3231 Vol-Iii

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AN ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 COMPANY

TENDER No: DLI/CON/752/565


Construction of Modernized and Technologically Advanced

Work Centres and other Buildings for Offices and State-of-
The-Art Research Development Centre at ALIMCO, Kanpur



DLI/CON/752/565 DATED 18.02.2016
Construction of Modernized and Technologically Advanced Work Centres and other Buildings for Offices and State-of-The-Art Research Development Centre at ALIMCO,
Kanpur (U.P.).

BIDDER'S PRICE AMOUNT IN Rs. After adding percentage above/ below/ at par
In figures In words In figures In words
ON DSR-2014 267,053,224.18
ITEMS 303,603,689.19

ON DSR-2014 14,326,717.00


ON DSR-2014
ITEMS 47,430,524.10

WORK ON DSR-2016 4,238,876.00


2014 NIL

Total: 777,608,419.00

Note-The Rate in BOQ are DSR-2014 for DSR items and market rate for Non DSR items and accordingly tenderer has to quote the rates above/ at par /below on DSR-2014 items and NS

Rates should be inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties as per clause 13 of GCC nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

In Figures
In Words


General Summary


CIVIL WORK ON DSR-2014 267,053,224.18

ON MARKET RATE ITEMS 303,603,689.19

ELECTRICAL WORK ON DSR-2014 14,326,717.00

ON MARKET RATE ITEMS 69,149,228.00


ON MARKET RATE ITEMS 47,430,524.10

HORTICULTURE WORK ON DSR-2016 4,238,876.00



ON MARKET RATE ITEMS 71,806,160.00
Total: 777,608,418.47
Note- The Rate in BOQ are DSR-2014 for DSR items and market rate for Non DSR items and accordingly tenderer has to
quote the rates above/ at par /below on DSR-2014 items and NS items.
Rates should be inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties as per clause 13 of GCC nothing extra shall be paid on this
DSR Amount Non DSR
S. No Description of item
(Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
1 EARTH WORK 8,605,603.86 -
2 CEMENT CONCRETE 21,438,930.31 -
CONCRETE 75,392,225.90 -
4 BRICK WORK 17,818,304.40 -
WORK 483,287.35 -
6 WOOD WORK 6,464,405.27 564,554.17
7 STEEL WORK 34,095,776.22 147,689,587.40
8 FLOORING WORK 4,694,146.35 21,008,144.25
CEILING 10,004,456.71 61,100,597.25
10 FINISHING 12,001,815.73 -
11 DISMENTLING 5,149,622.68 857.28
12 ROAD WORK 31,155,395.97 61,896,811.83
INSTALLATION 1,811,093.40 5,555.00
14 WATER SUPPLY 9,606,522.05 9,837,582.00
15 DRAINAGE 4,904,808.10 -
16 ALUMINIUM WORK 19,585,292.95 -
17 WATER PROOFING 2,416,348.03 -
18 MISC ITEMS 1,425,188.90 1,500,000.00
Total 267,053,224.18 303,603,689.19
Total Amount 267,053,224.18 303,603,689.19
WORKS CARRIED 570,656,913.36

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount

E/W in excavation by machanical means (hydruolic excavator ) / manual means in

1.01 2.8 foundation trenches or drains ( not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm on plan ) including
dressing of sides and remaining of bottoms , lift upto 1.5 m , including getting out the
excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed , with in a lead of 50m
2.8.1 All kinds of soil Cum 19753.00 157.50 3111097.50 0.00
Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc including excavation for
sockets, anddressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 m, including getting
1.02 2.10 out the excavated soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20
cm in depth, including consolidatingeach deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and
disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed,within a lead of 50 m :
2.10.1 All kinds of soil
a Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia Metre 11113.00 208.3 2314837.90 0.00
b Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300 mm dia but not exceeding 600 mm dia Metre 0.00 325.2 0.00 0.00

Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables etc. in all kinds of soil for depth exceeding
1.03 2.11 1.5 m, but not exceeding 3 m. (Rate is over corresponding basic item for depth upto 1.5
2.10.1 All kinds of soil
a Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia Metre 856.40 283.288 242607.84 0.00
b Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300 mm dia but not exceeding 600 mm dia Metre 0.00 442.272 0.00 0.00

Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables, etc, in all kinds of soil for depth exceeding
1.04 2.12 3 m in depth, but not exceeding 4.5 m. (Rate is over corresponding basic item for depth
upto 1.5 metre.)
All kinds of soil
a Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia but not exceeding 300 mm dia Metre 40.00 726.967 29078.68 0.00
b Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300 mm dia but not exceeding 600 mm dia Metre 0.00 1134.948 0.00 0.00
Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations
1.05 2.25 etc. in layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating each deposited layer by ramming Cum 767766.00 112.40 862968.98 0.00
and watering, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m.
Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation / banking excavated or
stacked materials.
2.26.1 All kinds of soil Cum 337.51 46.25 15609.84 0.00
Supplying and filling in plinth with Jamuna sand under floors, including watering, ramming,
1.07 2.27 Cum 864.76 910.25 787147.79 0.00
consolidating and dressing complete.
1.08 Supplying chemical emulsion in sealed containers including delivery as specified.
2.34.1/76 Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane emulsifiable concentrate of 20% Ltr 6337.16 185.95 1178395.65 0.00
Diluting and injecting chemical emulsion for POST CONSTRUCTIONAL
anti-termite treatment (excluding the cost of chemical emulsion) :
Along the external wall below concrete or masonry apron using chemical emulsion @ 2.25
litres per linear metre including drilling and plugging holes etc.:
1.10 With Chlorpyriphos/ Lindane E.C. 20% with 1% concentration Rmt 2813.20 22.70 63859.69 0.00

SUB HEAD - I ( EARTH WORK) 8605603.86 0.00


Making plinth protection 50 mm thick of cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand :
6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) over 75mm thick bed of dry brick ballast
2.01 4.17 Sqm 2597.76 419.30 1089242.03 0.00
40 mm nominal size, well rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine sand, including
finishing the top smooth.
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the cost of
centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level :
1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
a 4.1.8 Cum 3863.90 4301.15 16619213.49 0.00

Page 1

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Extra for addition of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre of length 12mm, effective diameter
10-40 microns and specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40 in cement concrete/RCC/Flooring/water Per Bag
2.03 4.18 retaining structures by using 125gms of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre for 50 Kg of 50 Kg 0.00 0.00 0.00
cement used as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge. of cement

Providing and laying damp-proof course 40 mm thick with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
2.04 4.10 Sqm 15.84 257.80 4083.04 0.00
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 12.5 mm nominal size).
Extra for providing and mixing water proofing material in cement concrete work in doses by Per 50 Kg
2.05 4.12 12.84 48.15 618.15 0.00
weight of cement as per manufacturer’s specification. Cement
Applying a coat of residual petroleum bitumen of grade of VG-10 of approved quality using
2.06 4.13 1.7 kg per square metre on damp proof course after cleaning the surface with brushes and Sqm 15.84 132.00 2090.62 0.00
finally with a piece of cloth lightly soaked in kerosene oil.
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone
2.07 19.2 aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round S.W./RCC pipes including bed concrete as per
standard design:
a 19.2.2 150 mm dia Metre 2427.00 724.7 1758846.90 0.00
b 19.2.3 200 mm dia Metre 0.00 844.85 0.00 0.00
c 19.2.4 250 mm dia Metre 701.00 977 684877.00 0.00
d MR-01A 300 mm dia Metre 1154.00 1109.15 1279959.10 0.00

SUB HEAD - 2 (CEMENT CONCRETE WORK) 21438930.31 0.00


Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete, excluding
3.01 5.1 the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement - All work up to plinth level :

1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
a 5.1.2 Cum 346.92 6230.20 2161374.75 0.00
Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters,
buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and
3.02 5.2
struts etc. up to floor five level, excluding cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and
reinforcement :
1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
a 5.2.2 Cum 29.92 7074.30 211655.98 0.00
Add for plaster drip course/ groove in plastered surface or moulding to R.C.C. projections.
3.02b 5.3
3.03 5.9 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form work for :
a 5.9.1 Foundations, footings, bases and foundations for shed columns Sqm 2754.63 196.45 541147.06 0.00

Walls ( any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses
b 5.9.2 Sqm 85.00 360.80 30668.00 0.00

c 5.9.3 Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform. Sqm 2488.50 401.65 999504.82 0.00

d 5.9.5 Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers Sqm 4942.88 332.15 1641777.59 0.00

e 5.9.6 Columns, piers, abutments, pillars, posts and struts. Sqm 3612.58 453.35 1637763.14 0.00

f 5.9.7 Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral- staircase Sqm 0.00 395.65 0.00 0.00

Page 2

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Providing and laying in position ready mixed M-25 grade concrete for reinforced cement
concrete work, using cement content as per approved design mix, manufactured in fully
automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for all leads,
having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for
reinforced cement concrete work, including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of
3.04 5.37 laying , excluding the cost of centering, shuttering finishing and reinforcement, including
cost of admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS : 9103 to accelerate/ retard
setting of concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per
direction of the Engineer -in - charge. Cement content considered
in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/
less cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately).
a 5.37.1 All works upto plinth level Cum 3179.79 6644.60 21126524.76 0.00

b 5.37.2 All works above plinth level upto floor V level Cum 802.22 7363.00 5906745.86 0.00

Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in
3.05 5.22.6
position and binding all complete upto Plinth/above plinth level.
Thermomechanically Treated Reinforcement TMT Kg 595775.80 68.10 40572331.98 0.00
Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with wall joint (internal/ external)
location as per drawings and direction of Engineer-In- Charge. The joints shall be of
extruded aluminum base members, self aligning / centering arrangement and support
plates as per ASTM B221- 02. The material shall be such that it provides an Expansion
Joints System suitable for vertical wall to wall/ wall to corner application, both new and
3.06 existing construction in office Buildings & complexes with no slipping down tendency
amongst the components of the Joint System. The Joint System shall utilize light weight
aluminum profiles exhibiting minimal exposed aluminum surfaces mechanically snap
locking the multicellular to facilitate movement. (Material shall confirm to ASTM 6063.)

5.45.1 Wall Joint of 100 mm gap metre 107.00 5080.90 543656.30 0.00
Providing and fixing of expansion joint system of approved make and manufactures for
various roof locations as per approved drawings and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. The
joints shall be of extruded aluminum base members with, self aligning and self centering
arragement support plates asper ASTM B221-02. The system shall be such that it provides
watertight roof to roof/roof to corner joint cover expansion control system that is capable of
accommodating multidirectional seismic movement without stress to its components.
System shall consist of metal profile that incorporates a universal aluminum base member
designed to accommodate various project conditions and roof treatments. The cover plate
shall be designed of width and thickness required to satisfy movement and loading
3.07 requirements and secured to base members by utilizing manufacturer’s pre-engineered
self-centering arrangement that freely rotates / moves in all directions. The Self centering
arrangement shall exhibit circular sphere ends that lock and slide inside the corresponding
aluminum extrusion cavity to allow freedom of movement and flexure in all directions
including vertical displacement. The Joint System shall resists damage or deterioration
from the impact of falling ice, exposure to UV,airborne contaminants and occasional foot
traffic from maintenance personnel. Provision of Moisture Barrier Membrane in the Joint
System to have water tight joint is mandatory requirement. Material shall confirm to ASTM

5.46.1 Roof Joint of 100 mm gap metre 3.00 6358.55 19075.65 0.00



Page 3

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in
4.01 6.1
foundation and plinth in:
6.1.2 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) Cum 1339.20 4677.25 6263773.20 0.00

Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
4.02 6.3 designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in
all shapes and sizes in :
6.3.1 Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand) Cum 2032.31 5426.15 11027618.90 0.00

Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
4.03 6.13
designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level.
6.13.2 Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) Sqm 716.60 665.80 477108.95 0.00

Extra for providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6mm dia. M.S. bars at every third course
4.04 6.15 Sqm 716.60 69.50 49803.35 0.00
of half brick masonry.
SUB HEAD - 4 (BRICK WORK) 17818304.40 0.00


Providing and fixing 18 mm thick granite, gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and
prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills, facias and
similar locations, of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20 mm
5.01 8.2 thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement,
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups,including rubbing, curing, moulding and
polishing to edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels.
Raj Nagar Plain white marble/ Udaipur green marble/ Zebra
8.02.01 black marble sqm 0.00 2341.55 0.00 0.00
Area up to 0.50 sqm
Providing and laying pre polished Granite stone flooring in required design and patterns, in
linear as well as curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural
drawings with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar
5.02 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with white
cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing, curing and
polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge :

Pre polished granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite Brown, Cat Eye or quivalent.
8.12.01 sqm 117.00 3244.35 379588.95 0.00
Marble stone flooring with 18 mm thick marble stone, as per sample of
marble approved by Engineer-in-charge, over 20 mm (average) thick base
5.03 11.23
of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with
grey cement slurry, including rubbing and polishing complete with :
11.23.5 Udaipur green marble sqm 59.00 1757.60 103698.40 0.00

SUB HEAD - 5 MARBLE & GRANITE WORK 483287.35 0.00

Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I) non-
decorative type, core of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and
9.21 well matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face
veneers on both faces of shutters:
9.21.02 30 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary screws Sqm 410.90 1735.35 713050.11 0.00
6.02 Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens 30 mm minimum depth on all
9.23 edges of flush door shutters (over all area of door shutter to be measured). sqm 410.90 365.85 150326.67 0.00

Providing and fixing M.S. grills of required pattern in frames of windows etc. with M.S.
flats, square or round bars etc. including priming coat with approved steel primer all

Page 4

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
6.03 9.48.2 Fixed to openings /aluminium frames with rawl plugs screws etc. Kg 37062.92 116.90 4332655.58 0.00
6.04 Providing and fixing aluminium die cast body tubular type universal hydraulic door closer
(having brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door weight upto 35 kg and
9.83 Each 154.03 753.75 116098.61 0.00
door width upto 700 mm), with necessary accessories and screws etc. complete.

6.05 Providing and fixing aluminium pull bolt lock, ISI marked, anodised (anodic coating not less
than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed of required colour and shade, with
9.98 Each 154.03 76.80 11829.35 0.00
necessary screws bolts, nut and washers etc. complete.

6.06 Providing and fixing 50 cm long aluminium kicking plate of size 100x3.15 mm, anodised
9.99 (anodic coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required Each 113.00 169.20 19119.60 0.00
colour or shade, with necessary
6.07 Providing & Fixing decorative high pressure laminated sheet of plain / wood grain in gloss /
matt / suede finish with high density protective surface layer and reverse side of adhesive
bonding quality conforming to IS : 2046 Type S, including cost of adhesive of approved
9.127.2 1.0 mm thick Sqm 1404.00 676.40 949666.51 0.00
6.08 Providing and fixing 12mm thick frameless toughened glass door shutter of approved
brand and manufacture, including providing and fixing top & bottom pivot & spring type
21.18 fixing arrangement and making necessary holes etc. for fixing required door fittings, all sqm 29.00 4746.25 137641.25 0.00
complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge (Door handle, lock and stopper etc.to be
paid separately.) (Approved make for fittings: Dorma or approved equivalent)
6.09 Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand
and manufacture conforming to IS : 6315, having brand logo embossed
on the body / plate with double spring mechanism and door weight upto
21.4 125 kg, for doors, including cost of cutting floors, embedding in floors as
required and making good the same matching to the existing floor finishing
and cover plates with brass pivot and single piece M.S. sheet outer box
with slide plate etc. complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge
21.4.1 With stainless steel cover plate minimum 1.25 mm thickness Each 8.00 2039.00 16312.00 0.00
21.4.2 With brass cover plate minimum 1.25 mm thickness Each 8.00 2213.20 17705.60 0.00
6.10 Providing and fixing stainless steel grade 304, bright/satin finished tower bolts (barrel
type) with stainless steel screws etc. complete as per approved sample and direction of
MR 1 250 x 10mm Nos 197.38 498.50 0.00 98393.93
MR 1 150 x 10mm Nos 229.38 360.10 0.00 82599.74
6.11 Providing and fixing stainless steel grade 304 bright/ satin finished hanging type floor door
stopper with stainless steel screws etc. complete as per approved sample and direction of
MR 2 Nos 169.38 511.65 0.00 86663.28
Engineer-in-charge. (Weight should be not less than 200 gms without nuts and bolts)

6.12 Providing and fixing Stainless steel grade 304 handles Tube with stainless steel screws
etc. complete as per approved sample and direction of Engineer-in-charge.:
MR 3 128 mm x 10 mm D-Shape Handle Each 310.76 163.40 0.00 50778.18
MR 3 96 mm x10mm D-Shape Handle Each 55.03 135.55 0.00 7459.05
6.13 Supply and fixing of 500mm Door SS handle of Dorma make including accessories, fittings
MR 4 etc. all complete. (Approved make: Dorma TDGI-H-600 or approved equivalent) Nos 16.00 5047.60 0.00 80761.60

6.14 Providing & fixing special quality & design SS lock for frame less 12 mm thick toughened
MR 5 glass shutters including necessary SS Screws etc. complete as per the direction of Nos 8.00 987.30 0.00 7898.40
Providing & fixing Automatic Sensor in sliding Door as drawing & direction of Engineer-in-
MR Nos 6.00 25000.00 0.00 150000.00

SUB HEAD - 6 (WOOD WORK) 6464405.27 564554.17


Page 5

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
7.01 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S. laths,
interlocked together through their entire length and jointed together at the end by end
locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with brackets, side guides and
10.6 arrangements for inside and outside locking with push and pull operation complete,
including the cost of providing and fixing necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs
manufactured from high tensile steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 -
part 1 and M.S. top cover of required thickness for rolling shutters.
a. 10.6.1 80x1.25mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover. Sqm 177.27 2142.10 379732.21 0.00
7.02 10.7 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters. Nos 45.76 438.95 20085.04 0.00
7.03 Extra for providing mechanical device chain and crank operation for operating rolling
a 10.8.1 Exceeding 10.00 sqm and upto 16.80 sqm in the area Sqm 193.14 724.85 139999.74 0.00
7.04 Extra for providing grilled rolling shutters manufactured out of 8 mm dia. M.S. bar instead
10.9 of laths as per design approved by Engineer-in- charge.(area of grill to be measured). Sqm 35.45 313.60 11118.44 0.00

7.05 Providing and fixing mild steel round holding down bolts with nuts and washer plates
10.19 kg 438388.00 73.95 32418792.60 0.00
complete (Hardware/Bolt Conferming Grade-8.8/4.4).
7.06 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in
position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as
a 10.25.2 In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates and similar works Kg. 8538.00 90.10 769273.80 0.00
Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes, channels,
plates etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever
required) and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c
fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners , stainless
10.28 steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist slab with kg 576.00 619.40 356774.40 0.00
suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-charge, ( for payment purpose only
weight of stainless steel members shall be considered excluding fixing accessories such
as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.).
7.07 Procuring, fabricating, providing, fixing and erection of structural steel work in factory
fabricated machine welded and finished structural elements with plates, angles, channels,
beams etc. of specified grade of Fe 345 WA/WB as per IS 2062 to form structural
members for all span beams & columns as per shop drawings based on the design
approved by structural Engineer. The rate shall include trasporation of materials from steel
MR-06 manufacturer's yard to factory fabrication yard and then to site of work, making all
necessary arrangement for safe handling and erection and hoisting i.e. like making
temporary sturdy structure to take erection loads and loads of the fabricated sections/
materials during execution, dismantling temporary structure after completion of structure
etc. Applying Primer of approved make and all work shall be carried out true to line and
levels as per approved drawings and specifications.
The rate shall include cost of preparation of shop drawings based on approved structural
design and drawingsincluding incorporating modification and preparation of revised shop
drawing as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge, materials and all operation like cuttings,
bevelling, tack welding, fine welding and re-welding, filling and smoothening the edges to
remove any blurrs and additional welds, making holes to receive nuts and bots as required
at site and in factroy fabrication yard to maintain line & level, providing required machinery Kg 1753262.00 80.00 0.00 140260960.00
like hydra, cranes, jigs & fixtures, all necessary tools and plants to handle structurral
material, temporary jointing and disjointing, labour for carrying erection and geometrical
control survey, field and lab testing charges etc. all complete as per approved
architectural, structural and shop drawings and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

Page 6

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Providing and Installing Polycarbonate sheet (minimum 8 mm Thick) confirming to details
mentioned below.
The system shall consist of:
• Width of each panel shall not be less than 600 mm to ensure best performance for wind
uplift, vibration, oil canning and visual appearance.
• The panels shall be uniform in color with an integral Multi-layer core.
• Panels shall be manufactured with Vertical Standing Seam at both sides of the panel.
• Welding or gluing of up stands or standing seam is not acceptable.
• Upper panel shall be co-extruded UV protected on the side facing the Sun End-
7.08 MR-7 cap/Aluminium U-Profile (mill finish) for end closure.
• Panel Manufacture shall submit 3rd Party test certificates for:-
1. Weathering (color change, Yellowing Index and Light Transmission). 2. Water
Penetration 3. Impact 4. U. V. Filtration
• Panel manufacturer should have project reference in India which is at least 10 years old
for a single project not less than 1,500 m2. Sqm 1516.00 4900.15 0.00 7428627.40
• The panel system shall be fixed to the required profile (linear or curvilinear) and fixed in
position to the structural steel framework, using self-driving self-tapping screws,
accessories and Aluminium profiles etc. as per the approved architectural drawings ,
direction of Engineer in charge and sample

SUB HEAD - 7 (STEEL WORK) 34095776.22 147689587.40

8.01 Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with grey
11.26 cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and
polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) : Sqm 940.84 1141.40 1073878.20 0.00

11.26.1 25 mm thick

8.02 Providing and laying polished vitrified floor tiles double charged ( antiskid/matt
finish/Polish/satin ) in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the manufacturer) with
water absorption's less than 0.08% and conforming IS : 15622 of approved make in all
11.41.2 Sqm 320.00 1405.95 449904.00 0.00
colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand)
including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigments etc. complete.Size
of tile as per drawing and direction of Engineer in charge.
8.03 Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622, of
11.41 approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white cement and matching
pigments etc., complete.
11.41.2 Size of Tile 600x600 mm sqm 861.00 1405.95 1210522.95 0.00
8.04 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of
approved brand & manufacturer, in all colours and shade, in skirting, riser of steps, laid
11.47 with cement based high polymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water based) conforming
to IS: 15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints (Payment for grouting
of joints to be made separately).
11.47.2 Size of Tile 600x600 mm sqm 1061.00 1630.20 1729642.20 0.00
8.05 Grouting the joints of flooring tiles having joints of 3 mm width, using
epoxy grout mix of 0.70 kg of organic coated filler of desired shade (0.10
11.48 kg of hardener and 0.20 kg of resin per kg), including filling / grouting and
finishing complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

11.48.2 Size of Tile 600x600 mm

sqm 110.00 187.95 20674.50 0.00

Page 7

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
8.06 11.36 Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622 (thickness
to be specified by the manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours, shades except
burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting,
risers of steps and dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 sqm 100.00 836.65 83665.00 0.00
coarse sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.
8.07 Providing and laying factory made coloured chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver
blocks of required strength, thickness & size/shape, made by table vibratory method using
PU mould, laid in required colour & pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of fine sand,
compacting and proper embedding/laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand
bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with
16.91 sqm 170.00 740.35 125859.50 0.00
jamuna sand and cutting of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and
sweeping extra sand in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc.
complete as per manufacturer’s specifications & direction of Engineerin-Charge. 60mm
thick C.C. paver block of M-35 grade with approved colour, design & pattern.

