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- ~,turu,

- - - · •u f.fflil ur 111 u t)
7.. Con1b1naUon or c051,, Shar~s and O b
·~ / e entures~
I 111strat 1 ~ ti
- Cal . -e the amount of purchase co1mdrm1L1011 from foU ,11 W.a ls:
The ~ q n g CllmpilJlY agfeed to lSSl>.-» 1S OOJ nm tt •"~-- ·
def,a:Jtlft?S,or, 10 each at a disaxm 0 r11:Qf ... ' "-·' 4MllYa 1tu -~-it a! f 10 eadl w 1,Ed at' 12 eac:11. 6 000, 6
.1:opaya1shequalto10 Gf f&"Je :!Etm - -an:JdEb!mll me!t
ibe amp.any also ag, eed to meet OISSO!ulton expenses or n..sco. (B.Com ~su H:iw.2CJD-4J
SD utfon
Calculation of Purchase Const de-ratf an
15.~ Equity Shams or f10 each vatued at, rz per share (1511 ~111
6,000, ~ _Debentur5 of r 1D 1each at a discount of 5 (6.000x9.5D)
Cisl 10! or facevah e af ecJ!llLVstHres and debenll.11?5 (1,~..0JJ+60,.CDJ=Z,1 0 ~O"'J
Total Pur:chase consideration
C:atculate the purchase consideration from the fotlawin1 details:
The purichastng company has agreed ta Issue 8000 equity shares of ,10 each at~ 5DO B
erenceshares of r100 each at 1DI premium* 1000 debentures of rso each at 1D!i d1SEIDltand
cash equal to 10% or total purchase consideration. (8. Com. BU, NDY-~DOSJ; 1
urnal cn1.11~ a1 1u UCIUlfH,.:.e"
accounts J 0
~stta\ton 6 Lum um n,ethod Led e
:,on~s of New Comp8nVJ . .i r 1 •1, Tneir balance sheet on 3t.l.J014 c-,
1n the rat o a • ,·
P and n.ners shanng profits · was as f otla\"15~
ed the r bus ess nUJ a company
r Assets
60,000 Cash
p 20,000 Deb to rs
p Machinery
Q 20,000 Fr~ehold pfiemtses

De:" o r au the a~ts and UabUit1es except mortgaee on freehold

pure '!O 000 p.r)'!? as to ,24,000 in cashJ! t4B,000 in debentures and the
eq t • 00 ath
boa rm after th above transactions have been carried out,
~ to '1 re the debentures ,and shares tn proport ion to their
t~ In bookS of lhe firm ana joulinat entr les and balanc
book •
111lt.:r,11Uon B {Lumpsum ,.,r.1t19dl IO 0 f 3, 1 1 he rottow,
":;;;f" A 11.nd B-w en:d11 11m t ncrship s harl n 1>1 oms Ia.ssc5 I11 u,crat • • 'I h
Balance Sheet of the p1u1n rslnp as nt 31 SI i\rtn h 20 1 1. 1

lfab1htle.s Amount _.:.: A::,s:_f5,=,=--:----------i-~~

Capital Accounts"' Fixed Assels
A 24,00J SIDCIK 11
B 8.(00 Dablors 19
Curirent Cosh ,i ll Dank
A 4 9200
e 2.000
Lonn 3,000
orealtars 14,320

X Ltd. agreelll tto take overstock and lhed assets, exc,udlng the value of Motor
a considerat on of t ~8,,000\Yhidl is co be 5atisfied by payment of cash f 16,000, allo
m>refe e, e shares of 110D ead1 ,talued al 175 1per share and the balance by allotment
Shares or the face value of f10 each.,
The D btors realised f 19,200 and tlhe CrecHtor5,were set tled for, 14,000,. The fol
ag,ree.d betw n U1e parlners: l(lfJ llle Equity Shares shou ld be allotted in the ratio of the

c piml aOGounts es per Balance Sheet. ('Ii) A to lake 0-ver UMe rnotar ca1r at an agreed

,,~, 20tt Uh) Tb pt efefence sha~es to be allotted to A to t he va Iue or his loan arid the
bu allotted u Uy between the p rtners. (Iv) Balil nce r1 e1 malntns to be settled In cash.
Prepar~ Uu: R;;alfsaUon Ju:cou t, f>;artner's, Capi tal account, Bank Account.

Pro_b1em under Net Pa ent M


The Balance Sheet of A,B and C stood as ~aUows on J,1st Naich l.014:
[Jabilities r Assets
Credilors 14.000 Cash at Bank
Bills ~ayallle 2,tlOD Deblar5
C~irals: Less: Reserve
A 40,000 Stock
B 40,000 Machinery & Pil ant
C 20,000 Fhctures
It Yta5 decided to sen the business to a Lfmrted Company agreeing to allot 12,000 fully p1111.-
of I 10 each in futl wttsfactton of the purchase consideration.. The company assumed the lllllli!
excep L bilbi payable and took aver all the assvts excluding the Bank balance. The pcart1111rs jl:C:

pn,fj ts and losses In proportions of ½, ½ and ¼ respecttvel.1..

