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LEGAL PERSONALITY “Capacity to act” is the power to do acts with legal
effect. As distinguish to “juridical capacity”, which is
the fitness to be the subject of legal relations (Art.37,
Personal Status Laws NCC).
General Rule: Nationality Principle - Laws relating CAPACITY TO ACT JURIDICAL CAPACITY
to family rights and duties, or to the status, condition,
Power to do acts with Fitness to be the subject
and legal capacity of persons are binding upon
legal effect of legal relations
citizens of the Philippines, although living abroad.
(Article 15, NCC) Active Passive
On the matter of status of persons, condition of Merely Acquired Inherent
persons, the legal capacity of persons, and his
Lost through death and Lost only through death
family rights and duties, the applicable law is the
other causes
national law of the person concerned.
Cannot exist without Can exist without capacity
juridical capacity to act
Can be restricted, Cannot be limited or
1. In a mixed marriage (between an alien and a modified, or limited restricted
Philippine national), a decree of absolute divorce
obtained is recognized as valid even insofar as the
Philippine national is concerned so long as the
divorce decree is valid according to the national law
of the foreigner spouse and it capacitated the latter MARITAL RELATIONS
to remarry, regardless of who may have obtained
the divorce decree (Republic v. Manalo, 862 SCRA
580, 2018).
2. Domiciliary theory – the status and capacity of a
person is determined by the law of his domicile. Essential Requisites Formal Requisites:
NOTE: The basis for determining the personal law (a) Legal capacity- (a) Authority of the
of an individual is either the Domiciliary Rule must be male or solemnizing officer;
(Domicile) or Nationality Rule (Citizenship). female of at least 18 (b) Valid marriage
years of age and not license; and
under any of the
PERSONS (c) Marriage
NATURAL PERSONS ceremony where the
mentioned in Art. 37 which takes place with
BAR 2008 and Art. 38 of the the appearance of the
Family Code; and contracting parties before
The Civil Code Provides that birth determines
personality, but the conceived child shall be (b) Consent – freely the solemnizing officer
considered born for all purposes that are favorable given in the and their personal
to it, provided it is born later with the conditions declaration that they take
presence of
specified in Article 41, NCC (Art. 40, NCC). each other as husband
solemnizing officer
and wife in the presence
(Art. 2 Family of not less than two
Code) witnesses of legal age.
Conditions for the Provisional Personality of a
Conceived Child (Art. 41, NCC):
1. The child must be alive for at least 24 hours from Absence of any of the formal or essential
complete delivery, if it had an intra-uterine life of requisites:
less than seven months; or
General Rule: Marriage is void ab initio (Art. 4, FC).
2. The child must be alive even only for a few hours Exception: Where either or both were contracted
from complete delivery, if it had an intra-uterine with either or both parties believing in good faith that
life of at least seven months. the solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do
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so (Art. 35 [2] FC). foreign citizen and obtains a divorce decree

Defect in any of the essential requisites - (Republic v. Orbecido III).
Marriage is voidable (Article 45, NCC). 3. In a mixed marriage, between Filipino and
Irregularity in the formal requisites: Alien, provided:
General Rule: Will not affect the validity of marriage. (a) That there is a valid marriage celebrated;
Exception: The marriage is voidable where and
contracting party is 18 years old but below 21 (b) That a valid divorce is obtained abroad by
without the consent of the parents. the alien spouse capacitating him or her
to remarry (Art. 26 (2), FC).
Rule on Marriage License:

NOTE: Art 26(2) of the Family Code, applies when

General Rule: If the marriage is celebrated without a Filipino Citizen, who initiated a divorce proceeding
a marriage license, the same is void. abroad and obtained a favorable judgement against
his/her alien spouse. The law only requires that
there be a divorce decree validly obtained abroad.
Exception: Marriages of Exceptional Character
The letter of the law does not demand that the alien
which are Exempt from Marriage License
spouse should be the one who initiated the
proceeding wherein the divorce decree was granted.
However, as a condition for the Filipino Spouse to
1) Either or both of the contracting parties are at the have the capacity to remarry, the divorce decree and
point of death; the National Law of the Foreigner Spouse must first
be proven as a fact (Republic v. Manalo, G.R.
2) Marriages in remote places - no means of 221029, April 24, 2018).
transportation to enable the party to personally
appear before the local civil registrar;
3) Marriages among Muslims or members of ethnic Void Marriages
cultural communities. Provided in accordance with Under Article 35 of the FC; Void from the
their customs, rites or practices; Beginning
4) Marriages of a man and a woman cohabiting for (1) Those contracted by any party below eighteen
at least 5 years and without legal impediment to years of age even with the consent of parents or
marry each other (Articles 27-34); and
5) If the marriage is celebrated abroad and valid
there as such because no license is required in the (2) Those solemnized by any person not legally
place of celebration. authorized to perform marriages unless such
marriages were contracted with either or both
parties believing in good faith that the solemnizing
Marriages Celebrated Abroad officer had the legal authority to do so;
All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines, in
(3) Those solemnized without license, except those
accordance with the laws in force in the country
where they were solemnized, and valid there as covered the preceding Chapter;
such, shall also be valid in this country, except those (4) Those bigamous or polygamous marriages not
prohibited under Articles 35 (1), (4), (5) and (6), 36, failing under Article 41;
37 and 38 (Art. 26, FC).
(5) Those contracted through mistake of one
Foreign Divorces that are Recognized in the
Philippines contracting party as to the identity of the other; and

1. Marriage between two aliens provided valid in (6) Those subsequent marriages that are void
their national law even celebrated in the under Article 53.
2. Marriage between Filipino citizens, but later NOTE: If the first marriage is void and a party to that
on, one of them becomes naturalized as marriage subsequently remarries without obtaining
a judicial declaration of nullity of the first marriage,
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the subsequent marriage is likewise void. It is void if such incapacity becomes manifest only after its
not because it is bigamous but because it failed to solemnization (Art. 36 FC).
comply with the requisites under Art. 40 in relation to
Articles 52 and 53 of the Family Code (Valdez v. (2) Failure to secure judicial declaration of previous
RTC, G.R. No. 122749, July 31, 1996). marriage before contracting a subsequent marriage
(Art. 40 FC);
(3) Subsequent marriage under Article 41 where
Under Article 37 of the FC; Incestuous
both spouses acted in bad faith.
(1) Between ascendants and descendants of any
NOTE: In void marriages regardless of the cause
degree; and thereof, the property relations of the parties during
(2) Between brothers and sisters, whether of the full the period of cohabitation are governed by Art. 147
or half-blood. or 148 of the FC.

Exception: If the marriages is declared void by

NOTE: These marriages are void from the reason of non-compliance with Art. 40 of the FC, the
beginning, whether relationship between the parties applicable property regime is ACP, CPG, or
be legitimate or illegitimate. Complete Separation of Property, as the case may

Under Article 38 of the FC, by Reason of Public

Policy; Void From the Beginning Psychological Incapacity
(1) Between collateral blood relatives whether Jurisprudential Guidelines to Establish
legitimate or illegitimate, up to the fourth civil Psychological Incapacity
degree; 1. The burden of proof belongs to the Plaintiff
(2) Between step-parents and step-children; 2. The Root cause of PI must be:
(3) Between parents-in-law and children-in-law; a. medically or clinically identified
(4) Between the adopting parent and the adopted b. alleged in the complaint
c. sufficiently proven by experts and
(5) Between the surviving spouse of the adopting
parent and the adopted child; d. clearly explained in the decision

(6) Between the surviving spouse of the adopted 3. The incapacity must be proven to be existing at
child and the adopter; "the time of the celebration" of the marriage;

(7) Between an adopted child and a legitimate child 4. Such incapacity must also be shown to be
of the adopter; medically or clinically permanent or incurable;

(8) Between adopted children of the same adopter; 5. Such illness must be grave enough to bring
and about the disability of the party to assume the
essential obligations of marriage;
(9) Between parties where one, with the intention
to marry the other, killed that other person's 6. Marital obligations must be those embraced by
spouse, or his or her own spouse. Articles 68 up to 71 and Articles 220, 221 and
225 of the Family Code;
7. Interpretations given by the National Appellate
Other Void Marriages Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in
(1) A marriage contracted by any party who, at the the Philippines, while not controlling or
time of the celebration, was psychologically decisive, should be given great respect by our
incapacitated to comply with the essential marital courts;
obligations of marriage, shall likewise be void even
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8. The trial court must order the prosecuting Consent nce of the injured party
attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to ground after the
appear as counsel for the State (Republic v. ground
Physical Only the Within 5
incapabil injured years from
NOTE: Senseless and protracted refusal of one of ity party celebration
the parties to fulfill the marital obligation is of marriage Cannot be
equivalent to psychological incapacity (Chi Ming ratified
STD Only the Within 5
Tsoi v. CA).
(Serious injured years from
Personal medical/ psychological examination of and party celebration
person to be declared psychologically incapacitated
Incurable of marriage
is not required for declaration of psychological
incapacity, if the totality of evidence presented is )
enough to sustain a finding of psychological
incapacity (Marcos v. Marcos).

Voidable Marriages
Grounds Who may Prescription Ratification
file (a) Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive
conduct directed against the petitioner, a common
Lack of Parents/ Any time child, or a child of the petitioner;
parental guardians before the Free
consent party (b) Physical violence or moral pressure to compel
cohabitation the petitioner to change religious or political
reaches 21 after affiliation;
No- Within 5 attaining 21
years of age (c) Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the
consent years
petitioner, a common child, or a child of the
party before
petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in
reaching 21
such corruption or inducement;
Insanity Sane Anytime
(d) Final judgment sentencing the respondent to
imprisonment of more than six years, even if
Free pardoned;
e of cohabitation (e) Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the
insanity by the respondent;
Insane During lucid (f) Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent;
spouse after
spouse interval coming to (g) Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent
Relative/g Anytime reason bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or
uardian during the abroad;
lifetime of (h) Sexual infidelity or perversion;
(i) Attempt by the respondent against the life of the
Fraud Victim of Within 5 Free petitioner; or
fraud years from cohabitation
discovery by the (j) Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without
injured party justifiable cause for more than one year (Article 55,
after gaining FC).
of fraud
Only the husband or wife may file for a petition for
Vitiation Only the Within 5 Free
legal separation.
of victim years from cohabitation
disappeara by the Cooling-off period- the case shall not be tried on the
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merits within six (6) months since the filing of the (d) Must be registered to be enforceable against
petition. Cooling-off period shall NOT be applicable 3rd persons.
when the petition constitutes violence as specified
under R.A. No. 9262 (Sec. 19, R.A. No. 9262).
The cooling-off period does not prevent the court Modification of Marriage Settlement:
from hearing a motion for preliminary injunction to (a) Must be executed before the celebration of
prevent the respondent from managing the marriage;
exclusive property of the petitioner. What is
(b) Must be in writing; and
prohibited is trial on the merits of the petition.
(Rabuya, 2021). (c) Signed by the parties (Article 77, FC).

NOTE: A marriage settlement need not be

Effects of Decree of Legal Separation
notarized. The law merely requires it to be in writing,
(a) Spouses shall be entitled to live separately signed by the parties, and executed before the
from each other; celebration of marriage (Albano 2013).
(b) The absolute community or the conjugal
partnership of gains shall be terminated and Donations by Reason of Marriage
Requisites of Donations Propter Nuptias
(c) The offended spouse shall be disqualified to
(a) Must be made before the celebration of the
inherit thru intestate succession;
(d) The obligation of mutual support between
(b) Must be made in consideration of marriage;
spouses ceases;
(e) Custody of minor children is awarded to the
(c) Must be in favor of one or both of the future
innocent spouse;
spouses (Art. 82, FC).
(f) Donations propter nuptias made by innocent
spouse in favor of offending spouse may be
revoked by the former; and Inclusion of present property
(g) Innocent spouse may revoke the designation Regime of ACP Regime other than
offending spouse as beneficiary in the insurance ACP
policy. No limitation on the Cannot donate to each
extent of donation other more than (1/5) of
their present property.
-The excess shall be
If the spouses reconciled, a joint manifestation of the void (Article 84, FC).
spouse under oath, and signed by them, shall be
filed before the court. The court shall issue a Decree
of Reconciliation, which has the effect of setting Void Donations by the Spouses
aside either the legal separation or the decree of
legal separation. A donation by reason of marriage may be revoked
by the donor in the following cases:
(a) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially
PROPERTY RELATIONS OF THE SPOUSES declared void ab initio except donations made in
the marriage settlements, which shall be governed
by Article 81;
Marriage Settlements
(b) When the marriage takes place without the
Requisites: consent of the parents or guardian, as required by
(a) Must be made before the celebration of law;
marriage; (c) When the marriage is annulled, and the donee
(b) It must be in writing; acted in bad faith;

(c) Signed by the parties; and (d) Upon legal separation, the donee being the
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guilty spouse; spouse shall belong all earnings from his or her
profession, business or industry and all fruits,
(e) If it is with a resolutory condition and the
condition is complied with; and natural, industrial or civil, due or received during the
marriage from his or her separate property (Article
(f) When the donee has committed an act of 145, FC).
ingratitude as specified by the provisions of the
Civil Code on donations in general (Article 86, FC). When governing:
(a) When the future spouses adopt it in a
marriage settlement;
Absolute Community of Property
(b) Upon dissolution of ACP or CPG;
Commencement: The absolute community of
property between spouses shall commence at the (c) Failure to comply of the surviving spouse
precise moment that the marriage is with the requirements under Article 103 of
celebrated. Any stipulation to the contrary shall be FC; and
void (Article 88, FC).
(d) By judicial order of Judicial separation of
Excluded from the community property
Prior to Marriage During the Marriage Property Regime of Unions Without Marriage
(a) Those excluded by (a) Those acquired thru The applicable property regime in a void marriage is
virtue of marriage gratuitous title, except not ACP or CPG. In void marriages, regardless of
settlement; expressly provided by the cause thereof, the property relations of the
the grantor to form part parties during the cohabitation is governed by the
(b) Those for personal
of ACP; provisions of Article 147 or Article 148 of the Family
and exclusive use (but
jewelries are included (b) Those for personal Code, as the case may be (Rabuya, 2017).
in the ACP); and and exclusive use (but Applicability:
jewelries are included
(c) Those acquired by Article 147 of the FC applies when a man and a
in the ACP)
either spouse who has woman, suffering no legal impediment to marry each
legitimate descendants other, so exclusively live together as husband and
by a former marriage, wife under void marriage or without the benefit of
(Rabuya, 2021)
including fruits and marriage (Rabuya 2017).
income (Rabuya,
Article 148 of the FC applies to the following cases
of cohabitation:
(a) when a man and a woman who
Conjugal Partnership of Gains are not capacitated to marry each other live
Commencement: A Conjugal Partnership of Gains exclusively with each other as husband and
shall commence at the precise moment that the wife without the benefit of marriage or under
marriage is celebrated. Any stipulation to the a void marriage; or
contrary, express or implied, shall be void (Rabuya, (b) when the parties do not live exclusively with
each other as husband and wife although
When Governing: capacitated to marry each other.
(a) If the marriage is celebrated under the Civil
Code; or
Article 147 Article 148
(b) If CPG regime is provided for in the
marriage settlement. Wages and Owned by the Wages and
Salaries parties in equal salaries
shares and will earned by
Regime of Separation of Property be divided each party
equally belong to him
Each spouse shall own, dispose of, possess, between them, or her
administer and enjoy his or her own separate estate, even if only exclusively
without need of the consent of the other. To each one party
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earned the PROPERTY

wages and the
other did not
contribute Concept of Property
thereto. Properties are things which are capable of satisfying
Property Properties Only the human wants and are susceptible of appropriation.
Acquired acquired by properties
during both parties acquired by
Cohabitation during their both parties Requisites of Property:
union through through their 1. Utility, or the capacity to satisfy human wants;
their work and actual joint
industry are contributions 2. Individuality and substance; and
presumed co- of money, 3. Susceptibility of being appropriated (Rabuya,
owned by the property and 2021).
parties. industry shall
be owned by
them in Classification of Property
Efforts in the common in
care and proportion to Immovable Property
maintenance their Buildings are immovable by incorporation. Hence
of the family respective once a house is demolished, it ceases to exist as
and household contributions. such and hence its character as an immovable
are regarded likewise ceases (Rabuya, 2021).
contributions Machinery may be considered as immovable
to the when:
acquisition of (a) If it placed by a tenant, except when the tenant
common acts as an agent of the owner;
(b) Docks and structures intended by their nature
and object to remain at a fixed place on river, lake,
ABSENCE or coast;
Presumption of death (c) If it is intended to be actually, directly, and
exclusively used to meet the needs of particular
Rule: industry or activity (Rabuya, 2021).
1. Article 41 of the FC is the applicable law if the
presumption of death is only for the purpose of
contracting a valid subsequent marriage. Movable Property
2. If the presumption of death is for purposes other In general, all things which can be transported from
than remarriage, the applicable law is either Article place to place without impairment of the real
390 or 391 of the Civil Code. property to which they are fixed and are not included
in the enumeration in Article 415 are classified as
Judicial Declaration of Presumptive Death personal or movable property (Rabuya, 2021).
Courts are without any authority to take cognizance
of a petition that only seeks to have a person
declared presumptively dead under the Civil Code. OWNERSHIP
Such a petition is not authorized by law. (Tadeo- Bundle of Rights
Matias v. Republic, G.R. No. 230751, April 25, 2018)
(a) Right to enjoy – an owner must not abuse his
The proper remedy for a judicial declaration of right;
presumptive death obtained by extrinsic fraud is an
action to annul the judgment. An affidavit of (b) Right to recover – Must resort to judicial process;
reappearance is not the proper remedy when the (c) Right to exclude other from the property – every
person declared presumptively dead has never owner has the right to enclose or fence his land or
been absent. (Santos v. Santos, G.R. No. 187061, tenement;
October 8, 2014, J. Leonen)
(d) Right to surface, sub-surface and airship – the
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owner of land has a right everything underneath and 2. Which must be a corporeal personal property;
the airspace above it;
3. Which must be susceptible of appropriation by
(e) Right to hidden treasure; and nature;
(f) Right of accession. 4. The thing must be without an owner; and
5. There must be an intention to acquire ownership.
Actions to recover ownership and possession of
real property:
BAR 2007
(a) Accion reinvindicatoria – is an action whereby
Q: Distinguish Occupation from Possession
the plaintiff alleges ownership over a parcel of
land and seeks recovery of its full possession.
(b) Accion publiciana – a plenary action to recover A: Occupation is a mode of acquiring ownership
the right of possession, and the issue is which which involves some form of holding (Arts. 712 &
party has the better right of possession. 713, NCC). Possession is the holding of a thing or
the enjoyment of a right (Art. 532, NCC). Occupation
(c) Accion Interdictal – A summary action to recover can take place only with respect to property without
physical or material possession of property. an owner; while possession can refer to all kinds of
property, whether with or without an owner.
Occupation in itself, when proper, confers ownership;
Limitations on Right of Ownership but possession does not by itself give rise to
1. Pursuant to the exercise of the inherent powers ownership.
of the State;
2. Limitations imposed by the owner himself; and Donation
3. Limitations arising from conflicts with other Donation is an act of pure liberality whereby a
rights (Rabuya, 2021). person disposes gratuitously of a thing or right in
favor of another who accepts it (Art. 725, NCC).
Requisites of Donation
1. Donor must have capacity to make the donation;
Under the CC, what are the modes of acquiring
ownership and other real rights? 2. He must have donative intent;

1. Occupation; 3. There must be delivery in certain cases; and

2. Intellectual creation; 4. Donee must accept or consent to the donation

during the lifetime of the donor and of the donee in
3. Prescription; case of donation inter vivos (Art. 746, NCC);
whereas in case of donation mortis causa,
4. Law;
acceptance is made after donor’s death because
5. Donation; they partake of a will (Art. 728, NCC).
6. Testate and intestate succession; and
7. In consequence of certain contracts, tradition Classifications of Donation
(Art. 712, NCC). 1. Donation inter vivos - When the donation takes
effect during the donor’s lifetime or independently of
the donor’s death or when the full or naked
Occupation ownership of the donated properties passes to the
Occupation is a mode of acquiring ownership by the donee during the donor’s lifetime, not by reason of
seizure of corporeal things which do not have an his death but because of the deed of donation.
owner with the intention of acquiring them and in 2. Donation mortis causa - When the donation takes
accordance with the rules prescribed by law (3 effect only upon the donor’s death or when the full
Sanchez Roman 210). or naked ownership of the donated properties will
Requisites: pass to the donee only because of the donor’s
1. There must be seizure of a thing;
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What are the formalities required for donation of 2. It exists for the common enjoyment of the co-
real and personal properties? owners;
1. Of Movable property: 3. It has no distinct legal personality; and
a. With simultaneous delivery of property donated: 4. It is governed first of all by the contract of the
• For ₱ 5,000 or less - may be oral/written parties (De Leon, 2015).
• For more than ₱ 5,000 – written in public or
private document Sources of co-ownership
b. Without simultaneous delivery: 1. By contract, such as when two persons shared
The donation and acceptance must be written in a in paying the purchase price of parcel of land
public or private instrument (Statute of Frauds), with the agreement to divide the land equally
regardless of value. Otherwise, donation is between them (De Leon, 2015);
2. By law, such as in easement of party walls
2. Of Immovable property: absolute community of property between
a. Must be in a public instrument specifying the spouses (De Leon, 2015);
property donated and the burdens assumed by the 3. By succession;
4. By testamentary disposition or donation inter
b. Acceptance may be made in either the same vivos;
instrument or in another public instrument, notified
to the donor in authentic form, and noted in both 5. By fortuitous event;
deeds. Otherwise, donation is void.
6. By occupancy.

