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Syndicate 2:

Fauzan Ishaq 29120210

Hani Apriyanti 29120192
Sintya Zahra Aulya 29120118

1. Using the information provided in the case, develop a high level process map for
the Akshaya Patra Foundation using Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs and
Customers (SIPOC). What insights can you draw from the high level process
Answer :
2. Given that VK Hill kitchen needs to serve 87,045 students with 7 tonnes of cooked
rice and 16,800 liters of Sambar per day, what is the total time required for
cooking Sambar and rice?
Answer :
To cook 0,875 ton of rice per batch they need 30 minutes of cooking process. If they need to
cook 7 ton of rice, the time of cooking process will be 240 minutes.
7 ton : 0,875 ton = 8
8 x 30 minutes = 240 minutes

To cook 8.600 litters of Sambar, they need 121 minutes of cooking process. If they need to
cook 16.800 litters of Sambar, the time of cooking process will be 242 minutes.
16.800 litters : 8.600 litters = 2
122 minutes x 2 = 244 minutes
So, the total time needed to cook rice and Sambar is:
240 minutes + 244 minutes = 484 minutes or 8 hours and 4 minutes
3. If the food has to be delivered by 12.00 noon at the farthest school from the
Vasanthapura kitchen (which takes 4 hours to reach), what are the lower and
upper specification limits for completion of the first batch of Sambar? If the cooking
starts at 5.00 am, calculate the corresponding Sigma Score (process capability)
assuming that the standard deviation of cooking Sambar is 10 minutes
Answer :
Given that :
-USL (Upper Specification Limit)
07.30 a.m. (the time needed to get to the furthest school is 4 hours and 30 minutes for
-LSL (Lower Specification Limit)
06.00 a.m. (The fastest time to send food to school so that the food is still warm, remember
that round tofu is suddenly fried, haneut, delicious. It's just as rich as this too. Remember
KPI if he is still haunted for no more than 6 hours. While the food can't be arrived more than
12 o'clock So, we write here at 6 am the fastest to send the food so it's not more than 12
o'clock and the food is still haze)
07.02 a.m. (assuming the cooking start time is 05.00 a.m. there we need 122 minutes to
cook sambar)
-​Cooking start time
05.00 a.m. (This is just our initial assumption and actually we want to check if we cook from
5 o'clock capable or not. That means he is too late or too late)

Formulation capable index (remember it is called capable if the value is at least 1)

Cp = min [(USL-mean) / 3 sigma, (mean - MSM) / 3 sigma]

just substitute the data that we get:

Cp = min [(07.30 - 07.02) / 3 * 10, (07.02 - 06.00) / 3 * 10]

Cp = min [0.93, 2.06] = 0.93

After going through the calculations we find that the Capable Index is 0.9 which is less than
1. It means that he is not capable, he is too late or too fast to cook. So, let's go back to
tweaking the formula. Take Cp = 1.5, there we just need to find the mean and then subtract
122 and get the ideal start time

Cp < 1 : Not Capable.
1 < Cp < 1,3 : It is good enough but it needs tight control on Cp ~ 1.
Cp > 1,3 : Process is very good because almost all the data falls within specification limits.

We assume the best Cp at 1,5

The logic is like this, capable formulas are:

Cp = min [(USL-mean) / 3 sigma, (mean - MSM) / 3 sigma]

It means that the right one is 1.5, the left is 1.5., just take one:

Cp = 1.5 = (07.30 - mean) / 30 -> 45 = 07.30 - mean -> mean = 07.30 - 45 minutes = 06.45

It turned out that he said to be capable, we had to send food for the first batch at 6:45 a.m.
Then when do we make sambar? it takes less time to make sambar which is 122 minutes.
So we have to make this sambar at​ 04.43 a.m​. so that he is capable.

4. For the upper and lower limits calculated in question 3 for Sambar cooking,
calculate the optimal start time for Sambar cooking that will maximize the Sigma
Answer :
To maximize the sigma score:
1. Assume Cp = 1

Cp = min [(USL-mean) / 3 𝛔, (mean – LSL) / 3 𝛔]

1 = (07.30 - mean) / 3(10)
1 x 30 = 07.30 - mean
30 = 07.30 - mean
07.30 - 30 minutes= mean
Mean = 07.00 am

So​, ​the first batch must be delivered at 07.00 am.

In order to do that, the Sambar cooking should start 122 minutes before 07.00 am,
which is ​04.58 am.

2. Assume Cp = 1.5 > 1

Cp = min [(USL-mean) / 3 ​𝛔​, (mean – LSL) / 3 ​𝛔​]

1.5 = (07.30 - mean) / 3(10)
1.5 x 30 = 07.30 - mean
45 = 07.30 - mean
07.30 - 45 minutes= mean
Mean = 06.45 am

So, the first batch must be delivered at 06.45 am.

In order to do that, the Sambar cooking should start 122 minutes before 06.45 am,
which is​ 04.43 am.

3. Assume Cp = 2.067 > 1

Cp = min [ (USL-mean) / 3 𝛔, (mean – LSL) / 3 𝛔 ]

2.067 = (07.30 - mean) / 3(10)
2.067​ ​x 30 = 07.30 - mean
62.01 = 07.30 - mean → 62.01 rounded to 62
07.30 - 62 minutes= mean
Mean = 06.28 am
So, the first batch must be delivered at 06.28 am.
In order to do that, the Sambar cooking should start 122 minutes before 06.28 am,
which is ​04.26 am.

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