Persuasive Essay

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Dwayne Y. Ibe
10-SSC Zircon

Why People should be Proud in their Own Identity and Respect Privacy
As the start of the pandemic the use of technology increased; this situation caused many
people to focus on the use of social media grown which changes people’s life in their enjoyment
and choices. According to its influence, many people experience bashes and copyrights, some
bases on timelines and others focus on their own bias. These reasons I gave to you is simple: to
focus on your own identity, to avoid being bashed, to respect privacies, and to fulfill well-being.
The first reason I gave is to focus on your own identity. Many individuals around the
world who wanted being perfect. Some of them undergo surgery and intaking pills to fulfill the
beauty they wanted to be. But, its not the best way to become beautiful. Focusing in your own
identity can benefit you to gain confidence. And this can help you to face others as person. No
matter what other’s prejudices, be proud of your own identity. I think that’s the reason why
people being ashamed in living on others expectations.
The second reason I gave is that avoid being bashed. If you don’t want to be judged, then
stop posting on your social media nor delete. Avoiding is related to prevention. Avoid is your
plan and prevention will be your action. It’s just like how you post to your social media
accounts, to avoid being bashed and your prevention or action would be checking. Before you
post, you need to check first. Otherwise, you can avoid being bashed and you can prevent social
anxiety disorder or other disorders.
Finally, the third reason I gave is to respect privacies. We all know that many posts in
social medias must be private or publicize. You can post an original topic to social media and in
order to prevent being copyrighted, you must add a sentence like “These videos or photos belong
to the right owner” that can be easily read and understandable. Many accounts of people were
being hacked. In order to avoid it, you must have your own password and don’t let others know.
Having a password diligence can benefit you in avoiding hacked. Nevertheless, you must also
respect other’s privacy in order to respect yours.
We must know the benevolence of being proud in our own identity and respecting
privacies. According to anonymous, he said that “Be your own kind of beautiful”. He wants to
support of being proud in our identity. Your identity can help you to gain confidence. Stop being
bashed, do the avoid and prevention act. Respecting privacy can benefit each other’s
communication and to avoid the what we called racism. These reasons can lead our path in
fulfilling well-being. Without hesitations and doubts. There might be circumstances, but being
what we are, we can stay our way in having a good future.

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