BAR 1991
Nature of right before partition
Q: In case of non-fulfillment of the condition or Before a property owned in common is actually
charge imposed by the donor upon the donee, partitioned, all that the co-owner has is an ideal or
what is the period of prescription for bringing abstract quota or proportionate share in the entire
the action for revocation of the donation? Is the property. A vendee with knowledge that the subject
action transmissible? property was, at one time, co-owned by the vendor
and other persons, relying on the vendor’s word
alone that he was the sole owner of the property,
A: The action shall prescribe after four (4) years cannot rightfully claim that he is a buyer in good
from the non-compliance with the condition. It may faith (De Leon, 2015).
be transmitted to the heirs of the donor, and may be
exercised against the donee's heirs (Art. 764, NCC).
Note: A co-owner who redeems the property in its
entirety does not make him the owner of all of it. The
CO-OWNERSHIP property remains in a condition of co-ownership as
Characteristics of co-ownership the redemption does not provide for a mode of
terminating a co-ownership (De Leon, 2015).
1. There must be plurality of owners;
2. The object of ownership must be a thing or right
which is undivided; and
The right of the owner of a thing to become the
3. Each co-owner’s right must be limited only to his
owner of everything (Rabuya, 2021).
ideal share of the physical whole (De Leon,
Hidden Treasure

Other Characteristics are: Requisites:

1. There is no mutual representation by the co- 1. The deposit of money, jewelry or other
owners; and precious objects must be hidden or
unknown; and
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2. The lawful ownership of which must not Aguilar, G.R. No. 182754; June 29, 2015)
appear (Rabuya, 2021).
Rule: Exception to the exception: When the owner
1. If the finder is the owner of the property the prohibits the lessee from building their own structure
treasure is all his; on a portion of the subject property. (Sps. Aquino vs.
Sps. Aguilar, supra)
2. If the finder is a trespasser, the treasure solely
belongs to the owner of the property where the
treasure is found; The options of the landowner
3. If the finder is a third person who is not a Article 448 of the Civil Code provides that if a person
trespasser, “by chance”, finder ½ and ½ to the builds on another's land in good faith, the land owner
owner of the land (Rabuya, 2021). may either:
1. appropriate the works as his own after paying
indemnity; or
Rules of Accession
2. oblige the builder to pay the price of the land.
To the owner belongs:
a. Natural fruits;
NOTE: The option is to sell the land, not to buy it,
b. Industrial fruits; and and it is the landowner's choice (Sps. Benitez v. CA,
c. Civil Fruits. G.R. No. 1048282, 66 SCRA 242).

Exceptions - The owner is not entitled to the fruits: EASEMENTS

a. In usufruct; An easement or servitude is an encumbrance
imposed upon an immovable for the benefit of
b. In lease of rural lands; another immovable belonging to a different owner
c. In antichresis; (Art. 613, NCC).
d. In case of possessor in good faith; and Characteristics:
e. Fruits naturally falling upon adjacent land 1. Inherence or intransmissibility:
(Rabuya, 2021). a. It is inseparable from the estate to which
it actively or passively belongs,
Builders in good faith therefore, it cannot be alienated or
mortgaged separately from the estate to
Article 448 of the Civil Code applies when the builder which it forms part
believes that he is the owner of the land or that by
some title he has the right to build thereon, or that, 2. Indivisible
at least, he has a claim of title thereto (Communities
a. Even if the servient and dominant
Cagayan v. Nanol, G.R. No. 176791, November 12,
estates are divided between two or
more persons, the easement or the
servitude continues to attach to the
NOTE: Good faith is always presumed, and upon estates originally affected.
him who alleges bad faith on the part of the 3. The right is always enjoyed over an immovable
possessor rests the burden of proof (Art. 527, NCC).
However, a lessee is not a builder, planter, or sower
in good faith. 4. It is a right which is enjoyed over another’s

Exception: Article 448 of the Civil Code applies in

cases where the builders knew that they were not Parties to an Easement
the owners of the land (e.g., lessee) but they
constructed improvements on the land of another 1. Dominant estate – refers to the immovable for
with the consent of the owner. (Sps. Aquino vs. Sps. which the easement was established; and
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2. Servient estate – the estate which provides the 2. Renounce the easement if he desires to be
service or benefit. exempt from contributing necessary expenses
(Art. 628, NCC);
Kinds of easements: 3. Exercise all rights necessary for the use of the
easement (Art. 625, NCC).
As to recipient of benefit:
1. Real easement - easement is for the benefit of
another immovable belonging to a different Obligations of the dominant owner
owner; 1. He cannot exercise the easement in any other
2. Personal easement – easement is for the benefit manner than that previously established (Art.
of a community, or of one or more persons to 626, NCC)
whom the encumbered estate does not belong. 2. He cannot alter the easement or render it more
As to source: burdensome (Art. 627(1), NCC)
1. Legal or compulsory easement - those 3. He shall notify the servient owner of works
constituted by law which has for its object either necessary for the use and preservation of the
public use or the interest of private persons. servitude (Art. 627(2), NCC)
4. He must choose the most convenient time and
manner of making the necessary works as to
NOTE: Mere convenience of the dominant estate is
not the basis for setting up a compulsory easement. cause the least inconvenience to the servient
owner; and
5. If there are several dominant estates, he must
In compulsory easement of right of way, if the contribute to the necessary expenses in
owner's needs may be satisfied without imposing the
proportion to the benefits derived from the works
easement, as there already exists in his property an
(Art. 628(1), NCC)
adequate outlet to public roads, even if the same is
more inconvenient for him/her (i.e. the need to 6. He can may make, at his own expense, on the
construct a bridge over the irrigation canal before servient estate, any works necessary for the use
she can reach the public road), the right of way of servitude, provided it will not alter or make it
cannot be imposed over the property of another, as more burdensome (Art. 627(1), NCC)
mere convenience of the dominant estate cannot be
the basis for granting compulsory easement. (Reyes
vs. Valentin, G.R. No. 194488, Feb. 11, 2015) Rights of the servient owner
1. Retain the ownership of the portion of the estate
2. Voluntary easement - those constituted by will on which easement is imposed;
or agreement of the parties 2. Make use of the easement unless there is an
agreement to the contrary (Art. 628(2), NCC)
Modes of acquiring easements 3. Change the place or manner of the use of the
Continuous and apparent easements are acquired easement, provided it be equally convenient
either by virtue of a title or by prescription of ten (Art. 629(2), NCC)
years (Art. 620, CC) while continuous non-apparent
easements and discontinuous easements, whether
apparent or non-apparent, can only be acquired by Obligations or limitations imposed on the
virtue of a title (Art. 622, NCC). servient owner:
1. He cannot impair the use of the easement.

Rights of the dominant owner

1. Make on the servient estate all works necessary Exceptions:
for the use and preservation of the servitude a. When the easement has become very
(Art. 627, NCC); inconvenient to the said servient owner; and
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 13 of 60

b. If it prevents him from making any important Kinds of Nuisance

works, repairs, or improvements thereon. 1. Nuisance per se (nuisance at law)- recognized
(Art. 629, NCC) as a nuisance under any and all circumstances,
2. He must contribute to the necessary expenses in because it constitutes a direct menace to public
case he uses the easement, unless otherwise health or safety, and, for that reason, may be
agreed upon (Art. 628(2), NCC) abated summarily under the undefined law of
NOTE: Convenience of the dominant estate’s owner Test to determine nuisance per se -
is not the basis of granting compulsory easement. Whether the nuisance has become
An owner may not exercise some of his or her dangerous at all times and under all
property rights for the benefit of the person who was circumstances to life, health, or property.
granted the easement of right of way.
2. Nuisance per accidens (nuisance in fact) -
The owner of the servient estate has an obligation depends upon certain conditions and
not to obstruct or hinder the free passage over the circumstances, and its existence being a
servient estate of any person entitled to make us of question of fact, it cannot be abated without due
it. hearing thereon in a tribunal authorized to
decide whether such a thing in law constitutes a
nuisance (Knights of Rizal v. DMCI Homes, Inc.
Modes of extinguishment
G.R. No. 213948, April 25, 2017).
In addition to the causes of extinguishment
enumerated in Article 631 of the NCC, are the
following: Who are Liable:
1. Annulment or rescission of title constituting 1. Person responsible for creating the nuisance;
easement; 2. Every successive owner or possessor of property
2. Termination of the right of the grantor; and who fails or refuses to abate a nuisance in that
property started by a former owner or possessor is
3. Abandonment of the servient estate; and liable therefor in the same manner as the one who
4. Eminent domain (4 Manresa, 5th ed., 590). created it. (Art. 696, NCC)
3. A private person or public official shall be liable for
damages if:
a. In an extrajudicial abatement;
A nuisance is any act, omission, establishment,
business, condition of property, or anything else b. He causes unnecessary injury; or
which: c. An alleged nuisance is later declared by
1. Injures or endangers the health or safety of the courts to be not a real nuisance (Art.
others; 707, NCC)

2. Annoys or offends the senses;

Judgment with Abatement as a remedy
3. Shocks, defies or disregards decency or
morality; The remedies against a public nuisance are:
4. Obstructs or interferes with the free passage of 1. A prosecution under the Penal Code or any local
any public highway or street, or any body of ordinance; or
water; or 2. A civil action.
5. Hinders or impairs the use of property (Art. 694,
NCC). If a civil action is brought by reason of the
maintenance of a public nuisance, such action shall
be commenced by the city or municipal mayor. (Art.
701, NCC)
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 14 of 60

Extrajudicial Abatement damages if it has been sold; or

BAR 1970 4. To enjoin private parties from proceeding to abate
a supposed nuisance.
Q: What requisites must concur in order that a
private person may summarily abate a
nuisance? Who may sue on private nuisance?
Any person injured by a private nuisance may abate
A: Whether public or private, the following it by removing, or if necessary, by destroying the
requisites must concur in order that a private thing which constitutes the nuisance, without
person may summarily abate a nuisance: committing a breach of the peace or doing
unnecessary injury.

1. It must be specially injurious to him;

NOTE: It is indispensable that the procedure for
2. No breach of the peace or unnecessary injury
extrajudicial abatement of a public nuisance by a
must be committed;
private person be followed (Article 706, NCC)
3. Demand must first be made upon the owner or
possessor to abate the nuisance;
4. The demand has been rejected;
5. The abatement is approved by the district health
officer and executed with the assistance of the
local police; and
6. The value of the destruction does not exceed ₱
3,000 (Arts. 704 & 706, CC).
An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do, or
NOTE: An extra-judicial abatement can only be not to do (Art. 1156, NCC).
applied for if what is abated is a nuisance per se.


No prescription - Lapse of time cannot legalize any
nuisance, whether public or private (Art. 698, NCC) The obligation is constituted upon the concurrence
of the essential elements thereof:
1. Vinculum juris or juridical tie - which is the
Criminal prosecution – Only a public nuisance efficient cause established by the various
may be the subject of a criminal prosecution under sources of obligations (law, contracts, quasi-
the Revised Penal Code or any local ordinance (Art. contracts, delicts and quasi-delicts);
699, NCC)
2. Object - which is the prestation or conduct,
required to be observed (to give, to do or not to
Right to damages do); and
The abatement of a nuisance does not preclude the 3. Subject-persons - who, viewed from the
right of any person injured to recover damages for demandability of the obligation, are the “Active”
its past existence (Art. 697, NCC). (obligee) and the “Passive” (obligor) subjects
(Wellex v. U-Land, G.R. No. 167519, January
14, 2015).
Defenses to action
A person whose property is seized or destroyed as
To be valid, the object/prestation must be:
a nuisance may resort to the courts to determine
whether or not it was in fact a nuisance. 1. Licit or lawful;
1. An action for replevin; 2. Possible, physically, & judicially;
2. To enjoin the sale or destruction of the property; 3. Determinate or determinable; and
3. An action for the proceeds of its sale and
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 15 of 60

4. Pecuniary value or possible equivalent in 2. If there has been no stipulation to the contrary
money. (Art. 1178, NCC).


1. Law; Payment means not only the delivery of money, but
2. Contracts; also the performance, in any other manner, of an
obligation (Art. 1232, NCC).
3. Quasi-Contracts;
4. Acts or omissions punished by law; and
General Rule - for the obligation to be extinguished,
5. Quasi-delicts (Art. 1157, NCC). payment must be made in its entirety. The thing or
service in which the obligation consists [must be]
completely delivered or rendered, as the case may
NOTE: The list is exclusive (Orden v. Nacoco, G.R. be (Art, 1232, NCC).
No. L-37756, June 30, 1952).

1. Substantial Performance - made in good faith.
The obligor (debtor) may recover as though
I. KINDS OF PRESTATION there had been a strict and complete fulfillment,
less damages suffered by the obligee (Art.
1. Obligation to give - is a prestation which consists 1234, NCC).
in the delivery of a movable or an immovable
thing in order to create a real right, or for the use
of the recipient, or for its simple possession, or NOTE: The breach must be inessential and not be a
in order to return it to its owner. material one, enough to destroys the value or
2. Obligation to do - An obligation "to do" includes purpose of the contract (IHC v, Joaquin, G.R. No.
all kinds of work or service (Philippine National 158361, April 10, 2013).
Construction Corp., v. CA, G.R. No. 115896,
May 5, 1997).
2. Incomplete/Irregular Performance – Obligee
3. Obligation not to do - An obligation "not to do" accepts the performance despite knowledge of
consists of refraining from doing certain acts. its incompleteness or irregularity and without
expressing any protest or objections. The
obligation is deemed fully complied with (Art.
General Rule:
1. All rights acquired by virtue of an obligation are NOTE: Art. 1235 does not apply to mere “receipt” of
transmissible (Art. 1178, NCC); payment. There must be a showing of “acceptance”
2. Contracts take effect only between the parties, to extinguish obligation (Sta Maria, 2017).
their assigns and heirs (Art. 1311, NCC).
3. Death of either creditor or debtor does not 3. Partial Prestation – Creditor cannot be
extinguish the obligation unless otherwise compelled to receive partial payments. Neither
provided by law, stipulations of the parties, or may the debtor be required to make partial
the nature of obligations. Only obligations that payments, unless:
are personal or are identified with the persons
themselves are extinguished by death. a. When expressly stipulated by the parties
(Art. 1248 (1), NCC); and
b. When the creditor accepts and benefited to
Exceptions: the partial payments (Sta Maria, 2017).
1. Their nature, or by stipulation, or by provision of
law provides otherwise (Art. 1311, NCC); and
4. Partial Liquidation – The debt is partly liquidated
and partly unliquidated.
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 16 of 60

The creditor may demand and the debtor may effect Test of Negligence
the payment of the liquidated debt without waiting for
[Whether or not] the defendant in doing the alleged
the liquidation of the latter (Art. 1248 (2), NCC). negligent act use that reasonable care and caution
which an ordinarily prudent person would have used
IV. BREACHES OF OBLIGATIONS in the same situation? If not, then he or she is guilty
of negligence. (Dela Cruz v. Capt. Viano, G.R. No.
219649, July 26, 2017).
1. Fraud (Dolo)
It is an intentional evasion of the faithful Diligence of a good father of a family
performance of the obligation (8 Manresa 72). It is
also known as deceit or dolo. Ordinary care or that diligence which an average or
reasonably prudent person would exercise over his
own property (De Leon, 2014).
Types of Fraud
1. Committed in the performance of a valid and 3. Delay (Mora) or Default
existing obligation - employed for the purpose of
evading the normal fulfillment of an obligation Delay is the non-performance of an obligation with
respect to time (Pineda v. VDA. De Vega, G.R. No.
which results in nonfulfillment or breach of the
233774, April 10, 2019).
obligation; party may recover damages (Art.
1171, NCC). General Rule (No Demand, No Delay)
2. Committed in the constitution or establishment Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in
of an obligation - Employed to secure the delay from the time the obligee judicially or
consent of the other party to enter into the extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of
contract (Art. 1338, NCC). their obligation (Art. 1169, NCC).

Dolo Causante v. Dolo Incidente Exceptions (Demand is not necessary)

1. Dolo Causante – The deceptions or 1. Obligation or law expressly so declares.
misrepresentations are of a serious character
2. Time is of the essence in a particular contract.
and without which the other party would not
have entered into the contract -contract is 3. When demand would be useless, as when the
voidable. obligor has rendered it beyond his power to
perform (Art. 1169 (2), NCC).
2. Dolo Incidente – The deceptions or
misrepresentations are not serious in character
and without which the other party would still In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay
have entered into the contract – entitled to (Art. 1169 (3), NCC).
recover damages (Tankeh v. DBP, G.R. No.
171428, November 11, 2013).
Requisites of Delay or Default
NOTE: Waiver for future fraud is contrary to law and 1. Obligation is demandable and liquidated;
public policy. Said waiver is void. But waiver for a 2. Delay in the performance by the debtor; &
past fraud is valid since such waiver can be deemed
an act of generosity. 3. Creditor makes an extrajudicial or judicial
demand requiring payment of performance of
the obligation (SMDC v. UCPB, G.R. No.
2. Negligence (Culpa) 165662, May 3, 2006, 489 SCRA 125).
The fault or negligence of the obligor consists in the
omission of that diligence which is required by the 4. Contravention of Terms
nature of the obligation and corresponds with the
circumstances of the persons, of the time and the The phrase “in any manner contravene the tenor” of
place (Article 1173, NCC). the obligation includes not only any illicit act which
impairs the strict and faithful fulfillment of the
obligation, but also every kind of defective
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 17 of 60

performance (Sanico v. Colipano, G.R. No. 209969, 3. Resolution/Cancellation - implied in reciprocal

September 27, 2017). obligations, but not available if the breach is
slight, unless time is of the essence.
4. Rescission - To rescind is to declare a contract
Fortuitous Events
void at its inception and to put an end to it as
An occurrence or happening which could not be though it never was. (CJDC v. CCCC, G.R. No.
foreseen, or even if foreseen, is inevitable (Art. 198849, August 7, 2019).
1174, NCC).