8.08 MR-8 P&L Epoxy primer FosrocNitoprime 25, as per manufacturers specification. Laying 2 mm Sqm
thick epoxy underlay: Providing and laying the FosrocNitoflor EU5, high strength self-
smoothing underlay, having the compressive strength 70N/mm2 at 7 days, BS6319 part 2,
1983, tensile strength BS 6319 part 3, 1983 13N/mm2 at 7 days, Flexural strength as per
BS 6319 part 3 19 N/mm2 at 7 days. Application as per manufactures specification for
laying in 2 mm thickness. The system should have the adhesion to concrete greater than
strength of concrete. 1mm thick epoxy topping: Providing and laying the FosrocNitoflor
SL1000 / Nitoflor SL2000 in 1 mm thick topping over the above underlay of EU5 system,
19906.00 1027.95 0.00 20462372.70
as per required color shade, the material should have the following properties: specific
gravity: 1.5-1.6, Compressive strength as per BS 6319 pt2 : 55 N/mm2, Flexural strength
as per BS 6319 pt 3: 30 N/mm2, and Tensile strength as pr BS 6319 pt 7 :15 N/mm2. Also
having the abrasion strength as per ASTM D412 1.5 N/mm2 and shore hardness
>80.Material should be resistance to as per ASTM D1308 CI.3.1.2. All application should
be done as per manufactures specification for 1 mm thickness. All works shall be
completed as per manufacturers specification and instructions of Engineer-in-charge.

8.09 MR-9 Providing and making the 75mm epoxy coving at all the corner junctions of wall and floor Rmt
by using epoxy bonding agent FosrocNitoprime 25, and applying the Epoxy screed Nitoflor
1812.00 203.25 0.00 368289.00
TF30 as per manufacturers specifications and Engineer-in-charge complete in all respects.

8.10 Providing and fixing vitrified wall tiles conforming to IS : 15622 (thickness to be specified by
the manufacturer ) of approved make as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting,
risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
MR-10 sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm including pointing in white sqm 119.00 1491.45 0.00 177482.55
cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete. (Make: Somany, Model Kronos
Bianco VC shield or approved equivalent.)

SUB HEAD - 8 (FLOORING WORK) 4694146.35 21008144.25


9.01 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to
IS : 13592 Type A, including jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm
gap for thermal expansion, (i) Single socketed pipes
12.41.2 110 mm diameter Metre 3131.38 231.65 725384.18 0.00
9.02 Providing and fixing on wall face unplasticised - PVC moulded fittings/ accessories for
unplasticised Rigid PVC rain water pipes conforming to IS : 13592 Type A, including
jointing with seal ring conforming to IS : 5382, leaving 10 mm gap for thermal expansion.

Page 8

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
a Coupler
110 mm Each 659.27 138.3 91177.18 0.00
b Bend 87.5°
110 mm Each 439.51 161.55 71003.49 0.00
c Shoe (Plain)
110 mm Each 219.76 295.1 64850.29 0.00
9.03 Providing and fixing unplasticised -PVC pipe clips of approved design to unplasticised -
PVC rain water pipes by means of 50x50x50 mm hard wood plugs, screwed with M.S.
screws of required length, including cutting brick work and fixing in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) and making good the wall etc. complete
a 12.43.2 110 mm Each 879.03 189.05 166180.24 0.00
9.04 Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating
12.44 Each 219.76 41.1 9032.01 0.00
15 cm diameter and weighing not less than 440 grams

9.05 Providing and fixing precoated galvanised iron profile sheets (size, shape and pitch of
corrugation as approved by Engineer-in-charge) 0.50 mm (+ 0.05 %) total coated thickness
with zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS: 277, in 240 mpa steel grade, 5-7 microns
epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-18 microns. Sheet should
have protective guard film of 25 microns minimum to avoid scratches during transportation
12.50 Sqm 1245.00 622.00 774390.00 0.00
and should be supplied in single length upto 12 metre or as desired by Engineerin-charge.
The sheet shall be fixed using self drilling / self tapping screws of size (5.5x 55 mm) with
EPDM seal, complete upto any pitch in horizontal/ vertical or curved surfaces, excluding
the cost of purlins, rafters and trusses and including cutting to size and shape wherever
9.06 Providing and fixing precoated galvanised steel sheet roofing accessories 0.50 mm (+ 0.05
%) total coated thickness, Zinc coating 120 grams per sqm as per IS: 277, in 240 mpa
12.51 steel grade, 5-7 microns epoxy primer on both side of the sheet and polyester top coat 15-
18 microns using self drilling/ self tapping screws complete :
a 12.51.1 Ridges plain (500 - 600mm) Rmt 1894.00 633.90 1200606.60 0.00
b 12.51.2 Flashings/ Aprons.( Upto 600 mm) Rmt 1953.00 609.05 1189474.65 0.00
c 12.51.6 Gutter .(600 mm over all girth) Rmt 1344.00 815.00 1095360.00 0.00
9.07 Providing & fixing false ceiling at all heights with GRG (Glass Fibre Reinforced Gypsum)
false ceiling tiles of Size 595x595 mm of approved texture, design and patterns having
moisture content less than 2%, humidity resistance of 99%, NRC 0.50 to 0.75 as per IS
8225:1987, Non combustible as per BS 476 (part-4)-1970 and light reflectance of 85%
(minimum) to be laid in true horizontal level suspended on inter-locking metal T-Grid of hot
dipped galvanised iron section of 0.33mm thick (galvanized @ 120 grams per sqm
including both sides) comprising of main-T runners of size 15x32 mm of length 3000 mm,
cross - T of size 15x32 mm of length 1200 mm and secondary intermediate cross-T of size
26.26/DSR-16 15x32 mm of length 600mm to form grid module of size 600 x 600 mm, suspended from
ceiling using galvanised mild steel items (galvanizing @ 80 grams per sqm) i.e. 50 mm
long, 8 mm outer diameter M-6 dash fasteners, 6 mm dia fully threaded hanger rod upto
1000 mm length and L-shape level adjuster of size 85x25x2 mm. Galvanised iron
perimeter wall angle of size 24x24x0.40 mm of length 3000 mm to be fixed on periphery
wall / partition with the help of plastic rawl plugs at 450 mm center to center and 40 mm
long dry wall SS screws. The work shall be carried out as per specifications, drawing and
as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

26.26.1 /DSR-16 With semi perforated 12 mm thick micro tegular edged GRG false ceiling tiles. sqm 238.00 1352.90 321990.20 0.00

Page 9

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Providing and fixing tiled false ceiling of approved materials of size 595x595 mm in true
horizontal level, suspended on inter locking metal grid of hot dipped galvanized steel
sections ( galvanized @ 120 grams/ sqm, both side inclusive) consisting of main “T” runner
with suitably spaced joints to get required length and of size 24x38 mm made from 0.30
mm thick (minimum) sheet, spaced at 1200 mm center to center and cross “T” of size
24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet, 1200 mm long spaced between main
“T” at 600 mm center to center to form a grid of 1200x600 mm and secondary cross “T” of
length 600 mm and size 24x25 mm made of 0.30 mm thick (minimum) sheet to be
interlocked at middle of
12.52 the 1200x600 mm panel to form grids of 600x600 mm and wall angle of size 24x24x0.3
9.08 mm and laying false ceiling tiles of approved texture in the grid including, required
cutting/making, opening for services like diffusers, grills, light fittings, fixtures, smoke
detectors etc. Main “T” runners to be suspended from ceiling using GI slotted cleats of size
27 x 37 x 25 x1.6 mm fixed to ceiling with 12.5 mm dia and 50 mm long dash fasteners, 4
mm GI adjustable rods with galvanised butterfly level clips of size 85 x 30 x 0.8 mm spaced
at 1200 mm center to center along main T, bottom exposed width of 24 mm of all T-
sections shall be pre-painted with polyester paint, all complete for all heights as per
specifications, drawings and as
directed by Engineer-in-charge.
GI Metal Ceiling Lay in plain Tegular edge Global white color tiles of size 595x595 mm,
12.52.1 and 0.5 mm thick with 8 mm drop; made of G I sheet having galvanizing of 100 gms/sqm
(both sqm 1167.00 1551.55 1810658.85 0.00
Providing and laying roof insulation with 40 mm thick impervious sprayed, closed cell free
Rigid Polyurethane foam over deck insulation conforming to IS - 12432 Pt. III (density of
foam being 40-45 kg/ cum), over a coat of polyurethane primer applied @ 6-8 sqm per
litre, laying 400 G polythene sheet over PUF spray and providing a wearing course of 40
9.09 12.56 sqm 2128.47 1167.20 2484349.02 0.00
mm thick cement screed 1: 2 : 4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) in chequered rough finish, in panels of 2.5 m x 2.5 m and embedding with 24
G wire netting and sealing the joints with polymerized mastic, all complete as per direction
of Engineer-in-Charge.
MR-11 Providing and fixing 80mm thick insulated Puff panels on roof of approved colour
conforming to relevant IS code including overlapping, jointing, riveting, bolting, clamping
etc. all complete as per insctructions of Engineer-in-charge and manufacturer's
20007.00 2427.55 0.00 48567992.85
specifications. The panels having density not less than 40Kg/M3 (+/-2), U value 0.53 W/M2
K, tensile strength 3.7 Kg/Sqm and bending strenght 4Kg/Sqm. (* Note- Colour and
design shall be approved by Architect.)
MR-12 Providing and fixing 40mm thick insulated interlocking Puff panels on wall cladding of
approved colour and design, including camlocking, riveting, bolting, clamping etc. all
complete as per insctructions of Engineer-in-charge and manufacturer's specifications.
6228.00 2012.30 0.00 12532604.40
The panels having density not less than 40Kg/M3 (+/-2), U value 0.28 W/M2 K, tensile
strength 3.7 Kg/Sqm and bending strenght 4Kg/Sqm. (* Note- Colour and design shall
be approved by Architect.)

SUB HEAD - 9 (ROOFING & FALSE CEILING) 10004456.71 61100597.25


10.01 13.1.2 P/L 12mm cement plaster of mix 1:6 ( 1 cement : 6 Fine sand ) . Sqm 10430.34 149.45 1558814.31 0.00
10.02 13.2.2 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix :
a 13.2.2 1:6 (1 cement: 6 fine sand) Sqm 10498.34 172.80 1814113.15 0.00
6 mm cement plaster of mix :
10.03 13.16.1 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) Sqm 5881.10 134.70 792184.17 0.00

Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to
10.04 13.26 sqm 20642.00 110.95 2290229.90 0.00
prepare the surface even and smooth complete.

Page 10

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
(*Note- Colour shade for all painting items mentioned whereever in the BOQ shall got
approved from Architects)
13.37 White washing with lime to give an even shade:
13.37.1 New work (three or more coats) sqm 2842.10 16.20 46041.99 0.00
10.05 13.44 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade :
a 13.44.1 New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg/10 sqm) sqm 194.00 57.85 11222.90 0.00
10.06 13.45 Finishing walls with textured exterior paint of required shade :
New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.28 ltr/10 sqm) over
a 13.45.1 sqm 7617.00 146.45 1252615.65 0.00
and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20kg/10 sqm)
10.07 Wall painting with acrylic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an
even shade:
a 13.60.1 Two or more coats on new work sqm 7549.00 80.50 607694.50 0.00
Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even
10.08 13.61
shade :
a 13.61.1 Two or more coats on new work sqm 27501.00 74.40 2046074.40 0.00
Wall painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an
10.09 14.53.1
even shade :
a Two or more coats on New work. Sqm 7194.66 220.00 1582824.76 0.00

SUB HEAD - 10 (FINISHING WORKS) 12001815.73 0.00

Demolishing cement concrete manually/ by mechanical means including disposal of
11.01 15.02
material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer - in - charge.
Nominal concrete 1:3:6 or Richer mix (including equivalent design mix)
a 15.02.01 Cum 256.00 892.70 228531.20 0.00
Nominal concrete 1:4:8 or leaner mix (including equivalent design mix)
b 15.02.02 Cum 350.90 550.50 193170.45 0.00
Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking material
11.02 15.23
within 50 metres lead.
15.23.01 For thickness of tiles 5 mm to 25 mm Sqm 2099.00 28.20 59191.80 0.00
Dismantling stone slab flooring laid in cement mortar including stacking of serviceable
15.25 Sqm 783.84 97.95 76777.42 0.00
material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead.
Dismantling and stacking within 50 metres lead, fencing posts or struts including all earth
11.03 15.34
work and dismantling of concrete etc. in base of.
a 15.34.2 R.C.C
Dismantling C.I. or asbestos rain water pipe with fittings and clamps
including stacking the material within 50 metres lead :
15.42.2 100 mm dia pipe Metre 175.58 28.60 5021.48 0.00
Dismantling manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable material and
11.05 disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge :
15.43.2 bituminous road Sqm 4093.00 159.05 650991.65 0.00
Dismantling G.I. pipes (internal work) including taking out the pipes, manually/ by
15.44 mechanical means and stacking of pipes within 50 metres lead as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge :
15.44.01 + MR 15 mm to 40 mm nominal bore including credit for dismantled material. metre 48.00 17.86 0.00 857.28

Dismantling G.I. pipes (external work) including excavation and refilling trenches after
11.06 15.44 taking out the pipes, manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of pipes within 50
metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge :
15.44.1 15 mm to 40 mm nominal bore including credit for dismantled material. metre 474.00 57.85 27420.90 0.00
15.44.2 Above 40 mm nominal bore metre 250.00 65.25 16312.50 0.00
Dismantling C.I. pipes including excavation and refilling trenches after taking out the pipes,
manually/ by mechanical means breaking lead caulked joints, melting of lead and making
11.07 15.45
into blocks including stacking of pipes & lead at site within 50 metre lead as per direction
of Engineer-in-charge:

Page 11

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
15.45.1 Up to 150 mm diameter metre 200.00 168.6 33720.00 0.00
Dismantling steel cylinder R.C./RCC pipes including excavation and refilling trenches after
taking out the pipes, manually/ by mechanical means breaking lead caulked joints, melting
11.08 15.46 of lead and making into blocks including stacking of pipes & lead at site within 50 metres
lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge :
15.46.1 Up to 600 mm diameter metre 635.00 271.9 172656.50 0.00
Dismantling of flushing cistern of all types (C.I./PVC/Vitreous China) including stacking of
11.09 15. 52 useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials within 50 metres Each 15.00 354.45 5317.00
Dismantling of road gully chamber of various sizes including C.I. grating with frame
11.10 15 .51 including stacking of useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials Each 59.00 357.30 21080.70 0.00
within 50 metres lead including refilling the excavated gap
Dismantling old plaster or skirting raking out joints and cleaning the surface for plaster
11.11 15.56 including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50 metres lead. Sqm 1252.00 20.05 25102.60 0.00

Dismantling doors, windows and clerestory windows (steel/wood/Aluminum) shutter

15. 12 including chowkhats, architrave, holdfasts etc. complete and stacking within 50 metres
11.12 lead : Each 327.95 141.25 46323.00

15.12.1 Of area 3 sq. metres and below

Demolishing mud phaska in terracing and disposal of material within 50
11.13 15.27 cum 407.33 334.60 136292.62 0.00
metres lead.
Disposal of building rubbish / malba / similar unserviceable, dismantled or waste materials
by mechanical means, including loading, transporting, unloading to approved municipal
11.14 15.6 dumping ground or as approved by Engineer-in-charge, beyond 50 m initial lead, for all Cum 466.76 123.70 57738.21 0.00
leads including all lifts involved.
Dismantling of manhole including R.C.C. top slab, C.I. cover with frame, including stacking
11.15 19.24 of useful materials near the site and disposal of unserviceable materials into municipal
dumps within 50 m lead :
19.24.1 Rectangular manhole 90x80 cm and 45 cm deep Each 34.00 937.25 31866.50 0.00
19.24.2 Rectangular manhole 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep Each 14.00 1645.75 23040.50 0.00
MR-01AA Circular manhole 91 cm diameter and 0.91 m deep Each 12.00 1676.65 20119.80 0.00
19.24.4 Circular manhole 122 cm diameter and 1.68 m deep Each 27.00 2385.15 64399.05 0.00
11.16 19.25 Extra for depth of manholes dismantled :
19.25.1 Rectangular manhole 90x80 cm and 45 cm deep metre 36.00 750.30 27010.80 0.00
19.25.2 Rectangular manhole 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep metre 15.00 893.60 13404.00 0.00
MR-02AA Circular manhole 91 cm diameter and 0.91 m deep metre 13.00 672.70 8745.10 0.00
19.25.4 Circular manhole 122 cm diameter and 1.68 m deep metre 29.00 816.00 23664.00 0.00
Dismantling of old S.W. pipes including breaking of joints and bed concrete
11.17 19.5 stacking of useful materials near the site within 50 m lead and disposal of
unserviceable materials into municipal dumps :
19.5.1 100 mm diameter metre 2538.00 32.50 82485.00 0.00
19.5.2 150 mm diameter metre 635.00 35.90 22796.50 0.00

Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars
and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer -
11.18 15.3 Cum 1272.04 1302.30 1656578.00
in- charge.

Demolishing brick work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of serviceable

15.7 material and disposal of unserviceable material within 50 metres lead as per direction of
11.19 Engineer-in-charge. Cum 1830.95 754.10 1380719.00
15.7.4 In cement mortar

Page 12

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Dismantling steel work manually/ by mechanical means in built up sections without
11.20 15.19 dismembering and stacking within 50 metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Kg 26997.52 1.45 39146.40 0.00

SUB HEAD - 11 (DISMENTLING WORK) 5149622.68 857.28


Preparation and consolidation of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to 12 tonne capacity Sqm
after excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and
16.1/256 17625.00 81.29 1432736.25 0.00
consolidating with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-rolling the
12.01 sub grade and disposal of surplus earth with lead upto 50 metres.
Extra for compaction of earth work in embankment under optimum moisture conditions to Cum
16.2/256 1058.00 10.15 10738.70 0.00
12.02 give at least 95% of the maximum dry density (proctor density).
Providing and applying tack coat using bitumen emulsion conforming to IS: 8887, using
emulsion pressure distributer including preparing the surface & cleaning with mechanical
12.03 broom.
With medium setting bitumen emulsion On W.B.M / W.M.M. @ 0.4kg/sqm Sqm 2944.00 19.70 57996.80 0.00 On bituminous surface @ 0.25kg/sqm Sqm 9908.00 12.85 127317.80 0.00
12.04 16.41 Providing and laying seal coat over prepared surface of road with bitumen heated in Sqm
bitumen boiler fitted with the spray set spraying using 98 kg of bitumen of grade VG - 10
and blinding surface with
0.90 cum of stone aggregate of 6.7 mm size (Passing 11.2 mm sieve and retained on 2.36 9908.00 100.35 994267.80 0.00
mm sieve) per 100 sqm of road surface, including rolling and finishing with power road
roller all complete

Note: Seal coat items to be operated only with the prior approval of chief Engineer
12.05 16.45 Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler in expansion joints. Per cm
depth per
cm width 11854.00 2.45 29042.30 0.00
per m length

12.06 16.49 Making bell mouth opening/ entrance of size 100x50x50cm for drainage pipe under Nos
footpath including providing cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3coarse sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) for shape of bell mouth including plastering providing
and fixing precast R.C.C./ S.F.R.C. slab including plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 427.00 1807.85 771951.95 0.00
cement : 3 fine sand) of 6mm thickness on exposed surface of the slab & bell mouth
including centring, shuttering & neat cement punning inside the bell mouth etc. all
Providing and laying bituminous macadam using crushed stone aggregates of specified
grading premixed with bituminous binder, transported to site by tippers, laid over a
previously prepared surface with paver finisher equiped with electronic sensor to the
16.55 required grade, level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem
rollers as per specifications to achieve the desired compaction and density, complete as
per specificatons and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
50 to 100 mm average compacted thickness with bitumen of grade VG-30 @ 3.50% Cum
16.55.2 (percentage by weight of total mix) prepared in Drum Type Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH 793.00 6517.95 5168734.35 0.00
12.07 capacity.
Providing and laying Bituminous concrete using crushed stone aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site by
tippers, laying with paver finisher equiped with electronic sensor to the required grade,
16.57 level and alignment and rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction and density as per specification, complete and as per
directions of Engineer-in-Charge.

