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02-03/201 1

Raport z testw

Golden Media UNI-BOX Doskonay odbiornik rodzinny

IPTVwiatowody Szerokiepasmo

TELE satellite
Biuro Redakcji TELE-satellite Magazine PO Box 1234 85766 Munich-Ufg NIEMCY/EUROPA UNION Redaktor Alexander Wiese alex@TELE-satellite.com Wydawany w 22 jzykach przez TELE-satellite Medien GmbH Aschheimer Weg 19 85774 Unterfoehring NIEMCY/EUROPA UNION Graka Nmeti Barna Attila Reklama www.TELE-satellite.com/ads/ Drukarnia Litograa Ross 08850 Gav HISZPANIA/EUROPA UNION Copyright 2011 by TELE-satellite ISSN 1435-7003

Drodzy Czytelnicy,
i znowu jestemy, jak wielokrotnie w ostatnich czasach, w punkcie zwrotnym producenci TV staj przed zmian. Decyduj, ktrego typu gowice stosowa w swoich odbiornikach TV. Przez ostatnie kilka dekad odpowied bya prosta w kadym odbiorniku naleao instalowa analogowy tuner. Jednak z chwil nadejcia cyfrowej telewizji naziemnej odpowied przestaa ju by taka oczywista. Logicznym rozwizaniem mogoby by nie instalowanie adnego tunera i pozostawienia decyzji klientowi - jakiego typu odbiornik zechce doczy do telewizora. To chyba jednak by nie zadziaao. Jakby to byo, gdyby producent oferowa widzowi telewizor bez gowicy? Tylko zcze HDMI i nic wicej? Waciwie, producenci telewizorw mogliby nawet zrezygnowa z pilotw zdalnego sterowania, bo przecie ma je kady odbiornik-dekoder. Najprawdopodobniej klienci nie kupowaliby takich telewizorw mimo, e pomys jest sensowny. Podobnie jest z telefonami komrkowymi musz mie wiele funkcji, gdy inaczej nikt by ich nie kupi mimo, e cechy te maj si nijak do telefonowania. Telewizory musz take mie dug list funkcji, inaczej nigdy nie zeszyby z pki sklepowej. Producenci telewizorw nie maja innego wyjcia jak tylko integrowa w swoich produktach tunery TV, a skoro tak, to dlaczego nie tuner cyfrowy do telewizji naziemnej? A skoro tak, to dlaczego by nie doda tunera satelitarnego, a na dodatek doczy jeszcze IPTV? To wyeliminowaoby zupenie zapotrzebowanie na odbiorniki. Nie tak szybko! Odbiorniki nie stan si za chwil bezuyteczne. W rzeczywistoci obserwujemy co wrcz przeciwnego. Producenci telewizorw musz przede wszystkim robi to, czego chc klienci, a oni chc mie zainstalowane tunery do cyfrowej telewizji naziemnej. Kady kupujcy telewizor bdzie w stanie odbiera taki sygna tego wanie oczekujemy od telewizora. Ale czy kady klient bdzie mia anten satelitarn, albo podczenie do szybkiego internetu dla IPTV? To zaley od kadego indywidualnego przypadku. Telewizor nigdy nie bdzie zawiera wszystkich moliwych dodatkw. Producenci odbiornikw s zbyt innowacyjni i nieustannie rozszerzaj i modykuj moliwoci swoich produktw w kadym aspekcie. Oto tylko jeden z przykadw: telewizor nigdy nie bdzie odbiera radia, a przecie kady odbiornik zapewnia odbir radia. Odtwarzacz multimedialny, albo PVR rzadko pojawia si w telewizorach, gdy funkcje te niewiele maja wsplnego z klasycznym rozumieniem telewizji prezentowanym przez producentw. Za to s to cechy, ktre klient spodziewa si znale w swoim odbiorniku. Szansa na to, e ktrego dnia telewizor bdzie mia wszystkie te cechy, ktre dzisiaj posiada odbiornik jest znikoma. Telewizory bd zawsze miay wbudowane tylko funkcje podstawowe, za wszystkie cechy dodatkowe bd znajdowa si w zewntrznym odbiorniku. Tak jest teraz i tak pozostanie. Odbiornik jest i bdzie kluczowym elementem wykorzystywania telewizji i mediw!

TELE-satelita zaoony zosta w 1981r i dzi jest najstarszym i najchtniej czytanym magazynem cyfrowej TV na caym wiecie. TELE-satelita przegldany jest przez ponad 350 000 profesjonalistw cyfrowej TV, a dostpny jest zarwno w wersji drukowanej ja i wersji on-line. www.TELE-satelita.pl

Alexander Wiese Redaktor Naczelny TELE-satelity

SPIS TRECI GOLDEN MEDIA UNI-BOX 9080 CRCI HD PVR COMBO PLUS Digital HDTV PVR receiver with BlindScan Function ..................... 10

NETUP IPTV COMBINE 4X & AMINO AMINET130M IPTV Operator Software System & IPTV receiver....... 26

CLONE+ CARDSPLITTER Simple Distribution of PayTV Channels in Your Own Home.......... 46

Feature: The New IPTV Standard OIPF ...........54 Company Report: IPTV Box Manufacturer JIUZHOU, China ..............................64 Company Report: Digital TV Meter Manufacturer TRIMAX, China ................................72 Company Report: Receiver Manufacturer SKYWORTH, China ...........................76 Company Report: PC Card Manufacturer TENOW, China .................................82 Company Report: OEM Receiver Manufacturer GLOBALSAT, China ...........................90

Company Report: Receiver Manufacturer SOWELL, China ............................. 104 Company Overview: Best Digital TV Companies of the World.................................. 112 Feature: Silicon Tuners .............................. 128 Feature: Single- and Multi Frequency Networks in Digital Terrestrial Television ......... 130 Company Report: AZBox Distributor, Russia ............... 134 City Report: The Satellite Dealer from Sidi Bel-Abbes ............................... 138 REKLAMODAWCY

DXer Report: Satellite Enthusiasts in Japan .......... 146 News: HDTV & 3D Programmes ................. 150 DTT of the World ........................ 154 World Satellites .......................... 156 TELE-satellite Magazine Worldwide .................................. 160

8DTEK ........................................37 ABC-BIZNIS ...............................33 AB IPBOX ..............................44-45 ALUOSAT .................................. 107 AMIKO ........................................71 ANGA 2011 .................................69 AZBOX ...................................... 163 AZURE SHINE ........................... 135 BOIINGSAT ................................53 BOXSAM .....................................75 BYA ELECTRONIC...................... 131 CABSAT 2011 ..............................79 CCBN 2011 .................................93 COMMUNICASIA 2011 ................99 CNBROADCASTING................... 153 CONVERGENCE INDIA 2011...... 159 DISHPOINTER .......................... 145 DOEBIS .................................... 8-9 DOEBIS-JAEGER .........................59 6

DVB-WORLD 2011 .................... 103 FULAN ELECTRONICS .................. 5 GLOBALINVACOM .......................61 GLOBALSAT ................................49 GOLDENMEDIA ........................... 41 HORIZON ...................................85 HUBER+SUHNER ........................ 2 ICECRYPT ................................... 4 INFOSAT................................... 103 INPAX ........................................63 JIUZHOU .................................. 164 MFC .......................................... 135 MOTECK.................................... 143 NABSHOW 2011 .................. 57, 139 NETUP ........................................95 PYCH ........................................ 141 PREVAIL ................................ 24-25 ROGETECH................................ 151 SATBEAMS ................................ 143

SATCATCHER ..............................89 SATELLITE GUYS ...................... 152 SATFINDER............................... 147 SEATEL .......................................21 SKYWORTH ................................. 7 SMARTWI ...................................15 SOWELL......................................29 SPAUN ........................................47 STREAM ......................................87 SVEC ..........................................13 TEHNICB .................................. 145 TENOW .......................................19 TEVII ....................................... 109 TOPREAL .................................. 101 TOOWAY ................................... 147 TRIMAX .................................... 109 WEISS ...................................... 131 YINHE ........................................67

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1


Odbiornik HDTV

Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 CRCI HD PVR COMBO Plus

Wyjtkowa funkcja BlindScan
Kimkolwiek jest projektant obudowy Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 zasuguje na uznanie. Obudowa cieszy oko i z pewnoci bdzie miym dodatkiem w szafce RTV w pokoju dziennym. Pyta czoowa ma eleganck, czarn, pprzezroczyst klapk z plexiglasu, za ktr znajduje si osiem klawiszy pozwalajcych obsugiwa urzdzenie w przypadku gdyby zapodzia si gdzie pilot zdalnego sterowania. Znajdziemy tu te dwa czytniki kart kodowych i dwie kieszenie na moduy CI. Czytniki kart wsppracuj tylko z kartami w systemie Conax, natomiast do zcz CI mona podczy moduy w dowolnym systemie kodowania, np. Irdeto, Cryptoworks, Seca czy Viaccess.

02-03/201 1
Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 CRCI HD PVR COMBO Plus Doskonay odbiornik rodzinny, ale take wietny wybr dla DX-manw satelitarnych, dziki bardzo szybkiej funkcji Blind Scan.

10 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

TELE-satellite World
Po wej rodku pyty VFD. czoozosta Jest on zastosowanie odpowiedniej umieszczony kombinacji gowic. Producent oferuje kombinacje DVB-S2 plus DVB-C, a take DVB-T plus DVB-C. Absolutn dla koniecznoci HDTV jest
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bardzo czytelny rwnie przy zamknitej klapce. Po wczeniu odbiornika pokazuje informacje o wybranym kanale, czas, jak te parametry techniczne w postaci maych ikonek. Rwnie popatrze odbiornika przyjemnie na pyt Golden jest tyln Media.


wyjcie HDMI z najlepszej jakoci wizj i foni. Dodatkowo producent wyposay boks w zcza SCART (do stosowania w Europie) i sze gniazd RCA z sygnaami: YUV, wizj zespolon i foni stereo. Oprcz tego mamy zcze RJ45, optyczne wyjcie cyfrowej fonii, interfejs szeregowy RS-232, a poniewa jest to skrzynka PVR, musi mie take port USB 2.0. List zamyka wyjcie programowane 0/12 V oraz

Available online starting from 28 January 2011

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mechaniczny wycznik zasilania pozwalajcy cakowicie odci dopyw prdu do urzdzenia. Doczony pilot zdalnego sterowania wywar na nas dobre wraenie. Dobrze ley w doni, wszystkie guziki s czytelnie opisane i uoone w logiczny sposb. W przeciwiestwie do plastykowej obudowy pilota, jego kla-

wisze pokryte s antypolizgow warstw co dodatkowo zwiksza komfort korzystania z niego. Nie moemy nie wspomnie o doskonaej, wielojzycznej instrukcji obsugi doczonej do odbiornika. Cho na pierwszy rzut oka moe wydawa si troch niezorganizowana, konalimy si, e przezawiera

Pierwsza rzecz jaka rzuca si w oczy to dwie gowice. Testowany odbiornik wyposaony by w tunery HDTV: DVB-S2 i DVB-T. Poniewa s to moduy jest wymienne, dostosowyprzez moliwe widualnych

wanie odbiornika do indypotrzeb

wszystko co jest potrzebne do prawidowej obsugi i jest znakomitym rdem informacji. Oglnie rzecz biorc,

jako odbiornika bardzo nas


zadowolia. Jego design robi wraenie, a jego pilotowi i instrukcji obsugi niczego nie brakuje. Po pierwszy wczeniu,

UNI-BOX 9080 nie pokazuje adnego asystenta instalacji z czym czsto mamy do czynienia w innych odbiornikach. Ale nie ma to znaczenia. Nacinicie guzika Menu wywietla Gwne Menu. Podobnie jak sama obudowa, menu ekranowe jest rwnie eleganckie i dobrze zorganizowane. Skada si z omiu podmenu, w ktrych moemy poustawia wszystko co potrzeba w odbiorniku. Std te mamy dostp do wszystkich funkcji. Poniewa jest to odbiornik typu kombo z dwoma rnymi tunerami, trzeba go dostosowa dwch rnych konguracji Jak wczeniej antenowych. wspomnieli-

my, testowy odbiornik mia tunery DVB-T i DVB-S2.

www.TELE-satellite.com 02-03/201 1 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


More on This Manufacturer

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Manufacturer and Distributor, Germany

kie moliwoci ustawie LNB s dodatkowo zwikszone konwerkabel przez moliwo zwikszania napicia pomys! zasilania Jeli tera o 0,5 V. To znakomity nasz antenowy jest bardzo dugi, zwikszenia napicia o 0,5V pozwoli na skompensowanie wikszego ni normalnie spadku napicia na dugoci kabla. Dla posiadaczy starszych Po wprowadzeniu wszystkich ustawie mamy ju do to antekrok kanaw. odbiornik naszego nowego. dostosowany systemu Kolejny


Wyszukiwanie jest dostpne w trzech trybach: skanowanie satelity, rczne skanowanie transpondera i oczywicie wykrywanie transponderw (Blind Scan). Mimo, e odbiornik ma dwa czytniki kart i kiesze CI, wyszukiwanie moe by ograniczane do kanaw FTA (niekodowanych). TV albo Ponadto moemy Firma o ograniczy skan do kanaw radiowych. Media Golden zadbaa


zestaww szczeglnie cech jest

antenowych, interesujc programowane



o ma



oczywicie bardziej zoone. Producent zaprogramowa fabrycznie list 44 europejskich satelitw. Niestety nie znajdziemy tu satelitw azjatyckich, amerykaskich, czy oceanicznych. Dane trans-

gniazdo RCA o napiciu 0/12 V. Mona je aktywowa i dezaktywowa w menu ustawie indywidualnie dla kadej pozycji satelitarnej. Generalnie w wielu zauwaylimy, obsugi



zaprogramowane ustawienia DVB-T dla 17 rnych regionw. Wikszo z nich ley w Europie: Wielka Brytania, Niemcy, Dania, Polska, Grecja, Finlandia, Rosja, Sowenia, Wochy, Hiszpania,

wyszukiwanie poprzez sie taka opcja te jest do naszej dyspozycji. W naszym tecie wyszukiwanie satelicie kanaw 13 na E

ponderw satelitw europejskich nie s cakiem aktualne. Z drugiej strony bylimy pod wraeniem liczby moliwych do ustawienia LOF i trybw DiSEqC. UNI-BOX 9080 wspiera

e producent UNI-BOXA 9080 punktach odbiornika zastosowa


potrwao nieco ponad sze minut i zaowocowao znalezieniem 1427 kanaw TV i 395 radiowych. Pamitajc o tym, postanowilimy przyjrze si bliej tunerowi DVB-S2. Nie zanotowalimy adnych szarpni w odbiorze ani przy kanaach SCPC, ani przy bardzo sabych sygnaach. Odbiornik

Szwecja, Republika Czeska i Sowacja. S te ustawienia dla Australii. Ustawienia te bior pod uwag rnice midzy regionami w wykorzystywanym zakresie czstotliwoci i planie kanaw. Naturalnie moemy rcznie przeszuka dowoln czstotliwo w pamie UHF lub VHF. UNI-BOX 9080 potra take wytworzy na wejciu DVB-T napicie stae 5 V, suce do zasilania wzmacniacza antenowego. Nie musimy wwczas stosowa dodatkowego zasilacza do wzmacniacza. Czerwony guzik funkcyjny suy do inicjowania w peni automatycznego wyszukiwania kanaw w caym pamie czstotliwoci. W naszym przypadku wszystkie kanay DVB-T znalezione zostay w 84 sekundy. Szkoda, e UNI-BOX nie jest kompatybilny z DVB-T2. Ustawienia dla DVB-S/S2 s

naprawd znakomite pomysy i dodatkowe cechy, uatwiajce i uprzyjemniajce si odbiorniposugiwanie

kiem. W przypadku ustawie satelitarnych jest to automatyczne rozpoznawanie protokou DiSEqC. Kt nie zetkn si z tym problemem? Sygnay z wielu satelitw przechodz przez przecznik DiSEqC, ale nie pamitamy ktry satelita podczony jest do ktrego portu DiSEqC. Dla UNI-BOXA 9080 to nie problem. Po naciniciu guzika odbiornik automatycznie wybiera kady port aby sprawdzi, do ktrego z nich podczony jest aktualnie wybrany satelita. Funkcja ta dziaaa w naszych testach szybko i niezawodnie. Niezwykle uyteczn funkcj jest sygna akustyczny, ktry moemy wczy, eby nie byo konieczne cige spogldanie na ekran telewizora podczas ustawiania anteny.

wachlarz protokow DiSEqC od 1.0 do klasycznych anten z czterema konwerterami, z maksymalz przez 1.1 do anten dwureektorowych (USALS) do nie 16 LNB, a take 1.2 i 1.3 stosowania obrotnicami. Moliwoci LOF byy rwnie szerokie: oprcz uniwersalnego konwertera na pasmo Ku, mona podcza take konwertery na pasmo C. Dziki rcznemu trybowi wprowadzania wartoci LOF nawet konwertery o nietypowych czstotliwociach mog wsppracowa kiem. Jeli odbiornika z odbiornipotrzebujecie obsugujcego

bez trudu poradzi sobie z transponderem SCPC o przepywnoci 1,24 MS/s z INTELSATA 14 na 45 W, a take ze sabym sygnaem z satelity BADR na 26 E. Inne podobne odbiorniki nawet nie zauwaay tych sygnaw. Przez kilka ostatnich lat testowalimy w TELE-satelicie rne odbiorniki wykrywajce transpondery (Blind Scan) i nie mamy wtpliwoci, e UNI-BOXA 9080 naley zaliczy do jednego z najlepszych. Zadanie przeszukania HOTBIRDA na 13 E potrwao zaledwie siedem minut. Proces zakoczy si

system SCR, macie szczcie UNI-BOX 9080 wspiera rozwizania z pojedynczym kablem antenowym i pozwala skongurowa wszystkie niezbdne parametry. Szero-

12 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

wyszukaniem 1479 kanaw TV i 430 radiowych. Najpierw sdzilimy, e odbiornik zadziaa wedug zapisanej w jego pamici listy transponderw, tak szybko to poszo. Obrcilimy zatem anten na innego satelit i wystartowalimy kolejne skanowanie Pierwsza to podmenu Instalacja automatyczna. Ta funkcja zdejmuje z uytkownika wiele pracy zwizanej z wprowadzaniem ustawie. W takim trybie dziaania odbiornik sam prbuje ustali jakie satelity przez (nawet podczone DiSEqC) przecznik

Blind Scan. UNI-BOX 9080 wykry 287 kanaw TV i 143 radiowe na TURKSACIE 42 E. Na licie nie zabrako nawet wskopasmowych transponderw SCPC. Dla porwnania przeprowadzilimy nastpnie wyszukiwanie bez funkcji Blind Scan, korzystajc tylko z fabrycznie zaprogramowanych danych pamici transponderw odbiornika. Na w

da si odebra na podpitych antenach. Jedno nacinicie guzika startuje nastpnie proces wyszukiwania kanaw na wszystkich odbieranych satelitach. Funkcja ta zadziaaa w naszym tecie znakomicie. zwykych Oprcz dwch podejrzanych:

ASTRY 19,2 E i HOTBIRDA 13 E, odbiornik bez problemu wykry te ASTR 2 na 28,2E i BADRA na 26 E. Druga lator cecha i to kalku-

TURKSACIE azymutu elewacji.

Otrzymalimy kiepski wynik: 25 kanaw TV i 3 radiowe. Kolejne testy funkcji Blind Scan na EUTELSACIE 36 E potwierdziy niesamowit prdko i precyzj. Znajdowane i przetwarzane byy nawet najbardziej wskopasmowe transpondery SCPC. Dokadn wynikw prezentacj badania funkcji



geograczne miejsca instalacji, ktre atwo moemy wyszuka w Google Maps, albo jakim innym serwisie internetowym. W rezultacie uzyskujemy dane dla prawidowego ustawienia anteny.

Po skongurowaniu wszystkich si lokalnych parametrw uytkowUNI-BOXA 9080, warto zaj ustawieniami do nika takimi jak dopasowanie odbiornika posiadanego telewizora. Odbiornik komunikuje si z nami poprzez swoje OSD w jednym z nastpujcych angielskim, jzykw: niemieckim,

Blind Scan zawiera Tablica 1. Jedyna wada w funkcji Blind Scan to brak moliwoci ustawiania zakresu czstotliwoci i wybierania jednej polaryzacji. Niemniej Bblind Scan to funkcj, ktr musi mie kady prawdziwy DX-man i owca przekazw. Proces niony jest instalacji jeszcze dopedwoma cechami.

francuskim, woskim, rosyjskim, hiszpaskim, tureckim, portugalskim, arabskim, pol-


7 Minutes 1479 TV and 430 Radio Channels 8 Minutes 287 TV and 143 Radio Channels 10 Minutes 35 TV and 3 Radio Channels 4 Minutes 19 TV and 1 Radio Channels

Tabl. 1 Wyniki Blind Scan

EXPRESS AM44 11 West

1. Ekran startowy Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 2. Przejrzyste i zwarte Gwne Menu 3. Osobne ustawienia dla odbioru DVB-S/S2 i DVB-T 4. Wybr regionu dla odbioru DVB-T 5. Ogromne moliwoci konguracji w trybie DVB-S2

14 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1







16 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1








6. UNI-BOX 9080 wspiera system jednokablowy SCR 7. Opcje wyszukiwania kanaw 8. Automatyczne rozpoznawanie odbieranych satelitw 9. Obliczanie azymutu i elewacji 10. Wybr jzyka 11. Timer ma pojemno omiu zdarze 12. Rne moliwoci ustawie 13. Aktualizacja oprogramowania 14. Szczegowe informacje o wolnym miejscu na urzdzeniu USB


15. Parametry sieciowe mona ustawia automatycznie przez DHCP, albo rcznie 16. Skanowanie kanaw DVB-T 17. Kanay HD i kodowane oznaczane s na licie osobnymi ikonkami 18. Wybr satelity 19. Lista kanaw ograniczona do kodowanych w Irdeto 20. Zapisywanie listy kanaw i ustawie na twardym dysku 21. Przeszukiwanie listy kanaw 22. Ramka informacyjna z biecym i nastpnym programem 23. Biece programy w widoku EPG

www.TELE-satellite.com 02-03/201 1

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


skim, ukraiskim, perskim, rumuskim, chorwackim, weskim, wgierskim, bugarskim, so-

DVB-S2, wewntrzny zegar czasu rzeczywistego (RTC) ustawia si sam na podstawie sygnau z satelity. Uytkownik musi jednak poda rnic midzy czasem lokalnym, a czasem GMT, a take wczy lub wyczy uwzgldnianie czasu letniego.

