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In the last few pages, I've spent some time outlining for you the three
major reasons why China is growing so fast (manufacturing,
infrastructure, a new middle class) - and why it needs heretofore-
unseen-on-planet-Earth amounts of all kinds of raw materials and
resource commodities, especially oil.

But again, I don't think most

Americans truly
comprehend what's in
store - both from an
investment angle and from
a global oil supply-and-
demand standpoint. In
short, the modern rise of
China will change the world
oil and energy balance
forever. And if the Chinese
can refine and perfect their
financial and banking
systems, the United States
could conceivably end up in
second place in industrial
and economic might...

And if that happens, it won't 4/6/2005
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take 200 years, either - but come soon. If you're an Outstanding
Investments reader, you'll probably be set for life - and so will your
grandchildren. If not, well...brace yourself.

According to a February Earth Policy Institute report, China has

already eclipsed the United States as the world's No. 1 consumer of
raw materials and growth-related commodities - last year easily
surpassing American consumption of steel (by 2.5 times!), aluminum,
copper, coal, fertilizers, grain, meat and just about every other
commodity under the sun.

All except oil. But it won't be long before China dwarfs our
consumption of crude, too - especially once this 'Ides of March' deal
between China and Canada goes down. Consider:

 China imported 31% more oil in 2003 than the year before
 China has spurred 40% of global oil demand growth since
 Chinese oil usage has increased 4 times over in just the last
 China increased its oil stockpiles 25% in the last calendar
 The IEA estimates China's oil use will jump an incredible
15% in 2005 (U.S. consumption rose the same amount in the
decade between 1994-2004)

Imagine what will happen once China becomes the dominant force in
the world oil market. The United States will lose its bargaining clout
with OPEC and other nations...

Gas prices will soar as suppliers set crude oil prices based on
China's willingness (and ability) to overpay for oil... 4/6/2005
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The U.S. economy will stumble; goods and services will cost more;
the vacation, tourism, airline and automotive industries will suffer; and
taxes will increase as the United States struggles to maintain its oil-
dependent defense budgets and war efforts in the Middle East...

And it's not like Uncle Sam can turn to the Earth's other major oil
producers for help - China has already beaten the United States to
the punch on those sources, as well. Besides, the current
administration's idealistic bent toward avoiding dealings with
nondemocracies handcuffs America's ability to be flexible in its
pursuit of alternatives to Middle Eastern oil...

Beijing has been busy. Over the last few years, it's been scurrying to
line up oil deals with anyone with a gallon or two of "black gold" to
spare. These are sources the United States desperately needs to
keep from being at the mercy of the Middle East. You already know
about China's impending swipe of the bulk of Canada's crude. But
you may not have known that China now may be first in line for oil

The Chinese government has targeted Libya, Nigeria, Egypt,
Sudan, Gabon and others to try to lock up a hefty chunk of
Africa's future oil exports. By investing heavily in infrastructure
development and extending loans and credit to the governments 4/6/2005
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of underdeveloped yet oil-rich African nations, China practically
ensures it'll get first crack at these nations' crude. Also, China
has ratcheted up trade with Africa to help seal the deal -
commerce between the two increased 50% in 2004.

It's paying off, too. Already, China's state-run Sinopec has inked
a long-term deal with Gabon's government to ensure a steady
flow of oil from that nation. China National Petroleum Corp. is
already developing oil projects in Chad, and several Chinese oil
companies have contracts in place with West Africa's key oil
nations Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea and others. China is also
increasing its diplomatic and economic presence in southern
African nations Angola and South Africa in likely preparation for
major moves toward those countries' crude reserves.

Building on the strength of recent deals that'll send millions of
tons of soy and uranium China's way, Brazil's largest oil
company, Petrobras, has signed on for a joint exploration of
offshore oil resources with China Petrochemical Corp. The two
nations signed an agreement last May to cooperate on all
aspects of petroleum production: extraction, refinement, sales
and transportation. State-owned Petrobras is also currently
negotiating for Chinese aid in the construction of a pipeline
linking northern and southern Brazil.

