Going For Gold 9

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i HA Discuss these questions with a partner, 1. Where would you most like to go in the world? Why? 2. What places in your country do tourists go to? (B® The ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu is a popular tourist destination in Peru. Do you know anything about Machu Picchu? a High in the Andean mountains, the Inca city at Machu Pech is Peru's The views are fantastic and the isolated feeling of the whole area is incredible, from all over the world to experience its secrels. At the height of the season (in June), around EEE | To reach Machu Picchu from the nearby town of Cuzco, you «an either take a four-hour train joumey or you can go on a three-day trek, sleeping in tents an the way. You won't be alone on the ‘Inca Trail, however. There are so many tourists nowadays that itis becoming difficult even to find somewhere to put your tent. Many tourists find the walking dificult, too, because the paths are very high (around 4,000 metres) and the air has little oxygen, SESS) When American explorer Hiram Bingham discovered Machu Picchu in 1911, it was far more difficult, Bingham heard about the ruins by chance and was determined to find them. But there were no trains, there were many poisonous snakes and it ‘was difficult to get through the dense jungle. When he finally found the ruins, however, he was amazed and said, ‘It seemed. like an unbelievable dream. What could this place be? Changing world (gi) Machu Picchu | (Read the article quickly. What two problems caused by the large number of tourists at Machu Picchu are mentioned in the text? a a Machu Picchu was probably built in the 1400s. But many ‘questions remain about why it was bull, One theory is that it ‘was a religious centre. Another theary is that it was a place for observing the sun. Nobody knows, either, what happened to the population of Machu Picchu, or why the Spanish never discovered this city. But perhaps part of the pleasure of the place is that so many questions are stil unanswered. 5 There is already a lot of litter left by tourists It also seems that the pleasure and the beauly of the place may be spoilt futher. Some people are making plans to build a cable car up the side of the mountain and a huge hotel at the top. They say that @ cable car is necessary because the increasing numbers of tourists are causing. problems. The paths leading up to the ruins are becoming worn away and are in serious danger of collapse. Bad weather is making the problem worse. S| Peru expert, Dr John Hemming, agrees that there is a problem, Anil he says that a cable car which is completely out of sight could be a great help. But he also says that the plans to build «a cable car in full view of the lost city are totally unacceplable. ‘You shouldn't see man-made things there, he says. A lot of the wonder of Machu Picchu isis isolation B® Read paragraph 1 more carefully. Then look at heading F below which matches this paragraph. The words in paragraph 1 which show you that it matches with heading F have been highlighted. Does the heading use similar words to the text or exactly the same words? A Getting there B Much is still unknown C Problems caused by tourists D The discovery of Machu Picchu — Machu Picchu should be preserved F Major tourist attraction 1 Look at the other headings (A-E) in the list in Exercise 4. Read each paragraph of the text carefully and highlight or underline words and phrases that are similar to words in the headings. 2 Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph (2-6) of the article. {HB Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 Do you think it is a good idea to build a cable car up to Machu Picchu? Why?/Why not? 2 What problems or difficulties do tourists cause in your country? 3 What benefits do tourists bring to your country? UNIT 1 Changing world _ present \UOUS HH For each of these sentences, choose the correct alternative, present simple or present continuous. 1 About 1,000 people visit/are visiting Machu Picchu every day. 2 The mountains in Peru arelare being over 4,000 metres high. 3 I don’t understandiam not understanding why people like camping 4 We spendifare spending three days ‘camping in the mountains next week 5 The paths becomelare becoming worn away by tourists, 6 Do people dropiAre people dropping litter in your street? 7 She studlestis studying microbiology at university at the moment think/am thinking the sea is too dirty to swim in 9 The River Amazon flaws/is flowing into the Atlantic Ocean 10 The number of tourists increasesiis increasing fast. 1 Look at the rules in the box below. Match each rule with two sentences from Exercise 1 Example: A. Sentence 2 and Sentence 9 We use the present simple: ‘A when we are talking about permanent situations B_ when we are talking about habits when we are using ‘state’ verbs We use the present continuous: D when we are talking about temporary situations E when we are talking about changing or developing situations. UNIT 1 Changing world 2 What is the basic difference between the present simple and the present continuous? Complete these rules by writing simple or continuous. A The present is usually concerned with regular, unchanging things. B The present ......... is usually concerned with short term, changing things D> Grammar reference p. 154 [BB Nine of these sentences contain mistakes with the form of the verbs, Find ‘the mistakes and correct them. 1 They are makeing a lot of exciting plans for the future 2 Linda and Bob is staying with us for a few days 3 The world's climate is getting warmer. He don't believe anything | tell him, More and more people is using cars these days. 4 6 Your town is clean or dirty? 