Zdumia nas zestaw ustawie Oprcz metrw, wygaszania moemy graki takich ekranowej. paraczas jak typowych

pienia musimy zaprowadzi w niej troch porzdku. W tym celu UNI-BOX 9080 wyposaony zosta w wiele rnych moliwoci, ktre prezentowane s w czytelny i atwy do zrozumienia sposb. Tak w przypadku ekranu EPG, jak i w licie kanaw czerwony guzik suy do ograniczania liczby wywietlanych kanaw. Mona sobie ustawi widoczno kanaw z wybranego uywajcych systemu pochodzcych satelity, kodowania, od tych albo

czeskim, indonezyjskim, soszwedzkim, wackim i kilku innych. Jak mona oczekiwa od kadego dobrego odbiornika

wywietlania, ustawia

pozycja czy przezroczysto, jeszcze jasno, kontrast i nasycenie koloru. Ale uwaajmy przy ich ustawianiu. Wpywaj one rwnie na wywietlany obraz TV. Po podczeniu do telewizora plazmowego albo LCD, UNI-BOX 9080 moe prezentowa wizj przez wyjcie HDMI w nastpujcych formatach: 480p, 576p, 720p 50Hz, 720p 60 Hz, 1080i 50 Hz i 1080i 60 Hz. Jeli nie moemy, albo nie chcemy


specycznego konkret-

nego operatora. Lista moe te pokazywa tylko kanay HD, albo pochodzce z jednego bd drugiego tunera. Kanay mona przemianowywa, przesuwa, kasowa, blokowa kodem PIN, albo ustawi na przeskakiwanie. Szczeglnie transponderw, uyteczne co bardzo


korzysta ze zcza HDMI, sygna dostpny jest take jako RGB i YUV. Decydujemy w jaki sposb sygna 4:3 ma by wywietlany na ekranie 16:9. Przy pomocy dedykowanego guzika na pilocie format wizji mona przecza dostosowujc go do aktualnie odbieranego sygnau.

jest edytowanie caociowe upraszcza to zadanie. Dziki sprawnym funkcjom wyszukujcym jemy po atwo odnajdukanay pierwposzczeglne kilku



Kolejn jest szybkiego

ciekaw lub

cech wyboru

szy liter ich nazwy. Kanay mona te umieszcza w 32 listach kanaw ulubionych. W listach ulubionych funkcje edycyjne dziaaj tak samo. Po skongurowaniu wszystkich ustawie, dopasowaniu odbiornika do systemu antenowego i zapenieniu listy kanaw, moemy opuci Gwne Menu. UNI-BOX 9080 przeczy si automatycznie na pierwszy kana z listy.



przechodzenia w tryb oczekiwania (Standby). W trybie szybkim odbiornik pobiera troch wicej mocy, ale za to wychodzi ze stanu oczekiwania o wiele szybciej ni w trybie normalnym. Jeli chcemy moemy te w stanie oczekiwania cakowicie wycza wywietlacz. Po zapenieniu listy (maksimum 800 pozycji) ogromna liczb kanaw, na przykad dziki szybko dziaajcej funkcji Blind Scan, bez wt-


Po kadej zmianie kanau pojawia si na chwil bardzo szczegowa ramka informacyjna, w ktrej mamy infor-

24. Guzik REC suy do zaznaczanie w EPG programw do nagrania 25. Wywietlanie technicznych parametrw kanau o przepywnoci 1,240 MS/s 26. Odtwarzanie MP3 27. Wywietlanie JPEG

18 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

macje o biecej i przyszej audycji. Wywietlajce si ikonki informuj o dodatkowych cechach kanau. Moe to by telegazeta, podpisy tumaczce, jzykowe inne czy cieki informacje

dwoma rnymi transponderami. EPG elektroniczny przewodnik programowy zaprezentowa si rwnie dobrze. Wchodzi si do niego przy pomocy dedykowanego guzika, a moe pracowa w ktrym z czterech trybw: Current wywietlana jest informacja o biecych audycjach na piciu kanaach Next wywietlana jest informacja o EPG przyszych dla piciu audycjach na piciu kanaach



w ma by pokazywana w jednej, dwch, czy trzech kolumnach. Funkcja, ktrej nie spotyka si zbyt czsto to wykorzystywanie kolorowych guzikw do wywietlania danych EPG bezporednio w licie kanaw. Czy moe by co lepszego ni wdrowanie po licie kanaw i naciskanie guzika by sprawdza co obecnie leci na aktualnie wybranym kanale? Podejmowanie decyzji co obejrze nie moe by prostsze. Czerwony guzik redukuje list kanaw satelity, zawartoci. do wskazaTen sam nego albo operatora,

pakietu czy listy ulubionych. Przy pomocy tego guzika, a take guzika REC, bezporednio w EPG mona ustawia wpisy timera. Moliwe jest zapamitanie do omiu zdarze czasowych. Mona te kady wpis ustawi jako codzienny, cotygodniowy, miesiczny, w dniach roboczych, albo w dniach weekendowych. Teraz ju na pewno nie przegapimy naszego ulubionego show albo serialu, bez wzgldu na to kiedy go nadaj. Jeli korzystamy z odbiornika bez doczonej pamici zewntrznej i nie moemy w zwizku z tym nagrywa programw, funkcj timera mona wykorzysta o jako przypominacz innym kanale. Lista kanaw Golden rozpoczy-

EPG, eby wymieni niektre z nich. Jak zwykle w odbiorniku DVB, nacinicie guzika Info wywietla rozszerzon informacj zakadajc przesya. Bardziej sobie zaawansowani jeszcze o programie, e oczywicie,

operator takiego typu dane

More gramw

technicznie widzowie mog wywietli wicej informacji naciskajc czerwony guzik. Otrzymuj wtedy takie dane jak PID-y sygnau, jego si i jako, a ponadto tuziny parametrw podnoszcych cinienie krwi u rasowego DX-mana.

kanaw w postaci siatki proSchedule w tym trybie po lewej pokazywana jest lista kanaw, za dane EPG na kilka dni w przd dla wybranego kanau wywietlane s po prawej stronie. Bez wzgldu na to, ktry

guzik moemy wykorzysta do przeczania si midzy dwoma trybami odbioru: w naszym przypadku by to odbir DVB-T HDTV i DVB-S2. Jeli zapragniemy wprowadzi ma zmian do listy kanaw podczas pracy odbiornika, UNI-BOX 9080 dostarcza niezbdnych ku temu narzdzi w nieco odchudzonej formie gracznej. kanaw. Guzik niebieski si wprowadza porzdek do listy Wykorzystuje

najcym si programie na tryb wybierzemy, dane EPG s zawsze prezentowane zorganiw sposb dobrze Media UNI-BOXA 9080 prezentuje si cakiem dobrze. Wywietla OK. W ustalamy si czy j guzikiem OSD kanaustawieniach lista

Jeli idzie o jako wizji i fonii tego odbiornika, to bylimy pod wraeniem i to zarwno przy kanaach HD jak i SD. Czasy przeczania kanaw byy krtkie okoo jednej sekundy miedzy

zowany i bezbdny. Dziki funkcji czerwonego guzika, wywietlane by znw kanay mog do ograniczone

20 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

go do sortowania ze wzgldu na typ kanau kodowany / niekodowany, system kodowania, albo alfabetycznie. Wszystkie cechy listy kanaw s dostpne nie tylko na licie kanaw TV, ale take na licie kanaw radiowych. Przeczanie si midzy tymi trybami odbywa si przy pomocy guzika pilota. Dziki 32 listom ulubionych kanaw, moemy atwo uporzdkowa nawet tysice kanaw. Kady czonek rodziny moe stworzy sobie wasne listy ulubionych. Czytniki kart kodowych i kiesze na modu CI rwnie dowiody w naszych testach swojej mog no. Jak sugeruje ju sama by funkcjonalnoci. tylko systemu Szkoda, e w czytniku karty Conax. To ogranicza uytecz-

Naturalnie PVR dziaa tak samo dobrze dla kadego z tunerw, dla odbiornika nie ma nie znaczenia jestecie jak droga dociera do niego sygna. Jeli zaznajomieni z PVR-em, pozwolimy sobie zrobi tu mae wprowadzenia. Odbierany sygna DVB zapisywany jest w postaci cyfrowej bez jakiejkolwiek albo tak degradacji jego jakoci na wewntrznej, jak w tym przypadku na zewntrznej pamici. W nia czasie mamy do odtwarzadyspozycji

mona wanej

zawczasu funkcji


zowane przez DVB-S, DVB-T, USB, RS-232, ale najwygodniej jest to zrobi bezporednio przez internet. Niezbdne parametry sieciowe odbiornik moe uzyska automatycznie z rutera DHCP lokalnej sieci, albo moemy je wprowadzi rcznie. Jakby tego byo mao,

dzi korzystajc z wbudotestujcej. Zewntrzny nonik pamici moe by sformatowany albo w FAT albo w NTSC. Oczywicie, nie musimy e taka chyba operabyy. ostrzega, jakie tam

cja wymae wszystkie dane wczeniej Poniewa rma Golden Media wybraa dla UNI-BOXA 9080 zewntrzny nonik pamici, nagrania mona atwo przenosi na PC, gdzie mona je na przykad skonwertowa na DVD. Tak jak wikszo odbiornikw z PVR, boks Golden Media potra te odtwarza muzyk MP3 i wywietla zdjcia z wakacji zapisane na dysku zewntrznym. W naszych testach rwnie i te funkcje dziaay doskonale. Zewntrzny nonik pamici moe by wykorzystany nie tylko do przechowywania lmw, instalowa zdj i nagranych pomocy

UNI-BOX 9080 ma jeszcze wbudowane trzy gry wideo, z ktrych by moe skorzystamy podczas dugich

blokw reklamowych. Mielimy sporo przyjemnoci testujc w naszym centrum UNI-BOXA 9080. Jest to urzdzenie ekstremalnie przyjazne, z dobrze przemylanymi wszystkimi szczegami. To doskonay odbiornik do pokoju dziennego dla caej rodziny, a jednoczenie jego wyjtkowo bogaty zestaw funkcji, stabilne oprogramowanie, a przede wszystkim bardzo szybki Blind Scan czyni go niezwykle interesujcym dla profesjonalnych uytkownikw. Dziki swoje niezwykej funkcji Blind Scan, ten odbiornik zapewni sobie pewne miejsce w naszym laboratorium testowym.

wszystkie funkcje do jakich jestemy normalnie przyzwyczajeni: pauza, przewijanie w przd i w ty z rnymi prdkociami. Oprcz tego mamy te funkcj ogldania z polizgiem w czasie (Time Shift). Pozwala ona spauzowa ogldany program, by po jakim czasie, np. po odebraniu telefonu, wznowi jego ogldanie bez utraty choby fragmentu programu. UNI-BOX 9080 pozwala

nazwa odbiornika, powinien on zapewnia funkcjonalno PVR o ile tylko doczymy do portu USB zewntrzny dysk albo pendrive. Dziki szybkiemu poczeniu USB 2.0 nawet treci wysokiej rozdzielczoci bez mw. zapisywane s najmniejszych proble-

muzyki MP3. Mona przy jego nowe jednoczenie uywa funkcji Time Shift i nagrywa inny kana, ale to wymaga odpowiednio szybkiej zewntrznej pamici. Jej szybko oprogramowanie pokadowe, a take zapisywa wszystkie ustawienia odbiornika. I nie zapominajmy, e oprogramowanie moe by take aktuali-

22 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Zdaniem eksperta
Jako odbiornik kombo - UNI-BOX 9080 odbiera sygna DVB dwoma rnymi drogami. Dwie kieszenie CI i czytniki kart pozwalaj na prac z rnymi systemami kodowania. Oprogramowanie nie spraThomas Haring wio nam adnego kopotu podczas testw. TELE-satellite Test Center W pamici odbiornika mona zapisa do 8000 Austria kanaw. To wystarczajca liczba nawet dla systemw z obrotnicami. Wspierany jest system jednokablowy SCR i wszystkie protokoy DiSEqC. Oba tunery DVB-T i DVB-S2 s niezwykle czue. W trybie DVB-S2 odbiornik wietnie daje sobie rad z sygnaami SCPC i z sygnaami bardzo sabymi. Na szczegln pochwa zasuguje bardzo szybka funkcja Blind Scan.

Distributor Tel. Fax E-Mail Website Model Function Golden Media, Cynextra GmbH Stuttgarter Strae 36, D-73635 Rudersberg +49 (0) 7183 / 30 777-0 +49 (0) 7183 / 30 777-20 info@cynextra.com www.golden-media.net Golden Media UNI-BOX 9080 CRCI HD PVR COMBO Plus Digital HDTV dual tuner PVR receiver with various Features & Blindscan, available tuners DVB-T HDTV, DVB-C, DVB-S/S2 8000 170-230 MHz, 470-860 MHz -70dBm to -8dBm COFDM 2K/8K 950-2150 MHz -65dBm to -25 dBm yes 1.0 / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3 yes yes yes 6x RCA yes no no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no 100-250V AC 50/60Hz 40W max. 300x231x64mm 2kg 0C to 45C

Channel Memory Input range DVB-T RF-input level DVB-T Demodulation DVB-T Input range DVB-S/2 Signal level DVB-S/2 SCPC compatible DiSEqC USALS HDMI output Scart connector Audio/Video outputs Component video output S-Video output UHF modulator 0/12V connector Digital audio output EPG C/Ku-band compatible PVR-function

Fabryczne dane satelitw i transponderw nie byy cakiem aktualne. Programator czasowy ma tylko osiem moliwych zdarze do zaprogramowania.


Apparent Power Active Power

Mode Regular StandBy Active Fast StandBy

Apparent 5W 27 W 25 W

Active 2W 15 W 13 W

Factor 0.4 0.55 0.52

USB 2.0 connector Ethernet E-SATA Power supply Power consumption Dimensions

Pierwsze 15 minut: Standby (normalny); drugie 15 minut: rozruch odbiornika, potem aktywna praca z przeczaniem kanaw, nagrywaniem, odtwarzaniem, itp.; trzecie 15 minut: Standby (szybki).

Weight Operating temperature

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IPTV Operator Software System Part 1

NetUP IPTV Combine 4x & Amino AmiNET130M

Professional software for IPTV operators
Thomas Haring

After having discussed the streaming function of the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x in TELE-satellite issue 10-11/2010 it is now time to have a closer look at all the features required to create a user-friendly OSD (on-screen display) for customers and to help them use all IPTV functions on the one hand, as well as to assist operators in maintaining full control over what type of content is available to end users, and what price they have to pay.

The IPTV Combine 4x was the focus of an in-depth test report in TELE-satellite
issue 10-11/2010.

IPTV Combine 4x from NetUP the core of

the IPTV network presented in this report.

26 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Middleware interface between end user and IPTV network

channels nd their way into the channel list, it creates a user-friendly EPG (electronic program guide) and last but by no means least it packages all information into a neat OSD system on the IPTV receiver. Generally, there are two types of middleware that can

Basic conguration of the IPTV Combine 4x

1. The United Control Center is an integrated feature of the IPTV Combine 4x server and can be directly downloaded from there 2. All IPTV receivers in the network can be provided with software updates from the central rmware update server 3. Various OSD themes (skins) can be created, edited and saved on the IPTV server 4. IPTV operators can decide to have OSD texts translated into any required language 5. A web interface is available to launch, quit and adjust all IPTV Combine 4x services 6. The IPTV Combine 4x boasts 1TB of internal hard disk capacity to store VOD and nVOD content

Middleware is a software solution which takes care of presenting IPTV content in a visually pleasing way to customers of IPTV operators. It makes sure the right

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be used: The more simple version consists of the web server which creates and provides HTML pages and JavaScript applications, which in turn are made available to IPTV receivers which then display all corresponding information on the end users screens. In such a system the middleware takes over the role of

trol as well as marketing. Every time an IPTV network is set up to make money you need extended middleware, such as the IPTV Combine 4x from Russian company NetUP. The receiver component of the NetUP middleware is written in C++, runs directly on the IPTV receiver and therefore allows lag-free use of all features, even in

there is the server end (IPTV Combine 4x Server) which provides all required information. And then there is the client end (IPTV receiver) which receives this information, processes all data and creates a graphic userinterface. As these two components need to work very closely with each other all of the time, middleware and

Main menu of the NetUP middleware

1. United Control Center main menu 2. Thanks to a DNS server all services within an IPTV network can be addressed by name. While IP addresses can be used as well, they are no prerequisite. 3. List of existing TV and radio channels in the middleware 4. Adding a new TV channel complete with logo and station details

web server, while the IPTV box at the client end acts as web browser. While this is a system that can be set up and implemented easily, it does not serve any commercial purpose, as IPTV operators have no billing option and no way of controlling access to content. The second middleware category is more complex, but at the same time more versatile and much more for useful as a business application. It is based on IPTV boxes that are not only capable of displaying received information, but can also communicate with the middleware so that they cannot only create a nice OSD for end users, but also assist in billing, content and cost con-

connection with a high-definition on-screen display, which is an important aspect these days and in particular in future.




IPTV box must be compatible with each other. If the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x is the middleware of choice operators can choose from a number of compatible IPTV boxes. For the purpose of this test report we have selected the AmiNET130M from Amino. All features and congurations of the NetUP IPTV

NetUP Combine 4x middleware consists of two distinct components: For one,

Combine 4x are partly controlled via a web interface which is used to launch, activate, deactivate and set up individual services such as streaming, middleware, VOD, etc. More detailed settings of the middleware, the billing system and the video-on-demand system are accessed through the socalled United Control Center.

28 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

5. Individual channels and their IP data within the IPTV network 6. Various packages with differing content 7. User account administration

We already dealt with the web interface in our rst test report in TELE-satellite issue 10-11/2010, and now we take a closer look at the United Control Center. It is basically a Java application which thanks to this universal programming language can be run on different platforms such as MS Windows, Linux or Apple, where it is used to control the entire content management system. The United Control Center main menu is made up of four elements: billing, middleware, nVOD (near videoon-demand)/VOD and DRM (digital rights management). The last two elements, TVOD (TV-on-demand) and DRM are proprietary solutions of NetUP, which were not part of our test system and which therefore cannot be evaluated in this report. With the a simple click icon on the video-on-demand content) into packages. This allows creating a starter package, for example, which includes only limited content, or an extended package with fullrange content. In order to grasp the underlying logics of the NetUP IPTV system we have to put ourselves in the role of an IPTV operator. This begins with starting to think and act like a commercial operation. As most of us come from terrestrial or satellite reception we are used to the fact that all content is always available to all users. Even if were talking about subscription TV we simply obtain a smartcard and all of a sudden encrypted content is available on screen as well. IPTV is different in a fundamental way: Thanks to direct communication between end user and IPTV operator, complete with return channel, it would be a total waste of resources to send all content to all customers all of the time in the rst place, only to then grant or restrict access (as is the case with terrestrial and satellite TV). Instead, IPTV operators create individual packages for a single customer or a certain group of customers. Lets take a hotel as an example: The hotel owner makes a certain range of basic TV and radio channels available to all guests, the price of which is included in the room rate. Therefore, we use the middleware to group together all required TV and radio channels by letting the system know the corresponding IP addresses and ports after we have congured them via the web interface of the streaming component of the IPTV Combine 4x. In order to simulate a realworld scenario we design a package with three HD channels, three SD channels as well as two radio channels from two different satellites. The IPTV Combine 4x is equipped with a total of four DVB/S2 tuners (see test report in TELE-satellite 10-11/2010) and so we are at liberty to select content from up to four different transponders or satellite positions. We then bundle these


NetUP United Control Center (UCC) opens up access to media groups, media content and media streams. All three to bine items media are intended or comWith add, remove


media groups it is possible to group together different media content (such as TV channels, radio channels or

30 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

8. Different rate plans can be activated and deactivated for each single customer


9. Setting up and editing rate plans 10. Customers are able to get access to individual channels at a set price 11. A currency converter can be used to display amounts in different currencies with the IPTV set-top box


eight channels into a package labelled Basic. Next, it is time to think about making money. To that end, we decide to create two additional packages, one with current movies, and the second with live sports coverage. The procedure is the same as for the Basic package, with conguring the individual TV channels using the web interface of the streaming server, before determining their IP addresses and ports using the UCC. All these steps can be car-

ried out intuitively thanks to the excellent user interface of the United Control Center and the web interface. All options and functions are

more or less self-explanatory, so that its almost impossible to go wrong when setting up the system. Its even possible to add a chan-

nels logo and short station description apart from the channel name, which offers added value to end customers who are able to nd 31

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More on This Manufacturer

Read TELE-satellites Company Report:

their preferred channel more quickly. It goes without saying that the same is true for radio channels as well, and for video-on-demand content which can be stored on the IPTV Combine 4xs internal hard disk. Several hundred hours of video t easily on the built-in 1TB hard disk. Stored content can be added to any package in the same way as a TV channel through the middleware. During special events (for example Olympic Games and the like) individual channels can be added for all to enjoy for a pre-set period of time, after which they will automatically disappear from the channel list again. This allows planning ahead so that hotel staff (in our example) does not have to deal with technical changes and system maintenance under pressure. In our test scenario we are looking at a professional IPTV system in a commercial framework, so that each IPTV channel also has to feature program information. After all, if hotel guests turn on their TV they want to know right away which event they are currently watching and whether or not there is anything on they would be interested in later that day. In order to implement this feature the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x offer two options. First, it is possible to take over program information for streamed channels right from the original provider via satellite, cable or DVB-T. This will also be the most reasonable and practical way to go in most situations. In addition, no additional costs occur. If, however, a TV or radio channel that is streamed over the IPTV network does not supply program information, the IPTV

Combine 4x middleware also allows adding EPG data manually for each channel. When we tried out both features in our test every nook and cranny seemed to work as intended and as smoothly as possible. Now that we have set up all basic functions of our virtual IPTV network we continue with looking at an appropriate billing system for our offering. Simply click on the Billing icon in the United Control Center main menu and youre right where you need to be.

IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia




as on-demand content are available to this guest until all credit has been used up. The IPTV Combine 4x even does currency conversions so that guests can be shown the current account credit in their own currency, if the hotel decides to implement this feature. The nal step is customising the IPTV receiver in the guests room, so that it actually offers and displays all content the guest has paid for and/or is authorised to watch. The obvious way would be using the individual boxs MAC address or serial number, but once again NetUP has gone the extra mile and offers a brilliant feature for generating an activation key for each client on the IPTV Combine 4x server. This activation key has to be entered in the IPTV receiver to obtain access to the IPTV network in the rst place. At the same time, with this key the IPTV becomes an individually addressable and controllable IPTV reception point, no matter where in the hotel it is located. This way the IPTV receiver is sent information about the current guest, the length of his or her stay at the hotel, and any available credit the guest has available. It is

even possible to unlock all channels for 24 hours after the guests arrival and then lock extended channels again hoping guests will want to keep watching the full range and pay for the service accordingly. If guests now choose to watch content that is not available with the free Basic service they may simply use their remote control to select and activate additional content using the in-room IPTV receiver, provided they have bought enough credit at reception beforehand. Any credit used up for such extended content is automatically deducted from their account, with reception being able to monitor all transactions or even assist guests who might prefer to order content via phone rather than working with the IPTV receiver. As far as the NetUP billing system is concerned, we were just as impressed with all its features and ease of use as with the middleware options. Obviously, it takes a little time until you are able to use all tools to the fullest, but after only a short while everything seems as to be easy as ABC and in everyday use youll most probably be in awe at how smoothly the system works.


For the sake of simplicity, lets stick to our idea of a major sports event that should be made available at a hotel through IPTV. Obviously, all IPTV receivers need to be hooked up to the IPTV server for such a distribution network to work. This means that in theory each receiver has access to all of content, unless access is restricted by making use of the return channel capability. The IPTV Combine 4x billing feature is based on the assumption that each customer is entered in the system with his or her full name and has an individual customer account which can be used to activate and deactivate access to certain content on an individual level. In our hotel setting, for example, the Basic package would be available to all guests without extra charge. If hotel guests then decide to watch additional channels or content, they are able to top up their personal account at reception with an amount of their choosing, lets say USD 50. Reception staff uses the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x billing system to add that amount to the corresponding guest account so that additional channels as well

32 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1


12. Every single IPTV receiver across the entire network can be individually addressed and customised as required 13. An activation code is required so that an IPTV box can become a fully authorised member of the IPTV network 14. nVOD content can be easily organised and made available via the UCC OSD of the IPTV receiver


In our rst NetUP IPTV Combine 4x test report we mentioned that the server is equipped with a 1TB internal hard disk with enough capacity to store several hundred hours of video content. The les need to be in transport stream format (MPEG-2 or H.264) in SD or HD resolutions and can be added to packages much like TV channels. If required, different on-demand content can even be offered at different prices. The middleware menu of the UCC is used

VOD Video On Demand and nVOD near Video on Demand


34 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

to administer on-demand content. While video-ondemand is a fully customised service that makes available content individually for every single guest at a time of the guests own choosing, nVOD (near video-on-demand) is a service that repeats certain content at pre-dened times in a loop, so that guests can watch a movie, for example, every full hour. This means that with nVOD guests are not in a position to determine the start time of an event as opposed to true VOD. With nVOD, on the other hand, several guests use the same stream, using up less server and network capacity than true VOD. It makes perfect sense for operators to push nVOD over VOD by offering lower prices for nVOD, for example. The NetUP IPTV Combine 4x supports both nVOD and VOD and the UCC has a dedicated menu item for setting the start and end times of nVOD events. Here, too, we were impressed at how versatile and user-friendly the NetUP system behaves. It didnt take us much longer than a couple of minutes to set up our in-house nVOD system and store a number of current movies on the IPTV Combine 4xs built-in hard disk. The system can process up to 50 simultaneous videoon-demand streams, which means that in large set-ups using nVOD instead of VOD may be a wise move in order not to push IPTV network capacities to the limit. Incidentally, video-on-demand content can be transferred to the IPTV Combine 4x from any PC using an FTP client.

client end is displayed on screen using an OSD system. NetUP provides three OSD skins (themes): HD, SD and simplied SD. IPTV operators can freely choose the skin that best ts their purpose and are able to adjust each of the three skins, if need be. This allows offering several OSD languages, for example, or changing colours and display modes. The creative potential of IPTV operators can be exploited to the max and we, too, simply loved to try out various visual solutions. It has to be said, though, that these settings cannot be made with the help of a graphic user interface but need to be programmed directly in the les of the selected skin. Luckily, the user manual explains all relevant steps in detail, so that it rst looks trickier than it actually is. One of the benets of

software optimised for use in such businesses. Of course it, too, comes with all standard features that are useful for most applications (hospitals, large yachts, cruise ships, education institutions, etc.), but also features additional options focusing on hotels. The hotel version is available as an option and connects the IPTV system to frequently used hotel software suites such as MICROSFidelio, for example. The following additional features are then available: Individual welcome message in room via TV and IPTV receiver Hotel information screen via TV and IPTV receiver Displaying all hotel charges via TV and IPTV Displaying messages from reception via TV and IPTV receiver Express checkout Ordering room cleaning service via IPTV receiver This way hotel guests are not only provided with TV, radio and VOD content via IPTV right in their room, but the in-room TV and IPTV receiver also take over the role of multimedia control panel for most hotel agendas.

edged small IPTV and

With its IPTV Combine 4x NetUP has in store a fullysolution for medium-sized

IPTV networks consisting of up to 500 reception boxes. Our test revealed that only are the range of features, the absolute ease of use and the logical concept of the IPTV Combine 4x truly impressive, but it is actually real fun to work with a system that offers everything you need in everyday use and is genuinely user-oriented. Even though we looked long and hard there was hardly any aspect worth criticising. If there is one point we would like to raise its the user manual, which we would have preferred to be slightly more detailed at some stages. If this is the rst time you deal with IPTV it will be very difcult to set up the IPTV Combine 4x server, even with the help of the manual. Then again, we can safely assume that anyone investing a lot of money in the NetUP system will also be able to afford a technician to take care of the initial setup. Once that is completed it is virtually childs play to control, service and adjust the system.

an IPTV system is that the server is in direct touch with all connected IPTV boxes at all times. This way, updates, changes to OSD skins or any other conguration adjustments that will have to be made from time to time can be sent to all IPTV receivers fully automatically. The NetUP IPTV Combine 4x does not only come with a DHCP server for automatically assigning an IP address to each box, but also boasts a DNS server which takes care of correctly addressing content, a time server for maintaining the right date and time on all IPTV boxes, and an update server for providing new software and updated receiver. There is actually a reason why we have come up with a hotel scenario for our test: NetUP offers a dedicated version of its IPTV Combine 4x for hotels, with optimised settings to IPTV

Manufacturer Fax E-Mail Model Function Tuners Max. simultaneous Transponders Max. bandwidth DiSEqC Ethernet ports CI Slots USB Connector RS232 Dimensions Power Weight Consumption NetUP Olof Palme Street 1, Floor 7 resp. Postbox 87, 119311 Moscow Russia +7 499 143 5521 info@netup.tv IPTV Combine 4x IPTV Gateway for DVB Signals, Middleware, Billing, VoD, nVoD, DHCP-, Time- & DNS-Server 4 4 240 MB/s 1.0 6 x Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000 MB/s 4 yes (2) yes 430x44x411mm 90 ~ 264 Volt, 47 ~ 63 Hz 11.5kg ~ 100W

Customising the IPTV receiver to individual requirements

All user information at the

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TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine



IPTV Operator Software System Part 2

IPTV receiver
Thomas Haring

The back panel sports an HDMI output, optical audio output and network interface as well as USB connection. The box comes complete with a sort of pedestal which you may use in case

Now that were through with the features and potential of the NetUP IPTV Combine 4x server its time to have a closer look at one of the compatible IPTV boxes. We have selected the AmiNET 130M from manufacturer Amino. One of the most striking characteristics is its small size, which measures only 114x102x35 mm, and its solid build quality. The chassis is made of genuine aluminium, which suggests the box is built to last.
All you can see on the front panel is a status LED indicating the current operating mode.

