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Model Composition

t rhat will fit

Learning things for the first time can be quite scary. * This essay opens
I can still remember the first time I learnt how to swim. witlt a general
I have always been afraid of water; however, I felt the st0tement: Learning
need to swim because I wanted to be part of our school's tltings .for rhe .first
triathlon. Also, I felt it was a very important skill to learn. tinte ccttt be quite
To prepare myself for this daunting task, I tried to think scar\'. Tlti s staternent
about its benefits such as it being a good form of exercise introcluces tlte
and that it would make me a stronger person. However, I subject of tlte essay
was oblivious to the fact that swimming would eventually wlticlt is tlte le,trrtirt.q
improve my self-confidence. experience of tlrc
writer. Tlre ttse of
I remember my first swimming lesson vividly. I tlte pronourt 'l' vvcts
changed into my swimming trunks inside the locker room used to indicate
and waited timidly at the pool for the instructor and my that the author is
fellow classmates. The teacher was thirty minutes late. He narrating a personal
smiled, apologised for his delay, and introduced himself. experience.
I looked around and saw that my classmates were all of
e the ideas different ages. I was the youngest in the group.

The teacher told us to get into pool and gave each of ) The essay is a
us a brightly-coloured float. One of my classmates, Sarah, story about tlte
who had taken the same class two months ago, was given a writer's experience.
kickboard since she was ahead of all of us. Another student, Sufficient details
Ralph, was told to. hold on the side of the pool to practise ctbout tlte people,
some kicks. I was told to watch my classmates first. After a places, and events
while, I was allowed to use the float and the teacher made are supplied in order
me do five laps across the pool. to givc the reader
a clear idea about
must admit that the swimming lesson I took was hoyt tlte author felt
not very easy. I was very lucky that my teacher was patient. about them.
After three weeks, I was able to learn the basic swimming
strokes. My teacher told me that I only had to brush up on
my coordination and I would be ready to advance to the next'
level. Learning to swim was a very fulfilling experience for
me because I was able to conquer my fear of water.

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