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I have realised that Theology derives from “logos” and “theos” which is the act of
saying things about God and His ways. In reflection of the interaction between
God’s story and ours, God has the final say. Theology goes hand in hand with
history, so the unfolding of history is also the proceeding of Theology. I realised
that Theology is a human initiative no matter how faithful we may be to the
scripture. Only scripture is inspired not Theology. We theologize because certain
needed information is not apparent in scripture. It is ideal to use the Verticalist
Approach when theologizing because if we start with human situation
(Horizontalist Approach), that is how situational theologies are formed for instance,
Black, Liberal and Feminist theologies. There is no such a thing as a final theology
because history keeps on unfolding.

God revealed Himself to humanity for us to know Him and His Kingdom agenda and
also to be reconciled with Him when man sinned. There are two kinds of revelation
which are: General Revelation which refers to that which is observable in nature
and human conscience (Rom 1:18-20), and Special Revelation which refers to God’s
superintendence and intervention in human history for example, the plagues in the
Old Testament and the Incarnation in the New Testament. All these kinds of
revelation complement each other.

I realised that Hermeneutics is pertinent to interpret God’s word but it needs the
interpreter to be in a relationship with the true and living God. It is not about the
relationship with a book but with the reality of God. Reasoning is not an enemy of
spirituality because that is where General Revelation occurs. Instead, they must be
intertwined to make up a fortified Christian being.

I also learnt that the Reformed Theology or the Calvinists believe in a pre-election
of believers who will go to heaven and also that they hold to limited atonement
whereby Jesus on died for the elect no for the whole world. On the other hand,
Arminian Theology believes in general atonement whereby Jesus died for everyone
and also that they believe that anyone from any theological denomination is able to
go to heaven. They are Inclusivists whilst the Reformers of Calvinists are Exclusivists
because there is a belief that through Jesus Christ and Him only is the way to the
Father. On this I concur with them because the Bible states it apparent that Jesus
Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one gets to the Father except through
Information read

Erickson, M. 1998. Christian Theology. (2nd ed.) Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

Grudem, W. 2000. Systematic Theology: an introduction to biblical doctrine. Grand

Rapids: Zondervan.
Horton, M. 2011. The Christian Faith. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. (Part I.)

Erickson, M. 2001. Truth or Consequences: The Promise and Perils of Postmodernism.

Downers Grove: I.V.P.

McGrath, A. 2001. Christian Theology: An Introduction. (3rd ed.) Malden: Blackwell


Thorson, D. 2010. An Exploration of Christian Theology. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic.

Treat, J. 2014. The Crucified King: atonement and kingdom in biblical & systematic
theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.
BBC - Religions - Christianity: Liberation theology

Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics

Liberalism |

Revelation and Inspiration of Scripture - Christian Resource Institute BibleTopics/Issues in Interpreting Scripture
Revelation of God | Theopedia

What is Reformed Theology? - Got Questions

Seminar Session 5 - Charismatic Theology | Grace Community Church

Religion vs. Philosophy - Ways of Doing the Same Thing? Religious and non-religious Belief Systems

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