Bai-1-Phonetics-symbols BẢNG PHIÊM ÂM QUỐC TẾ

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Trung tâm Luyện thi Amax – 39 LK 6A Làng Việt Kiều Châu Âu


1. The symbols vowel sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các nguyên âm):
1.1. The symbols of pure vowel sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các nguyên
âm đơn):
Symbols In
of the letters Examples in words
sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ)
(Kí hiệu thể
các âm) hiện)
/І/ a village /’vIlIdʒ/ package assemblage
/’pækIdʒ/ /ә’semblIdʒ/
e pretty /’prItI/ represent deliver /di’livә(r)/
i sit /sIt/ little /’lItl/ simple /’sImpl/
y happy /’hæpI/ easy /’i:zI/ usually /’ju:ʊlI/
/ i: / ea lead /li:d/ seaside /’si:saId/ meaningful /’mi:nIŋfʊl/
ee meet /mi:t/ sheep /ʃi:p/ steel /sti:l/
a many /’menI/ any/’enI/ manifold /’menIfәʊld/
/e/ e send /send/ recommend comprehend
/rIkɔ’mend /kәmprI’hend/
ea head /hed/ spread /spred/ headache /‘hedeIk/
/æ/ a land /lænd/ brandy /’brændI/ sandy /’sændI/
/ɔ/ o pot /pɔt / spot /spɔt / slot /slɔt /
a wash /wɔʃ / what /wɔt / watch /wɔtʃ/
a talk /tɔ:k/ walk /wɔ:k/ water /’wɔ:tә(r)/
aw saw /sɔ:/ lawn /lɔ:n/ pawn /pɔ:n/
/ ɔ: / oa broad /brɔ:d/ broaden/’brɔ:dn/ abroad /ә’brɔ:d/
oo door /dɔ:(r)/ floor /flɔ:(r)/ floorage /’flɔ:rIdʒ/
or fork /fɔ:k/ sport /spɔ:t/ transport /’trænspɔ:t/
ou fought /fɔ:t/ thought /θɔ:t/ bought /bɔ:t/
o some /sm/ come /km/ done /dn/
// u shut /ʃt/ muddy /’mdI/ budget /’bdʒIt/
oo blood /bld/ flood /fld/ bloodless /bldlIs/
ou tough /tf/ enough /I’nf/ rough /rf/
a task /ta:sk/ fast /fa:stk/ broadcast /br ɔ:d’ka:st/
/ ɑ: / ar card /ka:d/ I
re tard /r ’ta:d/
farther /’fa:әr/
ear heart /ha:t/ hearten /’ha:tәn/ hearth /ha:θ/
/ʊ/ u p u ll /pʊl/ p ush /pʊʃ/ p u llet /’pʊlet/
or oo g oo d /gʊd/ c ook /kʊk/ l oo k /lʊk/

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/u/ ou could /kʊld/ would /wʊld/ should /ʃʊld/

u frugal /’fru:gәl/ conclude illusion /I’lu:ʃn/
/ u: / /kɔn’klu:d/
oe shoe /ʃu: / shoebill /’ʃu:bIl/ shoemaker /’ʃu:meIkәr/
oo moon /mu:n/ spoon /spu:n/ smooth /smu:θ/
ui fruit /fru:t/ cruise /kru:s/ recruit /rI’kru:t/
a await /ә’weIt/ about /ә’baut/ machine /mә’ʃi:n/
/ә/ o tonight /tә’naIt/ potato /pә’teItәu/ tomorrow /tә’mɔrәʊ/
er reader /’ri:dәr/ writer /’raItәr/ cruiser /’kru:sәr/
or actor /’æktәr/ doctor /’dɔktәr/ translator /’trænsleItәr/
er prefer merchant merciful /’mз:sIfʊl/
/ з: / /prI’fз: r/ /’mз:tʃәnt/
ir shirt /ʃз:t/ skirt /skз:t/ first /fз:st/
ur hurt /hз:t/ further /’ʃз:ә/ furnish /’ʃз:nIʃ/
or word /wз:d/ work /wз:k/ worm /wз:m/
ear heard /hз:d/ earth /з:θ/ earthen /’з:θәn/