Page 13

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
40/50 mm compacted thickness with bitumen of grade CRMB-60 @ 5.5% (percentage by Cum
16.57.8 weight of total mix) and lime filler @ 3% (percentage by weight of Aggregate) prepared in 396.00 11124.90 4405460.40 0.00
12.08 Drum Type Hot Mix Plant of 60-90 TPH capacity.
Manufacturing, supplying and fixing retro reflective sign boards made up of 2 mm thick
aluminium sheet, face to be fully covered with high intensity encapsulated type heat
activated retro reflective sheeting conforming to type - IV of ASTM-D 4956-01 in blue and
silver white or other colour combination including subject matter, message (bi-lingual),
symbols and borders etc. as per IRC ; 67:2001, pasted on substrate by an adhesive
backing which shall be activated by applying heat and pressure conforming to class -2 of
ASTM-D-4956-01 and fixing the same with suitable sized aluminium alloy rivets @ 20 cm
c/c to back support frame of M.S. angle iron of size 25x25x3 mm along with theft resistant
measures, mounted and fixed with 2 Nos. M.S. angles of size 35x35x5 mm to a vertical
post made up to M.S. Tee section ISMT 50x50x6 mm welded with base plate of size
100x100x5 mm at the bottom end and including making holes in pipes, angles flats,
providing & fixing M.S. message plate of required size, steel work to be painted with two or
12.09 more coats of synthetic enamel paint of required shade and of approved brand &
manufacture over priming
Mandatory/ Regulatory signcoat of zinc
boards chromate
of 900 yellow primer
mm diametre (verticallength
with support MS-Tee support
of 3750 mmto Sqm
16.59.1 17.00 4912.35 83509.95 0.00
Cautionary /warning sign boards of equilateral triangular shape having each side of 900 Sqm
16.59.2 49.00 3587.20 175772.80 0.00
mm with support length of 3650 mm
Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver block of Sqm
M -30 grade made by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, of approved
16.68 size, design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick 5299.00 602.20 3191057.80 0.00
compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the
12.10 direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying at or near ground level factory made kerb stone of M- 25 grade Cum
cement concrete in position to the required line, level and curvature, jointed with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including making joints with or without grooves
16.69 (thickness of joints except at sharp curve shall not to more than 5mm), including making 642.00 5295.90 3399967.80 0.00
drainage opening wherever required complete etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge
(length of finished kerb edging shall be measured for payment). (Precast C.C. kerb stone
12.11 shall be approved by Engineer-in-charge).
75 mm thick back filling for pitching including supplying of required materials and
consolidation etc. complete with :
12.12 16.74.3 Stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size Sqm 750.33 109.95 82498.67 0.00
16.75 Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from batching Cum
plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board vibrator ,
vacuum dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc.
complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. (The panel shuttering 297.00 6848.85 2034108.45 0.00
work shall be paid for separately). (Note:- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330
kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/ recoverable separately).
16.70 Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded Material conforming to
specifications, mixing in a mechanical mix plant at OMC, carriage of mixed material by
tippers to work site, for all leads & lifts, spreading in uniform layers of specified thickness
with motor grader on prepared surface and compacting with vibratory power roller to
achieve the desired density, complete as per specifications and directions of Engineerin-
With material conforming to Grade-II (size range 53 mm to 0.075 mm ) having CBR Value- Cum
16.78.2 442.00 2124.85 939183.70 0.00
12.14 25

Page 14

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate (size range 53 mm to Cum
0.075 mm ) to wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material
with water at OMC in for all leads & lifts, laying in uniform layers with mechanical
16.79 paverfinisher in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with 3398.00 2119.75 7202910.50 0.00
vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achievethe desired density, complete as per
12.15 and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Providing and laying tactile tile (for vision impaired persons as per standards) of size Sqm
300x300x9.8mm having with water absorption less than 0.5% and conforming to IS: 15622
of approved make in all colours and shades in for outdoor floors such as footpath, court
16.9 yard, multi modals location etc., laid on 20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 677.00 1439.35 974439.95 0.00
4 coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting the joints with white cement
mixed with matching pigments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge.
16.94 Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks of
required strength, thickness & size/shape, made by table vibratory method , to attain
superior smooth finish using PU or equivalent moulds, laid in required Grey colour &
pattern over 50mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, compacting and proper
embedding / laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through
vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with jamuna sand and cutting
of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand in
footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc. all complete as per
manufacturer’s specifications & direction of Engineer -in-Charge.
a) 80 mm thick c.c. paver block of M-30 grade with approved colour design and pattern. (*
Note- Size, colour and pattern shall be approved by Architect.)
12.17 Sqm 100.00 737.70 73700.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
12.18 MR-18 P/L 240-260 GSM non wowen Geotextile under paver blocks all as described and directed Sqm
0.00 182.95 0.00 0.00
at site.
12.19 Providing & Laying "TRIMIX VACCUM DEWATERING SYSTEM" with M - 40 Grade Cum
mix(cement content @ 400Kg/Cum) for spreading, screeding, dewatering, floating &
troweling with the help of power trowelling floater of concrete floor as directed & specified
using necessary steel form work with M.S. Channels including providing & laying
separation layer of 125 micron expanded polythin foam sheets. Rate includes forming
MR-19 construction & Construction joints 4 mm to 6 mm wide by cutting the floor upto 20 %(1/5th) 3243.00 7740.71 0.00 25103122.53
depth of thickness of the concrete depth using mechanical saw up to full depth of cutting
including providing & fixing M.S. dowells bars with bitumen painted of full length as shown
in drawing as to form the bays not exceeding 6.0 m x 4.5 m etc. complete as per direction
& as per Drawing & Design approved by the Engineer Incharge

12.20 Providing & Laying "TRIMIX VACCUM DEWATERING SYSTEM" for spreading, screeding, sqm
dewatering, floating & troweling with the help of power trowelling floater of concrete floor as
directed & specified using necessary steel form work with M.S. Channels including
providing & laying separation layer of 125 micron expanded polythin foam sheets. Rate
includes forming construction & Construction joints 4 mm to 6 mm wide by cutting the floor
upto 20 %(1/5th) depth of thickness of the concrete depth using mechanical saw up to full
depth of cutting including providing & fixing M.S. dowells bars with bitumen painted of full
MR-19A 15431.33 2384.35 0.00 36793689.30
length as shown in drawing as to form the bays not exceeding 6.0 m x 4.5 m etc. complete
as per direction & as per Drawing & Design approved by the Engineer Incharge the over all
Crust thickness would consist of the Following:
(a). M - 40 Grade - 200 mm
(b). PCC M - 15 - 150 mm
(c). GSB - 125 mm
Total = 475 mm

Page 15

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount

SUB HEAD - 12 (ROAD WORK) 31155395.97 61896811.83


Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100 mm sand
cast Iron P or S trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe,
13.01 with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings and
fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors wherever
Stainless Steel AISI-304(18/8) Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 585x480 mm with flush pipe
17.1.2 and integrated type foot rests each 24.00 3392.80 81427.20 0.00

Providing and fixing white vitreous china flat back or wall corner type lipped front urinal
basin of 430x260x350 mm and 340x410x265 mm sizes respectively with automatic
flushing cistern with standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and
G.I clamps complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good
the walls and floors wherever required : (Hindware/Camry or Equivalent)

Range of two urinal basins with 5 litre white P.V.C. automatic

a 17.4.2 flushing cistern Each 11.00 5399.40 59393.40 0.00

Providing and fixing wash basin with C.I. brackets, 15 mm C.P. brass pillar taps, 32 mm
13.03 C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting
and making good the walls wherever require: (Hindware/Camry or Equivalent)
White Vitreous China Flat back wash basin size 550x 400 mm with single 15 mm C.P.
a 17.7.4 Each 30.00 1807.10 54213.00 0.00
brass pillar tap
Providing and fixing Stainless Steel A ISI 304 (18/8) kitchen sink as per IS: 13983 with C.I.
13.04 17.1 brackets and stainless steel plug 40 mm, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting
and making good the walls wherever required :
a 610x460 mm bowl depth 200 mm Each 0.00 3989.20 0.00 0.00
Providing and fixing P.V.C. waste pipe for sink or wash basin including P.V.C. waste
13.05 17.28
fittings complete.
a 17.28.01 Semi rigid pipe
b 32 mm dia Each 30.00 76.75 2302.50 0.00
Providing and fixing mirror of superior glass (of approved quality) and of required shape
13.06 17.32 and size with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6 mm thick hard
board backing :
a 17.32.02 Rectangular shape 453x357 mm Each 30.00 727.90 21837.00 0.00
13.07 Providing and fixing soil, waste and vent pipes :
100 mm dia -Centrifugally cast (spun) iron socket & spigot (S&S) pipe
a 17.35.1 .2 as per IS: 3989 Metre 1099.00 917.75 1008607.25 0.00

Providing lead caulked joints to sand cast iron/centrifugally cast (spun) iron pipes and
fittings of diameter
a 17.36.2 100 mm dia pipe Each 462.00 243.75 112612.50 0.00
Providing and fixing M.S. holder-bat clamps of approved design to Sand Cast iron/cast iron
(spun) pipe embedded in and including cement concrete blocks 10x10x10 cm of 1:2:4 mix
(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), including cost
of cutting holes and making good the walls etc. :
a 17.37.1 For 100 mm dia pipe Each 414.00 152.90 63300.60 0.00
Providing and fixing bend of required degree with access door, insertion rubber washer 3
mm thick, bolts and nuts complete.
a 100 mm dia -Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729 Each 27.00 341.55 9221.85 0.00
13.11 Providing and fixing heel rest sanitary bend
a 100 mm dia -Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729 Each 25.00 318.35 7958.75 0.00
13.12 Providing and fixing terminal guard
a 100 mm dia -Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729 Each 25.00 248.65 6216.25 0.00
13.13 Providing and fixing Collar

Page 16

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
a 100 mm dia -Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729 Each 49.00 194.05 9508.45 0.00
Providing and fixing trap of self cleansing design with screwed down or hinged grating with
13.14 or without vent arm complete, including cost of cutting and making good the walls and
floors :
a 100 mm inlet and 100 mm outlet -Sand cast iron S&S as per IS - 1729 Each 90.00 982.55 88429.50 0.00
Painting sand cast iron/ centrifugally cast (spun) iron soil, waste vent pipes
and fittings with two coats of synthetic enamel paint of any colour such as
chocolate grey, or buff etc. over a coat of primer (of approved quality) for
ew work :
a 17.65.1 100 mm diameter pipe Metre 1099.00 38.65 42476.35 0.00
Providing and fixing PTMT liquid soap container 109 mm wide, 125 mm high and 112
13.16 17.71 mm distance from wall of standard shape with bracket of the same materials with snap Each 30.00 228.85 6865.50 0.00
fittings of approved quality and colour, weighing not less than 105 gms.

Providing and fixing PTMT towel rail complete with brackets fixed to wooden cleats with CP
brass screws with concealed fittings arrangement of approved quality and colour
13.17 17.73.1 450 mm long towel rail with total length of 495 mm, 78 mm wide and effective height of 88 Each 30.00 483.45 14503.50 0.00
mm, weighing not less than 170 gms each

Providing and fixing white vitreous china extended wall mounting water closet of size
780x370x690 mm of approved shape including providing & fixing white vitreous china
13.18 17.78 Each 22.00 10100.90 222219.80 0.00
cistern with dual flush fitting, of flushing capacity 3 litre/6 litre (adjustable to 4 litre/8 litres),
including seat cover, and cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket etc complete.
13.19 MR-20 Proviing and Fixing water jet to Wall hung Water closet of approved quality Each 22.00 252.5 0.00 5555.00

SUB HEAD - 13 (SANITARY INSTALLATION ) 1811093.40 5555.00


Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the
14.01 18.8 pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step
CPVC solvent cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including
testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.

Concealed work, including cutting chases and making good the walls etc.
a 18.08.01 15 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 274.00 270.00 73980.00 0.00
b 18.08.02 20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 290.00 296.40 85956.00 0.00
c 18.08.03 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 282.00 351.30 99066.60 0.00
Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal stability
for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings This includes
14.02 18.09
jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling & testing
of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
External work
a 18.09.02 20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 330.00 163.30 53889.00 0.00
b 18.09.03 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes metre 274.00 209.50 57403.00 0.00
Providing and fixing G.I. pipes complete with G.I. fittings including trenching and refilling
18.12.3 25 mm nominal bore metre 50.00 257.30 12865.00 0.00
18.12.4 32 mm nominal bore. metre 32.00 281.05 8993.60 0.00
18.12.5 40 mm nominal bore metre 774.00 334.15 258632.10 0.00
18.12.6 50 mm nominal bore metre 0.00 399.50 0.00 0.00
18.12.7 65 mm nominal bore metre 658.00 524.25 344956.50 0.00
18.12.8 80 mm nominal bore metre 2133.00 637.05 1358827.65 0.00
Providing and fixing gun metal gate valve with C.I. wheel of approved quality (screwed
end) :
a 18.17.1 25 mm nominal bore Each 26.00 428.85 11150.10 0.00
18.17.2 32 mm nominal bore. Each 15.00 501.5 7522.50 0.00

Page 17

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
18.17.3 40 mm nominal bore Each 18.00 585.5 10539.00 0.00
18.17.4 50 mm nominal bore Each 12.00 750.75 9009.00 0.00
18.17.5 65 mm nominal bore Each 15.00 1287.75 19316.25 0.00
18.17.6 80 mm nominal bore Each 6.00 1920.6 11523.60 0.00

Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality, High or low pressure, with
plastic floats complete
a 18.18.2 20 mm nominal bore Each 16.00 409.9 6558.40 0.00
Providing and fixing brass ferrule with C.I. mouth cover including boring and
14.06 tapping the main :

a 18.20.2 20 mm nominal bore Each 8.00 283.4 2267.20 0.00

14.07 18.21 Providing and fixing uplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass unions
a 18.21.01 45 cm length
15 mm nominal bore Each 94.00 68.60 6448.40 0.00
Providing and laying S&S C.I. standard specials such as tees, bends,
14.08 18.25
collars, tapers, caps etc. (Heavy class) :
18.25.1 Up to 300 mm dia quintal 10.00 4447.80 44478.00 0.00
Providing flanged joints to double flanged C.I./ D.I. pipes and specials,
including testing of joints :
18.30.2 100 mm diameter C.I. pipe Each 261.00 195.70 51077.70 0.00
18.30.4 150 mm diameter C.I. pipe Each 134.00 234.55 31429.70 0.00
Providing and fixing C.I. sluice valves (with cap) complete with bolts, nuts,
rubber insertions etc. (the tail pieces if required will be paid separately) :
18.31.1 100 mm diameter 0.00 3308.60 0.00 0.00
Class II Each 12.00 3921.30 47055.60 0.00
18.31.3 150 mm diameter
Class II Each 4.00 5694.00 22776.00 0.00
Constructing masonry Chamber 30x30x50 cm inside, in brick work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) for stop cock, with C. I.
surface box 100x100 x75 mm (inside) with hinged cover fixed in cement
concrete slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
14.11 aggregate 20 mm nominal size), i/c necessary excavation, foundation
concrete 1:5:10 ( 1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size ) and inside plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) 12mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat
cement complete as per standard design :
With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class
18.32.1 Each 76.00 1157.75 87989.00 0.00
designation 7.5
Constructing masonry Chamber 60x60x75 cm inside, in brick work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I.
surface box 100mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm
deep ( inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2
14.12 18.33 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) , i/c
necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand
: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished
with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design :
With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class
18.33.1 Each 12.00 6754.3 81051.60 0.00
designation 7.5

Page 18

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Constructing masonry Chamber 90x90x100 cm inside, in brick work in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I.
surface box 100 mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180 mm
deep (inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2
14.13 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size ), i/c
necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand
: 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) and inside plastering
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished
with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design :
With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class
18.34.1 Each 4.00 11672.35 46689.40 0.00
designation 7.5
Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with two coats of anti-corrosive bitumastic
14.14 18.4
paint of approved quality :
18.40.3 25 mm diameter pipe metre 50.00 8.75 437.50 0.00
18.40.4 32 mm diameter pipe metre 32.00 10.40 332.80 0.00
18.40.5 40 mm diameter pipe metre 774.00 11.85 9171.90 0.00
18.40.6 50 mm diameter pipe metre 0.00 14.15 0.00 0.00
18.40.7 65 mm diameter pipe metre 658.00 17.45 11482.10 0.00
18.40.8 80 mm diameter pipe metre 2133.00 20.25 43193.25 0.00
Providing and filling sand of grading zone V or coarser grade, allround the
G.I. pipes in external work :
18.41.3 25 mm diameter pipe metre 50.00 69.05 3452.50 0.00
18.41.4 32 mm diameter pipe metre 32.00 70.85 2267.20 0.00
18.41.5 40 mm diameter pipe metre 774.00 71.75 55534.50 0.00
18.41.6 50 mm diameter pipe metre 0.00 74.45 0.00 0.00
18.41.7 65 mm diameter pipe metre 658.00 117.50 77315.00 0.00
18.41.8 80 mm diameter pipe metre 2133.00 121.10 258306.30 0.00
18.41.9 100 mm diameter pipe metre 0.00 128.25 0.00 0.00
18.41.10 150 mm diameter pipe metre 0.00 191.05 0.00 0.00
Providing and fixing G.I. Union in G.I. pipe including cutting and threading
the pipe and making long screws etc. complete (New work) :
18.46.3 25 mm diameter pipe Each 2.00 200.10 400.20 0.00
18.46.4 32 mm diameter pipe Each 1.00 240.75 240.75 0.00
18.46.5 40 mm diameter pipe Each 26.00 316.25 8222.50 0.00
18.46.6 50 mm diameter pipe Each 0.00 392.40 0.00 0.00
18.46.7 65 mm diameter pipe Each 22.00 636.30 13998.60 0.00
18.46.8 80 mm diameter pipe Each 71.00 729.25 51776.75 0.00
Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank ISI :
12701 marked with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes
14.17 18.48.1 per ltr. 35000.00 7.25 253750.00 0.00
for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank

14.18 18.58 Providing and fixing PTMT grating of approved quality and colour.
a 18.58.01 Circular type 125 mm nominal dia with 25 mm waste hole Each 90.00 57.35 5161.50 0.00
Providing and fixing C.I. double acting air valve of approved quality with
14.19 bolts, nuts, rubber insertions etc. complete (The tail pieces, tapers etc if
required will be paid separately) :
18.59.1 50 mm dia Each 2.00 4778.30 9556.60 0.00
18.59.2 80 mm dia Each 2.00 6172.10 12344.20 0.00
18.59.3 100 mm dia Each 3.00 8110.05 24330.15 0.00
14.20 Providing and fixing C.P. brass bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS:8931
a 18.49 15 mm nominal bore Each 46.00 459.50 21137.00 0.00
Providing and fixing C.P. brass long nose bib cock of approved quality conforming to IS
standards and weighing not less than 810 gms
a 18.5 15 mm nominal bore Each 32.00 796.70 25494.40 0.00

Page 19

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Providing and fixing C.P. brass angle valve for basin mixer and geyser points of approved
14.22 quality conforming to IS:8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore (Hindware/Camry or Equivalent)

a 18.53 15mm nominal bore Each 94.00 507.70 47723.80 0.00

Providing and laying S&S Centrifugally Cast (Spun) / Ductile Iron Pipes
14.23 18.72
conforming to IS : 8329 :
18.72.1 100 mm dia Ductile Iron Class K-7 pipes Metre 2607.00 924.05 2408998.35 0.00
18.72.2 150 mm dia Ductile Iron Class K-7 pipes Metre 729.00 1336.70 974454.30 0.00
Providinbg and fixing Effluent Treatment Plant of 10 KLD capacity with following detail
include complete installation and Commissioning with necessary equipmemt etc
1. OIL & GREASE TRAP 6'x2.5'x4'
3-TUBE SETTLER compact 10KLD
4-SAND FILTER 400 dia
MR-21 5-ACTIVATED CARBON FILTER 400 Dia Each 2.00 729998.00 1459996.00
6-SLUDGE DRYING BED -7 days Holding
After treatment by the installed ETP, the effluent will meet the permissible norms
prescribed by the CPCB ,complete in all respect as per technical specification given.

Providing and Fixing Sintex FRP Underground Water Storage Tank, with cover and
suitable locking arrangement and making necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow
14.25 MR-22 pipes Capacity 50000 Ltr, Product Code: CWUG-5000-02 Each 4.00 832184.00 3328736.00
Dim (mm) : Dia : 2340 , L : 12800, Manhole: 550



AS PER permissible norms prescribed.complete in all respect as per technical
14.26 Providinbg and fixing Mechanical Equipment tank for STP to be complete in all respect as Nos 1.00 1,500,000.00 0.00 1500000.00
per specifications and Drawing by Architect.


14.27 Providinbg and fixing Rainwater harvesting tank to be complete in all respect as per Each 4.00 350,000.00 0.00 1400000.00
detailed Drawing by Architect.

Page 20

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Designing, supply, Installation, erection and commissioning of Under Ground
14.28 diesel tank for a capacity of 25000 litre capacity.

Civil Structure including pump installation space Each 1.00

750000 750000
14.29 Cost of syntex tank 25000 litre capacity Each 1.00 450,000.00 450,000.00
Oil pump of 2.0 BHP Each 1.00 15,000.00 15,000.00
14.30 Oil Metre Each 1.00 5,000.00 5,000.00
Cable installation i.e. Panel Box Each 1.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Delivery pipe arrangement from tank to the workcentre side apporx. 100m
14.31 Each 1.00 100,000.00 100,000.00
length @ Rs1000/m

Disinfecting C.I. water mains by flushing with water containing bleaching

powder @ 0.5 gms per litre of water and cleaning the same with fresh
14.32 18.8
water, operation to be repeated three times including getting the sample
of water from the disinfected main tested in the municipal laboratory.
18.80.1 80 mm diameter C.I. pipe 100 metre 141.00 704.00 99264.00 0.00
14.33 18.80.2 100 mm diameter C.I. pipe 100 metre 1424.00 926.60 1319478.40 0.00
18.80.4 150 mm diameter C.I. pipe 100 metre 729.00 1395.40 1017246.60 0.00

SUB HEAD - 14 (WATER SUPPLY ) 9606522.05 9837582.00

15.01 Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C pipes jointed withh stiff
19.6 mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) including testing 0.00
of joints etc. complete
19.6.2 150 mm dia. R.C.C. pipe Metre 2427.00 348.30 845324.10 0.00
19.6.3 250 mm dia. S&S R.C.C. pipe Metre 701.00 468.60 328488.60 0.00
19.6.4 300 mm dia. S&S R.C.C. pipe Metre 1154.00 506.35 584327.90 0.00
400 mm dia. S&S R.C.C. pipe Metre 0.00 705.90 0.00
15.02 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand )
withh R.C.C. top slab withh 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand :
19.7 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick withh 0.00 0.00
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished withh floating coat of neat cement
and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished withh a floating coat of neat cement complete as
per standard design :
Inside size 90x80 cm and 45 cm deep including C.I. cover withh frame (light duty) 455x610
19.7.1 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight 0.00 0.00
of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg) : Withh common burnt clay F.P.S. (non-modular ) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 15.88 8507.00 135091.16 0.00
15.03 Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (medium duty) 500
19.7.1 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 116 kg (weight of 0.00 0.00
cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) : Withh common burnt clay F.P.S. (non-modular ) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 19.85 18304.45 363343.33 0.00
15.04 19.8 Extra for depth for manholes : 0.00 0.00
19.8.1 Size 90x80 cm 0.00 0.00
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class Metre 3.00 5638.2 16914.60 0.00
designation 7.5

Page 21

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
15.05 19.8.2 Size 120x90 cm 0.00 0.00 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Metre 3.97 6753.65 26811.99 0.00
15.06 Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56
m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 Coarse sand ), in side cement plaster
12 mm thick withh cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished withh a
19.9 floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix ( 1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 0.00 0.00
6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making necessary channel in
cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) finished withh a floating coat of neat cement all complete as per stander
0.91 m deep withh S.F.R.C . cover and frame ( heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560
mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not
less than 182 Kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :2 coarse sand : 4 graded 0.00 0.00
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering shuttering all complete.
(Excavation , foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be
paid for separately)
Withh common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 42.82 8738.55 374184.71 0.00
15.07 Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 0.91 m to 1.67
0.00 0.00
Withh common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Metre 12.85 4842.4 62205.47 0.00
15.08 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.22 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia
at top withh 75 class designation F.P.S. brick in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 Cement :4
Coarse sand inside cement plaster 12 mm thick withh cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3
Coarse sand) finished withh a floating coat of neat cement foundation concrete 1:3:6 ( 1 0.00 0.00
cement : 3 coarse sand ; 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and making
necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement ; 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size finished withh a floating coat of neat cement all complete
as per standard design.
1.68m deep withh SFRC Cover and frame ( Heavy duty HD-20 grade designation) 560
mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be
not less than 182 Kg . fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 0.00 0.00
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering shuttering all
complete. ( Excavation , foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for separately)
Withh common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 29.14 16467.9 479833.44 0.00
15.09 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.22 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond
0.00 0.00
1.68 m to 2.29 m :
Withh common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 11.66 6270.7 73085.01 0.00
15.10 Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.52 m internal dia at bottom and 0.56 m dia
at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) inside cement plaster 12 mm thick
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 0.00 0.00
40 mm nominal size) and making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating
coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design :
2.30 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20 grade designation) 560 mm
internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less
than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone 0.00 0.00
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation,
foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for
separately) :
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 29.14 34976.25 1019120.48 0.00
15.11 Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 2.30 m : 0.00 0.00
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 14.57 14842.95 216243.23 0.00
15.12 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 50x45x60 cm with bricks in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including 500x450 mm pre-cast R.C.C. horizontal grating 0.00 0.00
with frame complete as per standard design :

Page 22

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
19.27 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 28.71 3957.5 113629.72 0.00
15.13 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 45x45x77.5 cm with bricks in cement
19.28 mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand ) with precast R.C.C. vertical grating complete as per 0.00 0.00
standard design :
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 28.71 4408.95 126591.98 0.00
15.14 Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 110x50x77.5 cm with bricks in cement
19.29 mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) including 500x450 mm pre-cast R.C.C. horizontal 0.00 0.00
grating with frame and vertical grating complete as per standard design :
19.29.1 With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 Nos. 0.00 7501.45 0.00 0.00
15.15 Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic encapsulated as
per IS : 10910, on 12 mm dia steel bar conforming to IS: 1786, having minimum cross
section as 23 mmx25 mm and over all minimum length 263 mm and width as 165 mm with
minimum 112 mm space between protruded legs having 2 mm tread on top surface by
19.16 ribbing or chequering besides necessary and adequate anchoring projections on tail length each 448.05 311.60 139612.38 0.00
on 138 mm as per standard drawing and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical
resistance test as per specifications and having manufacture’s permanent identification
mark to be visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement
concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) complete as per design.
SUB HEAD - 15 (DRAINAGE) 4904808.10 0.00


Extra for providing frosted glass panes 4 mm thick instead of ordinary float glass panes 4
16.01 9.12 mm thick in doors, windows and clerestory window shutters. (Area of opening for glass sqm 0.00 5.80 0.00 0.00
panes excluding portion inside rebate shall be measured).
16.02 Providing and fixing panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and glazed
shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows (Area of opening for panel inserts
excluding portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured). Panelling for panelled or
panelled and glazed shutters Aluminum/wooden 25 mm to 40 mm thick :
Fly proof stainless steel grade 304 wire gauge with 0.5 mm dia. wire and 1.4 mm wide
9.7.8 sqm 113.00 1602.40 181071.20 0.00
aperture with matching wood beading/Aluminum Frame
Filling the gap in between aluminium frame & adjacent RCC / Brick / Stone work by
16.03 21.8 providing weather silicon sealant over backer rod of approved quality as per architectural
drawings and direction of Engineerin-Charge complete.
a Upto 5 mm depth and 5 mm width metre 8454.34 88.75 750322.85 0.00
Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door/flush door, window, ventilator shutters and
16.04 21.03 partitions etc. with EPDM rubber / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per the architectural
drawings and the directions of engineer-in-charge.
a Cost of aluminium snap beading shall be paid in basic item):
21.03.01 With float glass panes of 5.50 mm thickness sqm 1998.00 1054.20 2106291.60 0.00
Extra for providing frosted glass panes 4 mm thick instead of ordinary float glass panes 4
0 mm thick in doors, windows and clerestory window shutters. (Area of opening for glass sqm 47.00 5.80 272.60 0.00
panes excluding portion inside rebate shall be measured).
Providing and fixing aluminum work for doors, windows, ventilators and partitions with
extruded built up standard tubular sections/appropriate Z sections and other sections of
approved make conforming to IS:733 and IS: 1285, fixing with dash fastners of required dia
and size, including necessary filling up the gaps at junctions, i.e. at the top, bottom and
16.05 21.1 sides with required EPDM rubber/neoprene gasket etc. Aluminium sections shall be
smooth, rust free, straight, mitred and jointed mechanically wherever required including
cleat angle, Aluminium snap beading for glazing/paneling, C.P brass/ stainless steel
screws, all complete as per architectural drawings and the directions of Engineer-in-
charge.(Glazing paneling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately) :
a 21.1.1 For fixed portion Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) kg 23216.71 377.75 8770111.45 0.00

Page 23

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators including providing and fixing hinges/ pivots
16.06 21.1.2 and making provision for fixing of fittings wherever required including the cost of EPDM
rubber/ neoprene gasket required. (fittings shall be paid separately)
Anodised aluminium (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:
a kg 0.00 405.90 0.00 0.00
1868, Minium anodic coating of grade AC15)
b Powder coated aluminium (minimum thickness of powder coating 50 micron) kg 16680.00 435.75 7268310.00 0.00
21.2 Providing & fixing 12mm thk. Prelaminated particle board flat pressed three layer or graded
wood particle board conforming to IS: 12823 Grade I Type II, in panelling fixed in
16.07 aluminium doors.windows shutters and partition frames with C.P brass/ stainless steel
screws etc. complete as per architectural drawings and directions of engineer- in - charge.

