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Green :sửa lỗi green= lỗi sai

Red: Sai
In nghiêng : cần dịch
nghĩa( hoặc cấu trúc ngữ

Questions 1 – 10
Complete the table below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Cookery Class Focus Other Information

●   small classes

Example how to 1……CHOOSE…… and cook with ●   also offers 2………… classes
The Food …Studio… seasonal products ●   clients who return get a 3……20%……

●   includes recipes to strengthen your 5……

Bond’s Cookery School food that is 4……HEALTHY…….
●   they have a free 6……ELECTURE……. Every

●   located near the 9…MARKET………

ThE ARRETSA……. Centre mainly 8……VEGETERIAN…… food ●   a special course in skills with a 10……
KNIFE……. is sometimes available

You will here a telephone conversation between a woman who

wants to attend a cookery class and an official at the(a) tourist
information center.
Hello, tourist information center, much(Mike) speaking, how can
I help you? Oh, hi, I wanted to find out about cookery classes, I
believe there’s(are) some one-day class for tourists. Well, they’re
opened to everyone, but tourists are always welcome. Okay, let
me give me some details of what’s available. There’re several
classes, one very popular, one is at the food studio. Okay. They
focused(focus) on seasonal products and as well as
they’re(none)teaching you how to cook them, they will(none)
also show you how to choose them. Right, that sounds good.
How big is(are)the classes? I’m not sure exactly, but that(they)
will be quite small. And could I get a private lesson there? I think
so, let me check. Yes, they do often though(offer those). Though
in fact most of the people who intend(attend) the class find it’s
the(a) nice way of getting into(to) know one another. Alright(I
suppose it must be) yes. And it’s __ else(this company has a)
special deal for clients when they’re often discount of 20% if you
return for a further class. Okay, but you said there were several
classes? That’s right. Another one you might be interested in is
Bond’s Cookery School, they’re quite new. They just opened 6
months ago but i ____ (‘ve heard good) things about them. They
concentrate on teaching you to prepare healthy food and they
have quite a lot of specialist(n) staffs. So is that food for people
on a diet or(and) things like that? I don’t know if i be interested
in there(that). Well, i don’t think they would particularly focus on
low calories(calorie) diets or weight loss. It’s all to do with
recipes that look at specific needs like including ingredients that
will help build up your bones and make them stronger. That’s all
we think(That sort of thing). I say(see), well, I might be
interested, i’m not sure, did I(do they) have a website that I
could check? Yes, just key a(in the) name of the school , it will
come up. And if you want to know more about them, every
Thursday you came(evening), they have a lecture of the school.
It’s free and you don’t need to book or anything, just turn up at
7:30. And that might give you an idea of what you want to go to
an extra(actual)class.
Okay, there’s one more place that you might be interested in,
that’s got a rather strange name. It’s called the Arretsa
center(centre), that’s spell A-R-R-E-T-S-A. Okay. They’ve got a
very good reputation. They do a bit of meat and fish cookery
but they mustly specialized(specialise) in vegetarian dishes.
Right, that’s certainly an area I would like to learn more about.
I’ve got lots of friends who don’t eat meat. In fact, I think I might
have seen that school today, is this just by the market? That’s
right, so they don’t have any problem getting their ingredients.
They’re right next all(door). And they also offer a special two-
hour courses(course)on how to use a knife. They covered all
of(the) different skills - buying them, sharpning(sharpening),
chopping technique(techniques), against put up(It gets booked
up) quickly though, so you’ll(you’d) need to check what’s(it was)
available. Right, well thank you very much.

Questions 11 – 13
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Traffic Changes in Granford
11   Why are changes needed to traffic systems in Granford?
A   The number of traffic accidents has risen.
B   The amount of traffic on the roads has increased.
C   The types of vehicles on the roads have changed.
12   In a survey, local residents particularly complained about
A   dangerous driving by parents.
B   pollution from trucks and lorries.
C   inconvenience from parked cars.
13   According to the speaker, one problem with the new
regulations will be
A   raising money to pay for them.
B   finding a way to make people follow them.
C   getting the support of the police.

You will hear a chairman of the highways

community(committee) of Granford speaking to members of
the publics(public) about prepare(proposed) changes to traffic
and parking in the area.