1. 2. The diphthongs and triphthongs (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các nguyên
đôi, ba):
Symbols In
of the letters Examples in words
sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ)
(Kí hiệu thể
các âm) hiện)
a case /keIs/ baby /’beIbI/ lazy /’leIzI/
/ eI / ai maid /meId/ maiden /’meIdn/ maidenly /’meIdnlI/
ay say /seI/ clay /kleI/ play /pleI/
ei eight /eIt/ eighthly /’eIθlI/ eiranic /eI’rænIk/
/ aI / i kite /kaIt/ night /naIt/ mine /maIn/
y sky /skaI/ fly /flaI/ satisfy /’sætIsfaI/
/ ɔI / oi soil /sɔIl/ coin /kɔIn/ spoil /spɔIl/
oy employ /Im’plɔI/ enjoy /In’dʒɔI/ employment
/ aʊ / ou mouse /maʊs/ mouth /maʊθ/ surround /sз:’raʊnd/
ow now /naʊ/ power /’paʊ әr/ cowboy /’kaʊ bɔI/
o cold /kәʊld/ scold /skәʊld/ fold /fәʊld/
/ әʊ / ow slow /slәʊ/ flow /flәʊ/ show /ʃәʊ/
ew sew /sәʊ/ sewing /’sәʊIŋ/ sewn /sәʊn/
/ Iә / ear hear /hIә(r)/ fear /fIә(r)/ near /nIә(r)/

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Trung tâm Luyện thi Amax – 39 LK 6A Làng Việt Kiều Châu Âu

ere here /hIә(r)/ merely /’mIәlI/ atmosphere

ere there /eә(r)/ therapy thereabout
/ eә / /’θeәrәpI/ /’eәrәbaʊt/
are fare /feә(r)/ share /ʃeә(r)/ stare /steә(r)/
air hair /heә(r)/ fair /feә(r)/ stairs /steә(r)s/
/ ʊә / our tour /tʊә(r)/ tourer /tʊәrә/ tourism /’tʊәrIzm/
ire tire /taIә/ fire /faIә/ firemen /’faIәmen/
/ aIә / yre tyre /taIә/ tyreles /’taIәlIs/ tyre-pump
/’taIә pmp /
yer buyer /baIә/ flyer /flaIә/ buyer /baIә/
/ әʊә / ower slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/ slower /slәʊә/
/ aʊә / ower shower /ʃaʊә/ power /paʊә/ flower /flaʊә/
our flour /flaʊә/ sour /saʊә/ flour /flaʊә/
/ eIә / ayer prayer /preIә/ player /pleIә/ sprayer /spreIә/
eyer greyer /’greIә/ greyer /’greIә/ greyer /’greIә/
/ ɔIә / oyer enjoyer /In’dʒɔIә/ enjoyer /In’dʒɔIә/ employer /Im’plɔIә/
oyal loyal /’lɔIәl/ loyalty /’lɔIәltI/ loyal /’lɔIәl/
2. The symbols of the consonant sounds (Các kí hiệu phiên âm của các phụ
2.1. The symbols of voiceless consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm của các phụ âm vô
Symbols In
of the letters Examples in words
sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ)
(Kí hiệu thể
các âm) hiện)
/ p / p pen /pen/ paint /peInt/ people /’pi:pәl/
f five /faIv/ formal /’fɔ:mәl/ family /’fæmIlI/
/ f / ph physics /’fIz Iks/ physician /fI’zIkʃn/ physical /fI’zIkәl/
gh laugh /la:f/ enough /I’nf/ rough /rf/
/  / th throw /θrәʊ/ thunder /’θndә(r)/ sixth /sIksθ/
/ t / t teach /ti:tʃ/ temple /’tempәl/ tittle /’taItәl/
ed looked /lʊkt/ laughed /la:ft/ stopped /stɔpt/
/ s / s site /saIt/ sandy /’sændI/ sample /’sæmpәl/
c centre /’sentә/ century /’sentʃʊrI/ cell /sel/
sh sheep /ʃi:p/ sheet /ʃi:t/ English /’IŋlIʃ/
/ ʃ / ch machine chaise /ʃeIz/ champagne /ʃæm’peIn/