A rapid increase in commerce between the two nations has

made China one of Brazil's top global trade allies. In November
2004, China announced an upcoming infusion of transportation
and mining infrastructure investment that'll pump billions of
dollars into the country's economy. 4/6/2005
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Long considered one of America's strongest allies in the effort to
curb U.S. reliance on Middle Eastern oil, Venezuela has lately
turned a commercial cold shoulder - not to mention some harsh
rhetoric - the United States' way. In fact, according to a Feb. 20
report in the Turkish press, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
fears assassination at U.S. hands and is threatening to cut off all
oil supplies to the United States if such an attempt should take
place. The fifth largest oil exporter in the world, Venezuela
currently sells half its oil production to the United States, but
Chavez has made it clear he wants to start diverting that flow of
oil to China.

Recently, a series of 19 accords have been signed between the

two nations, allowing Chinese companies greater access to 15
Venezuelan oil fields. The plans include Chinese investments in
both oil and gas mining projects in the Latin American nation.
These plans are serious, too. Between eruptions of anti-U.S.
rhetoric, Chavez has pledged to build a pipeline through nearby
Panama to more easily facilitate the shipping of oil across the
Pacific to the People's Republic. State-run Chinese companies
already operate two Venezuelan oil fields.

All told, China National Petroleum Corp.

alone has signed 48 oil and resource
investment and cooperation contracts
with 20 different supplier nations. And
that's just one of China's major state-
owned oil players.

Bottom line: Fueling China's growth into the world's next (only) 4/6/2005
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economic superpower requires cranking planet Earth's oil spigot wide
open. And that spigot will soon siphon from every major source of oil
in the world - including the America-hating OPEC. Short of invading
Canada and seizing the Athabasca sands, there's not much the
United States can do except pay through the nose for what precious
crude China leaves behind - oil that China's demand has caused to
skyrocket in price.

But like any global economic upheaval, there are ways you can get
rich in the process, as I told you above and as you're about to
discover in detail - with Outstanding Investments as your turn-key,
all-encompassing guide...

OK, it's payoff time. Remember the "Crisis 10" stocks I was telling
you about earlier? These are the ones I'm betting will not only
insulate your portfolio from the disaster that awaits 99% of American
investors once the China Boom takes hold - but also set the stage for
you to profit beyond every investment you've ever made before.

These 10 red-hot commodities stocks include:

 An under-the-radar natural gas company that's poised to

explode (not literally) once the coming $150-a-barrel oil forces
us to find alternative sources of energy. We picked it less than 8
months ago, and it's already climbed a steady 40%. But wait 'til 4/6/2005
Page 7 of 23
oil really starts climbing in price...

 An offshore drilling company in prime position to soar once the

United States is forced by China's aggressive oil dealings to de-
regulate access to valuable oil fields off the Alaskan and
California coasts - it's already up 61%, and the crunch hasn't
even hit yet...

 An unusual conglomerate that's a major, yet undervalued player

in both the water treatment and electricity industries - both red-
hot segments in times of energy and environmental challenges,
like now. In just 2 years, this solidly diverse play has charged up
53%, and there's nowhere to go but up...

 A Canada-based upstream oil and gas producer that's heavily

invested in oil exploration in not only its home country, but in the
North Sea, Indonesia and other oil-rich locales. It's up 205% in
the last 3 1/2 years, but has zoomed up more than 30% in just
the last month...

 A pair of energy companies that specialize in oil sands

development. They're both up impressively - gaining 157% and
211%, respectively. But once the Canadian betrayal starts
sending billions of barrels of oil to China, these stocks could
easily yield gains in the 3,000% range...

Not all of our "China Crisis 10" stocks are energy companies,
however. Some key producers in this group service the demand for
energy - or supply raw materials needed for growth. For instance,
we'll show you, FREE:

 The dynamic duo of competing shipping stocks I mentioned to 4/6/2005
Page 8 of 23
you a little while ago (get your FREE Special e-Report on these
in just a minute). Globally, there's so much demand for
resources and raw materials right now - and there will be for the
foreseeable future - there's no way these companies can't
skyrocket. One's up nearly 65% in just over half a year, and
the other is up 5% in just two months...

 A rock-solid cement company that's riding the China boom in

infrastructure construction all the way to the bank. A favorite
"safe" pick of ours for the last 3 years, it has nevertheless
posted a healthy profit of 53% - and the sky's the limit...

