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SF Read the words and their definitions in the box and discuss the questions below. a shopaholic: someone who goes shopping a lot or thinks about going shopping a lot a shopping addiction: a condition when someone is unable to stop going shopping and spending | money retail therapy: going shopping in order to feel good | 1 Do you think having a shopping addiction is a serious condition or not? 2. What do you think of the idea of ‘retail therapy’? Does it work? hopping — a dream come true or a terrible ightmare? Some shopping is necessary. It ean be fun, For many people it is a hobby, often a very enjoyable one, We have even inver 5 retail therapy, to describe the good feelings we can get from buying things. Shopping makes many af us feel etter. However, it ean go badly wrong too, when for some people, their spending gets out of control. Without a doubt, we live in 10 $OBi@H¥ Generally, we are and many people are finding the anew phrase, For some people, shopping ean bece addiction, It can be a serious cond ich people don’t feel happy unless they are buying 15 something. Often they don't need the things they are ometimes they don’t even want them, 21- ) “Ms T°, says that she is a “shopaholic™ although she doesn’t see herself as having a problem, “L just like to look nive all the time.” she says. “I like 20 clothes and I especially have a passion for shoes. I've got 205 pairs of shoes!” She says that she docen’t have to spend a lot. Her shopping trips ean cost her anything from 1p to £10,000, but she says she must buy something every day. ©® This article is about ‘Ms T’ (in the picture). Read the article quickly and answer this question: What happened to her as a result of being a shopaholic? 25 Strangely, it was being @ shopaholic that gave “Ms T° the opportunity to become a pop singer. She was in a chat room for shopaholics on the Internet when she was found by a member of the new pop group Seam. They had just written a song called Retail Therapy ahout the dangers of shopping addiction. “We wrote the song because we've got friends who've been in that position. We've seen it, They get all the eredit cards and get themselves into real trouble.’ they said. The uN 5 for an ordi they were looking y person who understood shopaholics to be their lead singer. They didn’t want a model or a famous person. j © that other women could relate to, Scam were very pleased to find ‘Ms 'T” but even though 40 she has recorded the song with them, they have still met her, The group want the song and the issue of shopping addietion to remain more important than the people involved. They don’t want to meet “Ms. and spend time on getting to know each other. “Ms? 45 goes to the recording studio alone and all their communication, including interviews for the press. is done via text messaging, “It’s worked out well for me,” says “Ms “Lean do all these interviews and things while P'm out shopping!” UNIT 10 More, more, more 2. How do people who are addicted to shopping feel about the things they buy? A They only buy things they like B They don’t mind what they buy. C They feel upset when they are buying something D They know they shouldn't buy things 3. What is the most important thing about shopping for ‘Ms T'? A She doesn't want to get addicted to shopping B She's worried that she’s spending too much She has to spend too much on shoes. D She needs to go shopping regularly 4. Why did the pop group Scam go to the shopaholics chat room? A They wanted to talk about their new song B They needed another member for their group. to fin li 1 Read these questions and highlight or underline the egg eg Ta De ers Keynes D They wanted to chat to 'Ms T’ Example: 1 What does the article say about fiigiigy in 5 What does iin line-29 yeter-to? todays sotiety? A the idea of writing a song 1 What does the article say about money in today’s B the place where shapahalics go on the sae? Internet 2. How do people who are addicted to shopping fee! about € the problem caused by shopping addiction the things they buy? D the way people get too greedy 3 What is the most important thing about shopping for 6 Why were Scam pleased to find ‘Ms T'? ‘Ms T'?, A She looked like a model. 4 Why did the pop group Scam go to the shopaholics, B She was related to a famous person. chat room? © She was an ordinary person. 5 What does it in line 29 refer to? D She had already recorded a song for them. 6 Why were Scam pleased to find ‘Ms T'? 7) Why haven't the gréup met "Mis 7? 7 Why haven't the group met ‘Ms T'? A She doesn't want to get too involved. 2 Find the parts of the article that you think answer the B She is too busy shopping to do any press questions and highlight or underline key words there. interviews. (The first one has been done for you.) C They are too busy to go to the recording studio [A_ Now look at the options below for each question D They are more interested in the topic than in Exercise 3. Using the key words that you highlighted, the people. choose the best option for each question. BS) Discuss these questions with a 1. What does the article say about money in today’s society? partner A Most people spend too much money. B Most people earn too much money. 1 Do you like shopping? Why?