The TELE-satellite website as presented via

the Amino IPTV set-top box


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IPTV receiver OSD

1. Favourites list with EPG 2. EPG overview of all available channels 3. List with IPTV channels 4. Additional channels can be purchased and added by simply using the remote control 5. VOD content by genre 6. Access to personal user account 7. The current channel package can be changed directly on the set-top box using the remote control 8. Customer account overview (credits / debits) 9. A PIN code can be activated to avoid unauthorised access to the IPTV box 10. IP status information 11. Available OSD skins 12. The OSD can be translated into additional languages by the operator, if required 13. Marking an event in the EPG overview for automatic channel switching 14. Listing and editing timer entries 15. Keying in an address in the web browser 16. Favourites list of the web browser 17. Info bar with details about the current event 18. Language selection


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you want or need to place the receiver in an upright position to save valuable space. Also included in the package are HDMI cable and remote control with a convenient design and nicely laid out buttons that provide just the feedback you require. At the time of our test the operating manual was available in Russian only, but even with additional languages provided in future chances are you will never need to open it. This is because contrary to a satellite receiver an IPTV box receives its entire OSD and control interfaces from the IPTV server and requires no user input in this regard. IPTV server takes over the task of setting up your box. All required settings and parameters are provided by the IPTV server, which means they will always be correct. While in theory this almost sounds to good to be true, in actual use the DHCP server of the IPTV Combine 4x must be activated so that each new IPTV box within the existing IPTV network is assigned an individual IP address immediately and automatically. This at the same time makes sure the box is able to receive IP data from the server and its DNS server. So we rst have to activate all required functions via the web interface of the IPTV Combine 4x and dene a range of IP addresses to be assigned to IPTV boxes. Only then can we connect the AmiNET130M to our at screen TV via HDMI and to the IPTV network with an RJ45 cable. Finally, we connect the supplied power unit to the mains. The box powers up, immediately detects the IPTV Combine 4x server and downloads all software elements. One minute later this process is nished and we are asked to key in a valid activation key.





Before we even begin with the rst step we have to discard conventional thinking stemming by and large from satellite receivers. Terrestrial, cable or satellite receivers come complete with pre-set software and all we need to do is hook up all required cables and press the ON button. Its a totally different story with an IPTV box, which runs via middleware and therefore has no integrated default operating software. With the middleware structure an IPTV box connects to the IPTV server which then provides the user software. This is to make sure both IPTV server and IPTV box are perfectly compatible with each other, and it makes setting up a new box so much easier. After all, theres nothing you can do wrong if the


With regard to the IPTV Combine 4x we have mentioned before that the activation key is required to customise the IPTV box and to create a tailor-made channel list, channel availability and billing system for

Everyday use

19. Each channel can be stored with a short station description and channel logo (seen here: Das Erste HD from Germany) 20. Each channel can be stored with a short station description and channel logo (seen here: MBC 4 from Dubai) 21. Changing the rate plan 22. Radio stations can be transmitted as well via the IPTV network 23. Selecting VOD content from the dedicated menu item using the IPTV set-top box software

40 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

each registered customer. As we have already created a specific customer account through the billing feature of the IPTV Combine 4x we can quickly key in the activation code generated by the system. The code consists of a total of six blocks with five digits each. We define did not specifically and every

The Radio section is not shown right below the TV channels section, which presumably is for commercial reasons. We should still like to mention it at this stage, as it is organised just like the TV section. The second menu item deals with Video-ondemand content, which is organised according to name, group or genre. Every available film is shown on the upper area of the screen complete with its title. The screen section dedicated to EPG information in TV mode shows extended information about each video-on-demand (text, cover image, price, etc.). If you decide to buy content you only need to press the OK button, with the price of the film being deducted from your credit. Purchased on-demand content is shown in a dedicated sub-menu that lists all content you have purchased with your available credit. This is also the menu section you may use to select and activate near-VOD content. Thanks to the sheer size of the IPTV server hard disk it is possible to make available quite an impressive range of on-demand content, and a virtual keyboard assists customers in looking for specific content. User-friendliness is the key to success, and with

the solutions provided by NetUP chances are customers will use the on-demand feature more readily. The Personal account section provides access to user data, selected packages and account credit. Here, customers can also upgrade to an extended package or look at all past transactions (credit topup, used credit). With this feature in place customers can change packages, buy on-demand content and keep a check on purchases without requiring assistance from hotel staff (as in our test scenario). This gives customers full control while not wasting valuable staff resources. In the Settings menu it is possible to change OSD language and appearance, and for service technicians to call up information on IP data and other relevant network parameters. The range of features of the AmiNET130M is completed with the Extras section of the main menu. All timer entries can be listed here, and a rather basic but nonetheless very functional web browser is available for surfing the web. To that end a virtual keyboard is shown on screen, and frequently visited sites can even saved onto

a favourites list for easy access at a later stage. During our test we noticed that NetUP has also thought about implementing basic functions in TV, radio and on-demand modes. For example, the colour-coded function keys can be used to change the language of the current event (in case more than one is available), and a smartly designed info bar is inserted in the lower section of the screen every time a new channel is selected. Apart from channel name this info bar also shows program information for the current channel. We were impressed at how quickly a new channels shows up on screen it only takes about one second, and together with very fast reaction to commands sent from the remote control zapping is real fun with the AmiNET130M. During playback of ondemand content it is of course possible to rewind and fast-forward (at different speeds) and pause. A PVR system at large, however, cannot be implemented with the IPTV set-up tested by us.


option for our test environment, so the AmiNET130M first wants to know our preferred skin and presents us with all available OSD languages. As soon as these basic settings are determined the IPTV box switches to the first available channel and TV viewing please is about to begin. With a touch of the MENU button the main menu pops up on screen and is divided into six sections with the skin we have chosen before: TV channels, Radio, Video-on-demand, Personal account,

Settings and Extras. The TV channels section shows a list of all TV content available to the respective customer. If required, individual entries can be added to a favourites list for quick access. EPG data is available either for a single channel or as an overview so that it is easy to check at a glance what is currently shown on available channels. It is of course possible to call up EPG data for events on coming days, and timer entries can be created directly by marking an event so that the box will automatically switch to the corresponding channel before that event starts. The system we tested, however, does not support a PVR feature for selecting events to be recorded.

42 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

As far as security and access cerned chasing code. control either are the conentire be

IPTV box or only the purfunction can blocked by way of an access

The fectly capable

AmiNET130M and

IPTV well-

box from Amino is a perbuilt IPTV box. Contrary to DVB-S, DVB-T and DVB-C reception IPTV boxes come

without default software, which means our conclusion covers the Amino box as the hardware component on the one hand, and NetUP as software provider on the other hand. To put it short, the Amino hardware leaves nothing to be desired. Whats more, the build quality achieved by Amino surpasses that of many competitors and easily sets an example when it comes to workmanship. The same goes for the remote control

that comes with the IPTV box. Apart from its highquality appearance it can also be used as a universal remote to control all currently available TV panels who could ask for more? Thanks to the fact that server and receiver are in perfect harmony the IPTV box is in a brilliant position for exploiting all features provided by the IPTV Combine 4x. In particular, we appreciated the simple

and logical control of the box which should be selfexplanatory even to the technologically challenged. If you add to that the complex control module of the IPTV server for business applications the two are a perfect match. With a whole range of customisable settings the IPTV Combine 4x together with the AmiNET130M should to the trick for almost any scope of application.


Apparent Power

Mode Apparent Active Factor Reception 11.4 W 6W 0.52

Active Power

Active use with channel switching and watching live TV during the first 15 minutes, standby during the second 15 minutes.

Manufacturer Amino Technologies, Buckingway Business Park, Anderson Road, Swavesey, Cambridge CB24 4UQ, United Kingdom +44 (0) 1954 234 101 info@aminocom.com AmiNET130M IPTV Set-top-Box yes (HDMI 1.2a with HDCP) no no no no yes (optical) yes no yes MPEG-2 MP@HL, MPEG-4 pt10 A, VC/H.264 HP@L4 up to 720p and 1080i 5V DC 114x102x35mm 262g

Fax Email Model Function HDMI connector Scart connector Audio/Video output analogue YUV output S-Video output Digital audio output Ehternet WLAN USB connector Codecs Video resolutions Input Voltage Dimensions Weight

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Powielacz kart

Powielacz Kart Clone+

Proste dziaanie, niesamowite moliwoci

Prosta dystrybucja PayTV w caym domu Do omiu odbiornikw z jednej karty Wspiera liczne systemy Cecha specjalne: moliwe dwa rne systemy PayTV
W przecitnym domowym gospoliczba darstwie telewizorw cigle wzrasta. Pierwszy pojawia si w pokoju dziennym, nastpny w pokoju dzieci, potem w sypialni, a nawet kuchni. I ju trudno znale pomieszczenie, gdzie jeszcze nie ma telewizora. Jeszcze kilka lat temu, kiedy nie bya jeszcze znana technologia HDTV, wystarczyo

Clone+ Cardspli tter Simple distributio n of two PayTV pro viders to as many as eig ht rec eivers in the household

02-03/201 1

nik i sygna z niego rozprowadza albo kablem po albo caym bezprzewodowo

domu do pozostaych telewizorw. Byo si ograniczonym do ogldania jednego kanau w danej chwili na wszystkich telewizorach, ale za to niewiele trzeba byo wysiku aby stworzy tak instalacj. Kiedy do gry wesza HDTV, widzowie zapragnli ogldania

mie jeden centralny odbior-

46 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

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swoich ulubionych kanaw w najwyszej moliwej jakoci. I tu pojawi si problem. HDTV nie mona byo rozprowadza przy pomocy kabla koncentrycznego, ani przez system bezprzewodowy. Za kable HDMI czce odbiornik z telewizorem nie mogy by dusze ni kilka metrw. Dla przecitnego to domu rujcych dodatkowe karty, ale to oczywicie pociga za sob dodatkow opat miesiczn i jest raczej wyjtkiem ni regu. Kocowy uytkownik staje przed dylematem: czy zapaci za kilka subskrypcji na patn TV rozwizanie, stanowice dla wikszoci nym nadajnikiem klientw nansowy i psychologiczny problem, bo kto lubi paci podwjnie, czy potrjnie za t sam usug, czy te rozejrze si za innym rozwizaniem. System rmy Clone+ polskiej oznaczao konieczno systemu
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Available online starting from 28 January 2011

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systemami cw.



Clone+. Jeeli na wczonym w system odbiorniku wejdziemy na kana kodowany, karta odbiorcza skomunikuje si z serwerem nadawczym Clone+ i otrzyma niezbdne dane kana. W ten sposb korzystajc tylko z jednej karty kodowej PayTV moemy na omiu odbiornikach odbiera rne kanay kodowane. Zasig deszyfrujce pozwalajce zdekodowa wybrany



e w takich systemach byy defekty programistyczne i na przykad dziaay one tylko z jednym systemem kodowania. Ewentualnie, ich procesor nie miewa do mocy aby obsugiwa jednoczenie wiele kart na raz. W zestawie Clone+ jaki otrzymalimy bya nadawcza jednostka centralna oraz dwie karty odbiorcze. Moglimy zacz od razu. Sekcja nadawcza wbudowana jest w porczn, bardzo eleganck, czarn obudow o wymiarach 2,5 x 9,9 x 11 cm. Na pycie przedniej natychmiast rzuca si w oczy szczelina czytnika kart, a z tyu jest zcze USB i gniazdo do podczenia zasilacza DC, ktry jest oczywicie doczany do zestawu. W grnej pokrywie umieszczono pi diod LED pokazujcych aktualny stan urzdzenia oraz jako sygnau radiowego.

posiadania przy kadym telewizorze osobnego odbiornika. Dystrybucja sygnau satelitarnego do wielu odbiornikw jest prosta o ile ograniczamy si do ogldania telewizji bezpatnej, czyli kanaw niekodowanych. Ale co z telewizj patn (PayTV)? Niestety, nie wyglda to dobrze. Operatorzy PayTV zazwyczaj udostpniaj



Electronics stanowi rozwizanie wanie tego dylematu. System dziaa nastpujco: oryginaln kart od operatora PayTV wkada si do jednostki czytnika kart z wbudowanym ginalnych umieszcza karty nadajnikiem. kodowych specjalne (moliwe

W odbiornikach zamiast orykart si

klientowi tylko jedn kart kodow, a w takim przypadku treci kodowane mog by odbierane i dekodowane tylko w jednym odbiorniku. Jest kilku operatorw PayTV, ofe-

nadajnika wewntrz budynku wynosi zaledwie 30 metrw, zatem operator PayTV nie powinien si martwi, e jego kanay bd ogldane przez nielegalnych uytkownikw. Kiedy system Clone+ dotar do centrum testowego TELE-satelity zastanawialimy si jak dobrze bdzie ten system dziaa, zwaszcza w porwnaniu z istniejcymi ju od pewnego czasu na rynku


jest podczenie do omiu boksw), ktre komunikuj si bezprzewodowo z central-

Interfejs Twin Slot

pozwala oglda kanay patne pochodzce od dwch rnych operatorw, z dwoma rnymi karatami kodowymi.

48 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Karty odbiorcze wykonano take z czarnego plastyku i wyposaono w sze maych diodek statusu, ktre rwnie potra pokazywa si sygnau i stan urzdzenia. Z powodu niezbdnej sekcji PYCH Electronics rekoodbiorczej i potrzebnego menduje podczenie sekcji nadawczej do komputera z MS Windows przy pomocy kabla USB i cignicie i zaadowanie najnowszej wersji oprogramowania jeszcze przed pierwsz instalacj systemu. Podobnie jak cae dziaanie Clone+, rwnie i ta operacja przebiega prosto i bez jakichkolwiek problemw. Jak tylko system zostaje podJest to wada wizualna, ktr producent wzi pod uwag i z tego powodu oferuje opcjonalnie tzw. Soft Interface. Wwczas posugujemy si kart standardowego formatu, ktra mieci si cakowicie w czytniku odbiornika albo moduu System Clone+ moe dziaa w dwch trybach A i B, kady z wasnym rmwarem. Tryb A to normalny tryb pracy dla Clone+. Tryb B jest trybem zwikszonej ktry komuywa patybilnoci, czony do PC, a oprogramowanie zainicjowane, z serwera producenta aduj si przez internet aktualne sterowniki. Nastpnie s automatycznie instalowane i aktywowane. nadawczej, dziki czemu producent moe nie tylko udoskonala dziaanie swojego systemu, ale take dodawa nowe systemy kodowania.

miejsca na elektronik przetwarzajca odbierany sygna, karty te s troch dusze ni standardowe karty kodowe. Wkada si je do czytnika kart odbiornika albo moduu CI, ale najprawdopodobniej nie uda nam si wtedy zamkn klapki na pycie czoowej

odbiornika czy moduu CI.




klapki. Elektronika karty jest teraz oddzielona i poczona z ni pojedynczym cienkim kablem. Soft Interface nie by czci pakietu jaki otrzymalimy do testw, nie moglimy zatem sprawdzi jego dziaania.

si tylko wtedy, gdy mamy problem z kart kodow. W naszych testach wyprbowalimy bardzo rne karty

System Clone+ jaki otrzymalimy do testw zawiera adapter na dwie karty kodowe w sekcji nadawczej, pozwalajcy stosowa karty od dwch operatorw powielane nastpnie a na osiem odbiornikw. Wicej na ten temat potem. System Clone+ zaimponowa nam. Zaczona instrukcja obsugi dostarczya szczegowych informacji na temat instalacji i obsugi zestawu. Znale w niej mona praktycznie odpowied na kade pytanie. Doczona pyta CD i kabel USB mona wykorzysta do aktualizacji oprogramowania pokadowego sekcji

kodowe i okazao si, e nie trzeba byo przecza si na tryb B. Transfer najnowszego oprogramowania odby si automatycznie bez najmniejszych problemw i trwa zaledwie kilka sekund. Po nia zakoczeniu uytkownikowi nie pozostaje procesu kocowiele

aktualizacji wemu


do roboty - system jest tak prosty w ustawieniu i konguracji. Pierwszy krok to woenie karty kodowej PayTV do szczeliny w sekcji nadawczej, a nastpnie zaczenie zasilania. System Clone+ automatycznie rozpoznaje system kodowania uywany przez

1. Po jednym klikniciu sekcja nadawcza systemu Clone+ automatycznie ciga z serwera producenta najnowsz wersj rmwareu i instaluje je w urzdzeniu. 2. Standardowy tryb pracy A odpowiedni dla wikszoci kart PayTV. 3. Tryb zwikszonej kompatybilnoci B stosuje si dal takich kart, dla ktrych tryb A nie zadziaa. W naszych testach nie byo potrzeby uruchamia tego trybu pracy. 4. Nawet sterowniki do MS Windows cigaj si i instaluj automatycznie podczas aktualizacji oprogramowania. 5. Soft Interface pozwala elegancko zamkn klapk zasaniajc kart kodow na przedniej pycie odbiornika.

50 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

kart, sczytuje kilka innych parametrw i ustawia odpowiednio karty odbiorcze.

dioda ganie i wieci si tylko dioda Ready. Jest to niezbdny krok do

Po wykonaniu tego zadania w naszym przypadku trwao to jak sekund zapala si dioda Ready co oznacza gotowo sekcji nadawczej Clone+ do pracy. Pozostaje tylko skonfigu-

wykonania, gdy tylko w taki sposb karta odbiorcza moe zosta przygotowana i aktywowana do pracy. Jeli zdecydujemy si zmieni kart kodow, cay proces trzeba powtrzy, poniewa kady system kodowania i kada karta wymagaj innych ustawie. W naszych testach karty odbiorcze byy programowane i staway si gotowe do pracy w czasie okoo omiu sekund. Po zakoczeniu tego procesu dla wszystkich kart odbiorczych jakie zamierzamy uywa, oryginaln kart nie w czytniku kart sekcji nadawczej. Karty odbiorcze natomiast wkadamy do kadego odbiornika albo moduu CI, jaki chcemy uywa. W tym momencie system jest w peni zainstalowany i gotowy do pracy. Po podaniu zasilania do kart odbiorczych przez odbiornik lub modu CI, nawizywana jest czno z sekcj nadawcz systemu Clone+. Sia sygnau wskazywana jest przez diody LED na kartach odbiorczych, jak i na sekcji nadawczej. Zapalenie si diody Link na karcie odbiorczej oznacza, e udao si jej pomylnie nawiza czno z sekcja nadawcz systemu Clone+. Mona ju cieszy si nieprzerwanym ogldaniem kanaw kodowanych na wielu odbiornikach. Wedug producenta system jest kompatybilny z systemami Conax, Cryptoworks, Irdeto, Seca MediaGuard i Viaccess. testw Podczas naszych zweryfikowalimy Stabilno cza radiowego budzi uznanie. Zalenie od typu budynku mona uzyska zasig do 30 metrw. Na zewntrz zasig ronie nawet do 150 metrw, cho 100 metrw wydaje si bardziej realistyczn wartoci, przy zaoeniu braku przeszkd terenowych midzy odbiornikiem i nadajnikiem. System Clone+ jest niewraliwy na ruter WLAN i inne 51 wsppracoway z systemem Clone+. odbiorcze, Producent przesa nam w sumie trzy karty wyprbowalimy zatem trzy odbiorniki: dwa ze zczami CI i jeden z wbudowanym czytnikiem kart. Karty odbiorcze umiecilimy w moduach CI i w czytniku kart odbiornika i zaczlimy surfowanie po kanaach patnych. Bez wzgldu na to, jak mocno systemu si staralimy, nie udao si nam zakci pracy Clone+. Dekodosi wanie na wszystkich trzech odbiornikach bez odbywao najmniejszych problePayTV umieszcza si ponow-

rowa karty odbiorcze. Aby to zrobi usuwa si oryginaln kart PayTV i wkada w jej miejsce po kolei kad z kart odbiorczych. Na karcie odbiorczej zaczyna miga diodka Upgrade co oznacza, e na kart wgrywane s wszystkie potrzebne ustawienia. Kiedy proces si koczy,

mw czy przerwa. I nie miao adnego znaczenia, czy by to kana SD, czy HD.

to z wieloma kartami kodowymi. Nawet karty najnowszej generacji znakomicie

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temami kodowania. Ale nasze obawy szybko si rozwiay! System Clone+ z interfejsem Twin Slot poradzi sobie z dwoma systemami bez najmniejszych problemw. Take i teraz ciga zmiana kanaw i korzystanie z trzech kart odbiorczych nie byo w stanie sprawi systemowi kopotu. Mielimy naprawd du
Manufacturer Phone Fax Email Model

(takie jak suchawki) i funkcjonuje bez zarzutu. Sprawdzilimy to ustawiajc ruter WLAN na najwiksz moliw moc i umieszczajc go tuz przy systemie Clone+. W tym samym czasie uywalimy dwch zestaww suchawek bezprzewodowych. Kropk nad i powinna by moliwo pracy z dwoma rnymi kartami kodowanymi na raz czyli tzw. Twin Slot Interface. Wyprbowalimy t funkcjonalno uywajc karty austriackiego operatora ORF (system Cryptoworks) i Szwajcarskiego cess). SRG (ViacpowaPocztkowo

Zdaniem eksperta

Niewiarygodnie prosta obsuga i niezawodne dziaania plus moliwo stosowania dwch rnych kart kodowych rwnoczenie. Znikomy pobr mocy systemu Clone+, tylko 1,2 W.
Thomas Haring TELE-satellite Test Center Austria

Nie wspierane s systemy kodowania Nagravision i NDS Videoguard.

satysfakcj testujc system Clone+ rmy PYCH Electronics. To system wyranowany i pracuje bezbdnie w systemach kodowania wyspecykowanych przez producenta. Jest tak prosty w instalacji i uytkowaniu, e poradzi sobie z nim kady uytkownik. Diody statusu na kartach odbiorczych i w sekcji nadawczej pokazujce aktualny status systemu to cenne narzdzie na wypadek problemw.

Pych International Electronics Sp. z.o.o.ul. Lipkowska 21, 04-801 Warsaw, Poland +48 22 2442831 +48 22 2442847 cok@pychinternationalelectronics.com Clone+ Irdeto, Seca Mediaguard, Viaccess, Cryptoworks, Conax 8 outdoor: max. 150m indoor: 30m RF 868-915 MHz, BW 150 kHz, GFSK, NRZ 38.4 Kbps variable from -20 to 5 dBm 9-12V DC ~ 1.2W

Supported CAS systems Max. receivers Max. distance Transmission band Transmitter power Power supply Power consumption

nie obawialimy si czy obie karty mog pracowa rwnolegle zwaszcza, e system Clone+ musiaby pracowa z dwoma cakiem rnymi sys-

52 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1


IPTV Standard OIPF

The New IPTV Standard OIPF

Yun Chao Hu is president of the Open IPTV Forum. He
discussed the future of the OIPF standard with TELEsatellite during the rst OIPF workshop held in Asia.


