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Book Title: eTextbook: Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation

Chapter 16. Acids and Bases

16.3. Water as an Acid and a Base

16.3. Water as an Acid and a Base


To learn about the ionization of water.

A substance is said to be amphoteric if it can behave either as an acid or as a base. Water is the most
common amphoteric substance. We can see this clearly in the ionization of water, which involves the

transfer of a proton from one water molecule to another to produce a hydroxide ion and a hydronium



In this reaction one water molecule acts as an acid by furnishing a proton, and the other acts as a base by

accepting the proton. The forward reaction for this process does not occur to a very great extent. That is,

in pure water only a tiny amount of H3 O


and OH

exist. At 25
the actual concentrations are

+ − −7
[H3 O ] = [OH ] = 1.0 × 10 M

Notice that in pure water the concentrations of [H3 O

and [OH

are equal because they are

produced in equal numbers in the ionization reaction.

One of the most interesting and important things about water is that the mathematical product of the

H3 O

and OH

concentrations is always constant. We can find this constant by multiplying the

concentrations of +
H3 O
and −
at 25 °C
+ − −7 −7 −14
[H3 O ][OH ] = (1.0 × 10 )(1.0 × 10 ) = 1.0 × 10

We call this constant the ion-product constant, Kw . Thus at 25 °C

+ − −14
[H3 O ][OH ] = 1.0 × 10 = Kw

To simplify the notation we often write H3 O


as just H

. Thus we would write the Kw

as follows:

+ − −14
[H ][OH ] = 1.0 × 10 = Kw

The units are customarily omitted when the value of the constant is given and used.

It is important to recognize the meaning of Kw

. In any aqueous solution at 25
, no matter what it

contains, the product of [H

and [OH

must always equal 1.0 × 10

. This means that if the

goes up, the [OH

must go down so that the product of the two is still 1.0 × 10

. For

example, if HCl
gas is dissolved in water, increasing the [H
, the [OH

must decrease.

There are three possible situations we might encounter in an aqueous solution. If we add an acid (an


donor) to water, we get an acidic solution. In this case, because we have added a source of H


the [H
will be greater than the [OH

. On the other hand, if we add a base (a source of OH

) to

water, the [OH

will be greater than the [H
. This is a basic solution. Finally, we might have a

situation in which [H
] = [OH

. This is called a neutral solution. Pure water is automatically neutral,

but we can also obtain a neutral solution by adding equal amounts of H


and −
. It is very

important that you understand the definitions of neutral, acidic, and basic solutions. In summary:

1. In a neutral solution, [H
] = [OH


Remember that H

represents H3 O


2. In an acidic solution, [H
] > [OH

3. In a basic solution, [OH

] > [H

In each case, however, Kw = [H


] = 1.0 × 10


Interactive Example 16.3. Calculating Ion Concentrations in Water

Calculate [H
or [OH

as required for each of the following solutions at 25 °C
, and state

whether the solution is neutral, acidic, or basic.

a. 1.0 × 10

b. 1.0 × 10

c. 10.0 M


a. Where Are We Going?

We want to determine [H
in a solution of given [OH

at 25 °C

What Do We Know?

At 25 °C
, Kw = [H

] = 1.0 × 10

− −5
[OH ] = 1.0 × 10 M

How Do We Get There?

We know that Kw = [H

] = 1.0 × 10

. We need to calculate the +
[H ]
. However, the


is given—it is 1.0 × 10
—so we will solve for [H
by dividing both sides by


−14 −14
1.0 × 10 1.0 × 10
+ −9
[H ] = = = 1.0 × 10 M
− −5
[OH ] 1.0 × 10

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+ −
Kw = [H ][OH ]

= [H ]

[OH ]

Because [OH

] = 1.0 × 10
is greater than [H
] = 1.0 × 10
, the solution is basic.

(Remember: The more negative the exponent, the smaller the number.)

b. Where Are We Going?

We want to determine [H
in a solution of given [OH

at 25 °C

What Do We Know?

At 25 °C
, Kw = [H

] = 1.0 × 10

− −7
[OH ] = 1.0 × 10 M

How Do We Get There?

Again the [OH

is given, so we solve the Kw
expression for +
[H ]

−14 −14
1.0 × 10 1.0 × 10
+ −7
[H ] = = = 1.0 × 10 M
− −7
[OH ] 1.0 × 10

Here [H
] = [OH

] = 1.0 × 10
, so the solution is neutral.
c. Where Are We Going?

We want to determine [OH

in a solution of given [H
at 25 °C

What Do We Know?

At 25 °C
, Kw = [H

] = 1.0 × 10

[H ] = 10.0 M

How Do We Get There?

In this case the [H

is given, so we solve for [OH


−14 −14
1.0 × 10 1.0 × 10
− −15
[OH ] = = = 1.0 × 10 M
+ 10.0
[H ]

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+ −
Kw = [H ][OH ]


= [OH ]
[H ]

Now we compare [H
] = 10.0 M
with [OH

] = 1.0 × 10
. Because [H
is greater than


, the solution is acidic.

Self-Check: Exercise 16.2

Calculate [H
in a solution in which [OH

] = 2.0 × 10
. Is this solution acidic, neutral, or


See Problems 16.31, 16.32, 16.33, and 16.34.

Example 16.4. Using the Ion-Product Constant in Calculations

Is it possible for an aqueous solution at 25 °C

to have [H
] = 0.010 M
and [OH

] = 0.010 M


The concentration 0.010 M

can also be expressed as 1.0 × 10
. Thus, if

] = [OH

] = 1.0 × 10
, the product

+ − −2 −2 −4
[H ][OH ] = (1.0 × 10 )(1.0 × 10 ) = 1.0 × 10

This is not possible. The product of [H

and [OH

must always be −14
1.0 × 10
in water at

25 °C
, so a solution could not have [H
] = [OH

] = 0.010 M
. If H

and OH

are added to

water in these amounts, they will react with each other to form H2 O

+ −
H + OH → H2 O

until the product [H


] = 1.0 × 10


This is a general result. When H


and OH

are added to water in amounts such that the product

of their concentrations is greater than 1.0 × 10


, they will react to form water until enough +

and OH

are consumed so that [H

] = 1.0 × 10


Chemistry In Focus Airplane Rash

Because airplanes remain in service for many years, it is important to spot corrosion that might
weaken the structure at an early stage. In the past, looking for minute signs of corrosion has been
very tedious and labor-intensive, especially for large planes. This situation has changed, however,
thanks to the paint system developed by Gerald S. Frankel and Jian Zhang of Ohio State University.
The paint they created turns pink in areas that are beginning to corrode, making these areas easy to

The secret to the paint’s magic is phenolphthalein, the common acid–base indicator that turns pink in
a basic solution. The corrosion of the aluminum skin of the airplane involves a reaction that forms


ions, producing a basic area at the site of the corrosion that turns the phenolphthalein pink.

Because this system is highly sensitive, corrosion can be corrected before it damages the plane.

Next time you fly, if the plane has pink spots, you might want to wait for a later flight!

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