Pireparc ac~ount.s shawlne Lhe Unal seltlemenl as re1ard5 lhe partneir-5 assumln1 that 1111 , -
were duty allotted.
~ . 1tlnri!
(' ..~SJ natlon el(,yfnlfH:U ,,,,c1ju,d•l edger 11 ccou r5 11
1 2 (NCI
1 I] ooKs orrnrr10

V x. T and l re equnl r,.,1 tne, 111 Al/11.xvz. r !lows·

Th , Balance Sheet of the rim1 115 nt 3 ~ SL Mnrcb 201 " wns il!i " •
'Ort c a Am1ount Porrlcular:s
L--=--~~~~~====~,~~5~ - =ntmnn=- Lend and Bulldina
Lioan lrom Ban'k: ,m,000 Plnnl and f.\athlnery 2JXJtat
Cretlftars 1,00, Stock
Cap ml Acawm:: 50,,cm Dcb1ars

0 dtte ft was decfd

~he fl
l's Cnpltnl

u'ld be ted Into a ILi

fol ms
( D
, n and bu lding be Yldued 1D t ,2,00,000.
Piam and Ni!dhinery be valued at ,2,SCtOO0.
(c 1 af book ¥Blue, U> be writte-n off for obsolete stock.
(dlJ A eser,e fo1 bad deblli to be made at 101 of debtors.
eJ A ~ e ror dascount on cred1totS al 61 to be miade ..
Cfl The new company wuuld Issue 12,000 l?{Julty shares or, IO eac.h fully paid, sudl
be v:i luc--d at 11 ,501 000 and 660tl B- debentures af, 100 each.
(s) Shares end D b 11turcs ere t.o be dlstrlbuted according to profit sharlna ratio.
(h) Md1ttonal ruj exl:55 copit:ols nre to be lld}usted i1CC:Drdl111gly by brl11ihlJ .....
r,aying of( lh r,urne.
Ctgraoe the books or the Jhm l>Y preparing 1tie necessary ledger account. In the
Company pass incorporation cntrte5 and prepa I e Vert lcal Ba la 11 ce Shee l. {B. ccm. .._.~,,.,.
Uu stra tfo_n1 - ~~bl~~~~~~~~~~~~L__Jt:1nr=,'IMll~t~~t
o em un de r H Asset Method
Mahnd ev ant'! Govi d et -
nce 5~ ~ - - J
nnd lhe lr a
es◄ wa
o 2:1
,.1a 201
ch _ s as ro11_ow - profits In lh
- n s:nre pnr tncr& shn rinB e llltl

Cre dito rs
t ' Asse:s Jut
2.0,000 Cash In hand t
BIils payable

BIi~ ,etel\•able ,ii
1Jiahadev's Imm 5,000
Ut,000 Debtors 1
Mahadev·s cap ita l 15,000 l.ffl '; Reserve for doUbtfu dcl m
Govlnd's tapltal Sto ck -- -• - '' :za.500
Rl'~ M Fund 3.00000
10,0 Ma chin ery

The agr eed

ycas lo sel l theasbm S lO
intsWI: I Uml eel -cOfflPl!1Y and the cofflPlllW to like CM r 1M ilD!U
Including h and lla bll lll~ ro\lO t_

fltlchln ery at tB,000

Sto ck at !17,500
Debtor s at t25 ,35 0
Bills Receivable at r2,SOO
00 r creditors at f 19,500, The t ~ of mt mt lon lfflOlalled to
The illpan
com rJ,0
at Y 11reed to tak e tNt

'20,000 of 1M purct'IIM price 1n no ruUy 1111d tQ\lltY wres and lht balllD 1n
11~. The firm rrcefved
ta h. Pan Joum•l EntrieS end prepare nec~rv Ledaer
accounts In tM bOOkS of tM ttnn
.u,uuv .c•,gvu
lustration , 5 (Pfioblem under Net Asset' Method)
Ram~ R!L't m and ~ nn? in pall1nenhfll sharing profil.5 and lr..-ses In U1e of JI:]: ff r ~
31..]_m12 the)! ag @ed to sen dmir ~ tu a limited CompanJ. The pas11ion on that dlte was as'«• I r Assets
Capjrr;Js: Freehold property
Ram ..;.o,JD3 N..ach1nery
Rahim 30~000 Book deb[S
Robert 26 ' ODJ
Loan fn:m _,,-r,. 8, 000 Cam
Suru:if) C .,___.. 161 1110
The - - " ! ! : ,......... took Ute rouownq assets except cash al lhe valuation shown below:
fireetiOld propeny 44,00D
M d11neJY ll,{X)O
Root debts 28,IXll
Ste- • 2,.000
The co:JU2nj lm a.gleed to paM' Ute aeditar5 Whlc.h was agreed at r 15[t..OOW TI'M!
3, 30D shares m , O eadi fuUy paid and the balanre In cash .. The expenses amounted m ,1
Prepare ll1t! n oessary leaser I ccc nts in 1the boo'ks of the firm~
Probf~ u de, Nel 1A uet Melihod
ustra_hbn 1
Anand a 11d Bishan canyin1 an bUJfnEU In NrblEMfJ Cledded lD dlssalve rhe 1n m, and setli

