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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 2 ) , 1 8 1 , 9 6 ^ 9 8 E D I TOR I A L

Work, personality and mental health{ decision latitude with mental health and
well-being do not appear to be linear
(Warr, 1990). Warr put forward a ‘vitamin
model’ to explain this; a certain amount of
control or demands at work are necessary
for mental health but beyond these levels,
too much is bad for you. The effects of
demands and decision latitude seem to be
additive rather than multiplicative, not
confirming Karasek’s original hypothesis
of an interaction between high demands
and low control. Nevertheless, high job
To be unemployed when you want to be instruments, such as the Job Content strain, the combination of high demands
working is indisputably bad for both Instrument, were first developed in relation and low decision latitude, has been
mental and physical health. Job insecurity to studying the aetiology of coronary associated with a higher prevalence of
too is bad for health (Ferrie et al,
al, 1995). heart disease (Marmot et al, al, 2002). Do Clinical Interview Schedule-rated psychi-
Because work itself can be both hazardous they also apply to mental health? atric morbidity in teachers (Cropley et al, al,
and beneficial to mental health and because 1999) and higher rates of major depressive
most adults spend a lot of their life episode, depressive syndrome and dys-
working, and because the nature of work phoria measured by the Diagnostic Inter-
is potentially modifiable, it is worthwhile PSYCHOSOCIAL WORK view Schedule in the Baltimore sample
gaining a more thorough understanding CHARACTERISTICS
CHAR ACTERISTICS AND of the Epidemiologic Catchment Area
of the impact of work on mental MENTAL HEALTH Programme (Mausner-Dorsch & Eaton,
health. 2000). The advantage of these two studies,
There is now consistent evidence from a and that of Weinberg & Creed (2000), is
number of cross-sectional (Broadbent, that they used structured interview
1985; Estryn-Behar et al, al, 1990; Bromet measures of psychiatric morbidity that were
al, 1992) and longitudinal studies likely to be more reliable and valid than
CHAR ACTERISTICS (Kawakami et al, al, 1992; Parkes et al,
al, 1994; the non-specific psychological distress
Stansfeld et al,
al, 1997, 1999; Niedhammer scales or the depressive symptom scales
Aspects of work that are risky for health et al,
al, 1998; Mino et al,
al, 1999) that high levels used in most occupational epidemiological
can be divided into physical hazards (e.g. of psychological demands, including high studies. High job demands (in women),
exposure to dust, heat, noise, long hours work pace and high conflicting demands, low social support and low skill discretion
and shift work) and psychosocial risk are predictive of poor mental health. in both men and women have also been as-
factors. Karasek (1979) described two key Increasing job demands measured on two sociated with higher rates of psychiatric
dimensions of the psychosocial work occasions has also been related to increased sickness absence as the outcome rather than
environment: psychological job demands risk of psychological distress compared with self-reported
self-reported symptoms (Stansfeld et al, al,
and decision latitude, the latter comprising when job demands decreased or stayed the 1997).
decision authority (control over work) and same over two occasions (Stansfeld et al, al, There is some evidence that job de-
skill discretion (variety of work and 1999). By contrast, high levels of social mands, which might contain the threat of
opportunity for use of skills). According support at work from colleagues and super- becoming overloaded, are specifically
to his ‘Job Strain Model’ the worst visors are protective of mental health in related to anxiety symptoms whereas low
combination for health is to have high both cross-sectional (Bromet et al, al, 1992; decision latitude, perhaps implying loss of
demands and low decision latitude. Further Weinberg & Creed, 2000) and longitudinal or insufficient control, are more related to
work has added an important dimension of studies (Kawakami et al, al, 1992; Parkes depressive symptoms (Broadbent, 1985;
work social support to this model (Karasek et al,
al, 1994; Niedhammer et al, al, 1998; Warr, 1990). The other current alternative
& Theorell, 1990). Siegrist has described Stansfeld et al,
al, 1999). model, effort–reward imbalance, has a
an additional model, that of Effort–Reward Decision latitude has been associated powerful impact on increasing the risk of
Imbalance (Siegrist, 1996). In this model with mental health outcomes either on its psychological distress that was largely
the combination of a high effort at work, own, or in combination with job demands, independent of the effects of decision
which might be both intrinsic effort includ- to replicate Karasek’s model. High levels of authority (Stansfeld et al,
al, 1999). It has been
ing innate competitiveness and hostility, to- decision latitude were protective of mental suggested that the associations between
gether with high extrinsic work demands health in both cross-sectional (Hesketh & work and psychiatric morbidity might be
and receiving, by implication, little reward Shouksmith, 1986; Warr, 1990; Mausner- explained by problems outside work. A
in terms of salary, promotion or being Dorsch & Eaton, 2000) and longitudinal careful case–control study of health care
valued is a powerful risk factor for ill studies (Niedhammer et al, al, 1998; Stansfeld staff found that although acute stressful
health. These models and accompanying et al,
al, 1999). Decision authority, rather than situations and chronic difficulties outside
skill discretion, was the strongest predictor work were important in anxiety and
of depression (Mausner-Dorsch & Eaton, depressive disorders there were also
See pp.111^117, this issue. 2000). The associations of demands and independent effects of ‘conflict of work


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role’ and ‘lack of management support at

STANSFELD, MRCPsych, Department of Psychiatry, Barts and the London, Queen Mary’s School of
work’ (Weinberg & Creed, 2000).
Medicine and Dentistry, Medical Sciences Building, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS, UK

(First received 22 February 2002, accepted 25 February 2002)

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