Good evening everyone, my name’s Fill Sorter(Phil Sutton). and

I’m chairman of the highways community(committee). We’ve
called this meeting to inform members of the public about the
new regulations for traffic and parking we were(we‘re)
proposing for Granford.I’ll start by summarizing these changes
before we open the meeting to questions.
So why do we need to make these changes to traffic systems in
Granford. Well, we’re very aware that traffic is becoming an
increasing problem. It’s been a special(especially) noticeable
with the increase in heavy traffic while they’ve been building the
new hospital. But it’s the overall rising(rise in) the
volume(=amount) of traffic of all kinds that’s
concernimous(concerning us). Today(To date:cho đến nay),
there’s not be(been) any increasing(increase in) traffic accidents
but that’s not all everyone(something we) want to see happen
obviously. We recently carried out the survey of local resident
and there’s responses who(were) interesting. People were very
concern about the lack of these abilities(visibility:tầm nhìn) on
some roads due to cars parked on the sides of the roads. We’d
expected complains(complaints(n)) about the (congestion:tình
trạng tắc nghẽn) near the school when parents are dropping off
their children or picking them up(đưa hoặc đón con), but this
weren’t on top of the list, and nor were noise and fumes from
trucks and lorries that(though) they were mentioned by some
people. We think these new traffic regulations would make a lot
of differences(difference). But we still have a long way to go. We
managed to keep out(our) proposals we think (within budget),
just, so they could be cover (can be covered) by the council. But
of course she now (it’s no) good introducing new regulations if
we don’t have a way of making short (sure) that everyone wanna
base (obeys) them and that’s an area we’re still working on with
the help of representitudes (representatives) from Blazeford
(the police force)
Questions 14-20
Label the map below.
Write the correct letter,  A-I, next to Questions 14-20
Proposed traffic changes in Granford
14   New traffic lights                                    …………….
15   Pedestrian crossing                               …………….
16   Parking allowed                                      …………….
17   New ‘No Parking’ sign                           …………….
18   New disabled parking spaces              …………….
19   Widened pavement                               …………….
20   Lorry loading/unloading restrictions …………….

Okay so the(this) slide shows the(a) map of the central area of

Granford, with the Higrh Street in the middle, and School Road
on the right. Now we’re already have a central (a set of) traffic
lights in the high street of rejuction (at the junction) we station
road (with Station Road). But we’re planning to have another set
of the other end of (at) the school road junction to regulate the
flow or traffic along the High Street. We’re decided we definitely
need a pedestrian acrossed (crossing). We considered putting
this own (on) school road just outside the school but in the end
we decided that could lead to lower traffic (a lot of traffic
congestion) so we decided to located (locate) it on the High
Street, crossing the road in front of the supermarket. That’s a
very busy area so it’s should help things there. We’re proposing
some changes to parking. At present, parking isn’t allowed on
the highstreet outside the library, but we’re going to change that
and allowed (allow) parking there. But not of (at) the over of
(other end) of the High Street near School Toad. There
would(will) be a new “No parking” sign on School Road just
right(by the entrance) into (to) the school for bidding
(forbidding) parking for 25 meters (metres). This should improve
visibility for drivers and pedestrians, especially on the end
(bend) just on (to) the north of the school. As far as disabled
drivers are concerned, at present, they have parking outside the
supermarket but lorries also used those spaces, so we’ve got 2
new disable parking spaces on the side road, up to all (towards)
the bank. It’s not ideal but probably but than the present
arrangement. We also plan to widen the pavement on School
Road, we think we can manage to get an extra half meter on the
bench (bend) just before we get to the school on the same side
of a (the) road. Finally, we’ve introduced new stricten?
(restrictions) on loading an unloading for the supermarket so
lorries were only be allowed to stop there before 8am, that’s the
supermarket on School road. We kept to the existen (existing)
arrangement with the High Street supermarket.

