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Serbian Plant

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Serbian Ptat E
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Copper uBtake and sequestration by Chenapodiurn botrysL.

-'re Marina Lazitl, Dragana Nikolii2, Nina
Nikolitl, Miroslav
-I dL (mnikolic@i
-- and I plant Nutltion Group,lMSl, Universityof Belgrade, KnezaViieslarra 1a, 11030 Belgrade, serbia
im0er- 2 IMGGE, University of Belgrade, vojvode stepe 444a,1 101 0 Belgrade, serbia
rad the on the efficient restriction of Cu trans-
ln most plant species tested so far, copper (Cu)tolerance rs based
; could
locatron ro rhe shoots. Mechanisms of Cu
tolerance in spontaneous vegelation wlrlcil cievelops oi-r sr.ib-
strates otherthan serpentine sorls are
extremely rarely str-rdied and still rnsufficiently understood' ln a
scale study of spontaneous revegetation
of bairen land degraded by cu mine tailings (Nrkolic and Nikolic,
at extremely high concen-
lrant 2012'), anannuai ruderal plant Cheno pociium borrys L. was observed to dominate
tratlons of soil available Cu
To elucidate the Cu tolerance mechanism , C.
botrys plants were grown in the nutrient solutions with different
Cu concentrations (0.2-200 pM). lnterestingly,
the common responses, expected for almost all the plant spe-
(root and leaf necrosis)followed by growth inhibltion, were not
cres studied so far:the symptoms of Cu toxicity
recorded tnc.botrysevenwhensubjectedtotheexcessrveconcentrationof (for instance,
translocate fascinatingly high amounts of Cu
botryswasable to take up and thus root-to-shoot
increased form 0.9 prM (contror prants)to 5.6
pM (prants subiected to 20 pM cu).The uptake and shoot accu-
solution pH was decreased from 7.0 to 5'0'The
mulation of Cu was pH dependent;it doubled when nutrient
pattern of Cu uptake exhibited saturable kinetics with the apparent
K, of 35 gM Cu'
-"d dis- The mechanism of tissue detoxification of Cu was studied
in a compartmentation expertment at a series of
reld to botrys excessive cu is predominantly sequestrat-
cu concentrations (0.2,20,and 100 prM cu). ln the roots of C.
rl pref-
ed by the cell wall; once this pool is saturated, cu is translocated
to the leaves where it rs accumulated in the
-o and vacuoles and detoxified most probably by complexation
with organic anions. Meanwhile, cu supply does not
affect the proportion of Cu fraction bound to the proteins'
ly and
ted to paradox on floodplain soils under long-term pollution by mining
Nikolic N, Nikolic M (20,l2):Gradient analysis reveals a copper
waste, SciTot Environ 425.146-154

) track irnp..t of different concentrations of copper (Cu) on certain physiological
(Pisum sativum L.)
sicca- and biochemical responses in leaves and roots of pea
with- Tanja Maksimoviil, Dino Hasanagiil, lvan samelakl, Dragana ciganoviil
:, wrth , universityof Banjaluka, Facultyof ilatural sciences and Mathematics, Mladena stojanoviia 2,78000 Banja
rn tol- iuka, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3, 4, 6, 10 ,M) on the plant growth' content of
he effect of different copper concentrations ('10 I0 10-s, 10
_o en-
direct pnctosynthetic pigment, protein content, total prolin amount and peroxidase activities (PoD) in young pea
ward, planis was investigated. plants were grown during 20 days by water culture method
under seml-controlled
on copper concentration in the
light conditions. Values of rnvestigated parameters significantly varied dependinq
7 effect on growth was
mage medium. During treatment with lower concentiation of 105 and I0 M Cu stimulative
of protein content at con-
:cted found and increase of plant biomass both in roots as well as in fioots. Decrease
centrationof l03wasfoundinrootsbyg.3timesinsoluble and4.2timesinionicfraction,aswell
crease of soluble proteins of leaf by 0,6 times in relation to control.
The least change in protein content was
ind uced by 1 0 6 M a nd I 0 M Cu. The hig hest photosynthetic
? pig ment concentration was obtained at concen-
b by 2oo/oand carotenoid
trations of l0a and 10s M cu (ratio of chlorophyll aincreased by 14010, chlorophyll
by 4ok),in comparrson to control plants. cu concentration of 10r
adversely affected the share of investigat-

