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Karman Vortex Street

CFD class
SEGi University
Vincent TAI
Karman Vortex Structure vs. Re
Karman Vortex Structure vs. Re
Drag Coefficient vs. Re
Stouhal Number vs. Re
CFD computational domain
Problem definition

Re = 100

D = 1m (circular cylinder)

Operating condition:
– ρ = 1.225 kg/m3 (air)
– T = 288K
– P = 101325 Pa
– µ = 1.7894x10^-5 Pa.s
Fluent setup:

General: ●
Boundary conditions:
– Transient
– Cylinder wall: no slip
– Farfield wall: no shear
– Tick gravity:
– Velocity inlet:

Y = -9.81 ●
Velocity magnitude = 0.00146
m/s (calculated from Reynolds

Model: number!!)
– Choose: viscous - – Pressure outlet:
Laminar ●
Gauge pressure = 0 Pa
Fluent – Solution method
Solution initialisation:

Use standard initialisation method for

laminar karma vortex street.
Save calculation activities
Change to 1. This means
Ansys will save the results
of every 1 time step.
This enables us to make
movie later.
Pre-calculation analysis

Reynolds number ●
Strouhal number
ρV D f kV
ℜ= μ S= =0.2
T = 1/f_k
T = vortex period
dT = Time step size

N = number of time steps

N x dT = total time

T = 1/f_k
Residual Plot
Results - Cd

Make sure the solution is CONVERGED!!

Cd = 1.1978
Compare the value with the Cd vs Re graph!
Velocity Contour – time step 46
Velocity Contour – time step 58
Velocity Contour – time step 97
Velocity Contour – time step 124
Velocity Contour – time step 179
Results – Save Animation as movie

Step 4 – click play /


Step 1 – tick this

Step 2 – Choose
the video format Step 3 – Choose the
directory you want the video
be saved

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