 A grain-producing
company that's cashing in
on China's huge appetite
for refined foods. Last
year, China consumed
more than 30% more grain
products than even the

In addition to these winners, Outstanding Investments has picked

winning mining stocks, precious metals, mineral stocks, timber and
paper securities, service companies and every other kind of
commodity or growth-related investment imaginable. Our track record
of picking, well, outstanding investments speaks for itself... 4/6/2005
Page 9 of 23
Outstanding Investments isn't just an energy or crude oil
investment advisory. It's a global commodities and resources
watchdog service that leads its readers to steady - and sometimes
spectacular - gains. We've outperformed big-name guru after high-
profile analyst - and beaten index after index. So much so that CBS
MarketWatch named us as one of the best performing resource
advisories in 2004.

But media rankings don't translate into money in your pocket. Here's
what Outstanding Investments members are saying:

"It's difficult to be unhappy when all of the

recommendations I hold from Outstanding Investments
are up a minimum of 36%!"-Jeff B.

"Subscribing to Outstanding Investments is one of the

best investment decisions I've ever made."-Wade G.

"My stock portfolio has increased 52% in eight months

as a result of the insight of Outstanding Investments. I
plan to be a subscriber for years to come."-Fred H.

"Congratulations on being one of the few letters out

there to make real profits for investors."-Bill T.

"I'm up 28% with only your recommendations in my

portfolio."-William B.
As you can see, Outstanding Investments pays off for its readers.
And right now, I want you to become one of them - before the 4/6/2005
Page 10 of 23
pending Canadian oil pipeline deal kicks off the coming China boom.
Subscribe and you'll not only discover the 10 stocks above, but
dozens more in your FREE six-volume Orient Express - to Profit
library. Keep reading...

Governments will rise and fall - so will markets. The forces of global
change will dictate demand for every known commodity. And always,
there are ways to make extreme profits from these shifts, evolutions,
realignments and conflicts. It takes only two things to do this:

Knowledge and dispassion.

Here at Outstanding Investments, we don't make recommendations

with the political winds like the mainstream does - we analyze without
prejudice, hopes or delusions of national grandeur. We anticipate
which way the winds will blow based on objective analysis of fact,
and then we recommend accordingly...

In other words, we practice the art of dispassion. In my experience,

this is the rarest of all commodities (no pun intended) in the world of
investment advice.

And our award-winning investment knowledge (not to mention our

81% average return on closed positions) stems directly from this
willingness to detach from things like nationalism and emotion - this
dispassion. It enables us to clearly and without bias see outrageously 4/6/2005
Page 11 of 23
profitable investment opportunities where others see only the fearful
harbingers of global economic change...

The question is: Can YOU be dispassionate enough to capitalize - to

be a true commodities 'profiteer' like our 19,000 other members?

I hope so, because the only way to truly protect yourself from the
massive global resources realignment that's coming - along with the
$5 gas (or worse, rations) - is to be rich enough to afford it. The way I
look at it, what better way to beat a crisis than to profit from it?

And certainly, the opportunity to do just that looms large, starting

around the March 15 pipeline deal between China and Canada...

On a personal level, if I could wish away the coming oil crunch and
global commodities trade battle with China, I would - if only to spare
the rank-and-file American investor the anxiety of having his
mainstream-recommended "patriotic" stocks lose money while he's
shelling out more cash for gas, travel and manufactured goods at the
same time...

But it isn't up to me. It isn't up to the president and Congress, either.

In fact, no one and nothing on Earth can stop China from challenging
the United States for dominance in the world economic pecking 4/6/2005
Page 12 of 23
order. It is simply too big, too strong and too many - and its workers
are too cheap to compete with over the long haul. Sure, China faces
some of the same challenges all nations face when exploding in
growth at an out-of-control rate (like banking, currency and securities
systems issues)...

And like the United States in the 1800s, it's more or less inevitable
that despite these growing pains, China will rise to economic pre-
eminence - and it definitely will become the world's largest consumer
of not just oil, but every major critical natural resource and
commodity, regardless of what it means for America...