Questions 21 – 25
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
21   Why is Jack interested in investigating seed germination?
A   He may do a module on a related topic later on.
B   He wants to have a career in plant science.
C   He is thinking of choosing this topic for his dissertation.
22   Jack and Emma agree the main advantage of their present
experiment is that it can be
A   described very easily.
B   carried out inside the laboratory.
C   completed in the time available.
23   What do they decide to check with their tutor?
A   whether their aim is appropriate
B   whether anyone else has chosen this topic
C   whether the assignment contributes to their final grade
24   They agree that Graves’ book on seed germination is
disappointing because
A   it fails to cover recent advances in seed science.
B   the content is irrelevant for them.
C   its focus is very theoretical.
25   What does Jack say about the article on seed germination by
Lee Hall?
A   The diagrams of plant development are useful.
B   The analysis of seed germination statistics is thorough.
C   The findings on seed germination after fires are surprising.

We got to choose the topic for our experiences half a

way(haven’t we) jack. We used (Were you) thinking of something
to do with seeds? Hmm, that’s right. I thought we could look at
seed germination, how a seed begins to grow. Ok, any particular
reason? I know you’re hoping to working (work in) plant science
preventurely (eventurely). Yeah, but practically everything we do
is going to fit into that. No, there’s not optional __modals__ on
seed structure and function in the 3rd year that I might do. So, I
thought it might be useful for that. If I choose that option, I don’t
have to do a _____ modals. Good idea.Hmm, well, I thought for
this experiment, we could look at the relationship between seed
size and the way seed are planted, so we could plan different
size seed in different ways and see which grow best. OK, we
need to allow time for the seed to come up. That should be fine
if we start now. A lot of the other possible experiments need
quite a bit longer. So that would make it a would one to choose
and I don’t suppose it would need much equipment, we’re not
doing chemical analysis already think. Though that’s not really
an issue.We’ve got plenty of equipment in the laboratory. Yeah,
we need to have a__work?_ with a tutor ___ we ‘re going to have
with this though. I’m sure our aim’s OK. It’s not very ambitious
but the assignment only 10% of our final mark, isn’t it. But we
need to be sure with the only one doing it. Yeah, it’s only 5%
actually, but it would be boring if everyone was doing it. Did you
read that book on Seed Germination on our reading list? The
one by __grapes?__. I look through it from my last experiment.
Though it wasn’t all that relevant there, it would be for this
experiment though. I found it quite hard to follow, lots about
the theory which I hadn’t expected. Yes, I’ve been hoping for
something more practical, It doesn’t include reference to the
reason finding on genetically modified seed though. Yes, that
was interesting. I’ve read an article about seed germination by
Lee Ho about seeds that lying in the ground for ages and only
germinate after a fire. Hmm, that’s the one. I knew a bit about it
already, but not about this research. He’s an analysis of figures
comparing the time of the fire of the propotion of seed that
germinated, was done in a lot of detailed, very impressived. Was
that the article with the inistration?? of early stage of plant
development, they were very clear. I think those _____ was
another article

Questions 26-30
Complete the flow-chart below.
Choose  FIVE  answers from the box and write the correct letter,  A-H, next to Questions 26-
A     container     B     soil                C     weight          D     condition
E     height           F     colour           G     types            H     depths
 Stage in the experiment
Select seeds of different 26…………… and sizes.

Measure and record the 27……………. and size of each one.

Decide on the 28……………… to be used.

Use a different 29…………….. for each seed and label it.

After about 3 weeks, record the plant’s 30……………… .

Investigate the findings.

Anyway, shall we have a look at the precede for our experiment,

we need to get going with that quite soon. Right, so the first
thing we have to do is find that seeds. I think vegetable seeds
would be best and obviously they must adore to be the same
sizes, so how many sources do we need about four different
ones? I think that would be enough. That would be quite a large
number of seeds for each one. Then for each seed, we need.
And we need to keep ___ record of all that. That would be quite
time consuming, and we also need to decide how deep we going
to plant the seeds right on the surface of few millimeters down,
all several centimeters. OK, so then we get planting. Do you
think we can plant several seeds together in the same plant pot.
No, I think we need a different one for each seed. Hmm, right,
and we’ll need to labour? Them, we can use different color
labours then we wait for the seed germinate. I ___ that would be
about 3 weeks to pending on what’s the weather like, then we
see if our plants are come up, and write down how tall they
grow. Then all we have to do is look at our numbers and see if
there’s any relations between them. That’s right.