21.2.2 Pre-laminated particle board with decorative lamination on both sides sqm 467.00 1089.75 508913.25 0.00

(* Note- For all aluminium works , whereever mentioned in the BOQ, colour shade
shall got approved by Architect.)

SUB HEAD - 16 (ALUMINIUM WORK) 19585292.95 0.00


Page 24

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
Providing and laying water proofing treatment to vertical and horizontal surfaces of
depressed portions of W.C., kitchen and the like consisting of:
(i) Ist course of applying cement slurry @ 4.4 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing compound
conforming to IS 2645 in recommended proportions including rounding off junction of
vertical and horizontal surface.
17.01 22.3 (ii) IInd course of 20 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed with water sqm 473.00 522.90 247331.70 0.00
proofing compound in recommended proportion including rounding off junction of vertical
and horizontal surface.
(iii) IIIrd course of applying blown or residual bitumen applied hot at 1.7 kg. per sqm of
(iv) IVth course of 400 micron thick PVC sheet. (Overlaps at joints of PVC sheet should
be 100 mm wide and pasted to each other with bitumen @ 1.7 kg/sqm).
Providing and Placing in position suitable PVC water stops conforming to IS:12200 for
17.02 construction/ expansion joints between two RCC members and fixed to the reinforcement
with binding wire before pouring concrete etc. complete :
22.4.3 Kickers (320 mm wide, 5 mm thick)
Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including preparation
of surface as required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc consisting of following
operations: a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed
with water proofing compound conforming to IS. 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge
over the RCC slab including adjoining walls upto 300
mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment. b) Laying brick bats with mortar
using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1
17.03 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645
and approved by Engineer-in-charge over 20 mm thick layer of cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1
cement :5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645
and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly the adjoining
walls upto 300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs c) After two
days of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ sqm of
cement admixed jointless cement mortar of mix 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand) admixed
Withwater proofing
average compound
thickness of 120 conforming to IS : 2645
mm and minimum and approved
thickness at by Engineer-in-
22.7 sqm 2128.47 1019.05 2169016.33 0.00
khurra as 65 mm

SUB HEAD - 17. (WATER PROOFING) 2416348.03 0.00


18.01 Providing and fixing in position pre-moulded joint filler in expansion joints. Per cm
depth per
16.45 1220.00 2.45 2989.00 0.00
cm width
per m length
18.02 Painting runway/taxi track/apron marking with adequate nos of coats to give uniform finish
with road marking paint of superior make as approved by the Engineer-in-charge, i/c
cleaning the surface of all dirt, scales, oil, grease and other foreign material etc. and lining
out complete
16.47.1 New work (Two or more coats) sqm 1.00 109.30 109.30 0.00
18.03 Providing and laying C.C. pavement of mix M-25 with ready mixed concrete from batching
plant. The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and finished with screed board vibrator ,
vacuum dewatering process and finally finished by floating, brooming with wire brush etc.
16.75 complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. (The panel shuttering Cum 151.00 6848.85 1034176.35 0.00
work shall be paid for separately). (Note:- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330
kg/cum. Excess/less cement used as per design mix is payable/ recoverable separately).

Page 25

Item Total DSR Rate N DSR Rate Total DSR Total N DSR
No. Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) Amount Amount
18.04 Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate (size range 53 mm to
0.075 mm ) to wet mix macadam (WMM) specification including premixing the material
with water at OMC in for all leads & lifts, laying in uniform layers with mechanical
16.79 paverfinisher in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and compacting with Cum 183.00 2119.75 387914.25 0.00
vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne capacity to achievethe desired density, complete as per
and directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
18.05 26.1 Providing and supplying aluminium extruded tubular and other aluminium sections as per kg
the architectural drawings and approved shop drawings , the aluminium quality as per
grade 6063 T5 or T6 as per BS 1474,including super durable powder coating of 60-80
microns conforming to AAMA 2604 of required colour and shade as approved by the 0.00 338.25 0.00 0.00
Engineer-in-Charge. (The item includes cost of material such as cleats, sleeves, screws
etc. necessary for fabrication of extruded aluminium frame work. Nothing extra shall be
paid on this account).
18.06 Providing and Making Miscellaneous work at site Complete as per the direction of Nos
1.00 1500000.00 0.00 1500000.00
18.07 26.7 Designing, fabricating, testing, installing and fixing in position Curtain Wall with Aluminium
Composite Panel Cladding, with open grooves for linear as well as curvilinear portions of
the building, for all heights and all levels etc. including:
a) Structural analysis & design and preparation of shop drawings for pressure equalisation
or rain screen principle as required, proper drainage of water to make it watertight
including checking of all the structural and functional design
18.08 b) Providing, fabricating , supplying and fixing aluminium composite panel cladding in pan
shape in metalic colour of approved shades made out of 4mm thick aluminium composite
panel material consisting of 3mm thick FR grade mineral core sandwiched between two
Aluminium sheets (each 0.5mm thick). The aluminium composite panel cladding sheet
shall be coil coated, with Kynar 500 based PVDF / Lumiflon based fluoropolymer resin
coating of approved colour and shade on face # 1 and polymer (Service) coating on face #
2 as specified using stainless steel screws, nuts, bolts, washers, cleats, weather silicone
sealant, backer rods etc.
18.09 c) The fastening brackets of Aluminium alloy 6005 T5 / MS with Hot Dip Galvanised with Sqm
serrations and serrated washers to arrest the wind load movement, fasteners, SS 316 Pins
and anchor bolts of approved make in SS 316, Nylon separators to prevent bi-metallic
contacts all complete. The item includes cost of all material & labour component, cleaning
and protection of the curtain wall with aluminium composite panel cladding till the handing 0.00 3775.30 0.00 0.00
over of the building for occupation. Base frame work for ACP cladding is payable under the
relevant aluminium items. Actual area on the external face of the curtain wall with
Aluminum Composite Panel Cladding (including width of groove) shall be measured in
sqm. up to two decimal places for the purpose of payment.
18.10 Providing and fixing of GRC Screen of approved make 30mm thick ( sieds/borders 50mm Sqm
MR-23 thick) including cost of fasteners & fixtures at site Complete as per the direction of 0.00 5202.35 0.00 0.00
Engineer in charge unistone or equivalent

SUB HEAD - 18 (MISCELLANEOUS) 1425188.90 1500000.00

Amount of DSR Item 267053224.18

Amount of Non-DSR Item 303603689.19
Total 570656913.37

Page 26
Summary Sheet of Package -I of Alimco Production Centre at Kanpur
Sub: Electrical Works Schedule For Package - I
NON DSR Amount (In

1. I CIRCUIT CUM POINT WIRING 1,584,672.00 -




5. V 111,193.00 75,362.00

6. VI CABLES, MAINS AND SUB MAINS 7,083,919.00 458,325.00




10. X EXTERNAL LIGHTING AND CABLES 583,720.00 18,099,160.00

11. XI MAIN LT CABLES AND SUB MAINS CABLE 614,874.00 21,058,745.00

12. XII HT CABLES & LT CONTROL CABLES 169,015.00 588,520.00


13. XIII 2,792,980.00 -

14. XIV SUB-STATION EQUIPMENT - 7,972,186.00




18. XVIII CCTV SYSTEM - 1,880,500.00

Total Cost in Rs. 14,326,717.00 69,149,228.00

Total Cost in Rs.(DSR + NON DSR) 83,475,945.00
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
1.1) 1.10 Wiring for light point/ fan point/exhaust fan point/call bell point with 1.5 sq. mm
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/recessed
medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box
and earthing the point with 1.5 sq. mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor
single core cable etc as required.
a) 1.10.3 Group-C (Primary point ) Point 370 718 265,660.00

1.2) 1.14.1 (for 2.5 Wiring for secondary light point (Group point wiring)/fan point / exhaust fan
mtr) point/call bell point with 3 x 1.5 sq .mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor
cable in surface/recessed PVC conduit (looped from above primary point wiring Point 861 265 228,165.00
(up to 2.5 mtr) and controlled by the same modular switch.) etc.as required.

1.3) 1.11 Wiring for twin control light point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, 2
way modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with Point 15 770 11,550.00
1.5 sq.mm. FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc as

1.4) 1.31 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on
surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 amps modular socket Each 206 303 62,418.00
outlet and 5/6 amps modular switch, connection etc. as required. (For light plugs
to be used in non residential buildings).

1.5) 1.32 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on
surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin 5/6 & 15/16 amps
Each 242 395 95,590.00
modular socket outlet and 15/16 amps modular switch, connection etc. as

1.6) 2.18 Supplying and fixing 32 amps, 240 volts, SPN industrial type, socket outlet, with
2 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 32 amps “C” curve, SP,
MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover Each 83 954 79,182.00
for the socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning
etc. as required.

1.7) 1.14 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring along with earth wire with the following sizes
of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed
medium class PVC conduit as required
a) 1.14.1 2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire For Light Circuit Point Metre 500 106 53,000.00
b) 1.14.2 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire For Light Circuit Point Metre 900 131 117,900.00
c) 1.14.3 2 X 4 sq. mm + 1 X 4 sq. mm earth wire For Power Circuit Point Metre 800 162 129,600.00

Page 1 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
d) 1.14.4 2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire For Power / AC Circuit Point Metre 450 221 99,450.00
e) 1.14.5 2 X 10 sq. mm + 1 X 10 sq. mm earth wire For Industrial Power Socket Metre 250 327 81,750.00
f) 1.14.10 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 10 sq. mm earth wire For Submain Wire / Cable of DB Metre 230 597 137,310.00
g) 1.14.11 4 X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 16 sq. mm earth wire For Submain Wire / Cable of DB Metre 250 883 220,750.00

1.8) 1.25 Supplying and fixing stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular
plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as Each 3 284 852.00

1.9) 1.26 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate &
Each 65 23 1,495.00
switch box excluding modular plate as required.



2.1) 4.1 Supplying and installing following size of perforated pre-painted M.S. cable trays
with perforation not more than 17.5%, in convenient sections, joined with
connectors, suspended from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders including bolts &
nuts, painting suspenders etc as required.
a) 4.1.2 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Metre 125 520 65,000.00
b) 4.1.4 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Metre 100 789 78,900.00
c) 4.1.6 450 mm width X 50 mm depth X 2.0 mm thickness Metre 50 1117 55,850.00

2.2) 4.2 Supplying and installing following size of perforated pre-painted M.S. cable trays
bends with perforation not more than 17.5%, joined with connectors, suspended
from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders including bolts & nuts, painting suspenders
etc as required.
a) 4.2.2 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 20 964 19,280.00
b) 4.2.4 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 18 1458 26,244.00
c) 4.2.6 450 mm width X 50 mm depth X 2.0 mm thickness Each 10 2121 21,210.00

2.3) 4.3 Supplying and installing following size of perforated pre-painted M.S. cable trays
reducers with perforation not more than 17.5%, joined with connectors, suspended
from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders including bolts & nuts, painting suspenders
etc as required.
a) 4.3.2 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 10 1349 13,490.00
b) 4.3.4 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 8 2082 16,656.00
c) 4.3.6 450 mm width X 50 mm depth X 2.0 mm thickness Each 5 3047 15,235.00

2.4) 4.4 Supplying and installing following size of perforated pre-painted M.S. cable trays
Tee’s with perforation not more than 17.5%, joined with connectors, suspended
from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders including bolts & nuts, painting suspenders
etc as required.

Page 2 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
a) 4.4.2 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 10 1714 17,140.00
b) 4.4.4 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 8 2704 21,632.00
c) 4.4.6 450 mm width X 50 mm depth X 2.0 mm thickness Each 5 3973 19,865.00

2.5) 4.5 Supplying and installing following size of perforated pre-painted M.S. cable trays
cross members with perforation not more than 17.5%, joined with connectors,
suspended from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders including bolts & nuts, painting
suspenders etc as required.
a) 4.5.2 150 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 10 767 7,670.00
b) 4.5.4 300 mm width X 50 mm depth X 1.6 mm thickness Each 8 960 7,680.00
c) 4.5.6 450 mm width X 50 mm depth X 2.0 mm thickness Each 5 1664 8,320.00



3.1) 2.7 Supplying and fixing following way prewired SP&N MCB distribution board of
steel sheet for 240 volts on surface/ recess complete with loose wire box, terminal
connectors for all incoming and outgoing circuits, duly prewired with suitable size
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor up to terminal blocks, tinned copper bus
bar, neutral link, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate, interconnections,
powder painted including earthing etc. as required.(But without MCB/ RCCB/
a) 2.7.4 6 way (2 + 6), Double door For Work Center Nos. 5 2508 12,540.00

3.2) 2.8 Supplying and fixing following way prewired TP&N MCB distribution board of
steel sheet for 415 volts on surface/ recess complete with loose wire box, terminal
connectors for all incoming and outgoing circuits, duly prewired with suitable size
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor up to terminal blocks, tinned copper bus
bar, neutral link, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate, interconnections,
powder painted including earthing etc. as required.(But without MCB/ RCCB/
a) 2.8.6 6 way (4 + 18), Double door Nos. 21 9496 199,416.00
b) 2.8.7 8 way (4 + 24), Double door Nos. 9 10405 93,645.00

3.3) 2.10 Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, “C” curve,
miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles in the
existing MCB DB complete with onnections, testing and commissioning etc. as
a) 2.10.1 Single pole (6/32 Amps) Nos. 612 169 103,428.00

Page 3 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
3.4) 2.14 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, (single phase and neutral),
240 volts, residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current
upto 300 milliamperes in the existing MCB DB complete with connections,
testing and commissioning etc. as required.
a) 2.14.2 40 amps Nos. 11 1714 18,854.00

3.5) 2.13 Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, 415 volts, isolator in the existing
MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.

a) 2.13.1 40 amps Nos. 18 659 11,862.00

b) 2.13.2 63 amps Nos. 12 670 8,040.00

3.6) 2.11 Supplying and fixing Single Pole Blanking Plate in the existing MCB DB
Nos. 85 7 595.00
complete Etc. as required.


Supply, Testing & Commissioning, fixing of following bare GI tapes / wires
including all necessary fixing accessories and effecting connections as per
4.1) 5.14 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip on surface or in recess for
RM 50 856 42,800.00
connections etc. as required.

4.2) 5.15 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm G.I. strip on surface or in recess for
RM 225 142 31,950.00
connections etc. as required.

4.3) 5.18 Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing
along with existing surface/ recessed conduit/submain wiring/ cable as required. RM 350 22 7,700.00

4.4) 5.4 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
Nos. 5 4490 22,450.00
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt
as required.

4.5) 5.6 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking Nos.
6 9292 55,752.00
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt
as required.

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
4.6) 14.13 Providing, laying and fixing following dia G.I. pipe (medium class) in ground
complete with G.I. fittings including trenching (75 cm deep)and re-filling etc as
a) 14.13.1 50 mm dia RM 25 450 11,250.00
b) 14.13.3 100 mm dia RM 20 983 19,660.00


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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

5.1) Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with
accessories in surface/recess including cutting the wall and making good the same
in case of recessed conduit as required.
a) 1.21.1 20mm RM 350 53 18,550.00
b) 1.21.2 25mm RM 500 65 32,500.00
c) 1.21.3 32mm RM 250 85 21,250.00

5.2) Supply, fixing, connecting and testing of elephone/computer/TV modular sockets

modular plate anodised MS box and blanking late in surface/recessed including
connectionetc as required.
a) 1.24.6+1.27.1+ RJ-11 telephone socket two line with shutter
Each 32 340 10,880.00
b) 1.24.7+1.27.1+ T.V. CO-axial cable socket outlets of one point
Each 1 339 339.00
c) M.R RJ-45 face plate( computer line) with shutter DN-460 Each 31 450 13,950.00

5.3) Providing, fixing connecting and testing of solder less telephone Tag block of
following capacity ties as required in suitable size of m.s. hinged lockable cover
box duly painted etc. as required of Krone type.
a) M.R 10 pair Tele Tag Blk Each 2 2651 5,302.00
b) M.R 20 pair Tele Tag Blk Each 2 4560 9,120.00
c) M.R 50 pair Tele Tag Blk Each 2 7580 15,160.00
d) M.R 200 pair Tele Tag Blk Each 1 11525 11,525.00

5.4) Providing, fixing connecting and testing of solder less Television Junction Box of
following capacity ties as required in suitable size of m.s. hinged lockable cover
box duly painted etc. as required of Krone type.
a) M.R 2 pair T.V Junction Box. Each 2 2651 5,302.00
b) M.R 4 pair T.V Junction Box. Each 3 5001 15,003.00

5.5) Supplying drawing, connecting and testing of 0.61mm dia annealed copper
conductor PVC insulated PVC sheathed telephone Wire/cables in Existing PVC
conduit or a racks as required.
a) 1.18.2 2 pair Telephone cable. (0.61sq mm) RM 350 18 6,300.00
b) 1.18.3 4 pair Telephone cable RM 125 27 3,375.00

5.6) 1.19 Supplying and drawing co-axial TV cable RG-6 grade, 0.7 mm solid copper
conductor PE insulated, shielded with fine tinned copper braid and protected with RM 100 28 2,800.00
PVC sheath in the existing surface/ recessed steel/ PVC conduit as required.

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
5.7) 1.53 Supplying and drawing of UTP 4 pair CAT 6 LAN Cable in the existing surface/
RM 335 33 11,055.00
recessed steel/ PVC conduit as required.