No, you can't prevent it, but you CAN (and should) profit from it -
enormously and without undue risk. All you need is the one-of-a-kind,
dispassionate analysis and information in your subscription to the
Outstanding Investments monthly advisory. Let me sign you up
now - RISK-FREE for a full 30 days - and I'll also offer you:

 Your FREE Orient Express - to Profit library of up to 6

volumes about how to get rich on the upcoming China
commodities boom (more on these Special e-mail Reports
in a minute)

 FREE weekly investment updates via e-mail. Keep an eye on

recommended stocks, track our portfolio, and discover the
hottest opportunities that just can't wait until the next
monthly issue

 FREE unlimited 24/7 access to the Outstanding Investments

members-only Web site. Look up past picks, see postings
from other members and read articles and breaking news
about the commodities investment world 4/6/2005
Page 13 of 23
 FREE unlimited access to the Outstanding Investments 24-
Hour Profit Hot Line. Get updates on market moves,
industry news and hot commodities plays via phone 24/7

 A FREE subscription to Whiskey & Gunpowder, the fast-

growing, twice-weekly e-dispatch featuring commentary on
all the hot-button resource, economic, historic, privacy,
commerce and political issues of the day.

All 10 of these additional benefits (they total up to more than $1000 in

value!) are yours FREE when you join your fellow Outstanding
Investments readers in commodities 'profiteering.'

But you'd better hurry. China's making resource deals so fast that it
could take your portfolio by surprise if you don't act now. I know some
seasoned investors who are missing the boat - and taking the
losses - right now because they didn't get ahead of this boom already
under way. And to make it even easier for you to join now, I'm
offering you a one-time-only deal:

I'll give you two full years of Outstanding Investments (normally

$318) for just $189. That's 41% off the cover price - and it's
completely RISK FREE. Or if you'd prefer, sign up for one year (and
still get three of the six FREE e-reports) for only $99 - still over 30%
off. Go ahead, try it for a full month...

Track the stocks...

Reconcile the news you read with other sources...

Take a look at the Web site and see what other members are
saying... 4/6/2005
Page 14 of 23
Even invest all you want in our current picks...

And if you're not 100% satisfied, simply cancel and get all your
money back, no questions asked. Oh, and you keep your Orient
Express - to Profit library - FREE.

Lots of people out there are paying as much as $100,000 per year on
research to try to anticipate global resource shifts that'll help them
make money in commodities stocks. Most of them fall ridiculously
short of the gains Outstanding Investments readers routinely see.
Like I said before, our award-winning track record speaks for itself.

But as if this weren't reason enough to sign up for Outstanding

Investments, consider this: The single biggest event in commodities
investment history - the China boom - is coming, make no mistake. In
fact, it has begun already, and as I've just shown you, it's really going
to start rolling on or about March 15 ...

If you aren't among the lucky, informed few who are making huge
sums of money on it (like members of my Outstanding Investments
commodities advisory are), you'll be spending huge sums of money
on its effects, I promise it.

So sign up for Outstanding Investments today - before the

China/Canada 'Ides of March' pipeline deal reaches the headlines
and everybody's scrambling to try to make money on the upcoming
boom. Of course, the vast majority of 'patriotic' American investors
won't make a cent on it - and may actually lose big time...

But you'll ride the tide of this pending eastward commodities flow to
incredible gains - if you act now. 4/6/2005
Page 15 of 23

Dispassionately yours,

Addison Wiggin
Publisher, Outstanding Investments
March 4, 2005

P.S. Remember, you'll get 10 other invaluable complementary gifts

and services worth more than $1,000 - including your six-volume
Orient Express - to Profit library, yours to keep - absolutely FREE
when you join the award-winning Outstanding Investments
commodities advisory. Join now to cash in on the boom that's starting
on or about March 15 - and to capitalize on huge savings of up to

[To order online, click the "Subscribe Now" button below. Or if you would
prefer to order by phone, call our toll-free order line at 1-800-315-4443.] 4/6/2005
Page 16 of 23

FREE e-Report #1: Security & Profits: The Richest Oil

Opportunity in North America
In the wilderness of northern Alberta, Canada, sits a vast, 25,000-
square-mile expanse of "oil sands" estimated to contain over 300
billion barrels of crude - more oil than Saudi Arabia. Until recently,
however, extraction of this precious petroleum from the rich black
clay and muck along the banks of several of Alberta's rivers has
proved too costly to be practical...