7 |\'m travelling around Europe for two weeks, 8 We are developing a new system for paying by credit card 9 His phone is no working at the moment. 10 My brother studys for three hours every evening 11. My parents go to the cinema at least once a week 12 What you are doing while you're in Lisbon? A write each verb (in brackets) in the correct tense. Use the present simple or the present continuous. Dear Penny Thanks For your tekber, ee Te 308 really good Lo My fe is a ULkle afferent From s rent sual at Lhe a 1 @ Buthvthing.. tuk) very hort becouse = 9% tore “ei erpottent exam in Lives weeks. T sua (2) (lay) bes nS On Thursday evenings ond (3) (9) ont, sits a Friends at the weekend. But I (4) ae cok go) : 90) RL in the evenings ak oll ot ki : he rooment.. Tk's gute boring be I (S) Chink) e's ee £0 pass my exams. I (tu) ‘want) Lo go ko wniverscky next year. 4 Pole thing Lok is a:tferent on cael Pent SOusine Daniels is here. He’s American tab = oO (hive) in Tealy with his Parents and he (B) (Speak) ver Tkokon. He (4) Ree Gkow) ith us at the moment because he (IO) Gore) here in, Los Angeles for kis months. I w Gecvn) Tkakon so I (ey... ten) es aS Tkakon wilh him as much as possible Every sage (Gy ce Gey ‘ Tha Tk’s good fun bit gute hard! = Pease vite again soon Best wishes Scott BB. Ask and answer these questions with a partner. 1 What do you usually do in the evenings? 2 Do you usually go out a lot at the weekend? Why?/Why not 3 Is anything in your life different from usual at the moment? 4 Are thete usually 2 lot of tourists in your town? 5 6 Do you go to tourist places in your town? Where? How is your town changing? Vocabulary ord families Br highlighted words in each pair of sentences below are from the same word family. A The Andes mountains in Peru are over 4,000 metres ‘fg, [At the hisight of the season, thousands of tourists come every day. B ‘We stayed in an §€6181@0) cottage in the countryside Because of its ($@latiOn, the island develaped its own, culture Which of the highlighted words are: 1 nouns (words that are the name of a person, place, thing or idea)? 2 adjectives (words that describe a noun)? Copy the table below and write the words in the correct column. Noun Adjective B Look at the highlighted words in these tences, Are they nouns or adjectives? Write ‘them in the correct column in the table in Exercise 1. 1 I think that Florence is a really BEaUtiUF city. 2 It was a pléasure to meet you! 3 Its dangerous to drive without a seatbelt 4 She doesn't eat meat for FElIGIGUS reasons. 5 |had great eifIBUIY opening the train window. 6 Don't eat those mushrooms. They are really “poisonous. 7 There are positive and negative things about fame. 8 | went to a really WWSRIGEFfU! place on holiday laBe year ! 9 Bringing a waterproof coat is an absolute W@U@3siey. 10 | want to get married in Barbados, but it’s HB complete the table in Exercise 1 by writing inthe missing adjectives and nouns. Use a good English-English dictionary (e.g. Longman Active Study Dictionary) to help you if necessary. UNIT 1 Changing world Complete this text with the correct words from the table in Exercise 1 ‘We have great (1) in enclosing the information you requested for the Working Holidays scheme. On a working holiday you spend your time with a group of people who you probably don't know. Instead of spending your holiday doing nothing, however, you can spend your ‘time doing something to look after the environment, such as picking up litter on beaches. You don't get paid: in fact, you have to pay for the holiday but it's cheap and, more importantly extremely worthwhile The location where most of our holidays take place is Q as an area of outstanding natural @ However: the number of tourists in the area is creating (4) such as increased litter and worn cout paths. Most of our participants work hard, make friends and have a (5) to take care, however, because there are a number of ard worthwhile holiday You need potential (6) ‘These include severe weather conditions and several species of (7) look at the enclosed list of things to bring. If you have any ® in buying any of the (9) snake, Please clothes or equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. f you cannot eat certain foods for health or (10) reasons, please write the detais on the application form, 1 Choose three pairs of words in the table in Exercise 1 that you would like to remember. Write a sentence for each word, writing only the first three letters of the noun or adjective. Example: She had cif in getting through to the travel agent on the phone. ‘ ‘Ask a partner to complete your sentences with the correct word. Example: She had difficulty, in getting through to the travel agent on the phone. | 1 You will hear four people talking about different aspects of Antarctica. First, look at the lst of subjects (A-D) and the words in the box below. For each subject, which two words do you expect to hear? A Tips for tourists B Skiing in Antarctica € Eating enough D A cold but important place fr & boat calories diet ecosystem | mountain sports temperature ‘tour 2 Work with a partner. What do you think the speakers will say about A-D? {BB Listen and match each speaker (1-4) with the correct subject in the list (A-D). Use each letter once only. Speaker 1: D. Speaker 2. Speaker 3: Speaker 4: ©@ [HH Listen again and answer these questions. 