/Why not? € Most people are happy about being in debt 2 Which are your favourite shops? Why? By Mostpsonle wala fikete ear rire 3. Do you prefer to go alane or with someone else (say who}? Why? [EET obligation {Match the examples (1-5) with the descriptions (A-E), 1 She's a shopaholic. She says she must buy something every day. 2 My parents say that | have to save up my own money to buy clothes, You don’t have to buy it if you don't want to. You mustn't tell anyone your cashpoint pin number. You should always keep your receipt, no obligation in the present strong obligation from the speaker in the present strong obligation from outside the speaker in the present weak obligation in the present prohibition in the present nop vay mo > Grammar reference p. 164 {© complete these sentences with mustn't or don‘tidoesn’t have to. 1 You walk on the carpet with your shoes on - please leave them by the door. 2 Just come round when you like. You phone me first. I get up early but | do it because I Ike it. 4 You park your car in front of someone else's garage 5 I'm arranging a surprise party for Simon. You tell him 6 Penny is sleeping late today, She start work unti| ten o'clock. (93) Match the examples (1-3) with the descriptions (A-C). 1 When I was a child, | had! to earn money by washing cars 2 It was kind of you to pay for lunch yesterday ~ you didn’t have to do it. 3. When | was a child, | wasn’t allowed to buy my own clothes. A no obligation in the past B obligation in the past C prohibition in the past UNIT 10 More, more, more CELE obiigation in the past In the present, we use two different forms to talks about obligation (must and have to). What is the past form of these sentences? 1 We must save up for about two months. © 2 We have to save up for about two months. 3 > Grammar reference p. 164 "BH complete the paragraph below with the correct form of the words in italics in Exercise 3. For my lst holiday, | went sightseeing with an organised group. There were some strict rules. Wie all(1)...ad.to.... wear a yellow hat so they could see who was in the group. They also gave us a bag which we (2) cary at all times. Tey always provided a packed lunch for people who wanted it. But we (3) have it — we ould bring our own lunch. Every moming, there was an ‘organised programme. Everyone did the same thing and we (4) do anything different. There were also activities inthe afternoons but we (9) do them if we didn’t want to. If we did different things, we always (6) be back by six be out on o'clock and we (7) ‘our own in the evenings. BS) Rewrite sentences 1-3 in the past and rewrite sentences 4-6 in the present. I didn’t have to wear a uniform. Exampl 1. | don't have to wear a uniform. 2 | must get up before 7.30 a.m 3 | mustn't buy sweets 4 I had to use a computer every day. 5 | wasn’t allowed to bring my own lunch. 6 | did't have to do any homework. (© Work with a partner. Compare the sentences in Exercise 5 which are true for you, giving details. Example: When | was a child, | had to wear a blue and yellow uniform at school. Now | don't have to wear a uniform, but { have to wear smart clothes at work. 4A discount B receipt C refund D bargain ‘One of these words means ‘a reduced price’ 5A complete B full C big D whole One of these words makes a fixed expression with the word after it. 6A then Bso C because D but One of these words links two contrasting ideas in the sentence. TA luck B fortune C success D victory One of these words makes a fixed expression with the two words before it. BA for Bof Cin D with One of these words makes a fixed expression with the words before and after it 9Aa Bone Cown D some ‘One of these words means ‘belonging to a particular person’. 10. A absolutely B extremely € much D more One of these words goes together with the word after it AVA similar B same C like D as One of these words shows you are giving some examples. 12 A offers B suggests © makes D provides One of these words means ‘to say you are willing t do something’ 13.A total _B minimum € average D general One of these words makes a fixed expression with the word before i 1A A Because B As C Since D Although One of these words is linking similar ideas. 15 A side B way Cone D hand ‘One of these words makes a fixed expression with the three words before it (GH which of the sentences below do you agree with? Compare your opinions with another student, giving your reasons, Example: / agree that if you don’t haggle, you pay too much. Prices are almost always too high and you don''t lose anything by asking © ifyou don’t haggle, you pay too much # I'm too embarrassed to do any haggling. @ I'd haggle in street markets but not in shops. # I'd lke to go to a traditional auction. @ {think the i-Bid kind of shopping is a good idea UNIT 10. More, more, more EEA Read this information about the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui and answer the questions. 1. Feng Shui is concerned with what to buy and where to put things in your house. What was the last thing you bought for your house or your bedroom? Where did you put it? Why? 2 One of the principles of Feng Shui is that you should get rid of things that you don’t need. ‘When was the last time you tidied up your bedroom (or another room in your house)? Did you get rid of anything? What did you get rid of and how? 31 You will hear someone talking about five different aspects of Feng Shui. Listen and write down the main message of each one. Concentrate on the main message only. (Some of the ideas are mentioned more than once.) Example: Extract 1 ~ What Feng Shui is and where it started (2 Decide which of the subjects (A-F) in the list below each extract is about. Use each letter once only. