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Ankibioti 0s Bh Mates BadenO lal Bakr tc Direat Kllog of He baderin 2g gourth' af beara, Bela Latte Antibiotics TS gm use for esisdank orgonisn ee ial am penicillins: structural Oralas be D Fe es cies ‘albave Rabe , eS ee rah Sinks Pp (Tarspptind 9 Us ptillyan seh, Calivags Aaraws yor spechrs] pawcillin — cephalosparins Prams 1 Antbiotes ve LA Antilotics ve Anti Moabal Acti iy: vor), Jaen span | Nexen speden | Break spediom | Gatenda seecnen Eas Hahn Jule oat Ex; prclin @ (Le Do |B: Rrmngrerin Ex pipanolin $Ticerclln Tras he Vpiciin y (P0) — \aipatin —pratln| - Pipradanaral Js (Buy R gavp) = Beta Lodarese Semi) els lactamase + spect 5, Bosra. ¥ “exception: MRSA (Altered pap) Habin—ablertti Nebeite Hak vse Angas MA pst (Ome ASsh Aish SEL Bypersestivly 6:7 Pa Rosh apltc Reaion css Allngencity beeen + use. cephalosporins i Ho Beta lactamXX poiciln Faplstsns 5% Gy Gram =e Gdn —aietal ihe © fants > panauosile fo mine lyst Josh Herahsnur Rehan othe after eF syplats lsease: Ss apkts elm base, bgthonjein) LL ei etWork ge paicilin in cA dl nibbon ~ Anti Mowbal Achivil tram ve Coveege. at Gawnbion = Ean LSpirocnctes | ag) tbe of. Cross Allrgersity ame PE Gaston | th Gatien Spohee Ex: Cefepime eae Bra 9 Cac (a =a ae Bo sGrm ac with — Brak Gam + $< Grongt a cePhriaxone + yan Co mycin afin Jicttates bee fabs ir. ts See Namal Gram sve Backeria |. tiie | Brett Cehasinb sSogts clea Yay Coen wenker Cus HF orgarisns Net coverch by aphalosporind LAA = . Listfra ~ Cine clln + Gerbsnycns) Campiclia) — AGjpials Canpiothn t my iMaanbieser) _ /ARSA ‘trays J (rancomyois) Af penicllins & Cephalaspering Rerully “Erorted Fale nea a aaa Exception Ceftriaxone (Eliminated by liver} SF Airoik ceflnarne in Neonates { =——— spotaos baderie pe Disp 1 we give cefotaxime Inshead. HSE: typusantinty Oh = papaanes ® eee a Tpalnes Bog Ceased bd) ¥ Spectrum: Broad. Gram an Gre owl g Fuberohacteriacen gspeckun Agwnst Grane Baderin, (Bren hd limos similar to Binal yoann few Srperie use in Le Hacaening infections in hesprbs: A [mipoim See pasion, Basen Mephnone Hefablite So,we give Seren So (Debydogegtlase Inkbits) —E—r Haropinem witheat clestotin HOSE: Lmipenem cvs SE (sei2ury) in overdse or Renal Impairment ¢ clearance 15 Antibiotics vt ) Aret ronam: “f uerk « perialln § @phalaspenn st epectnmn Ale Rokivity Against Gram ave or Anosbes, Restont to bea-lackamases ousch Far paricilin ae as flee taith Rane Tnprirmanl fount locate Arinaglyo sida) THe cross Alor SSE: usually Han teri Tarr upset} 3B vanamgons f Birds ts D-Ala D-Al, “bina [role (ory + me Hebridacl) ews Eatery $58 SE: Wall Hlrdel ee Fre. ors — orboty-flenbephbbits wapl Ee gees —slefomin Bases Pes Lproventat “ an {D antici v7 ‘deuce —+ VRE abrgs tec: Dds, vohibuler Ievenemyen IMM yshindion TeAmpharycin BUEN Reversible -Osthain songs t tacky: 4 Cyclosporin Lsep Jourctics Ff Tecobogenie — pryrangy XK LO smitty Det raoyohines: - Ex: Tek rocyline eRe, Mins cyclin bared cyclin 5 Break spectrum Antibisties tt ob “STADH IK (ol) KX Block ABH Receptars Ht Tebaeydin astoct (ca ag)Xx ticdat, | brrltion Eber Tro ldting tynkok HSE: eryohin — Tetraydn phalowciby Terategens¢ Bon. growth Disalovatian of Raturdation Decibious teh, 7 anita Vo [Bdlerampnit £ bik use Hh xia H ok Ryze Inhibitors t Haopyl word orn #58: