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Good day panelist, Im john Vic Entero Tuya from BSED SCIENCE 3A, this is my lesson plan in

Science with a topic Cell Divison, But today I will be focusing on the Mitosis process, allow me
to start.

Good day everyone before we start our discussion, someone lead the prayer, Yes jacky please
lead the prayer. AMEN
For our attendance, If I call your name please say present, Ryan Mijares and Lance Aguacito,
Anyone who has not been called. None? Seems all of you are present. So lets start our
Our topic that we will be discussing is Spin Orbit Coupling or Known as Spin Orbit Interaction
Please read the objective so we will be guided:
Please Micheal
Thank you
Before we start our discussion We’ll have an activity called Identify me so the mechanics is that I’ll
show, picture and you, students will identify what or who is in the picture and also you have to give a
short description about the photo.

Very good Ira, Its Niel Borh can you give some information about niels borh?

Indeed, thank you Ira for your ideas that you’ve shared and now let’s move to the Another picture.

Anyone, who is in the picture 2?

Very good lance, it is a Niel Borh model,

anyone can you give description about Niel Borh model? Very good John Lloyd, so your answer is all

Thank you students for a wonderful ideas that you’ve shared. As you can noticed in the picture, in a
physics context, Our topic has something to do with atom. Now, let’s focus on the spin-orbit interaction
and explore its concept.

The things answered by your classmates are all in relevance with our topic, Spin-Orbit interaction. This
day, we will be defining and understand its concept

 the spin–orbit interaction (also called spin–orbit effect or spin–orbit coupling) is a relativistic
interaction of a particle's spin with its motion inside a potential. Also its interact between spin
magnetic dipole moment of electron and the internal magnetic field of an atom which arises
from the orbital motion of an atom of electron through nucleus magnetic field

 Internal magnetic field is related to the orbital angles momentum of electron that’s why its
called Spin orbit interaction
 Relatively weak interaction, but still, is partly responsible for the fine structure of the excited
state of Hydrogen Atom.

The picture that you’ve guess has something to do with our topic and let’s refresh your knowledge
about Neils Borh and his model. Niels Bohr proposed a model of the atom in which the electron was
able to occupy only certain orbits around the nucleus. This atomic model was the first to use quantum
theory, in that the electrons were limited to specific orbits around the nucleus. Bohr used his model to
explain the spectral lines of hydrogen. We usually take the reference frame of our nucleus, which is
nucleus is stationary according to niels borh model and we observe the behavior of electron. But how
about we look for the new angle? Indeed mirra!

we take the reference frame of electron, as if electron is stationary while nucleus is the thing that orbits
around the electron

The spin, hence µs, has two possible orientations with respect to the field: “parallel”, with
lower energy, and “anti-parallel” with higher energy
We expect energy levels in atoms to split in two (fine structure). µs
Note that this is not the only magnetic interaction that is taking place in an atom. The nucleus
also has a spin, hence a magnetic moment. The nuclear magnetic moment interacts with the
magnetic field produced by the orbiting electron.

Assuming that the positively charge nucleus that contain the proton orbits around the electron in a
circular fashion then it creates a positive electric current loop that in turn create a magnetic field D
Remember class that anytime we have an electric current moving in a circular fashion it induces a
magnetic field B and its magnitude is given by this equation

So the magnetic field B

M u not is a constant
I is the Quantity of electric current and R is the radius of the circular orbit now the direction of
the magnetic field B is given by right hand rule, let’s suppose that the magnetic field b points up
as shown in the picture.
Any electron has an intrinsic property known electron spin
Now to I have question what is the intrinsic property of an electron?
Indeed Lesly, so the electron spin creates the spin angular momentum of that electron so the
electron has an angular momentum that is created by the electron spin, electron spin
creates/induces spin magnetic dipole moment Given by Meyu S, basically whenever we placed
a magnetic dipole moment into a magnetic field what will happen is the magnetic field B will
create a torque that will act on the magnetic dipole moment Meyu to orient it along the same
direction as the magnetic field lines created by the magnetic field B so basically means that the
magnetic dipole moment in the Meyu S of the electron will feel a torque as a result of the
magnetic field B created by the orbit of the nucleus created by the relative motion between the
proton and electron in the nucleus. So as athe torque acts on the electron magnetic dipole
moment it will change the energy of that electron by the following amount
Delta E, the change energy is equal to the negative of the dot product of the magnetic field
vector created by the the relative motion between electron and our nucleus as well as the
Meyu s is the spin magnetic dipole moment.

What actually the Spin-Orbit Interaction Don’t forget the relationship of the magnetic field B and orbital
angular momentum of our atom. So Spin-Orbit Interaction is the relative motion of the nucleus of the
atom creates a magnetic field B that is related to the orbital angular momentum

The relationship is given by this equation, so we can think that the magnetic field B is in terms of the
orbital angular momentum created by the nucleus is motion around the electron is given by this given

So we have remember the relationship between the magnetic dipole moment or the spin magnetic
dipole moment Meyu S and our spin angular momentum so basically the spin magnetic dipole moment
Meyu S is related to or is proportional to the spin of angular momentum given by capital S

Another proportion that we can wirte is as following, so another way we can rewrite the
Equation of the delta E is equal to Meyu S times magnetic B is in the following format in the
right side equation, because B is related to L and because Meyu S is related to S so if we take
the dot product of these two vectors which is the spin angular momentum S and Orbital
momentum L we see that this dot product is directly proportional to the change of in energy
that our electron feels as a result of the magnetic field B
 The interaction between the orbital angular momentum of the nucleus and the electron
angular momentum is known as the angular momentum as a result of this interaction,
there is a change in energy of the energy levels of the electron in the atom.

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