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AMath Activity


1. A 45 gram pack of skittles has assorted colors. If there is a 15% chance of getting a red skittle, find out
the probability of getting exactly 4 red skittles out of 10 assorted skittles from the pack.
n=10, p=0.15 and x=4
P (4)= 10!/4!(10-4)! X 0.15^4 x (1-0.15) ^10 2 POINTS
P(4)= 0.040095707879883
2. A professor of a law school observes that only 25% of students who get admitted to the freshman class
reachfourth year. Assuming that this is correct, use the following conditions given to find the probability
that among15 randomly selected first year students,
a. exactly 8 will reach fourth year
n=15, p=0.25, and X= 8
P(8)= 15!/8!(15-8)! X 0.25^8 x (1-0.25) ^15 3 POINTS
P(8)= 0.013106823898852
b. at most 5 will reach fourth year
n= 15, p=0.25, and X=0,1,2,3,4 or5
P(X is less than or equal to 5)= f(0)+ f(1)+f(2)+f(3)+ f(4)+f(5)
=.0134 + .0668+ .1559+.2252 +.2252+.1651 3 POINTS
= 0.8516
c. between 7 and 10, inclusive, will reach fourth year
n=15, x= 7,8,9, or 10
P(7 is less than or equal to X less than or equal to 10)= f(7)+f(8)+f(9)+f(10)
=.0393 + .0131+.0034+.0007 3 POINTS
= 0.0565
1.) Lot is accepted if we choose 5 good bulbs from the 80 that work and choose 0 bulbs from the
remaining 20 that don’t work.
P(X=k)= (Kk) (N-Kn-k)/ (Nn)
P=(x=0) = (200) (100-205-0)/(1005) = (200) (805)/ (1005)
(200)= n!/x!(n-x)!= 20!/0!(20-0)!= 1
(805) = n!/x!(n-x)!= 80!/5!(80-5)! = 24040016 3 POINTS
(1005) = n!/x!(n-x)!= 100!/5!(100-5)!= 75287520
=(1) (24040016)/ (75287520)
P=(x=0)= 0.3193
2.) Suppose a large high school has 1100 female students and 900 male students. A random sample of 10
students is drawn. What is the probability exactly 7 of the selected students are female?
P(X=k) = (Kk) (N-Kn-k)/ (Nn)
P=(x=7) (11007) (1100-90010-7)/( 200010) = (11007)(2003)/ (200010)
(11007)= n!/x!(n-x)! = 1100!/7!(1100-7)!= 379324421487283800 3 POINTS
(9003)= n!/x!(n-x)!= 900!/3!(900-3)!= 121095300
(200010)= n!/x!(n-x)!= 2000!/10!(2000-10)!= 275898785946005613288829800
P=(x=7)= 0.166490
3.) A hat contains 5 green marbles and 9 blue marbles. 4 marbles are drawn randomly without
replacement. Calculate each probability.
a. The probability of getting 3 green marbles
a=5, n= 14, r= 4
P(X=x) = C (a,x) C (n – a , r – x)/C(n,r)
P(X=x) = C(5,x) C (9,4 -x) / C (14,4) 3 POINTS
P(X=3) = C(5,3) C (9,1) / C (14,4)
P(X=3) = (10) (9)/ (1001)
P(X=3) = 0.0899
b. The probability of getting fewer than 2 green marbles
a=5, n=14, r=4
P(X=x)= C (5,x) C (9,4-x) / C (14-4)
P(X<2)= P (X=0) + P (X=1)
=C(5,0) C (9,4)/C(14,4) + C(5,1) C (9,3)/ C (14,4) 2 POINTS
=(1) (126)/1001 +(5) (84)/1001


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