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OIPF is the new global standard for Internet TV OIPF is already in use in Singapore and Taiwan The new standard incorporates existing technologies and specications OIPF has the same specications world-wide, making it THE standard for Internet-based TV applications
It was exactly four years ago, in March 2007, that ve telecom heavyweights founded the Open IPTV Forum, with major players such as Sony, Samsung, Philips and Panasonic, but also with telecom companies focusing mainly on the Internet, like France Telecom, AT&T and Telecom Italia. Added to that were corporations from the mobile sphere, such as Ericsson or Nokia Siemens Networks. What started with nine founding members has meanwhile grown to 66 OIPF member companies, all of which have dened a single goal: to establish a uniform global standard for TV services via Internet (IPTV) and stimulating a horizontal retail market for IPTV end devices. On the journey to this goal the challenge does not lie in video and audio transmission more than enough established standards are used for that already. The tricky part is interactivity and personalization, as that is the main distinguishing feature of IPTV when compared with terrestrial or satellite reception. In the past, each IPTV provider seemed to do its own thing, developing applications and technologies that best t its particular purpose. IPTV had become a playground for unregulated proprietary developments, and that is exactly what hindered further growth. Software engineers and hardware manufacturers were having a hard time trying to incorporate as many of these diverging developments as possible, which at the same time meant too much energy had to be wasted on developments and technologies that would simply come and go. Yun Chao Hu is the president of OIPF, and we had the pleasure of meeting him during an OIPF workshop in China. There is a solution in sight, he states. A uniform standard that is accepted and implemented by all players and that establishes a level playing ground for all interested parties. The challenges that come with creating the new OIPF standard are twofold: For one, there is no need to start from scratch again and re-invent something that is already available at our ngertips. Rather, existing standards should be the foundation onto which the new OIPF standard is being built. Secondly, all applications that arise from IPTV interactivity need to be integrated into the open standardized application enablers. The OIPF specications will address the necessary application enablers that will be the basis for an open application ecosystem securing transparency towards the IPTV application developers. This will ensure that the application development will be independent of the IPTV middleware and the specic IPTV end-devices. The increased availability of IPTV applications will enrich the end user Quality of Experience of the standard based IPTV deployments, Yun Chao Hu adds. Interactivity does not only mean that end users i.e. TV viewers select the channel they want to watch from a list of offerings by using a remote control to send a request to the provider. Theres way more to it. The OIPF standard creates a log with information about which channel is currently being watched, how many times a new channel is selected and at what time channels are switched. This way a user prole with a precise viewing pattern can be created to provide valuable information for advertisers and content providers. Commercials can be inserted at a time that creates most viewer attention and a whole range of offerings can be tailor-made to maximise their effect. In order to collect the required data there needs to be an established and uniform standard across platforms. Whats more, the OIPF standard denes how advertisements and other offers are transmitted to the viewer. As you can see, simply watching TV is already based on a rather complex technological structure. If we now consider pay TV or pay-per-view both of which also have to be implemented in the OIPF standard it becomes plain for all to see that establishing a new standard involves overcoming a great many stumbling blocks. And then theres the Internet, which offers even more possibilities, according to OIPF marketing director Monika Gadhammar: Interactive EPG, video calling, chatting, le sharing, online voting, mobile TV and the like are only some of the applications that can be real55

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Monika Gadhammar is marketing

manager of OIPF. Here she can be seen in front of a presentation of all current Open IPTV Forum member companies.

ised. To give you an example: If a phone call comes in while you are watching TV the callers number and name will pop up on the TV screen. If you decide to accept that call the system automatically starts PVR recording so that you are able to continue watching after hanging up, without missing a single second. This just goes to show that the list of possible applications is virtually endless. Major landline phone companies and Internet service providers are free to implement as many features as they think fit, and thats one of the major draw cards of the new OIPF standard. Yet, all these features that are made available to consumers are only one side of the coin. The other is the fact that all features need to be implemented at the providers end and the OIPF is the right answer for that as well. OIPF president Yun Chao Hu adds that OIPF is already being used in large-scale test set-ups. Theres the NIMS project in Singapore, and another one in Taiwan. Both make sure OIPF can make the quantum leap from developers playground to real-world application. OIPF is right on track to becoming a reality of TV viewers in the future! More information available at: www.oipf.tv For the latest technical specifications have a look at: www.oipf.tv/specifications.html

OIPF in Mobile Use


executives are given a tool for coordinating appointments while on the go.

OIPF also

incorporates specifications for TV via mobile phone networks.


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List of All Current OIPF Member Companies

The New IPTV Standard

OIPF provides the IPTV market with open end-2-end IPTV specications OIPF includes most IPTV stakeholders OIPF stimulates a go-to-market drive from the IPTV industry
Open IPTV Forum 650, Route des Lucioles F-06921 SOPHIA-ANTIPOLIS Cedex France 58
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Tel: +33 4 92 94 43 83 Fax: +33 4 92 38 52 90 Email: contact@oipf.tv Website: www.oipf.tv

A Look Behind the Scenes:

The New OIPF IPTV Standard in The Making

This modern ofce

complex in northwestern Berlin (Germany) houses the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute. A range of other well-known telecom providers also rent ofce space here. The Fraunhofer FOKUS institute participates in exhibitions as well and can be found exhibiting at the CeBIT in Hanover, IFA in Berlin, IBC in Amsterdam and IPTV World Forum in London.

One of the strong technical partners of the Open IPTV Forum is FraunhoferGesellschaft from Germany, which has been looking at IPTV since 2005. We wanted to learn more about their approach to that topic and met with Robert Seeliger, the OIPF project manager at Fraunhofer. He occupies an ofce on the fourth oor of a recently built ofce complex in northwestern Berlin (Germany). Yet, its not only Fraunhofer 60

which is renting ofce space at this building, but also other well-known businesses from the telecom eld. One of them is Media Broadcast, a satellite broadcaster on which TELE-satellite reported only recently in issue 08-09/2010. We started out with asking Robert Seeliger about the nature of FraunhoferGesellschaft. Naturally, he can ll us in with all the details: Fraunhofer-Gesell-

schaft employs a technical workforce of 17,000 and generates an annual turnover of 1.7 billion EUR. Were not talking about a commercial company here, but rather an association with an exclusive focus on technical research. Some 30% of Fraunhofers budget are received from the German state, with the remaining 70% being generated from commercial corporations with all sorts of manufacturers. Some monies also come from the

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Graduate engineer

Robert Seeliger is OIPF project manager at the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute in Berlin. Here he shows the institutes website on his monitor. Apart from the new OIPF standard FOKUS also looks at another interesting development: a universal operating system that can be implemented in mobile phones, set-top boxes, TV sets and so on. You can nd out more about that project at www.webinos.org.

receivers. To this end we use the CEHTML programming language, Robert Seeliger explains. Its the same language that is also used for HbbTV, for example. CE stands for consumer electronics and is perfect for calling up and displaying media content.

What is CE-HTML?
HTML is the programming language used to create web pages. You do not have to be an accomplished expert to realize that the web pages you surf on with your PC or a laptop are not so easy to navigate when displayed on the TV screen and handled with a remote control. There are several things that make reading and navigating them difcult: - sometimes simply the font is too small to be read from a distance by a regular TV viewer - they often require a mouse action or keyboard entry rather than the directional arrows and OK button that the regular remote control units have - they lack a highlight that show the user what will happen when he/she presses the OK button - they use different audio/video object implementations - they use specic extensions like Adobe Flash that require more software and more powerful hardware to be used than is available in popular consumer electronics equipment Therefore, the manufacturers of consumer electronics products decided to create a special version of HTML and called it CE-HTML. More precisely, CE-HTML is based on XHTML and has additional extensions. The pages created with CE-HTML are well suited to be viewed from a distance and be controlled with 4 arrows and an OK button. CE-HTML can be used to create the regular (online) pages but also to create the user interface screens of the CE devices you use at home, like digital TV receivers. Additionally, CE-HTML simplies interfacing of various multimedia devices you use at home. We can say that thanks to such standardization efforts like CE-HTML, the development of new CE equipment is faster and simpler, and the compatibility between different brands and models is better. CE-HTML is already incorporated in CEA-2014, HbbTV, OpenIPTV and Digital Living Network Alliance industry standards. There are already TV-sets on the market which are CE-HTML compatible.

European Unions research funds. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is divided up into different institutes. We currently run 57 institutes, each of which does research on a specic eld, Robert Seeliger goes on. One of the institutes caries the name FOKUS, which is the German acronym for Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems. FOKUS consists of seven departments and one of these departments is FAME, short for Future Applications and Media, with a permanent staff of 40 employees. The FAME department within FOKUS deals with the new IPTV standard. It is headed by Dr. Stefan Arabnowski, with Robert Seeliger running the project group that looks at OIPF. Altogether we are 15 scientists, Robert Seeliger explains, which means employees with a degree in either software development or engineering. Their work consists mainly of looking at technological niches

and developing solutions for them. IPTV has been around for some time, which means huge efforts have already been put in doing research in this eld, Robert Seeliger continues. Our job is to dene gaps that are still around and then combine all aspects to arrive at a point where all the pieces of this puzzle fall into place. By the way, this particular Fraunhofer institute can proudly look back on an extremely successful Internet development: We were the ones to come up with the Session Initiation Protocol that is being used for VoIP, Robert Seeliger reveals and lends further proof to the fact that Fraunhofer scientist are spot on when it comes to developing solutions that are required in a real-world scenario. One task on the path to the new OIPF standard is to design a HTML-based user interface for implementation in IPTV

Several monitors and boxes in the lobby of the Fraunhofer FOKUS institute display applications
that were developed at the institute.


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Producent boksw IPTV Jiuzhou, Chiny

Jiuzhou radykalnie zwiksza produkcj boksw IPTV

Produkcja skrzynek IPTV moe osign milion sztuk w roku 2011 Jiuzhou zaczyna z boksami HbbTV dla Europy Wielcy detalici wanie rozpoczynaj sprzeda skrzynek IPTV W 2011 roku Jiuzhou wemie udzia w 10 najwaniejszych targach na wiecie
Wielki chiski producent rma Jiuzhou jest doskonale znana naszym czytelnikom. Firma powstaa w Syczuanie i istnieje od 1958 roku. W 2008 obchodzia 50-lecie swojego istnienia (patrz TELE-satelita, wydanie 02-03/2008). W 2009 rozszerzya dziaalno na HDTV, a w 2010 hitem bya cyfrowa telewizja naziemna. Na rok 2011 Jiuzhou planuje wykonanie duego kroku w stron rynku IPTV. Planowane wskaniki produkcyjne robi wraenie. Huang Wei, Dyrektor Sprzeday Jiuzhou odkrywa przed nami plany rmy na 2011 rok. Wpierw jednak, Dyrektor Sprzeday Huang Wei zabiera nas na ma wycieczk w przeszo: Pierwsze boksy IPTV zostay wyprodukowane w Jiuzhou ju w roku 2007; wwczas wyprodukowano ich okoo 20 000 sztuk i byy to skrzynki wycznie do IPTV. Wielko produkcji stopniowo rosa. W roku 2010 wyprodukowalimy 60 000 odbiornikw, cignie Huang Wei. Niemniej, 2011 zapowiada si zupenie inaczej: Wyprodukujemy co najmniej 200 000 sztuk, a moe nawet dojdziemy do jednego miliona. Wszystko zaley od obecnie prowadzonych negocjacji z wieloma sieciami sprzeday detalicznej w

Dyrektor Sprzeday Huang Wei,

oprcz innych zada odpowiada te za rozwj, sprzeda i marketing boksw IPTV.

Jiuzhou constructed an impressively large

building in Shenzhens High-Tech Park. The engineers are here continuously working on new products currently theyre mostly occupied with IPTV.

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Jimmy Zhang jest

V-ce Managerem Marketingu i zajmuje si globalnym marketingiem settop-boksw.

Ameryce Pnocnej, a take w Europie. Powd wspomniane sieci sprzeday s wanie w procesie stawania si operatorami telewizji IP!

To niezwykle ciekawe zjawisko. Naturalnie, nadawanie przez internet stwarza nowe moliwoci. Do dotychczasowych doczaj nowi operatorzy, ktrzy do tej

pory nie byli zainteresowani t usug i nie zamierzali wkracza na teren transmisji naziemnych, czy satelitarnych. IPTV jest stosunkowo prost technologi do nadania sygnau wystarczy przecie tylko serwer z bramkami IP. Jeszcze waniejsze jest to, e klient nie potrzebuje ju instalowa anteny. A niemal kade gospodarstwo domowe ma ju dostp do internetu.

Specjalistce Marketingu Zoe Liu

graka z TELE-satelity wydaa si tak interesujca, e powiesia j sobie na ciance dziaowej.

66 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

1. Widok na biuro inynierskie IPTV. To tutaj powstaje oprogramowanie IPTV. 2. Tu sprawdza si funkcjonalno na egzemplarzach testowych. 3. A oto V-ce Manager Yongyun Zhang. Odpowiada za zesp R&D IPTV, liczcy dwudziestu inynierw.

68 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Dzia Marketingu Zamorskiego Jiuzhou. Trzecia od prawej stoi Linda Lee. Od roku 2006

nieprzerwanie wsppracuje z Redaktorem Naczelnym TELE-satelity Alexandrem Wiese (za Lind Lee), starajc si by marka Jiuzhou stawaa si coraz bardziej rozpoznawalna w sektorze cyfrowej TV dziki obecnoci na amach magazynu TELE-satelita. Cakiem po prawej stronie widzimy Yanga - projektanta graficznego Jiuzhou. Regularnie aktualizuje on ogoszenia Jiuzhou ukazujce si na tylnej okadce kadego nowego wydania TELE-satelity.

Wielkie korporacje, ktre preferuj nie tylko sprzeda towarw w swoich sieciach, ale take sprzeda usug, nie chc przepuci takiej okazji. W przypadku IPTV, kompanie takie mog nie tylko oferowa kanay TV, ale take niezbdne odbiorniki. Dla producentw takich jak Jiuzhou jest to ogromna szansa na pokazanie swoich kompetencji w wielkoseryjnej, masowej produkcji odbiornikw. Firma jest w stanie zapewni korporacjom dostawy odpowiedniego sprztu elektronicznego. Huang Wei dumny jest z tego, e Jiuzhou prowadzi w tym wycigu. To, e Jiuzhou jest tak dobrze przygotowane do gry rynkowej, wynika czciowo z tego, e od duszego czasu dostarcza boksy IPTV na rynku krajowym dla China Telecom. Yongyun Zhang jest zastpc kierownika i odpowiada za zesp R&D liczcy 20 inynierw. Wyjania nam: Na rynek chiski dostarczamy boksy z oprogramowaniem IPANEL. Na innych rynkach, oprogramowanie bdzie dopasowywane do lokalnych potrzeb.

Zesp R&D nie bdzie mia problemu z opracowaniem odpowiedniego oprogramowania. Rzecz jasna, nasz klient otrzyma wszystko, czego sobie zayczy, owiadcza Yongyun Zhang. Dyrektor Sprzeday Huang Wei ma dla nas wicej informacji: W roku 2010 50% naszych boksw trafio na rynek lokalny w Chinach; 40% popyno do Ameryki Pnocnej, a 10% wysalimy do innych krajw azjatyckich. To zmieni si radykalnie w roku 2011. Produkcja lokalna spadnie do 30%, za Ameryka Pnocna podskoczy do 50%. 15% naszych produktw trafi do Europy, za pozostae 5% do Azji. Takie plany na 2011 jasno pokazuj jak szybko ronie rynek pnocnoamerykaski, a take, e rynek IPTV startuje take w Europie. Huang Wei kontynuuje: Jiuzhou ma swoje biuro w Dallas w Teksasie, w ktrym szeciu pracownikw przygotowuje sprzeda naszych produktw na Ameryk Pnocn. Jimmy Zhang, V-ce Manager Marketingu dodaje co interesujcego na

temat rynku europejskiego: Wkrtce rozpoczniemy produkcj skrzynki hybrydowej z DVB-S2 i HbbTV, jak te jej wariant z DVB-T i HbbTV. Bd one dostpne w Niemczech i we Francji, gdzie HbbTV jest ju w uyciu. Pniej trafi one take do innych krajw. Jiuzhou jest cakowicie zdecydowane poszerza nowy rynek w skali caego wiata. Firma bazuje nie tylko na swoim wieloletnim dowiadczeniu w produkcji odbiornikw, ale take na wyjtkowej ekspozycji midzynarodowej. Linda Lee z Dziau Marketingu Zamorskiego zdradza nam w jakich midzynarodowych targach zamierza wzi udzia Jiuzhou w roku 2011: Bdziemy na CSTB w Moskwie, CABSAT w Dubaju, NAB w Las Vegas, ANGA w Kolonii, IBC w Amsterdamie, ABTA w San Paulo, a dla rynku lokalnego w CCBN w Pekinie. Ponadto jako wystawca pojawimy si na wystawach Canton Fair i Hongkong Electronics Fair. To daje nam wiele moliwoci spotkania si z zespoem Jiuzhou, zapoznania si z ich palet produktw i obejrzenia nowych boksw IPTV i HbbTV. Jiuzhou pokazuje, e nawet dojrzaa firma moe pozosta mod jeli nieustannie stawia czoo nowym wyzwaniom!

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Producent miernikw cyfrowej TV Trimax, Chiny

Nowe produkty Trimaxa

Nowo Trimaxa: analizator sygnau HDTV z monitorem HDTV Wejcie w nowe obszary biznesu, takie jak wiatowody Samodzielna produkcja od 2008 roku


Znakiem rmowym Trimaxa s atwe w obsudze analizatory sygnau z wbudowanymi monitorami, ktre nie tylko pozwalaj instalatorowi ustawi system satelitarny, ale take daj moliwo pokazanie ywego obrazu odbieranego kanau satelitarnego. A jak wiadomo obraz jest wart tysica sw. Trimax wanie poszerza swoj gam analizatorw i oferuje tunery dla DVB-C i DVB-T. Pracuje nawet nad CI+. Spotykamy si z Jerrym Chu, Managerem Generalnym Trimaxa, w centrali w Shenzhen by dowiedzie si czego wicej. Zaoyem Trimax w roku 2001 wraz z

partnerem, Timem Heinrichsem z USA, Jerry Chu odnosi si do przeszoci, A wczeniej byem Dyrektorem Sprzeday u producenta odbiornikw. Chcia jednak realizowa swoje wasne koncepcje i dlatego zaoy z partnerem Trimax. Trimax oznacza sprbuj na maksimum (ang.: try maximum), innymi sowy, zawsze staraj si najlepiej jak umiesz, Jerry Chu wyjania znaczenie nazwy rmy. Pocztkowo Trimax by dilerem: Szukaem i znajdowaem producentw w Chinach, a mj partner w USA, Tim

Jerry Chu jest Managerem

Generalnym rmy Trimax produkujcej analizatory sygnau. Widzimy go w jego biurze w Shenzhen w Chinach.

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Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 .................................. 50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

Heinrichs, sprzedawa produkty przez nich wytworzone. Wwczas Trimax koncentrowa si na odbiornikach satelitarnych, konwerterach i multiprzecznikach. Jednak w 2006 roku Jerry Chu mia interesujce dowiadczenie. Jego przyjaciel z USA wynaj mieszkanie w Shenzhen i poprosi Jerrego o pomoc w ustawieniu anteny satelitarnej, tak aby mg odbiera kanay anglojzyczne. Wyposaony w profesjonalny analizator sygnau satelitarnego Jerry Chu zacz ustawia anten. Wkrtce jednak pojawia si frustracja. Posugiwanie si przyrzdem byo bardzo skomplikowane. Wtedy zawitao mu co w gowie: Powinienem opracowa i wprowadzi na rynek prosty w uyciu analizator sygnau.

Pierwsza prbka produkcyjna PCB nowego

analizatora sygnau HDTV rmy Trimax. Na jej bazie ju wkrtce pojawi si na rynku midzynarodowym analizatory HDTV z wymienn gowic sygnaow.

W roku 2007 Production Certicates Jerry Chu wynaj RoHS, FCC, DVB Main Products inyniera prograSignal Analyzer with built-in Monitor for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T and DVB-C mist, ktry opracowa mu pierwszy analizator sygnau z www.TELE-satellite.com/... wbudowanym monitorem. Wkrtce Download this report in other languages from the Internet: pojawio si wicej Arabic www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/ara/trimax.pdf Indonesian Indonesia www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/bid/trimax.pdf pracownikw. Dzi German Deutsch www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/deu/trimax.pdf Trimax ma ich dwuEnglish English www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/eng/trimax.pdf nastu. Tego samego Spanish Espaol www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/esp/trimax.pdf roku Trimax zaofeFrench Franais www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/fra/trimax.pdf rowa analizator Hebrew www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/heb/trimax.pdf na rynku. W roku www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/man/trimax.pdf Chinese Polish Polski www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/pol/trimax.pdf 2007 byo to niePortuguese Portugus www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/por/trimax.pdf cae 1000 sztuk, ale Russian www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/rus/trimax.pdf ju w 2008 sprzeTurkish Trke www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-1103/tur/trimax.pdf dalimy ponad 10 Available online starting from 28 January 2011 000 sztuk, mwi z dum Jerry Chu wspominajc pocztki, Naszym najlepPrzez pierwsze dwa lata analizaszym rokiem by 2009, w ktrym sprze- tory sygnau byy produkowane przez dalimy 12 000 analizatorw. zewntrznego producenta, ale w 2008 roku Jerry zacz wasn produkcj: Pracowao tu 20 pracownikw przy produkcji analizatorw sygnau. Trimax produkuje dla dystrybutorw, jak rwnie dostarcza swoje produkty jako OEM. 80% naszych analizatorw sygnau sprzedajemy pod wasn mark Trimax, a pozostae dostarczamy jako OEM, wyjania Jerry Chu.

0.................................. 1 ..................... 2 Mio US$

TELE-satellite World

Pierwsze analizatory sygnau w roku 2007 byy prostymi modelami DVB-S, ale ju w 2008 roku wypuszczone zostay modele majce generowane programowo analizatory widma. W 2009 wprowadzony zosta model z analiz widma w czasie rzeczywistym, a w roku 2011 jak mwi nam Jerry Chu: Wprowadzimy model HDTV! W momencie publikacji tego wydania TELE-satelity, pierwsze modele bd ju dostpne i to z wymiennymi tunerami: Oferujemy tuner do kadego zastosowania DVBS2, DVB-C, i DVB-T. Uytkownik moe atwo samemu docza i usuwa gowice. Oprogramowanie automatycznie wykrywa aktualnie podczony tuner. To niezwykle ekscytujce rozwizanie. Wkrtce TELE-satelita przedstawi raport z testw tego przyrzdu. Niedugo te na rynku pojawi si wersja z CI+: Oprogramowanie jest gotowe, czekamy na prbki produkcyjne, opowiada Jerry Chu. Trimax zapowiada wicej nowoci: Niedawno zawarlimy porozumienie o wsppracy z rm Hillton Optoelectronics, ktrej centrala mieci si niedaleko od nas. Trimax planuje wypuszczenie produktw optycznych dla systemw CATV i operatorw kablowych, poniewa przyszo naley do wiatowodw.

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TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


Ale to jeszcze nie wszystko! W 2011 roku Trimax uruchomi zupenie nowy dzia produktw: analizatory formaldehydw. W USA przepisy wymagaj pomiarw tych wielkoci, wyjania, Mamy ju podpisany z nimi spory kontrakt. Jerry Chu i jego partner rozwijaj rm w dwch kierunkach: rozszerzenie segmentu analizatorw o pomiary chemiczne oraz rozwinicie produktw w stron wiatowodw. Oba te sektory biznesu s jeszcze w powijakach i dlatego wietnie nadaj si dla modej, penej energii rmy. Obaj partnerzy najwyraniej trzymaj si znaczenia jakie niesie ze sob nazwa ich rmy!

William jest Prezesem Hillton Optoelectronics.

Trimax wsppracuje z t rm w dziedzinie produktw wiatowodowych. Prezes William wskazuje tu jedno z profesjonalnych urzdze przeznaczonych do zastosowa w rozlegych sieciach kablowych i mwi: Przy pomocy naszego systemu moemy zagwarantowa usug Triple Play dla od 500 do niemal 10 000 uytkownikw. W tym systemie koszt wyprodukowania z wyczeniem instalacji wynosi mniej ni 200,00 USD na jedno podczone gospodarstwo domowe.

Schemat wiatowodowego systemu Hillton

Optoelectronics. Trimax opracowuje mniejsz wersj systemu do zastosowa w mniejszych sieciach.

74 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1


Producent odbiornikw SKYWORTH, Chiny

Futurystyczna centrala

SKYWORTH ulokowana jest bezporednio przy bulwarze Shennan, gwnej ulicy przecinajcej Shenzen.