5.8) 1.22 Supplying and fixing metal box of following sizes (nominal size) on surface or in
reces with suitable size of phenolic laminated sheet cover in front including
painting etc as required.
a) 1.22.1 75 mm x 75 mm x 60 mm deep Each 32 89.00 2,848.00
b) 1.22.2 100 mm x 100 mm x 60 mm deep Each 12 108.00 1,296.00



6.1) Supplying & laying of following 1100 volt grade XLPE insulated PVC sheathed
aluminium conductor armoured cables as per specification in existing trenches,
cable trays, ducts over bed of sand, clamped includes anchor fastners wall with
suitable clamps, saddles fixing bolts including connecting testing and
a) M.R 3.5 core 240 sq. mm RM 25 1665 41,625.00
b) M.R 3.5 core 150 sq. mm RM 75 1080 81,000.00
c) M.R 3.5 core 120 sq. mm RM 155 911 141,205.00
d) M.R 3.5 core 95 sq. mm RM 40 721 28,840.00
e) M.R 3.5 core 70 sq. mm RM 80 587 46,960.00
f) M.R 4 core 25 sq. mm RM 110 292 32,120.00
g) M.R 4 core 16 sq.mm RM 150 219 32,850.00
h) M.R 4 core 10 sq.mm RM 60 198 11,880.00
i) M.R 4 core 6 sq.mm RM 40 170 6,800.00
j) M.R 2 core 10 sq. mm RM 65 152 9,880.00
k) M.R 3 core 10 sq. mm RM 115 175 20,125.00

6.2) Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and
aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.
a) 9.1.29 3½ X 240 sq. mm (62mm) Nos. 6 969 5,814.00
b) 9.1.26 3½ X 150 sq. mm (50mm) Nos. 11 576 6,336.00
c) 9.1.25 3½ X 120 sq. mm (45mm) Nos. 6 484 2,904.00
d) 9.1.24 3½ X 95 sq. mm (45mm) Nos. 18 466 8,388.00
e) 9.1.23 3½ X 70 sq. mm (38mm) Nos. 15 382 5,730.00
f) 9.1.34 4 X 25 sq. mm (28mm) Nos. 14 248 3,472.00
g) 9.1.33 4 X 16 sq. mm (28mm) Nos. 20 245 4,900.00
h) 9.1.32 4 X 10 sq. mm (25mm) Nos. 25 193 4,825.00
i) 9.1.2 2 X 10 sq. mm (19mm) Nos. 23 148 3,404.00
j) 9.1.7 3 X 10 sq. mm (22mm) Nos. 23 161 3,703.00
k) M.R 4 X 6 sq. mm (25mm) Nos. 28 180 5,040.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

6.3) 3.6 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of following capacity overhead
distribution bus trunking with aluminium bus bars in 1.6mm thick sheet steel
enclosure in convenient sections with provision of tapping points for use on, 3
phase, 4 wire, 415 volts, 50 Hz, A.C. supply including jointing of sections, bends,
earthing with 2 runs of galvanised iron strips, all installation accessories etc. as
a) 3.6.1 200 amps RM 125 4924 615,500.00
b) 3.6.2 400 amps RM 100 6301 630,100.00

6.4) 3.7 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of following capacity TPN tap off
box / plug-in box made of 1.6mm thick sheet steel enclosure duly painted with
powder coating on existing overhead bus bar system complete with TPN
disconnector FSU and HRC fuses, connections, earthing etc.as required.

a) 3.7.1 32 amps Each 15 5350 80,250.00

b) 3.7.2 63 amps Each 8 6011 48,088.00
c) 3.7.3 100 amps Each 5 6919 34,595.00

6.5) 3.2 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of following capacity TPN tap off
box made of 1.6mm thick sheet steel enclosure duly painted with powder coating
on existing rising mains complete with TPN disconnector FSU and HRC fuses,
connections, earthing etc. as required
a) 3.2.1 16 A, TPN Each 30 5910 177,300.00
b) 3.2.2 32 A, TPN Each 25 6228 155,700.00
c) 3.2.3 63 A, TPN Each 15 6995 104,925.00
d) 3.2.4 100 A, TPN Each 20 8054 161,080.00
e) 3.2.5 200 A, TPN Each 20 12643 252,860.00
f) 3.2.6 315 A, TPN Each 15 13384 200,760.00
g) 3.2.7 400 A, TPN Each 10 13914 139,140.00

6.6) 3.9 Supplying, installing on wall, testing and commissioning of following capacity Air
Insulated Compact Type Bus Trunking for use on 3 phase 4 wire 415 volts, 50Hz
A.C. supply with metal clad enclosure made of 1.6mm thick steel sheet duly
powder coated in convenient sections complete with 4 Nos aluminium bus bars,
necessary joints, elbow joints & expansion joints, fire barrier at each floor,
provision of tapping at every metre, continuous earthing with 2 Nos aluminium
strip of suitable size (one on each side) including, G.I. clamping brackets, angle
iron bracket, steel fasteners, connecting to earthing system etc. as required

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
a) 3.9.1 200 amps 15KA SC for 1 sec RM 115 5870 675,050.00
b) 3.9.2 315 amps 25KA SC for 1 sec RM 85 6645 564,825.00
c) 3.9.3 400 amps 30KA SC for 1 sec RM 75 7035 527,625.00
d) 3.9.4 500 amps 35KA SC for 1 sec RM 20 8080 161,600.00

6.7) 3.10 Supplying, installing suspension on ceiling, testing and commissioning of

following capacity Air Insulated Compact Type Bus Trunking for use on 3 phase 4
wire 415 volts, 50Hz A.C. supply with metal clad enclosure made of 1.6mm thick
steel sheet duly powder coated in convenient sections complete with 4 Nos
aluminium bus bars, necessary joints, elbow joints & expansion joints, fire barrier
at each floor, provision of tapping at every metre, continuous earthing with 2 Nos
aluminium strip of suitable size (one on each side) including, G.I. clamping
brackets, suspenders, angle iron bracket, steel fasteners, connecting to earthing
system etc. as required
a) 3.10.1 200 amps 15KA SC for 1 sec RM 15 5904 88,560.00
b) 3.10.2 315 amps 25KA SC for 1 sec RM 85 6679 567,715.00
c) 3.10.3 400 amps 30KA SC for 1 sec RM 65 7069 459,485.00
d) 3.10.4 500 amps 35KA SC for 1 sec RM 75 8121 609,075.00

6.8) 3.11 Supplying, installation, testing & commisioning of following capacity End Feed
Unit for the existing Air Insulated Compact Type bus trunking/ rising mains for
use on 3 phase 4 wire 415 V, 50Hz A.C. supply made with 1.6mm thick steel
sheet enclosure (IP54) duly powder coated with provision of MCCB/ACB (but
without MCCB/ACB) complete with necessary joints including clamping brackets,
angle iron bracket, steel fasteners, connecting to earthing system etc. as required

a) 3.11.1 200 amps 15KA SC for 1 sec Each 15 3994 59,910.00

b) 3.11.2 315 amps 25KA SC for 1 sec Each 10 4159 41,590.00
c) 3.11.3 400 amps 30KA SC for 1 sec Each 12 5295 63,540.00
d) 3.11.4 500 amps 35KA SC for 1 sec Each 10 5542 55,420.00

6.9) 3.12 Supplying, installation, testing & commisioning of following capacity Plug In/ tap
off box on the existing Air Insulated Compact Type bus trunking/ rising mains for
use on 3 phase 4 wire 415 V, 50Hz A.C. supply made with 1.6mm thick sheet
steel enclosure (IP54) duly powder coated with provision of MCCB (but without
MCCB) complete etc. as required
a) 3.12.1 125 A, Isc = 15 kA for 1 second Each 20 4611 92,220.00
b) 3.12.2 200 A, Isc = 25 kA for 1 second Each 20 5846 116,920.00
c) 3.12.3 315 A, Isc = 30 kA for 1 second Each 15 7518 112,770.00
d) 3.12.4 400 A, Isc = 35 kA for 1 second Each 10 7518 75,180.00
e) 3.12.5 500 A, Isc = 50 kA for 1 second Each 8 10844 86,752.00
f) 3.12.6 630 A, Isc = 50 kA for 1 second Each 7 10844 75,908.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

SUB-HEAD-VI TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY 7,083,919.00 458,325.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Supply & ITC of the following lighting fixtures with all fixing accessories etc. as

7.1) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of T5-24 Watt surface mounted LED
type Light fixture all accessories as required Equivalent to Wipro Make cat No- Each 136 2465 335,240.00

7.2) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 13 Watt Surface mounted IP 65

LED type Light fixture all accessories as required Equivalent to Wipro Make cat Each 119 2224 264,656.00
No- LW01-101-XXX-60-XX

7.3) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 13 Watt mirror optic 1x1 LED
Light fixture all accessories as required Equivalent to Wipro Make cat No- Each 21 3094 64,974.00

7.4) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 13W LED 2 feet tube light/mirror
Light fixture all accessories as required Equivalent to Havells Make cat No- Each 10 1685 16,850.00

7.5) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 42W LED Light fixture all
accessories as required. Model: - Bajaj Cat No. BIWIDP 169600 OR Equivalent. Each 51 6455 329,205.00

7.6) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of Wall Mountain Industrial Type Fan
Each 15 7500 112,500.00
all accessories as required. Model: - Bajaj / Usha OR Equivalent.

7.7) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 80W White LED Street Light
fixture all accessories as required. Model: - Bajaj Cat No. BSLST 169090 OR Each 4 61571 246,284.00

7.8) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 15W RECESS MOUNTING LED
Each 36 3565 128,340.00
LIGHT fixture all accessories as required Equivalent to Havells Make

7.9) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of BULKHEAD LIGHT fixture all
Each 8 2650 21,200.00
accessories as required Equivalent to Havells Make

7.10) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of Wall Fan all accessories as required
Each 66 3350 221,100.00
Equivalent to Havells Make.

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
7.11) NS Fabrication, Supply & erection of following size range mounted hot dip galvanized
cotagone pole made from HT steel plate, complete with window with flash cover
at appropriate height from the base plate on existng cement concrete pedestal as
required, i/c supplying and fixing of 6 mm thick laminated mounted sheet inside
the window mounted on and i/c providing and welding 3 nos. GI strips 4 mm thick
of suitable lenght and having suitable size tapped holes as reqd, 63 amp terminal
block suitable for 25 sq mm conductor - 4 Nos. & shorting links on DIN channel
i/c pdg and fixing DIN channel of suitable lenght, 6 amp. SPMCB 'C'
characteristics, earth stud, cable supporth clamp suitable for 4x25 sqmm cable,
along with foundation bolts (EN 8 grade) of following size with nuts, washer
including 2 mm thick template & 4 mm thick anchor plate of following sizes with
holes, to match with PCD of Pole base Plate and along with foundation M-25
7.12) Supply of standard 6.0 metre high (above ground) hot dip galvanized (grading of
galvenisation average 70 micron or better as per IS2629 or equivalent) octagonal
pole, as per IS 875 Part-3, with stiffeners, chain, allen bolt, single arm bracket one
metre long, foundation bolt, anchor plate, template, nut and washers galvanized,
factory finish base plate of size 250 x 250 x 12 mm etc complete as required. The
pole shall be made of 3 mm thickness sheet with tolerance of +/- 5%. The column Nos. 13 22112 287,456.00
shall also be provided with flush door at the bottom with proper strengthening to
the cutout of the door opening, a junction/ looping box with Heavy duty 3 phase,
32 Amp connector with 16A DP MCB including all accessories complete as
required. (make & model will be selected by the client).

7.13) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 1200 mm Celling Fan all
Each 115 3150 362,250.00
accessories as required Equivalent to Havells Make.

7.14) NS Supply ,fixing , testing and commissioning of 450 mm dia exhaust fan of PVC
Each 11 3550 39,050.00
body with louvers. all accessories as required Equivalent to Havells Make.


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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)


Supply and fixing of following bare copper tapes including all necessary fixing
accessories and effecting connections as per specifications.
8.1) 6.13 Providing and laying copper tape 32 mm X 6 mm from earth electrode directly in
RM 210 1122 235,620.00
ground as required.

8.2) 5.4 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
Nos. 12 4490 53,880.00
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt
as required.

8.3) Supply and fixing of following enhanced air terminals as per specifications.
a) M.R ESE terminal 1 stainless steel for hostile environment application suitable for
Nos. 6 140620 843,720.00
coverage of 79 M radius (Protection level - 1) as per specification.
b) M.R Insulated 2 M FRP Mast black. Nos. 6 24430 146,580.00
c) M.R Inline coupling as per specification. Nos. 6 4767 28,602.00
d) M.R Mast, AL, 2 M mast base, welded together. Nos. 6 5005 30,030.00
e) M.R Guykit with W.R. grips. Nos. 5 3575 17,875.00

8.4) Supply and fixing of following down conductor with fixing accessories:
a) M.R High voltage shielded cable (7 layer, 37 mm dia) RM 180 4052 729,360.00
b) M.R Upper termination kit. Nos. 6 24430 146,580.00
c) M.R Lower termination kit. Nos. 6 3396 20,376.00
d) M.R Supply of conductive saddles. Nos. 120 100 12,000.00
e) M.R Fixing for conductive saddles. Nos. 100 100 10,000.00
f) M.R Satinless steel cable ties. Nos. 6 100 600.00

8.5) Supply and installation of following earthing compounds, tapes, rods & clamp as
per specification.
a) M.R Earth Gel 10 Kg Kit. Nos. 12 14956 179,472.00
b) M.R Copper earth tape of 25 x 3 mm RM 90 483 43,470.00
c) M.R Earth rod clamp. Nos. 12 149 1,788.00
d) M.R Copper bonded ground rod 10ft x 5/8 inch dia Nos. 12 24430 293,160.00

8.6) 14.13 Providing, laying and fixing following dia G.I. pipe (medium class) in ground
complete with G.I. fittings including trenching (75 cm deep) and re-filling etc as
a) 14.13.2 80 mm dia RM 90 697 62,730.00

8.7) M.R Providing and fixing of lightning event counter (without battery) as per
Nos. 12 25026 300,312.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

Page 14 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
9.1) M.R Main Distribution Panel-
a) Supplying, assembling, erecting, connecting, testing and commissioning
of dust, damp and vermin proof free floor standing factory built sheet
steel enclosed non-draw out modular type Panel fabricated out of 2.0
mm thick CRCA sheet hinged doors of 1.6mm thick CRCA sheet, duly
painted complete with earth bus, aluminium bus bar, numbering & sign
writing, interconnection & including the cost of connection through bus
bar / copper conductor flexible connection with necessary interlocking
with existing panel as shown in drawing as per specification and
mounted with the followings.

300 Amp TPN, 25 kA, MCCB - 1No. (Ics=Icu) Microprocessor Based.

1 No. Digital Voltmeter of range 0-500V, selector switch and 2 Amps SP

MCB back up .
b) 1 No. Digital Ammeter of range 0-300A with selector switch and 3 Nos.
of associated CT's of ratio 300/5 A of accuracy CL-I, 15VA burden.

3 Nos. Phase indication LED lamps with 2 Amps back up MCB, breaker
'ON/OFF' indicating light with 2A MCB
Bus Bar
d) 400Amp.25 kA, TPN Al. Bus Bar

2 Nos.100A FP MCCB
1 Nos.125A TPN MCCB
8 Nos.63A FP MCB
2 Nos.40A FP MCB
e) 3 Nos.32A DP MCB
Main Distribution Panel as described above Set 1 350000 350,000.00


Page 15 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following M.V. cubicle
type totally enclosed, free standing type, dust, damp and vermin proof,
Distribution Board/Panel complete with busbars, M.V. danger notice
plate, interconnections with suitable capacity aluminium leads/ solid
aluminium strips/rods, connection of incoming and outgoing cables with
thimbles, powder coat painted and having following incoming and
outgoing switchgears complete as required.

1 No. of 100 Amp 4P MCCB of 25 kA Breaking capacity with On
Indicating Lamp with 2A SP MCB back-up.
Coloured (Red, Yellow, Blue) phase indicating lamp - 1 set
(0 - 100 A) CT operated Ammeter with selector switch & 3 nos. CTs
ratio 100/5A ,15VA burden & accuracy class of 1.0 - 1 set
0-500 V Voltmeter with selector switch - 1 set

150 Amp TPN Aluminium busbars

4 Nos. 63 Amp 4P MCB, with phase indicating lamps.
20A DP MCB - 3 No.
LIFT Panel describe as above Set 1 135600 135,600.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 125 Amps TPN MCCB with125 A changeover switch with following
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 125/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
100 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing
32 Amps TP MCB - 2 No.
25 Amps TP MCB - 6 No.
20 Amps TP MCB - 2 No.
20 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
d) Spare

Page 16 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
3 Amps 4P MCB - 3 No.

Page 17 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
i. All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
ii All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
WATER SUPPLY PANEL described as above Set. 1 155000 155,000.00



Fabrication, Supply & erection of following size range mounted hot dip galvanized
cotagone pole made from HT steel plate, complete with window with flash cover
at appropriate height from the base plate on existng cement concrete pedestal as
required, i/c supplying and fixing of 6 mm thick laminated mounted sheet inside
the window mounted on and i/c providing and welding 3 nos. GI strips 4 mm thick
of suitable lenght and having suitable size tapped holes as reqd, 63 amp terminal
block suitable for 25 sq mm conductor - 4 Nos. & shorting links on DIN channel
i/c pdg and fixing DIN channel of suitable lenght, 6 amp. SPMCB 'C'
characteristics, earth stud, cable supporth clamp suitable for 4x25 sqmm cable,
along with foundation bolts (EN 8 grade) of following size with nuts, washer
including 2 mm thick template & 4 mm thick anchor plate of following sizes with
holes, to match with PCD of Pole base Plate and along with foundation M-25
a) (NON-SOR)
9.0 mtr height, 4 mm thick, bottom dia of 150mm & top dia of 75mm base plate of Nos. 231 7,500.00 1,732,500.00
size 240 x 240 x 16 mm thick i/o foundation bolt 4 nos. 18mm dia x 700 mm long.

10.2) (NON-SOR) Supply, installation, testing and commissionin of 60W LED Street light having
IP65 protection & integral electronic driver. (Make:- Bajaj, Type/Model No:- Nos. 120 10,500.00 1,260,000.00

10.3) (NON-SOR) Supply, installation, testing and commissionin of 21W LED Soler Street light
having IP65 protection & integral electronic driver. (Make:- Bajaj, Model No:- Nos. 120 91,000.00 10,920,000.00
21W LED solar streetlight system (3 day Backup)

10.4) (NON-SOR) Supply, installation, testing and commissionin of 40W LED Top Post (Gate Light)
made in cast aluminium spigot housing with decorative opal acrylic diffuser and Nos.
4 9,900.00 39,600.00
IP65 protection. (Make:- Bajaj, Type/Model No:- BGCL 40W LED)

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
10.5) (NON-SOR) Supply, installation, testing and commissionin of High galvanized mast light
suitable for 6 to 9 lantern symmetrically fitted along with their control gear and
having two point suspension system with stainless steel wire rope of 6 mm dia
97/19 guage and double drum winch with luminaire mounting arm, pully
assembly, aviation obstruction light, lightning arrester spike including RCC
foundation as per height.
a) (NON-SOR) 20 Mtr. High Mast Flood LIght FIxture Set Nos. 4 365,000.00 1,460,000.00
b) (NON-SOR) 25 Mtr. High Mast Flood LIght FIxture Set Nos. 4 460,000.00 1,840,000.00
c) (NON-SOR) 30 Mtr. High Mast Flood LIght FIxture Set Nos. 4

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

10.6) Supply, laying, testing and commissioning of following size PVC insulated
Aluminium Conductor 1100 V grade armored cable including excavation sand
filling providing brick protection, back filling of earth, watering, ramming and
consolidating of earth, complete:
a) (NON-SOR) 4C x 6 sq.mm Al. Cable RM 2400 189.00 453,600.00
b) (NON-SOR) 4C x 10 sq.mm Al. Cable RM 1200 239.00 286,800.00

10.7) 9.1 Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and
aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.
a) (NON-SOR) 4C X 6 sq. mm (19mm) Nos. 80 152.00 12,160.00
b) 9.1.32 4C X 10 sq. mm (25mm) Nos. 40 193.00 7,720.00

10.8) Supply, installation, testing and commissionin of following polycarbonate weather

proof (IP-55) junction boxes including terminal/ connector block complete as
a) (NON-SOR) Two way Nos. 100 945.00 94,500.00

10.9) 14.14 Providing, laying and fixing following dia RCC pipe NP2 class (light duty) in
ground complete with RCC collars, jointing with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2
fine sand) including trenching (75 cm deep) and refilling etc as required.
a) 14.14.2 150 mm dia RM 1500 384.00 576,000.00

SUB-HEAD - X TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY 583,720.00 18099160.00


11.1) Supplying & laying of following 1100 volt grade XLPE insulated PVC sheathed
aluminium conductor armoured cables as per specification in existing trenches,
cable trays, ducts over bed of sand, clamped includes anchor fastners wall with
suitable clamps, saddles fixing bolts including connecting testing and

a) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 630 sq. mm RM 650 5,473.00 3,557,450.00

b) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 500 sq. mm RM 350 4,213.00 1,474,550.00
c) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 400 sq. mm RM 250 3,243.00 810,750.00
d) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 300 sq. mm RM 850 2,550.00 2,167,500.00
e) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 240 sq. mm RM 1550 2,080.00 3,224,000.00
f) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 185 sq. mm RM 1450 1,650.00 2,392,500.00
g) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 150 sq. mm RM 650 1,326.00 861,900.00
h) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 120 sq. mm RM 600 1,118.00 670,800.00
i) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 95 sq. mm RM 850 895.00 760,750.00

Page 20 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
j) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 70 sq. mm RM 1640 720.00 1,180,800.00
k) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 50 sq. mm RM 1100 531.00 584,100.00
l) (NON-SOR) 3.5 core 35 sq. mm RM 450 412.00 185,400.00
m) (NON-SOR) 4 core 25 sq. mm RM 5860 450.00 2,637,000.00
n) (NON-SOR) 4 core 16 sq.mm RM 950 271.00 257,450.00
o) (NON-SOR) 4 core 10 sq.mm RM 455 239.00 108,745.00
p) (NON-SOR) 4 core 6 sq.mm RM 450 189.00 85,050.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
11.2) Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and
aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.

a) (NON-SOR) 3.5 X 630 sq. mm Nos. 35 1,750.00 61,250.00

b) (NON-SOR) 3.5 X 500 sq. mm Nos. 25 1,550.00 38,750.00
c) 9.1.31 3½ X 400 sq. mm (82mm) Nos. 20 1,369.00 27,380.00
d) 9.1.30 3½ X 300 sq. mm (70mm) Nos. 70 1,086.00 76,020.00
e) 9.1.29 3½ X 240 sq. mm (62mm) Nos. 20 969.00 19,380.00
f) 9.1.27 3½ X 185 sq. mm (57mm) Nos. 35 784.00 27,440.00
g) 9.1.26 3½ X 150 sq. mm (50mm) Nos. 29 576.00 16,704.00
h) 9.1.25 3½ X 120 sq. mm (45mm) Nos. 35 484.00 16,940.00
i) 9.1.24 3½ X 95 sq. mm (45mm) Nos. 115 466.00 53,590.00
j) 9.1.23 3½ X 70 sq. mm (38mm) Nos. 280 382.00 106,960.00
k) 9.1.22 3½ X 50 sq. mm (35mm) Nos. 80 342.00 27,360.00
l) 9.1.21 3½ X 35 sq. mm (32mm) Nos. 165 270.00 44,550.00
m) 9.1.20 4 X 25 sq. mm (28mm) Nos. 325 350.00 113,750.00
n) 9.1.33 4 X 16 sq. mm (28mm) Nos. 280 245.00 68,600.00
o) 9.1.32 4 X 10 sq. mm (25mm) Nos. 50 180.00 9,000.00
p) 9.1.32 4 X 6 sq. mm (25mm) Nos. 40 180.00 7,200.00

SUB-HEAD-XI TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY 614,874.00 21,058,745.00


12.1) Supplying and laying following size 11 KV grade XLPE aluminium conductor
armoured cables laid in ground including excavation of earth, 1000 mm deep and
all around the cable, brick protection refilling, watering and ramming or providing
to earth etc. complete.
a) (NON-SOR) 3 C x 185 sq.mm 11 KV XLPE (E) cable RM 125 1,156.00 144,500.00
b) (NON-SOR) 3 C x 240 sq.mm 11 KV XLPE (E) cable RM 100 1,565.00 156,500.00

12.2) Supplying and making cable end terminations for the following size of 11 KV
grade, XLPE (E) aluminium conductor armoured cable including termination kit
complete heat shrinkable sleeve etc.
a) (NON-SOR) 3 C x 185 sq.mm Nos. 10 12,487.00 124,870.00
b) (NON-SOR) 3 C x 240 sq.mm Nos. 8 14,500.00 116,000.00

12.3) 14.13 Providing, laying and fixing following dia G.I. pipe (medium class) in ground
complete with G.I. fittings including trenching (75 cm deep)and re-filling etc as
required. GI sleeves of following sizes:
a) 14.13.4 150 mm dia RM 35 1,514.00 52,990.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
12.4) Supplying and laying of following 1100 volts grade PVC insulated sheathed
copper conductor armoured control cables in existing trenches cables trays,
clamped on wall with suitable saddles, fixing bolts, including testing and
a) (NON-SOR) 7 Core 2.5 sq mm PVC insulated copper conductor armoured control cables RM 75 427.00 32,025.00

12.5) Cable end termination of the following PVC insulated sheathed aluminium
conductor armoured cables of 1100 volt grade including supplying and fixing of
crimping lugs. Double compression glands, cable sockets etc as required.

a) (NON-SOR) 7 Core 2.5 sq.mm Control cable Nos. 65 225.00 14,625.00

12.6) 14.14 Providing, laying and fixing following dia RCC pipe NP2 class (light duty) in
ground complete with RCC collars, jointing with cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2
fine sand) including trenching (75 cm deep) and refilling etc as required.
a) 14.14.3 250 mm dia RM 255 455.00 116,025.00



13.1) 5.4 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking Nos.
20 4,490.00 89,800.00
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt
as required.

13.2) 5.6 Earthing with copper earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 3 mm thick including
accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
Nos. 15 9,292.00 139,380.00
arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt
as required.

