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Q1: Calculate the molecular mass or formula mass of

each of the following substances.
1. CH4
2. NO2
3. SO3
4. C6H6
5. NaI
6. K2SO4
7. Ca3(PO4)2
Q2: Calculate the molar mass of compound if 0.372 mole of it h
mass of 152 g.

152 g
 409 g/mol
0.372 mol
Q3: Tin (Sn) exists in Earth's crust as 𝐒𝐧𝑶𝟐 . Calculate the
percent composition by mass of Sn and O in 𝐒𝐧𝑶𝟐 .

118.7 g/mol
%Sn   100%  78.77%
150.7 g/mol

(2)(16.00 g/mol)
%O   100%  21.23%
150.7 g/mol
Q4: Allicin is the compound responsible for the
characteristic smell of garlic. An analysis of the
compound gives the following percent composition by
mass: C: 44.4 percent; H: 6.21 percent; S: 39.5 percent; O:
9.86 percent. Calculate its empirical formula. What is its
molecular formula given that its molar mass is about
Q5: Calculate the mass in grams of iodine (𝑰𝟐 ) that will react
completely with 20.04 g of aluminum (Al) to form Aluminum
Iodide (Al𝑰𝟑 )

The balanced equation is: 2Al(s) + 3I2(s) 

 2AlI3(s)

Using unit factors, we convert: g of Al  mol of Al  mol of I2

g of I2

1 mol Al 3 mol I2 253.8 g I2

20.4 g Al     288 g I 2
26.98 g Al 2 mol Al 1 mol I 2
Q6: Balance the following equations.

(a) C + O2 CO
(b) CO + O2 CO2 (m) KOH + H3PO4 K3PO4+ H2O
(c) H2+ Br2 HBr
(d) K + H2O  KOH + H2
(e) Mg + O2 MgO
(f) O3 O2
(g) H2O2 H2O + O2
(h) N2+ H2 NH3
(i) Zn + AgCl  ZnCl2+ Ag
(j) S8+ O2 SO2
(k) NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4+ H2O
Q:7 Propane (C3H8) is a component of natural gas and is
used in domestic cooking and heating. (a) Balance the
following equation representing the combustion of propane
in air:
C3H8 + O2   CO2 + H2O
(b) How many grams of carbon dioxide can be produced by
burning 3.65 moles of propane?

3 mol CO2 44.01 g CO 2

3.65 mol C3H8    482 g CO 2
1 mol C3H8 1 mol CO 2

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