1 How many people live in Antarctica permanently? 2 inthe winter, what can the lowest temperature be? 3 What happens when the ice melts in Antarctica? 4 What are two dangers of falling into the sea in Antarctica? 5 How high fs the highest mountain in Antarctica? 6 On the pyramid diet, how many calories should you start by eating? 7 On the pyramid diet, mostly what kind of food should you eat? {8B Discuss these questions with a partner, 1 Would you like to visit Antarctica? Why2/ Why not? 2 What de you think would be the most difficult thing about living in Antarctica? 3 Would you prefer to live in a very cold place or a very hot place? Why? 4 What's the coldest place you've ever been to? Did you enjoy it? Why?AVhy not? UNIT 1 Changing world re forms [A Look at the examples below and complete the rules in the box by writing will, going to, the present simple or the present continuous. (Oh, | know! I'l! buy him a book about Antarctica Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Her train arrives at 5.30 in the morning! Oh no! Look! He’s going to fal in the water. 'm going to get up early and pack my suitcase then ‘As soon as | arrive, I'll phone you. We're meeting at 10.00 on Saturday morning Noausens Decisions, plans and arrangements ‘A We use : to talk about decisions made at the moment of speaking. B We use~ 7 to talk about decisions made before the moment of speaking. C We use 10 talk about plans and arrangements Predictions D We use to predict future events based on what we know or believe. E We use to predict future events based on what we can see or hear now. Timetables F We use when we are talking about timetables. After some time phrases G We use after some time phrases (when, as soon as, etc)... ~ > Grammar reference p. 154 {H® choose the best verb form in each sentence. | havel’m having a holiday in Antarctica next month He goes!’s going to go on a working holiday next year. Look at the sky. It will snow/'s going to snow today! In the next few years, the sea level rises/will rise faster and faster. « : 5 Would you like a drink? Gh yes, I'l havef'm going to have water with ice, please 6 The next tour boat Jeaves/vill leave at 10 am. next Monday. BUN UNIT 1 Changing world {BB The numbered verbs in this interview are incorrect. For each one, decide which form is better. Example: (1) (If have ... is wrong, It should be Ihave Do you do any classes in the ‘evenings or at weekends? What classes do you do and what time are they? "Yes. | (1) i have guitar lessons on Mondays at 7.30. 1 (2) "7 do karate on Saturday momings. The class (8) is starting at 8.30 in the morning, As soon as | (4)! get up, | have to go - usually without any breakfast!” Have you made any plans or arrangements: for this weekend? "Yes, I've arranged to see my best friend on ‘Saturday. We (6) meetiat 2 o'clock and then we (6) go to the cinema. After that I'm not sure, we (7) probably go for something to eat.” Have you decided what to do for your next holiday? No. | haven't thought about it yet ... umm | think | (8) 'm getting some information about different places. Perhaps | (9) go to my lacal travel agent later or maybe | (19) 'm going to ook on the Internet How do you think your life will be different in five years’ time? 41 don't know what job | (11) have then. | think 1 (12) 'm fiving in the same city and | (13) definitely stil playing football’ [B® Ask and answer the questions in the interview in Exercise 3 with a partner. Look at the highlighted words in these sentences. Match each sentence with the correct picture. People should use bicycles and BUBIe sratisport more. Most aerosol cans don’t contain GEGIgases now. ‘Winidiiower and sélatipiower are clean ways of creating eneray WNEFRIRGHNBAYs are helping to improve the environment In some cities, there are RECVRIAGIBaMIKS BISAEIAG trees and flowers in your garden is a good way to help. OMT 2 | Turn up the music a Is there music on Mars? For BAND BLUR IS GOING INTO being on planet Eath. The experts decided SPACE. Their music, atleast is going to. that the best way to. commumeste cin the planet Mars. The idea came from Blur’s 36 aliens was with music. ther compiled a drummer Dave Rowntree and bass player dsc of 87.5 minutes of reine reatest 4 sAlex james. When they heard about hits {ITAA thoy There were a number of reasons why 1 Work with a partner. Cecided LAGMAEANSRIEREEW 100. ruusic “was. chosen, and noe ene te What can you see in the ¥ oH thank to (Project director, Colin 40 pictures. Firstly, music is based on numbers a Pillinge, they now are and itis easy to analyse in mathematical piss 10 linge Is elrector of the Mars Express terms. Becaine. mathematics he eal 