SKYWORTH rozwija si
76 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Jednym z wikszych producentw odbiornikw w Chinach jest SKYWORTH. Firma nieustannie si rozwija, a w 2010 roku udao si jej w fenomenalny sposb wej na rynek poudniowoamerykaski. Chodzi o wielki kontrakt z rzdem Argentyny na dostaw 400 000 odbiornikw dla naziemnej telewizji w standardzie ISDB-T, ktry znaczco zintensyfikowa aktywnoci produkcyjne SKYWORTH. Wszystkie odbiorniki zostay ju wysane, dowiadujemy si od Jacka Jianga, Dyrektora Sprzeday dywizji odbiornikw W SKYWORTH. Oficjalna nazwa firmy brzmi Shenzen SKYWORTH Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
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Jacka Jianga spotykamy w futurystycznych pomieszczeniach centrali SKYWORTH w Parku Wysokich Technologii Shenzen. Przedstawia nam kolejne osignicia swojej rmy: Europa oraz Bliski Wschd, wczajc w to Turcj, s dla nas wielkimi rynkami zbytu, odkrywa Jack, w roku 2010 sprzedalimy tam p milina odbiornikw, a spodziewamy si podwojenia sprzeday w tym regionie w roku 2011. Istnieje powd dla takiego optymizmu. Wystarczy popatrze na rodzaj odbiornikw tam sprzedawanych. Na Bliskim Wschodzie wci istnieje duy potencja wzrostu dla odbiornikw HD. Wedug Jacka Jianga, 70% odbiorni-

kw sprzedanych na Bliskim Wschodzie w roku 2010 byo modelami DVB-S SD, a tylko 25% stanowiy modele DVB-S2 HD. Wyniki pokazuj, e rynek odbiornikw HD w tym regionie nie rozwin si jeszcze w peni. Pozostae 5% stanowiy odbiorniki typu twin. Jack Jiang opowiada dalej: Do tej pory na Bliskim Wschodzie tylko Iran wprowadzi ocjalnie telewizj DVB-T. SKYWORTH dostarcza odbiorniki OEM DVB-T MPEG4 dla lokalnego partnera w Iranie. Do Iranu wysalimy ju tysice sztuk, a SKYWORTH przewiduje znaczcy wzrost w dostawach w roku 2011. Wrmy jednak do Ameryki Poudnio-

wej. Nasz pierwszy odbiornik ISDB-T wysalimy do Brazylii w roku 2009, wyjania Jack Jiang, natomiast w roku 2010 byo to ju 30 000 odbiornikw OEM dla naszego partnera w Brazylii. SKYWORTH spodziewa si, e liczby te wzrosn w 2011 roku, poniewa coraz wicej krajw w Ameryce Poudniowej rozpoczynaj regularne nadawanie naziemnej TV w standardzie ISDB-T. Ameryce Poudniowej moemy zaoferowa trzy rne modele: standardowy boks ISDB-T, boks ISDB-T z middlewarem Ginga, pozwalajcym na dostp do interaktywnych treci programowych, jak te boks typu combo ISDB-T plus
1. Jack Jiang, Dyrektor Sprzeday SKYWORTH 2. Widok na due biuro otwarte, gdzie pracuj inynierowie rozwoju oprogramowania


OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0............................ 1250 .............................. 2500

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0........................... 1.250 ................. 250 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Main Products

Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, ISDB-T with single, twin and combo tuner, Receiver Sticks for USB, SCART in DVB-S and HDMI in DVB-S2
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Arabic Indonesian German English Spanish French Hebrew Chinese Polish Portuguese Russian Turkish Indonesia Deutsch English Espaol Franais Polski Portugus Trke


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Available online starting from 28 January 2011

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78 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

DVB-S2. SKYWORTH jest dobrze przygotowany na dostawy odbiornikw dla tego nowo powstajcego rynku! Skoro ju jestemy przy tym temacie, jak wyglda sprawa nowych produktw DVB? Jack Jiang nie zwleka z odpowiedzi: Ostatnio wprowadzilimy odbiornik DVB-S2 z HDTV w wariancie CI+. W TELE-satelicie pojawi si wkrtce raport

z testw tego odbiornika. W momencie gdy bdziecie czyta ten artyku, SKYWORTH odnotuje kolejne osignicie: Wprowadzimy na rynek patyk HDMI dla DVB-S2 oczywicie z funkcjonalnoci PVR wyjania Jack Jiang. SKYWORTH ma ju sporo dowiadcze z odbiornikami w postaci stickw - w wydaniu 04-05/2010 TELE-satelity

przedstawilimy odbiornik w postaci patyka, ale do podczania do gniazda SCART. By on naturalnie przewidziany na standardow rozdzielczo. Dla HDTV trzeba podcza si do HDMI. A w trzecim kwartale 2011 roku zaoferujemy take HbbTV, dodaje Jack Jiang, wyliczajc najnowsze produkty SKYWORTH. Zastpca Generalnego Managera David Ken ma dla nas wicej informacji. Mamy 2500 pracownikw, mwi David Ken, z ktrych 400 to inynierowie w dziale R&D. Istotne dla sukcesu SKYWORTH jest wspieraniu swoich klientw. Dziewiciu inynierw w dziale wsparcia technicznego jest nieustannie dostpnych dla naszych klientw, aby natychmiast rozwizywa ich potencjalne problemy z odbiornikami.
1. Jakie problemy techniczne? Wystarczy tylko wysa email do zespou wsparcia technicznego SKYWORTH. Tu widzimy Rocka Cai. Jest on kierownikiem dziewicioosobowego zespou inynierw zapewniajcego wsparcie klientom. Rock daje nam pojcie jakiego typu problemami zajmuj si jego ludzie: Hardware zazwyczaj funkcjonuje bez zarzutu. Kiedy pojawiaj sie problemy, zazwyczaj dotycz oprogramowania. Przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy jest ciga aktualizacja oprogramowania. Wikszo problemw mona rozwiza przez aktualizacj oprogramowania, wyjania Rock Cai, ktremu jak dotd udao si rozwiza kady problem. 2. SKYWORTH wprowadza obecnie odbiornik z CI+. Gong Yangno, widoczny na zdjciu, odpowiada za rozwj techniczny. Kieruje grup 22 inynierw pracujcych nad oprogramowaniem CI+.

80 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

W tym przypadku, klientami nie s finalni uytkownicy, ale wielcy dystrybutorzy i partnerzy, pod mark ktrych sprzedawane s odbiorniki OEM SKYWORTH. Niezwykle istotne jest bezbdne funkcjonowanie odbiornikw, gdy tylko w takim przypadku mog oni z sukcesem funkcjonowa na rynku. Jeli chcielibymy dowiedzie si

wicej na temat odbiornikw SKYWORTH, moemy spotka si z Zastpc Generalnego Menadera Davidem Kenem i Dyrektorem Sprzeday Jackiem Jiangiem na jednej z wielu wystaw targowych. Jack Jiang wylicza targi, w ktrych SKYWORTH bdzie uczestniczy w roku 2011: Bdziemy na CABSAT w Dubaju,

SET w San Paulo, IFA w Berlinie, ANGA w Kolonii, IBC w Amsterdamie i targach jesiennych w Hongkongu. W ten sposb pojawia si wiele moliwoci bliszego poznania linii produktw SKYWORTH i przedyskutowania sposobu dostaw. Dziki innowacyjnym produktom i szerokiej wiedzy know-how, klienci SKYWORTH wiedz, e s w dobrych rkach!

1. Wong Wei odpowiada za oprogramowanie odbiornika ISDB-T dla Ameryki Poudniowej. Kieruje czterema inynierami pracujcymi nad ISDB-T. 2. Pyta czoowa poudniowoamerykaskiego odbiornika ISDB-T. 4. Do sprawdzania odbiornika ISDB-T SKYWORTH korzysta si z monitora TV. Widzimy w menu ekranowym wybr kraju. Lista ograniczona jest do tych krajw Ameryki Poudniowej, ktre zaadoptoway standard ISDB-T.

Odbiornik SKYWORTH ISDB-T dla Ameryki Poudniowej

www.TELE-satellite.com 02-03/201 1

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine



Producent kart PC Tenow, Chiny


82 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Tenow zakada nowe biuro na

drugim pitrze tego nowego kompleksu biurowego w Parku High-Tech w Shenzhen. W nowym biurze Tenwo zyska moliwo wzrostu.

Innowacyjne karty PC z Chin

Tenow z Shenzhen w Chinach to moda rma cakowicie nastawiona na rozwj swoich produktw. Produkuje ona karty dla PC, cho sama produkcja jest zlecana na zewntrz, co pozwala Tenowowi skupi si na rozwoju i marketingu. Warto wiedzie, e Tenow to rma kierowana przez czterech partnerw, pracujcych wsplnie nad dalszym rozwojem modego przedsibiorstwa. Tenow wanie zakada nowe biuro w wielkim Parku High-Tech w Shenzhen. Wizyt zoylimy im jeszcze w starym biurze mieszczcym si bezporednio przy stacji Shen Da pierwszej linii metra.

Czterej partnerzy Tenowa zaoyli

form w roku 2005. Od lewej strony do prawej stoj: Richard Zhang, Bob Liu, Eric Deng i James Liu.

Dwaj z zaoycieli, James Liu, odpowiedzialny za marketing i Bob Liu, odpowiedzialny za oprogramowanie, spotkali si na studiach na Uniwersytecie Wuhan. Dwaj pozostali partnerzy, ktrzy wczeniej pracowali u producenta odbiornikw, to Richard Zhang, odpowiadajcy za Dzia Sprztu i Eric Deng zwizany

z oprogramowaniem. Wszyscy czterej powoali rm do ycia w 2005 roku wykadajc kapita zaoycielski o wartoci 500 000 RMB (okoo 50 000 Euro). Tenow dziaa wwczas jako rma komercyjna. DVB-T wanie zaczynao by popularne, a rma zajmowaa si

dystrybucj chipw dla lokalnych producentw w Shenzhen. Pniej jako rma projektowa, Tenow zacz dostarcza producentom kompletne aplikacje. Jeden z sukcesw dotyczy palcw USB DVB-T. Tenow opracowa aplikacj, ktr kupi lokalny
TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine

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PC Card Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 12 .................................. 25
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 1.5 .....................3 Mio uro

Production Certicates

Main Products

PC-Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C with single, dual and quad tuner, CAM Box for DVB-S2, USB-Stick for DVB-S/S2, DVBC and ISDB-T

TELE-satellite World
Arabic Indonesian German English Spanish French Hebrew Chinese Polish Portuguese Russian Turkish Indonesia Deutsch English Espaol Franais Polski Portugus Trke


Download this report in other languages from the Internet:

Available online starting from 28 January 2011

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1. Irene Jiang odpowiada za sprzeda zagraniczn. 2. Susanna Zhao odpowiada za sprzeda zagraniczn. Mwi po angielsku i po niemiecku. 3. Lucky Lu jest inynierem programist. Aktualnie pracuje nad aplikacj dla DVB-T2.

producent i wprowadzi palce jako kompletne produkty na rynek. To zlecenie okazao si punktem zwrotnym dla czterech zaoycieli. Postanowili zreorganizowa swj model biznesowy. Zamiast projektowa rozwizania dla innych producentw, ktrzy pniej cignli proty ze sprzeday produktw, czterej partnerzy zdecydowali si tworzy wasne projekty, zleca ich produkcj, ale dystrybuowa je pniej samemu. W owym czasie dla Tenowa, palce DVB-T byy ju produktem przebrzmiaym. Ceny w tym segmencie rynku byy ju zbyt niskie aby warto byo kontynuowa jego rozwj. Trzeba byo wpa na nowy pomys. Poszukiwania nie trway dugo. Pod koniec 2006 roku pojawia si karta PCI do odbioru DVB-S sprzedawana pod mark Tenow. Potem co roku pojawiao si co nowego: w roku 2007 nowa karta PCI DVB-S2,a pniej w 2008 nadszed

czas na zcze PCI Express. Najpierw bya karta DVB-S2, a pniej podwjna karta DVB-S2 w 2009 roku, ktra TELE-satelita opisa w wydaniu 12-01/2011. Ale teraz mamy rok 2011 i czterej partnerzy odkrywaj wszystkie swoje atuty. W momencie gdy to wydanie tra do waszych rk pojawi si cay wysyp innowacyjnych kart PC i boksw przeznaczonych do podczania do laptopw: CAM Box z DVB-S2 z chipem ST0903 karta PCIe 4xDVB-S2 z chipem CX24117 karta PCIe 1xDVB-T2 z gowic Samsunga karta PCIe 2xDVB-T2 profesjonalna karta PCIe z chipem ST0900 wspierajcym VCM/ACM/CCM i wejcie wielostrumieniowe W drugim kwartale 2011 roku powinnimy ujrze: podwjna kart PCIe 2xDVB-S2 i 2xCI Szczeglnie smakowity ksek dla satelitarnych DX-manw pojawi si w trzecim kwartale 2011 roku:

karta PCIe 4xDVB-S2 na chipie NXP 10074 Jej niezwyko bdzie polega na tym, e chip ten pozwala wykrywa transpondery (blindscan)! Bob Liu, odpowiedzialny za Dzia Oprogramowania, odkrywa przed nami nastpne ciekawostki dotyczce blindscanu: Nasz CAM Box z chipem ST0903 ma funkcj wykrywania transponderw, tak jak nasza karta z chipem ST0900. Ale dla owcw przekazw i DX-manw dopiero NXP 10074 zapewnia cakowicie kompletne rozwizanie funkcji blindscan. Inynier Rozwoju Oprogramowania Eric Deng wchodzi w szczegy: Nasz grup docelow dla kart 4xDVB-S2 s dostawcy IPTV. Potrzebuj oni jednoczesnego odbioru z tylu rde ile tylko

84 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

reszty wiata, w tym do Ameryki Pnocnej. W samej Europie, 40% to sprzeda do Niemiec i Anglii za pozostae 20% w krajach takich jak Polska, Francja, Wochy i Szwecja. Manager Marketingu James Liu dodaje co jeszcze: Wanie zakadamy biuro w Soi, w Bugarii. W ten sposb zyskamy bezporedni dostp do Europy i uatwimy sobie dystrybucj towarw. To nowe biuro to nie bdzie tylko magazyn, ale take biuro sprzeday na Europ, skd Tenow bdzie wspiera swoich europejskich klientw. Rzecz rwnie wana dla Bob Liu: Nasze biuro w Soi bdziemy wykorzystywa jako centrum testowe dla naszych kart PC. Bdziemy mogli sprawdza osigi naszych kart na rzeczywistych sygnaach satelitarnych. Oddzia w Bugarii

1. Steven Liu jest take inynierem programist i pracuje nad aplikacj DVB-S2. 2. Tenow zleca produkcj na zewntrz, ale kontrol jakoci ukoczonych produktw prowadzi sam. Tu widzimy inyniera Zhanga testujcego prbki produktw.

moliwe. Jednoczenie nasza karta z chipem ST0900 dedykowana jest na rynek profesjonalny. Wspiera CCM, ACM, VCM i wejcie wielostrumieniowe wymagane przy profesjonalnych aplikacjach do cigania danych z satelity. Z tyloma nowymi produktami, ktre albo wchodz, albo bardzo niedugo wejd na rynek, Tenow pokrywa praktycznie wszystkie potencjalne potrzeby. Zapytalimy jednak jak powodzio si Tenowowi na pocztku dziaalnoci. Manager Marketingu James Liu zarysowuje nam sytuacj: W naszym pierwszym roku, tj. 2005, ledwie zdoalimy pokry nasze wydatki. Zyski zaczy si pojawia od 2006 roku wykonalimy sprzeda na poziomie 5 milionw RMB (okoo 500 000 Euro). W roku 2010 sprzeda signa 20 milionw RMB (okoo 2 miliony Euro). Na rok 2011 spodziewamy si sprzeday na poziomie 30 milionw RMB (czyli 3 milionw Euro). Inynier Oprogramowania Bob Liu podaje liczb pracownikw na przestrzeni lat: W roku 2005 byo nas tylko czterech zaoycieli, w 2006 zatrudnilimy dwch pracownikw, a teraz w 2010 mamy 18 pracownikw. W tym czterech inynierw programistw, trzech managerw sprzeday, jedn osob w ksigowoci i trzy w administracji. W ich nowym biurze zyskaj sporo

dodatkowego miejsca, wic Tenow bdzie mg urosn nawet do 40 osb. Jeli bliej przyjrze si palecie produktw Tenowa, mona zauway, e rma koncentruje si na DVB-S2 i DVB-T2. Inynier sprztu Richard Zhang potwierdza: DVB-C nie odgrywa znaczcej roli; wolumen sprzeday jest niewielki. Irene Jiang, odpowiedzialna za sprzeda zagraniczn, opowiada nam jak ona si ksztatuje: 80% naszej sprzeday mamy w Europie, 15% na Bliskim Wschodzie, a pozostae 5% traa do przewidziany jest na pi osb, trzy z nich bdzie odpowiada za region sprzeday, za dwie za sprawy sprztu i oprogramowania wsppracujc z biurem gwnym w Shenzhen. Mody zesp Tenowa zdoa ju zapisa na swoim koncie wiele imponujcych sukcesw i to w zaledwie kilka lat. Dziki aplikacjom stworzonym wasnymi siami, a przede wszystkim dziki innowacyjnym produktom, ktrych dotd nie byo na rynku, rma bez problemu zwiksza swj udzia w rynku midzynarodowym.

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Tenow to rma prywatna i zdumienie budzi fakt jak czwrka tak modych ludzi potraa cile ze sob wsppracujc, zdoaa rozwin swoje przedsibiorstwo nie tylko w zakresie nowych opracowa, ale take w zdobywaniu udziau w rynku. Jeli chcecie spotka czwrk z Tenowa, wybierzcie si po prostu na ANG w Kolonii, w Niemczech. Bd tam prezentowa swoje najnowsze produkty i chtnie spotkaj si z nowymi dilerami i dystrybutorami. Tenow to znakomity przykad rmy, ktra wie jak projektowa produkty, ktrych wanie oczekuje rynek. Sztuka polega na tym aby nie wchodzi na rynek zbyt pno, kiedy redukcje cen ju si zaczy, lecz promowa swj produkt wtedy, kiedy popyt zaczyna si dopiero tworzy.

Najnowsze produkty Tenow

1. DVB-S2 CAM Box do podczenia do laptopa. Pozwala oglda na laptopie kanay patnej TV. 2. Operatorzy IPTV czekaj zwaszcza na t kart: poczwrna karta DVB-S2; pozwala rwnoczenie odbiera cztery rne satelity. 3. Karta do odbioru DVB-T z wejciem/wyjciem IEC. 4. Profesjonalna karta do odbioru danych. Ten produkt bd wybiera operatorzy oferujcy ciganie danych przez satelit. 5. Przy pomocy tej gowicy Samsunga mona odbiera dwa(!) kanay DVB-T2 rwnoczenie.

5 1

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Producent odbiornikw OEM Globalsat, Chiny

Miliony odbiornikw z Globalsata

Globalsat otwiera nowy zakad produkcyjny w Zhuhai (na zachd od Shenzhen) Zdolno produkcyjna 8 milionw sztuk rocznie Ponad 100 inynierw w R&D Nowy multimedialny odbiornik w drugim kwartale 2011 Sprzeda pod wasn mark od 2012 roku Wyniki sprzeday podwoj si w 2011 roku
Z nowym zakadem produkcyjnym, ktry podejmie prac w chwili kiedy to wydanie TELE-satelity dotrze do kioskw, chiski Globalsat rozpoczyna ofensyw roku 2011 na polu produkcji wysokiej klasy odbiornikw. Mowa o odbiornikach dla satelitarnej TV, naziemnej TV oraz IPTV. Eksport tych produktw do Europy i obu Ameryk to jedna z pozycji na licie celw ekspansji. Aby to osign, Globalsat chce podwoi swoje zdolnoci produkcyjne z obecnych czterech milionw boksw rocznie do omiu, jakie bd maksymalnie moliwe w nowym zakadzie produkcyjnym. Alvina Suna, Dyrektora Sprzeday i Marketingu w Globalsacie spotkalimy w jego biurze w Shenzhen i poprosilimy o wicej szczegw na temat tego co wanie ma miejsce. Globalsat zaoony zosta w roku 2004 przez Mika Miao wraz z grup inwestorw i partnerw,

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To budynek China Youse na

Bulwarze Shennan, gwnej ulicy przecinajcej Shenzhen, przy ktrej siedziby swoje ma wiele rm zwizanych z cyfrow TV.

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w tym Managerem Sprzeday Alvinem Sunem, Managerem R&D Sprztu Ianem Wu i Managerem R&D Oprogramowania Beanem Zhou. W pierwszym roku wyprodukowano 210 000 sztuk, z ktrych wikszo dostarczono jako produkty OEM na Bliski Wschd. A do roku 2008 Bliski Wschd stanowi podstawowy rynek zbytu, ale pniej rma zaoya zesp sprzeday dla Europy. Koncentrowalimy si wwczas gwnie na Niemczech, Anglii, Wochach, Turcji, a take Rosji i Ukrainie, mwi Alvin Sun, Sprzedawalimy skrzynki sateli-

tarne OEM i odbiorniki DVB-T lokalnym dystrybutorom. Kolejny region doszed w roku 2009. Przyjcie standardu naziemnej telewizji ISDB-T w Brazylii otworzyo dla Globalsata ogromny rynek. Dla Australii rwnie powsta w Globalsacie specjalny zesp sprzedaowy dla promowania biznesu DVB-T. Globalsat to przede wszystkim rma projektowa. Wszyscy czterej wspzaoyciele byli wczeniej zatrudnieni w podobnego typu rmach robicych odbiorniki. Na

pocztku 2004 roku pracownikw byo szeciu; w 2005 ju ponad 20 a w roku 2010 liczba ta przekroczya 200. Alvin Sun tak to komentuje, Poowa naszej zaogi, w sumie 100 inynierw pracuje w Dziale Rozwoju. Ich gboka kompetencja w oprogramowaniu przejawia si w imponujcej liczbie umw o wspprac. Globalsat projektuje aplikacje dla niemal kadego producenta chipw,w tym: NXP/CONEXANT, BROADCOM, ST, FUJITSU, NATIONAL CHIP i SAMSUNG. Globalsat to producent OEM, ktry

Mike Miao jest zaoycielem Globalsata. Opracowuje strategi rmy i

nieustannie dostosowuje rm do przyszych wyzwa. W cigu zaledwie kilku lat da rad rozwin rm od fazy raczkujcej do ligi producentw wielomilionowych. Teraz zdecydowany jest wprowadzi j do najwyszej klasy wysokiej jakoci wytwrcw.


Receiver Mass Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0.............................. 125 ................................ 250

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 75 ................. 150 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Main Products

Receiver for HDTV and SDTV in DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-C, ISDBT, HD+, CI+ and HbbTV, Multimedia Receiver, IPTV Boxes, Media Player

TELE-satellite World
Arabic Indonesian German English Spanish French Hebrew Chinese Polish Portuguese Russian Turkish Indonesia Deutsch English Espaol Franais Polski Portugus Trke


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wytwarza produkty pod mark lokalnych dystrybutorw. Biznes dla operatorw, czyli boksy dla dostarczycieli pakietw programowych nie byy do tej pory czci ich biznesowej strategii. To si zmieni. Mamy ju licencj na Conaxa, Crypton i Xcrypt, a pracujemy nad uzyskaniem licencji od Nagry, Irdeto i NDS, wyjania Alvin Sun. Globalsat ma ju licencje na HDMI, CI+, Macrovision, Dolby i WMV. Wkrtce uzyska na DTS i DivX. To uczyni Globalcasta w peni gotowym do produkcji na ten rynek. Alvin Sun rozwija temat: W roku 2010 sprzedalimy mniej ni 5% naszych produktw operatorom programowym. W roku 2011 spodziewamy si zwikszy ten udzia do 15%. Prezes Mike Miao wprowadza nas w dugofalow strategi: Dotychczas zlecalimy produkcj na zewntrz, ale teraz majc wasny zakad produkcyjny bdziemy w stanie zaoferowa produkty o jeszcze wyszej jakoci zgodne ze wszystkimi niezbdnymi standardami. Mowa tu przede wszystkim o standardach RoHS i ISO, a take normach bezpieczestwa FCC, UL i CE. Jak ju zakad bdzie w peni uruchomiony, a sta si

Alvin Sun jest w Globalsacie Dyrektorem Sprzeday i Marketingu. Jest take jednym z partnerw

zaoycieli. Pokazuje nam model telewizora 3D, ktry jest obecnie rozprowadzany na rynku krajowym pod ich wasn mark SVC. Sdzi, e produkt ten mgby by eksportowane, ale na razie Globalsat koncentruje si na eksporcie swoich odbiornikw HD i multimedialnych wytwarzanych we wasnej fabryce. Globalsat wytwarza take na rynek lokalny telewizory LED i LCD.

Sharon Yan pracuje

przy biurku recepcji i wita wszystkich goci umiechem.