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. Use your ideas above to help you. Then listen again to check. A Tidying up D Health and wealth B Education E Success in business € Good or bad luck —-F_Origins of Feng Shui (5B Discuss these questions with a partner. 1 What do you think about the ideas you heard? 2 Would you like to try any of them? Which ones, and why? liscursive omposition (1) BA Look at these sentences. Work with a partner and say which ones you agree with and why, 1 Rich people are often unhappy. 2 if you're rich, sometimes people just pretend tobe your friend If you're not healthy, you can’t enjoy your life 4 An important job makes you feel good about yourself A close family will look after you even if you're poor and unhealthy. 6 More money gives you more choice in life, and more choice gives you more happiness. 7 Success is only about having a lot of money. 8 Alot of rich people forget that people are more important than money. 9 The most important thing in life is having people who are clase to you, especialy your family MZ Read this task. Discuss the question in the task with a partner, giving your opinions and reasons. Example: / think that having a lot of money is the most important thing because then you can do anything you want in life. | Task You have recently been discussing the question: Which is the most important thing for a happy life: a fot of money, good health, a close family or an important jab? Your teacher has asked you to write a composition summatising your opinions and reasons in 120-140 words. UNIT 10. More, more, more These sentences could be included in the discursive composition for the task in Exercise 2. Match each sentence to the best paragraph (A-C) in the paragraph plan below. Use the linking phrases for organising your ideas in italics to help you. 1 Fist of ail, the most important thing for a happy life is good health because if you're ill you can't do what you want. 2 I think that people usually have strong feelings about what is important for a happy life. 3 fn conclusion, | believe that an important job will give you confidence and make you happy. 4 Firstly, having a lot of money does not always make you happy. 5 To summarise, the people around you are much more important than your possessions 6 Secondly, you can't enjoy your life if you aren't healthy. 7 This is an interesting question because every person’ life is different. 8 Finally, you have more choices in life if you've got more money Paragraph plan AN Introduction: B Your opinion and reasons Senkerce. | CC Conckssion (summary of your opinion) A write your composition using the paragraph plan and the linking phrases in Exercise 3. Use your own ideas and the ideas in Exercises 2 and 3 to help you. > Writing reference p. 171 Unit test [0:Teacher’s Book T PA You will hear a radio programme about water called Fascinating Facts. First, do the quiz below with a partner. | What percentage of an average person's bodyweight is water? a) 20-30% b) 40-50% ©) 60-70% . How many litres of water should a person drink “ every day? 2) 05itre b) 1 litre }) How many days can camels go without drinking ||! eee i “2) three days) five days c) seven days | How lang does it take a camel to drink 100 litres. cof water? I / 2) 10 minutes b) 20 minutes ¢) 30 minutes | How many litres of water does the average | American use every day? | 2) 77 litres, b), 770 litres ©) 7,770 litres. | ql ©) 2 litres (©) ©® Listen to the radio programme and check your answers to the questions in Exercise 1 Water, water everywhere 1 @j2 Read these questions and their options (A, B or C). Highlight or underline the key words and phrases that will help you listen for the correct answers. The first one has been done for you. 1 HOWIMUCHIWater does the jpresertendiiAk every day? A nearly 2 litres B exactly 2 litres € alot less than 2 litres 2 What does David Lomax say about animals and plants? ‘A Water is essential for them. B They are mostly made of water. € Some animals and plants can survive without any water at all 3 Where else in the universe do scientists think there might be water? A onlly the Moon B the Moon, Europa and Mars € the Moon, Mars and Jupiter 4 What does David Lomax say about koalas? A They need to drink water every day. B They never need to drink water. C The leaves they eat contain water. 5 What is the interviewer's attitude to how much water the average American uses? A She finds it fairly unbelievable. B She doesn’t think it's too much She thought they used more than that. 6 How much water does the average family of four in Ghana have? A 20 litres per person per day B 20 litres per family per day C 12 litres per family per day 7 What does the water rationing system in California do? A It limits the amount of water people can use. B It asks people to decide how much water they need € It makes people pay more for their water. Listen again and decide which of the options is the best answer for each question. A’ cof dolphins is swimming in a huge outdoor swimming pool at Dolphin Cove in the Florida Keys, Splashing around near them is 10-year-old Jamie Taggart from Scotland. (1)... Jamie's medical condition means that he has little communication with the rest of the world. Recently, however, he's been swimming with these dolphins reqularly and it has opened up a whole new world for him. He has begun to touch the dolphins and play with them, The six bottienose dolphins in the pool are part of a programme called Dolphin Human Therapy (DHT). 