Questions 31 – 40
Complete the notes below.
Write  ONE WORD ONLY  for each answer.
Effects of urban environments on animals
Recent urban developments represent massive environmental
changes. It was previously thought that only a few animals were
suitable for city life, e.g.
●   the 31……………. – because of its general adaptability
●   the pigeon – because walls of city buildings are similar
to 32……………..
In fact, many urban animals are adapting with
unusual 33…………….
Recent research
●   Emilie Snell-Rood studied small urbanised mammal
specimens from museums in Minnesota.
     –  She found the size of their 34…………….. had increased.
     –  She suggests this may be due to the need to locate new
sources of 35……………. and to deal with new dangers.
●   Catarina Miranda focused on the 36……………. of urban and
rural blackbirds.
     –  She found urban birds were often braver, but were afraid
of situations that were 37……………
●   Jonathan Atwell studies how animals respond to urban
     –  He found that some animals respond to 38……………… by
producing lower levels of hormones.
●   Sarah Partan’s team found urban squirrels use
their 39…………….. to help them communicate.
Long-term possibilities
Species of animals may develop which are unique to cities.
However, some changes may not be 40…………….. .          

You will hear part of a lecture on an environmental studies

courses about recent research on how animal are adapting to to
urban environment.
Hi, today we’re going to be looking at animals in urban
environment and I’m going to be telling you about some
research how they’re affected by these environments.
Now, in evolutionary terms, urban environments represent
huge _______. This sources of massive changes that usually
happen over millions of years and we used to think that only a
few species could adapt to the ____ environment. One species
which is well-known as being highly adaptable is the crow and
their have been very a studied about how they managed to
learn new skills. Another successful species is the pigeon
because they’re able to _____ legs on the wall of city buildings
just like ____ _____ ____ cliffs by the sea. But in fact, we’re now
finding that these early____ was just the star of a more general
movement ______ animal into cities. And an adaptation by these
animal to city life. And one thing that researchers are finding
especially interesting is the ____ which ____ their doing ____.
We’re not talking about gradual evoluation here. These animals
are changing fast. Let me tell you about some of the studies that
have been carried in this area. So in university of Minnesota, a
bio just called Emily Snell Rood and her colleagues look at
speciemens of urbanized small mouses such as mices and _____
that have been collected in Minnesota. And they’re now ____ in
museum there. ___ look at speciemens that have been collected
over the last 100 years which is the very short time in
evolutionary terms. ________ doing that time these small
mammals have experienced of jumping ______ when compare to
rural mammals. Now, we can’t be sure that this means they’re
more intelligent but since the size of other point of the bodies
didn’t change, it does guess that something ____ was going on.
And Snell-Rood think that this changes my reflex _______
demand of a ____ to city life, having to look at different places to
find food for example, and co-oping with the whole new ___
dangerous. Then over in Germany, at the ____ ____ institude,
there’s another biologist called Catarian Miranda, who’s done an
experiment with blackbirds living in urban an rural areas. And
she has been looking not at their enemy, but their behaviour. So
as you might expected, she’s found that the urban blackbirds
tend to be quite _____ they’re prepare to face up to a lot of
threats that would frightened away there country counterparts.
But there’s one type of situation that does seem to frighten the
urban blackbirds, and that’s anything new, anything they haven’t
experienced before. And if you think about it, that’s quite
sensible for a bird living in the city.
Jonathan Atwell in India University is looking at how arrange of
animal respond to urban environments. He’s found that when
they’re under stress, there _____ system react by reducing the
amount of hormone such as cholesterol into their blood. It’s
sensible to see ________ amitation, ____ they give scare a subway
train ___ past, won’t be very successful. There’s just one more
study I’d like to mention which is by _____ _______, and they have
been looking at how squirrels communicate in an urban
environment. And they’ve found that a routine part of their
communication is carry out by waving their tails. You do also see
this in the country but it’s much more prevelant in the city
possibly because of it’s affected in a noising environment. So
what are the long term implication of this. One possibility is that
we may see completely new species developing in cities. But on
the other hand, it’s possible that not all of these adaptation will
be permanent. Once the animal got the custom to its new
environment, it may no longer need the feature its develop.

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