas both rates are approximately 10 times as bicarbonate has the opposite effect.21 During exhaus-
high in rats. Therefore, alterations in the metabolism tive forearm exercise, when oxidative metabolism is
of citrate and other urinary organic anions are likely inhibited and phosphocreatine stores are depleted,
to contribute less to acid–base homeostasis in hu- metabolic acidosis diminishes lactic acid production
mans than in rats. In our studies with fasting9 and and thus limits the only remaining source of ATP.50
with a ketogenic diet10,11 in humans, all the differences During starvation, exercise with increased blood lac-
in the excretion of organic anions could be explained tate concentrations results in decreased blood keto
by changes in the excretion of keto acid anions. acid concentrations, despite the increased availability
In summary, small (physiologic) changes in sys- of free fatty acids.60

Vol ume 33 9 Numb e r 12 · 823

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Acute and Chronic Acid–Base Disturbances and Increased ard therapy with respect to any of the usual measures
Organic Acid Production of recovery.69 Thus, bicarbonate is usually not re-
Pregnancy quired for the treatment of acidosis in patients with
Because of the demands of the fetus for glucose diabetic ketoacidosis.
and amino acids, fasting during pregnancy results in Fasting and Hypocaloric Ketogenic Diets
an accelerated fall in maternal blood glucose con-
centrations and more pronounced ketogenesis than Modifications of fasting, commonly used for
that associated with fasting in the absence of preg- weight reduction, induce mild ketoacidosis. Data on
nancy. The mild respiratory alkalosis accompanying the benefits or risks of supplementing such diets with
pregnancy61 may act as a buffer for transient keto- alkali are scarce. The output of keto acids is increased9
acidosis or may enhance the ketotic state if fasting is and loss of protein may be decreased,59 but these
prolonged. If there is also metabolic alkalosis due to changes are not likely to be quantitatively important
vomiting or injudicious use of diuretics, ketoacidosis over a short period.
or lactic acidosis may develop. Lactic Acidosis
Alcohol-Associated Ketoacidosis Although sodium bicarbonate has been consid-
Ketoacidosis and lactic acidosis associated with al- ered the mainstay of therapy for patients with lactic
cohol consumption is a complex disorder.62,63 Keto- acidosis, in both animals and humans with lactic ac-
sis usually occurs after periods of binge drinking, in- idosis, bicarbonate therapy increases net lactate pro-
adequate food intake, or protracted vomiting or duction and plasma lactate concentrations.47,70 The
during withdrawal. Metabolic alkalosis induced by importance of this effect in managing the clinical
vomiting and volume depletion or respiratory alka- condition is unclear, and the overall benefit of bicar-
losis due to hyperventilation may enhance keto acid bonate therapy remains controversial.71-73 Neverthe-
production, which is already increased because of less, in the absence of clear evidence of harm, we
hypoinsulinemia-induced mobilization of free fatty concur with the view that judicious administration
acids.62 In addition, increased plasma lactate concen- of bicarbonate to maintain a blood pH of 7.15 to
trations have been associated with metabolic alkalo- 7.20 — values presumably sufficient to mitigate the
sis induced by vomiting.64 adverse hemodynamic effects of acidosis — repre-
sents a reasonable therapeutic approach.
Salicylate Intoxication
Reduced Renal Acid Excretion
Salicylate intoxication is accompanied by respira-
tory alkalosis and usually an increased-anion-gap Renal Tubular Acidosis
metabolic acidosis. The latter results from the accu- Whether acid–base balance is maintained in pa-
mulation of salicylate as well as lactic acid and keto tients with reduced renal acid excretion continues to
acids.65 The increase in organic acid production is be debated. In patients with stable renal tubular ac-
likely to be the result of the respiratory alkalosis, be- idosis, acid–base balance may be maintained by re-
cause salicylate-induced lactic acidosis in animals can duced production of endogenous acids.74 There is
be prevented by preventing hypocapnia66 and be- no evidence of a similar process in patients with sta-
cause the highest anion gaps have been noted in pa- ble metabolic acidosis due to various renal disorders.75
tients with alkalemia.65
End-Stage Renal Disease
Treatment of Ketoacidosis and Lactic Acidosis
Despite the efficient transfer of bicarbonate from
Diabetic Ketoacidosis dialysate to patient during hemodialysis, plasma bi-
Diabetic ketoacidosis is the result of severe insulin carbonate concentrations never equilibrate with di-
deficiency, which leads to increased lipolysis with alysate bicarbonate concentrations, and in some pa-
uncontrolled production and decreased metabolism tients, the plasma concentrations decrease during
of keto acids. Treatment with insulin reverses the ac- dialysis, suggesting that the delivery of bicarbonate
idosis as well as the other metabolic defects. Before may be accompanied by increased acid production.76
insulin was available, an acid (ammonium phos-
phate) load was shown to decrease ketonuria in sub-
jects with diabetes,3 whereas a base (sodium bicar- There is convincing evidence that small changes in
bonate) load increased it.1 Treatment with sodium systemic pH modify the rate of endogenous acid
bicarbonate delays the correction of ketonemia.67,68 production in a direction and amount that can at-
In addition, a randomized, prospective, controlled tenuate the effect of an acid challenge in a variety of
trial of treatment with sodium bicarbonate in pa- physiologic and pathologic situations. The changes
tients with severe diabetic ketoacidosis (pH, 6.90 to occur rapidly, can be sustained, are reversible, and
7.14) showed no benefit of bicarbonate over stand- are most important when lactic acid or keto acids are

824 · S ep tem b er 17 , 19 9 8

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