13.3) 5.14 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip on surface or in recess for
RM 1050 856.00 898,800.00
connections etc. as required.

13.4) 5.20 Providing and fixing earth bus of 50 mm X 5 mm copper strip on surface for
RM 220 1,599.00 351,780.00
connections etc. as required.

13.5) 5.15 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm G.I. strip on surface or in recess for
RM 3250 142.00 461,500.00
connections etc. as required.

13.6) 5.18 Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing
along with existing surface/ recessed conduit/submain wiring/ cable as required. RM 850 22.00 18,700.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

13.7) 6.6 Providing and fixing copper tape 20 mm X 3 mm thick on parapet or surface of
RM 450 406.00 182,700.00
wall for lightning conductor complete as required.

13.8) 6.13 Providing and laying copper tape 32 mm X 6 mm from earth electrode directly in
RM 250 1,122.00 280,500.00
ground as required.

13.9) 14.13 Providing, laying and fixing following dia G.I. pipe (medium class) in ground
complete with G.I. fittings including trenching (75 cm deep)and re-filling etc as
a) 14.13.1 50 mm dia RM 225 450.00 101,250.00
b) 14.13.3 100 mm dia RM 150 983.00 147,450.00
c) 14.13.4 150 mm dia RM 80 1,514.00 121,120.00



14.1) Main HT Switch Board.
11 KV, 50 Hz 3 phase, 630 Amps indoor drawout type switchboard with 50 kA
VCB circuit breaker as per specifications and with following:
Incomer One number and as outgoing
MS sheet enclosed cubicle type panel with main bus rated for 630 A and droppers
rated for 630 A
630 Amps electrically operated trip free type vacuum circuit breaker at 50 deg.C
Breaker control switch.
Set of ON/OFF indicating lamps.
Clear lamp for trip circuit health supply.
Digital electronic ammeter with selector switch.
Digital electronic Voltmeter with selector switch.
Digital electronic Trivector meter
Aux. relays for Anti Pumping & indication.
Trip circuit supervision relay.
Restricted Earth Fault ( CAG - 14 ) relay with CT's.
Master Trip circuit relay.
3 over current & Earth Fault IDMT relay with instantaneous high set element
range 500 – 200%
3 Nos. Cast resin CTs of dual ratio 40– 80 / 5 Amps CL:1, 5P10, 15 VA.
3 Nos. Cast resin drawout type PTs 11 kV / √3 / 110 √3, class 1, 100 VA.
Suitable space for termination of 1 No. 11 kV, 3 C x 185 sq.mm XLPE cable as
(NON-SOR) 11 KV Switch Board described as above Set 2 1,460,084.00 2,920,168.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
14.2) (NON-SOR) Supplying/Receiving, Installation/Erection, Testing and Commissioning of 1010
KVA, copper wound 11/0.433 KV, 50 C/S, Delta star connected, Dyn11 vector
group DRY TYPE, VPI resin cast Indoor transformer with Off circuit tap changer
for Voltage regulation from -10% to plus 5% in steps of 2.5% on HV side and
including sensor for Winding temperature alarm and trip contacts with wiring upto Nos. 4 1,150,000.00 4,600,000.00
marshalling box, and all standard accessories as required & as per specification,
complete with Cable End box suitable for 3C x 185 sq.mm. 11 KV(E) XLPE
insulated Al. Ar. Cable at HT side and 2 x 3.5x240 sq mm x LPE 1.1 KV Al. Ar.
Cables for LT side, including S/F of M.S. channel of size 100 x 50 x 6mm for
foundation support for transformer.
14.3) (NON-SOR) Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 180 AH capacity 24 volts DC
hermetically sealed maintenance free lead acid batteries duly charged including
battery charger unit with provisions of Boost Charing, and Float charging. Suitable Set 4 72,294.00 289,176.00
for 240 V, including DC DB single phase + 10% AC, 50 Hz supply as per
specifications .

14.4) (NON-SOR) Supply and fixing in position the approved “Shock Treatment Charts” written in
English and Local Language. These charts shall be framed in teak wood frame and Nos. 8 1,013.00 8,104.00
covered with glass.

14.5) (NON-SOR) Supply and fixing in position the fire extinguishers Fladding Type carbon-di-oxide
Set 4 26,813.00 107,252.00
(CO2) type 4.5 Kgs capacity.

14.6) (NON-SOR) Supply and fixing of in position the fire extinguishers dry chemical powder (ABC)
Nos. 4 3,039.00 12,156.00
5 kg capacity.

14.7) (NON-SOR) Supply and fixing of in-position the fire extinguishers dry chemical powder (ABC)
Nos. 4 1,490.00 5,960.00
2 kg capacity.

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
14.8) 2.22 Providing and fixing H.T. danger notice plate of 250 mm X 200 mm, made of mild
steel, at least 2 mm thick, and vitreous enameled white on both sides, and with Nos. 8 155.00 1,240.00
inscription in single red colour on front side as required.

14.9) (NON-SOR) Supply and fixing in position 1000 mm wide rubber matting of 11 kV grade as per
RM 16 477.00 7,632.00
electricity rules. Thickness of rubber mat shall be not less than 12 mm.

14.10) (NON-SOR) Supply of fire buckets 5 nos. in each set duly filled with fine sand and fixed on an
angle iron frame as per requirement of local authorities. Fire buckets shall be
Sets 4 2,979.00 11,916.00
painted red from outside and white from inside with additional handle at the

14.11) (NON-SOR) Supply and fixing position the approved single line diagram framed in 1000 x 800
Nos. 4 1,013.00 4,052.00
mm size glass frame and installed in main switch room.

14.12) (NON-SOR) Supply of First Aid box of approved make Nos. 4 894.00 3,576.00

14.13) (NON-SOR) Supply of tool kit with 1 pair 11 kV rubber hand gloves of approved make. Set 2 477.00 954.00



15.1) Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following KVA

capacity high performance IGBT/ PWM based fully microprocessor
controlled online UPS system suitable for input and output parameters
as per specifications. The UPS shall have inbuilt zig zag K rated isolation
transformer at inverter output. The UPS shall be provided in powder
coated fan cooled enclosure painted in colour as per specifications. The
UPS shall be suitable for normal, emergency, recharge, by-pass and
maintenance mode. The system be expandable in such a manner that
addition of another module of similar capacity can double the system
output with common by-pass. The UPS shall have a microprocessor
based display and control panel. UPS shall have own batteries with 30
minute battery back-up. Complete system must be provided as per
specifications approved drawing and as per site requirement including
inter connecting cables from battery to UPS, UPS to panel etc.&
supports for complete system as approved by the Engineer in charge.

30 KVA UPS described as above (three phase Input & three phase
Each 1 345000 345,000.00

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

15.2) (NON-SOR) Dismental, fixing & installing, Testing & commissioning of 1010 KVA & 750
KVA (Prime rated) diesel generating set in acoustic enclosure, heat exchanger
type alongwith day oil fuel tank including first fill of diesel with fuel piping to
and from DG set including AMF Panel, vibration mounts, base frame, hardware
Batteries, Engine control panel with accessories first fill of lube oil residential Sets 1 265,000.00 265,000.00
silencer with installation, flexible connection bellow / expansion joints etc..
complete and with all associated equipment / work , cable / Bus bar terminal
boxes and suitable mounting arrangement for mounting of differntial CT,s
protection as per specifications.
15.3) Exhaust Piping
Dismental, fixing & installing MS exhaust pipe 6 mm thk and all fixing
accessories and hardwares. Insulation wrapped in chicken mesh and clad with 26
gauge aluminium sheet including all MS epoxy painted support structural as
a) (NON-SOR) 200 mm dia. RM 60 1,850.00 111,000.00


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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Design, fabrication, assembling, wiring, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of Automatic control panels with mixed die electric type
capacitors, fabricated out of 14 gauge CRCA sheet steel in cubicle
compartmentised, 3b modular construction, free standing, floor mounted, dust and
vermin proof with reinforcement of suitable size, angle iron, channel, `T’ sections
and/ or flats wherever necessary. Cable gland plates shall be provided on top the
panels. Panels shall be treated with all anticorrosive process before powder
coating as per specifications and final approved shade. 2 No. earthing terminals
shall be provided for all distribution panels. Panels shall be suitable for 415V, 3
phase, 4 wire, 50 HZ supply system. Lifting hooks shall also be provided in case
of large panels. Approval shall be taken for each panel in the form of shop
drawings before fabrication. Galvanized hardwares with zinc passivation shall be
used in fabrication of panels.
a) Incoming
1600 amps TPN manually operated fully drawout type air circuit breaker as per
specification and with following accessories:
96 x 96 mm sq. 0-500 Volt digital voltmeter with selector switch
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB’s -3 Set
Power factor compensating relay (including power factor meter) in 10 steps for
automatic cut off or add on capacitor units to keep the power factor at 0.98 with
variation of loads. All associated auxiliary contactors/ relays/ timer/ auto manual
selector switches to be provided - 1 Set.
b) Bus Bars :
2000 amps TPN Aluminium bus bars with coloured heat Shrinkable insulated
sleeves. - 1 set
c) Outgoings - I :
40 amps TPN MCB - 3 Set
Outgoing feeders consisting of following accessories.
80 amps or capacitor duty 525 volts 50 Hz contactors - 3 Sets
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps - 3 Sets
12.5 kVAr, 525 volts capacitor unit with detune filters as specified - 8 Sets.
d) Outgoings - II :
63 amps TPN MCB - 3 Set
Outgoing feeders consisting of following accessories.
80 amps or capacitor duty 525 volts 50Hz contactors - 3 Sets
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps - 3 Sets
25 kVAr, 525 volts capacitor unit with detune filters as specified - 8 Sets.
e) Outgoings - III :
Outgoing feeders consisting of following accessories.
160 amps TPN MCCB - 3 Set

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
160 amps or capacitor duty 525 volts 50Hz contactors - 3 Sets
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps - 3 Sets
50 kVAr, 525 volts capacitor unit with detune filters as specified - 5 Sets

d) Outgoings - III :
Outgoing feeders consisting of following accessories.
200 amps TPN MCCB - 3 Set
160 amps or capacitor duty 525 volts 50Hz contactors - 3 Sets
“ON” /”OFF” push buttons and indicating lamps - 3 Sets
100 kVAr, 525 volts capacitor unit with detune filters as specified - 2 Sets

All MCCB’s shall be of 35 kA breaking capacity.
i. Fast response time of ‘ON’ capacitors 40-60 miliseconds.
ii. Necessary control and firing card with proper wiring and lugs of the required
rating to be provided.
iii. Heavy duty exhaust fans to be provided for cooling Thyristors
iv. LED indication for number of capacitor banks ‘ON’.
v. LED indication of Power Factor lagging or leading.
vi. The APFC system shall be provided with following :
Protections :
a. Over voltage.
b. Voltage imbalance.
c. Over temperature-system should be in standby mode
& automatically restart after above condition restored.
d. Earth leakage.
e. 7% value reactors with iron core.
(NON-SOR) Capacitor automatic control panel (500 kVA) as described above. Set 2 750,000.00 1,500,000.00



Page 29 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Design, fabrication, assembling, wiring, testing, supply, forwarding to site,
unloading, shifting to location, inspection, installation, testing and commissioning
of DG & Transformer Changeover Panel cum Main LT Panel, Main distribution
panels/ sub-distribution panels and capacitor panel, fabricated out of 14 gauge
CRCA sheet steel in cubicle formation, compartmentalized, from 3b
consutruction, free standing floor mounted, dust and vermin proof with
reinforcement of suitable size angle iron, channel, `T’ sections and/ or flats
wherever necessary. 16 gauge CRCA sheet steel shall be used for final
distribution panels. 3 mm thick cable gland plates shall be provided on top as well
as at the bottom of the panels. Panels shall be treated with all anticorrosive
process before powder coating as per specifications and final approved shade. 2
No. earthing terminals shall be provided for all distrtibution panels. Panels shall
be suitable for 415V, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 HZ supply system. Lifting hooks shall
also be provided in case of large panels. Approval shall be taken for each panel in
the form of shop drawings before fabrication.
Galvanised hardwares with zinc passivation shall be used in fabrication of panels.


a) DG Incoming Air Circuit Breaker from 1250 kVA DG set - 1 & 2
1600 amps 4 pole electrically operated manually draw out type air circuit breaker
with microprocessor release unit , for short circuit, over current and earth fault
protection with adjustable setting as per specification and with following
accessories :
i. Digital energy meter with Maximum demand indicator (conzerve – EM 6400 or
equivalent) of accuracy class-I, with 3 Nos. 180/5 amps 15VA CTs.
ii. Phase sequence relay shall be protected by 2 Amps TP MCB - 1 Set
iii. Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps MCB’s. - 3 Sets
iv. Battery charger with voltmeter of range 0-50 volts and ammeter of range 0-50
amps for trickle and boost charging.
v. Breaker ON / OFF / TRIP indicating lights with control MCB’s. - 1 Set
vi 24 V DC Shunt trip coil. - 1 Set
vii 240 V under voltage release. - 1 Set
viii. Breaker control switch - 1 Set
ix Excitor field DC voltmeter and ammeter.
x. Emergency stop push button.
xi. Selector switch for Auto / Manual / Test
xii. Selector switch for engine control OFF/ON.
xiii. Five push buttons – start, stop, reset, test and accept.
xiv. Three indicating lamps “load on set’, ‘Load on Mains’ and “ Set fail to start’.

xv. 12 Window alarm annunciators panel with hooter, push buttons, aux. Contactors
etc as required as per specification.

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
xvi. Suitable rating battery charger as per specifications
xvii. Temperature scanner (Messi Bus/Procon)
xviii. Auxiliary contacts required for necessary interlocking of breakers.

b) Incoming Air Circuit Breaker from 1010 kVA Transformer-1 & 2

1600 amps 4 pole electrically operated manually draw out type air circuit breaker
with microprocessor release unit, for short circuit, over current and earth fault
protection with adjustable setting as per specification and with following
accessories :
Digital load manager (conzerve – EM 6400 with RS-485 or equivalent) of
accuracy class-I with 2 No. 1600/5 amps 15VA CTs.
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 amps MCB’s- 3 Set
Three Phase Under voltage relay (27) - 1 Set
Three Phase Over voltage relay (59) - 1 Set
Breaker ON/ OFF/ TRIP indicating lights with control MCB’s- 1 Set
24 V DC Shunt trip coil. - 1 Set
240 V AC under voltage release. - 1 Set
Auto-manual / test selector / switch - 1 Set
Breaker control switch - 1 Set
Auxiliary contacts required for necessary interlocking of breakers.
Three phase Voltage sensor relay shall be protected by 2 amps TP MCB’s, 1 Set

Transient voltage surge supressor with suitable contactor shall be protected by 2

amps TP MCB’s. - 1 Set
Digital voltmeter with inbuilt selector switch- 1 set
c) Bus Bar :
2000 A TPN electrolytic Al bus bar with heat shrinkable insulation sleeve
d) Outgoings
1600 Amps 4 Pole ACB - 1 No.
800 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
600 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
500 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
400 Amps 4 Pole MCCB . - 1 No.
300 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
250 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
200 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1No.
100 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1No.
400 Amps 4 Pole MCCB . - 2 No. Spare
300 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 2 No. Spare
250 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 2 No. Spare

e) Bus Coupler

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DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
2000 amps 4 pole ACB, with ON/ OFF/ TRIP indicating lamps with
microprocessor release unit, etc complete as per specs.
f) Incoming Air Circuit Breaker from 1000 kVA Transformer.-2
1600 amps 4 pole electrically operated manually draw out type air circuit breaker
with microprocessor release unit, for short circuit, over current and earth fault
protection with adjustable setting as per specification and with following
accessories :
i. Digital load manager (conzerve – EM 6400 with RS-485 or equivalent) of
accuracy class-I, with 2 No. 1600/5 amps 15VA CTs.
ii. Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 amps MCB’s- 3 Set
iii. Breaker ON / OFF / TRIP indicating lights with control MCB’s. - 1 Set
iv. 24 V DC Shunt trip coil. - 1 Set
v. 240 V under voltage release. - 1 Set
vi. Breaker control switch - 1 Set
vii. Excitor field DC voltmeter and ammeter.
viii. Emergency stop push button.
ix. Selector switch for Auto / Manual / Test
x. Selector switch for engine control OFF/ON.
xi. Five push buttons – start, stop, reset, test and accept.
xii. Three indicating lamps “load on set’,‘Load on Mains’ and “ Set fail to start’.
xiii. 12 Window alarm annunciators panel with hooter, push buttons, aux. Contactors
etc as required as per specification.
xiv. Suitable rating battery charger as per specifications
xv Temperature scanner (Messi Bus/Procon)
xvi. Auxiliary contacts required for necessary interlocking of breakers.
g) Bus Bar :
2000 A TPN electrolytic Al bus bar with heat shrinkable insulation sleeve.
h) Outgoings
800 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
500 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
400 Amps 4 Pole MCCB . - 1 No.
300 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
250 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1 No.
200 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1No.
100 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 1No.
400 Amps 4 Pole MCCB . - 2 No. Spare
300 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 2 No. Spare
250 Amps 4 Pole MCCB - 2 No. Spare

All outgoing feeders shall have suitable range of followings:
i. All breakers shall be electrically interlocked as per schematic diagram.

Page 32 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
ii. All ACB’s/ MCCB’s shall be suitable for 35 KA breaking capacity.
iii. PLC for load management and supervision.
v. Three phase indicating lamps shall be protected by 6 amps SP MCBs.
vi. 1 No. 1000/800/ 5, 15 VA dual ratio CT’s shall be provided for APFCR on
transformer's incomer.
vii. All outgoing feeders shall be provided with built-in short circuit & earth fault
relay module.
viii. All outgoing shall have dual Electronic energy meter (EM-6438 with RS-485 or
equivalent) with required number of CT's.
ix. Wiring and supply, installation of space heater, humidistat and control MCB’s
shall be provided for all vertical sections.
x. Suitable danger board shall be provided.
xi. All bus bar section/ backside panels shall have pad locking facility and hinged
type door.
xii. 9 W fitting with CFL lamp, switch shall be provided in each vertical section.

xiii. Incoming breakers shall have suitable provision for busduct connection..
xiv All Electronic Energy meter shall be pre wired for BMS connection upto central
point within the panel with sheilded cable.
(NON-SOR) DG & Transformer Changeover Panel as described above. Set 2 2,450,000.00 4,900,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 250 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 250/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
300 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing
100 Amps FP MCCB - 5 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
d) Spare
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.

i. All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
ii All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 385,000.00 385,000.00

Page 33 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
a) Incoming
1 No. 500 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 500/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
600 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing
300 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.
250 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 465,000.00 465,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 400 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 400/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
500 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing
300 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
250 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.

Page 34 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 345,000.00 345,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 800 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 800/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
1000 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve
- 1 Set
c) Outgoing
300 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.
250 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 515,000.00 515,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 800 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 800/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
1000 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve
- 1 Set
c) Outgoing
300 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.
250 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.

Page 35 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 515,000.00 515,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 400 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 400/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
500 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing
300 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
250 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 345,000.00 345,000.00

17.8) FLOOR PANEL (WORK CENTER - 7) - A + B + C

a) Incoming
1 No. 300 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 300/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
400 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set

Page 36 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
c) Outgoing
250 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 325,000.00 325,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 250 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 250/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
300 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing

250 Amps FP MCCB - 2 No.

100 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 3 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 2 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 296,000.00 296,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 400 Amps TPN MCCB with following accessories:

Page 37 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 400/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Incoming
400 Amps TPN - 1 No.
c) Bus Bars
500 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set.
d) Outgoing
150 Amps TP MCCB - 3 Nos.
100 Amps TP MCCB - 4 Nos.
63 Amps TP MCB - 3 Nos.
63 Amps TP MCCB - 1 Nos. Spare
32 Amps TP MCB - 2 Nos. Spare
All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
i. All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
ii (NON-SOR) HVAC PANE described as above Set. 1 255,000.00 255,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 250 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 250/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
300 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing

150 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.

100 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 320,000.00 320,000.00

Page 38 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

a) Incoming
1 No. 400 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 400/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
500 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing

250 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.

100 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 365,000.00 365,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 250 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 250/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
300 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing
250 Amps FP MCCB - 3 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.

Page 39 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 330,000.00 330,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 400 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 400/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Bus Bars
500 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set
c) Outgoing

250 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.

100 Amps FP MCCB - 4 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
d) 40 Amps FP MCB - 4 No.
100 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
63 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 No.
i. Notes:-
ii All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) FLOOR PANEL described as above Set. 1 385,000.00 385,000.00


Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of cubicle type totally enclosed
free standing, dust free, damp and vermin proof and water proof outdoor (IP 55)
Feeder pillar fabricated out of 2mm thick CRCA sheet duly powder coated and
including supply & fixing the following items and interconnections, wiring with
suitable size wires/ cables and including all civil works like excavation, PCC,
brick work pedestal, plastering, refilling etc. and as per specifications as required.

1 No. 63 Amp four pole Moulded Case Circuit Breaker (Ics value 25 KA)

Page 40 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
100 Amp TPN busbars of high conductivity electrolytic quality aluminium alloy.


1 No. 96x96 analogue type Voltmeter suitable range for 3 phase, 4 wire operation
with LED display and selector switch withcontrolled by 3 sets of 2Amp MCB .

1 No.96x96 analogue typeAmmeter of suitable range ( 0 to 63Amp), for 3 phase 4

wire operation with LED display and selector switch
3 Nos of LED type phase indicating lamps (RYB) with controlled by 2Amp MCB .

1 No.6A, 2 pole Auto/OFF/Manual (2 way with OFF) selector switch.

2 Nos. of push button actuator
Outgoing 1 (6 PM - 6 AM )
TPN DB 6 No. 10 amps SP MCB per phase as outgoing with 3 No. 40 amps DP
RCCB of 30 mA leakage current plus 1 No. 40 amps TP Contactor, push button
etc controlled through 0-24 hour timer, photo sensor and 1 No. 40 amps 4 pole
MCB as incomer).
Outgoing 2 ( 6 PM - 11.55 PM)
TPN DB 6 No. 10 amps SP MCB per phase as outgoing with 3 No. 40 amps DP
RCCB of 30 mA leakage current plus 1 No. 40 amps TP Contactor, push button
etc controlled through 0-24 hour timer, photo sensor and 1 No. 40 amps 4 pole
MCB as incomer).
(NON-SOR) Fidder pillar as discribed above Nos. 3 145,000.00 435,000.00

17.16) LIFT PANEL-1 & 2 (APOC BLOCK)

a) Incoming
1 No. 150 Amps TPN MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 100/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Incoming
150 Amps TPN - 1 No.
c) Bus Bars
200 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set.
d) Outgoing
32 Amps DP MCB - 1 Nos.
63 Amps TPN MCB - 2 Nos.
32 Amps DP MCB - 1 Nos. Spare
63 Amps TPN MCB - 1 Nos. Spare
All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.