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to ma w poowie roku, Glabalsat bdzie mg gwarantowa spenienie wymaga wszystkich standardw i znajdzie si w elitarnym gronie wysokiej klasy producentw. Sprzeda, ktra w roku 2010 wyniosa okoo 80 milinw dolarw, dziki nowemu zakadowi powinna si prawie podwoi. W roku 2011 spodziewamy si sprzeday na poziomie 150 milinw USD, prognozuje Mike Miao. Globalsat dalej bdzie dziaa jako producent OEM. Nie tracie czasu na szukanie odbiornikw z logo Globalsata. Moe w roku 2012 zaczniemy z odbiornikami pod wasnym znakiem, zdradza Dyrektor Sprzeday i Marketingu Alvin Sun. Globalsat pracuje nad Super Odbiornikiem. Powinien ukaza si w drugim kwartale 2011 roku i bdzie wyposaony w podwjn gowic DVB-S2, sekcj odbiorcz IPTV, przegldark internetow i, co szczeglnie ekscytujce, w grak 3D, a take gry, wsparcie dla WiFi i oczywicie PVR. Ta ostatnia funkcja pozwala te bdzie rejestrowa oryginalny sygna. To uczni boks kompatybilnym z HD+ i CI+. Trwaj prace nad HbbTV. Zesp testowy TELE-satelity nie moe si doczeka pierwszych odbiornikw testowych. Jak tylko je dostaniemy, natychmiast je wam przedstawimy. Zesp sprzeday podaje nam liczby opisujce geograczny podzia sprzeday. W 2010 roku 70% caej produkcji cigle jeszcze wysyane byo na Bliski Wschd, 15% do Europy i Ameryk. W roku 2011 pojawi si istotna zmiana: Bliski Wschd, ktry od momentu zaoenia rmy by dla niej podstawowym

Josie Yang jest w Globalsacie

Managerem Marketingu. Stoi na tle wystawy ciennej prezentujcej produkty OEM wytworzone przez Globalsata.

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rynkiem, ulegnie dalszej redukcji do okoo 50%, Europa podskoczy do 30%, Ameryka Poudniowa do okoo 15%, a pozostae 5% trafi do Ameryki Pnocnej. W przypadku Ameryki Poudniowej bd to gwnie boksy ISDB-T, a dla Ameryki Pnocnej Globalsat skupi si na IPTV i odtwarzaczach multimedialnych. Globalsat wyznaczy sobie wysokie cele na rok 2011: Planujemy wyprodukowa od siedmiu do omiu milionw odbiornikw, a take 500 000 telewizorw i 20 000 analizatorw sygnau, wylicza Alvin Sun. Bdzie to moliwe dziki ich nowej fabryce dedykowanej

do wytwarzania wysokiej klasy produktw na rynek europejski i pnocnoamerykaski. W ten sposb znacznie powiksz swj udzia na rynku producentw OEM. Globalcast mona bdzie spotka na niemal kadych targach tej brany. Manager Marketingu Josie Yang przedstawia nam zamierzenia: W roku 2011 Globalsat wemie udzia w CES, CSTB, CABSAT, CCBN, ANGA, SET, IBC, a take KDTC wiosn i na jesieni. Nie ulega wtpliwoci, e Globalsat jest na kursie wznoszcym. Pierwotny plan produkowania niedrogich skrzynek

Jeszcze nie jest gotowy, ale ju niedugo ten

budynek produkcyjny zaludni si pracownikami. Administracja te si do niego przeprowadzi. Budynek zlokalizowany jest w Zhuhai na zachd od Shenzhen, naprzeciwko Makao.

na rynek bliskowschodni zastpowany jest produkcj wysokiej jakoci boksw dla wymagajcych klientw w Europie i Ameryce Pnocnej. Firma Globalsat wanie stawia duy krok naprzd na swojej drodze rozwoju przechodz od bycia producentem niedrogich skrzynek do producenta wyrobw wysokiej jakoci wyposaonych we wszelkie funkcje jakich wymagaj wspczeni klienci. Pogratulowa dalekowzrocznej strategii!

Jeden z wielu nowych produktw Globalsata odbiornik kombo ISDB-T + DVB-S2 HD, model o nazwie IS1-19HD. Wybrane dane techniczne:

kompatybilny z ISDB-T (MPEG-2/MPEG-4/H.264), kompatybilny z DVB-S/S2 (MPEG-2/MPEG-4/H.264), odbir SCPC i MCPC w pasmach Ku i C. Kompatybilny z konwerterami uniwersalnymi, pojedynczymi, pojedynczymi szerokopasmowymi na pasma Ku i C, czuy tuner z przelotk, DiSEqC 1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3 (USALS), wsparcie dla SCR, PAL/SECAM/NTSC, blindscan, zmienne proporcje (4:3 i 16:9) z PAN&SCAN, CE, FCC, kompatybilny z DTV, wspiera Closed Caption (napisy dla sabo syszcych), opcjonalnie wbudowany system dostpu warunkowego CA (np. Conax). Ten model przeznaczony jest na rynek Brazylii, ale rwnoczenie wprowadzono model dla Europy z DVB-T i DVB-S2 HD.

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Projektowanie sprztu w Globalsacie

1. Ian Wu odpowiada za zesp R&D Hardware. Jest te jednym z zaoycieli i partnerw Globalsata. Kieruje grup 22 inynierw. 2. Tu projektowany jest sprzt do boksw Globalsata. 3. Egzemplarze prbne montowane s rcznie, a nastpnie poddawane testom. 4. Te dwie pracownice lutuj prbne pytki drukowane, by je nastpnie woy do egzemplarzy prbnych. W ten sposb zaprojektowane przez inynierw na papierze odbiorniki s najpierw sprawdzane w praktyce zanim tra na produkcj.

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Dzia Sprzeday Globasata

1. Anna Zhang jest liderk zespou dla Pnocnej i Wschodniej Europy. 2. Belinda Bi odpowiada za zesp sprzeday zajmujcy si poudniow i zachodni czci Europy. 3. Ryan Wang jest liderem zespou zajmujcego si klientami OEM w Pnocnej i Poudniowej Ameryce. 4. Liderem grupy bliskowschodniej jest Fenny Ji.

5. Widok na zesp sprzeday: zamwienia od klientw OEM traaj do czterech zespow, liczcych do czterech pracownikw.

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1. Zesp projektantw zajmuje si nie tylko opakowaniami dla produktw. Projektuj oni take pyty czoowe i tylne, a nawet podstawy montaowe (chassis). 2. Tu testuje si prbki produkcyjne. Piciu inynierw stara si wykry wszystkie bdy tak szybko, jak tylko moliwe.

3. Ksigowo tu przygotowuje si faktury dla klientw.

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Producent odbiornikw Sowell, Chiny

Sowell rma inynierska dziaajca jako OEM

Zaoona przez piciu partnerw Odbiorniki ISDB-T i DVB-T w 2011 r. W planach biura zagraniczne Motto rmy - przyjazno dla uytkownika
Zaoycielami OEM-owej rmy Sowell jest grupa piciu inynierw R&D. Si napdow i Managerem Generalnym przedsibiorstwa jest Eagle Chain. Podobnie jak jego piciu kolegw, by on pracownikiem dziau R&D w innej duej rmie produkujcej odbiorniki. Nie pracowao mu si tam zbyt dobrze. Bardzo czsto musia zajmowa si projektami nie majcymi nic wsplnego z odbiornikami. Jego czterej koledzy mieli ten sam problem, wic w roku 2004 zaoyli wsplnie wasn rm Sowell. Managera Generalnego Eagla Chaina spotkalimy w biurze Sowella w Shenzhen. Poprosilimy, by nam opowiedzia jak to si wszystko zaczo. Mielimy tylko troch pienidzy jakie zaoszczdzilimy pracujc dla poprzedniego pracodawcy. Zoylimy je


Biura Sowell dla 70 pracownikw mieszcz si na sidmym pitrze tego biurowca w Shenzhen. Produkcja odbiornikw ma miejsca w Baoan, niedaleko std, a blisko portu lotniczego Shenzhen. Na produkcji pracuje 200 pracownikw. Jedna zmiana produkuje miesicznie 200 000 sztuk odbiornikw. Przy pracy na trzy zmiany produkcja miesiczna skacze do ponad 500 000 boksw.

Manager Generalny Eagle Chain w swoim biurze na tle malowida

przedstawiajcego Wielki Mur.

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OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 50 ................................ 100

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 25 ................... 50 Mio US$

Production Certicates

Main Products

Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C and ISDB-T, Receivers with 3D graphics


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Lisa przyjanie wita wszystkich odwiedzajcych.

Pan Smile wyjania powd przejcia na nowego dostawc. Ale co z tymi ISDB-T? Pan Smile mwi, W drugim kwartale 2011 roku bdziemy wprowadza odbiornik kombo z DVB-S2 i ISDB-T, zbudowany na rodzinie chipw Mstar 782X. Ale Sowell koncentruje si nie tylko na rynku poudniowoamerykaskim; Europa znajduje si take w obszarze zainteresowania rmy: W trzecim kwartale wprowadzimy odbiornik kombo z DVB-S2 i DVB-T2 oparty o chipset Mstar 785X, ktry take jest kompatybilny z Linuksem. Na czwarty kwarta planuj jednostk multimedialn. Bdzie ona oparta na nowej rodzinie ukadw Trident Apollo pierwszej, w ktrej moliwe jest przedstawienie OSD w formie 3D. Poniewa bdzie to odbiornik multimedialny, nie tylko OSD bdzie mogo by w 3D, ale take gry, a take inne aplikacje mogce wykorzystywa grak trjwymiarow. Jeli przyjrze si rozwojowi produktw w rmie Sowell, mona doj do wniosku, e rma jest bardzo blisko klienta. W Ameryce Poudniowej jest ISDB-T, za w Europie DVB-T i 3D. To najpopularniejsze nowoci na tych rynkach. Skoro chce si by tak blisko rynku, naley dobrze rozpoznawa najbardziej

wszystkie razem do kupy, co dao nam jakie 70 000 USD kapitau pocztkowego. Nazwa rmy po chisku brzmi Shi Wei. Pragnc j przeksztaci na co dobrze brzmicego po angielsku doszli najpierw do Siwei, a pniej zdecydowali si na Sowell, gdy brzmiao to lepiej. Nazwa rmy pasuje do naszej lozoi, cignie Eagle Chain, chcemy wszystko robi so well (ang.: tak dobrze). Piciu partnerw stworzyo na pocztku rm stricte programistyczn. Ju po piciu miesicach bylimy gotowi sprzeda producentowi nasze pierwsze oprogramowanie , wspomina Eagle Chain, chodzio o oprogramowanie do ukadu Conexanta. Dziaalno jako wycznie rma programistyczna trwaa tylko przez par lat. W roku 2006 Sowell wyprodukowa swj wasny odbiornik. W owym czasie byy to odbiorniki DVB-S dla rynku bliskowschodniego. Dyrektor Sprzeday Amanda podaje nam wicej szczegw: Do roku 2009 dostarczalimy wikszo naszych produktw na Bliski Wschd, ale w roku 2010 zaczo to si zmienia. Podzia geograczny wyglda nastpujco: 80% na Bliski Wschd, 15% do

Europy i 5% do Azji Poudniowej. Rok 2011 przyniesie jeszcze wicej znaczcych zmian; zaczniemy eksport do Europy Wschodniej, a przede wszystkim do Ameryki Poudniowej. Ale zaraz, czy powiedziaa Ameryka Poudniowa? Przecie to oznacza chyba odbiorniki ISDB-T! W ten sposb traamy do Pan Smilea. To jeden z piciu zaoycieli i nie tylko Zastpca Managera Generalnego, ale take, a moe przede wszystkim, Dyrektor Dziau Bada i Rozwoju. A przy tym wszystkim jest on take Managerem Produkcji. Dostarcza nam najnowszych wieci na temat produktw rmy. Jeszcze do niedawna, wszystkie sprzedawane z sukcesem odbiorniki Sowella byy oparte na ukadzie ST7101. Paleta produktw zawiera odbiornik DVB-S2, jak tez dwa warianty kombo: DVB-S2+C i DVB-S2+T. Najnowsza seria odbiornikw zaprojektowana zostaa w oparciu o chipset z NXP. Sowell przedstawia j w ogoszeniach na amach TELE-satelity. Zalet chipw NXP jest nie tylko korzystniejsza cena, ale take wiele dodatkowych cech multimedialnych, jak rwnie kompatybilno z Linuksem,

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podane w danej chwili cechy produktu. W trakcie rozmowy z Eagle Chainem jasnym staje si, e obserwacjom i analizom powica si tu sporo czasu. Eagle Chain podaje przykad: Jestem zachwycony Applem i jego produktami. Oni s precyzyjnie nakierowani na uytkownika kocowego i std ich ogromny sukces. Eagle Chain konkluduje w nastpujcy sposb: My mamy podobne nastawienie z naszym oprogramowaniem, mianowicie chodzi o dziaanie jak najbardziej przyjazne uytkownikowi. Dokadnie z tego samego powodu Eagle Chain sceptycznie ocenia kierunek w jakim rozwija si IPTV, cho z punktu widzenia TELE-satelity, temat ten rozwijany jest z entuzjazmem. Wielkie rmy telekomunikacyjne chc tylko sprzeda uytkownikowi kocowemu swj pakiet programw. Koncentruj si tylko na sposobie dziaania ktry im pasuje. Chain uwaa, e w IPTV nie bierze si pod uwag potrzeb uytkownika, ale tylko korzyci operatora. Nie ma tu podejcia typowego dla Apple. Manager Generalny Sowella, Eagle Chain zastanawia si nie tylko nad przyszoci IPTV. Ma te na uwadze ogln przyszo odbiornikw. Czy odbiornik przeksztaci si w przyszoci w jednostk multimedialn, pyta Eagle Chain, czy te funkcje odbiornika zaczn by stopniowo przejmowane przez telewizor? To pytanie zadajemy sobie wszyscy i nikt jak dotd nie zna pewnej odpowiedzi. Ale nawet nie znajc odpowiedzi, w Sowellu optymistycznie patrz w przyszo. Pan Smile zdradza nam, e jego obecny zesp 40 inynierw zostanie rozszerzony do 80 w roku 2011. Tu w Shenzhen zatrudniamy te piciu inynierw z Europy, odpowiadajcych gwnie za wsparcie klientw, dodaje Pan Smile. Dyrektor Sprzeday Amanda jest rwnie optymistyczna: W ostatnich latach udawao nam si zwiksza sprzeda w tempie 50% rocznie. W roku 2010 nasza sprzeda wyniesie okoo 30 milionw USD, a na 2011 spodziewamy si 45 milionw USD. Manager Generalny Eagle Chain dodaje jeszcze wicej optymizmu: W roku 2011 planujemy otwarcie naszych biur w San Paulo dla rynku

1. Sun Guanghua jest nie tylko Inynierem Programist, ale take jednym z piciu zaoycieli. 2. Inynier Programista Peng Yi jest te jednym z zaoycieli Sowell. 3. Jaki to magazyn ley na biurku Zoe Lee? Tak, to wanie ona zajmuje si ogoszeniami Sowell w TELE-satelicie. Oprcz tego odpowiada za graczne rozplanowanie OSD odbiornikw, opakowania, instrukcje obsugi i wszystko inne w Sowellu, co wymaga projektu gracznego.

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poudniowoamerykaskiego, w Dubaju dla Bliskiego Wschodu i w Europie najprawdopodobniej w Niemczech dla rynkw Europy Zachodniej i Wschodniej. Moda rma Sowell, zaoona bardziej z koniecznoci ni na bazie wiadomej decyzji, moe wanie dlatego rozwija si niezwykle szybko i dynamicznie. Piciu partnerw zaksowanych jest na sukcesie swojej rmy i natychmiast inwestuje zyski z powrotem w rozwj przedsibiorstwa. To dlatego Sowell ronie tak szybko. Obecnie szukamy w Shenzhen nowego, wikszego biura, mwi Eagle Chain tu przed poegnaniem. Sowell rma pynca kursem kursem ekspansji i robica wszystko so well.

Sowells Sales Team

1. Dyrektor Sprzeday Sowell Amanda. Spotkacie j na targach takich jak CABSAT w Dubaju. Mwi nam: Nasz cay zesp kierowniczy ma wieloletnie dowiadczenie poniewa poprzednio pracowalimy w tej samej dziedzinie w innych rmach. 2. Dzia Sprzeday zajmuje si obsug klientw. Dla kadego regionu jest oddzielny pracownik. 3. Zawsze zajty Roger Xu odpowiada za Dzia Sprzeday na Europ.

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Research & Development at Sowell

4. Pan Smile jest nie tylko jednym z partnerw i zaoycieli Sowell, ale take Zastpc Managera Generalnego. Przede wszystkim odpowiada on za Dzia R&D, a take za Produkcj. 5. Tu pracuj inynierowie programici Sowell. 6. Szeciu inynierw testu sprawdza oprogramowanie w Centrum Testw. Liu Xiongz na zdjciu sprawdza funkcje OSD odbiornika. 7. Hardware te trzeba sprawdza. W Centrum Testw Sprztu pracuje szeciu inynierw. Do dyspozycji maj anteny satelitarne. Jedna nakierowana jest na satelit AGILA na 146E, inna na TELSTARA na 138E, a trzecia na CHINASATA na 115E.

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TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine



Best Digital TV Companies of the World


Satellite Shop, Germany


Software Programming, Belgium





Satellite Distributor, Netherlands

Fibre Optic Products, UK



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Satellite Shop, Netherlands


Software Programming, UK




Satellite Shop, Netherlands


Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacture, UK





Distributor, Netherlands


Manufacturer of Measuring Instruments, UK



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Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World




Satellite Wholesaler, Germany




Wireless Card Reader Producer, Denmark



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Power Supply Manufacturer, Germany



Manufacturer and Distributor, Germany





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Operator Market Qualied

Broadcasting Services, Germany


High Quality Accessory Manufacturer, Germany





Receiver Manufacturer, Germany


LNB Distributor, Luxembourg




Wholesaler and Receiver Manufacturer, Germany


TV Manufacturer, Germany



Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World









IPTV Software and Hardware Producer, Russia




Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 ...................................50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 5 ................... 10 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Production Categories

Main Products


Professional PC Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, DVB-C, ASI, IPTV Gateway/Streamer, IPTV Middleware, IPTV Conditional Access Systems, IPTV Billing Systems, Video on Demand

Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, Slovakia



Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, Portugal





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Operator Market Qualied


Satellite Installer, Spain


Satellite Shop, Spain




Accessory Manufacturer, Spain


Uplink Technology, Italy




Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, Slovakia



Antenna Motor Manufacturer, Italy



Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World


Satellite Wholesaler, UAE




Satellite Wholesaler, UAE



Satellite Wholesaler, UAE


Software Programming, KSA



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Operator Market Qualied

Best Digital TV Companies of the World




Satellite Channel, South Africa


Satellite Dealer, South Africa




Satellite Wholesaler, South Africa


Satellite Uplink, South Africa



Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World



Satellite Wholesaler, Singapore





High-End Receiver Manufacturer, Korea


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Dish Manufacturer, Thailand




High Quality Receiver Manufacturer, Korea

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Classication for Best Digital TV Companies


Satellite Wholesaler, Korea

Attributes of Qualied Company:

High Production Volume Quality Controlled Customized Product Case Customized Product Software Aftersale Service


Satellite Channel, Thailand

Dish Manufacturer, Indonesia




Satellite Shop, Korea


Satellite Wholesaler, Korea



Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World




PC Card & Receiver Manufacturer, Taiwan







Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 ...................................50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 2.5 ..................... 5 Mio US$

Production Certicates

Production Categories

Main Products

PC Cards for DVB-S/S2 and DVB-T/MPEG-4, Boxes for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/MPEG-4, PC Sticks for DVB-S/S2


Receiver Manufacturer, China



High Volume Receiver Manufacturer, China




122 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Operator Market Qualied


Professional Dish Manufacturer, China



Professional Dish Manufacturer, Taiwan





Receiver and TV Manufacturer, China


Antenna Motor Manufacturer, Taiwan





Satellite Installer, China


Classication for Best Digital TV Companies

Attributes of Qualied Company:

High Production Volume Quality Controlled Customized Product Case Customized Product Software Aftersale Service

Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World




PC Card Manufacturer, China



Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 12 ...................................25
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0............................... 1.5 .....................3 Mio uro

Production Certicates

Main Products

PC-Cards for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C with single, dual and quad tuner, CAM Box for DVB-S2, USB-Stick for DVB-S/S2, DVBC and ISDB-T

OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China



Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0............................ 1250 ...............................2500

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0........................... 1.250 ................. 250 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Main Products

Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, ISDB-T with single, twin and combo tuner, Receiver Sticks for USB, SCART in DVB-S and HDMI in DVB-S2
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Operator Market Qualied


Receiver Mass Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0.............................. 125 .................................250

Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 75 ................. 150 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Main Products

Receiver for HDTV and SDTV in DVB-S/S2, DVB-T, DVB-C, ISDBT, HD+, CI+ and HbbTV, Multimedia Receiver, IPTV Boxes, Media Player


Signal Analyzer Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 25 ...................................50
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0.................................. 1 ..................... 2 Mio US$

Production Certicates


Main Products

Signal Analyzer with built-in Monitor for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T and DVB-C



OEM Receiver Manufacturer, China


Company Details
Engineers in Research & Development | Total Number of Employees

0................................ 50 .................................100
Average Turnover (Previous, This, Next Year Estimates)

0................................ 25 ................... 50 Mio US$

Production Certicates

Main Products

Receiver for DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C and ISDB-T, Receivers with 3D graphics


Operator Market Qualied

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Best Digital TV Companies of the World





Satellite Dealer, USA




Satellite Dealer, USA



Satellite Dealer, USA


Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacturer, USA



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Operator Market Qualied

Satellite Wholesaler, Canada


Satellite Dealer, USA




Satellite Receiver Manufacturer, USA


Satellite Dealer, Canada




Satellite Filter Manufacturer, USA



Receiver Manufacturer, Canada



Operator Market Qualied

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New Generation Tuners

Silicon Tuners
Jacek Pawlowski
Miniature tuners with great advantages More sensitive Extremely fast BlindScan Economical

of 54dB and a noise figure better than 6dB. These numbers significantly exceed the parameters of a typical can tuner. Also, other characteristics, like uniformity of gain, are very constant across the entire frequency band something that is very difficult to achieve with can tuners. There are already ICs available that offer additional very exciting features like a complete channel scan of more than 100 channels in less than two seconds (chip makers claim that the channel lock is a mere 5 ms as opposed to 150 ms for the can tuner) or advanced picture-in-picture (PIP) television technology providing multiple PIP capabilities that let the viewer watch up to 12 video channels simultaneously around the main channel. The key success factor in this case is the innovative internal design architecture that enables spur-free reception of analog and digital signals. Many silicon tuners include internal digital signal processors (DSP). These are special purpose processing units (i.e., computers) optimized to do very fast calculations on real world signals. It enables implementation of many functions and features not possible or very, very difficult to obtain without DSP. With DSP, its quite easy to configure on-board filters that meet all television standard requirements. To use DSP, the analog signal at the input of the tuner has to be converted into digital form using an analog-todigital converter (ADC). After the DSP has done its job, the signal is converted back to analog using a digital-to-analog converter (DAC). So, silicon tuners contain not only DSPs but also ADC and DAC subcircuits. The architecture varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and from type to type and the available features will also vary with different silicon tuners, but one things for sure: they all outperform can tuners. Naturally, the smaller overall size of silicon tuners and the ability to mount them directly on the audio/video motherboards of set-top boxes or TV sets is another important feature. In this case, printed circuit boards need to be designed with greater care and expertise in order to avoid radio interference. For-

There seems to be consistent progress in digital TV technology; features like HD, PVR, upscaling or BlindScan were not available a few years ago. In most cases this progress is only possible when a new generation of integrated circuits is developed. This is especially obvious when we consider, for example, the migration from SDTV to HDTV. Other times, these advances in technology are less obvious and harder to detect from the end users perspective. This is the case with the so-called silicon tuners. This term was coined to distinguish the new generation of tuners from the classical tuners made of discrete components. The classical tuners are referred today as can tuners. Thats because they require electromagnetic shields metal enclosures surrounding the electronic components that look a little bit like tin cans. But what is a tuner? According to Wikipedia, the definition of TV tuner is: A television tuner converts an RF television transmission into audio and video signals which can be further processed to produce sound and a picture. Different tuners are used for different television standards such as PAL, NTSC, ATSC, SECAM, DVB-C, DVB-T, ISDB, T-DMB, open cable. We will see that while the first part of the definition is absolutely true, the second part is not necessarily valid for the silicon tuner. Many difficult hurdles had to be jumped before a practical silicon tuner could be manufactured at a reasonable cost. However, once it happened, silicon tuners began gaining rapid acceptance among manufacturers because of their advantages compared to traditional

can tuners. Can tuners are built using a number of discrete components. Naturally, the more components there are, the more it will cost to assemble it. Silicon tuners are based on a single chip and require a minimal number of external components for example they dont need expensive SAW filters as are used in can tuners. A higher level of circuit integration enables a 75% reduction in space and a 25% reduction in the cost over can tuners. Moreover, the integrated circuits of modern silicon tuners are compatible with many TV standards. This is important for the manufacturers because it enables them to offer just one multistandard receiver model in different regions of the world. Theres no need to keep stock of several models to match various digital and analog standards. You can now offer just one set-top box or TV set model for cable, terrestrial, analog and digital TV. The versatility of the chip results in increased software commonality between regional receiver designs and this in turn significantly decreases development costs. Silicon tuners guarantee better repeatability of their parameters and this means that when testing receiver after receiver, theres hardly any difference in their performance. They do not require manual tuning or adjustments. Consistent performance and quality is one thing but superior specifications over can tuners is another. And were not talking about just secondary parameters but better sensitivity, adjacent channel rejection, phase noise and dynamic range. For example, a modern silicon tuner has a signal-to-noise ratio

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tunately, the silicon tuner vendors help the designers with reference layouts making their job easier. And the tuners are extremely small. For example, one type of tuner is encapsulated in a plastic package 5x5 mm (0.2x0.2) while some can tuners can be as large as 50x100 mm (2x4). Silicon tuners also generate far less heat than can tuners. Because of this, they are not only more eco-friendly but consume less energy; that makes them suitable for use in battery operated devices like mobile phones. For TVs and receivers, silicon tuners lower their production costs, simplify the manufacturing process and improve their quality and reliability. It should

come as no surprise that the silicon tuner market has expanded rapidly since they first became available back near the turn of the century. Nearly every chip provider that is involved with the digital TV market today is offering silicon tuner solutions. Although can tuners have been the standard since the beginning of the small screen, set-top box and TV makers will eventually abandon the can tuner and switch to single chip silicon tuners. Business analysts predict that over 60 percent of the units produced worldwide are expected to rely on the single-chip silicon tuner by 2014. Why not 100%? Well, some TV OEMs are vertically integrated with can tuner producers; they may prefer to keep them in business for now, however, the days of the can tuner are numbered.