Rescission is allowed only where the breach is

Requisites of Fortuitous Events substantial and fundamental to the fulfillment of
1. The cause of the breach of the obligation must obligation. It is not permitted in casual or slight
be independent of the will of the debtor; breach (De Leon Vs. Broadwater G.R. No. 252988,
October 7, 2020).
2. The event must be either unforeseeable or
3. The event must be such as to render it 5. Subsidiary Remedies of Creditors
impossible for the debtor to fulfill his obligation a. Accion Subrogatoria – Right of the creditor
in a normal manner; and to exercise all of the rights and bring all the
4. The debtor must be free from any participation actions which his debtor may have against
in or aggravation of the injury to the creditor. third persons.
b. Accion Pauliana - Right of the creditor to
secure the rescission of any act of the
General Rule debtor which is in fraud and to the prejudice
Loss due to fortuitous events shall extinguish the of his rights (Jurado, 2010).
obligation (Art. 1174, NCC).
1. The Law provides that the obligor is liable even I. OBLIGATION WITH A PERIOD OR TERM
for fortuitous event.
1. Obligations for whose fulfillment a day certain
2. By Stipulation, the obligor is liable even for has been fixed, shall be demandable only when
fortuitous event. that day comes (Art. 1193, NCC).
3. Nature of the obligation requires the assumption 2. Obligations with a resolutory period take effect
of the risk. at once, but terminate upon arrival of the day
4. If the loss of the thing occurs after the obligor certain (Art. 1193, CC).
incurred in Delay. 3. When the debtor binds himself to pay when his
5. If the obligor promised to deliver the same thing means permit him to do so, the obligation shall
to two or more persons who do not have the be deemed to be one with a period (Art. 1180,
same interest. NCC).

NOTE: Declaration of martial law per se, Christmas Instances where the court may fix the period
Season, Mechanical Defects of Motor Vehicle, and 1. If the obligation does not fix a period, but from
Labor Unrest, does not a fortuitous event. its nature and circumstances it can be inferred
that a period was intended by the parties
V. REMEDIES IN CASES OF BREACH 2. If the duration of the period depends upon the
sole will of the debtor (Art. 1197, NCC).
3. In case of reciprocal obligations, when there is a
1. Specific or Substituted performance just cause for fixing the period.
2. Damages (Art. 1191, NCC). 4. If the debtor binds himself when his means
permit him to do so (Art. 1180, NCC).
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 18 of 60

2017 BAR Effect of Loss of the Substitute (Facultative) - the

loss or deterioration of the thing intended as a
Q: Z and N were best friends for a long time
substitute, through the negligence of the obligor
already. Z borrowed 310K from N, evidenced by
does not render him liable. But once substitution has
a promissory note whereby Z promised to pay
been made, the obligor is liable for the loss of the
the loan "once his means permit." 2 months
substitute on account of his delay, negligence or
later, they had a quarrel that broke their long-
fraud (Art. 1206(2), NCC).
standing friendship. N seeks your advice on
how to collect from Z despite the tenor of the
promissory note. What will your advice be? III. JOINT AND SOLIDARY OBLIGATIONS

A: The remedy of N is to go to court and ask that a Joint Obligations Solidary Obligations
period be fixed for the payment of the debt. Art.
1180 of the NCC provides that when a debtor binds The whole obligation is There is concurrence of
himself to pay when his means permit him to do so, to be paid or fulfilled several creditors, or of
the obligation shall be deemed to be one with a proportionately by several debtors, or of
period. Art. 1197 provides that the Courts may fix a different debtors or several creditors and
period if such was intended from the nature of the demanded several debtors, by
obligation and may also fix the duration of the proportionately by the virtue of which, each of
period when such depends on the will of the debtor. different creditors. Each the creditors has the
debtor is liable only for a right to demand, and
proportionate part of the each of the debtors is
NOTE: Once fixed by the courts, the period cannot debt, and each creditor bound to render, entire
be changed by them. is entitled only to a compliance with the
proportionate part of the prestation which
credit. constitutes the object of
Alternative obligations refer to those juridical
relations which comprehend several objects or
prestations which are due, but the payment or
performance of one of them would be sufficient. Rules in case of loss/impossibility of prestation
While facultative obligations refer to those juridical in a solidary obligation
relations where only one object or prestation has
1. If the thing has been lost or if the prestation has
been agreed upon by the parties to the obligation,
become impossible without the fault of the
but the obligor may deliver or render another in solidary debtors, the obligation shall be
substitution. extinguished.
2. If there was fault on the part of any one of them,
Right of Choice (Art. 1200 (1), NCC) all shall be responsible to the creditor, for the
General Rule: Belongs to the debtor. price and the payment for damages and interest,
without prejudice to their action against the
Exceptions: It is expressly granted to the creditor; or guilty or negligent debtor.
It is expressly granted to a third person; or If only
one prestation is practicable; or If the prestation is 3. If through a fortuitous event, the thing is lost or
impossible, unlawful or which could not have been the performance has become impossible after
the object of the obligation. one of the solidary debtors has incurred in delay
through judicial or extrajudicial demand upon
him by the creditor, 2nd par., shall also apply (Art.
The choice shall produce no effect except from the 1221, NCC).
time it has been communicated (Art. 1201, NCC).
Defenses available to a solidary debtor in all
Form of Notice can vary provided that it clearly actions filed by the creditor, avail himself of: All
conveys the unmistakable choice of the debtor (Sta. defenses which are derived from the nature of the
Maria, 2017). obligation; Defenses which are personal to, or which
pertain to his own share; or with respect to those
which personally belong to the others, he may avail
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 19 of 60

himself thereof only as regards that part of the debt there is an agreement to the contrary (Art. 1250,
for which the latter are responsible (Art. 1222, NCC). NCC).

IV. OBLIGATION WITH A PENAL CLAUSE Requisites for Extraordinary Inflation or

One which an accessory undertaking is attached for Deflation
the purpose of ensuring its performance by virtue of 1. Official declaration of extraordinary inflation or
which the obligor is bound to pay a stipulated deflation from the BSP;
indemnity or perform a stipulated prestation in case 2. Obligation is contractual in nature; and
of breach (Jurado, 2010).
3. Parties expressly agreed to consider the effects
of the extraordinary inflation or deflation.
Penalty as Substitute for Damages
General Rule: The penalty fixed by the parties takes
Application of Payments
the place of all damages and interests in case of
breach. The designation of the debt to which the payment
must be applied when the debtor has several
Exceptions: There is an express provision to that obligations of the same kind in favor of the same
effect; or the obligor refuses to pay the penalty; or
creditor (Jurado, 2010).
the obligor is guilty of fraud in non-fulfillment (Art.
1226, NCC).
Double Functions of Penalty 1. There must be one debtor and one creditor;
1. To provide for liquidated damages; and 2. There must be two or more debts;
2. To strengthen the coercive force of the obligation 3. The debts must be of the same kind;
by threat of greater responsibility in the event of 4. The debts to which payment made by the debtor
breach (De Leon, 2014). has been applied must be due; and
5. The payment made must not be sufficient to cover

I. PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE Application of payments to debts not yet due

cannot be made except:
Payment is the fulfillment of the obligation by the
realization of the purposes for which it was 1. If there is a stipulation; or
constituted (Jurado, 2010). 2. When it is made by the party for whose benefit the
term has been constituted (Art. 1252, NCC).
Payment means not only the delivery of money, but
also the performance, in any other manner, of an Payment Made to a Third Person
obligation (Art. 1232, NCC).
It is valid insofar as it has redounded to the benefit
of the creditor (Art. 1241, NCC).
Form of Payment (Art. 1249, NCC)
General Rule: Pay in the currency stipulated. Benefit to the creditor need not be proved in the
Exception: If payment is not possible in such following cases:
currency, then pay in legal tender. 1. If after payment, the third person acquires the
creditor’s rights;
Extraordinary Inflation or Deflation 2. If the creditor ratifies the payment to the third
In case an extraordinary inflation or deflation of the
currency stipulated should supervene, the value of 3. If by the creditor’s conduct, the debtor has been
the currency at the time of the establishment of the led to believe that the third person had authority to
obligation shall be the basis of payment, unless receive the payment.
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 20 of 60

Effect of Payment by a Third Person Requisites:

1. If made without the knowledge or against the will 1. Valid existing debt which is already due;
of the debtor, the payer can recover from the 2. Prior valid tender of payment except when prior
debtor only in so far as the payment has been
tender of payment is dispensable;
beneficial to the latter.
3. Creditor unjustly refuses the tender of payment;
2. If made with knowledge of the debtor, the payer
shall have the rights of reimbursement and
subrogation, to recover what he has paid and to 4. Prior notice of consignation given to persons
acquire all the rights of the creditor. interested in the fulfillment of the obligation.

Dation in Payment - Delivery and transmission of II. LOSS OF DETERMINATE THING DUE OR
ownership of a thing by the debtor to the creditor as IMPOSSIBILITY OF DIFFICULTY OF
an accepted equivalent of the performance of the PERFORMANCE (Art.1189, NCC)
obligation (dacion en pago).
Loss of the thing due means:
Requisites: 1. The object perishes; or
1. Existence of a money obligation; 2. It goes out of commerce; or
2. Alienation to the creditor of a property by the 3. It disappears in such a way that its existence is
debtor with the creditor’s consent; and unknown or it cannot be recovered.
3. Satisfaction of the money obligation.

General Rule: Loss of determinate things

Payment by Cession - Special form of payment extinguishes the obligation when the thing is lost
where the debtor assigns/abandons all his property without the fault of the debtor, and before he has
for the incurred delay.
benefit of his creditors in order that from the
proceeds thereof, the latter may obtain payment of Exceptions:
their credits.
1. Law or stipulation provides otherwise;
2. Nature of obligation requires the assumption of
Requisites: risk;
1. Presence of two or more creditors; 3. Debtor contributed to the lost;
2. Debtor must be (partially) insolvent; 4. Lost occurs after the debtor incurred in delay;
3. Assignment must involve all the properties of the 5. Debtor promised to deliver the thing to two or
debtor; and more persons not having the same interest;
4. Cession must be accepted by creditors. 6. When the debt of a certain and determinate thing
proceeds from a criminal offense; or
Tender of Payment 7. When the obligation is generic as genus never
perishes except when the entire genus is lost.
Consists in the manifestation made by the debtor to
the creditor of his decision to comply immediately
with his obligation (Jurado, 2010). Effect of Partial Loss (De Leon, 2014)
1. Insignificant – not enough to extinguish obligation.
Consignation 2. Significant – may be enough to extinguish
Act of depositing the object of the obligation with the obligation.
court or competent authority after the creditor has
unjustifiably refused to accept the same or is not in
a position to accept it due to certain reasons or Impossibility or Difficulty of Performance The
circumstances (Pineda, 2000). debtor in obligations to do shall also be released
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 21 of 60

when the prestation becomes legally or physically same kind, and also of the same quality if the
impossible without the fault of the obligor (Art. 1266, latter has been stated;
NCC). 3. That the two debts be due;
4. That they be liquidated and demandable;
III. CONDONATION OR REMISSION OF DEBT 5. That over neither of them there be any retention
Act of liberality by virtue of which the oblige, without or controversy, commenced by third persons
receiving any price or equivalent, renounces the and communicated in due time to the debtor
enforcement of the obligation, as a result of which it (Team Image v. Solar, G.R. 191652; September
is extinguished in its entirety or in that part or aspect 13, 2017).
of the same to which the remission refers (Jurado,
Kinds of Compensation
1. Legal compensation – by operation of law.
2. Conventional – by agreement of the parties.
1. It must be gratuitous;
3. Judicial (set-off) – by judgment of the court when
2. It must be accepted by the obligor; there is a counterclaim duly pleaded, and the
3. Formalities provided by law on donations must be compensation decreed.
complied with if condonation o remission is express;
4. Facultative – may be claimed or opposed by one
of the parties.
4. The obligation must be demandable.

Obligations which cannot be compensated:

IV. CONFUSION 1. Contracts of depositum;
The character of debtor and creditor is merged in 2. Contracts of commodatum;
same person with respect to same obligation
(Jurado, 2010). 3. Future support due by gratuitous title;
4. Civil liability arising from a penal offense;
Requisites: 5. Obligations due to the government;
1. Merger in the same person of the characters of 6. Damage caused to the partnership by a partner
both a creditor and debtor; (Art. 1287; 1288, NCC).
2. Must take place in the persons of a principal
creditor and a principal debtor; and VI. NOVATION
3. Merger is definite and complete (Art. 1275;76, Novation extinguishes an obligation between two
NCC). parties when there is a substitution of objects or
debtors or when there is subrogation of the creditor.
It occurs only when the new contract declares so “in
V. COMPENSATION unequivocal terms” or that “the old and the new
It is a mode of extinguishing obligations that take obligations be on every point incompatible with each
place when two persons, in their own right, are other.” (Arco v. Lim, G.R. No. 206806, June 25,
creditors and debtors of each other (Art. 1278, 2014).

Kinds of Novation Requisites of Novation

Requisites (Art. 1279; 1280, NCC)
1. Express – declared 1. Valid old obligation;
1. That each one of the obligors be bound in unequivocal 2. Intent to extinguish or
principally, and that he be at the same time a terms.
principal creditor of the other; to modify the old
2. Implied – the old obligation;
2. That both debts consist in a sum of money, or if and new
the things due are consumable, they be of the 3. Capacity and consent
obligations are on of all the parties to the
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 22 of 60

every point new obligation III. CLASSIFICATION

incompatible with (except in case of 1. As to formation or perfection
each other. expromision where
the old debtor does a. Consensual – consent is sufficient to perfect
the contract (Art. 1315, NCC).
not participate);
b. Real – delivery, actual or constructive, is
4. Substantial difference
required in addition to consent (Art. 1316,
of the old and new CC).
obligation – on every
point incompatible c. Solemn or Formal – where special formalities
are required for perfection (Art. 1356, NCC).
with each other
(implied novation);
and 2. As to relation to other contracts
5. Valid new obligation. a. Principal – may exist alone.
b. Accessory – existence depends on another
Delegacion v. Expromision contract.

In delegacion, the substitution is initiated by the old c. Preparatory – a preliminary step towards the
debtor himself (delegante) by convincing another celebration of a subsequent contract.
person (delegado) to take his place and to pay his
obligation to the creditor. In expromission, the
3. As to the form
substitution of the old debtor by a new debtor is upon
the initiative or proposal of a third person. a. Common or informal – may be entered into in
whatever form as long as there is consent,
object and cause.
b. Special or formal – required by law to be in a
certain specified form.
4. As to the cause/by equivalence of
I. DEFINITION (Art. 1305, NCC)
a. Onerous – there is an exchange of correlative
A contract is a meeting of minds between two
persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to
the other, to give something or to render some b. Remuneratory – where the outstanding
service. prestation is premised upon services or
benefits already received.
c. Gratuitous – where no correlative prestation is
received by one party.
1. Preparation (Negotiation) - period from the time
the prospective contracting parties indicate their
interest in the contract to the time the contract is 5. As to the purpose
perfected. a. Transfer of ownership
2. Perfection (Birth) Parties come to an agreement b. Conveyance of Use
and all the essential requisites of contract
concur. c. Rendition of Service
3. Consummation (Death) - period when the
parties perform their respective undertaking 6. As to the Subject Matter
under the contract, culminating in the
extinguishment thereof (De Leon, 2014). a. Things
b. Services
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 23 of 60

7. As to the time of fulfillment IV. ESSENTIAL REQUISITES

a. Executed – obligations are fulfilled at the time 1. Consent;
the contract is entered into. 2. Object;
b. Executory – fulfillment does not take place at 3. Cause.
the time the contract is made.

NOTE: All elements should be present in a contract;

8. As to the risk otherwise, it cannot be perfected (Luntao v.
a. Commutative - fulfillment is predetermined in BAPCGC, G.R. No. 204412, September 20, 2017).
b. Aleatory – fulfillment is dependent upon
General Rule: Contracts need not be in writing.
Exceptions: When the law requires a contract be in
9. As to the parties obliged
writing for its: 1. Validity (Formal Contracts); 2.
a. Unilateral – only one party is bound by the Enforceability (Under Statute of Frauds); 3. For the
prestation. convenience of the parties.
b. Bilateral – both parties are bound by
reciprocal prestations.

10. As to name or designation

a. Nominate – those which have a specific name
or designation in law (e.g., sale).
b. Innominate – those which have no specific
designation or name in law.

Contracts of Adhesion - its terms are prepared by

only one party while the other party merely affixes
his signature signifying his adhesion (Jurado, 2010).

Contracts that must be in writing Contracts which must appear in Contracts that must be
a public document registered

1. Donation of personal property 1.Donation of real properties (Art. 1. Chattel mortgages (Art. 2140,
whose value exceeds five 749, NCC); NCC);
thousand pesos (Art. 748, NCC)–
the donation and acceptance
must be in writing;
2. Sale of a piece of land or any 2. Partnership where immovable 2. Sale or transfer of large cattle
interest therein through an agent property or real rights are (Cattle Registration Act).
(Art. 1874, NCC) – the authority of contributed to the common fund
the agent shall appear in writing; (Arts. 1171 & 1773, NCC);
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 24 of 60

3. Agreements regarding payment 3. Acts and contracts which have

of interest in contracts of loan (Art. for their object the creation,
1956, NCC); transmission, modification or
extinguishment of real rights over
immovable property; sale of real
property or of an interest therein is
governed by Arts. 1403, No. 2, and
1405 (Art. 1358(1), NCC);

4. Antichresis – the amount of the 4.The cession, repudiation or

principal and the interest shall be renunciation of hereditary rights or
specified in writing (Art. 2134, of those of the conjugal
NCC; Jurado, 2011). partnership of gains (Art. 1358(2),

5. The power to administer

property or any other power which
has for its object an act appearing
or which should appear in a public
document or should prejudice a
third person (Art. 1358(3), NCC);

6.The cession of actions or rights

proceeding from an act appearing
in a public document (Art. 1358(4),

C. REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS Who may ask for reformation:

It is a remedy to conform to the real intention of the 1. The party who is not at fault;
parties due to mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct,
2. Party who is not asked to enforce the instrument;
accident (Art. 1359, NCC).
3. If there is a mutual mistake, reformation may be
had by either party or successor-in-interest.
1. There must be a meeting of the minds of the
Cardinal Rule of Interpretation of Contracts - in
contracting parties;
the interpretation of contracts is to the effect that the
2. Their true intention is not expressed in the intention of the contracting parties should always
instrument; and prevail because their will has the force of law
3. Such failure to express their true intention is due between them.
to mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct or accident.



A contract which is valid Voidable contracts are Contracts which cannot be One which lacks absolutely
because it contains all of those where consent is enforced by a proper action either in fact or in law one or
the essential requisites vitiated either by the in court, unless they are some of the elements which
prescribed by law, but incapacity of one of the ratified, because, either they are essential for its validity.
which is defective contracting parties or by are entered into without or in Thus, if there is absolutely
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 25 of 60

because of injury or mistake, violence, excess of authority or they no consent, object or cause,
damage to either of the intimidation, undue do not comply with the or if the formalities which are
contracting parties or to influence or fraud. statute of frauds or both of essential for validity are not
third persons, as a the contracting parties do complied with, or even if
consequence of which it not possess the required there is a cause and an
may be rescinded by These contracts are legal capacity (Jurado, object, if such cause or
means of a proper action binding, unless they are 2010). object is contrary to law,
for rescission (Jurado, annulled by a proper morals, good customs,
2010). action in court. These public order or public policy,
are susceptible of or if the contract is expressly
ratification (Art. 1390, prohibited or declared by
NCC). law to be void, the contract
is void or inexistent (Jurado,

The principle of in pari

delicto is applicable in cases
of void contracts but not in
inexistent contracts (Jurado,
Contracts that are Contracts that are Contracts that are Contracts that are Void or
Rescissible Voidable Unenforceable Inexistent

1. Those which 1. Those where one of 1. Those entered into the 1. Those whose cause,
entered into by the parties is name of another person object or purpose is
guardians whenever incapable of giving; by one who has been contrary to law, morals,
the wards whom his consent to a given no authority/legal good customs, public
they represent suffer contract; representation or acted order or public policy;
lesion by more than beyond his powers;
2. Those where the 2. Those which are
one-fourth of the
consent is vitiated by 2. Those that do not absolutely simulated or
value of the things
mistake, violence, comply with the Statute fictitious;
which are the object intimidation; undue of Frauds;
thereof; 3. Those whose cause or
influence or fraud
3. Those where both object did· not exist at
2. Those agreed upon (Art. 1390, NCC). parties are incapable of the time of the
in representation of
giving consent to a transaction;
absentees, if the contract (Art. 1403,
latter suffer the 4. Those whose object is
NCC). outside, the commerce
lesion stated in the
preceding number; of men;
3. Those undertaken in 5. Those which
fraud of creditors contemplate an
when the latter impossible service;
cannot in any other 6. Those where the
manner collect the intention of the parties
claims due them; relative to the principal
4. Those which refer to 'object of the contract
things under cannot be ascertained;
litigation if they have 7. Those expressly
been entered into by prohibited or declared
the defendant
without the
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 26 of 60

knowledge and void by law (Art. 1409,

approval of the NCC).
litigants or of
competent judicial
5. All other contracts
specially declared by
law to be subject to
rescission (Art.
1381, NCC);
6. Payments made in a
state of insolvency
for obligations to
whose fulfillment the
debtor could not be
compelled at the
time they were
effected are also
rescissible (Art.
1382, NCC).