Page 41 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
i. All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
ii (NON-SOR) Lift Panel-1 & 2 described as above Set. 1 175,000.00 175,000.00

17.17) UPS PANEL - 1

a) Incoming
1 No. 150 Amps FP MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 100/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Incoming
150 Amps FP MCCB - 1 No.
c) Bus Bars
200 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set.
d) Outgoing
63 Amps FP MCB - 5 Nos.
63 Amps FP MCB - 2 Nos. Spare
i. All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
ii All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
(NON-SOR) Ups Panel-1 & 2 described as above Set. 1 135,000.00 135,000.00


a) Incoming
1 No. 100 Amps TPN MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 100/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Incoming
100 Amps TPN - 1 No.
c) Bus Bars
150 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set.
d) Outgoing
20 Amps TP MCB - 9 Nos.
32 Amps TP MCB - 2 Nos.
20 Amps TP MCB - 1 Nos. Spare
32 Amps TP MCB - 2 Nos. Spare
All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
i. All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
ii (NON-SOR) WATER SUPPLY PANEL described as above Set. 1 165,000.00 165,000.00

Page 42 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
a) Incoming
1 No. 300 Amps TPN MCCB with following accessories:
VAF digital electronic meter with inbuilt selector switch and 100/5 Amps suitable
VA, CL 1 CTs . -1 Set
Phase indicating light shall be protected by 2 Amps SP MCB's -3 Set
b) Incoming
300 Amps TPN - 1 No.
c) Bus Bars
400 Amps TPN Aluminium bars with heat coloured shrinkable insulation sleeve -
1 Set.
d) Outgoing
150 Amps TP MCCB - 2 Nos.
100 Amps TP MCCB - 1 Nos.
32 Amps DP MCB - 1 Nos.
40 Amps FP MCB - 1 Nos.
63 Amps TPN MCB - 2 Nos.
All MCCB's shall be of 25 KA (Ics) breaking capacity.
i. All MCB's shall be of 10 KA breaking capacity.
ii (NON-SOR) FIRE FIGHTING PANEL described as above Set. 1 265,800.00 265,800.00


Page 43 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of CCTV Surveillance

System complete with all accessories, components and required to
18.1) M.R
make the system fully functional and comprising of the following
equipment all as specified.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of DVR-20-CH,

400/480fps display, 400f/480ps recording, H.264, Recording @704x480
(100/120ips)/ 704x240 (200/240ips)/ 352x240 (400/480ips), 8Audio In/ 1
Out, 16 Alarm In, 4 Relay Out, Network Port available for Remote View
a) Set 2 165000 330,000.00
S/W with transmission up to 120 IPS @ 352x288 PAL, along with 3 TB
HDD, complete all as specified with 230VAC power supply complete in
all respects as per specifications as per engineer in charge.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of High Resolution 40

inch LCD colour TV monitor with on screen adjustment menu, durable
18.2) M.R Each 2 56500 113,000.00
metal cabinet etc. complete in all respects as per specifications as per
engineer in charge.

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of IR & IP Based dome

type indoor coloured fixed camera with of 1/3" CCD,540 TVL, Sensitivity
@ 30 IRE: Color 0.5Lx/Night Sense 0.18 Lx, AWB / BLC / AGC /Auto
18.3) M.R Each 150 7500 1,125,000.00
Black, 2.6 to 6 mm vari-focal lens Auto Iris, 12VDC/24VAC for indoor
application, complete in all respects as per specifications as per
engineer in charge.

Supply, drawing, installation, testing and commissioning of Video co-

18.4) M.R axial cable RG 11 in the existing surface / recessed steel/PVC conduit RM 3250 40 130,000.00
as required.

Supply, drawing, installation, testing and commissioning of armoured

18.5) M.R video co-axial cable RG 11 including trenching, excavation and RM 250 70 17,500.00
backfilling as required.

PVC, HDPE PIPES & PVC FLEXIBLE PIPES:: Supply & erection of
PVC pipes & HDPE pipes (fire retardant) for wiring purposes including
18.6) M.R bends, inspection boxes etc., where necessary including other petty
material as per PWD General Specifications 2010:-

Page 44 of 45
DSR-2014 DSR Rate DSR Amount Non DSR Rate Non DSR Amount
S. No. Description Unit Qty
/NON-SOR (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 20mm dia. (ISI marked 2mm thick)
a) RM 650 32 20,800.00

b) Heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 25mm dia. (ISI marked 2mm thick)
RM 1250 38 47,500.00

Supply and erection of PVC flexible pipe complete with compression

18.7) M.R glands, having locking arrangement, check-nuts as required :-

a) PVC flexible pipe 20mm dia. RM 350 32 11,200.00

b) PVC flexible pipe 25mm dia. RM 250 38 9,500.00

Supply and drawing of following sizes of PVC insulated copper

18.8) M.R conductor single core FRLS cable in the existing surface / recessed
steel/PVC conduit as required.
a) 3 x 2.5 sq.mm. RM 850 40 34,000.00

Supply, drawing, installation, testing and commissioning of PVC

insulated and PVC sheathed Instrumentation cable with electrolytic
18.9) M.R grade annealed bare flexible copper conductor shielded cable 2 core RM 455 75 34,125.00
16/0.2mm. cable in the existing surface / recessed PVC/steel conduit as

Supply and laying of RG 59/RG 6 tinned copper co-axial cable with

18.10) M.R polythene insulation. RG 6 only in case of distance between camera and RM 225 35 7,875.00


Page 45 of 45









GRAND TOTAL 47,430,524.10

Page 1 of 1
A Internal Hydrant
1.1 Providing and fixing door with frame for all internal fire hydrants
fabricated from 20x20x3 mm and 40x20x3 mm hollow box sections
mounted with 3 no. Of 100 mm M.S. anodized butt hinge on M.S., angle
frame of 45x45x5 mm size with hold fasts fixed to wall with P.C.C.
(1:2:4) blocks 100x100x100 mm including 2 nos allen key lock for
locking along with padlock arrangement & fully glazed with 4 mm thick
float glass approved by local Fire Authority, stove enameled fire red
Each 7 10 20 37 7,185.00 265,845.00
finish with " fire hose' written on front suitable to house 15 mm long two
length of synthetic rubber lined hose with couplings, one no of branch
pipe, one fire mans axe and two numbers of portable extinguishers, first
aid fire hose and supports for hoses, branch pipes, Axe and hose reel.
Size 2000x 900 mm complete as per approved design including
necessary fixing arrangement for hoses & axe and branch pipe.)

1.2 Providing and fixing SS landing valve conforming to IS -5290 with 63

mm dia. instantaneous female coupling on the outlet with S.S. orifice
flange 6 mm thick as required to maintain 3.5 Kg/sq.cm., gun metal
blank cap and chain, necessary companion flanges (as per table "E")
nuts, bolts, washer and gasket complete as per specification. (ISI
a. Single outlet Each 7 10 20 37 5,890.00 217,930.00

1.3 Providing and fixing first aid fire hose reel drum wall mounting, swinging
type fitted with 20 mm dia. 36.5 m long high pressure (Tiger or Padmini)
hose to IS: 5132 with 5 mm outlet gunmetal nozzle with shut off valve Each 7 10 20 37 7,850.00 290,450.00
(IS: 884-1969). Name of Manufacturer should be embossed on the

1.4 Providing & Fixing of 63 mm dia 15 m long non-percolating flexible hose

(RRL- type A) as per IS : 636. Type A with Gunmetal male & female
Each 14 20 40 74 4,425.00 327,450.00
instantaneous type coupling (IS 903) (For internal hydrant system).

1.5 Providing and fixing standard short size SS branch pipe with SS nozzle
16 mm dia. outlet with standard instantaneous type 63 mm dia. coupling. Each 7 10 20 37 1,520.00 56,240.00
(ISI marked)

Page 1 of 9
1.6 Providing and fixing standard fireman's axe ( tested for 20000 Volts)
Each 7 10 20 37 685.00 25,345.00
with heavy insulated rubber handle.( ISI marked)

1.7 Providing and fixing dial type pressure gauge with isolation cock and
copper pipe at hydrant station.
Dial diameter 100 mm calibration 0-15 kg/ sq.cm. Each 7 10 20 37 925.00 34,225.00

1.8 Providing and fixing brass ball valve (full bore type) with plastic coated
lever and screwed female ends tested to 20 Kg/ cm2 of approved quality
as specified.
25 mm dia. Each 7 10 20 37 785.00 29,045.00

1.9 Supplying and fixing orifice plate made of 6mm. Thick stainless steel
with orifice of required size in between flange & landing valve of external
Each 7 10 20 37 1,015.00 37,555.00
and internal hydrant to reduce pressure to working pressure of 3.5
kg/cm2 complete as per specifications as required.

1.10 Supply , Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Air-Cushion -Tank

(Air-Vessel) 250 mm dia. x 1.0 M high with dished top,made of
minimum 6 mm thick M.S.Sheet pipe/plate complete with 25 mm dia.
brass Air-Valve (Ball Type). 25 mm dia. stop valve, pressure guage Each 1 3 2 6 65,000.00 390,000.00
with brass stop cock.nipple, tees. elbows and all accessories as
required including fixing brackets complete in all respects.

1.11 Providing and fixing gunmetal single acting air release valve with
Each 7 10 20 37 1,105.00 40,885.00
screwed inlet 25 mm dia..

1.12 Providing and fixing gunmetal fire brigade inlet head as per IS:904
Specification tested for 20 Kg/cm2 with 63 mm dia. instantaneous type
inlet and 150mm dia.. flanged outlet with built-in check valve for fire
brigade connection to under ground tanks and fire risers including
companion flanges as portable " E" including nuts, bolts & washers etc.

a. Four way Each 1 2 2 5 12,335.00 61,675.00

1.13 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes confirming to IS:1239 heavy duty)
including all fittings like couplings, bends, elbows, offsets, tees, flanges
(flanges as per table E), etc. threaded or welded ( all type ) joints as per
detailed specifications as required, cutting holes and chases in brick or
RCC walls or floors and making good complete Note-Separate Item for
M.S. structural fabricated Support .
a. 25 mm RM 350 2600 1000 3950 270.00 1,066,500.00

Page 2 of 9
b. 80 mm dia. RM 10 100 100 210 950.00 199,500.00
c. 100 mm dia. RM 25 300 150 475 1,285.00 610,375.00
d. 150 mm dia. RM 50 400 200 650 1,930.00 1,254,500.00

1.13 Providing and painting for G.I. pipe with one coat of Low VOC red
oxide primer and two or more coats of Low VOC synthetic enamel paint
of approved colour and make to give an even shade including surface
a. 25 mm dia. RM 350 2600 1000 3950 30.00 118,500.00
b. 80 mm dia. RM 10 100 100 210 60.00 12,600.00
c. 100 mm dia. RM 25 300 150 475 65.00 30,875.00
d. 150 mm dia. RM 50 400 200 650 80.00 52,000.00

1.15 Providing and fixing CI grating 150x150 mm including cutting and

Each 7 10 20 37 110.00 4,070.00
making good the floors required for fixing grating complete.

1.16 Providing and fixing gunmetal of 2-way inlet Breeching Cast Iron body
having 2 Gun metal 63mm male instantaneous inlets, fitted with
nonreturn valves, complete with Gun Metal Drain valves. 2 nos rubber Each 1 1 1 3 6,910.00 20,730.00
blank caps and chain complete with PVC Cap companion flange as per
table "E" nuts, bolts, gasket etc

1.17 Providing and fixing cast iron butter fly valves of PN16 rating complete
with bolts, nuts, 3 mm thick compressed asbestos gasket, companion
flanges as per table 'E' complete in all respects
a. 150 mm dia. Each 1 1 1 3 7,645.00 22,935.00

1.18 Providing and fixing C.I. Wafer type dual plate non-return valves
conforming of PN-1.6 including nuts, bolts,1.5mm thick compressed
asbestos gaskets, companion flanges as per table " E ",necessary nuts,
bolts, & washers etc. complete.
a. 150 mm dia. Each 1 1 1 3 8,095.00 24,285.00

1.19 Providing and fixing M.S. structural work fabricated from standard
sections, (MS rounds, angles, channels etc.) including cutting to size,
drilling welding including cost of (Hilti) fasteners or insert plates clamp in
RCC structural members as directed, including two or more coats of Low KG. 40 500 350 890 60.00 53,400.00
VOC synthetic enamel paint over one coat of primer after surface
preparation including cutting and making good walls.


Page 3 of 9
2.1 Providing and fixing 15 mm gunmetal sprinkler head with quartz bulb
and set to operate at specified temperature pendent/ upright/ side wall
/quick response as per instruction fixed with loctite. Temperature of
operation 68 deg.C K-80
a. Pendent type Each 139 2140 679 2958 245.00 724,710.00

2.2 Providing and fixing G.I. pipe to IS. 1239 (heavy duty) complete with
Forged fittings like, bends, elbows, tees, offsets, reducers etc. fixing
pipes on painted structrual support as per specification including cutting
and making good the walls complete. Pipes upto 50 mm dia. threaded
joint with holdtite, 65 mm dia. and above should be welded joint all type
of welded joints . Note-Separate Item for M.S. structural fabricated
Support .
a. 25 mm dia. RM 350 2600 1019 3969 270.00 1,071,630.00
b. 32 mm dia. RM 250 1300 204 1754 350.00 613,900.00
c. 40 mm dia. RM 165 2600 204 2969 415.00 1,232,135.00
d. 50 mm dia. RM 85 100 306 491 555.00 272,505.00
e. 65 mm dia. RM 50 75 204 329 730.00 240,170.00
f. 80 mm dia. RM 40 100 102 242 900.00 217,800.00

2.3 Providing and painting for G.I. pipe with one coat of Low VOC red
oxide primer and two or more coats of Low VOC synthetic enamel paint
of approved colour and make to give an even shade including surface
a. 25 mm dia. RM 350 2600 1019 3969 30.00 119,070.00
b. 32 mm dia. RM 250 1300 204 1754 35.00 61,390.00
c. 40 mm dia. RM 165 2600 204 2969 45.00 133,605.00
d. 50 mm dia. RM 85 100 306 491 45.00 22,095.00
e. 65 mm dia. RM 50 75 204 329 50.00 16,450.00
f. 80 mm dia. RM 40 100 102 242 55.00 13,310.00

2.4 Providing and fixing electrically operated flow indicating switches

model System Sensor in sprinkler branch line on each floor with
necessary junction box installed in accessible place (Wiring from
switches to panel not included)
a. 100 mm dia. Each 7 10 20 37 5,170.00 191,290.00

2.5 Providing & fixing 25mm dia. gunmetal inspecting & testing assembly
with gunmetal sight glass, bye pass arrangement & connected to drain Each 7 10 20 37 3,775.00 139,675.00

Page 4 of 9
2.6 Providing and fixing dial type pressure gauge with isolation cock and
chrome plated copper pipe on main header Dial diameter 100 mm Each 7 10 20 37 925.00 34,225.00
celebration 0-10 / sq. cm.

2.7 Providing and fixing M.S. cabinet fabricated from16 guage M.S. sheet
with full front glass door and locking arrangement for pad lock with
suitable shelves for keeping 50 spare sprinklers and one spanner
Each 7 10 20 37 3,590.00 132,830.00
properly fixed in the shelves and cabinet painted fire red with stove
enameled of approved shade size 900 x 600 x 450 mm. Including the
cost of 25 Nos spare sprinklers.

2.8 Providing and fixing C.I. Wafer type dual plate non-return valves
conforming of PN-1.6 including nuts, bolts,1.5mm thick compressed
asbestos gaskets, companion flanges as per table " E ",necessary nuts,
bolts, & washers etc. complete.
a. 100 mm dia. Each 7 10 20 37 8,095.00 299,515.00

2.9 Providing and fixing cast iron butter fly valves of PN16 rating complete
with bolts, nuts, 3 mm thick compressed asbestos gasket, companion
flanges as per table 'E' complete in all respects
a. 100 mm dia. Each 7 10 20 37 4,325.00 160,025.00

2.6 Providing and fixing Deluge valve along with water motor gong bell size
Each 1 13 11 25 350,000.00 8,750,000.00
150 mm dia 250 PSI.



(Contractor should submit test certificate form manufacturer along with
several number of every extinguishers supplied).
3.1 Providing and fixing Carbon-di-oxide Type fire extinguishers consisting
of welded M.S cylindrical body, squeeze lever discharge valve fitted with
internal discharge tube, 30cms long high pressure discharge hose,
discharge nozzle, suspension bracket, confirming to IS : 2878 finished
externally with red enamel paint and fixed to wall with brackets with
rawl plug/dash fasteners complete with internal charge.

Capacity 4.5 kg. ISI Marked. Each 16 125 64 205 5,755.00 1,179,775.00

3.2 Providing & fixing Dry ABC Powder extinguishers bearing IS: 2171
marking, fixing to wall including brackets, etc.

Page 5 of 9
a. 6 kg Capacity Each 15 120 24 159 6,500.00 1,033,500.00

3.3 Providing and fixing water Type extinguisher (ISI marked) including all
accessories as per IS specification. (IS 940) with wall bracket with rawl
a. Capacity 9 liters. Each 16 125 141 1,960.00 276,360.00

3.4 Providing and fixing carbon-di-oxide fire extinguishers trolley mounted

with all accessories internal discharge tube, high pressure discharge
hose, discharge nozzle, suspension bracket, ISI marked as per IS:2878
finished externally with Low VOC red enamel paint and fixed to wall
with brackets complete with internal charge.
a. Capacity 22.5 kg. Each 3 10 13 27,210.00 353,730.00

3.5 Providing and fixing mechanical foam type(ISI marked) fire

extinguishers consisting of welded M.S. cylindrical body squeeze lever
discharge valve 30 cm long high pressure discharge hose,
discharge nozzle suspension bracket ISI marked as per IS 933 finished
externally with red enamel paint and fixed to wall with brackets
complete with internal charger.
a. Capacity 9 liters. Each 3 3 6 2,335.00 14,010.00



Page 6 of 9
4.1 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Microprocessor based
intelligent, addressable, modular networkable, 2 loop (minimum 125
detector + 125 devices per loop) fire alarm control panel with minimum
6" approx. graphic touch screen display / LCD display with 640
Character with soft keys for displaying alarm, events and operating
functions, Compatible with graphic user interface for pin point the
identification of the fire location and fire alarm system control, Diagnostic
functions for total current consumption, Day/ Night operation function,
Remote maintenance service feature etc. The panel shall capable to
operate on 240 volts AC power supply, automatic battery charger, 24
volts, sealed lead acid maintenance free batteries sufficient for 24 hours
normal working and then be capable of operating the system for 30
minutes during emergency condition as per detailled specifications
complete as required. Manufactures offering more detector + devices
per loop can suitable reduce the number of loops)

The item to include an and all hardware and software for MODBUS and
Bacnet connectivity to be provided to CCTV system of a third party.

a. The fire alarm control panel will be fully compatible with third party BMS
system and will including any hardware and software required for Set 2 2 1 5 255,000.00 1,275,000.00
achieving this work with modbus and bacnet interface.

4.2 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of analogue Intelligent

addressable smoke detector with addressing module fully integrated
Nos 107 153 88 348 2,450.00 852,600.00
high perforance type optical smoke detector and with mounting base with
LED etc as per specification as required.

4.3 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of analogue Intelligent

addressable rate of rise cum fixed temperature heat detector with
Nos 5 14 0 19 2,850.00 54,150.00
addressing module fully integrated and with mounting base etc as per
specification as required.

4.4 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Beam Smoke Detector

comprising transmitter and receiver complete with mounting
arrangement,power supply unit, 5-100 meter range with 3 Sensitivity Each 0 17 17 38,000.00 646,000.00
level and all accessories as required and as per specifications

Page 7 of 9
4.5 Supplying,Installing,Testing and Commissioning of Response indicator
cum lamp assembly mounted on walls /partitions, surface /recessed etc.
Each 0 45 45 250.00 11,250.00
in dust tight enclosure, including chase cutting Complete as per
specifications etc as required.

4.6 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of fault isolator for

isolating shorted, dewired and loose circuit between to successive fault
Nos 4 7 0 11 1,250.00 13,750.00
isolator with automatic resetting arrangement including base etc as per
specification as required.

4.7 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Intelligent addressable

Manual Call Point / Pull station break glass type with alarm LED as Nos 12 32 88 132 1,050.00 138,600.00
detailed complete as required.

4.8 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of HOOTER with 20 hz

to 20 khz operating frequency (UL 9th Edition Approved and NFPA Nos 12 32 88 132 1,050.00 138,600.00
compliant) complete as required.

4.9 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Strobe Lights with

110 cd. (UL 9th Edition Approved and NFPA compliant) complete as Nos. 4 10 0 14 1,650.00 23,100.00

4.10 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 2x1.5 sq.mm copper

conductor flexible armoured cable alongwith the accessories in surface RM 1050 1200 1800 4050 110.00 445,500.00
as required, with terminations etc. as required.



Supply installation testing and commissioning of the following as per
5.1 Ceiling mounted Speakers equivalent to Ahuja cat No. CS-6066T (6
Watts Read Power) including linematching transformer ceiling recessed
Nos. 19 62 155 0 236 1,000.00 236,000.00
mounting in false ceiling with clamp complete as

5.2 Wall Speakers equivalent to Ahuja cat No. PS-400T (16 Watts Read
Power) including linematching transformer ceiling recessed mounting in
0 141 20 0 161 2,850.00 458,850.00
false ceiling with clamp complete as required.(PHILIPS/AHUJA/AURAL)

Page 8 of 9
5.3 Outdoor Speakers equivalent to Ahuja cat No.AMH-402T (40 Watts
Read Power) including linematching transformer ceiling recessed
0 0 0 120 120 6,060.00 727,200.00
mounting in false ceiling with clamp complete as

5.2 1 x 300 W PA Amplifier complete with Rack of suitable size and 8

channel mixer , 5 band Grafic qualizer complete with internal wiring No. 1 4 3 4 12 19,650.00 235,800.00
including MS Painted Rack as required.(PHILIPS/AHUJA/AURAL)

5.3 Four channel Audio mixer with Goose neck call station inside the
Security room or in control room complete as required. (equivalent to No. 1 4 3 4 12 5,800.00 69,600.00
Philips cat No.LBB 1950or /AHUJA/AURAL)

5.4 Wireless microphone complete with all assoseries as required

Nos. 3 18 14 20 55 2,250.00 123,750.00

5.5 Moduler type Volume controller in MS Box complete with inter

Nos. 3 18 14 20 55 450.00 24,750.00
connection as required.

5.6 Wiring for PA system with PVC insulated copper conductor 1100 volts
grade stranded "FRLS" multi standard Signal wires including MS
conduits as required
a. 24 / 0.20 mm PVC insulated twin twisted sheathed circular flexible
Mtrs. 380 4060 3500 4800 12740 55.00 700,700.00
annealed tinned copper wire/ cable.

5.7 Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC

conduit along with accessories in surface/recess including cutting the
wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required.

a. 25 mm dia- (DSR CORD: 1.21.2, DSR-2014) RM 285 3045 2625 4800 10755 65.00 699,075.00


Page 9 of 9
Sr. No. Description of Items Qty Unit Rate Amount Ref. No.
(Rs.) (Rs.)