We, the end users, should only welcome this change. Our future products will perform better, will be smaller and more universal, will offer more features and be less expensive. This is very exciting for set-top box fans, but lets not forget that silicon tuners will also be used on a larger and larger scale in PCs and mobile phones. The silicon tuner is poised to unseat the can tuner in virtually every application. In a couple of years almost everything having a screen (PC, tablet, cell phone) will have a builtin TV tuner by default. So, to reiterate the explanation quoted at the beginning of this article: with a silicon tuner you only need one single tuner for every standard. Now thats what we call progress!


Transmission Technology

Single- and Multi Frequency Networks in Digital Terrestrial Television

Jacek Pawlowski
DVB-T/T2 and DVB-H standards for digital terrestrial TV use COFDM modulation. COFDM stands for Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing and is a quite complex sort of digital modulation developed to ensure high bit rate capacity along with interference immunity. The latter feature is what makes single frequency networks (SFN) practically possible.
Fig. 1. Different signal
paths in terrestrial TV.

Before the digital era, the analog TV transmitters located in neighboring areas had to use different frequencies to avoid interference. It is intuitively understandable that using the same frequency to transmit channel A from transmitter 1 and channel B from transmitter 2 is not a good solution. There would always be a location where the reception antenna would not only receive the desired signal (say, channel A) but also the undesired signal. The undesired signal (channel B), even if transmitted from a completely different direction, could interfere because of electromagnetic wave reections or scattering on various obstacles (like buildings, masts, etc.). So the reception antenna properly directed to receive channel A from transmitter 1 has always a chance to pick up some signal from transmitter 2. But what if the two transmitter broadcast the same channel? If they use the same frequency to transmit the same analog channel, the reception antenna could again receive signals from both transmitters simultaneously. In practice, one of the signals would always be delayed in relation to the other one. Thats because the distance between the reception antenna and any of the transmitters would be different. Time delays cause phase shifts what in turn leads either to constructive or

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If such digital signal is transmitted from two transmitters on the same frequency, the signal originating from the more distant transmitter is seen as a long delay echo. And this is the important factor for designing single frequency network (SFN): if we used powerful transmitters located far away from one another, we would have long echoes at least in some areas. Therefore, it is usually assumed that SFN requires a dense grid of small power transmitters. For a medium sized European country like Poland, it is assumed that some 350 transmitters with 40 m high antenna masts would be required. Creating such dense grid of transmitters is costly and takes time. On the other hand, MFN can use the existing infrastructure of analog transmitters and antennae. In such conguration, the channels are transmitted on different frequencies and we do not have to care about the echoes from neighboring transmitters. We still have echoes resulting from the same transmitter (self interference) because there are still signal reections from

Fig. 2. In a Multi-Frequency Network the neighboring transmitters must use different

frequencies. Only those separated by larger distance may use the same frequency. The transmitters can broadcast the same or different digital or analog content

destructive interference. This would lead to signal fading. Additionally, due to time delays the ghost effect would be visible on the TV screen. The multipath effect resulting from reections and scattering also would take place. Since analog TV used simple amplitude modulation for video, there was no other way to avoid interference but to ensure that the transmitters which cover overlapping areas had to use different frequencies. The same frequency channel is re-used only in regions separated by a large distance, to avoid harmful co-channel interference. Such arrangement is called Multi Frequency Network or MFN. In COFDM modulation digital data is not transmitted continuously but with pauses among the symbols. These pauses are called the guard intervals. The guard interval should be chosen long enough to allow all symbol echoes to reach the receiver. So that when the next symbol comes there are no longer echoes from the previous one. If all delayed signals (symbol echoes) come to the receiver within the guard intervals, it is possible to process the signals so smartly to avoid fading. DVB-T permits to choose one of the following values for guard interval: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32. The longer the interval the more echoes we can cancel but

less useful data we can send in the same unit of time. To compensate for that, the number of carriers must be increased.

Fig. 3. SFN uses a grid of low power transmitters for more uniform eld strength. All

transmitters are perfectly synchronized, operate on the same frequency and broadcast the same digital data (multiplex).

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different objects. But those echoes are shorter and do not pose serious problems for COFDM modulation. Another advantage of MFN is the fact that it is convenient to use it in the interim period when analog and digital TV are broadcast concurrently. Thats because the viewers do not have to rotate their antennae to catch new digital signal nor do they have to install new antennas. Analog and digital signals come from the same location. In SFN arrangements one multiplex is transmitted on the same frequency all over the country. So SFN has one tremendous advantage over MFN it spares a lot of precious bandwidth released after the analog transmission is completely switched off. This bandwidth can be either used to transmit many more digital channels or used for other purposes. Except for better spectral efciency described above, SFN has better power efciency. In other words, the electric energy consumed by all SFN transmitters is lower than that in MFN system with the same reception area. SFN uses more transmitters, but these are the low power units. SFN is also much more desired for DVB-H signals, especially if SFN is built with a dense grid of small power transmitters. Such grid creates a

much more uniform signal level what is important for reception on the move. Moreover, if we use the same frequency, the receiver can switch from cell to cell smoothly (handover). For MFN networks a second tuner is required in the receiver to check signals from the neighboring cells. SFN is also the better choice if we need to ensure the reception inside the buildings or in those places were it is difcult or impossible to install a roof-top antenna. It is not difcult to gure out that SFN is more demanding from technological point of view. It requires very good synchronization of all transmitters both in time domain and in frequency domain. Usually, GPS is used to synchronize all transmitters. Technology experts when comparing both solutions sometimes overlook non-technical aspects. For example, in some countries there are many regions that transmit local content to local viewers. Such local broadcasts are of little interest to the people living at the other side of the country. One can not split networks into regional or local area networks with different content using SFN. This is particularly a challenge for geographically large countries. Practically, SFN network requires everything be transmitted throughout the whole country.

As usually, it is not so easy to say which arrangement is better. It depends on the circumstances in a given country. One of the reasonable approaches could be to use MFN in the intermediate period and once the digital switch over is over and analog channels no longer exist, start building SFN. SFN will not only release bandwidth but also enable DVB-H reception almost everywhere. To become really popular, portable DVB-H devices should be operational everywhere where a mobile phone is used today. There are even some proposals to use the existing GSM infrastructure for DVB-T/H SFN transmitters. Another approach, justied especially in large countries, could be a mixed solution: MFN and SFN together. In this way, one could have different local multiplexes delivered to different regions, and nationwide digital multiplexes delivered all over the country. Before we conclude this article, a word about North America. COFDM modulation has been chosen for the terrestrial transmissions by DVB and ISDB, but the American standardization body ATSC has opted for 8VSB. Although 8VSB has not been designed with SFN in mind, this modulation is also good in ghost cancellation. So, at least theoretically, it is also possible to build SFN networks in North America.

Excellent spectral efciency= = low bandwidth consumption Good power efciency= = lower electric energy consumption More homogeneous eld strength distribution for portable and mobile reception (DVB-H) Suitable for indoor reception Network splitting for local content is difcult Excellent synchronization required= =extra cost Costly infrastructure of dense grid of transmitters needed to avoid self interference New aerials often required on the user's side

No change in user antenna systems required Easy coexistence with analog channels Can re-use existing infrastructure of analog TV transmitters and antennae Network splitting is easy= = different multiplexes in different regions Not effective in spectral occupancy (though much better than analog) Not so good for DVB-H Cannot assure indoor reception Lower power efciency



Table 1. A comparison of pros and cons of SFN and MFN networks

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AZBox Distributor, Russia

Two Buddies from School Days Found AZBox Russia

The two first met at the tender age of seven when they went to the same school. They embarked on different journeys afterwards, with one of them deciding to study economics while the other obtained a degree in electronics and software programming. Later on, their paths crossed again in the year 2006 when they together founded the company SatDream as exclusive distributor of AZBox products in Russia. Andrej Dolgopolov took on the role of Sales Manager, while Ruslan Rozanov became Technical Manager of the company. TELEsatellite met both founders in Moscow.
Technical Manager Ruslan Rozanov can justifiably be called a satellite enthusiast. It was in 2001 when my interest in satellite reception awoke, he tells us. He used to repair satellite receivers for friends and family in his spare time, and he soon discovered that it was the software aspect that I was really addicted to. This even went so far as to turn to receiver programming from 2004 onward. Looking at ways to turn hobby into profession he finally decided to start up a business. Together with his school-day friend Andrej Dolgopolov he raised an initial capital of USD 2,000 to get going. Right from the start the two have focused on repairing satellite receivers. By and by they had gained an expert reputation for servicing receivers of a particular Korean brand, but unfortunately that manufacturer completely missed the leap from SDTV to HDTV, so they had to look elsewhere. The option of customised receiver programming was a driving force behind that search, Ruslan Rozanov explains. One day we came across the AZBox and immediately got in touch with Hugo Condessa, the founder of AZBox. The two have been exchanging thoughts and ideas via e-mail or skype ever since. Our first move was the Russian translation of the AZBox on-screen menus. Even more important, however, was the adapta-

Looking up the faade of this inconspicuous

apartment building you can spot two satellite antennas. Right, next to the dishes are the office windows of AZBox Russia on the fifth floor. This building is only one block from the nearest metro station, which is called Kakhovskaya and is served by metro line 11. The company also makes use of a warehouse for storage, which is located elsewhere.

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tion of the AZBox to accept major smartcards used in Russia, like those of provider Tricolor. It only took us three weeks to write the software so that the internal card reader of the AZBox was able to work with those smartcards, Ruslan Rozanov proudly remembers. That happened in October 2009 and things really got moving from there. In November 2009 the first shipment of boxes arrived. It consisted of 100 Elite boxes and 100 Premium boxes, Ruslan Rozanov recalls how it all began. And that pace has constantly increased up until today: For 2010 shipments totalled 1,000 units. However the SatDream team was not at the end with after the on-screen display texts had been localised. We wanted our customers to get the best, Ruslan Rozanov notes and mentions a CD-ROM which is shipped with every AZBox in Russia. The CD-ROM features a comprehensive FAQ covering all AZBox functions, as well as assistance for downloading new software versions. We also cover the initial installation procedure of the AZBox receiver so that all channels demanded from a Russian audience can actually be received, Ruslan Rozanov adds. Incidentally, he compiled the complete CD-ROM almost all by himself. Still, SatDream service does not stop there. All AZBox receivers we sell come with a twoyear warranty, Ruslan Rozanov explains and details the processes that have been set up in the background: Each AZBox is labelled with a unique serial number right at the manufacturing premises and we take

note of the serial number for every single customer of ours. This allows us to instantly look up the features and equipment level of every box ever sold by us. By the way, customers may even enter the serial number of their box at www.azbox.su themselves and check whether they have obtained their receiver through legal channels. Currently, the young company employs a workforce of 15: Four work in administration, three are repair technicians, three are software developers and four are installers who set up complete reception systems all over Moscow and beyond. Added to that are the two owners. Our top-selling product right now is the AZBox HD Plus with two DVB-S2 tuners, Sales Manager Andrej Dolgopolov reveals. We generate approximately 70% of AZBox sales with this model alone. The question that arises in this context refers to DVB-T. After all, AZBox does offer its receivers as DVB-T variants as well. Technical Manager Ruslan Rozanov has the answer: While there have been some test transmissions in Moscow we dont expect a real DVB-T breakthrough in our market before 2012. By that time well be ready and prepared to jump on that bandwagon. Our visit has clearly confirmed the general impression that AZBox Russia seeks to offer excellent customer service. Its employees are in a position to solve software problems in a timely manner, as well as address any hardware issues that might arise. This makes AZBox Russia very well placed for keeping up its steady expansion pace.

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1. Irina Vitrenko is the receptionist at AZBox Russia. Shes the rst to pick up all incoming calls and for this photo she has placed an AZBox on the counter. 2. Always in touch: Sales Manager Andrej Dolgopolov is the co-founder of AZBox Russia and is in charge of sales to retail customers. 3. Technical Manager Ruslan Rozanov is one of the two founders of AZBox Russia. Here he shows us on his laptop PC part of the FAQ which he has compiled for the AZBox and which all AZBox customers receive on a CD together with their box.

4. View of the technicians room. This is where malfunctioning boxes are repaired. Technican Igor Radvogin can be seen on the right.

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TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine



Satellite Dealers in Algeria

The Satellite Dealer from Sidi Bel-Abbes

If you travel roughly 80km south of Oran youd nd the city of Sidi Bel-Abbes in western Algeria with its 500,000 inhabitants located about 150km from the Moroccan border. The city was named after its founder Sidi Bel-Abbes. We set out for this city in an effort to nd out how easy it is to buy satellite components such as dishes, LNBs and receivers in a city like this. Is it possible to nd these items here or do you have to travel to a big city in order to nd what you need?
A look at the beginning of the Rue Mascara in
Sidi Bel-Abbes in western Algeria. Here youll nd a large number of satellite dealers.

Sidi Bel-Abbes (Algeria)

Well, no need to ll the gas tank in your car! As soon as we found the Rue Mascara (also known as Boulevard Zabana), we could not escape all of the electronic shops. One store after another offered everything under the sun that came attached with a power cord. Several of these shops focused a little more on satellite components but mostly also sold other items such

as TV sets and household electronics. Because of the ever-dropping prices in the satellite industry, many of these dealers have no choice but to expand to neighboring regions. One of the rst satellite dealers in Sidi 138 TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine 02-03/201 www.TELE-satellite.com 1

Bel-Abbes was Morsli Hallam. He thinks back: When I started in 1994, there were only two other satellite dealers. His best year was 1997 when more than 1000 receivers crossed his shops counter. In the meantime he gave up his business but still knows many of his old competitors. He introduced us to a few of them; for example, the team from Le Bleu. In their electronic shop back in the corner youll find a 90cm dish along with an assortment of satellite receivers. The manager is Benfreha Becheikh; he explains to us: We sell about 50 HD receivers a month and still about 100 SD receivers. Its obvious that it wont be long before more HD receivers will be sold than SD boxes. Most of the customers want to use their new satellite equipment to receive NILESAT. One of the only shops that deals exclusively with satellite reception is Maghreb Sat. Chafi Abdelhamid is the owner and explains to us: I started my business in 1993. But today I only deal with repairs and software updates. With two technicians and an assistant he repairs defective receivers and uploads new software to these boxes. Larger manufacturers can also be found with a branch office along the Rue Mascara. One of these companies is Condor, an Algerian manufacturer that not only produces household goods but also offers all the necessary components for satellite reception. One of the salesmen is B. Chaouchi and he shows us the new HD recei-

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1. Morsli Hallam (left) in front of his shop that he now only uses as an office. His former colleague Boudera Kada (right) recently became self-employed and installs satellite systems. 2. Entrance to the Le Bleu electronic shop with owner Benfreha Becheikh (left) and colleague Berrabah Bouzian (right). 3. In between the washing machines in Le Bleu youll find the satellite dishes.

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1. In a small shop salesman Benbadaismat shows us a 90cm dish. He explains: An HD receiver with this dish and an LNB will run you about 200 Euros here. The same setup in SD would cost about 60 Euros. 2. Satellite shop Maghreb Sats company logo. 3. In the technicians room, Chafi Abdelhamid, Manager of Maghreb Sat, points out used or defective receivers.

ver from Condor: This box costs only 11,500 DA (about 115 Euros). Just before we left, we met up with Boudera Kada. He learned his trade with Morsli Hallam and became self-employed a few years ago. He installs satellite systems. He explains to us: I install about 500 systems a year. He charges about 8 Euros for a fixed antenna system and about 20 Euros for a motorized system. Of course this only pertains to the labor performed. Most of my customers use an 80cm dish but that just barely cuts it; for HD reception I always recommend using a 120cm antenna, explains Kada to us from his experience. Most of the customers want to receive NILESAT at 7 west and ATLANTIC BIRD at 5 west so I install the antenna as close as possible to 6 west so that both satellites can be received! Other popular satellites for this region include HOTBIRD at 13E, ASTRA at 19.2E, BADR at 26E and ARABSAT at 30E. Kada also gave us an idea what the more popular channels are. In addition to French channels, there are Arabic channels such as Al Jazeera Sports, MBC 1 (with programming geared towards women) and MBC 3 (Childrens TV), Teletoon Arabic, National Geographic from Abu Dhabi, Al Jazeera Documentary, Algeria 3 (Family TV) and 2M from Morocco. Also included in this list are the religious channels IQRA and MAJD as well as the pan-Maghrebish channel El Maghribia 1. According to Kada, Algerian Arabic is closely related to the Arabic spoken in Morroco and Tunesia and is therefore easy for us to understand. It becomes a little more difficult with channels from places like Egypt that

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speak in an Arabic variant that isnt so easy to understand. Only the information channels are transmitted in highArabic, says Kada. Our tour through all of the electronic shops along the Rue Mascara in Sidi BelAbbes shows that even in smaller cities in a country like Algeria you can still find a large selection of satellite shops where you can get whatever you need for your satellite reception pleasure.

1. HD receivers are among the items in Condors display window. 2. Condors salesman shows us an HD receiver. Condor also sells LNBs and HD TVs. 3. Belarbi Adel is the owner of this well-stocked shop along the Rue Mascara in Sidi Bel-Abbes. 4. One of the few shops that use satellite in their name: Kamel Mancer is one of the salesmen and can offer anything that a satellite friend would need. 5. Satellite installer Boudra Kada at work: here he can be seen installing a satellite dish on the roof of one of his customers.

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Satellite Enthusiasts in Japan

Satellite TV in Tokyo
Japan's most prominent satellite enthusiasts are Keito Takahashi and Takao Kameda, both of whom live in Tokyo. We paid a visit to them and found out about their tricks of the trade.

Takao Kameda is already 61 years of age and has been a very busy satellite enthusiast for some 17 years now. Hes a well-known gure in the Japanese satellite world and has written numerous articles about satellite reception. Most of them were published in Radio Life magazine which sheds light on all aspects of radio and TV reception. Young people in Japan these days dont watch a whole lot of live TV, he explains. Most use PVRs to record particular events and watch them whenever their busy schedule allows


Three of Eastern Asias

most inuential satellite enthusiasts: Keito Takahashi (left) from Tokyo, TELE-satellite author Aluo (centre) from Shenzhen/ China and Takao Kameda (right), also from Tokyo. The trio stands in front of Keito Takahashis house.

DXers World

The World of Satellite DXers


Previous TELE-satellite DXer Reports can be Read Here:

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Keito Takahashi has

mounted his rotatable C band mesh antenna on a professional pole with a height of 7 metres.

some time to be spent in front of the TV. Unfortunately, the entire magic of receiving foreign satellite channels from far-away corners of the world is lost in the process. When ASIASAT 1 started we all got very excited, as channels from that position were transmitted in NTSC, Takao Kameda remembers. NTSC was the analog colour system used in Japan, so DXers were able to watch channels from ASIASAT 1 with their existing TV. Over the course of so many years Takao Kameda has steadily enlarged his collection of satellite receivers using all sorts of CA systems. Right now he is having an in-depth look at the iCool G2 DVB-S2 receiver. Keito Takahashi is a similarly committed satellite enthusiast. He even speaks Chinese and is a regular viewer of the Chinese satellite channels by CCTV. He joined the satellite community more than ten years ago when he bought his first satellite antenna: It was a 3-metre KTI mesh antenna imported from the USA. Today he operates a 2.4m mesh antenna for the C band and a smaller 1.2m dish for the Ku band. Keito Takahashi is a true celebrity and a popular interview partner for Japanese TV stations and newspapers when it comes to experience and expertise in the satellite field. He also loves China and even sent his son over to China to learn the language. I watch Chinese TV and learn the language from watching and listening. Another worthwhile reason for becoming a satellite enthusiast!

Hardly noticeable

from outside: Keito Takahashis two antennas in Tokyo (C band in front, Ku band in the back).

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HDTV & 3D Programmes

Edited by

Branislav Pekic


frame. The reconstructed right and left images maintain their original resolution, preventing an unbalancing of the vertical or horizontal resolution.


of UK households now have a HD set, just ahead of the US with 57%. In the US, 44% of households receive up to 404 HD channels, followed by Japan with 43% accessing up to 103 channels, France with 42% enjoying up to 55 channels and the UK with just 13% accessing up to 50 channels.

Marc Dorcel Television has launched the rst 3D adult entertainment subscription VoD service in Europe. The company is initially making the channel available via French IPTV platform Free, but plans to roll it out with other partners in the country and elsewhere in Europe. The programming has been produced together with French rm 3DLized.


The Fashion TV channel has announced that it is ramping up its 3D content. The broadcaster, which has just nished lming the fashion weeks in Milan and Paris in high-denition 3D, plans to make more than 40 hours a year of 3D content for its FTV HD channel and its video-on-demand service. A full 3D HD service is slated for launch next autumn.

The Portuguese national TV channels have started investing in HD as part of preparations for the analogue switch-off (ASO) due to take place on 26 April 2012. SIC has announced it will invest up to 12 million in HD, in both equipment and content. Rival TVI estimates investments at 3-5 million, mainly for the acquisition of transmission equipment. Public broadcaster RTP is already commissioning all Portuguese and foreign TV series in HD.



Telekom Srbija has launched a HDTV package for subscribers of its IPTV service Open ITV. The package, costing RSD 400 a month, offers a total of seven channels: Discovery Showcase HD, National Geographic HD, FoodNetwork Channel as well as four Arena Sport channels in HD. The installation of a set-top box required for watching HDTV channels costs RSD 2034 and the monthly subscription costs RSD 338.98.

The Sony Movie Channel is dedicated to showing Sony movies in HD and in uncut and uninterrupted states. Programming will be selected from over 3,500 Sony lms which have won 184 Academy Awards. The channel is available the Dish, DirecTV and U-verse platforms.



sixx HD and RTL II HD launched in high-denition (HD) quality on the HD+ platform in December. sixx HD is the fourth channel of the ProSiebenSat.1 group to join the technical platform. Other channels to launch on HD+ include RTL groups RTL HD, VOX HD, RTL II HD, as well as SPORT1 HD, a channel owned by Constantin Medien. Since its launch a year ago, 1.5 million HD+ smart cards have been delivered to manufacturers and 400,000 HD+ set-top boxes have been sold. TV viewers can chose between 38 different kinds of set-top boxes that have been brought to market by 22 manufacturers.


La Sexta has launched a pair of new channels and overhauled the programming line-up at its existing second channel La Sexta 2. The rst is La Sexta 3, a classic scripted series and movies channel, while La Sexta HD is a high-denition version of its main channel.

Verizon has started broadcasting college American football games live in 3D on its pay-TV platform FiOS TV, making it available to all subscribers across the country. The 3D transmissions are available to all FiOS TV subscribers who have a 3D television set, 3D glasses and a HD set-top box. The games are also being made available in HD and SD. Verizon is also offering access to 3D feature lms on-demand on its pay-TV platform.



Swisscom has added two free new HD channels for all subscribers - Arte D HD and France 2 HD - bringing the total number of free HD channels available to ten. Swisscom is also introducing two new HD packages for customers - HD Deutsche+ and HD Franais+, each offering nine HD channels, and each costing CHF 9 (US$ 9.26) per month. Games from the Swiss Axpo Super League, Italian Serie A, Spanish La Liga and Portuguese Liga Zon Sagres will be broadcast in HD quality, costing CHF 2.50 per month. Swisscom TV subscribers with a Teleclub Sport subscription will also benet from eight additional HD sports channels at no extra cost.