RESCISSION OF CONTRACTS As to power of the courts

a. Rescission - there is no power of the courts
Rescission of rescissible contracts must not be to grant an extension of time for
confused with the rescission or resolution of performance of the obligation so long as
reciprocal obligations under Art. 1191 of the Code. there is a ground for rescission.
Although there are similarities both with respect to b. Resolution - the law expressly declares that
validity and effects, they are distinguished from each courts shall have a discretionary power to
other in the following ways (Jurado, 2010): grant an extension for performance
provided that there is a just cause.

As to party who may institute action

As to contracts which may be rescinded or
a. Rescission - action may be instituted not
only by a party to the contract but even by a
third person. a. Rescission - any contract, whether
b. Resolution - action may be instituted only by unilateral or reciprocal, may be rescinded,
a party to the contract. b. Resolution - only reciprocal contracts may
be resolved.

As to causes
a. Rescission - there are several causes or LOAN
grounds such as lesion, fraud and others
expressly specified by law.
BAR 1977
b. Resolution - the only ground is failure of one
Q. Define and distinguish from each other
of the parties to comply with what is
commodatum and simple loan.
incumbent upon him.
A. Commodatum is defined as a contract by
virtue of which one of the contracting parties
delivers to the other a non-consumable (non-
fungible) thing so that the latter may use the same
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 27 of 60

for a certain time and return it. 1943, NCC).

Simple loan or mutuum, on the other hand, is Right of Retention

defined as a contract by virtue of which one of the General Rule: Bailee has no right of retention of the
contracting parties delivers to the other money or thing loaned on the ground that the Bailor owes him
any other consumable (fungible) thing subject to something, even though it may be by reason of
the condition that the same amount of the same expenses (Art. 1944, NCC).
kind and quality be paid or returned. (Art. 1933,
NCC.) Exception: Bailee has the right of retention for
damages arising from hidden flaws (Arts. 1944 &
1951, NCC).
The two (2) may be distinguished from each other in
the following:
1. As to object: In the first, the object is, as a
general rule, a non-consumable (non-fungible) 1. Death of either the bailor or the bailee (Art. 1939,
thing, whereas in the second, the object is money or NCC)
any consumable (fungible) thing. 2. Expiration of term or accomplishment of purpose
2. As to cause: The first is essentially gratuitous, (Art. 1946, NCC)
whereas the second may or may not be gratuitous. 3. Bailor demands the return in case the bailee
3. As to purpose: The first is a loan for use, committed acts of ingratitude
whereas the second is a loan for consumption. 4. Upon demand in case of precarium
4. As to transmission of ownership: In the first,
the bailor retains the ownership of the thing loaned,
whereas in the second, ownership passes to the 2. Simple Loan
debtor. Nature and characteristics
5. As to what must be returned: In the first, the 1. The purpose of the contract is consumption
bailee must return the specific thing loaned,
whereas in the second, the debtor must pay or return 2. The subject matter is either money or
an equal amount of the same kind and quality. consumable;
3. Ownership passes to the borrower;
1. Commodatum 4. It is a real contract;
Kinds of Commodatum 5. It may be gratuitous or with stipulation to pay
1. Ordinary Commodatum – the use of the thing by interest
the bailee is for a certain period of time (Art. 1933, 6. It is a unilateral contract
2. Precarium – one where the bailor may demand
the thing loaned at will; if any one of the following is Resulting Obligation
present: ● The contract gives rise to obligations only on the
• The duration and purpose of the contract is part of the borrower
not stipulated ● A person who receives a loan of money or any
• The use of the thing is merely tolerated by other fungible thing is bound to pay the creditor
the owner (Art. 1947, NCC) an equal amount of the same kind and quality

Liability for Deterioration 3. Interests on Loan

General Rule: The bailee is liable for the a. Conventional Interest

deterioration of the thing loaned. Monetary interest
Exception: When the deterioration of the thing is Interest may only be paid as compensation for the
due only to the use thereof and without his fault (Art. use of money, known as monetary interest. It must
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 28 of 60

be expressly stipulated in the writing to be due. 3. The mortgagor must be the absolute owner of
Requisites for interest to be chargeable the thing mortgaged,

1. Must be expressly stipulated (Art. 1956, NCC) 4. The mortgagor must have free disposal of the
property mortgage, and in the absence thereof,
2. Agreement must be in writing (Art.1956, NCC)
that the mortgagor be legally authorized for the
3. Must be lawful. purpose (Art. 2085, NCC), and
5. The document in which the mortgage appears
b. Interest on interest must be recorded in the Registry of Property
(Art. 2125, NCC)
General Rule: Interest due and unpaid shall not
earn interest. NOTE: Effect of non-registration of the mortgage –
the mortgage is still binding between the parties.
(Article 2125, NCC)
1. Interest due shall earn legal interest from
the time it is judicially demanded, although
the obligation may be silent upon this point;
2. The contracting parties may by stipulation
capitalize the interest due and unpaid which
Whoever by act or omission caused damage to
as added, shall earn new interest. another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged
to pay for the damage done. (Art 2176, NCC)
c. Compensatory, Penalty or Indemnity Interest
Compensatory Interest Expanded Scope of Quasi-Delict
Interest paid as damages or penalty. It need not be Quasi-delicts include acts which are criminal in
stipulated in writing because even in the absence of character or in violation of the penal law, whether
such stipulation, the debtor is still liable to pay the voluntary or negligent, whether punishable or not
same when he incurs in delay as a form of indemnity punishable by law, whether criminal or not criminal
for damages if the obligation consists in the payment in character, whether intentional or voluntary or
of a sum of money or monetary obligation. negligent, which results damage to another (Elcano
v. Hill, G.R. No. L-24803, May 26, 1977)

d. Usury
Elements of Quasi-Delict
Usury Law (Act No.2566) – an act fixing rates of
interests upon loans and declaring the effect of 1. There must be an act or omission on the part of
receiving or taking usurious rates and for other the defendant;
purposes (Arevalo v. Dimayuga, G.R. No. 26218, 2. Such act or omission causes damage to another;
January 29, 1927).
3. The injury suffered is the proximate cause of the
NOTE: CB Circular No. 905 abolished interest rate act or omission of the defendant;
ceilings. With the promulgation of such circular,
usury has become “legally inexistent” as the parties 4. There is no contractual relation between the
can now legally agree on any interest that may be plaintiff and defendant.
charged on the loan.
Requisites of a Valid Real Estate Mortgage: It is the omission of that diligence which is required
1. Consent of the contracting parties, object by the nature of the obligation and corresponds with
the circumstances of the persons, of the time and of
certain, and cause of the obligation, (Art. 1318,
the place (Art 1173, NCC).
2. The mortgage must be constituted to secure the
fulfillment of a principal obligation, I. Presumption of Negligence
In motor vehicle mishaps, the owner is solidarily
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 29 of 60

liable with his driver, if the former, who was in the B. DEFENSES IN CASES INVOLVING
vehicle, could have, by the use of the due diligence, NEGLIGENCE
prevented the misfortune It is disputable presumed The defenses are those found in Article 2179 of the
that a driver was negligent, if he had been found
Civil Code regarding contributory negligence and
guilty of reckless driving or violating traffic
when the plaintiff’s own negligence was the
regulations at least twice within the next preceding
proximate cause of their own injury, the doctrine of
two months (Art 2184, 1st par, NCC). assumption of risk or volenti non fit injuria,
Unless there is proof to the contrary, it is presumed emergency rule and the fortuitous event under
that a person driving a motor vehicle has been Article 1174, NCC (Conceptual Approach to Torts
negligent if at the time of the mishap, he was and Damages, Legaspi, 2020; p. 101, 2020 Edition).
violating any traffic regulation (Art 2185, NCC).

I. Complete Defense or Plaintiff’s Negligence

II. Negligence Per Se was the Proximate Cause of the Injury
The negligence of a person can be presumed to be When the plaintiff’s own negligence was the
the proximate cause of the injury by the mere fact of immediate and proximate cause of his injury, he
a violation of law. However, this rule is not applicable cannot recover damages (Art 2179, 1st par, NCC).
to the application of a company policy issued by an
employer for its employee (Marinduque Iron Mines
v. Workmen’s Compensation Commission, G.R. No. II. Incomplete Defense or Contributory
L-8110, June 30, 1956). Negligence
Contributory negligence is conduct on the part of the
injured party, contributing as a legal cause to the
III. Doctrine of Last Clear Chance harm they have suffered, which falls below the
The person who has the last fair chance to avoid the standard to which they are required to conform for
impending harm and fails to do so is chargeable with their own protection (Legaspi, p. 105).
the consequences, without reference to the prior
If his negligence was only contributory, the
negligence of the other party.
immediate and proximate cause of the injury being
the defendant’s lack of due care, the plaintiff may
recover damages, but the courts shall mitigate the
IV. Proximate Cause
damages to be awarded (Art 2179, 2nd par, NCC).
Proximate cause is the cause which, in natural and
continuous sequence, unbroken by an efficient
intervening cause, produces the injury, and without III. The doctrine of assumption of risk or volenti
which the result would not have occurred (Bataclan non fit injuria
v. Medina, G.R. No. L-101126, Oct 22, 1957).
When a person voluntarily assents to a known
danger, they must abide by the consequences
V. Res Ipsa Loquitor (Ilocos Norte Electric Company v. Court of Appeals,
G.R. No. L-53401, Nov 6, 1989).
The thing or transaction speaks for itself.

a. The plaintiff must know that the risk is present;
a. The accident was of a kind which does not
ordinarily occur unless someone is negligent; b. They must further understand its nature;

b. The instrumentality or agency which caused the c. Their choice to incur must be free and voluntary.
injury was under the exclusive control of the person Note: Knowledge of the risk is the watchword of
charged with negligence; assumption of risk (Abrogar v. Cosmos Bottling,
c. The injury suffered must not have been due to any G.R. No. 164749, March 15, 2017).
voluntary action or contribution on the part of the
person injured. Assumption of Risk cannot be applied to the
a. Emergency is found to exist;
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 30 of 60

b. The life or property of another is in peril; a. When by law a party can still be held liable for
fortuitous event;
c. When the plaintiff seeks to rescue their
endangered property (Ilocos Norte Electric b. When it is expressly stipulated in the agreement
Company v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-53401, in the agreement that the parties are still
Nov 6, 1989). responsible even though there is a fortuitous
c. When the nature of the obligation requires the
IV. Emergency rule
assumption of risks.
One who suddenly finds themselves in a place of
danger and is required to act without time to
consider the best means that may be adopted to Other exceptions where there is still liability:
avoid the impending danger, is not guilty of a. The obligor will still be liable for damages even
negligence, if they fail to adopt what subsequently though there is a fortuitous event if they incurred
and upon reflection may appear to have been a
in delay in the performance of an obligation
better method, unless the emergency in which they
(Article 1165, NCC).
find themselves is brought about by their own
negligence. (Gan v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-
44264, September 19, 1988) C. THEORY OF VICARIOUS LIABILITY OR
2180, NCC)
Exception: Emergency Rule cannot be applied
when the defendant is guilty of negligence (Marikina I. Liability of Persons exercising Parental
Autoline Transport v. People of the Philippines, G.R. Authority
No. 15204, March 31, 2006). The father and the mother are responsible for the
damages caused by the minor children who live in
their company.
V. Fortuitous event
Guardians are liable for damages caused by the
Except in cases expressly specified by the law, or minors or incapacitated persons who are under their
when it is otherwise declared by stipulation, or when
authority and live in their company.
the nature of the obligation requires the assumption
of risk, no person shall be responsible for those In default of parents or a judicially appointed
events which could not be foreseen, or which, guardian, the following persons shall exercise
though foreseen, were inevitable. (Art 1174, NCC) parental authority over the child in the order
1. The surviving grandparent;
Elements of Fortuitous Event:
2. The oldest brother or sister, over 21 years
a. The cause of the unforeseen or the unexpected of age, unless unfit or disqualified; and
occurrence, or the failure to comply with their
obligations, must have been independent of the 3. The child’s actual custodian, over 21 years
human will; of age, unless unfit or disqualified.
b. The event that constituted the caso fortuito must
have been impossible to foresee or, if II. Liability of Employers
foreseeable, impossible to avoid,
The owners and managers of an establishment or
c. The occurrence must have been such as to enterprise are likewise responsible for damages
render it impossible for the debtors to fulfill the caused by their employees in the service of the
obligation in a normal manner; and branches in which the latter are employed or on the
d. The obligor must have been free from any occasion of their functions (Enterprise Theory of
participation in the aggravation of the resulting Vicarious Liability).
injury to the creditor. (Cruz v. Sun Holidays, Inc, Employers shall be liable for the damages caused
G.R. No. 186312, June 29, 2010) by their employees and household helpers acting
within the scope of their assigned tasks, even
though the former are not engaged in any business
Exceptions where the defendant is still liable or industry.
even though the event is considered fortuitous:
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 31 of 60

The employer can extricate itself from liability if it Local government units and their officials are not
was able to prove that it exercised due diligence in exempt from liability for the death or injury to
the selection and supervision of employees (Metro persons or damages to property (Section 24 of the
Manila Transit v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 116617, Local Government Code).
Nov. 16, 1998).

Liability of Public Officers

Application of Article 2180 and the Registered- Public Officers cannot be sued for damages in
Owner Rule connection with the performance of their duties.
In cases where both the registered-owner rule and However, a public officer is by law not immune from
Article 2180 apply, the plaintiff must first establish damages in his/her personal capacity for acts done
that the employer is the registered owner of the in bad faith which, being outside the scope of his
vehicle in question. Once the plaintiff successfully authority, are no longer protected by the mantle of
proves ownership, there arises a disputable immunity for official actions (Liwayway Vinzons-
presumption that the requirements of Article 2180 Chato v. Fortune Tobacco Group Corp., G.R. No.
have been proven. As a consequence, the burden of 141309, June 19, 2007).
proof shifts to the defendant to show that no liability Exception:
under Article 2180 has arisen. This it can do by
presenting proof of any of the following: first, that it a. A public officer shall not be civilly liable for acts
had no employment relationship with the driver; done in the performance of his official duties,
second, that the employee acted outside the scope unless there is a clear showing of negligence of
of his assigned tasks; or third, that it exercised the bad faith, malice, or gross negligence (Section
diligence of a good father of a family in the selection 38 (1), Book 1 of the Administrative Code of
and supervision of the employee. (Caravan Travel 1987).
Tours International, Inc. v. Abejar, G.R. No. 170631, b. Any public officer who, without just cause,
February 10, 2016, J. Leonen) neglects to perform a duty within a period fixed
by law or regulation, or within reasonable period
if none is fixed, shall be liable for damages to the
III. Liability of State and Officers
private party concerned without prejudice to
The State is responsible in like manner when it acts such other liability as may be prescribed by law
through a special agent; but not when the damage (Section 38(2), Book 1 of the Administrative
has been caused by the official to whom the task Code of 1987)
done properly pertains, in which case what is
c. A head of a department or a superior officer
provided in Article 2176 shall be applicable.
shall not be civilly liable for the wrongful acts,
omissions of duty, negligence, or misfeasance
of his subordinates, unless he has actually
Principle of Non-Suability of State
authorized by written order the specific act or
A state cannot be sued without its consent. misconduct complained of.
However, a state is deemed to have impliedly
waived its non-suability only if it has entered into a
contract in its proprietary capacity. However, when IV. Liability of Schools
the contract involves its sovereign or governmental Teachers or heads of establishments of arts and
capacity, no such waiver may be implied trades shall be liable for damages caused by their
(Department of Health v. Phil Phalma Wealth, Inc, pupils and students or apprentices, so long as they
G.R. No. 182358, February 20, 2013). remain in their custody.
a. If the student is a minor:
Liability of Political Subdivisions of the State or
The ones to be held vicariously liable are the
Local Government Units
schools, its administrators, and teachers who
Provinces, cities and municipalities shall be liable for exercise special parental authority. The parents of
damages for the death of or the injuries suffered by, the said minor who caused the damage or injury
any person by reason of the defective condition of shall only be held subsidiarily liable (Amadora v.
roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and other Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-47745, April 15, 1988).
public works under their control or supervision
(Article 2189, NCC)
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b. If the student is no longer a minor: Two situations where such possessor may escape
liability: (a) if the damage is caused by force
In academic educational institutions, the liability
for the tort committed by the student will attach to majeure; and (b) through the fault of the person who
has suffered damage.
the teacher in charge of such a student. In non-
academic educational institutions, the liability will
attach to the head thereof (Amadora v. Court of III. Proprietor of building or structure
Appeals, G.R. No. L-47745, April 15, 1988).
The proprietor of a building or structure is
In both instances, it requires that the student who responsible for the damages resulting from its total
caused damage or injury shall be under the custody
or partial collapse, if it should be due to the lack of
of the school, they must be under the control and necessary repairs. (Art 2190, NCC)
influence whether inside or outside the school
premises, or whether the semester has already
ended or not. IV. Engineer, Architect and Contractor
The engineer or architect who drew up the plans and
D. JOINT TORTFEASORS specifications for a building is liable for damages if
within fifteen years from the completion of the
Joint tortfeasors are the persons who command,
structure, the same should collapse by reason of a
instigate, promote, encourage, advise, defect in those plans and specifications, or due to
countenance, cooperate in, aid or abet the
the defects in the ground.
commission of a tort, or who approve of it after it is
done for their benefit. They are each liable as The contractor is likewise responsible for the
principals, to the same extent and in the same damages if the edifice falls, within the same period,
manner as if they had performed the wrongful act on account of defects in the construction or the use
themselves. (Worcestor v. Ocampo, G.R. No. L- of materials of inferior quality furnished by him, or
5932, February 27, 1912) due to any violation of the terms of the contract. If
the engineer or architect supervises the
The pecuniary compensation, recompense or
construction, he shall be solidarily liable with the
satisfaction for an injury sustained or as otherwise contractor.
expressed, the pecuniary consequences which the
law imposes for the breach of some duty or violation Acceptance of the building, after completion, does
of some rights (People v. Ballesteros, G.R. No. not imply waiver of any of the cause of action by
120921, January 29, 1998). reason of any defect mentioned in the preceding
paragraph. The action must be brought within ten
years following the collapse of the building (Art
I. Products liability: manufacturers and
Manufacturers and processors of foodstuffs, drinks,
toilet articles and similar goods shall be liable for
death or injuries caused by any noxious or harmful KINDS OF DAMAGES
substance used, although no contractual relation
exists between the manufacturer and the consumers a. Actual and Compensatory
(Art 2187, NCC). Awarded to a person as compensation or indemnity
for such pecuniary loss suffered by him as he has
duly proved (Arts. 2199-2215, NCC)
II. Possessor of an animal
The possessor of an animal or whoever may make
use of the same is responsible for the damage which b. Moral
it may cause, although it may escape or be lost. This Cover physical suffering, mental anguish, fright,
responsibility shall cease only in case the damage serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded
should come from force majeure or from the fault of feelings, moral shock, social humiliation, and
the person who has suffered damage (Art 2183, similar injury. Though incapable of pecuniary
NCC) computation, moral damages may be recovered if
they are the proximate result of the defendant's
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 33 of 60

wrongful act for omission (Article 2217, NCC)

c. Nominal
Are adduced in order that a right of the plaintiff,
which has been violated or invaded by the
defendant, may be vindicated or recognized, and
not for the purpose of indemnifying the plaintiff for
any loss suffered by him (Art. 2221, NCC).

d. Temperate
More than nominal but less than compensatory
damages, may be recovered when the court finds
that some pecuniary loss has been suffered but its
amount cannot, from the nature of the case, be
provided with certainty (Art. 2224, NCC)
Temperate damages must be reasonable under the
circumstances (Art. 2225, NCC).

e. Liquidated
Whether intended as an indemnity or a penalty,
shall be equitably reduced if they are iniquitous or
unconscionable (Art. 2227, NCC).

f. Exemplary
Are imposed, by way of example or correction for
the public good, in addition to the moral, temperate,
liquidated or compensatory damages (Art. 2229,
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CORPORATION LAW (3) estate (Sec. 116, RCC).