But almost simultaneously, new advances in extraction technology

and the rise of oil prices above $50 a barrel have made these sands
a crude oil target for the entire world. With China and the United
States vying for the lion's share of the flow of crude from the region,
the Canadian company that controls this world's largest oil reserve is
set to positively explode - especially after the impending
China/Canada pipeline deal infuses a billion dollars or so of Chinese 4/6/2005
Page 17 of 23
money into the site. This report will help you be one of the savvy few
investors (Outstanding Investments' readers) poised to make
1,000% or more on this one stock by the end of the decade...

FREE e-Report #2: The No-Sweat Strategy for Profiting

From the Coming Oil & Gas Boom
Thirty years ago, 15 major oil fields worldwide were pumping out over
a million barrels of oil per day. Today, only two of these fields can
maintain that kind of production - and not for much longer, if the latest
geologic data are any indication. The other 13 can only manage to
squeeze out about 300,000 barrels per day - nowhere near enough to
sustain demand from the United States, Europe, Russia, plus up-and-
coming mega-consumers China and India...

With OPEC struggling to meet production estimates (some evidence

suggests it has grossly overstated its oil reserves), oil companies are
searching for ways to increase their available sources of crude.
That's why stock in one under-the-radar company is so attractive to
commodities investors in the know: The company has proven itself an
industry leader at sniffing out new fields of oil and are engineering
ingenious and cost-effective ways of recovering it. And with China
locking up a huge percentage of the future flow of crude from the
Athabasca sands, this firm's stock is set to soar. Returns of five, six,
even 10 times your money aren't unrealistic. Get all the details in this
comprehensiveOutstanding Investments Special Report...

FREE e-Report #3: Riding the Liquid Natural Gas Boom to

Triple Your Money
A Microsoft-IPO-like opportunity exists right now with the alternative 4/6/2005
Page 18 of 23
source of energy that's on everyone's radar: liquid natural gas (LNG).
With oil becoming both more scarce and more expensive - and with
the end of world oil supplies in sight - LNG is set to take center stage
as world energy technology shifts its focus from oil recovery to the
extraction, containment and transportation of this clean and abundant
new energy source.

And with China quickly rushing to try to monopolize most of the crude
oil deposits remaining on planet Earth (not just Canada, but Africa,
Russia, Venezuela and Iran), LNG is likely to become America's
"savior" energy source. In this brand-new report only forOutstanding
Investments readers, discover the one overlooked company that's
poised to outshine all others in the LNG sector - taking your portfolio
with it! The triple-digit profits this guide's title promises are really only
the most conservative estimate of what this stock could do...

But sign up for the best-value (save 41%!) RISK-FREE two-

year subscription to Outstanding Investments, and you'll get
three more Special Reports tailor made to keep you making
money hand over fist - while other investors are losing their
shirts on the coming China-fueled energy crunch

FREE e-Report #4: Two $5 Resource Stocks That Will Take

off in Uncertain Times
The signs are everywhere: Uncertain times are ahead - especially for
the commodities investor who's not anOutstanding Investments
reader. But this Special Report outlines two totally diverse stock plays
that help lend both stability and profit to the China Boom era's
uncertain investment outlook. One's a grossly undervalued company
(it trades at around $3.50 a share) that controls the rights to a gold 4/6/2005
Page 19 of 23
reserve that could be as large as 3.5 million ounces - over $1.5 billion

The other's a sound and sleek player in an up-and-coming resource

commodity that's soon to be on everyone's "buy" list. As this
commodity takes off (China will need tons of it), so will this
company's less-than-$4-a-share stock. Its primary business is to
produce this resource, and it has pioneered enterprising ways to
keep costs down that its competitors haven't (or can't) implement -
especially important because this material currently has one of the
largest production/demand imbalances in the world. Discover them
both in this new Special Report only for two-year subscribers
toOutstanding Investments ...

FREE e-Report #5: Two If by Sea: Shipping Stocks That'll

Sail on the China Boom
Every commodity that's made, mined or refined has got to get to
where it's going before it can be used. That means it gets loaded
onto planes, trains, trucks - and especially ships. But not all cargo
ships are created equal - nor are all shipping companies. New, more
strict shipping regulations at several of the world's key canals and
ports of call are forcing major shippers to update their aging fleets to
the newest double-hulled tankers. This is a five-year proposition at

Meanwhile, a pair of competing shipping companies specializing in

crude oil are already outfitted with the latest in state-of-the-art double-
hull vessels - and they're positioned to ship the lion's share of the
worldwide oil trade with China, especially the Canadian crude. Right
now, they're absurdly low priced, yet growing steadily in profit. Stock
in one of these companies is up 63% in just the last nine months. 4/6/2005
Page 20 of 23
Imagine what it will do in just the coming year, when China ramps up
oil consumption from Venezuela, Africa, Canada and other sources
half a world away. Get all the details in the hot-off-the-presses
Special Report...