2 The picture is taken from Mission and he decided to send Haagle 2 universal of languages ane “qo the article below it, What fH mo pa pro the ict Beagle 2 Probably undead mathe (and therefore a eal ander’ which is put down on the 45 music) Secondly, the expens fh therregare do you think the article surface of Mars to look for signs of life. it expressed human feeling better than istebout? ND Sens 4 message back to Earth to tell anything ele. it could alin represen every the scientists that it has arrived human culture on Earth, Every society has : Blur wanted their music to provide this its awn distinctive ‘music HZ) Read the article mesage and Pinger nas very pleased (00 happiness. ae a quickly. According to the accept their offer. The media interest in the Variety was the main criterion for writer, when was music first il band would mean wood puliciy and more choosing what mise end Ga & rroney for the projec. Blur wrote and The commitee chose songs froma ee sent into space? Masti 2 tack especially for the project. the world. Diferem. Instupente ae Nox James of Blur said that the music was se included, such a pipes an dina. Crore fated on a mathematical sequence and athe Western classical wadldone ther hone a are ncaa ears pte MMT euiire of ele nor Bluts 3" slum, misie= hy Hamer Dorey ee put dove on the surface of a planet 0 including ‘No Distance Left to Run Stravinsky, Were these really Fart’s greatest vo Jor sins of lite and send signals This isnt the fret time that music has hits? The answer is, of corsa « mec fuck to an ce photo pen sent Into space. In 1977, the eo opinion. They will at ese hehe longest. Americans launched spacecraft Voyager 1 lating hits fom Earth, The disc ie mateo sane Nager2. They wanted to send very stong metal so that twill orca Ser eninS to space in order to help allens extremely longtime - probably ap to 1 080 a8 “understand what it was tke to be a human milion years lo express its 1 Read these questions and highlight or underline key words. The first one has been done for you as an example. What information do you need to look for in the text? 1 WOH? did the two members of Blur Walititelo - 2 What is Blur’s music going to be used for? 3 Why did the Americans send music into space ‘on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2? i 4 Why did scientists, choose music t6 ‘send to aliens? 5 What does it reter to iri line 47? 6 What does the writer say about the music on the disc? 2 Highlight or underline the parts of the text that give you the answers to the questions, The first one has been done for you as an ‘example. Now read the questions and the options below! Which option matches the parts of the text that you highlighted? For each question, choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D. 1 What did the two members of Blur want to do? A They wanted to go into space 8 They wanted to send their music into space. C They wanted to become directors of a new space project. D They wanted to write a song called ‘Planet Mars! 2. What is Blur's music going to be used for? A to tell scientists that the ‘lander’ has reached the planet B to entertain any life forms on the planet € to keep scientists happy D to create publicity material for the project 3 Why did the Americans send music into space on Voyager 1 and Voyager 2? A to create a friendly atmosphere for the aliens B to help locate any alien life forms C to. communicate with life on other planets D to test how far away you can hear music 4 Why did scientists choose music to send to aliens? A because they thought they would like it B because it is easier to understand than maths © because they thought they could hear it better than words D because it is probably the easiest way of communicating UNIT 2 5. What does it refer to in line 477 A human feeling B human culture C maths D music 6 What does the writer say about the music on the aise? A It definitely contains the greatest music on Earth B Different people will feel differently about the music Not enough different instruments were included 1D tt'won't stay in space for long enough. [BB] Fir.d these words in the text and choose the correct definition (a or b) for each one. 4 It is useful to be able to deduce the meaning of unknawn words ftom context, Find the word in the text and try to guess the meaning by reading the whole sentence around the word. You may also want to read the sentences before and after. 1. wack (noun) (lines 22 and 25) a) ane piece of music on a CD (or tape) containing many pieces of music b) a whole CD (or tape) of different pieces of music 2 to compile (verb) [line 35] a) to finish making something 'p) fo make something using many different parts 3 to express (verb) [lines 46 and 49] a) to show your feelings b, to talk about how you feel 4 distinctive (adjective) [line 49] a) traditional and old-fashioned bb) Unique and different from the others 5. criterion (noun) (line 51] a) a group of people who make decisions by the reason for deciding something BB With a partner, name one or two pieces of music that you think would represent your country. Is it easy or difficult to choose? ‘Charles! Would we be interested ina trip to Mars?” Turn up the music

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