Excepted corporations for OPC:
Kinds of corporation a. Banks and quasi-banks,
Stock corporations are those which have capital b. Pre-need, trust, insurance,
stock divided into shares and are authorized to c. Public and publicly-listed
distribute to the holders of such shares, dividends, companies, and non-chartered
or allotments of the surplus profits on the basis of
GOCC (Sec. 116, RCC).
the shares held (Sec. 3, RCC).

Liability. A sole shareholder claiming

Nonstock corporation is one where no part of its limited liability has the burden of
income is distributable as dividends to its members,
affirmatively showing that the corporation
trustees, or officers: Provided, That any profit which was adequately financed. Where the single
a nonstock corporation may obtain incidental to its stockholder cannot prove that the property
operations shall, whenever necessary or proper, be
of the OPC is independent of the
used for the furtherance of the purpose or purposes
stockholder’s personal property, the
for which the corporation was organized, subject to
stockholder shall be jointly and severally
the provisions of Title XI of RCC (Sec. 86, RCC). liable for the debts and other liabilities of the
One Person Corporation.
De facto Corporation is a corporation where there The principles of piercing the corporate veil
exists a flaw in its incorporation. Requisites: applies with equal force to One Person
(1) Valid law under which incorporated; Corporations as with other corporations
(Sec 130, RCC).
(2) Attempt in good faith to incorporate or
colorable compliance;
Nominee. The single stockholder shall
(3) Assumption of corporate powers;
designate a nominee and an alternate
The defect of the juridical personality of a de nominee who shall, in the event of the single
facto corporation cannot be raised collaterally. stockholder’s death or incapacity, take the
The inquiry may be made by the Solicitor place of the single stockholder as director
General in a quo warranto proceeding (Sec. 19, and shall manage the corporation’s affairs
RCC). (Sec. 124, RCC).

Corporation by estoppel. All persons who assume Close corporation. One whose articles of
to act as a corporation knowing it to be without incorporation provides that:
authority to do so shall be liable as general partners
for all debts, liabilities and damages incurred or (1) all the corporation’s issued stock of all
arising as a result thereof: Provided, however, That classes, exclusive of treasury shares, shall
when any such ostensible corporation is sued on be held of record by not more than a
any transaction entered by it as a corporation or on specified number of persons, not exceeding
twenty (20);
any tort committed by it as such, it shall not be
allowed to use its lack of corporate personality as a (2) all the issued stock of all classes shall be
defense (Sec. 20, RCC). subject to one or more specified restrictions
on transfer permitted by this Title; and

One Person Corporation (OPC) is a corporation (3) the corporation shall not list in any stock
with a single stockholder. The single stockholder exchange or make any public offering of its
stocks of any class
shall be the sole director and president of the OPC,
but may not be appointed as the corporate secretary Notwithstanding the foregoing, a corporation
(Secs. 121-122, RCC). Only the following may form shall not be deemed a close corporation when
an OPC: at least two-thirds (2/3) of its voting stock or
(1) natural person voting rights is owned or controlled by another
corporation which is not a close corporation
(2) trust, or within the meaning of this Code. (Sec. 95,
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 35 of 60

RCC). such other period as may be prescribed

by the laws of the religious society or
religious order, or of the diocese, synod,
Educational corporations. One organized for or district organization (Sec. 114(f),
educational purposes. Governed by special laws RCC).
and by the general provisions of RCC
(a) If organized as a non-stock corporation, the
trustees shall not be less than five (5) nor (b) Corporation sole is one formed for the
more than fifteen (15). Provided, however, purpose of administering and managing, as
trustee, the affairs, property and
that the number of trustees shall be in
multiples of five (5). They shall classify temporalities of any religious denomination,
themselves in such a way that the term of sect, or church, by the chief archbishop,
bishop, priest, rabbi, or other presiding elder
1/5 of them expires every year (Sec. 106,
of such religious denomination, sect or
church (Sec. 108, RCC).
(b) If organized as a stock corporation, the
A corporation sole consists of one
number and term of directors shall be
governed by the provisions on stock person only, and his successors (who
corporations (Sec. 106, RCC). will always be one at a time), in some
particular station, who are incorporated
by law in order to give them some legal
Religious corporations capacities and advantages, particularly
that of perpetuity, which in their natural
(a) Religious societies are religious persons they could not have had. In this
corporations incorporated by more than one sense, the king is a sole corporation; so
person (Sec. 107, RCC). is a bishop, or dens, distinct from their
Unless forbidden by competent several chapters (Roman Catholic
authority, the Constitution, pertinent Apostolic Administrator of Davao v. and
rules, regulations, or discipline of the Registration Commission, G.R. No. L-
religious denomination, sect or church 8451, 20 December 1957).
of which it is a part, any religious A corporation sole, at least constituted
society, religious order, diocese, synod, on behalf of the Roman Catholic
or district organization of any religious Church, is deemed to have no
denomination, sect or church, may, nationality. Even if a corporation sole
upon written consent and/or by an had a nationality, the same would be
affirmative vote at a meeting called determined, not by the national of the
for the purpose of at least two-thirds sole corporator, but by the nationality of
(2/3) of its membership, incorporate the constituent of the religious members
for the administration of its temporalities constituting the sect (Roman Catholic
or for the management of its affairs, Apostolic Administrator of Davao).
properties, and estate by filing with the
Commission, articles of incorporation In order to become a corporation sole, the
verified by the affidavit of the presiding chief archbishop, bishop, priest, minister,
elder, secretary, or clerk or other rabbi or presiding elder of any religious
member of such religious society or denomination, sect or church must file with
religious order, or diocese, synod, or the SEC articles of incorporation setting
district organization of the religious forth the following:
denomination, sect or church (Sec. 114, (1) That the applicant chief archbishop,
RCC). bishop, priest, minister, rabbi, or
The Articles of Incorporation must presiding elder represents the
include, among others, the names, religious denomination, sect, or
nationalities, and residence addresses church which desires to become a
of the trustees, not less than five (5) nor corporation sole;
more than fifteen (15), elected by the (2) That the rules, regulations and
religious society or religious order, or discipline of the religious
the diocese, synod, or district denomination, sect or church are
organization to serve for the first year or
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 36 of 60

consistent with becoming a (2) vested with functions relating to public

corporation sole and do not forbid it; need whether governmental or proprietary
(3) That such chief archbishop, bishop, in nature; and
priest, minister, rabbi, or presiding (3) directly owned by the government or by
elder is charged with the its instrumentality, or where the government
administration of the temporalities owns a majority of the outstanding capital
and the management of the affairs, stock (GSIS Family Bank Employees vs.
estate and properties of the Sec. Cesar Villanueva, G.R. No. 210773,
religious denomination, sect or January 23, 2019, J. Leonen).
church within the territorial
jurisdiction, so described succinctly
in the articles of incorporation; The Constitution recognizes two classes of
corporations. The first refers to private corporations
(4) The manner by which any vacancy
created under a general law. The second refers to
occurring in the office of chief government-owned or controlled corporations
archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, created by special charters. Private corporations
rabbi, or presiding elder is required
may exist only under a general law. Congress can
to be filled, according to the rules, create corporations with special charters only if such
regulations or discipline of the corporations are government-owned or controlled
religious denomination, sect or (Feliciano v. Aranez, G.R. No. 165641 August 25,
church; and 2010).
(5) The place where the principal office
of the corporation sole is to be
established and located, which Nationality of corporations
place must be within the territory of Control Test or the Liberal Rule pertains to the
the Philippines. determination of the nationality of the corporation
The articles of incorporation may wherein the shares belonging to corporations or
include any other provision not contrary partnerships at least 60% of the capital of which is
to law for the regulation of the affairs of owned by Filipino citizens shall be considered as of
the corporation (Sec. 109, RCC). Philippine nationality.

Corporation by prescription. The Roman The Grandfather Rule is “the method by which the
Catholic Church is a corporation by prescription, percentage of Filipino equity in a corporation
with acknowledged juridical personality engaged in nationalized and/or partly nationalized
inasmuch as it is an institution which antedated areas of activities, provided for under the
by almost a thousand years any other Constitution and other nationalization laws, is
personality in Europe (Barlin v Ramirez, G.R. computed, in cases where corporate shareholders
No. L-2832, 1906). are present, by attributing the nationality of the
second or even subsequent tier of ownership to
determine the nationality of the corporate
Foreign Corporation is one formed, organized or shareholder.”
existing under laws other than those of the
It is only when the Control Test is first complied with
Philippines’ and whose laws allow Filipino citizens that the Grandfather Rule may be applied. Put in
and corporations to do business in its own country another manner, if the subject corporation’s Filipino
or State. It shall have the right to transact business equity falls below the threshold 60%, the corporation
in the Philippines after obtaining a license for that is immediately considered foreign-owned, in which
purpose in accordance with this Code and a case, the need to resort to the Grandfather Rule
certificate of authority from the appropriate disappears. On the other hand, a corporation that
government agency (Sec. 140, RCC). complies with the 60-40 Filipino to foreign equity
requirement can be considered a Filipino
Government-owned or controlled corporation is corporation if there is no doubt as to who has the
“beneficial ownership” and “control” of the
one which is:
corporation (Narra Nickel Mining and Development
(1) established by original charter or Corporation, et al. vs. Redmont Consolidated Mines
through the general corporation law; Corporation, G.R. No. 199580, January 28, 2015).
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 37 of 60

The required percentage of Filipino ownership Philippines under the Corporation Code of
shall be applied to both: which 100% of the capital stock outstanding
a. The total number of outstanding shares of and entitled to vote is wholly owned by
Filipinos; or
stock entitled to vote in the election of
directors, AND (4) a trustee of funds for pension or other
b. The total number of outstanding shares of employee retirement or separation benefits,
stock, whether or not entitled to vote in the where the trustee is a Philippine national
and at least sixty percent (60%) of the fund
election of directors. (SEC-MC No. 8, s.
will accrue to the benefits of Philippine
2013, Sec. 2)
Provided, That where a corporation and its non-
Roy v. Herbosa, G.R. No. 207246, November 22, Filipino stockholders own stocks in a SEC registered
2016 enterprise, at least sixty percent (60%) of the capital
The Supreme Court upheld SEC-MC No. 8. The stock outstanding and entitled to vote of each of both
Section 2 of SEC-MC No. 8 goes beyond requiring corporations must be owned and held by citizens of
a 60-40 ratio in favor of Filipino nationals in the the Philippines and at least sixty percent (60%) of
voting stocks; it moreover requires the 60-40 the members of the Board of Directors of each of
percentage ownership in the total number of both corporations must be citizens of the
outstanding shares of stock, whether voting or Philippines, in order that the corporation shall be
not. The SEC formulated SEC-MC No. 8 to adhere considered a Philippine national (Sec. 3(a), Foreign
to the Court's unambiguous pronouncement that full Investments Act of 1991).
beneficial ownership of 60 percent of the
outstanding capital stock, coupled with 60 percent of
the voting rights is required. Negative list

The Gamboa ruling clarified that the term "capital" in Negative List A: Foreign ownership is limited by
Section 11, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution is not mandate of the Constitution and specific laws
limited to voting shares since the constitutional Negative List B: Foreign ownership is limited for
requirement of at least 60% Filipino ownership reasons of security, defense, risk to health and
applies not only to voting control of the corporation, morals, and protection of small and medium scale
but also to the beneficial ownership of the enterprises
corporation. The SEC-MC No. 8 simply
Nationality Industry
implemented, and is fully in accordance with, the
Gamboa Decision and Resolution. While SEC-MC
No. 8 does not expressly mention the Beneficial 100% List A
Ownership Test or full beneficial ownership of stocks ownership
● Mass media, except recording
requirement in the FIA, this will not, as it does not, Filipino
render it invalid meaning, it does not follow that the ● Practice of profession
SEC will not apply this test in determining whether
the shares claimed to be owned by Philippine ● Retail trade with paid up capital
nationals are Filipino, i.e., are held by them by mere less than US $2,500,000
title or in full beneficial ownership. ● Cooperatives
● Private security agencies
Philippine national shall mean:
● Small-scale mining
(1) a citizen of the Philippines or a domestic
partnership or association wholly owned by ● Utilization of marine resources
citizens of the Philippines; or in archipelagic waters, territorial
(2) a corporation organized under the laws of sea, exclusive economic zone,
the Philippines of which at least sixty as well as rivers, lakes, bays,
percent (60%) of the capital stock and lagoons
outstanding and entitled to vote is owned
and held by citizens of the Philippines; or ● Ownership, operation and
management of cockpits
(3) a corporation organized abroad and
registered as doing business in the
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 38 of 60

● Manufacture, repair, stockpiling ● Culture, production, milling,

and/or distribution of nuclear processing and trading of rice
weapons and corn; Acquiring - by barter,
● Manufacture of firecrackers and purchase or otherwise - rice,
other pyrotechnic devices corn, and their byproducts
● Contracts for the supply of
75% List A
ownership materials, goods and
● Private recruitment, whether for commodities to GOCC,
local or overseas employment companies, agencies or
● Contracts for construction of municipal corporations
defense-related structures ● Operation of deep sea
70% List A commercial fishing vessels
ownership Advertising ● Ownership of condominium
60% capital List A
stock Filipino ● Private radio communications
● Contracts for the construction
ownership network
and repair of locally-funded
public works. Exceptions:
Infrastructure/ or development List B
projects covered in RA 7718; ● Manufacture, repair, storage
and Foreign-funded or assisted and/or distribution of products
projects which need to undergo and/or ingredients requiring
international competitive Philippine National Police (PNP)
bidding clearance (i.e., firearms,
● Exploration, development and ingredients used in making
utilization of natural resources explosives, etc.)
● Ownership of private lands ● Manufacture, repair, storage,
and/or distribution of products
● Operation of public utilities.
requiring Department of
Exceptions: Power generation,
National Defense (DND)
Supply of electricity to the
contestable market, Similar
businesses or services not ● Manufacture and distribution of
covered by the definition of dangerous drugs
public utilities ● Sauna and steam bathhouses,
● Educational institutions. massage clinics and other like
Exceptions: Institutions founded activities regulated by law
by religious groups and mission because of risks posed to public
boards, Education for foreign health and morals
diplomatic personnel, their ● All forms of gambling, except
dependents, and other foreign those covered by investment
temporary residents, Short-term agreements with PAGCOR
high-level skills development
outside the formal education ● Domestic market enterprises
system as defined in Section 20 with paid-in equity capital of less
ofBP 232 (1982) than the equivalent of
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 39 of 60

● Domestic market enterprises occurs when a party with a claim against an

which involve advanced individual or corporation attempts to be repaid with
technology or employ at least assets of a corporation owned or substantially
controlled by the defendant. In contrast, in insider
fifty (50) direct employees with
reverse piercing, the controlling members will
paid-in equity capital of less attempt to ignore the corporate fiction in order to
than the equivalent of take advantage of a benefit available to the
US$100,000 corporation, such as an interest in a lawsuit or
protection of personal assets (International
Academy of Management and Economics (I/AME),
Corporate juridical personality vs. Litton and Company, Inc., GR No. 191525, Dec.
Doctrine of separate juridical personality. A 13, 2017).
corporation is a juridical entity which is vested with a
legal personality separate and distinct from those Board of Directors
acting for and, in its behalf, and, in general, from the
people comprising it. Obligations incurred by the Centralized management. Unless otherwise
corporation, acting through its directors, officers and provided in this Code, the board of directors or
employees, are its sole liabilities (Heirs of Uy vs. trustees shall exercise the corporate powers,
International Exchange Bank, February 13, 2013). conduct all business, and control all properties of the
corporation (Sec. 22, RCC)
Corporate officers as parties to an arbitration
proceedings. As a general rule, therefore, a Acts of an officer that are not authorized by the
corporation’s representative who did not personally board of directors/trustees do not bind the
bind himself or herself to an arbitration agreement corporation unless the corporation ratifies the acts
cannot be forced to participate in arbitration or holds the officer out as a person with authority to
proceedings made pursuant to an agreement transact on its behalf. (University of Mindanao, Inc.,
entered into by the corporation. However, corporate vs. BSP, G.R. No. 194964-65, 11 January 2016, J.
representatives may be compelled to submit to Leonen)
arbitration proceedings pursuant to a contract
entered into by the corporation they represent if
there are allegations of bad faith or malice in their Two types of authorities conferred upon a corporate
acts representing the corporation, and it becomes officer or agent in dealing with third persons:
the duty of courts or tribunals to determine if these 1. Actual authority can either be express or
persons and the corporation should be treated as implied. Express actual authority refers to
one. Without a trial, courts and tribunals have no the power delegated to the agent by the
basis for determining whether the veil of corporate corporation, while an agent's implied
fiction should be pierced. (Lanuza v. BF Corp., G.R. authority can be measured by his or her
No. 174938, October 1, 2014, J. Leonen). prior acts which have been ratified by the
corporation or whose benefits have been
accepted by the corporation.
Doctrine of piercing the corporate veil. When the
notion of separate juridical personality is used (1) to 2. Apparent authority is based on the
defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect principle of estoppel. The doctrine of
fraud or defend crime; (2) as a device to defeat the apparent authority provides that even if no
labor laws; or (3) when the corporation is merely an actual authority has been conferred on an
adjunct, a business conduit or an alter ego of agent, his or her acts, as long as they are
another corporation, this separate personality of the within his or her apparent scope of authority,
corporation may be disregarded or the veil of bind the principal. However, the principal's
corporate fiction pierced (Virata vs. Ng Wee, G.R. liability is limited to third persons who are
Nos. 220926, July 5, 2017). reasonably led to believe that the agent was
authorized to act for the principal due to the
principal's conduct. Apparent authority is
Reverse piercing flows in the opposite direction (of determined by the acts of the principal and
traditional corporate veil-piercing) and makes the not by the acts of the agent.
corporation liable for the debt of the shareholders. It
has two (2) types: outsider reverse piercing and
insider reverse piercing. Outsider reverse piercing When a corporation intentionally or negligently
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 40 of 60

clothes its agent with apparent authority to act in its For religious societies, not less than 5 nor more than
behalf, it is estopped from denying its agent's 15 trustees
apparent authority as to innocent third parties who
dealt with this agent in good faith. (Calubad v.
Ricarcen Development Corp., G.R. No. 202364, Independent Director. A person who, apart from
August 30, 2017, J. Leonen). shareholdings and fees received from the
corporation, is independent of management and free
from any business or other relationship which could,
Incorporator or could reasonably be perceived to materially
interfere with the exercise of independent judgment
(a) Any person, partnership, association or
corporation in carrying out the responsibilities as a director.
Independent directors must be elected by the
(b) Incorporators who are natural persons must shareholders present or entitled to vote in absentia
be of legal age. during the election of directors. (Sec. 22, RCC)
(c) Each incorporator of a stock corporation Corporations vested with public interest are required
must own or be a subscriber to at least 1 to have independent directors constituting at least
share of the capital stock (Sec. 10, RCC). 20% of the board. These corporations include:
For practice of profession, natural persons (1) Corporations covered by the Securities
who are licensed to practice a profession, Regulation Code, namely:
and partnerships or associations organized
i. Those whose securities are
for the purpose of practicing a profession,
registered with the Commission;
shall not be allowed to organize as a
corporation unless otherwise provided ii. Corporations listed with an
under special laws (Sec. 10, RCC). exchange or with assets of at least
Fifty million pesos
(P50,000,000.00); and
Composition Qualification Term
iii. Having two hundred (200) or more
Director Not more than Must own at One (1) holders of shares, each holding at
(Stock 15 least one (1) year, least one hundred (100) shares of a
corporat share of stock and until class of its equity shares;
ion) their
(2) Banks and quasi-banks, NSSLAs,
pawnshops, corporations engaged in
ors are
money service business, pre-need, trust
and insurance companies, and other
financial intermediaries;
. (3) Other corporations engaged in business
vested with public interest similar to the
Trustee Fixed in the Must be a Not above, as may be determined by the
(Non- articles of member exceedi Commission (Sec. 22, RCC)
stock incorporation ng three
corporat or bylaws (3) years
ion) which may or until Personal liability. Before a director or officer of a
may not be their corporation can be held personally liable for
more than success corporate obligations, however, the following
fifteen (15). ors are requisites must concur:
and (1) the complainant must allege in the
qualified complaint that the director or officer
. assented to patently unlawful acts of the
corporation, or that the officer was guilty of
For educational non-stock corporations: gross negligence or bad faith; and
(1) Trustees may not be less than 5 nor (2) the complainant must clearly and
exceed 15; convincingly prove such unlawful acts,
(2) Number of trustees shall be in negligence or bad faith (Arco Pulp and
multiples of 5
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 41 of 60

