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Between 2005 and 2007 there was the greatest change in the number of organisms

The park was most likely established in 2007

*This is because this was when the number of organisms stopped decreasing

- A national park is an area of land set aside by the government for environmental conservation
(usually only permitting non-consumptive use of the resources within this area).
- Within the protection of the national park there is no hunting or habitat destruction or major
disturbance, this would account for the immediate halt in the decrease in the number of
species in 2007. Whatever activity that was resulting in the decline in the number of species
was stopped once the national park was established.
- The species numbers did not just stop declining, but within approximately 2 years, in 2009, the
numbers started to increase and continued to do so until 2015. By 2015 the species numbers
were almost back up to what it was before the disturbance that began around 2004.
- This means that the national park was an effective conservation tool as it was able to restore
the species richness of the area.

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