1.1 Supplying Installation, testing and Commissioning of electric driven main

fire pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of following
Complete in all respect as required.
a. Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron
body and bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal to
ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 kg/sq.cm. at highest and farthest outlet
at specified flow of 2850 LPM and 80Metres head conforming to IS
1520. (The pump should be capable of delivering 150 % rated discharge
at a head not less than 65% of the rated head).

b. Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor, TEFC, synchronous speed 1500

RPM, suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 Hz. AC with IP 55
protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted type with Class-'F'
insulation, conforming to IS-325.
c. M.S. fabricated Common base plate coupling, coupling guard, foundation
bolts etc. as required.
d. Suitable Cement Concrete foundation with cement concrete plaster as
per manufacturers design, complete with anti-vibration arrangement.
(New Building 1 nos. Sprinkler & 2 Nos. Hydrant line) & (Existing Building
1 nos. Sprinkler & 2 Nos. Hydrant line) 6 Sets 480295.00 2881770.00

1.2 Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of diesel engine

driven main fire pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting
of following : complete in all respect as required.
a. Horizontal type,multistage, centrifugal, split casing pump of cast iron body
and bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal to ensure
a minimum pressure of 3.5 kg/sq.cm. at highest and farthest outlet at
specified flow of 2850 LPM at outlet head 80 Metres conforming to IS
1520. (The pump should be capable of delivering 150 % rated discharge
at a head not less than 65% of the rated head).
b. Suitable HP 1500 RPM diesel engine conforming to BS
:649/IS:1601/IS:10002 all amended upto date, continuous duty, multi
cylinders vertical 4 stroke cycle water cooled, developing suitable BHP at
operating speed specified to drive the fire pump capable of driving
continuous non-stop operation for 8 hours having 10% overload capacity
for one hour in a period of 12 hours continuous run, capacity to accept full
load within 15 seconds from the receipt of signal to start and complete
with following accessories:

i) Dynamically balanced fly-wheel.

ii) Direct coupling for pump and coupling guards.
iii) Radiator with hoses, fan water pump, drive arrangement and guard.
iv) Air-cleaner dry type
v) Fuel tank with necessary pipe.
vi) Pump for lubricating oil and lubricating oil filter.
vii) Electric starting system alongwith battery 12 V / 24 V.
viii) Exhaust siliencer(residential type) with necessary pipe work.
ix) Governor
x) Instrument panel housing all the gauges including tachometer, hour
meter and starting switch with key (for manual starting
xi) Necessary safety controls.and stop solenoid in the event of fault
xii) Winterization arrangement.
xiii) Hand operated semi-rotary hand pump for filling the service tank
xiv) required length of exhaust piping as per the norms duly insulated with
50 mm thick glass wool with 1.0 mm thick aluminium sheet cladding
(xv)Painted in post office red colour

c. Common bed plate fabricated out of MS channel of suitable size for

assembling the Pump and the Engine, flexible coupling and with coupling
guard for protection/safety.
d. Making cement concrete foundation of 1:2:4 ratio (1 Cement: 2 coarse
sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) duly plastered
suitable for Diesel engine pump set including vibration isolation by
providing cushy foot mount pads as necessary, foundation bolts, brackets,
clamps, fixtures, grouting etc, in accordance with manufacturer's design
etc.as per specification complete as reqd. (1 Nos. New Building & 1 Nos.
Existing Building)
2 Set 825397.00 1650794.00
1.3 Supplying, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of electric driven
pressurisation pump suitable for automatic operation and consisting of
following: complete in all respect as required.
a. Horizantal end suction, centrifugal pump of cast iron body and bronze
impeller with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal and flow of 180 LPM
at 80 metre head conforming to IS:1520.
b. Suitable HP 2900 RPM SQ cage induction motor TEFC, synchronous
speed 2900 RPM, suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3 phase 50 HZ.
AC with IP 55 class of protection for enclosure, horizontal foot mounted
type with Class-'F insulation, conforming to IS : 325.

c. M.S.fabricated Common base plate coupling, coupling guard, foundation

bolts etc. as required.
d. Suitable CC foundation of 1:2:4 ratio ( 1 Cement: 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size ) duly plastered and with
anti vibration pads. (1 Nos. New Building & 1 Nos. Existing Building)
2 Set 85386.00 170772.00



2.1 Providing, laying, fixing, testing and commissioning of 'C' class heavy duty
M.S. pipes conforming to IS 3589 and 1239 including fittings like elbows,
tees, flanges, tapers, nuts, bolts and gaskets etc. fixing the pipe on the
wall/celling with suitable clamps and painting with two or more coats of
anti corrosive primer and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of required
shade complete as required.

a. 200 mm dia (wall thickness 6mm ) 50 Metre 3203.00 160150.00

b. 150 mm dia 20 Metre 2705.00 54100.00
c. 100 mm dia 20 Metre 1508.00 30160.00
d. 80 mm dia 20 Metre 1026.00 20520.00
2.2 Providing laying, testing & commissioning of 'C' class heavy duty MS pipe
conforming to IS 1239/3589 i/c fitting like elbows , tees, flanges, tapers,
nut bolts, gaskets etc. in ground including excavation & providing cement
concrete blocks as supports anticorrosive treatement with coaltar and
wrapping with 2 Nos. 2mm thick Polymeric Corrossion tape confirming to
IS 10221, refilling the trench etc. of following sizes complete as
required.(Thickness shall not be less than 4mm of polymeric corrosion tap
at any point on the pipe.)

a. 150 mm dia 3350 RM 1687.00 5651450.00

b. 80 mm dia 0 RM 861.00 0.00

2.3 Suplying, installing, testing and commissioning of following dia Y Strainer

of ductile body flanged with stainless steel strainer as required.

a. 200 mm dia 4 Nos. 29018.00 116072.00

b. 80 mm dia 2 Nos. 4575.00 9150.00

2.4 Providing, installation, testing and commissioning of Dual Plate wafer type
non-return valve of rating PN 1.6 with CI body & SS plated of following
sizes complete with rubber gasket, GI bolts, nuts, washers etc as
a. 150mm dia 31 Nos. 7832.00 242792.00
b. 80 mm dia 2 Nos. 4648.00 9296.00

2.5 Supplying and fixing cast iron double flanged sluice valve of rating PN 1.6
with non rising spindle, bronze/ gun metal seat, ISI marked of the
following sizes complete with bolts, nuts, washers and neoprene gaskets
etc. as required.
a. 150mm Dia 4 Nos. 21130.00 84520.00

2.6 Supplying, fixing,testing and commissioning of Butterfly valve PN 1.6 with

Bronze/Gunmetal seat duly ISI marked complete with Nuts, Bolts,
Washers, Gaskets, Conforming to IS 13095, of following sizes as
a. 200 mm dia 8 Nos. 14764.00 118112.00
b. 150mm dia 41 Nos. 7396.00 303236.00
c. 100 mm dia 0 Nos. 4182.00
d. 80 mm dia 4 Nos. 3166.00 12664.00
e. 50 mm dia 2 Nos. 2492.00 4984.00
2.7 Supplying and fixing ISI marked single headed internal hydrant valve with
instantaneous stainless steel of 63 mm dia with cast iron wheel
,conforming to type "A" of IS:5290 with blank ABS cap and steel chain
etc complete as required. 0 Nos. 7778.00 0.00

2.8 Supplying and fixing ISI marked single headed external hydrant valve with
instantaneous stainless steel of 63 mm dia with cast iron wheel
,conforming to type "A" of IS:5290 with blank ABS cap and steel chain
etc complete as required. 120 Nos. 7778.00 933360.00

2.9 Supplying and fixing orifice plate made of 6 mm. thick stainless steel with
orifice of required size in between flange and landing valve of external /
internal hydrant to reduce pressure to working pressure of 3.5 kg/cm
complete as per specificaltions as required.
5 Nos. 2509.00 12545.00

2.10 Supplying and fixing 63 mm dia, 15 mtr. Long RRL hose pipe with 63 mm
dia Male and Female Stainless steel duly binded with copper wire, rivets
etc. conforming to IS 636 (type-A) as required. 240 Nos. 7652.00 1836480.00

2.11 Providing installing and commissioning of first aid hose reel with MS
construction spray painted in post office red (swinging type hose reel
drum) conforming to IS: 884/1995 with up to date amendments complete
with the following as required.
i) 30 Mtr Long 20 mm nominal internal dia as per IS 12585 water hose
thermoplastic (Textile reinforced)Type II
ii) 20 mm dia Gun Metal Globe Valve and nozzle
iii) Drum and bracket for fixing equipments on wall
iv) Connection from riser with 25 mm dia gun metal stop valve and M.S pipe
as reqd. 5 Nos. 10036.00 50180.00

2.12 Supplying and fixing 63 mm dia Stainless steel branch pipe with 20 mm
(nominal internal diameter) size Stainless steel nozzle conforming to IS
903, suitable for instantaneous connection to inter-connect hose pipe
coupling as required. 120 Nos. 3073.00 368760.00
2.13 Supplying and fixing of hose cabinet of size 900 mm x 600mm x 500mm
made of 2mm thick MS sheet with 6mm thick glazed glass doors i/c
necessary locking arrangement suitable to accommodate external hydrant
with butterfly valve, 2 nos. 15 mtr. Long Hose Pipe, 1 No. branch pipe,
mounted on wall or raised brick platform & duly painted with Post office
red externally and White internally with Synthetic enamel paint complete
in all respect, for external hydrant, as required.
120 Nos. 10287.00 1234440.00

2.14 Supplying and fixing 4 way fire brigade connection of cast iron body with 4
nos. Stainless steel male instantaneous inlet couplings complete with cap
and chain as required for 150mm dia MS pipe connection, conforming to
IS 904 as required. 1 No. 15053.00 15053.00

2.15 Supplying and fixing 4 way FBC of CI body with 4 no. Stainless Steel
male instantaneous inlet couplings complete with cap and chain as
required. For 150mm dia M.S Pipe connection conforming to IS: 904 as
required. 1 Nos. 9283.00 9283.00

2.16 Providing,fixing,testing and commissioning of one number Stainless steel

fire beigade section hose coupling (Fire brigade withdrawal connection) i/c
foot valve in the bottom etc. as per specification complete as required.
(M.S pipe of 100 mm dia will be paid in pipe item.
1 Nos. 6021.00 6021.00

2.17 Supplying and fixing air vessel made of 250 mm dia, 8mm thick MS
sheet, 1200mm in height with air release valve on top and flanged
connection to riser, drain arrangement with 25mm dia Stainless Steel
wheel valve, with required accessories, pressure gauge and painting with
synthetic enamel paint of approved shade as required.
6 Nos. 11792.00 70752.00

2.18 Providing & Fixing Pressure switch in the M.S Pipe Line including
connection etc. as required. 12 Nos. 2007.00 24084.00

2.19 Providing,fixing,testing and commissioning 100 mm dia pressure gauge of

range 0 -015 Kg / sqcm conforming to IS - 3624 having bourdon tube of
stain steel 310 in cast aluminium,stove enamelled, black, weather proof
case with outer, screwed aluminium bezel and complete with necessary
U-type stainless steel siphon tube and cock complete as required.
8 Nos. 878.00 7024.00
2.20 Providing and fixing flow switches in 100/150mm dia M.S Pipe as
required. 5 Nos. 1819.00 9095.00

2.21 Providing & Fixing testing & commissioning of installtion control valve of
cast iron body and brass/bronze working parts comprising of water motor
alarm. Bronze seat clapper, and clapper arm, hydraulically driven
mechanical gong bell to sound continuous alarm when the Wet riser/
sprinkler System activates, pressure gauges, emergency release,strainer,
pressure switch, cock valve complete with drain valve and bypass, test
control box, ball valves, MS pipe of required sizem flanges, orifice plate,
gasket etc. of size 150mm dia as required.
2 Nos. 74640.00 149280.00

2.22 Providing, fixing, testing & commissioning of 15 mm size quartzoid

bulbtype sprinklers, of rating 68 degree C. with required accessories.

a. Upright 68° C Chrome Plated 0 Nos. 415.00 0.00

b. Pendent 68° C Chrome Plated 0 Nos. 451.00 0.00

2.23 Providing installing testing and commissioning of UL listed 20 mm dia flexi

drops of stainless steel metallic pipe of length upto 1200 mm along with
accessories as reqd. 0 Nos. 1694.00 0.00

2.24 Constructing masonry chamber 120x120x100 cm inside, in brick work in

cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.1.
surface box 100 mm top diameter, 160 mm bottom diameter and 180
mm deep ( inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement
:2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size), i/c
necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand
:10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside plastering
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick, finished
with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design:

a. With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation
7.5 1 Nos. 16095.10 16095.10 DSR Civil -18.35
2.25 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of annunciation panel
made out of not less 1.6 mm thick CRCA sheet powder coated in
approved colour with locking arrangement, audio and visual indication of
fault and operation of automatic sprinkler, system monitoring including
providing and fixing the following i/c connections interconnections etc.
complete as required. The panel shall be Micro-processor type/solid state
type. Monitoring 60 Nos. of flow switches. Monitoring the open circuit,
short circuit and earth fault in control cable between panel and flow
switches. Battery charger trickle cum boost to take complete load of
annunciation panel complete with indication of low bateery voltage, mains
failure and other accessories including providing and fixing of 2 Nos. 12
volts 24 AH each sealed maintenance free batteries and with audible
alarm as required.
1 Job 124818.00 124818.00

2.26 Fabricating, supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of electrical

control panel of cubical construction,floor mounted type , fabricated from
2 mm thick CRCA sheet compartmentalised with hinged lockable doors,
dust and vermin proof, powder coated of approved shade after 7 tank
treatrment process,cable alley,inter connection, having switchgears and
accessories mounting and internal wiring, earth terminals numbering etc
complete in all respect ,suitable for operation on 415 V ,3 phase,50 Hz
AC supply with enclosure protection class IP 42 as reqd


i)400A, 4 pole, 50 KA,MCCB with microprocessor release with
Ics=100%Icu digital Voltmeter (0-500 Volts) with selector switch. digital
Ammeter (0-400Amps) with in built selector switch and CT's etc.Set of 3
Phase LED indicating lamps,Set of Al. bus bar for 400 Amps. --1 Set

a. Main fire pump.
i)250Amps. TP MCCB,35/36 KA Ics=100%Icu with suitable HP fully
automatic star/delta starter with over load protection, (without no volt and
under voltage trip) current sensing type single phase preventor complete
with all accessories and internal wiring required for automatic operation,
selector switch for local /remote, auto/manual/OFF operation.--- 1set

ii)Digital ammeter with selector switch alongwith suitable ratio CTs---1 Set
iii)Pumpon LED Indication lamp --- 1 No.
b. Jockey pump.
i)63Amps. TP MCCB 25 KA Ics=100%Icu with suitable HP fully automatic
star/delta starter with over load protection,( without no volt and under
voltage trip), current sensing type single phase preventor complete with all
accessories and internal wiring required for automatic operation, selector
switch for local / remote, auto/manual OFF operation.-2 sets.

ii) Digital ammeter with selector switch alongwith suitable ratio CTs-1 Set.

iii) Pump on LED Indication lamp - 1 No.

c. Diesel Engine Control
Control for Diesel Engine comprising:-
Auto/Manual selector switch and 3 attempt starting device, timers and
relays as required, push buttons, start/stop in manual mode.Indication
lamp for High/Low Lub. Oil pressure,High Water Temp.and Engine ON
indication Battery Charger suitable for 12/24 V DC with boost and tickle
selector switch, 0-30 V DC volt meter, 0-20A DC Ammeter.All standard
relays and accessories for automatic operation of diesel engine.

Designing, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of System
controller to control operation of Main Electric Fire Pump, Diesel Pump,
Pressurisation Pump in sequence as per specification consisting of relays,
timers, sensors, annunciation window for fault indication, complete as per
specification. 1 Job 631557.00 631557.00

2.27 Supplying and Laying of XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed 1.1 KV grade
armoured U.G. Cable of following sizes on surface/in existing cable tray
suitably clamped as required.
a. 31/2 x 240 sq.mm.(aluminium conductor) 100 Mtrs. 1816.00 181600.00
b. 3 x 70 Sqmm(aluminium conductor) 50 Mtrs. 540.00 27000.00
c. 3 x 10 Sq mm (Copper conductor) 50 Mtrs. 596.00 29800.00
d. 2 x 2.5 Sq mm (Copper conductor) 400 Mtrs. 162.00 64800.00
e. 12 x 2.5 Sq mm (Copper conductor) 1000 Mtrs. 630.00 630000.00
f. 6 x 2.5 Sq mm (Copper conductor) 24 Mtrs. 361.00 8664.00

2.28 Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and
Al. lugs for following sizes of PVC insulated, PVC sheathed/ XLPE Al.
conductor cables of 1.1 KV grade as required.

a. 31/2 x 240 sq.mm. 4 Sets 969.00 3876.00 DSR 9.1.29

b. 3 x 70 Sqmm 4 Sets 349.00 1396.00 DSR 9.1.12
c. 3 x 10 Sq mm (For Copper conductor) 4 Sets 161.00 644.00 DSR 9.1.7

2.29 Suppling and fixing following sizes of perforated pre-painted M.S cable
trays with perforation not more than 17.5%, in convenient sections, joined
with connectors, suspended from the ceiling with M.S. suspenders
including bolts and nuts, painting suspenders etc as required.

a. 150 mm. (W) X 50 mm. (D) X 1.6mm.(TH) 30 Mtrs. 520.00 15600.00 DSR 4.1.2
b. 300 mm. (W) X 50 mm. (D) X 1.6mm (TH) 20 Mtrs. 789.00 15780.00 DSR 4.1.4

2.30 Providing and fixing 25 mm x 5 mm G.I.Strip in on surface or in recess for

loop earthing complete etc. as required. 50 Mtrs. 142.00 7100.00 DSR 5.15



S. No Description of item DSR Amount (Rs.) Non DSR Amount (Rs.)


2 TREE PLANTS 16125.00 0.00
3 SHRUBS 65000.00 0.00

TOTAL AMOUNT 4238876.25


Add 0% Cost Index (Cost Index of Kanpur) -

Total Amount

Page 1

Item Total DSR Total N DSR

Qty (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.)
Uprooting rank vegetation and weeds by digging the area to a depth of 60
cm, removing all weeds and other growth with roots by forking repeatedly,
1.01 2.12 breaking clods, rough dressing, flooding with water, uprooting fresh growths sqm 27000.00 35.75 965250.00
after 10 to 15 days and then fine dressing for planting new grass, including
disposal of all rubbish with all leads and lifts.
Fine dressing of the ground.
1.02 2.70 sqm 45000.00 2.15 96750.00
Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including royalty and carriage
1.03 2.20 upto 5 km complete (earth measured in stacks will be reduced by 20% for cum 2250.00 332.55 748237.50
Supplying and stacking at site dump manure from approved source,
including carriage upto 5 km complete (manure measured in stacks will be
1.04 2.40 reduced by 8% for payment) : (2.4.2 ) cum 1125.00 192.05 216056.25
Screened through sieve of I.S. designation 16 mm

Mixing earth and sludge or manure in the required proportion specified or

1.05 2.90 cum 3375.00 21.35 72056.25
directed by the Officer-in-charge
Spreading of sludge, dump manure and/or good earth in required thickness
1.06 2.80 as per direction of officer-in-charge (cost of sludge, dump manure and/ or cum 3375.00 30.95 104456.25
good earth to be paid separately).

Preparation of mounds of various size and shape by available excavated /

supplied earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods,
1.07 2.28 cum 2250.00 267.10 600975.00
watering of each layer, dressing etc., lead upto 50 meter and lift upto 1.5 m
complete as per direction of Officer-in-charge.
Grassing with selection No. 1 grass including watering and maintenance
of the lawn for 60 days or more till the grass forms a thick lawn, free from
1.08 2.10 weeds and fit for mowing including supplying good earth, if needed (the sqm 44500.00 10.40 462800.00
grass and earth shall be paid for separately). (2.10.1)
In rows 5 cm apart in both directions
Half brick circular tree guard in bricks, internal diameter 1.25 metre and
height 1.2 metre above ground and 0.20 m below ground, bottom two courses
laid dry and top three courses in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 fine
1.09 2.15 sand) and the intermediate courses being in dry honey comb masonry as Each 200.00 1419.70 283940.00
per design complete: (
2.15.1) With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 5

Page 1

Providing and fixing M.S. flat iron tree guard 60 cm dia and 2 m high, above
ground consisting 4 nos 25 x 6 mm, 2.25 m long and 8 nos 25 x 3 mm 2 m
long verticals M.S. flats, riveted to 3 nos 25 x 6 mm M.S. flat iron rings in
two halves, fixing together at site with required six numbers of 8 mm dia
and 30 mm long bolts, including painting two coats with synthetic enamel
paint of approved brand and manufacture over a coat of primer. One name
1.10 2.16 Each 200.00 3036.15 607230.00
plate of 1 mm thick M.S. sheet of size 250x100 mm shall be welded to the
tree guard near the middle height and lettered CPWD / PWD/ any other
approved name. The tree guard shall be suitably fixed to the ground by
embedding four legs of tree guard in pits of suitable dia and to a depth of 25
cm, refilling the pits with soil and ramming, complete in all respect as per
satisfaction and direction of Officer-in-charge.


Page 2

Supply and stacking of Polyalthia longifolia (Ashok) plant of height 180-
2.01 7.75 195 cm. in gunny bag of size 30 cm as per direction of the officer-incharge. Each 100.00 10000.00
Supply and stacking of Azadirachta indica ( Neem ) plant of height 120-
2.02 7.50 130cm in big polybag of size 25 cm as per direction of the Each 60.00 1500.00
officer-in-charge. 25.00
Supply and stacking of Bassia latifolia (Mahua) plant of height 90-105 cm.
2.03 7.60 in big polybag of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-in-charge. Each 60.00 1500.00
Supply and stacking of Mangifera indica (Mango-grafted ) plant of height
2.04 7.53 Each 55.00 1375.00
60-75 cm. in big poly bag of size 25 cm as per direction of the officer-incharge. 25.00
Supply and stacking of Eugenia jambolana (Jamun) plant of height 150-
165 cm. in big poly bags of size 25 cm as per direction of the
2.05 7.83 Each 70.00 1750.00

SUB HEAD - 2 (TREE PLANTS) 16125.00 0.00


Supply and stacking of plant Hibiscus rosasinensis of height 60-75 cm.

3.01 8.34 with 5-6 branches in p.bag of size 25 cm as per direction of the Each 45.00 22500.00
officer-in-charge. 500.00
Supply and stacking of plant Murraya Koenigii spreng (Kadipatta/meetha
3.02 8.45 neem) of ht 45-60 cm well developed in earthen pots of size 20 cm. per Each 25.00 12500.00
direction of the officer-in-charge. 500.00
Supply and stacking of plant Plumbego capensis well developed with fresh
3.03 8.53 and healthy 30 to 45 cm ht., with bloom in 20 cm Earthen Pot/Plastic Pot Each 60.00 30000.00
as per direction of the officer-in-charge. 500.00



Amount of DSR Item

Amount of Non-DSR Item
Total 4238876.00

Page 3



A. Designing, supply, Installation, erection and commissioning of Roof top
Grid Multi crystalline P.V. Solar module fixed tilt type (60-70) microns
supported on G.I. steel structure designed for local wind speed velocity
of rating 320wp ,CAPACITY 1.25 MEGAWATT. D.C. including grid tie
inverter-central type 1.25MVA and other miscellaneous items required
for connecting D.C.as well as AC cables as per IEC and IS. based on
soil resistivity including lighting protection systems as per norms.

a. Supply of P.V. Module 315W (IEC certified) viram/waree/CEL or

equavelent Mega Watt 1.25 32750000.00 40937500
b. Supply of Inverter Grid Tie Make SMA/ABB/Schedilair or equavelent
Mega Watt 1.25 7392000.00 9240000
c. G.I. pipe Structure of hotdip Galvanized 82-90 Micron.
Per Watt 1250000 8.00 10000000
d. Security camera, Cable, A.C. D.B., AJB etc.
Per Watt 1250000 3.85 4812500
e Scada Water Monitoring System, LT Panel, Earthing etc. complete in all
LS 1 2750000.00 2750000
f Installation & Commissioning charges per Watt 1250000 2.75 3437500

TOTAL 71177500

g Packaging, Transportation charges @ 0.50% 355888

h Insurance Charges of all equipment, Module ect. L.S. 272773
Grand Total 71806160

Page 1 of 2

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