Paper Co., Inc., v. Lim, G.R. No. 206806, 25 (b) Found administratively liable for any
June 2014, J. Leonen). offense involving fraudulent acts; and
(c) By a foreign court or equivalent foreign
regulatory authority for acts, violations
Solidary liabilities for damages. A director,
trustee, or officer of a corporation may be made or misconduct similar to those
solidarily liable with it for all damages suffered by the enumerated in paragraphs (a) and (b)
corporation, its stockholders or members, and other above.
persons in any of the following cases:
(a) The director or trustee willfully and The foregoing is without prejudice to qualifications
knowingly voted for or assented to a or other disqualifications, which the SEC, the
patently unlawful corporate act; primary regulatory agency, or the Philippine
(b) The director or trustee was guilty of gross Competition Commission may impose in its
negligence or bad faith in directing promotion of good corporate governance or as a
corporate affairs; and sanction in its administrative proceedings (Sec. 26,
(c) The director or trustee acquired personal or
pecuniary interest in conflict with his or her
duties as director or trustee (Lanuza v. BF Removal of Directors or Trustees. General Rule:
Corp., G.R. No. 174938, October 1, 2014, J. Any Director or Trustee of a corporation may be
Leonen). removed from office, with or without cause (Sec. 27,
Exception: If the director was elected by the minority,
Solidary liability with the corporation will also attach
in the following instances: there must be cause for removal because the
minority may not be deprived of the right to
(a) "When a director or officer has consented to representation to which they may be entitled to
the issuance of watered stocks or who, under Sec. 23 of the Code (Sec. 27, RCC).
having knowledge thereof, did not forthwith Requisites for Removal:
file with the corporate secretary his written
1) It must take place either at a regular
objection thereto";
meeting or special meeting of the
(b) "When a director, trustee or officer has stockholders or members called for the
contractually agreed or stipulated to hold purpose;
himself personally and solidarily liable with
2) A special meeting for the purpose of
the corporation"; and
removing directors or trustees must be
(c) "When a director, trustee or officer is made, called by:
by specific provision of law, personally liable
for his corporate action." (Lanuza v. BF a. The secretary, on order of the
president; or
Corp., G.R. No. 174938, October 1, 2014, J.
Leonen) b. The secretary, upon written
demand of the stockholders
representing or holding at least a
Disqualification of Directors, Trustees or MAJORITY of the capital stock or a
Officers. A person shall be disqualified from being MAJORITY of the members entitled
a director, trustee or officer of any corporation if, to vote;
within five (5) years prior to the election or
appointment as such, the person was: 3) There must be previous notice to the
stockholders or members of the
(a) Convicted by final judgment: intention to remove a director; and
(1) Of an offense punishable by 4) There must be a vote of the
imprisonment for a period stockholders representing 2/3 of
exceeding six (6) years; outstanding capital stock or in case of a
(2) For violating this Code; and nonstock corporation, 2/3 of members
entitled to vote.
(3) For violating Republic Act No. 8799,
otherwise known as “The Securities
Regulation Code”;
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 42 of 60

The Commission shall, motu proprio or upon verified in the bylaws or by majority vote of the board, except
complaint, and after due notice and hearing, order with respect to the:
the removal of a director or trustee elected despite (a) approval of any action for which
the disqualification, or whose disqualification arose
shareholders’ approval is also required; (b)
or is discovered subsequent to an election (Sec. 27,
filling of vacancies in the board;
(c) amendment or repeal of bylaws or the
adoption of new bylaws;
Three-fold duty of Directors and Trustees (d) amendment or repeal of any resolution
1) Duty of Obedience - shall direct the affairs of the board which by its express terms is
of the corporation only in accordance with not amendable or repealable; and
the purposes for which it was organized;
(e) distribution of cash dividends to the
2) Duty of Diligence - shall not willfully and shareholders (Sec. 37, RCC).
knowingly vote for or assent to patently
unlawful acts of the corporation or act in bad
faith or with gross negligence in directing Special Committees. The board of directors may
the affairs of the corporation; and create special committees of temporary or
permanent nature and determine the members’
3) Duty of Loyalty - shall not acquire any term, composition, compensation, powers, and
personal or pecuniary interest in conflict
responsibilities (Sec. 37, RCC).
with their duty as such directors or trustees

Business judgment rule. The Courts are barred

Disloyalty of a Director. General Rule: Where a from intruding into business judgments of
director, by virtue of such office, acquires a business
corporations, when the same are made in good faith
opportunity which should belong to the corporation,
(Philippine Stock Exchange Inc. vs Court of
thereby obtaining profits to the prejudice of such Appeals, G.R. No. 125469, October 27, 1997).
corporation, the director must account for and refund
Unless such contracts are so unconscionable and
to the latter all such profits.
oppressive as to amount to a wanton destruction of
Exception: Unless the act has been ratified by a vote rights of the minority.
of the stockholders owning or representing at least
two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock (Sec.
33, RCC). Corporate powers. A corporation may exercise its
powers only within those definitions. Corporate acts
that are outside those express definitions under the
Emergency Board. A vacancy may be temporarily law or articles of incorporation or those "committed
filled from among the officers of the corporation by outside the object for which a corporation is created"
unanimous vote of the remaining directors or are ultra vires.
trustees when: The only exception to this, rule is when acts are
(1) The vacancy prevents the remaining necessary and incidental to carry out a corporation's
directors from constituting a quorum; and purposes, and to the exercise of powers conferred
(2) Emergency action is required to prevent by the Corporation Code and under a corporation's
grave, substantial, and irreparable loss or articles of incorporation (University of Mindanao,
damage to the corporation. Inc., vs. BSP, G.R. No. 194964-65, 11 January
2016, J. Leonen).
The action by the designated director or trustee
shall be limited to the emergency action

Executive Committee. If the bylaws so provide, the

board may create an executive committee
composed of at least three (3) directors. Said
committee may act, by majority vote of all its
members, on such specific matters within the
competence of the board, as may be delegated to it
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 42 of 60

Corporate Power Votes required Other requisites

Power to extend or shorten Majority of BOD /BOT No extension may be made earlier than
corporate term (Sec. 36, and 3 years prior to the original or
RCC) subsequent expiry date(s) unless there
At least 2/3 of the outstanding are justifiable reasons for an earlier
capital stock or members extension as may be determined by the
Power to increase or Majority of BOD /BOT - Any increase or decrease in the
decrease capital stock or capital stock or the incurring,
incur, create, increase creating or increasing of any
bonded indebtedness (Sec. At least 2/3 of the outstanding bonded indebtedness shall require
37, RCC) capital stock or members prior approval of the SEC, and
where appropriate, of the Philippine
Competition Commission.
- At least 25% of the increase in
capital stock has been subscribed
and that at least 25% of the amount
subscribed has been paid
- No decrease in capital stock shall
be approved by the SEC if its effect
shall prejudice the rights of
corporate creditors.
Power to deny pre-emptive When the right is denied by the articles
rights (Sec. 38, RCC) of incorporation or an amendment
Power to sell or dispose Majority of BOD /BOT Subject to the provisions of Republic
corporate assets (Sec. 39, Act No. 10667, otherwise known as
RCC) “Philippine Competition Act”, and other
When sale of all or substantially all related laws
of the corporation’s properties and
Majority of BOD /BOT
At least 2/3 of the outstanding
capital stock or members
Power to acquire own shares Majority of BOD The corporation has unrestricted
(Sec. 40, RCC) retained earnings
Power to invest corporate Majority of BOD /BOT Where the investment by the
funds in another corporation and corporation is reasonably necessary to
or business (Sec. 41, RCC) accomplish its primary purpose, the
At least 2/3 of the outstanding approval of the stockholders or
capital stock or members members shall not be necessary.
Power to declare dividends Majority of BOD The BOD may declare dividends out of
(Sec. 42, RCC) the unrestricted retained earnings

In case of stock dividends, with at

least 2/3 of the outstanding capital
Power to enter into The contract is approved by the No management contract shall be
management contract (Sec. BOD/ BOT entered into for a period longer than 5
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 43 of 60

43, RCC) and years for any 1 term.

by stockholders owning at least the
majority of the outstanding capital
stock or members of both the
managing and the managed

But 2/3 vote of outstanding

stock/members of managed
corporation is necessary where:
- stockholder/s representing the
same interest of both the
managing and managed
corporations own or control more
than 1/3 of the total outstanding
capital stock entitled to vote of the
managing corporation; or
-a majority of the members of the
board of directors of the managing
corporation also constitute a
majority of the members of the
board of directors of the managed

Stockholders (h) Dissolution of the corporation (Sec. 6,

Corporate Acts Requiring All Shareholders’ RCC).
General Rule: Vote necessary to approve a Voting. Stockholders and members may vote in
particular corporate act as provided in this RCC shall person or by proxy in all meetings of stockholders
be deemed to refer only to stocks with voting rights or members. When so authorized in the bylaws or
by a majority of the board of directors, the
Exception: Holders of nonvoting shares shall
stockholders or members of corporations may also
nevertheless be entitled to vote on the following
vote through remote communication or in
absentia (Sec. 57, RCC).
(a) Amendment of the articles of incorporation;
(b) Adoption and amendment of bylaws;
Right to Financial Statement. A corporation shall
(c) Sale, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, furnish a stockholder or member, within ten (10)
or other disposition of all or substantially all days from receipt of their written request, its most
of the corporate property; recent financial statement, in the form and
(d) Incurring, creating, or increasing bonded substance of the financial reporting required by the
indebtedness; SEC.
(e) Increase or decrease of authorized capital If the total assets or total liabilities of the corporation
stock; is less than Six hundred thousand pesos
(P600,000.00), or such other amount as may be
(f) Merger or consolidation of the corporation determined appropriate by the Department of
with another corporation or other Finance, the financial statements may be certified
corporations; under oath by the treasurer and the president (Sec.
(g) Investment of corporate funds in another 74, RCC).
corporation or business in accordance with
this Code; and
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 44 of 60

Right to inspect corporate records two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital

stock, in exchange for property needed for
a. Must be a director, trustee, stockholder or
member of the corporation in person or by a corporate purposes or in payment of a
previously contracted debt.
b. At reasonable hours on business days,
Derivative suit. A derivative suit is an action filed by
c. A demand in writing may be made by the
director, trustee or stockholder at their expense, stockholders to enforce a corporate action. It is an
for such records or excerpts from the records; exception to the general rule that the corporation’s
power to sue is exercised only by the board of
directors or trustees.
d. The inspecting or reproducing party shall
Individual stockholders may be allowed to sue on
remain bound by confidentiality rules under
prevailing laws, such as the Intellectual Property behalf of the corporation whenever the directors or
Code of the Philippines, Data Privacy Act of officers of the corporation refuse to sue to vindicate
2012, The Securities Regulation Code, and the the rights of the corporation or are the ones to be
sued and are in control of the corporation. It is
Rules of Court (Sec. 73, RCC).
allowed when the "directors [or officers] are guilty of
breach of . . . trust, [and] not of mere error of
Appraisal rights. When available: judgment." In derivative suits, the real party in
interest is the corporation, and the suing stockholder
(a) In case an amendment to the articles of is a mere nominal party (Villamor v. Umale, G.R. No.
incorporation has the effect of changing or 172843, September 24, 2014, J. Leonen).
restricting the rights of any stockholder or
class of shares, or of authorizing
preferences in any respect superior to those Impleading the corporation is a condition sine
of outstanding shares of any class, or of qua non in derivative suits. Not only is the
extending or shortening the term of corporation an indispensable party, but it is also the
corporate existence present rule that it must be served with process. The
Note: For extension of corporate term only reason given is that the judgment must be made
(Sec. 36, RCC) binding upon the corporation in order that the
corporation may get the benefit of the suit and may
(b) In case of sale, lease, exchange, transfer, not bring a subsequent suit against the same
mortgage, pledge or other disposition of all defendants for the same cause of action. In other
or substantially all of the corporate property words the corporation must be joined as party
and assets as provided in this Code; because it is its cause of action that is being litigated
(c) In case of merger or consolidation; and and because judgment must be a res judicata
against it (Villamor v. Umale, G.R. No. 172843,
(d) In case of investment of corporate funds for September 24, 2014, J. Leonen).
any purpose other than the primary purpose
of the corporation (Sec. 80, RCC).
Section 1, Rule 8 of the Interim Rules imposes the
following requirements for derivative suits:
Preemptive right. All stockholders of a stock
corporation shall enjoy preemptive right to subscribe (1) The person filing the suit must be a
to all issues or disposition of shares of any class, in stockholder or member at the time the acts
proportion to their respective shareholdings (Sec. or transactions subject of the action
38, RCC). occurred and the time the action was filed;
Exceptions: (2) He must have exerted all reasonable
efforts, and alleges the same with
(1) Denied by the articles of incorporation or an particularity in the complaint, to exhaust all
amendment remedies available under the articles of
(2) Shares were issued in compliance with laws incorporation, by-laws, laws or rules
requiring stock offerings or minimum stock governing the corporation or partnership to
ownership by the public; or obtain the relief he desires;
(3) Shares were issued in good faith with the (3) No appraisal rights are available for the act
approval of the stockholders representing or acts complained of; and
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 45 of 60

(4) The suit is not a nuisance or harassment Articles of Incorporation

suit (Ang v. Spouses Ang, G.R. No. 201675,
Contents (Sec. 13, RCC):
June 19, 2013).
(a) Corporate Name;
No corporate name shall be allowed if:
What is the difference between an individual,
class and derivative suit? (a) it is not distinguishable from
that already reserved or registered
Individual suits are filed when the cause of action
for the use of another corporation,
belongs to the individual stockholder personally, and
not to the stockholders as a group or to the (b) already protected by law, or
corporation, e.g., denial of right to inspection and (c) when its use is contrary to
denial of dividends to a stockholder. If the cause of existing law, rules and regulations.
action belongs to a group of stockholders, such as
when the rights violated belong to preferred If the corporate name is not allowed, the
stockholders, a class or representative suit may be SEC may summarily order the
filed to protect the stockholders in the group. corporation to immediately cease and
desist from using such name and
require the corporation to register a new
A derivative suit is an action filed by stockholders one. The SEC shall also cause the
to enforce a corporate action. A derivative suit, removal of all visible signages, marks,
therefore, concerns a wrong to the corporation itself. advertisements, labels, prints and other
The real party in interest is the corporation, not the effects bearing such corporate name
stockholders filing the suit. The stockholders are (Sec. 17, RCC).
technically nominal parties but are nonetheless the (b) Purpose Clause;
active persons who pursue the action for and on
behalf of the corporation. (c) Principal Office;
(d) Corporate Term. A corporation now has
perpetual existence unless its AOI provides
The fact that stockholders suffer from a wrong done otherwise (Sec. 11, RCC).
to or involving a corporation does not vest in them a
sweeping license to sue in their own capacity For existing corporations prior the
effectivity of RCC, they shall also have
perpetual existence, “unless the
When the object is a specific stockholder or a corporation, upon a vote of its
definite class of stockholders, an individual suit or stockholders representing a majority of
class/representative suit must be resorted to. its outstanding capital stock, notifies the
When the object of the wrong done is the corporation Commission that it elects to retain its
itself or the whole body of its stock and property specific corporate term pursuant to its
without any severance or distribution among articles of incorporation” (Sec. 11,
individual holders, it is a derivative suit that a RCC).
stockholder must resort to. (Florete vs. Florete, (e) Names, nationalities, and residence
January 20, 2016) addresses of the incorporators;
(f) The number of directors, which shall not be
Individual suits are filed when the cause of action more than fifteen (15) or the number of
belongs to the individual stockholder personally, and trustees which may be more than fifteen;
not to the stockholders as a group or to the (g) The names, nationalities, and residence
corporation, e.g., denial of right to inspection and addresses of persons who shall act as
denial of dividends to a stockholder. If the cause of directors or trustees until the first regular
action belongs to a group of stockholders, such as directors or trustees are duly elected and
when the rights violated belong to preferred qualified in accordance with this Code;
stockholders, a class or representative suit may be
filed to protect the stockholders in the group (h) For stock corporations:
(Villamor v. Umale, G.R. No. 172843, September 1) The authorized capital stock,
24, 2014, J. Leonen).
2) Number of shares into which it is
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 46 of 60

3) The par value of each share, c. 2/3 of the members if it be a nonstock

corporation (Sec. 15, RCC).
4) Names, nationalities, and residence
addresses of the original subscribers,
5) Amount subscribed and paid by each on Bylaws
the subscription, and For adoption of bylaws by the corporation, the
6) A statement that some or all of the affirmative vote of the stockholders representing at
shares are without par value, if least a majority of the outstanding capital stock, or
applicable of at least a majority of the members in case of
nonstock corporations, shall be necessary (Sec. 45
The RCC deleted the 25% paid-up
capital rule. However, for increase of
capital stock, there must be a sworn - RCC deleted the requirement that a corporation
statement of the treasurer of the must adopt within one month after receipt of
corporation showing that at least 25% of official notice of the issuance of its certificate of
the increase in capital stock has been incorporation.
subscribed and that at least 25% of the But by-laws may be adopted and filed prior to
amount subscribed has been paid (Sec. incorporation; in such case, such bylaws shall be
37, RCC).
approved and signed by all the incorporators and
(i) For nonstock corporations: submitted to the SEC, together with the articles of
incorporation (Sec. 45, RCC).
1) Amount of its capital,
2) The names, nationalities, and
3) Residence addresses of the Binding effects. The bylaws shall be effective only
upon the issuance by the SEC of a certification that
contributors, and
the bylaws are in accordance with RCC.
4) Amount contributed by each