pangfepenia Dose-pependank ese Dndepen deat? CReversibbe} severe May be fal Garey body sybeome. Asli in_liwe prmaturr Infant Clapatio_ gla cura Clepti glacornidaind oN [ler upp slcrrangl dunsferse) Bendang cin st speckram: aspitekian prumanic Norval Anaerobic Taf lng Aboss oral infection nlanyoin ESE: pradananbrencns clits Ha ravi aaah Diaphram, 7 anos VO Bi fomlite Tbe Erg thangain, Aithnnyjen clarHiomscin H Erpfhre,clrithronycin Ost Pg Inhibits 4 Haplybin, warhuin HSE: stimulate Mailin veeplas __y GIT distress. A of Diebetic Gashoparssis HAacko _ a setts me 6S suisse gh “beni wtb ts Rok © 7 ans VO VRS) Coxinsprstin & Dal Fopnstin of spectium: Sts [strepteramin} Neprig-Resistat promecei Bie Aarrotd suppression (Thrimbucytspenia) 1658: Lavepd t hO sentonmm syndrome Interaction with Hel i ABSA: vorcangcin, bnaiS,Daybong@r tigeeychin, cefrelin VRE: Linezolid, steptagtawine < ere 7 ans VO PABA + Pteridine Cn catasse + “Synthase, Ditydropteroic acid Dinydrofotic acid Dinydrofotate ‘Trimethoprim. reductase pyrimethamine “Tetranydrotolic acid (THF ot Purines, Thymidine Methionine + + + DNA RNA, DNA Protein ‘TDfelic Act spthsis Inkbiters —— sulfenomibes — Trinadhypim — pyrinutharsine 1 gullnanidess phe LEI, ae Aa oh of spectrum: = Alona. Mallipl Ruishinee , we prefer ombinabion uth DHE ndacte Tubibiters =Dec in Nocardia ulerrabive abs = asabfasees sulfa sere ra airs symuyy | Resistance Spurbal Bok csulfadincine Burns Trindhopiin-sabfametho nots THP- SMX (Otrimaxaze) H3.b —Hippetsensitiity (stevens Johnsen syndeana) = plabaasibiny. Awoik in Gépp def, Hemabysis eNephrtone — Tuhloinbersbal Meplitis _Kernicterus in Meonabes Avoid in prananoy SP we Grivd\ Mitrofurantoin 7 ans VO “Ela HSE: optic Nearitis (Red -Grren ober blindres] ssl Aeoity Es ethambutol it Host of Aainycobacteriad Agents oan couse hyptobnacty @ Mycobacterium Avivin Drbracalular (MAC): Cdy <0 Start prepylactic: Azithnmycin 4 Anbabrvinl They 1004 S200 Resistant be mary of Anbluberadtar drags 7 ans VO T polyenes -£k. Arephaterioin 8, Nystatin HEU; senors syshemic Hyoss rp puubration bo CUS Tntrdec WSE: Youn torat, - Dose Due Depa _Mephoberiaty dGFR Poribor Raul tench ‘Akhara hogs a hypo Kalter & hypemagrusin, Aaniter Ebectrelgtes Replase if nacdeh > sshbin: Tw bse or syshemic use Load ene est 1 pntbte Vt —hype Kal een hypemagresnia Hariber Elckreyles Replate if needa HF Uyshtin: Toe boric Far systemic use ar ondida Theos : ia Rosh veaginol andids be DB Azokes Ex “elm@ERRlE clotrimazs le Kekoomazsle, itracon azele, Micanazele, voricen a zle CUE Load Bless serious systemic Myeses H only Flaconazele peretrahs inks He of orgttocecedl Harngitis in Whe pts H Dasks art ot Ppse Inbhbers- web ae of sherade Epcall bFatestern te Punstruck Irregubacitia 2 7 ans VO F liver vysfuncton | ots FZ pyrimibins (Plas basing) seoystemic Fongal Int in Gmbinehion with Pnphatricin &. Wperekvkes CVS crypto cecal Menissibs HSE: Bom Murris su pression « BTerbinhie: HOM: Dermubplybssis fapeaily anychonsosis of. te grisefubrin, Eobinscanders——g rennin Biewenn =e HOU: Jrwasive Aspazilbers & Candida. BGeisebobrer Deposition in Kerabin crdaing Lssve fx Mails tou superficial Infections oral sib tepiol. Active only Bganst Dermabe per X38: Work throug Hoot bas Disruption af Hbesis Terakozenie, Car ca na geri cut Pie Inducer @ Arb. Malaria Drugs