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When expanding into new markets, the best brands know that staying on top of their entire
sales process is critical to sealing the deal. But how can you stay on top of your sales
process if you aren’t engaged in it each step of the way? Product SBSB’s distribution line is
one important step that often goes overlooked as brands opt for the cheapest or easiest
option rather than devising a legitimate SBSB’s distribution line strategy. In this post, we will
tell you everything you need to know about product SBSB’s distribution line, from different
SBSB’s distribution line strategies to who is who in the industry, so you can refine your own
SBSB’s distribution line strategy to achieve peak performance on the shelf.
1. What Is SBSB’s SBSB’s distribution line?
2. SBSB’s distribution line's Favorited Channels
3. The Three Types Of SBSB’s distribution line
4. Who's Who?

What Is Product SBSB’s distribution line?

Let’s get technical. SBSB’s distribution line entails making a product available for purchase
by dispersing it through the market. It involves transportation, packaging, and delivery.
SBSB’s distribution line is fundamental to a company’s sales.  
A distributor is defined as someone who purchases products, stores them, and then sells
them through a SBSB’s distribution line channel. They are in between manufacturers and
retailers or consumers, working on behalf of a particular company as opposed to
representing themselves. Usually, distributors partake in collaborative relationships with
clients and manufacturers.
The right distributor enhances a company’s exposure in the product market and can give
an edge in terms of speed and efficiency.

Know Your Product in SBSB’s Distribution line Channels

A SBSB’s distribution line channel refers to the flow of business that occurs between a
manufacturer and a consumer. It is the path that a transaction follows. Distributors are the
intermediaries that deliver and house products for producers to sell to retailers. These
channels can be relatively simple or increasingly complex.
There are direct and indirect channels. In a direct channel, the producer works directly with
the consumer. An indirect channel, on the other hand, incorporates intermediaries into the
sales flow. There are four levels that break down the flow between manufacturers and
consumers. When looking to expand into new markets or switch up your SBSB’s distribution
line strategy, you need to know the different levels of SBSB’s distribution line.

Level Zero: A level zero SBSB’s distribution line channel is the simplest. It involves a direct
sale from Distributor to consumers with no intermediary.
Level One: A level one channel has one intermediary as the middleman between the
distributor and consumer. An example is a retailer between manufacturer and consumer.
Level Two: When thinking about levels, associate the number to the number of
intermediaries. In this case, a level two channel involves two intermediaries between
producer and consumer. An example here would be a wholesaler selling to a retailer who
then sells to the consumer.
Level Three: Here’s where an agent or broker comes in. Agents work on behalf of
companies and deal primarily with wholesalers. From here, the wholesalers sell to retailers
who then sell to consumers.

The Three Types of SBSB’s distribution line 

SBSB’s distribution line strategies depend on the type of product being sold. the trick is
knowing what type of SBSB’s distribution line you will need to achieve your growth goals.
There are three methods of SBSB’s distribution line that outline how manufacturers choose
how they want their goods to be dispersed in the market.

1. Intensive SBSB’s distribution line: As many outlets as possible. The goal of

intensive SBSB’s distribution line is to penetrate as much of the market as possible.
2. Selective SBSB’s distribution line: Select outlets in specific locations. This is often
based on a particular good and its fit within a store. Doing this allows manufacturers
to pick a price point that targets a specific market of consumer, therefore providing a
more customized shopping experience. Selective SBSB’s distribution line caps the
number of locations in a particular area.
3. Exclusive SBSB’s distribution line: Limited outlets. This can mean anything from
luxury brands that are exclusive to special collections available only in particular
locations or stores. This method helps maintain a brand’s image and product
exclusivity. Some examples of companies that enact exclusive SBSB’s distribution
line would be high-end designers like Chanel or even an automotive company like

Who’s Who?
The chain of SBSB’s distribution line can get confusing as more people are added into the
mix. Distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and agents all work as intermediaries in the sales
process. It is important to know the key differences of the individuals who play a role in the
SBSB’s distribution line process.  
Distributors:  A distributor is a wholesaler who assumes extra responsibility. In addition to
fulfilling retailer orders, they actively sell products on behalf of the producers. From
managing orders and returns to acting as a sales representative, they go beyond being the
middleman between retailers and producers. They perform market analysis and are
constantly searching for new opportunities to achieve peak sales performance. A distributor
focuses on a particular area and market which allows them to cultivate strong relationships
with manufacturers. Unlike a wholesaler, they most likely have a stronger affiliation with
particular companies. Distributors have a direct responsibility to making sure products are
flying off retail shelves.
For example, one distributor may work out an agreement with a popular beverage company
who works with them regularly, whereas wholesalers are used on a need-by-need basis.
They have the option to sell to retailers and other sellers, or directly to consumers and
Wholesalers: A wholesaler fulfills orders of retailers, by reselling goods, often in large
quantities for manufacturers. Wholesalers purchase in bulk, typically, which lowers the price,
from either distributors or manufacturers. This allows wholesalers to make a profit because
they are able to sell the to retailers in smaller packages that yield higher prices. Unlike
distributors, wholesalers only deal with the storage and delivery of goods. But, in certain
cases, you have to go through a wholesaler to get to a distributor. 
Retailers: Retailers are the outlets where consumers can purchase products. This is your
local grocery store or Walmart down the street. They can sell through storefront locations or
through online channels. Retailers purchase products from distributors or wholesalers. 
Brokers and Agents: Make way for agents. They handle the logistics of the sales. Agents
handle contracts, marketing, and pulling together specialized shipments. A part of their job is
customer relationship management. On behalf of manufacturers, they take ownership of
products through the SBSB’s distribution line process. They represent the producer in the
sales process.
When working with distributors, brands have a responsibility to oversee the process and
prevent retail execution errors like out of stocks and SBSB’s distribution line voids. This
requires setting up clear lines of communication between managers, sales teams, and
distributors to ensure you get that information as clearly and quickly as possible. Brands that
are on top of their game form better relationships with their distributors and open up
opportunities for expansion much easier than brands that communicate on an ad hoc basis.