Amendments of bylaws. A majority of the board of

An arbitration agreement may be provided in the directors or trustees, and the owners of at least a
articles of incorporation pursuant to Section 181 of majority of the outstanding capital stock, or at least
RCC. a majority of the members of a nonstock corporation
RCC added new content for the articles of may amend or repeal the bylaws or adopt new
incorporation, which is the undertaking to change bylaws (Sec. 47, RCC).
corporate (Sec 14, RCC).
The articles of incorporation and applications for The purpose of a bylaw is to regulate the conduct
amendments thereto may be filed with the and define the duties of the members towards the
Commission in the form of an electronic document, corporation and among themselves. They are self-
in accordance with the Commission’s rules and imposed and, although adopted pursuant to
regulations on electronic filing. statutory authority, have no status as public law.
Therefore, it is the generally accepted rule that
third persons are not bound by by-laws, except
Amendment of Articles of Incorporation. Unless when they have knowledge of the provisions
otherwise prescribed by RCC or by special law, and either actually or constructively (China Banking
for legitimate purposes, any provision or matter Corporation vs. CA, and Valley Golf and Country
stated in the articles of incorporation may be Club, Inc., G.R. No. 117604, March 26, 1997
1. By a majority vote of the BOD or trustees;
and Intra-corporate dispute (concept)
2. The vote or written assent of An intra-corporate dispute is one that arises from
intra-corporate relation that is:
a. 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock,
without prejudice to the appraisal right (a) between the corporation, partnership or
of dissenting stockholders, or association and the public;
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 47 of 60

(b) between the corporation, partnership or Controversies).

association and its stockholders, partners,
members, or officers;
(c) between the corporation, partnership or
association and the state in so far as its
franchise, permit or license to operate is Intellectual Property Rights
concerned; and
Intangible property rights granted by law to owners
(d) among the stockholders, partners or of intellectual creations such as inventions, designs,
associates themselves. signs and names used in commerce, and literary
and artistic works. Intellectual property rights (IPR)
are rights given to persons over the creation of their
This is known as the relationship test. Relationship minds. It has two (2) categories:
alone does not ipso facto make the dispute intra-
corporate. The incidents of that relationship must be A. Industrial property which includes
considered to ascertain whether the controversy inventions (patents), trademarks, industrial
itself is intra-corporate. design, and geographic indications of
source; and,
B. Copyright and related rights. Copyright
Under the controversy test, the dispute must be
includes literary and artistic works. Rights
rooted in the existence of an intra-corporate
related to copyright include those of
relationship, and must refer to the enforcement of
performing artists in their performances,
the parties' correlative rights and obligations under producers of phonograms in their
the Corporation Code, as well as the internal and
recordings, and those of broadcasters in
intra-corporate regulatory rules of the corporation, in their radio and television programs. (Divina
order to be an intra-corporate dispute (Gulfo v on Commercial Law citing Gepty:
Ancheta, G.R. No. 175301, August 15, 2012). It
Intellectual Property Compendium)
requires that the dispute itself must be intrinsically
connected with the regulation of the corporation,
partnership or association. Differences between copyright, trademarks, and
RCC requires intra-corporate disputes to be (a) Definition
referred to arbitration when an arbitration clause is A trademark is any visible sign capable of
provided in the articles of incorporation or bylaws. distinguishing the goods (trademark) or services
Sec 181 of RCC provides: (service mark) of an enterprise and shall include a
An arbitration agreement may be provided stamped or marked container of goods. In relation
in the articles of incorporation or bylaws of thereto, a trade name means the name or
an unlisted corporation. When such an designation identifying or distinguishing an
agreement is in place, disputes between the enterprise. (Section 121, IPC, as amended)
corporation, its stockholders or members,
which arise from the implementation of the
articles of incorporation or bylaws, or from A patent is an exclusive right granted to an inventor
intra-corporate relations, shall be referred to over an invention or a utility model or industrial
arbitration. A dispute shall be nonarbitrable design to sell, use, and make the same for
when it involves criminal offenses and commerce and industry.
interests of third parties
Meanwhile, copyright is defined as an incorporeal
The Regional Trial Court has jurisdiction over and intangible property granted by law to the
controversies arising out of intra-corporate, originator or creator of certain literary, artistic,
partnership, or association relations, between and scientific and scholarly works whereby he or she is
among stockholders, members, or associates; and invested for a specific period of time a collection of
between, any or all of them and the corporation, economic and moral rights on the terms specified by
partnership, or association of which they are statute. (Divina on Commercial Law, Volume 2,
stockholders, members, or associates, respectively 2021)
(Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra-Corporate
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 48 of 60

(b) Scope of Object conditions specified in the statute. Accordingly, it

can only cover the works falling within the statutory
Trademark attaches to goods or services of an
enterprise and stamped or marked containers. enumeration or description. Only the expression of
an idea is protected by copyright, not the idea itself.
Copyright is confined to literary, artistic and scientific
(Pearl & Dean (Phil.), Inc. vs. Shoemart,
works which are original intellectual creations in the
Incorporated, G.R. No. 148222, August 15, 2003).
literary and artistic domain protected from the
moment of their creation. On the other hand,
patentable inventions refer to any technical solution
Copyrightable works
of a problem in any field of human activity which is
new, involves an inventive step and is industrially a. Original works
applicable. Literary and artistic works, hereinafter referred to as
"works", are original intellectual creations in the
literary and artistic domain protected from the
(c) Term of protection moment of their creation and shall include in
A patent is valid for 20 years from filing of the particular:
application for the grant of patent. Copyright is 1. Books, pamphlets, articles and other
generally valid for 50 years. For trademarks, a writings;
certificate of registration shall remain in force for 10
years, provided, that the registrant shall file a 2. Periodicals and newspapers;
declaration of actual use and evidence to that effect, 3. Lectures, sermons, addresses,
or shall show valid reasons based on the existence dissertations prepared for oral delivery,
of obstacles to such use, within one (1) year from whether or not reduced in writing or other
the fifth anniversary of the date of the registration of material form;
the mark. Otherwise, the mark shall be removed
from the Register by the Office. (ICP, as amended) 4. Letters;
5. Dramatic or dramatico-musical
compositions; choreographic works or
(d) Modes of acquiring the various rights entertainment in dumb shows;
Trademark is acquired solely through registration in 6. Musical compositions, with or without
accordance with the provisions of the Intellectual words;
Property Code (IPC). Patent is likewise acquired
through application with, and grant by, foe IPO. 7. Works of drawing, painting, architecture,
Copyright is acquired from the moment of creation. sculpture, engraving, lithography or other
(Divina on Commercial Law, Volume 2, 2021) works of art; models or designs for works of
8. Original ornamental designs or models for
Copyright articles of manufacture, whether or not
It is a right over literary and artistic works which are registrable as an industrial design, and
original intellectual creations in the literary and other works of applied art;
artistic domain protected from the moment of 9. Illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, charts
creation. (Sec. 171.1, Intellectual Property and three-dimensional works relative to
Code/R.A. 8293) geography, topography, architecture or
PRINCIPLE OF AUTOMATIC PROTECTION 10. Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or
technical character;
Under this principle - works are protected by the sole
fact of their creation irrespective of their content, 11. Photographic works including works
quality or purpose. Such rights are conferred from produced by a process analogous to
the moment of creation. photography; lantern slides;
Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a 12. Audiovisual works and cinematographic
statutory right. Being a mere statutory grant, the works and works produced by a process
rights are limited to what the statute confers. It may analogous to cinematography or any
be obtained and enjoyed only with respect to the process for making audio-visual recordings;
subjects and by the persons, and on terms and 13. Pictorial illustrations and advertisements;
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 49 of 60

14. Computer programs; and b. Exception: Statutes, rules and

regulations, and speeches,
15. Other literary, scholarly, scientific and
artistic works [Sec. 172.1, RA 8293] lectures, sermons, addresses, and
dissertations, pronounced, read, or
rendered in courts of justice, before
b. Derivative works administration agencies, in
deliberative assemblies and in
The following derivative works shall also be meetings of public character (Sec.
protected by copyright: 176 Intellectual Property Code/R.A.
1. Dramatizations, 8293)
2. Translations, 7. TV programs, format of TV programs
(Joaquin v. Drilon, G.R. No. 108946, Jan.
3. Adaptations, 28, 1999)
4. Abridgments, 8. Systems of bookkeeping; and
5. Arrangements, and other alterations of 9. Statutes.
literary or artistic works; and
6. Collections of literary, scholarly or artistic
works, and Eloise, an accomplished writer, was hired by Petong
to write a bimonthly newspaper column for Diario de
7. Compilations of data and other materials Manila, a newly-established newspaper of which
which are original by reason of the selection Petong was the editor-in-chief. Eloise was to be paid
or coordination or arrangement of their p1, 000.00 for each column that was published. In
contents. [Sec. 173.1, RA 8293] the course of two months, Eloise submitted three
columns which, after some slight editing, were
printed in the newspaper. However, Diario de Manila
Non-copyrightable Works
proved unprofitable and closed only after two
1. Any idea, procedure, system method or months. Due to the minimal amounts involved,
operation, concept, principle, discovery or Eloise chose not to pursue any claim for payment
mere data as such, even if they are from the newspaper, which was owned by new
expressed, explained, illustrated or media enterprises, three years later, Eloise was
embodied in a work; planning to publish an anthology of her works, and
2. News of the day and other miscellaneous wanted to include the three columns that appeared
facts having the character of mere items of in the Diario de Manila in her anthology. She asks
press information; for your legal advice:

3. Any official text of a legislative, A. Does Eloise have to secure authorization from
administrative or legal nature, as well as any new media enterprises to be able to publish Diario
official translation thereof; de Manila columns in her own anthology? Explain
4. Pleadings;
B. Assume that new media enterprises plans to
5. Original decisions of courts and tribunals – publish Eloise’s columns in its own anthology
this refers to “original decisions” and not entitled, “The Best of Diario de Manila.” Eloise wants
those annotated like the SCRA. to prevent the publication of her columns in that
6. Work of the Government of the Philippines anthology since she was never paid by the
newspaper. Name one irrefutable legal argument
a. General Rule: Conditions imposed eloise could cite to enjoin new media enterprises
prior to the approval of the from including her columns in its anthology. (2008
government agency or office Bar)
wherein the work is created shall be
necessary for exploitation of such
work for profit. Such agency or A. No. In the case of a work commissioned by a
office, may, among other things, person other than an employer of the author and
impose as condition the payment of who pays for it and the work is made in pursuance
royalties. of the commission, the person who so
commissioned the work shall have ownership of
work, but the copyright thereto shall remain with the
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 50 of 60

creator, unless there is a written statement to the 3. Droit de suite or “art proceeds right” is the artist’s
contrary. (Sec. 178.4, Intellectual Property resale right, which requires that a percentage of the
Code/R.A. 8293) Thus, though Diario de Manila resale price of an artistic work is paid to the author.
commissioned the work, it cannot be considered as The right is exercisable even after the author’s
its owner because it did not pay Eloise. Ownership death, provided the work is still in copyright (David
and copyright still belong to Eloise. Authorization is Bainbridge, Intellectual Property, 3rd Ed., p. 220
no longer needed to publish Diario de Manila in her 1996, also cited in Copyright Law of the Philippines
anthology because Eloise has moral and economic by D. Funa).
rights over her works.

In every sale or lease of an original work of painting

B. The fact that Eloise was not paid, ownership over or sculpture or of the original manuscript of a writer
her work, published in the newspaper, did not vest or composer, subsequent to the first disposition
upon the latter. She retains full moral and economic thereof by the author, the author or his heirs shall
rights over it. have an inalienable right to participate in the gross
proceeds of the sale or lease to the extent of five
percent (5%) (Sec. 200, Intellectual Property
Rights of Copyright Owner Code/R.A. 8293)
1. Economic rights – The right to carry out, authorize
or prevent the following acts:
Rights which are not covered under a Droit de
A. Reproduction of the work or substantial suite
portion thereof
A. Prints
B. Carry-out derivative work (dramatization,
translation, adaptation, abridgement, B. Etchings
arrangement or other transformation of the C. Engravings
work) D. Works of applied art
C. First distribution of the original and each
E. Similar works wherein the author primarily
copy of the work by sale or other forms of
derives gain from the proceeds of
transfer of ownership
reproductions (Sec. 201, Intellectual
D. Rental right Property Code/R.A. 8293)
E. Public display
F. Public performance Rules on Ownership of Copyright
G. Other communications to the public. 1. Single Creator of an Original Work - Belongs
to the author of the work [Sec. 178.1, RA
2. Moral rights – For reasons of professionalism and
propriety, the author has the right: 2. Works of Joint Authorship - Belongs of the
co-authors; in the absence of agreement,
A. To require that the authorship of the works their rights shall be governed by the rules on
be attributed to him (attribution right) co-ownership. However, if the work consists
B. To make any alterations of his work prior to, of parts that can be used separately and
or to withhold it from publication identified, the author of each part owns the
copyright of the part he has created. [Sec.
C. To preserve integrity of work, object to any 178.2, RA 8293]
distortion, mutilation or other modification
which would be prejudicial to his honor or 3. Work created during the course of
reputation; and employment - Belongs to the employee if
the creation is not a part of his regular
D. To restrain the use of his name with respect duties, even if he used the time, facilities
to any work not of his own creation or in a and materials of the employer. However,
distorted version of his work (Sec. 193, copyright belongs to the employer if the
Intellectual Property Code/R.A. 8293). work is in the performance of the
employee’s regular duties unless there is an
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 51 of 60

agreement to the contrary. [Sec. 178.3, RA Intellectual Property Code/R.A. 8293). His rights
8293] existed from the moment of its creation (Sec. 172,
4. Work commissioned by a person other than R.A. 8293; Unilever Philippines (PRC) v. CA, 498
SCRA 334, 2006). The registration of the painting by
the employer - The person who
Bernie with the National Library did not confer
commissioned the work and pays for it holds
copyright upon him. The registration is merely for the
ownership of the work per se, but copyright
remains with the creator unless there was a purpose of completing the records of the National
stipulation to the contrary. [Sec. 178.4, RA Library (Sec. 191, Intellectual Property Code/R.A.
8293] 8293)

5. Audio visual works - Belongs to the In a written legal opinion for a client on the difference
producer, author of the scenario, composer between apprenticeship and learnership, Liza
of the music, film director, and author of the quoted without permission a labor law expert's
adapted work. However, subject to comment appearing in his book entitled
"Annotations on the Labor Code." can the labor law
stipulations, the producers shall exercise
expert hold Liza liable for infringement of copyright
the copyright as may be required for the
exhibition of the work, except for the right to for quoting a portion of his book without his
permission? (2006 Bar)
collect license fees for the performance of
musical compositions in the work. [Sec.
178.5, RA 8293] No. One of the limitations on copyright is the making
6. Letters - Belongs to the writer, but the court of quotations from a published work if they are
may authorize their publication or compatible with fair use, provided that the source
dissemination of the public good or interest and the name of the author, if appearing on the work,
of justice requires, pursuant to Art. 723, are mentioned. The legal opinion made by Liza is
New Civil Code. [Sec. 178.6, RA 8293] consistent with fair use since the quoted part is
7. Anonymous and pseudonymous works - merely used to explain a concept of law for the
benefit of the client and not to defeat the rights of the
Publishers are deemed to represent the
author over his copyright (Sec. 184.1(b), Intellectual
authors, unless the contrary appears, the
pseudonyms or adopted names leave no Property Code/R.A. 8293)
doubt as to the author’s identity or if the
author discloses his identity. [Sec. 179, RA
Limitations on copyright
a. Fair use
8. Collective works - A contributor is deemed
to have waived his right unless he expressly DOCTRINE OF FAIR USE - The fair use of
reserves it. [Sec. 196, RA 8293] copyrighted work for criticism, news reporting,
teaching (including multiple copies for classroom
use), research and similar purposes is not an
Rudy is a fine arts student in a university. He stays infringement of copyright. [Sec. 185.1, RA 8293]
in a boarding house with Bernie as his roommate.
During his free time, Rudy would paint and leave his
finished works lying around the boarding house. ABS-CBN charged GMA 7 with copyright
One day, Rudy saw one of his works - an abstract infringement when GMA 7 aired footage of the
painting entitled Manila Traffic Jam - on display at arrival and homecoming of OFW Angelo de la Cruz
the university cafeteria. The cafeteria operator said at the NAIA from Iraq without the consent of ABS-
he purchased the painting from Bernie who CBN. GMA 7 alleged that the footage was from a live
represented himself as its painter and owner. Rudy news feed from reuters of which GMA 7 is a
and the cafeteria operator immediately confronted subscriber.
Bernie. While admitting that he did not do the
painting, Bernie claimed ownership of its copyright
since he had already registered it in his name with GMA 7 claims that it is not aware that ABS-CBN
the National Library as provided in the intellectual allowed reuters to air the footage under a special
property code. Who owns the copyright to the embargo agreement where there is no access to any
painting? Explain. (2013 Bar) Philippine subscriber. GMA 7 promptly shut off the
broadcast after about 5 seconds upon seeing ABS-
Rudy owns the copyright to the painting because he CBN’s logo and reporter. GMA 7 added that the
was one who actually created it (Sec. 178.1 of the footage is not subject to copyright protection
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 52 of 60

because the event or the arrival of Angelo de la Cruz Four-factor test if there is fair use:
is a newsworthy event, and its use falls under the
1. The purpose and character of the use,
fair use act. GMA 7 added that it is in good faith. including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for non-profit
A) Rule on the claims of GMA 7: educational purposes;
2. The nature of the copyrighted work;
1. That the footage is not subject to copyright
because the arrival of Angelo is a 3. The amount and substantiality of the portion
newsworthy event; and used in relation to the copyrighted work as
a whole; and
2. That GMA is in good faith.
B) what is the fair use act? 4. The effect of the use upon the potential
market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The "transformative test" in fair use. It is generally
1. A news report expressed in a video footage is used in reviewing the purpose and character of the
entitled to copyright protection. News or the event usage of the copyrighted work. This court must look
itself is not copyrightable. However, an event can be into whether the copy of the work adds "new
captured and presented in a specific medium. News expression, meaning or message" to transform it
as expressed in a video footage is entitled to into something else.
copyright protection. Broadcasting organizations
have not only copyright on but also neighboring
rights over their broadcasts. Copyrightability of a Gravamen of Copyright Infringement. It is not
work is different from fair use of a work for purposes merely the unauthorized manufacturing of
of news reporting. (ABS-CBN Co. v. Gozon, G.R. intellectual works but rather the unauthorized
No. 195956, March 11, 2015). performance of any of the acts covered by Section
5. Hence, any person who performs any of the acts
under Section 5 without obtaining the copyright
2. Good faith or lack of knowledge is not a valid owners prior consent renders himself civilly and
defense in infringement of copyright. A copyright is criminally liable for copyright infringement.
infringed by the mere fact of the repetition of it or a
substantial portion of it, without authority from the
author or writer of the copyrighted work. Good faith Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 49 specifically
or lack of knowledge is not a valid defense. defined copyright as an exclusive right in the
following manner:
A. To print, reprint, publish, copy, distribute,
Offenses involving infringement of copyright
protections should be considered malum prohibitum. multiply, sell, and make photographs,
It is the act of infringement, not the intent, which photo-engravings, and pictorial illustrations
causes the damage. To require or assume the need of the works;
to prove intent defeats the purpose of intellectual B. To make any translation or other version or
property protection. (ABS-CBN Co. v. Gozon, G.R. extracts or arrangements or adaptations
No. 195956, March 11, 2015). thereof; to dramatize it if it be a non-
dramatic work; to convert it into a non-
dramatic work if it be a drama; to complete
B. Fair use is a limitation to copyright. or execute if it be a model or design;
A privilege in others than the owner of a copyright to C. To exhibit, perform, represent, produce, or
use the copyrighted material in a reasonable reproduce, the work in any manner or by
manner without the owner’s consent, any method whatever for profit or otherwise;
notwithstanding the monopoly granted to the owner. it not reproduced in copies for sale, to sell
To determine whether fair use has been made of any manuscript or any record whatsoever
copyrighted material, the quantity and value of thereof;
material used and extent to which the use may
diminish the value of the original work must be D. To make any other use or disposition of the
considered (Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th ed.). work consistent with the laws of the land.
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 53 of 60