2) DHT has been incredibly successful and 90% ‘of the children return for further sessions. The children are really excited to be near the dolphins. The main success of the programme is that being with the dolphins helps the children to respond to people (8) ssooos They start to learn four times faster than before and, more importantly, they remember what they have learned. Dr Nathanson says that dolphins have unique qualities, They are very brainy’ he says, ‘and they are able to process information in a “feeling” way. When they see someone with difficulties, they are very gentle.” There is now a lot of evidence of the healing powers of dolphins. They have helped all kinds of people with serious disabilities and illnesses, not just children. After Bill Bowell from Oxford had a heart attack, he became depressed and was unable to work. (4) Te dolphin looked straight into my eyes and I started to cry’ says Bowell. ’As | cred, he ‘ested his head on my chest and stayed very stil. After about ten minutes, he gently pushed my face and tickled me unt laughed out loud, My life changed forever’ he says. SSO A They start to communicate with people when they had never done so before Who might ‘they’ refer to? B The expression on his face is full of delight. Whose face is referred to here? C Firstly, although there is a lot of positive evidence, there may also be negative effects that we don’t know about What does ‘Firstly’ indicate about the sentence after this one? UNIT 11 Water, water everywhere Scientists think that the ultrasound produced by dolphins is the key to their natural healing powers. Conventional medicine also uses ultrasound. (5) Nobody fully understands the effects on humans of dolphins’ ultrasound, which is so powerful that it can travel through mud one metre deep. Some people argue that we should be careful about using dolphins. (6) Secondly, people pay a lot of money and ‘we shouldn't raise their expectations too high. Thirdly, some people think that it is wrong to keep dolphins in captivity for | ur own use. Whatever the arquments against using dolphins, however, itis clear that when they swim with dolphins, most people feel totally amazed and positive about these incredible creatures. D Dolphins’ ultrasound, however, is four times more powerful and being in water makes it 60 times more efficient Does ‘however’ indicate that an idea is added to or contrasted with the previous sentence? E The programme was established by Dr David Nathanson, a neuro-psychologist who uses dolphins to help children with mental and physical disabilities Why is ‘the programme’ used here and not 'a programme’? F Then, he swam with a dolphin in South Wales. Will the next sentence refer to ‘a dolphin’ or ‘the dolphin’? UNIT 11 Water, water everywhere BY We use both the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous to talk about actions and situations in a period from the past to the present. First, look at the rules and examples in the box. Then choose the correct alternatives in the two sentences below. Present perfect simple We are interested in what the action or situation has achieved. (The focus is on the result and the idea of completion.) e.g. [ve learnt all my irregular verbs, Present perfect continuous ‘We are interested in the continuing action or situation itself. (The focus is on the continuous activity, which may not be completed.) 2.9, I've been learning irreqular verbs all day. 1 He's had’s been having ten swimming lessons. 2. He's swum's been swimming with dolphins recently, > Grammar reference p. 165 1 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous, using the verb in brackets. Example: a) It'sa really good book. | four more chapters today. b) She .8.been reading... (read) that book all day. She hasn't done anything else. veread. (read) 1a) I'm completely exhausted. | (run) all morning b) | (run) 10 kilometres this morning in my fastest time so far! 2 a) I think he likes me! He me 15 emails this week already. b) That company (send) me emails for months. Its very annoying 3 a) Turnit off, please. You enough TV today. b) She's crying because she (watch) a really sad film on TV. (send) (watch) 4 al take) exams all week, Now | want to go out and enjoy myself. b) Look, here’s the letter. | can’t believe it. He (pass) all his exams. 5a) He's good at water skiing now. He (have) lessons all summer. byt (have) one lesson so far, but | think surfing is too difficult for me. (@2 Listen and check your answers to the sentences above. [3 write three things for each question. Use the ideas in the boxes and your own ideas. 1. What have you done in the last six months? pass all my tests/exams start guitar/piano/French lessons go to Tenerife/the USA/the beach win a competition/race/prize move house/town buy a new computer/pet/bike 2 What have you been doing in the last six months? study very hard think about what to study at college improve my computer/language/driving skills learn how to surf/swim/drive use the Internet more Example: im the last six months, I've passed all my tests, 've started guitar lessons and I've been to Tenerife. In the Jast six months, I've been studying very hard and I’ve been thinking about what to study at college. I've also been improving my computer skills: BA Discuss your answers to Exercise 3 with a partner. Ask for more details. Example: Student A in the Jast six months, I’ve been improving my computer skills. : Student B Oh, really? Have you been doing a course? Student A Yes. The computer club is really good. I’ve ad about ten lessons so far.

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