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The Revelation (Sự tiết lộ, để lộ) note:omniverses= universe+multiverse+metaverse

A prologue and epilogue (Phần mở đầu và phần kết)

The revelation of Negi, firstborn (đầu lòng) of the Negi Generations and son of
the soil (đất), given for the shedding (được ban cho) abroad of understanding and
knowledge to the hosts (chủ nhà) of every realm (vương quốc), age and
dimension throughout (trong suốt, xuyên suốt) the omniverses (1 vũ trụ 4 chiều).
Grace (Duyên dáng) and peace.
I, Negi, was sitting under a pomegranate (quả lựu) tree at the third watch of the
day (12pm – 3pm:chưa chắc) in a desolate (hoang vắng) realm

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