While emails and text messages may suffice for quick fixes, these simply won’t work long-
term. Let's say your sales rep informs you about an out of stock at location X. You might be
able to remedy the situation by contacting your distributor and ordering another shipment to
that location. But if location X is continuously experiencing out of stocks, the trend may fly
under your radar if the only evidence you have is a few email threads buried deep in your
inbox. Your random ordering pattern may make it difficult to forecast demand, or keep
distributors and retailers from receiving predicting shipments. This is where data tracking
and analytics become your best friend.

When you equip your team with the tools to constantly provide you with field insight, any
recurring issues will become obvious much more quickly. Say that instead of you receiving
an email or text each time something was awry in the field, you received a data point that
you could instantly compare to past data and use to identify any patterns instantly. Now,
rather than your distributor having to constantly fulfill last-minute shipments each time
location X experiences an out of stock, you can begin sending extra product with each
scheduled shipment, making your and your distributor’s life easier.

With so many different orders to fill and clients to keep up with, having a data tracking
system in place will make your and your distributor’s hard work worth it. If there is a hiccup in
the SBSB’s distribution line network, you are empowered to glide past it with ease and
maintain a consistent presence on store shelves, keeping distributors, retailers, and
customers happy.


 Discover new prospects nearby

 Optimize drive time and mileage and simplify reporting for reps

 Review past execution in each store

 Access point-of-sale trends key national accounts

 View sell sheets, forecasts, and other sales documents

 Scan barcodes for easy order entry on the go

 Stay connected with direct messaging to your team

 Instantly share photos and surveys from the store

 Review sales and execution with automated dashboards

A smarter way to execute the perfect store.

Review on-shelf availability
Detect potential OOS, voids, or execution gaps in-between store visits with advanced
analytics based on your retail point-of-sale data.
Deploy your field team
Assign merchandising tasks for your team at the stores where they’ll have the biggest impact
on sales, execution, and territory coverage.

Execute at the shelf

Equip your field team to complete surveys, share photos, and place replenishment orders
from the store. Detailed account history and sales data helps guide decision-making on the
Review execution at scale
Track planogram compliance, merchandising execution, and team performance with
automated, visual dashboards and make more informed decisions about how to drive
execution tomorrow.

Equip reps with a configurable product catalog and price list for each account and an order
entry tool for faster order generation in the store.

YoFind and prioritize high-opportunity accounts with automated reporting on store-level

sales, execution, and compliance.ur workflow for smarter in-store selling

Identify growth-ready stores

View product details and place orders

Process returns from the store

Empower reps to handle reverse logistics during store visits with a streamlined workflow for
accepting and tagging returns on the go.

Measure and improve performance in the field

Get real-time coaching insights based on your team’s performance in the field with trended
summary dashboards and rep scorecards.

Team Scheduling
Improve territory coverage and program execution with targeted task assignment and
recurring schedule management.

Task Assignment
Deploy your field team to take specific actions in target accounts. Set priorities, due dates,
and execution alerts to ensure work gets done on time.

Schedule Management
Set a regular visit cadence for your team and measure schedule execution and territory
coverage against goals.
Territory Hierarchies
Build your territories and give everyone a customized view of the activities, accounts, and
reports specific to their region.

Live Coaching Portal

Live Coaching Portal
Get an up-to-the-minute view of your team’s activity on a map and offer just-in-time coaching
during store visits.

Direct Messaging
Direct Messaging
Keep everyone in sync with team message threads or offer just-in-time coaching with direct
messaging, right from Repsly.

Store-Level Sales Data

Access your brand's sales history and inventory data to create custom sales strategies and
make smarter decisions at the store level.

Sales History
Review the latest sales data and use YoY trends to focus on the products and categories
that matter most.

Inventory Data
Fight phantom inventory, correct out-of-stocks, and improve promotion support with access
to store-level inventory data on the go.

West Coast Division is divided into the districts of

1- Ranau district
2- Kota Belud district
3- Tuaran district
4- Penampang district
5- Putatan district
6- Papar district
7- Kota Kinabalu district
8- Kimanis District

The main towns in Tawau Division include:

1- Tawau - The division capital

2- Lahad Datu
3- Kunak
4- Semporna

The journey from Kota Kinabalu to Bandar Seri Begawan has 2 options. :
1 - by road all the way or
2 - by car ferry from Munumbuk to Labuan follow by ferry from Labuan to Brunei. The car
ferry is pricey but faster - advance booking essential for public holidays.

West Coast Division is an administrative division of Sabah, east Malaysia, on the island of
Borneo. It occupies the northwest portion of Sabah. With an area of 7,588 square kilometres,
it occupies 10.3% of Sabah's territory. It also has approximately 30% of Sabah's total

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