UTV became the rst broadcaster in Ireland to launch a high-denition (HD) TV service. Public broadcaster RTE has proposed a HD channel to be carried by free-to-air DTT platform Saorview that is pending a review by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. The plan is to show HD light coverage of live sporting events such as GAA matches, Six Nations rugby and international football. However, RTE has no plans to launch a national service, as upgrading RTEs infrastructure to support HD channels would cost over 25 million, money that is simply not available to the broadcaster.

The president of DTH operator Sky Brasil, Luis Eduardo Baptista, has said there must be a price reduction for HD packages in Brazil. According to him, when the threshold of 250,000 subscribers is reached, programming costs have signicant discounts. His expectation is that in 2-3 years there will be no more differences in costs between HD and SD packages. Sky Brasil in September had 302,000 HD subscribers, with the base growing at a rate of about 30,000 per month.




The BBC has launched the BBC One HD channel which is available on Freesat, Freeview, Virgin Media and Sky. The One Show, Holby City, Film 2010, Eastenders and Children in Need are some of the other programs that will be aired on the channel.

TVA has launched a new digital decoder, the TVA HD+, developed in partnership with Unicoba/ Topeld and Nagravision. It has two tuners and universal remote control and also lets users to schedule recordings and automatically records the content being viewed. At the launch, new customers who take the TVA HD packages will be able to test the TVA HD+ for a year without charge.

Italys Piedmont Region has initiated the rst free-to-air terrestrial 3D HDTV broadcasts, with a system for backwards compatibility with 2D TV sets. The initiative is the result of a partnership between public and private bodies operating in the area, including Sisvel, Quartarete TV and CSP Innovazione nelle ICT. The broadcasts rely on an innovative technique for formatting stereoscopic images, known as 3D Tile Format, which makes it possible to integrate two 720p frames within a single 1080p


RRsat Global Communications Network and BT Wholesales Media and Broadcast team have worked together to support the launch of Sky News HD on the Measat 3A satellite BT and RRsat are providing an end-to-end managed bre and satellite service. A bre network from the BT Global Media Network carries Sky News HD from the Sky News


The UK leads the world in HD TV set ownership, but lags far behind in take-up of HD digital TV services, a new report by Ofcom has revealed. The UK and Spain have the highest digital TV takeup, at 91% of their respective populations, while 59%

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Centre in Osterley, UK, to RRsats Global Network and teleport facility, where it is uplinked onto the Measat 3A satellite and distributed to customers throughout the Middle East and Asia.


Total HDTV subscribers in China passed 2 million subscribers in the fourth quarter of 2010, up from 2 million in July 2010. Several factors are expecting to accelerate the HDTV take-up in 2011. First, an increasing number of cable operators are expected to roll-out HDTV over the next year. Second, the government will expand the number of HDTV channels from the current 12 to 42 by the end of 2011. Finally, cable operators in China are utilizing mass market upgrade pricing packages for migration to HDTV services.


Prasar Bharatis promise to deliver a channel on HD has fallen flat, with Doordarshans sports channel now back on standard definition, according to a report in The Hindustan Times. The broadcaster had spent over R300 crore to ensure that the Commonwealth Games were shown on HD. The entire production was outsourced to UK-company SISLive, which has now been accused of tax evasion and outsourcing over 70% of the work to Zoom Communications.


NHK is planning public previews of its developing Ultra High Definition (UHDTV) television system, which promises images that contain roughly 16 times more picture information that that which is found in todays HDTV systems. NHK plans to expose the public to its system in 2012, by shooting some of the London Olympics in Ultra High Definition, which is also referred to as Super Hi-Vision. The footage would be transmitted to public viewing sites in the U.K., U.S. and Japan. Plans call for trials of UHDTV broadcasting to begin in Japan in 2020.


Sky PerfecTV started broadcasting Japans first 3D drama series on its 3D specialty channel starting in January. Tokyo Control airs every Wednesday from 23:00 to 00:00 for 10 weeks, preceded by a 2D version in the hour earlier. Produced by Fuji TV with technical assistance from Sony and Sony PCL, the show is set in an air traffic control tower. Satellite station BS Fuji and Sony partnered to launch 3D*3D on January 1. The 30-minute show airs weekly and includes sports and live music.

OSN made history in December by becoming the first TV network in the Middle East to bring its viewers 3D movies. The launch follows on from the huge success of its HD service which now has an estimated 5 million viewers.


Omans information ministry has signed an OR 26.55 million contract with Sony Middle East to prepare for the Sultanates TV shift to HD transmission in 2011 by setting up a new complex to replace the present studios, Times of Oman has reported. When completed in November 2011, the Salalah complex is to be equipped with HD digital technologies and will include four digital studios for drama production, a news department and three other digital studios for news-related programmes, among other facilities.


IPTV & Cable

Edited by


Branislav Pekic


Modern Times Group (MTG) has signed an agreement with LG Electronics in the Nordic region for its Viasat OnDemand pay-TV services to be available directly on all LG TV sets enabled with NetCast functionality. The online on-demand pay-TV service features live sports content, hundreds of episodes of hit showswith programming from TV3, TV6 and TV8 in Sweden; TV3 and Viasat4 in Norway; and TV3 and TV3+ in Denmarkand some 200 feature lms.

analyse and learn user preferences, to record things it thinks the user will like. The box can also access BBC iPlayer, YouTube, eBay, Twitter and Facebook, with more sites set to follow. Its arrival in the UK comes ahead of BBC-backed IPTV initiative YouView and Google TV, both of which are due to debut in the market in 2011.

Bell Fibe TV has added 4 South Asian Star channels and three Star Mandarin-language channels to its IPTV line-up. The channels launched include Star One, Star India Gold, Star India News, Star Vijay, Star Chinese Channel, Star Chinese Movies 2 and Channel V Taiwan.

Deutsche Telekom launched a new HD package for its IPTV service T-Home Entertain in December. The new package initially offers six channels: TNT Film HD, TNT HD Series, Syfy HD, HD SPORT1, Classica HD and Planet HD. A seventh channel, AXN HD, will be added to the package in February 2011. The channel will be available to all customers with a VDSL connection for 9.95 per month. At the end of 3Q, the IPTV service had 1.04 million subscribers.



Zon has launched its new service Zon Fibra 360, which includes download speeds of 360 Mbps and upload speeds of 24 Mbps. These speeds are being sold only in packages that also include the TV package with more than 120 channels and xed telephony with unlimited calls. According to the operator, this is rst global launch of a commercial service supported by the EuroDOCSIS 3.0 standard.

TTNET has started the rollout of a new IPTV service called IPtivibu nationwide across 81 cities, using HD set-top boxes and wireless ADSL gateways from AirTies. The ISP has opted for AirTies Air 7120 set-top boxes and WAV-275, an all-in-one ADSL2 modem and VoIP residential gateway solution capable of streaming personal media including photos, music and video wirelessly to devices on the home network. The Air 7120 set-top box also comes with NAND ash storage and offers pause-live TV functionality as standard.


The Dish World IPTV service now offers access to the largest Arabic-speaking channel line-up in the U.S. The service distributes select Dish Network international programming via broadband to the television without the need for a satellite dish. Its line-up of popular Arabic channels includes Al Jazeera, MBC, ART America, Dream 2, Murr TV, with packages start at just $29.99.


Virgin Media has unveiled details of its new TiVo-powered set-top box, featuring access to an app store and 1TB hard drive, capable of holding some 500 hours of SD programming. It uses TiVos recommendation engine to


Telefonica de Argentina (TdA) has launched a VOD service over its Speedy ADSL broadband network. On Demand subscribers have unlimited access to a library of content, including a wide variety of TV programmes and movies. The service is priced at ARS 39.90 (USD 10.20) per month, with no activation fee; subscribers must have a minimum broadband connection speed of 1Mbps to access the VOD offering.


ERTU is preparing to launch its first internet TV and VOD service. The broadcaster operates a bouquet of channels in the region, will make its content available through internet-connected TVs, computers and mobile devices. The service will be accessed by a home hub set-top box, which will also allow viewers to surf the web and buy entertainment applications.

Bharti Airtel has launched IPTV services in Bangalore, following a successful run in the Delhi NCR region. The operator currently offers 42 linear channels on its IPTV service, as well as time-shift capabilities and interactive services.


GVT has signed a contract with Ericsson to deploy the platform for its pay-TV service to be launched in 2011. The operators plan is to launch a program grid including linear channels, interactive services such as remote recording of programs, watching programs up to 30 days, on-demand video along with access to internet content like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. GVT has yet to select the supplier of set-top boxes.


Saudi Telecom Company (STC) has selected AlcatelLucent as a technology partner in its plans for a major expansion of its broadband access network. The operator has deployed Alcatel-Lucents Intelligence Services Access Manager (ISAM) platform, which enables the delivery of high-speed broadband multimedia services including data, IPTV, VoIP and video-on-demand. The large-scale project will leverage Alcatel-Lucents VDSL2 and GPON technologies.

At the end of September 2010 IPTV subscribers globally stood at 40.5 million, having increased by almost 8% from the previous quarter and by 37% over the last four quarters. TeleGeographys database now counts IPTV subscribers at 160 service providers in 74 countries, with at least 15 more operators about to join the list, which will boost the country count to 78. The lead country for subscribers remains France, accounting for no fewer than 24% of global subscribers. It is followed by the US (16%), China (16%), South Korea (8%), Japan (4%), Germany (3%) and Hong Kong (3%). China has by far the highest growth rate and China Telecom is already the service provider with the highest number of IPTV subscribers. Second is Iliad (France), followed by Verizon (US), France Telecom, AT&T (US), SFR (France), Korea Telecom and NTT (Japan).


China has built a national platform network for online TV broadcasts. The IPTV platform is divided into two tiers, namely the central level, which will provide programmes catering to all audiences throughout the country, and the local level, which will provide more programmes designed for audiences in specific regions. It has capacity for 100 SD channels, 15 HD channels and 20,000 hours of VOD services. It is already available in five pilot regions in Sichuan, Hubei, Beijing, Shenzhen and Shandong.


IPTV has grown to take up about 30% of the pay-TV market with subscribers surpassing 3 million in December 2010. KT, which has the largest number of subscribers (over 1.64 million), provides 119 different channels, 90,000 episodes of VOD as well as 3D content. SK Broadband, which comes in second with 691,025 subscribers, features 89 channels and 60,000 VOD episodes on its B tv, but differentiates itself by providing real-time broadcast on IPTV. LG Uplus has 597,905 subscribes for its U+ TV Smart 7 service which offers 91 different channels and allows subscribers to browse the Internet and TV application store.

www.TELE-satellite.com 02-03/201 1

TELE-satellite Global Digital TV Magazine


TELE satellite

INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Middle East, North India 359.2 East (000.8 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 10-02 - Europe, Africa, South East Asia 359.2 East (000.8 West) THOR 5, 6 - Europe 359.2 East (000.8 West) AMOS 2, 3 - Europe, Middle East 356.0 East (004.0 West) THOR 3 - Europe 356.0 East (004.0 West) ATLANTIC BIRD 3 - Europe 355.0 East (005.0 West) C-Band: ATLANTIC BIRD 3 - Africa, Europe, Middle America 355.0 East (005.0 West) NILESAT 101, 102, 201, ATLANTIC BIRD 4A - Middle East 353.0 East (007.0 West) ATLANTIC BIRD 2 - Europe, America, Middle East 352.0 East (008.0 West) EXPRESS AM44 - Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West) C-Band: EXPRESS AM44 - Europe, North Africa, Middle East 349.0 East (011.0 West) ATLANTIC BIRD 1 - Europe, America 347.5 East (012.5 West) TELSTAR 12 - Europe, South Africa, Am. 345.0 East (015.0 West) INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Middle East 342.0 East (018.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 901 - Europe, Africa, Atlantic Ocean Region 342.0 East (018.0 West) C-Band: NSS 5 - Africa 340.0 East (020.0 West) NSS 7 - Europe, MIddle East, Africa, America 338.0 East (022.0 West) C-Band: NSS 7 - Europe, Africa, America 338.0 East (022.0 West) INTELSAT 905 - Europe 335.5 East (024.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 905 - Europe, Africa, America 335.5 East (024.5 West) INTELSAT 907 - Europe 332.5 East (027.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 907 - Europe, Africa, America 332.5 East (027.5 West) HISPASAT 1C, 1D - Europe, America 330.0 East (030.0 West) INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 903 - Europe 325.5 East (034.5 West) TELSTAR 11N - Europe, Africa 322.5 East (037.5 West) C-Band: NSS 10 - Europe, Africa, America 322.5 East (037.5 West) NSS 806 - Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West) C-Band: NSS 806 - America, Europe 319.5 East (040.5 West) INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 317.0 East (043.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 11 - Brazil 315.0 East (043.0 West) INTELSAT 14 - Europe, North Africa, South America 315.0 East (045.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 14 - America 315.0 East (045.0 West) INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (050.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 1R - America 315.0 East (045.0 West) INTELSAT 707 - America 307.0 East (053.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 707 - America, Africa 307.0 East (053.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 805 - America 304.5 East (055.5 West) INTELSAT 9 - Mexico, Brazil, Europe 302.0 East (058.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 9 - America 302.0 East (058.0 West) C-Band: INTELSAT 16 - America 302.0 East (058.0 West) AMAZONAS 1 - Brazil, South America 299.0 East (061.0 West) C-Band: AMAZONAS 1 - America 299.0 East (061.0 West) AMAZONAS 2 - North America 299.0 East (061.0 West) ECHOSTAR 12,15 - Conus 298.5 East (061.5 West) TELSTAR 14 - Brazil, Mercosul 297.0 East (063.0 West) STARONE C1 - Brazil 295.0 East (065.0 West) C-Band: STARONE C1 - South America 295.0 East (065.0 West) STARONE C2 - Brazil 290.0 East (070.0 West) C-Band: STARONE C2 - South America 290.0 East (070.0 West) AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West) C-Band: AMC 6 - North America 288.0 East (072.0 West) DIRECTV 1R, NIMIQ 5 - Conus 287.5 East (072.5 West) HORIZONS 2 - North America 286.0 East (074.0 West) C-Band: BRASILSAT B3 - Brazil 285.0 East (075.0 West) ECHOSTAR 4, 8 - America, Mexico 283.0 East (077.0 West) SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West) C-Band: SIMON BOLIVAR - South America 282.0 East (078.0 West) AMC 2,5 - North America 281.0 East (079.0 West) NIMIQ 4 - Canada 278.0 East (082.0 West) AMC 9 - North America 277.0 East (083.0 West) C-Band: BRASILSAT B4 - Brazil 276.0 East (084.0 West) AMC 16 - North America 275.0 East (085.0 West) AMC 3 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West) C-Band: AMC 3 - North America 273.0 East (087.0 West) GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 28 - America 271.0 East (089.0 West) NIMIQ 1 - Canada 269.0 East (091.0 West) GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 17 - North America 269.0 East (091.0 West) GALAXY 25 - North America 266.9 East (093.1 West) GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 3C - North America 265.0 East (095.0 West) GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 19 - North America 263.0 East (097.0 West) GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 16 - North America 261.0 East (099.0 West) DIRECTV 4S, 8 - America 259.0 East (101.0 West) SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West) C-Band: SES 1 - North America 259.0 East (101.0 West) AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West) C-Band: AMC 1 - North America 257.0 East (103.0 West) AMC 15 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West) C-Band: AMC 18 - North America 255.0 East (105.0 West) ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West) C-Band: ANIK F1R - North America 252.7 East (107.3 West) C-Band: ANIK F1 - South America 252.7 East (107.3 West) ECHOSTAR 10, 11 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West) DIRECTV 5 - America 250.0 East (110.0 West) ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West) C-Band: ANIK F2 - North America 248.9 East (111.1 West) SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West) C-Band: SATMEX 6 - America 247.0 East (113.0 West) SATMEX 5 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West) C-Band: SATMEX 5 - America 243.2 East (116.8 West) ANIK F3 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West) C-Band: ANIK F3 - America 241.0 East (119.0 West) ECHOSTAR 14 - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West) DIRECTV 7S - Conus 241.0 East (119.0 West) ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West) C-Band: ECHOSTAR 9, GALAXY 23 - North America 239.0 East (121.0 West) GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 18 - North America 237.0 East (123.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 14 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West) AMC 21 - North America 235.0 East (125.0 West) GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West) C-Band: GALAXY 13, HORIZONS 1 - North America 233.0 East (127.0 West) CIEL 2 - America 231.0 East (129.0 West) C-Band: AMC 11 - North America 229.0 East (131.0 West) GLOBAL C-Band: GALAXY 12 - North America 227.0 East (133.0 West) DIGITAL TV C-Band: AMC 10 - North America 225.0 East (135.0 West) C-Band: AMC 7 - North America 223.0 East (137.0 West) MAGAZINE C-Band: AMC 8 - North America 221.0 East (139.0 West)


Satellites of the

002.0 East ASTRA 1C - Europe 002.8 East C-Band: Rascom QAF 1 - Africa 004.0 East EUROBIRD 4A - Europe, Asia 004.8 East ASTRA 4A, 1E - Europe 007.0 East EUTELSAT W3A - Europe, Africa 009.0 East EUROBIRD 9A - Europe 010.0 East EUTELSAT W2A - Europe 010.0 East C-Band: EUTELSAT W2A - Global 013.0 East HOTBIRD 6,8,9 - Europe, Middle East 015.8 East EUTELSAT W2M - Europe, Madagascar 015.8 East EUROBIRD 16 - Europe, Madagascar 015.8 East EUTELSAT SESAT 1 - Europe 017.0 East Amos 5I - North Africa, Middle East 017.0 East C-Band: Amos 5I - Africa, Middle East 019.2 East ASTRA 1H,1KR,1L,1M - Europe 020.0 East C-Band: ARABSAT 2B - Africa, Middle East 021.6 East EUTELSAT W6 - Europe, Asia, West Africa 023.5 East ASTRA 3A,3B - Europe 025.5 East EUROBIRD 2 - Europe, Asia 026.0 East BADR 4,5,6 - North Africa, Middle East 028.2 East EUROBIRD 1 - Europe 028.2 East ASTRA 2B - Europe, Nigeria 028.2 East ASTRA 2A,2D - Europe 030.5 East ARABSAT 5A - Middle East 030.5 East C-Band: ARABSAT 5A - Asia,Middle East 031.5 East ASTRA 1G - Europe 033.0 East EUROBIRD 3- Europe 036.0 East EUTELSAT W7 - Europe , South Africa, Asia, Russia 036.0 East EUTELSAT W4 - Russia, Nigeria, Africa 038.0 East PAKSAT 1 - Pakistan, North India 038.0 East C-Band: PAKSAT 1 - Pakistan, India, Middle East, Africa 039.0 East HELLAS SAT 2 - Europe, Middle East, Asia 040.0 East EXPRESS AM1 - Europe, Russia 040.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM1 - Europe, Russia 042.0 East TURKSAT 2A - Europe, Russia 042.0 East TURKSAT 3A - Europe, Russia, North India 045.0 East INTELSAT 12 - India, South Africa, Middle East, Europe 049.0 East C-Band: YAMAL 202 - Global 053.0 East EXPRESS AM22 -Europe, Middle East, North India 055.0 East C-Band: INSAT 3E - India 056.0 East BONUM 1 - East Russia 057.0 East NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India 057.0 East C-Band: NSS 12 - Europe, Russia, Africa, India, Global 060.0 East INTELSAT 904 - Europe 060.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 904 - Europe, Africa, Global 062.0 East INTELSAT 902 - Europe, Middle East 062.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 902 - Europe, China, Australia, South Africa, Global 064.2 East INTELSAT 906 - India, Nepal 064.2 East C-Band: INTELSAT 906 - Europe, Africa, South India, Global 066.0 East INTELSAT 702 -Europe,Russia 068.5 East INTELSAT 7 - South Africa 068.5 East INTELSAT 10 - Africa, Europe, Middle East 068.5 East C-Band: INTELSAT 10 - Global 070.5 East EUTELSAT W5 - Europe,Middle East, India 074.0 East INSAT 4CR - India 074.0 East C-Band: INSAT 3C - India 075.0 East ABS-1 - Europe, Asia, Middle East 075.0 East C-Band: ABS-1 - Global 075.0 East EUTELSAT W75 - Middle East, North India, China 076.5 East APSTAR 2R - North East Asia 076.5 East C-Band: APSTAR 2R - Global 078.5 East THAICOM 5 - Thailand 078.5 East C-Band: THAICOM 5 - India,China,Thailand, Global 080.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS MD1 - Russia, North India 083.0 East INSAT 4A - India 083.0 East C-Band: INSAT 4A - India, Middle East 083.0 East INSAT 3B - India 083.0 East C-Band: INSAT 2E - Asia, Middle East, Europe 085.2 East INTELSAT 15 - Middle East 087.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 5A - China, India, Midle East 088.0 East ST 1 - India, Malaysia 088.0 East C-Band: ST 1 - India, Thailand 090.0 East YAMAL 201 - Russia, North India 090.0 East C-Band: YAMAL 201 - Russia, North India 091.5 East MEASAT 3 - Malaysia, South Asia 091.5 East C-Band: MEASAT 3 -Global, Thailand, Australia, East Asia 091.5 East C-Band: MEASAT 3A -Global 092.2 East CHINASAT 9 - China 093.5 East INSAT 3A,4B - India 093.5 East C-Band: INSAT 3A,4B - India, Middle East 095.0 East NSS 6 - India, Middle East, South Africa, North East & East Asia, Australia 096.5 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM 33 - Asia, Russia,China 100.5 East ASIASAT 5 - East Asia, India, Middle East, Thailand 100.5 East C-Band: ASIASAT 5 - Global 103.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS A2 - Russia, China 105.5 East ASIASAT 3S - East Asia, South Asia, Australia 105.5 East C-Band: ASIASAT 3S - Global 108.0 East NSS 11 - South Asia, North East Asia, China 108.0 East C-Band: TELKOM 1 - Indonesia 108.0 East SES 7 - South Asia, Australia 110.0 East BSAT 2A,3A, N-SAT 110 - Japan 110.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 5B - China, Asia Pacic 113.0 East KOREASAT 5 - South Korea, North East Asia 113.0 East C-Band: PALAPA D - Asia, Australia 115.5 East C-Band: CHINASAT 6B - Global 116.0 East ABS 7 - South Korea 122.0 East ASIASAT 4 - East Asia, Australia 122.0 East C-Band: ASIASAT 4 - Global 124.0 East JCSAT 4A - Japan 125.0 East C-Band: CHINASAT 6A - China 128.0 East JCSAT 3A - Japan 128.0 East C-Band: JCSAT 3A - Asia 132.0 East VINASAT 1 - Vietnam 132.0 East C-Band:VINASAT 1 - Asia, Australia 132.0 East JCSAT 5A - Japan 134.0 East APSTAR 6 - China 134.0 East C-Band: APSTAR 6 - Asia, Australia 138.0 East TELSTAR 18 - India, China 138.0 East C-Band: TELSTAR 18 - Asia, Australia 140.0 East EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China 140.0 East C-Band: EXPRESS AM3 - Russia, China 144.0 East SUPERBIRD C2 - Japan 146.0 East ABS 5- Myanamar 146.0 East C-Band: ABS 5 - India, China 150.0 East JCSAT 1B - Asia 152.0 East OPTUS D2 - Australia, Newzealand 154.0 East JCSAT 2A - Japan 154.0 East C-Band: JCSAT 2A - Asia&Oceania&Hawaii 156.0 East OPTUS C1,D3 - Australia, Newzealand 160.0 East OPTUS D1 - Australia, Newzealand 162.0 East SUPERBIRD B2 - Japan 166.0 East INTELSAT 8 - Australia, Newzealand, North East Asia 166.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 8 - Pacic 169.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 5 - Pacic 172.0 East GE 23 - South Pacic, South East Pacic 172.0 East C-Band: GE 23 - Pacic 180.0 East INTELSAT 701 - Australia, Pacic 180.0 East C-Band: INTELSAT 701 - Pacic

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TELE-satellite Magazine

sed tellite? Mis -sa ELE T

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TELE-satellite Deadlines & Exhibitions

Number 1103 Issue 02-03/2011 Deadline 3 December 2010 Hardcopies 14 January 2011 Available Online 28 January 2011

TELE-satellite Magazine 02-03/2011 will be displayed at these exhibitions: 8 - 10 February 2011 CABSAT Middle East North Africa MENA 2011 The Leading International Digital Media Event for Middle East, Africa & South Asia Sheikh Saeed Halls, Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Dubai, UAE www.cabsat.com 7 - 9 March 2011 DVB World 2011 - International Conference & Exhibition The essential annual conference and exhibition dedicated to DVB standards and their implementation Hotel Le Mridien, Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France www.dvbworld.org 23 - 25 March 2011 CCBN 2011 Asia-Pacics Largest Broadcasting Show China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China www.ccbn.tv 1105 04-05/2011 4 February 2011 18 March 2011 1 April 2011

TELE-satellite Magazine 04-05/2011 will be dispalyed at these exhibitions: 11 - 14 April 2011 NAB Show 2011 Where Content Comes to Life - The Essential Destination for Broader-casting Professionals Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA www.nabshow.com 3 - 5 May 2011 ANGA Cable 2011 Trade Fair for Cable, Broadband and Satellite Exhibitions & Congress Center, Cologne, Germany www.angacable.com

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