Abedpaine seid Mar Angin Kitt Hain Pp. Palccparum § p. Malarie proplylanis us ee ae B vivar gorale—v Ohvaguins + primaguina 7 antones VO ESE xX sab : 1D mes v7 GbpD Jef —o Herel sis dapsone Ant Malorial Jeags Quinine Cinchonisim, DAaydavir, Famoyolovits vale ogelovir OW -Hsv grew - FB Weak omnes Abriee pl to hydrate HSE: OBstrudtine cryshllne Mephopaby —f cane S ode Renwh faslare L setablby conystaluwin 7 ans VO ¥ werk a5 Rgcbvir elu War g v2 CM preplylanis TT 458. cy stalluvia leaKopenia Hem cabo toxics Thrombe ostepenia ‘BD foscnrnet: H CM Retinitis Whe Gontyebrir Pals # Aeyclovir Resistant Hsv: X5E: _ Nephi bonialy Thon se ae ae UK oe amage 7 ans VO Badefevir: cu SECU: Same as Pscore — HSE: Nephntoxi ¢ FD) pmantadine « HF Mbinky prolybelie te Tnfloenan ‘Hay 4 davabon of flac symptame 1-2 doye YP Newramindase Inhibitors F 11 & prontion. Gurglone—chstar—Povade DAT “Ex: zidovudine, Lamivudine, Teno Foritgp idanosine. He ridevuling 7 Ser propia Ns pregnanoy b Risk of fetal Leansmission. Bore Marrow suppression, Rocersbl ith (Or-CSEE Byfbrpoitin = peviphral Neuropathy - lactic oid sis - pancreatitis (idanosi kd) BNNRIs -Ex. Nevirapine, E Fowicent HIE: Rosh % Wepototoxnaty _ GivdkeDammms $05 syme tems (Elavirenz) #38 7 anttes Vo 1B protease Inhibitors: nawir a sengIRSeE ES oe ——— -Ex:Tnhinavir, Ritonowir, other nowirs HSE: Lipelystrophy takin Alles —LPGE in xtnnibis Babfle-hamp Appearance With certval obesity & periphral wasting Tnsulin hesshne F ase Inhibitor —oR:fabudin © Ininowir verhuforic 7 antones VO FH Tntergrase Dnhubitor: “tx: Rablegronie & tck By Fusion Inhibitor: -Ex: Enfuvirite K skin Reaction ak Tngection site. @ probs + MOV ps: tao Frepytis ‘tin i ciated neat tenn rer icin ors Watminoin coon eae TD Ribaviriny #Keu: Chronic HO #s.F. Heme lytic: Anemics severt teratogen FD guuprvir: Kou dhe Hor crktin gf Ribawivin pejinkulirrn 3 sefeshuvit™ + Ribavirin = peginter fran ad Hu: chranic Hew #5.F: Headach, fob que. 7 anita Vo Cu: Cranse Hour T* Combineion rth ———— “ane peyintehoon ct 8 sefeshuvic: + Ribavirin = pepinterfaerand Hus chronic Hew P5.F Headseh, fab gus. Binkecherons : HSE: Neubtopenia & Myopekony Sods Ke sgmpberss ‘orogtnlones ‘eranainns iain (oti) ‘Sloramphescet ‘Wie cheren ate encode Hs.k —Hippetsensitivity (sterens Johnsen syndeana) ——- plabaasibints Avoid in Géph def, Hemabysis eMephrotevic — Tubuleintersbal Meplitis a in Meonakes Aveid in prypancy SK we Gi Citeatin Brindloprim: St DHE Ruactise 1S F Combination With sulfe sepuntial hha Hejalableshi Banse Fie Ro 4h Fs iakopai Gire Fobinie Bob Granulecytoper'a — S4pp lena 7 ans VO pict Tnhbits of Midkic Ao’ sabes Quinolonas Flanges Flenadis a strane old (opt) Aue (Levfloxaoin, Geni ma bes Hy ae F Of Pygo Trducor Them one Silampn in Ble Ps rPApin Ampibfies Ot Puse, but Rilabutin doesn’ 4 Fmob Range Disoboration of sae MK Tears t Rapit Resistana if used alone cattle 7 ans VO B Lsoninzid f° The arly yet useh as sole proplybnis agcinst TE F Metabolism in Liver via Acetylation piPfern TNH hat: Fe a li nial, palghkees SLE tsb Neurotoxicity (poriphral Merits) Give Paridesin SS (itemin Bg -sileoblasti¢ Arumin — pyctanine df Srseffcint hime Partin probes HT best far A Taberadesis engfel by Hac phages Require Medic: Errironmat pytarinsic Ae. 7 antones VO

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