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s sugar /’ʃʊgә/ sugary /’ʃʊgәr I/ sure /’ʃʊә(r)/

/ t∫ / ch choice /tʃɔIs/ church /tʃз:tʃ/ chimney /’tʃImnI/
t fixture /'fIkst∫ә/ future / 'fju:t∫ә/ question / 'kwest∫n/
/ k / k kitchen/’kItʃn/ kiss /kIs/ king /kIŋ/
c concert cancel /’kænsәl/ comedy /’kmedI/
ch chemist chemistry chemical /’kemIkәl/
/’kemIst/ /’kemIstrI/
q quite /kwaIt/ question / 'kwest∫n/ conquest /’kɔŋkwest/
/ h / h hike /haIk/ hunger /’hŋgә(r)/ homeless /’hәʊmlIs/
wh whoop /hu:p/ whose /hu:z/ wholesale /’hɔʊlseIl/
2.2. The symbols of voiced consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm của các phụ âm hữu
Symbols In
of the letters Examples in words
sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ)
(Kí hiệu thể
các âm) hiện)
/ b / b boy /bɔI/ bamboo /bæm’bu:/ band /bænd/
/ v / v visit /’vIzIt/ van /væn/ victory /’vIktәrI/
f of /әv/ of /әv/ of /әv/
/  / th them /әm/ with /wI/ though /әʊ/
/ d / d done /dn/ doctor /’dɔktә(r)/ dancer /’dænsә(r)/
ed lived /’lIvd/ earned /з:nd/ cancelled /’kænsәld/
/ z / z zebra /’zi:brә/ zip /zIp/ zealot /’zelәt/
s visit /’vIzIt/ visual /’vIzjʊәl/ teachers /ti:tʃәz/
/ ʒ / s vision /’vIʒn/ usual /’jʊʒʊәl/ usually /’jʊʒʊәlI/
/ dʒ / g germ /dʒз:m/ gene /dʒi:n/ age /eIdʒ/
j jam /dʒæm/ jam /dʒæz/ joyful /dʒɔIfʊl/
/ g / g gift /gIft/ gain /geIn/ girl /gз:l/
/ l / l little /’lItәl/ lamp /læmp/ light /laIt/
/ m / m monk /mɔŋk/ mammal /’mæmәl/ Monday /’mndeI/
/ n / n name /neIm/ number /nmbә/ noise /nɔIs/
/ ŋ / n think /θIŋk/ thank /θæŋk/ sink /sIŋk/
ng sing /sIŋ/ thing /θIŋ/ ceiling /’si:lIŋ/
/ r / r rural /’rʊәrәl/ ring /rIŋ/ reader /’ri:dә/
/ w / w with /wI/ wine /waIn/ wing /wIŋ/
wh when /wen/ whistle /’wIsәl/ whisper /’wIspә/
/ j / y young /jŋ/ yearly /’jIәlI/ youth /ju:θ/

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u music /’mju:sIk/ unit /’ju:nIt/ university