lblllfness tm iC" Campan)~ Ltd. 1rm .Jt,l ~l 1l 114 when the Hrm:s 1PDS11tlon ts M 1und er:
_ abftJ ~ s , Assets
Cqicals: !Landi
A JJ,llara Fuirntture
I 17,mll 5'toe1k
t reCd'mri 11. 150 D'e blors

DE ~ i s v.ii..h the CGnlpany ls as faUaws:

(!] I.End c:r~ al l 5Cl,OII~
[DJ F.w?iiW?E Mid SlDck are taken l 't ,me belmw die lb ao" ·values.

(c G:md'Wlll af the firm h ¥alued a'I r 1 500.,


fdJ ~ a~ lakm et 11.000 bU1 ltil! Cl'l!dllD1'5 IU the 8aLm11Ee• Silcel(!JuR.

r ~ a ......_,.......... .. •• • 1•~--- •• ·•-- -
ustr:ation 16 Met •sse t Met hod -Led er accounts In the boo ks of the
f m
A, BandC \Yer ~ the partilefS in~n nrm
stmring profits and losses In th: mti~ of S:J:2 on 31.12.2014
They agreed toseU tiheir business to a hmlted company on that date thei r post
t1on was as follows·

fabf llrfrs r Assets

Capitals: Buildings
A 60.CXXJ Machinery 15,IXI)
B 36_.rBl Stock 25,GI)
C • JD,000 Deb tar5
Loan from Bank 10,a xl Cash
Crred itors 30,(D)
The cnm_pany aareed lD take over the follaw1n1 assets at the values shown aaal
Bufldinls 1, 00 .000
Stnck 26 000 1
Deb mrs 321000
GoactMll 2D•000
. The company also tookover the creditors at tZl, 000 . The com pan
y paid
consideration b,y allotment 10,DOD shares of t 110 each and the balance In cash. the
The ~eaUsatJon expenses amounted lo ,5,000.
Show it.he necessary ledger accounts In lhe books of the fl~m.
_,flUistrafio et Ass thod · unts In the Books or
ttie ff rm
1M X, Y and z we~e part ners cany1ng on partnership buslness and shar ing
prof its and losses In the
~ · 31- March 2014. The1r Bala nce sheet was as under:
r Assets
Cred itors Buildings
ents ~ya tde Mac hine ry
Y's lloan ~co unt Vehicles •
capitals: Stock
X 10,0CIJ Deb tors,
y 20.00J Cash
l 30ll(D J Inve stme nts
1,00,0CO ,.- :
On the afxJv'.e date a Private llimited Company called India Ga. Ud. was
incorporated to blllllr
the abov e busbiess on the following telims and conditions.
1.. A'.ll asse t§ (exc ept cash and 'investments) and aU liab ilitie s exc ept V's

ave r by the com pae y far whic h an assets arie valu ed at par exc ept buU
loan to
be •
cormdered wor th t27, 000 and stoc k as worth f 14,0 00, GoodWiU is valued at
2. Y's lean Account to be pan ly liqu idat ed by his taki ng over the firm "s (ash and
at par. for the balance he fs aiven 1~ Debentures received Jrom the company llfl
pay men t of purc hase; consideration. "
liJ..!i-: 1Itrcai1ars 14,Gll ta1t1
I G'i t-mrart
mn~ h.rrlld 11111
l \ilb IRNP,,,Mdr
~ , mall• ll,IIID St«M
Prl lffl!J
N.Kh Ine-rr,
IL.and & lbr'ldlnil
fire 1:am11~ny Iha~ hl:J~I ID lb'.l':-C' ~ 11ffl1=diall! u:uuldfflt1.Jb M (It• r
1i n
e ~aadwlU ct llhe lllfffl Yt1U, ~ wlum at z Jelffl
1 ~ i a~ E. ! ~ '~
p~gld ) \T~TI.
PrDt1l ror· 1011..,ff 2 ,., f IIJ!D): 2011·1 l ~ I'll ,tul ud Hflri,1lt ~ 'l lt,tlJl.
L the, CElfflJlllnJ WIU rake IM9" I.he tDan crdltun by all~ 'llf!i Ffl!!!l"ff'"'!.;!;;l 11"'•-a. 'l:'i
gnny wlll nat 1!'00! l7'tll'I' l:be ~ creG Ila l'I aml 11rik a;im11, '~
Lnrul and buUc:IUl!Jp will tie n ~ It fMl,lllill MIU:hll'll"!'Ji ro Ul -

