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Internet Influence on Kids Essay 

The reach of the internet is indeed worldwide. It spans across all countries, all
communities and obviously, all age groups. Therefore, even kids, for being especially
susceptible to external influences, easily fall prey to the influence of the internet.

As is applicable to most other such phenomenon, it comes with both its advantages and
disadvantages. However, if one has to carefully weigh these two sides, it is clearly
evident that in this case, the negative effects on internet influence outweigh its positive

The adverse consequences include social, physical, emotional and psychological

consequences, and therefore, internet influence can turn out to be a very harmful
influence for kids if it is not channelized and supervised in a proper way


The main cause due to which internet influence on kids is so widespread and
commonplace is because the apparent accuracy of the internet as a source of
information, and also the wide variety and volume of information it can possibly provide
one with.

Therefore, the same problems which used to befuddle kids before they had access to
use internet do not have the same effect on them any longer. Also, the question of
parental influence might also arise here.

Erstwhile, the problems with which the kids used to approach their parents to find the
solution can now be easily solved just with a few clicks on a computer (or smartphone,
to make things even easier).

Another factor is that internet opens many doors for the kids which they could not have
possibly done on their own, for example: the social media.

Therefore, internet gives the kids a false sense of freedom, which can easily get into
someone’s head and make them almost addicted to the internet. Another reason why
the internet can easily influence kids is its utmost convenience.

Getting accustomed to and the further using the internet is really easy and can be done
without any proper or previous guidance and therefore it also gives kids a sense of self
competence, which further strengthens the influence on them.
Positive effects of internet influence

The main positive effect or advantage of internet influence on kids is their enhancement
of knowledge through browsing the internet, as there are various websites scattered all
over this virtual form of library which can supply kids with many sources to quench their
curiosity if there is a certain degree of supervision over what sort of websites the kids
are having access to.

Another positive effect is the fact that kids can now use social media as a genuine
platform to showcase all their talents, through websites like YouTube, etc.

Social networking is another advantage of the internet, but a careful balance needs to
be maintained which would ensure that kids only use social media to their benefit, for
example: for a healthy exchange of ideas and opinions

Health hazards

Spending too much time in front of the computer screens pose serious threats to the
lives of kids engaged in the same. This way, their lifestyles become essentially a
sedentary one and their movements are minimized to the level of serious inactivity.


No good thing remains good in an unchecked excess. The same can be said for the
internet as well. No matter how big a boon it might be for the entire mankind, we cannot
deny the harms it has caused and will continue to cause to the mankind as well. But we
cannot blame the internet completely.

It is proven that a cautious approach to the utilization of the services the internet has to
offer can easily keep a lot of potential harms at bay.

Therefore, if the internet is handled with caution, and if the kids are properly taught what
to use and how exactly to use it, the internet might as well stop being a source of any
kind of negative influence on the kids of today’s generation.

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