/ju:nI’v з:sItI/
/ ф / h honest /’ɔ:nIst/ hour /aʊә/ heir /aIә/
mute k knight /naIt/ knit /nIt/ known /nɔʊn/
cases b comb /kɔʊm/ climb /klaIm/ debt /det/
p pneumonia psychology psychiatrist
/njʊ’mɔ:nIә/ /saI’kɔ:lɔdʒI/ /saI’kIәtrIst/
2.3. The clusters of consonants (Kí hiệu phiên âm của các chùm phụ âm):
Symbols In
of the letters Examples in words
sounds (Chữ cái (Ví dụ cụ thể trên các từ)
(Kí hiệu thể
các âm) hiện)
/ sp / speak /spi:k/ spoil /spɔIl/ speaker /’spi:kә/
/ st / start /sta:t/ stand /stænd/ stay /steI/
/ sk / school /skʊl/ skill /skIl/ scan /skæn/
/ s+ / / sf / sphere /sfIә/ spheral /sfIәrәl/ biosphere /baIә’sfIә/
/ sm / small /smɔl/ smash /smæʃ/ smell /smel/
/ sn / snow /snәʊ/ sneeze /sni:z/ sneaky /’sni:kI/
/ sw / sweet /swi:t/ swim /swIm/ swan /swɔn/
/ sj / super /sjʊpә/ superadd superably
/’sjʊpәræd/ /’sjʊpәreIblI/
/ pl / plump /plmp/ apply /ә’plaI/ please /pli:s/
/ p+ / / pr / proud /praʊd/ propose /’prɔpәʊs/ produce /prә’djʊs/
/ pj / pure /pjʊә/ purely /’pjʊәlI/ purify /’pjʊrәfaI/
/ tr / train /treIn/ treat /tri:t/ treatment /tri:tmәnt/
/ t+ / / tw / twice /twaIs/ twerp /twз:p/ twicer /’twaIsә/
/ tj / tube /tjʊb/ tubal /’tjʊ:bәl/ tuber /’tjʊ:bә/
/ kl / class /kla:s/ clean /kli:ns/ clame /kleIm/
/ k+ / / kr / cream /kri:m/ cry /kraI/ creative /kri:’e ItIv/
/ kw / quite /kwaIt/ quit /kwIt/ quest /kwest/
/ kj / cure /kjʊә/ cute /kjʊt/ cutely /kjʊtlI/
/ bl / blow /blәʊ/ blame /bleIm/ bleach /bli:tʃ/
/ b+ / / br / bring /brIŋ/ bride /braId/ bridge /brIdʒ/
/ bj / beauty /’bjʊtI/ beautify /’bjʊtIfaI/ beautiful /’bjʊtIfʊl/
/ g+ / / gl / glass /gla:s/ glim /glIm/ glance /gla:ns/
/ gr / grow /grәʊ/ great /greIt/ groom /gru:m/
/ dr / dream /dri:m/ dread /dred / dreadful /’dredfʊl/
/ d+ / / dw / dwell /dwel/ dweller /’dwelә/ dwelt /dwel/

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/ dj / duty /’djʊtI/ dutiful /’djʊtIfʊl/ dutifully /’djʊtIfʊlI/

/ fl / flow /flәʊ/ fly /flaI/ flame /fleIm/
/ f+ / / fr / fry /fraI/ fright /fraIt/ fridge /frIdʒ/
/ fj / furious /’fjʊrIәs/ few /fjʊ/ furiously /’fjʊrIәslI/
/ + / / r / throw /θrәʊ/ through /θru:/ threat /θret/
/ w / thwart /wæt/ thwack /wæk/ thwack /wæk/
/ vj / view /vjʊ/ interview /’Intәvjʊ/ preview /prI’vjʊ/
/ mj / mute /mjʊt/ mutual /mjʊtʊәl/ music /mjʊzIk/
/ ∫r / shrimp /∫rImp/ shriek /∫ri:k/ shrill /∫rIl/
/ nj / nude /njʊd/ nudist /’njʊdIst/ nudism /’njʊdIzm/
Các kết / spr / spread /spred/ sprawl /sprɔ:l/ spray /spreI/
hợp khác / spl / splash /splæʃ/ splat /splæt/ splashy /splæʃI/
/ skr / scream /scri:m/ scree /scri: / screen /scri:n/
/ str / stream /stri:m/ strawy /strɔ: I/ streak /stri:k/
/ skj / scuba /’skjʊbә/ scuba /’skjʊbә/ scuba /’skjʊbә/
/ stj / student stupid /’stjʊpId/ studio /’stjʊdIәʊ/
/ spj / spume /spjʊ:m/ spue /spjʊ:/ spumous /spjʊ:mәs/
/ skw / square /skweә/ squarer /’skweәrә/ squander /’skwɔdә/

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