:dpigments,especiallychlorophyllc.Prolineconlentv!asin'reasedwithalltreatedplants ln pero' dase activit es was ob-
control, wrth higher uuir., detected
in leaf than in root The brggest change
,l0 increased in leaves. rn
r0 r M and
M Cu, wrth reduced activity in roots and
served with prants treated
'vith s arso an essentiar nuirent, and
its rmpact on plants can have either
additron to being a heavy metarcopper level ln pea plants that had the
toxic or strmuratory,effectdepending on the concentration cu concentration

i;J;;J ;;;;;-res to Paraquat-mediated oxidative stress in

Jass^r'rina [\estorovic Zirikovlc'
Jelena cvetkovii, lVlilica lVlilutinrovii, suzana zivkovic'
Banjanac' Danijela Miiii
Slavica Dmitrovi(, Branislav 5iler,Tijana
stefana 142'
Research,,srni(a stankovrc'i Unrversrty of Belgrade, Bulevar despota
lnstitute for Brological
11060 Belgrade, Serbra

ThenonselectiveherbicideParaquathasbeenusedworldwdesincelg60andremainsanmportant via the produc-

weed exhibits toxicity toward aerobically-grown cells
herbicide for broad,spectrum that Paraquat mediated
oxygen species studies demonstrate
tron of superoxide and (indirectry) other scavenqinq enzymes,
thai involves rnductron of active-oxygen
active oxygen stress ericits a ceilurar response incrudinq DNA repair
particurarly superoxide dismutase
(soD),.u,urur. (cAT)and other defensive responses,
responses to Paraquat-mediated
The present study is an exproration of
the nature and magnrtude of the ceilurar
shoot curtures, with special attention
to SOD activity and isozyme pro-
oxidative_stress in,Neper a pannontcal. chang
prants exposed to different concentrations oi paraquat (0.05 20 umol), and dose-dependent
fire were paraquat was found to be a potent rnducer
es in soD activity and enzyme relatrve
abundance were recorded.
inlruences the rerative abundance of
cu-ZnsoD and FesoD rsoforms
of totar soD activrty.This herbicrde arso such are peroxidases
pannomca. Resurts show that other enzymes,
MnSOD isotorms were not recorded tn N. specres Phy
(poX) and polyphenor oxrdase (ppo) also contribute
to paraquat-induced stress response in this
of N. pannonico shoots grown in
vttrorevealed that phenolics concentration
tochemical characterization found to be the most
Rosmarinic acid and its grycoside are
arternate in response to paraquat concentration.
abundant phenolic aclds ln thrs species
the Republic of Serbra (grant No

ti;;; ;;;iil. ;;i i,,i "" ;;J,;;; heti c activitv a n d

;h ;i;;vnt
Rumex crispusL'
water use efficiency of t)rtica dioica L. and
Pajevii, Milan Zupunsk'i
Mllan BoriSev, Nataia Nikoli(, Slobodanka
m ila n.borisev@dbe.u ns'ac'rs
for Brology and Ecology'Trg Dosiiela obradovica
un versity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Scrence, Deparlment
21000 Novi Sad, Serbia

multiple nega-
ty of motorwavs. MediOnal plants grown on
,u.h sites, oiat urban environments can have
species were an'
this research, popurations of two medicinar
trve mpacts to hearth of human consumers.In ,ocality next to a roac
aryzed on poruted site nearby
(5-r5 meters) a frequent motor road and at a contror


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