FREE e-Report #6 : A Secret World of Wealth-Building:

Grow Rich With Natural Resources
With the China Boom under way, yet still years from peak demand,
natural resource commodities will represent the very best
moneymaking opportunities for shrewd investors for the remainder of
this decade and beyond. The sky's the limit for those in the know -
like Outstanding Investmentsreaders. And for these privileged few,
this special commodities investment primer is the tool they've used to
get up to speed quickly in this lucrative market segment.

In it, you'll find information on the basics of commodities buying,

currency conversion tables, advice on when to get in (and out) of
resource investments - plus the six "Cardinal Rules" to raking in
profits in the commodities markets. Delivered instantly to your e-mail
inbox once you sign up, this special FREE e-port has made untold
sums of money for Outstanding Investments readers. Sign up for
your RISK-FREE two-year trial subscription and get it today!

As though this invaluable six-volume library of commodities

knowledge and specific investments plays weren't incentive
enough to sign up for Outstanding Investments RISK FREE right
now, turn the page to discover your FOUR FREE BONUS
GIFTS... 4/6/2005
Page 21 of 23

Bonus Gift #1: FREE Weekly Outstanding Investments E-

Alert Bulletins
Packed with news, links, information and hot commodities picks that
just can't wait for the next monthly issue of Outstanding
Investments , these FREE twice-weekly e-Alerts can keep you
ahead of the game in the hyper-competitive, change-at-a-moment's-
notice commodities investment world. Delivered straight to your inbox
each week, these bulletins will help you stay plugged in and on top of
your game. Sign up for them as soon as you can - simply call us or
write your e-mail address on the attached Invitation to join the
Outstanding Investments commodities advisory service!

Bonus Gift #2: FREE, 100% Secure and Private Password

to the Outstanding Investments Web Site
Search the full archives of past Outstanding Investments issues,
track the latest news and results of all the stocks in your portfolio,
receive invitations to exclusive members-only events - plus get
special deals on precious metal collectible coins and other tangible
investments. Also, you'll be able to access links to some of the most 4/6/2005
Page 22 of 23
powerful (not to mention profitable) commodities investment
resources out there, 24 hours a day. And all from the comfort of your
own home...

Bonus Gift #3: FREE Unlimited 24/7 Access to the

Outstanding Investments Profit Hot Line
The commodities investment world changes fast. You need to stay
abreast of the latest commodities and resource news to maximize
your returns. And with the Outstanding Investments' 24-hour-a-day
Profit Hot Line, you can. Constantly updated, this members-only
telephone service is design to perfectly complement your twice-
weekly e-alerts and monthly newsletter. Calling in frequently - or
anytime you have a question or need a quick answer - can give you
the edge you need to capitalize on everything your Outstanding
Investments membership has to offer.

Bonus Gift #4: FREE Subscription to the Whiskey &

Gunpowder E-Letter
A veritable powder keg of news, commentary and fiscal wisdom, the
Whiskey & Gunpowder e-letter is for anyone who remembers what
democracy, capitalism and the free market really mean. For anyone
who understands that private property rights trump squatters' rights.
For anyone who thinks there are too many laws regulating and
restricting us. For anyone who knows that history is the best teacher.
And for everyone who believes that what constitutes 'life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness' should be defined by what's right and
sensible - not by the abject rule of an unaccountable majority.

Remember: Your membership to the Outstanding 4/6/2005
Page 23 of 23
Investments commodities advisory is RISK FREE for 30
days. Even if you cancel, these 4 FREE Bonus Gifts - plus
your 6-volume Profits Library - are yours to keep! Sign up
today, before the China Boom takes your portfolio by
[To order online, click the "Subscribe Now" button below. Or if you would
prefer to order by phone, call our toll-free order line at 1-800-315-4443.] 4/6/2005

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