KK is from Bangkok, Thailand. She studies medicine INSURANCE

in the pontifical University of Santo Tomas (UST).
She learned that the same foreign books prescribed
in UST are 40-50% cheaper in Bangkok. So she WHAT CAN BE INSURED, CLAIMS FOR LIFE
ordered 50 copies of each book for herself and her INSURANCE
classmates and sold the books at 20% less than the What may be insured? Section 3 of the Insurance
price in the Philippines. XX, the exclusive licensed Code provides that any contingent or unknown
publisher of the books in the Philippines, sued KK event, whether past or future, which may damnify a
for copyright infringement. Decide. (2014 BAR) person having an insurable interest, or create a
KK did not commit copyright infringement. Under the liability against him may be insured.
“first sale” doctrine, the owner of a particular copy or However, in Section 4 of the same Code, it provides
phonorecord lawfully made is entitled, without the that no insurance can be taken against the drawing
authority of the copyright owner, to sell or otherwise of any lottery, or against any chance or ticket in a
dispose of the possession of that copy or lottery drawing a prize.
phonorecord. Hence, there is no infringement by KK
since the said doctrine permitted importation and
resale without the publisher’s further permission. What is the basis of insurable interest in life and
After a test-buy operation where an NBI agent was in health insurance?
able to purchase software of Microsoft from the store Section 10:
of Manansala who is doing business under the name
and style Dataman trading, a search and seizure A) Every person has an insurable interest in the life
was conducted on the store of Manansala where it and health of himself, of his spouse and of his
yielded several illegal copies of Microsoft programs. children;
Microsoft then filed before the DOJ a complaint- B) any person on whom he depends wholly or in part
affidavit against Manansala for copyright for education or support, or in whom he has a
infringement, among others. pecuniary interest.
The charge for copyright infringement was C) of any person under a legal obligation to him for
dismissed. The investigating prosecutor resolved the payment of money, respecting property or
that although Manansala is selling Microsoft service, of which death or illness might delay or
computer software programs bearing the copyrights prevent the performance
and trademarks owned by Microsoft corporation
D) of any person upon whose life any estate or
without authority from latter, there is no proof that
interest vested in him depends.
Manansala was the one who really printed or copied
the products of Microsoft for sale in his store. The Examples of perils which may result in risk of loss
CA upheld the DOJ and ruled that the legislative a. Death or injury;
intent was to require that the computer programs be
first photographed, photo-engraved, or pictorially b. Loss of damage in marine insurance
illustrated as a condition for the commission of (Section 102, Insurance Code)
copyright infringement.
c. Fire, including the risks, allied to it, like
Is the printing or copying essential in the commission lightning, windstorm, tornado, earthquake
of the crime of copyright infringement under section
and other similar risks. (Section 169,
29 of Presidential Decree No. 49?
Insurance Code)
The mere sale of the illicit copies of the software
programs was enough by itself to show the d. Casualty or liability in case of accident or
existence of probable cause for copyright mishap (Section 176, Insurance Code)
infringement. There was no need for Microsoft to still
prove who copied, replicated, or reproduced the e. Non-performance by the principal debtor
software programs. (Microsoft Corporation vs. of his obligation to the credit (Section 177,
Manansala, 773 SCRA 345, G.R. No. 166391 Insurance Code)

What is insurable interest
In general, an insurable interest is that
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 54 of 60

interest which a person is deemed to have in An expectancy, coupled with an existing interest
the subject matter insured, where he has a in that out of which the expectancy arises.
relation or connection with or concern in it, such
that the person will derive pecuniary benefit or
advantage from the preservation of the subject Who are the persons specified in Article 739
matter insured and will suffer pecuniary loss or and as such, cannot be designated
damage from its destruction, termination, or beneficiary of the insured?
injury by the happening of the event insured According to this provision, the persons who
against. cannot be designated as beneficiaries of the
The existence of an insurable interest gives insured are the a) person in illicit relations -
a person the legal right to insure the subject adultery or concubinage (note that there is no
matter of the policy of insurance. (LALICAN VS. need for conviction) b) persons found guilty of
THE INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE adultery and concubinage and c) public officer or
COMPANY, LTD., G.R. No. 183526, August his wife, descendants or ascendants.
25, 2009)
Insurable interest is that interest which a What is the reason for this prohibition?
person is deemed to have in subject matter of
the insurance where he has a relation or Life insurance is no different from donation insofar
connection to it such that the person will derive as the beneficiary is concerned. A beneficiary is
pecuniary benefit or advantage from the like a donee because from the premiums of the
preservation of the subject matter or will suffer policy which the insured pay out of liberality the
pecuniary loss or damage from its destruction, beneficiary will receive the proceeds of the
termination, or injury by the happening of the insurance. As a consequence, the proscription in
event insured against it. (PHILIPPINE HEALTH Article 739 of the Civil Code should equally
CARE PROVIDERS VS. COMMISSIONER OF operate in life insurance contracts.
SEPTEMBER 18, 2009)
Can the insured change his beneficiary?
Yes. The insured shall have the right to change
What is an insurable interest in life and the beneficiary he designated in the policy, unless
health? (Section 10, Insurance Code) he has expressly waived his right in the said
Every person has an insurable interest in the life policy. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the venet
and health: the insured does not change the beneficiary
during his lifetime, the designation shall be
a) Of himself, of his spouse and of his deemed irrevocable. (Section 11)
b) Of any person on whom he depends
wholly or in part for education or support, or in What is double insurance?
whom he has a pecuniary interest; A double insurance exists where the same person
c) Of any person under a legal obligation to is insured by several insurers separately in
him for the payment of money, or respecting respect to the same subject and interest. (Section
property or services, of which death or illness 95)
might delay or prevent the performance; and
d) Of any person upon whose life any estate What is the nature of the liability of the several
or interest vested in him depends. insurers in double insurance?
In double insurance, the insurers are considered
What is an insurable interest in property? as co-insurers. Each one, therefore, is bound to
(Section 14, Insurance Code) contribute ratably to the loss in proportion to the
amount for which he is liable under his contract.
An insurable interest in property may consist in:
(a) An existing interest;
May an insurance policy be cancelled? If yes,
(b) An inchoate interest founded on an existing under what grounds and conditions? (Section
interest; or 64)
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 55 of 60

No policy of insurance other than life insurance The payment of premium is a condition precedent to
shall be cancelled by the insurer except upon prior and essential for the efficacy of the contract of
notice thereof to the insured, and no notice of insurance. Unless the premium is paid, the policy
cancellation shall be effective unless it is based shall not be valid and binding notwithstanding any
on the occurrence, after the effective date of the agreement to the contrary (Section 77, VALENCIA
policy, of one or more of the following: vs. COURT OF APPEALS 191 Scra 1, 1990)
a. Nonpayment of premium;
b. Conviction of a crime arising out of acts Payment of premiums by check. Under the cash
increasing the hazard insured against; and carry doctrine, as a general rule there is no valid
and binding insurance contract unless premium is
c. Discovery of fraud or material paid. With respect to premiums paid by check:
misrepresentation The payment of premium by a
d. Discovery of willful or reckless acts or postdated check at a stated
omissions increasing the hazard insured maturity subsequent to the loss is
insufficient to put the insurance into
effect. But payment by a check
e. Physical changes in the property insured bearing a date prior to the loss,
which result in the property becoming assuming availability of funds,
insurable; would be sufficient, even if it
remains unencashed at the time of
f. Discovery of other insurance coverage the loss. The subsequent effects of
that makes the total insurance in excess encashment would retroact to the
of the value of the property insured; or date of the instrument and its
acceptance by the creditor (Vitug,
g. A determination by the Commissioner Commercial Laws and
that the continuation of the policy would Jurisprudence, 2006).
violate or would pace the insurer in
violation of the Insurance Code.
The notice of the availability of the check, by
itself, does not produce the effect of payment of
the premium. In Gaisano v. Development
Insurance and Surety Corporation, G.R. No.
190702, February 27, 2017, petitioner informed the
When is a contract of insurance perfected? insurer the check for the payment of premium was
According to the cognition theory, an insurance ready for pick-up on September 27, 1996, but the
contract is perfected when the applicant-insured has check was delivered to and was accepted by the
knowledge of the acceptance and approval by the insurer only on September 28, 1996. When the loss
insurer of his application. This theory should be occurred on September 27, 1996, it was held there
construed in relation to the provisions of the was no payment of premium yet to make the
Insurance Code on premium payment. Save the insurance policy effective.
exceptions, there is no valid and perfected
insurance contract without the payment of a
What is concealment?

What is the Cash and Carry Rule under the It is one of the grounds which entitles an injured
Insurance Code? (Section 77) party in an insurance contract to avail of the
remedy of rescission said contract.
The principle requires payment of the premium
before the contract of insurance can be valid and It is defined as a neglect to communicate that
binding. The philosophy behind this principle is that which a party knows and ought to communicate.
Section 26
the insurer, upon issuance of the policy, is
immediately exposed to liability for the risks insured Each party to a contract of insurance must
against, hence it is entitled to be paid a premium for communicate to the other in good faith, all facts
extending protection to the insured immediately within his knowledge which are material to the
upon such exposure. contract and as to which he makes no warranty,
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 56 of 60

and the other has not the means of ascertaining. 3. Failing to adopt and
(Section 28) implement reasonable
standards for the prompt
What is the effect of concealment? investigations of claims
arising under its policies;
A concealment, whether intentional or
unintentional, entitled the injured party to rescind 4. Not attempting in good
the contract of insurance. (GREAT PACIFIC LIFE faith to effectuate
APPEALS, et al G.R. No. L-57308, April 23, 1990) equitable settlement of
claims submitted in
What is the test of materiality? which liability has
become reasonable
Materiality is to be determined not by event, but
solely by the probable and reasonable influence clear;
of the facts upon the party to whom the 5. Compelling
communication is due, in forming his estimate of policyholders to institute
the disadvantages of the proposed contract, or in
suits to recover amounts
making his inquiries. (Section 31, Insurance
Code) due under its policies by
offering without
justifiable reason
1. Notice and proof of loss the amounts ultimately
recovered in suits.
What is loss?
A loss is the inquiry or damage sustained
by the insured as a consequence of the b. Prescription of action
happening of the risk/s insured against
which the insurer, in consideration of the What is the remedy available to
premium, has undertaken to indemnify or the insured in case his insurance
pay the insured. claims are rejected? (Section 63,
Insurance Code)
The insured may file an action for
2. Guidelines on claims of settlement specific performance against the
a. Unfair claims settlement; insurer within the prescriptive
sanctions (Section 247, period as provided by law (one
year from the accrual of cause of
Insurance Code)
What constitutes unfair claim
c. Subrogation
1. Knowingly
misrepresenting to What is subrogation and what is
claimants pertinent facts its legal basis?
or policy provisions The basis of subrogation is
relating to coverage at provided under Article 2207 of
issue; the Civil Code of the Philippines
where it provides that “If the
2. Failing acknowledge plaintiff's property has been
with reasonable insured, and he has received
promptness pertinent indemnity from the insurance
communications with company for the injury or loss
arising out of the wrong or breach
respect to claims arising of contract complained of, the
under its policies;
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 57 of 60

insurance company shall be Philippines by an entity if:

subrogated to the rights of the
(a) The act, practice or processing relates to
insured against the wrongdoer or personal information about a Philippine citizen or a
the person who has violated the
contract. If the amount paid by
the insurance company does not (b) The entity has a link with the Philippines, and
fully cover the injury or loss, the the entity is processing personal information in the
aggrieved party shall be entitled Philippines or even if the processing is outside the
to recover the deficiency from the Philippines as long as it is about Philippine citizens
person causing the loss or or residents such as, but not limited to, the
injury.” following:
(1) A contract is entered in the Philippines;
(2) A juridical entity unincorporated in the
Philippines but has central management and
DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012 “DPA” (R.A. control in the country; and
10173), AS AMENDED BY R.A. 8179
(3) An entity that has a branch, agency, office or
subsidiary in the Philippines and the parent or
1. Definitions and Scope affiliate of the Philippine entity has access to
personal information; and
DATA SUBJECT – an individual whose personal
information is processed. It is the party sought to (c) The entity has other links in the Philippines
be protected by the DPA (Sec. 7, DPA). such as, but not limited to:
(1) The entity carries on business in the
Philippines; and
PROCESSING – any operation or any set of
operations performed upon personal information (2) The personal information was collected or
including, but not limited to, the collection, held by an entity in the Philippines (Sec. 6, DPA).
recording, organization, storage, updating or
modification, retrieval, consultation, use,
consolidation, blocking, erasure, or destruction of General Data Privacy principle
data (Sec. 3(j), DPA). The processing of personal information shall be
allowed, subject to compliance with the
requirements of this Act and other laws allowing
DATA SHARING – disclosure or transfer to a third disclosure of information to the public and
party of personal data under the custody of a adherence to the principles of transparency,
personal information controller or personal legitimate purpose and proportionality (Sec. 11,
information processor (NPC Advisory Opinion No. DPA).
2017-57, October 3, 2017).

Distinguish Personal Information (PI) and

SCOPE: DPA applies to the processing of all types Sensitive Personal Information (SPI)
of personal information and to any natural and
juridical person involved in personal information PI SPI
processing including those personal information As to PROCESSING
controllers and processors who, although not found
or established in the Philippines, use equipment that The processing of PI shall The processing of SPI
are located in the Philippines, or those who maintain be PERMITTED only if and privileged information
an office, branch or agency in the Philippines subject not otherwise prohibited shall be PROHIBITED
to the immediately succeeding paragraph: Provided, by law, and when at least except in the cases
That the requirements of Section 5 (Protection one condition for lawful provided in Sec. 13 of
Afforded to Journalists and Their Sources) are processing exists in Sec. DPA.
complied with (Sec. 4, DPA). 12 of DPA.
2. Extraterritorial Application. – DPA applies to an The penalties for The penalties provided
act done or practice engaged in and outside of the unauthorized processing, for unlawful acts involving
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 58 of 60

accessing, improper SPI, are heavier than regulatory enactments guarantee the protection of
disposal, processing for those involving PI. the sensitive personal information and the
unauthorized purposes privileged information: Provided, further, That the
and other unlawful acts consent of the data subjects are not required by
involving PI vary law or regulation permitting the processing of the
depending on the sensitive personal information or the privileged
corresponding act. information;
(c) The processing is necessary to protect the life
and health of the data subject or another person,
Criteria for Lawful Processing of Personal
and the data subject is not legally or physically able
Information. – The processing of personal
to express his or her consent prior to the
information shall be permitted only if not otherwise
prohibited by law, and when at least one of the
following conditions exists: (d) The processing is necessary to achieve the
lawful and noncommercial objectives of public
(a) The data subject has given his or her consent;
organizations and their associations: Provided,
(b) The processing of personal information is That such processing is only confined and related
necessary and is related to the fulfillment of a to the bona fide members of these organizations
contract with the data subject or in order to take or their associations: Provided, further, That the
steps at the request of the data subject prior to sensitive personal information are not transferred
entering into a contract; to third parties: Provided, finally, That consent of
(c) The processing is necessary for compliance the data subject was obtained prior to processing;
with a legal obligation to which the personal (e) The processing is necessary for purposes of
information controller is subject; medical treatment, is carried out by a medical
(d) The processing is necessary to protect vitally practitioner or a medical treatment institution, and
important interests of the data subject, including an adequate level of protection of personal
life and health; information is ensured; or

(e) The processing is necessary in order to (f) The processing concerns such personal
respond to national emergency, to comply with the information as is necessary for the protection of
requirements of public order and safety, or to fulfill lawful rights and interests of natural or legal
functions of public authority which necessarily persons in court proceedings, or the
includes the processing of personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims,
fulfillment of its mandate; or or when provided to government or public authority
(Sec. 13, DPA).
(f) The processing is necessary for the purposes of
the legitimate interests pursued by the personal
information controller or by a third party or parties Subcontract of Personal Information
to whom the data is disclosed, except where such
A personal information controller may subcontract
interests are overridden by fundamental rights and
the processing of personal information: Provided,
freedoms of the data subject which require
That the personal information controller shall be
protection under the Philippine Constitution (Sec.
responsible for ensuring that proper safeguards
12, DPA).
are in place to ensure the confidentiality of the
personal information processed, prevent its use for
Sensitive Personal Information and Privileged unauthorized purposes, and generally, comply
Information. – The processing of sensitive personal with the requirements of this Act and other laws for
information and privileged information shall be processing of personal information (Sec. 14, DPA).
prohibited, except in the following cases:
(a) The data subject has given his or her consent, Rights of the Data Subject. – The data subject is
specific to the purpose prior to the processing, or entitled to:
in the case of privileged information, all parties to
(a) Be informed whether personal information
the exchange have given their consent prior to
pertaining to him or her shall be, are being or
have been processed;
(b) The processing of the same is provided for by
existing laws and regulations: Provided, That such
S CBA R STAG NO TES Page 59 of 60

(b) Be furnished the information indicated processed;

hereunder before the entry of his or her personal
(5) Reasons for the disclosure of the
information into the processing system of the personal information to recipients;
personal information controller, or at the next
practical opportunity: (6) Information on automated processes
where the data will or likely to be made as
(1) Description of the personal information to be the sole basis for any decision significantly
entered into the system; affecting or will affect the data subject;
(2) Purposes for which they are being or are to (7) Date when his or her personal
be processed; information concerning the data subject
(3) Scope and method of the personal were last accessed and modified; and
information processing;
(8) The designation, or name or identity
(4) The recipients or classes of recipients to and address of the personal information
whom they are or may be disclosed; controller;
(5) Methods utilized for automated access, if
the same is allowed by the data subject, and
(d) Dispute the inaccuracy or error in the
the extent to which such access is authorized;
personal information and have the personal
(6) The identity and contact details of the information controller correct it immediately and
personal information controller or its accordingly, unless the request is vexatious or
representative; otherwise unreasonable. If the personal
(7) The period for which the information will be information have been corrected, the personal
information controller shall ensure the
stored; and
accessibility of both the new and the retracted
(8) The existence of their rights, i.e., to access, information and the simultaneous receipt of the
correction, as well as the right to lodge a new and the retracted information by recipients
complaint before the Commission. thereof: Provided, That the third parties who have
previously received such processed personal
information shall he informed of its inaccuracy
Any information supplied or declaration made to and its rectification upon reasonable request of
the data subject on these matters shall not be the data subject;
amended without prior notification of data
subject: Provided, That the notification under
subsection (b) shall not apply should the (e) Suspend, withdraw or order the blocking,
personal information be needed pursuant to a removal or destruction of his or her personal
subpoena or when the collection and processing information from the personal information
are for obvious purposes, including when it is controller’s filing system upon discovery and
necessary for the performance of or in relation to substantial proof that the personal information
a contract or service or when necessary or are incomplete, outdated, false, unlawfully
desirable in the context of an employer- obtained, used for unauthorized purposes or are
employee relationship, between the collector and no longer necessary for the purposes for which
the data subject, or when the information is being they were collected. In this case, the personal
collected and processed as a result of legal information controller may notify third parties who
obligation; have previously received such processed
personal information; and
(c) Reasonable access to, upon demand, the
following: (f) Be indemnified for any damages sustained
(1) Contents of his or her personal due to such inaccurate, incomplete, outdated,
information that were processed; false, unlawfully obtained or unauthorized use of
personal information (Sec. 16, DPA).
(2) Sources from which personal
information were obtained;
(3) Names and addresses of recipients of Non-Applicability. – The immediately preceding
the personal information; sections are not applicable if the processed
personal information are used only for the needs
(4) Manner by which such data were
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of scientific and statistical research and, on the

basis of such, no activities are carried out and no
decisions are taken regarding the data subject:
Provided, That the personal information shall be
held under strict confidentiality and shall be used
only for the declared purpose. Likewise, the
immediately preceding sections are not
applicable to processing of personal information
gathered for the purpose of investigations in
relation to any criminal, administrative or tax
liabilities of a data subject (Sec. 19, DPA).

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