(eM tCPl ctllh1j v.alued al i,.klJ belail ¥-al~\! t J . -

llle 'ICridOr.ii [Cl Im r.!tou.mi f-CPlll!I' lhlUIMi 111I f ICI I:' h a:-, ~ •

pu,,hn~c tunsld~ma1 len.
1ou IJfC '"uh:nd lll ~UIW lht! nf't~ mtlll 1,..,1,,,,r ilfflnllll' :l I Ii tu~

mJDI; 1 r:a.rcut11ian1 af Gnadwlll: affon 2 0 (H e t A
V , ~ -- ~ _, ..,,\CU At m un t
ss e t M
Shastll and Vasu, shartne th o d w i h
r t a d ju st m e nt on Goodwin
L 1tetides
Company, o n 31st Ma ~ :, )
s ~ ~ ~ ~ :enloss
ei requaon
Bal Scihde
- d lo c.onve
dry C re dito rs = • stoodasfon cwth3 Ir bu!;lftnrr••,
Lnan Credi tors r Assets F

nl Overd ra ft "8,000 Sundry Debt S JJ m
M ? Fund <IO ,CXXJ Bills Receiva:1~ 10J[D
16,000 Stock ]&Jm
to Account s:
.... .. . ... ll. 6, (0 > Patents
«J .<XO M nch1
I~ n d
I'll lnnr
1,90,0XI 1 90
(at Toe 8()0dwlll o f the nrm was
th e previous three years. to be varied at 2 years purct,ase
of th e m;:
lb ) T o e Loan.Creditor has agre • e ra ~ pnifits of
ed to accept 7 1 /2 " r ~ e P
rete r e n c • S h lr n 1n
se tt le m
(c) Land and Builden t o f his claim .
ing and Machinef'Y 'INefl? to be
(dl T h e Vendors w er e to valued at 11 ,00,000 and '24 co
(e) T h e p a st working re b e al lo tt ed equi ty sh ares ol
o ~
su ll S o f th e nrm showed th lh e w tue of ,2 10,000
2009·1 0, '3 6,00o in 2012 at u.ey hi,d .mde profits of
13 and n2,000 In 2013 ·1• af no 000
ter sett n t• ~ n OQOto
I You arReesreequ
rve fund each year.
ired to 5hOW Realisation NaCw
,e b,oOkSaf the lll'W i;GNIII-PD

I ...,...__.. n g joumal entrieS In u ind cupltal acioounts tn IN tlOok

I flY, ca.u. S of the rum and
i ·· ~ -
_ , ,_--,a.can M/IVOJ
.. .. ------~ .
Piar • 1 [I: \ 11 1,nt Pa r
To ln Hy 1JnLl110 bid
Sund r 1

~f-il'!li,'l'l"ft;!I Ni ta take a'4er Uri~ assets ond I 1abll.h ios ref A 1E}nci B. The Batarruce S
\M m faUm,~:
Amaunl AS!elS
8,000 cam irn hand
Cash al bnnk
80,000 Boak debts
,B0,000 Stack
Land and BuUcunes

• p-xdlas ... CJa

erati0n was aareed al r2~00,DDD and was 10 be paid as tLnde-
(a :S:;j equity share of f20 eadh r11Jly pa1da (bl f68,DOD in 6,Z pn:farence sha~
eadtl ~~E~ - • ~r. (c no.l!l~O n caih.
~lies" ere valued as per Balance Sheet except Um IX>Qk di.~ts ""'
m 11 n CltifflPrlflY raised h.nher apltnl by ~le of , SOO!I equft),

~t sil ~ , r -- JJwrchas~3tJ to, , 1,00,000 ont:I addlttanal stock o ; 1, .. .

abLnln~ rt ~ R!:e-ord tlt[.I, lllmViri l rr,ns;{lt;tfOfl5i in -~,e books of R Ltdaa th -
[11tn~ ~ 1 1 Dill n c Sh It [ft Com DU. ,1 , :
Yl,ur~1na Unl1~:
calculatfon af ,~ode of pn:ymr:nt cf iiurcl111:;r, r;gnsldrcnl 1011:
5j600 eqUlty share 01 I ZO e d1
~It: n11ofcu~,:a c:h:. ra "r Ii IM t:'l:1rl1

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